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Tom Gallagher

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Everything posted by Tom Gallagher

  1. Out of all the pictures of the Mane Six together, this is the one that I love the most. Perfect way to sum up their beautiful Friendship. :wub:

    Goodnight everypony! :mlp_smug: See you all in the morning! :pinkie:


  2. Here’s something for @Twilight Luna^_^


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Midnight Danny
    3. Astralshy


      That explains so much


    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Put three of them together, you've got Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle. :-P

  3. I’d say it’s mostly equal billing but if I had to say who is the most of a leader, probably Apple Bloom
  4. Is the server scare gone now? :lie: Good. :D

    Good afternoon, everypony! :kindness: Have a great day! :wub:


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AppleButt


      Must have happened while I was asleep.  Been working fine for me since I woke up. 

      Good morning!


    3. Astralshy


      Good Morning :>

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hello Tom! :) For a short while, Microsoft Windows named its OS's after the year they came out, but ultimately stopped after 2000.

  5. Sleepy little Dashie. :dash:

    Goodnight everypony! :mlp_icwudt: See you all in the morning! :ooh:


  6. I hope so. It would be cool to see what has become of the other species.
  7. That’s fair enough. One of the people who think it’s canon was the one who said that we were in denial. As for what you’re saying about the people involved saying it is canon, I get that but most of us still stand by the fact that unless the actual show itself had a character’s name specifically mentioned or a human world referenced, it’s not canon. It would be the same for any show with a spin-off, not just MLP.
  8. I literally just said that no one was in denial. We were just speaking the truth. I don’t appreciate you putting things we never said into our mouths.
  9. No one here is ‘in denial.’ We’ve given you all the reasons why it isn’t canon but you’re blatantly ignoring them. The very first post in this thread also has a very good reason why it couldn’t possibly be canon. Please give it a careful read.
  10. Stop trying to start an argument. If FiM doesn’t distinctly point out the existence of a human world or mention a character by name then EqG is not canon. That’s the way it’s always worked for any spin-off of any show, period. FiM didn’t do that so EqG is officially not canon. It’s not even a matter of opinion, it’s the truth. If you really so desperately want it to be canon, that’s fine. We’re just trying to tell you that officially, it’s not canon because of those reasons.
  11. But AJ, I thought you were the most down-to-earth! :mlp_smug:
    I don’t even know what that picture of Twilight is! :wacko:

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      @Twilight Luna Yep, Rarity is a lifesaver! :wub:

    3. Julnt


      Pssssh little do we know the reason AJ can't fly is cause she'd be too powerful 

    4. ExplosionMare


      That’s a weird Twilight, where’s her horn?!

  12. I was into Thomas at a young age, I was also into Smurfs as a kid. I was crazy about Looney Tunes for a while and grew out of it, but I'm slowly bringing myself back into it after the movie revived my interest. MLP is definitely the best fandom to be a part of!
  13. How's that confirmation? They only did that because the entire generation was wrapping up.
  14. *squees with exposure to cuteness* :squee:

    Good morning everypony! :sunbutt:  Have a great day! :wub:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lunaholic


      Good morning!

    3. Paleopony
    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hello Tom! :fluttershy: The design on many butterfly's wings are made to resemble some kind of predator; which is their best defense against real predators.

  15. There's something about when they happily hoof-kick that just looks so cute! ^_^

    Goodnight everypony! :fluttershy: See you all in the morning! :mlp_icwudt:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      Goodnight, BFFFF. :rarity:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Goodnight, Tomkinski :adorkable:

    4. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      Goodnight my awesome friend, Tom! :fluttershy:


      @Twilight Luna You know the drill! :ticking:


  16. If being a Wonderbolt ever failed, Rainbow Dash would surely make a lot of bits as an impressionist! :sneer:image.thumb.jpeg.b87742e26d6c768befc8e633be9d1cbc.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Mmm, she looks pretty and all...

      (sees Rainbow Rarity and starts blushing and nose bleeding)

      ...That's beautiful. Aiye~!

    3. Miss


      I love "Newbie Dash" and the impressions were cute and funny jaja

      Especially other times in the show when she impersonated Twilight, Applejack, etc. 

    4. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      She is quite a skilled actress! :D Her Fluttershy impression is the cutest. ^_^

  17. Oh my, um... am I late? I'm sorry. :blush:

    Good morning everypony! :rarity: Have a great day! :ph3ar:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      Good morning :darling:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Good morning, Tomkinski!

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi Tom! :) When I have Orange Spice Tea, I prefer it with sugar and lime juice.

  18. Goodnight everypony! :ticking: See you all in the morning! :ph3ar:


  19. An official store? I’m quite surprised that a franchise with such a massive amount of merch to show for never even had an online store!
  20. I love Apple Bloom to bits! She’s absolutely adorable!
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