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The Mane-iac

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Everything posted by The Mane-iac

  1. Samus Aran (Metroid). What I wouldn't give for that Power Suit. Garrus (Mass Effect) and Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII) round out my top 3 I think.
  2. I voted Apple and Android (shouldn't that be iOS and Android?) since I could and I have both an iPhone 4S and a Galaxy Note 2. The 4S is purely my iPod (though TBH lately I've been using my Zune 80 again because I am so sick of how bad iTunes is, I use an app on the 4S anyways that mimics the Zune UI so...). I like stuff about both systems but I prefer Android after using it for the past year. There was a time iOS was vastly supirior, then Google introduced Project Butter to Android and it became a whole new OS compared to past iterations. Both phones are unlocked and "rooted" so I can basically install whatever I want on them, but I like the freedom of Android and being able to hook it up to my PC and not be restricted to a special program that I have to do everything through. I also hate the severe limitation imposed on iOS, especially simple things like how many apps you can place in a folder and such. I honestly prefer Samsung's UI over iOS as well. iOS 7 doesn't really change things up enough if you ask me, looks like the same ol thing just with different colors and flat looking icons (from what I've seen anyways, won't be upgrading my 4S to it since I want to remain jailbroken if I even keep the thing much longer). An SD slot is also a must for me. My 4S is a 64gb one and I have it full from just music, and it's not even close to being all my music. There are wireless usb sticks now that could allow storage expanse with an Apple product, but I prefer just being able to pop a card into the phone. Especially since they are smaller, don't require charging, and you could carry like 16 of them in a case the size of the usb stick. The only real gripe I have with Android isn't really about Android at all, it's about app developers. They focus on iOS first and foremost, and some apps either take months to come to Android, are super buggy/laggy when they finally do (Gameloft MLP I'm looking at you since you're still laggy compared to iOS version even on my OP Note 2), or just plain and simply don't show up on Android. Really wish they could force users to upgrade to the newest version so developers wouldn't have to cater to older OS's and hinder app stability/performance. But it could be worse I suppose... WP8 with very few top apps making it or not showing up until a year later or so. I could go on but I won't. All I'll say in closing is that after owning the Note 2 for the past year, there is no way I could use an iPhone until the screen gets much bigger. My 4S feels way too small and painful to hold onto (great for a pocket-able media player but not a phone), and when I was comparing the Note 2 to the iPhone 5 last year that was my biggest complaint and why I ultimately passed up the 5. Plus playing games like MLP is awesome with the large screen, not even the little bit of added height on the 5 could compare. And no, I don't have any issues sticking the Note 2 in my pocket...
  3. Yet another Applejack thread along this same topic? Once again all I really have to say is she is by far my favorite of the Mane 6 and is absolutely perfect. I just need to find her human copy and I'd be set. Love everything about her and would really enjoy seeing more of her in the show and hearing from her more instead of two other certain ponies that are overexposed.
  4. Standard game price for a console, not surprised. This I don't agree with anymore. This is the only reason I no longer play WoW and have moved onto better games anyways such as GW2 or TERA. Not surprising to see these in the game. So long as they are not "Pay to Win" I don't care. Even WoW is gaining an in-game micro-transaction store soon (already on the PTR). Not surprising either since I think every game that requires true online play has required these. I can't say for sure though since I only play these types of games on a PC where it is free and the controls are more manageable, but I know XBOX is this way at least. I might still get it, but if the monthly fee doesn't get dropped I doubt I'll play for long. I just can't justify it when GW2, TERA, and basically every other MMO released within the last five years have gone FTP or always were. Still looks amazing though and still very hyped to actually see an online Elder Scrolls which is something I've been wanting since my time playing Morrowind. I just wish they would fix Argonians and Khajiit to actually have beast legs again rather than just being re-skinned humans with a tail.
  5. You can also type 1980 while watching a video to play Missile Command. If you don't win, the video gets destroyed. It's kind of hard to play since it isn't as polished as the original. The timing is off for things. Still neat though. Only happens on pony videos. So it serves them right to get OCs running around their screen if they are watching pony videos anyway.
  6. Ultimate Doom for sure. Followed by Duke Nukem 3D. I grew up playing them when they first came out, and still play them to this day. Doom more than Duke though. I have the poster on my wall and all four novels which are very very good, the first one basically follows the game exactly but really fleshes it out. Also love the first Red Faction, Bioshock Infinite, Half-Life series, and the Metroid Prime trilogy. Not too many else come to mind since they were either just an okay game to play through once, over the shoulder 3rd person, or not very creative/repetitive when the series is looked at as a whole. Also most others tend to focus on making the online/multiplayer aspect first and foremost anymore, I prefer single player. I even play my MMOs solo for the most part. Call me weird, I'm used to it.
  7. Opinions. That is the only reason flame wars happen about what is the better console. I own basically every system ever made with the exception of a few Sega ones (including handhelds) as well as a custom built top end PC and I enjoy them all for different reasons. I don't yet have a Vita to replace my PSP1000 or a 3DS to replace my original DS since I've yet to see a game for either that truly interests me. If one ever comes out for either then I will get them. Same goes for the PS4 and XBOX 1, I need to see a game come out that I have to have before I'll spend the kind of money systems cost anymore. I spend most of my time gaming on the PC anymore though since exclusives that I actually care about are becoming few and far and games that actually take advantage of better PC hardware are always superior looking. I just also prefer the input of mouse and keyboard over a controller for the majority of all games. If there is a PS only game, I play it. XBOX only game? Guess what, I play that too. A game that comes out on XBOX, PS, and PC? I go for the PC version. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and because of that I refuse to join the flaming that takes place usually. I'll play what I like, I'll use whatever smartphone I decide is the best for what I want, etc. and no one else's opinions will change mine if I'm looking at things from a logical "what fills my needs best" perspective.
