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Tom Gallagher

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Everything posted by Tom Gallagher

  1. Somepony needs a hug! ^_^

    Goodnight everypony! :pout: See you all in the morning! :ph3ar:


  2. If I have to, I will. Selfishly, I don’t really like the feeling of needles being put into me.
  3. I don’t really drink because I think it’s too risky.
  4. Breezies + Butterflies + Mane Six = Beautiful. :kindness:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunaholic


      Rarity is definitely the prettiest in this!

    3. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      Twi-Breeze is adorable. :ticking:

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      I love how the designs of the wings perfectly represent the characters. That's the kind of detail that I really admire in art.

  5. Definitely Mulan 2. No action, no suspense, flat jokes, forced happy ending and Mushu being a massive jerk. I think my favourite would be both Lion King sequels. LK2 is written very well and LK1/2 is a guilty pleasure for me.
  6. You lot ready for... um, gardening? :sealed:

    Good morning everypony! :ooh: Have a great day! :-D


    Special thanks to @Rikifive for adding a disclaimer about the blank update issue. Do you by any chance know when it will be fixed? :dash:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rikifive


      Good morning! :yay:

      Unfortunately, I do not. :eager:

    3. Lunaholic


      Good morning Tom!

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi Tom! :catface: Japan has its own genre for live action movies and TV shows that rely on special effects and practical effects, from super heroes to sci-fi. It's called Tokusatsu.

  7. Our beautiful awesome pegasus. :wub:

    Goodnight everypony! :squee: See you all in the morning! :mlp_icwudt:


  8. They better be good and not lousy current pop songs. I have the sinking feeling they will be though.
  9. Ever have a moment where you just need reminding of how much you love something? :wub: Just listening to this song again was one of those times. :adorkable:


    1. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Nothing screams positivity like an up-tempo musical number. :yay:

    2. DivineMist1000


      @TomDaBombMLP Flawless = Celestia and Luna and Chrysalis and Tempest! :wub:

    3. Partialgeek514


      One of my favourite songs from the show!

  10. I saw that they’re now making this and I immediately thought of you. :wub: What do you think? :ithastolookpretty:


  11. How DARE you make me choose?! :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AppleButt


      Okay!  “Puts AJ back in the basket with all of them, then chooses the basket”



    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I think @Astral Soul and @AppleButt have the right idea. I choose the basket and every pony in it. :orly:

    4. Astralshy


      @Samurai Equine @AppleButt @Rikifive

      There is no really other choice, right :>

  12. The writing filters are back! :yay:

    Now if they can only fix the blank status updates. :huh:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rikifive



      Hmmm the size button is apparently just bugged and it forces a line break even if unnecessary... and it eats separators near it too. I've checked how the toolbar was behaving before things broke and it turns out, that this button was bugged all along lmao.

      I configured it to how it was earlier, with minor personal adjustments. I noticed I forgot about undo and redo buttons earlier, now they're there. For the most part the toolbar should look like how it was earlier, and that bugged size button is a part of it, so it's to be considered as "normal" I guess. It's just wonky and it might generate awkward layout in specific display sizes. I tried poking it around, but I guess it is what it is.

      @Windy Breeze does it look at least a tiny little bit better now?

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      :Daydreaming: But I've got a blank space, baby. And I'll write your name~ ...Eh, nevermind. This isn't 2014. :blush:

    4. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze


      I don't think so. I give up so let's probably leave it like that for now :scoots:

  13. G5 eyes will never be as gorgeous as these! :wub:

    Good morning everypony! :please: Have a great day! :mlp_pinkie:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Astralshy


      Good Morning :>

      May the yay be with you


    3. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      You flatter me. :D😘

      Cheers for the nice words. Best wishes!

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi Tom! :) Ooh, nice! I am totally making that image my new desktop wallpaper. :wau:

  14. I'd love very much to dance with them! :wub:

    I've made a stern appeal to get our forum issues fixed so hopefully, these problems will get resolved very soon. ;)

    Goodnight everypony! See you all in the morning!


  15. I used to be more open about it than I am now. It's not that I'm ashamed of it, I just think it isn't the type of thing that you should mention to a friend group unless you're really close to them.
  16. Ever since the forum went down the other day, major issues have arisen with regards to making a status update and using the writing interface. Making a status update of any kind now comes out completely blank and if one goes in to edit it, they have to do the whole thing over again. One of my closest friends, @TheRockARooster, mentioned this problem too and didn’t seem to get it answered. On certain devices at the moment, the only writing filters available are Bold, italics, Underline, emotes, link and a note one that I’ve forgotten the name of. Both of these bugs have been present for two straight days and nothing has been acknowledged by any member of forum staff, at least that I’ve seen. This is a very urgent problem and I personally don’t think it’s giving the forum a good name, especially for any new people joining. Forgive me for being so stern but to repeat, this is a very urgent problem that hasn’t yet been acknowledged.
  17. Don’t they look beautiful as Crystal Ponies? :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lunaholic


      Very fabulous!!!

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      Always loved the design for the crystal ponies. Very pleasing to the eyes.

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      They do, but Pinkie and Flutters hardly look that different compared to Twi, Rarity, or RD. :huh:

  18. My thoughts too. I was there for the stream of the premiere and I was gone after not even five minutes. The less said about it, the better.
  19. A few years before I became a brony, my extended family was looking after a young girl who was a fan of the show. I remember visiting and she was playing with her Mane Six brushables. I'm certain that Twilight and Rainbow Dash were there and possibly Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack. I don't think she had Pinkie anywhere. Because I wasn't a fan yet, I remember getting all confused when she told me Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash's names because I didn't know why they had two words in their names!
  20. I think my mother and I watched Return of Harmony first, followed by Scare Master because it was Halloween, then The Cutie Mark Chronicles, then we did Sweet and Elite because my mother said Rarity was her favourite, (It has since changed to Pinkie) and then we went to the very beginning and started to go chronologically. Friend in Deed is our next one. It's great that she's become a fan too!
  21. One of my very favourite shots. :wub:

    Good morning everypony! :rarity: Have a great day! :mlp_yeehaa:


    Still haven't fixed the blank post issue? Not exactly giving the forum a good name. :okiedokieloki:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      Good morning :darling:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Good morning, Tomkinski!

    4. Astralshy


      *silently puts my foot to these wonderful hooves :squee:

  22. Back massage! :ticking:

    Goodnight everypony! :ooh: See you all in the morning and hopefully, those forum bugs will be fixed by then. :mlp_lie:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      I love this gif of Applejack. Goodnight, Tomkinski!

    3. Cash In
    4. Astralshy


      I hope you slept well :>

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