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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    What do you do LIKE A BOSS!?
  2. Banned because Pinkamena keeps staring at me. (it is creeping me out!)
  3. I give you a chocolate covered marshmellow.
  4. Dashie, is it possible that you can fly around equestria fast enough that you can go back in time?
  5. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    Okay, okay I won't! *wispers* man, what a buzzkill. *stops wispering* your no fun!
  6. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    So what you are saying is, you like Pinkie that way. GREAT!!! I can't wait to tell Pinkie!
  7. Though I'm not sure if I can say in my opinion that the song was the best EVER, I CAN say, however, the song, "Babs Seed" was the beat of the season so far. Anypony else agree?
  8. Maybe he is the forums' officially unofficial rock.
  9. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    I don't know what to say to that. Anyway, there is a LOT of fanfictions, pictures, and videos about the shipping between you and Pinkie. Your thoughts on this?
  10. What is it like living with DJ Pon3?
  11. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    When you get turned to stone, does your mind go to an alternate universe, or do you just see everything that goes past you?
  12. I defend with a spider tank power level 6 I attack with Zeus, god of lightning!
  13. I defend with "OVERRULED!" I attack with a time travel gun that sends you to 1000000000 B.C.
  14. DJShy

    Ask Discord!

    If you were forced to have one of the elements of harmony as a girlfriend, who would you chose?
  15. From Derpy. But I don't think she made it up. I'm not sure, but my mind is going towards Diamond Tiara. She DOES kinda hate her.
  16. Hey, hey, hey! Think about it. If my "friends" would treat me like crap, who wouldn't?
  17. Hey, hey, hey! You just gave me an idea for defense against anypony who tries to go in my shed. THANKS!
  18. Pinkie, what is pi? Also, have you heard of Pinkie Pi? She is like you, only instead of parties, it is math.
  19. It is okay. Just please don't do it again.
  20. I changed my profile picture to fit my name. You like?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      LOVE IT. All my brohoofs to you! /) ^_^

    3. DJShy


      You KNOW you like it!

    4. OkBuddy


      Like it? I love it!

  21. you mind if I call you 'the Doctor'? I know that Is someone else, but it fits you well.
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