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Everything posted by cmarston1

  1. I haven't even seen my home town in a movie period, let alone get destroyed in one.
  2. This is actually pretty cute. I approve of this. My favorite had to be the 8-bit video game, that reminded me of the Adventure Ponies games you could play on the Hub's website.
  3. Three words. Applejack's Day Off. Speaking of which I never really was a fan of the Rarijack dynamic in the show, despite it's popularity, however thanks to Rollercoaster of Friendship, I actually like how it is portrayed in EQG.
  4. One of the worst takes anyone has ever made ever was asking if Ready Player One would be a Black Panther for gamers.

  5. Disney Laika (not mentioned, but still amazing) Pixar/Dreamworks at its best Blue Sky/Dreamworks the rest of the time Sony Illumination
  6. At this point it would be best to stop trying to make sense of the show's timeline. Given that there has been 4 Hearths Warming episodes, I assume 4 years have taking place in universe, but outside of that I have no clue.
  7. Just saw Paddington.  It was pretty cute, and it's proof that there can be good live action CGI hybrid films.  Shocker right?

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I heard Paddington's really good. Paddington 2 might be even better. See it once you get the chance.

  8. Me when "critics" use the phrase "objectively good/bad/wrong/best/worst" when discussing media

    Image result for eyeroll mlp

  9. Alright, so if having two episodes that aren't a season premiere wasn't weird enough, we are getting a Christmas episode in August. You guys could have at least aired it last month, for Christmas in July. But with that out of the way, I thought the episode was decent. Seeing the student six bond over holiday traditions was pretty cute. Also the rest of them being underwhelmed by Sandbar's story was amusing. We got some pretty good character development for Gallus, and some funny lines such as "so it wasn't Ocellus" or "except for your's Smolder" and "does it have a depressing ending? I'm not sure that's how pony stories work."
  10. So this episode. I have heard things about it, but I didn't really know what I was going get before I saw it. Maybe it's because I had lowered expectations, but I didn't think the episode was too bad. I mainly enjoyed seeing Starlight and Spike work together, but there were a few jokes I liked, such as Spike referencing Princess Spike confusing Starlight, and Trixie taking the banana phone. The episode made me like Ocellus even more, and I enjoyed seeing the student six interact with one another. Also "Your new to the world of education" is best line of the episode.
  11. I am so looking forward to this.   It is like the Digimon video game I always wanted.

  12. I find it quite sad that a 44 minute Equestria Girls special was able to better convince me of Rarity and Applejack's friendship than 8 years worth of FiM episodes.

  13. Give all of the members of the main cast noticeable character development, instead of having characters like Applejack who really haven't grown or changed like at all since season 1.
  14. I have to say that I like EQG Applejack more than her pony counterpart, mainly for having more potential to grow as a character and a person.
  15. I find it absolutely hilarious that Teen Titans Go to the Movies has much better word of mouth than the DCEU


  16. After seeing the first 5 episodes of Rise of the TMNT, I have to say that it is off to a pretty good start, and I look forward to seeing more of it in the future.

    1. Jordan D

      Jordan D

      I'm really glad people are liking it! I loved the 2012 series so I was a bit hesitant about the new series given how different i it seemed. Meant to watch the premier when it came out but iTunes is a huge headache. 

    2. PinkiePie97
  17. Best cosplay ever!

  18. If there is one silver lining to the whole pointless She-Ra controversy, it would be that I don't think we will have to worry too much about creepy fan art of an underage protagonist of a show aimed at a young audience.

    1. Number62


      I'm pretty sure a number of artists will go ahead anyways.

  19. Have you seen Rollercoaster of Friendship? There's no way Applejack and Rarity are straight.
  20. I just assumed that Rarity's parents lost custody of Sweetie Belle due to child neglect.
  21. So Neighsay is going from a professional, although blatantly racist, to a super villain that frees Tirek and attacks children. Hopefully his character doesn't change to drastically, or at the very least give him a believable sanity slippage to get us to this point. I am predicting that he releases Tirek to show that the School of Friendship is not beneficial to Equestria's safety, but things end up going terribly wrong.
  22. Rarity is pretty much Asami from The Legend of Korra all the way down to having a tomboy girlfriend with super-strength.


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