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Stoner Spike

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Everything posted by Stoner Spike

  1. Well, it depends who exactly the brony is. I don't give out anything personal online unless it's for a purchase or something, but seeing that my identity is nearly completely anonymous and I can control what others know and don't know about me (never link any accounts for anything together!), then I find that the internet is safer than most people think it is. I don't trust anyone online enough to give my address or anything, but as with problems or secrets, sometimes it's good to talk with a stranger about the former, but the latter should only be talked of with trusted friends. I posted this on a different topic, but speaking with strangers (not the type you're thinking, ones on sites like this) can often be a good solution to things. Since they don't know you at all (and if they do, very little), they can't judge or base anything on you, meaning they at times give honest from-the-heart advice, whereas people who've known you for a long time will give you what they think you will like most or something similar. But hey, this is only what I think. I only place trust in those that I know won't betray me.
  2. Normal forum theme, I love you.

  3. Well, and I thought nobody had heard of it. I've gotten better. My defenses are okay and my champion is okay and my resources are okay, but a guy keeps attacking me, and he has a Gorgo, so he pretty much trashes my place each time he attacks. I'm really enjoying the free damage protection though I don't think it's time consuming much unless you stay on it a few hours a day. I go on it often, but it's because I really got tired of the other games I play, and even before that I have to deal with homework, chores, etc...
  4. What if these weren't all just hypothetical comedic questions and these things are actually true?
  5. I never thought I'd say this, but I hope April Fool's ends soon...upside down posts are getting a bit annoying...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond

      What are you talking about. Sure, flipping your lap top over is a bit too much for just reading, but its fun!


      Granted, I could switch the theme, but eh. Upside down laptop is better.

    3. Stoner Spike

      Stoner Spike

      If I had something to hold my laptop in place, I'd be fine with it...and it sucks because I hate the IP.board theme too.


      I feel bad for Desktop users...

  6. I've come very close to saying "everypony" and people words that end in "-pony", but I always regain control of my tongue before I say anything, fortunately. Although I do say "bucking", "hay", and "horseapples" around adults to replace my favorite swear words, I don't do it intentionally, they just slip, because usually I wouldn't give a buck if they noticed me swearing. Thank God for my brain, though. If you say "everypony" in a 95% ghetto school, you WILL die, especially if it's Hatian Flag Day. Oh, and I can't eat red apples, unfortunately.
  7. So, you see, they killed off one of the mane six. And then, I went to South America in search of as many snakes and spiders as I could find. And then, I caged the spiders, bagged the snakes, and flew back to America. And then, I found Hasbro's HQ, and released a ton of snakes in it. And then, I found Studio B and threw the box of spiders and multiple snakes at the people there. And then, Celestia brought the ponies back to life and erased everything that happened.
  8. Mail goal in life...I have no goal. I only have a purpose. And apparently Klopp beat me to it. ----------------------------------------------------------
  9. Hm...whenever either of my parents are stressed out while working on something and they need to find something, they always spend at least a half hour freaking out about how they can't find it, only to then realize that they had it in their hand. And my mom organizes the fridge in alphabetical order.
  10. Whatever happened to quality over quantity? Well, if you say so.
  11. Do you want this? It's the official Twilight Sparkle plush, courtesy of Hasbro. If not, I think waiting would be a better choice...
  12. 1.You go to your school. 2.You get into the campus. 3.You scream "I WATCH MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC! AWESOME SHOW!!". 4.Enjoy the awkward stares and death glares.
  13. Hm. Taking into account many things. Just what I could think of on a moment's notice. GEE, I DUNNO GUYS, WHICH SIDE DOESN'T HAVE SOMETHING THAT HURTS LIKE HELL? Go ahead and add to those lists, see which one has more things on it.
  14. Mail the school an MLP: FIM DVD. That should cure it. In all honesty, those people sound like idjits; idiots so idiotic that they would misspell the word idiot.
  15. Hey, you guys, try sneezing when you have congestion for ear poppage the likes of which you've never seen. Congestion+Sneezing=Headache+Lots of pressure in your head+Ear popping
  16. *looks at one of my posts* Well, apparently Spike is a squirrel.

  17. How would you die in Equestria if it's heaven? No, eternal happiness would suck too much ass, I get bored easily.
  18. Ok, thinking seriously-ish. I vote for the translation theory and the evolution theory. They make the most sense, after all...I think...
  19. Hello there, mods. I have a suggestion. On topic, could you videotape the whole thing and post it?
  20. Stoner Spike is best pony. Dunno what you're talking about, though, videos on youtube have always been inappropriate, if your definition of appropriate is the same as mine.
  21. Now that website...that was so scary that I laughed. Um...best of the worst... http://memebase.com/
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