  8. That's awesome. Personally the "B" is my favorite and I wish I could find a good model of it (though even if I did I don't have the patience to paint), but "D" is for sure in my top 5 favorite Star Trek ships. Would love to have the model of it on Thinkgeek that splits apart.
  9. I'm biased, so Applejack for sure. Though Fluttershy is a good second in my opinion. To me it just seems really out of place on Pinkie, and with Twilight all I imagine is her thinking in her head while doing it is something about it just being an experiment or something that she is testing out. Like how to kill a human with just a look or something like that...
  10. Just got this book a couple days ago and I gotta chime in here about how great it is. Definitely a fan focused book considering what all it contains, the interviews and comments are great. I love the heft and design of the book, and the fact that it looks like the one from the show and has the storyboard intro pages is neat. The synopsis for each episode is cool and that fact that the letters to Celestia are all included as well is a nice touch. And of course I'm glad to see Applejack's name is spelled correctly and when I read through all the quotes in the inside of the covers I loved that my favorite Rarijack lines from The Crystal Empire was included. I highly recommend this for any fan of the show, very much worth the price.
  11. On the computer: Razer Megalodon headset for when I'm using Vent or gaming at night, the 7.1 is a plus and works pretty well in most games. MP3s and such: Razer Orca headphones with leather cushions when I want to listen to music or whatever and need to hear what is going on around me. Zagg SmartBuds for when I don't need to hear whats going on around me. Crappy Apple earbuds when at work or in busy public areas because I don't care if they get lost, damaged, or stolen. Would really like to replace the Orcas with something more DJ style with the big durable coil cord, but I'll survive till they die. They way I treat my electronics though they will still be working long after I pass.
  12. She may not be focused on as much, and I agree that they seem to apply her faults even worse in the comics, but I highly doubt they hate her. I feel more like they don't know how to develop her while still keeping her fashionista personality. And I really didn't see her being inconsiderate to Sweetie Belle in Sleepless. Sweetie not once complained about pulling the wagon or fetching flowers, and they were acting very sisterly at the end of the nights, just as much so as AJ and AB. Thing is, the comics have no impact on the show and are a separate entity. Honestly they may as well be fanfic IMO because they aren't as good as the show and every pony seems to be very over dramatic and a lot of 4th wall breaking and stuff. In the show each pony seems to be treated much more fairly and better rounded. And this is coming from an AJ/Rarity fan from season one. To do spoilers, just do [ spoiler] stuff you want hidden without the space inside the brackets.
  13. Updated first post with some pics for y'all.
  14. Only way that could be better is if it were Chrysalis, though NMM goes much better with the colors in my room. It's all black, blue, and white. XD Shame I've not been super active lately because of health, your other pics were great. That cloudsdale was crazy intricate, and you just can't beat fluffle puff derpy.
  15. Okay, late reply but I've been dealing with medical stuff. I went ahead and got the box and it does appear to be all Dash and Cheerilee for sure, all unopened bags. If I do stumble across a Pinkie or someone I'll be sure to let everyone know. From what I've found online, the prices for them seem to vary. Cheerilee can range from $5-8 and Rainbow appears to range from $10-18 (or even higher if you count the stupid ones on ebay). So what I am thinking is I'll set the individual prices at the lowest I've seen plus shipping. Buy them both and shipping is free. Payment will be PayPal unless otherwise agreed upon, just PM any questions or for where to send payment. Sounds reasonable I hope? Cheerilee: $5 +shipping Rainbow Dash: $10 +shipping Both together: $15 shipped
  16. UPDATE: 4/20/13 Have some pics: *****ORIGINAL POST***** I am able to get an entire box containing unopened Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee of those, but I want to know if there would be any interest in them if I did? I don't want to be stuck with an entire box. No clue what I would be selling them for if so. I saw on Amazon that Pinkie was going for $13, couldn't find Rainbow or Cheerilee, and I despise eBay so didn't even look there. Let me know what you think! (If this isn't allowed here, feel free to re/move as you feel fit Mods)
  17. Yea, even with Faust I can't say I'm really interested anymore. I enjoyed it for the ponies and how they each felt like the characters were pulled straight from the show and stuck into a brawl. Now it will just be another 2d fighting game. If they couldn't get Hasbro to agree to a deal, they should have moved on and maybe done something else with their talent. That being said, I'll probably look in on it from time to time, but you'll still find me playing the leaked version when I need my quick fix.
  18. Applejack has always been one of my favorites, the other being Rarity. I switch back and forth between avatars of those two depending on which one I feel like displaying. Can't say I've really seen her popularity increase really though, but I'm not as active around here as I'd like to be recently.
  19. It's unknown if she actually originated from there, but I found it odd none of them were crystaly since they were at the end of this seasons opener. Same with the other ponies visiting, shouldn't they have become crystal versions as well? I only see two options here: the effect at the end of the season opener was a special case caused by the surge of magic from the heart being restored, or the studio wanted the normal ponies to stand out.
  20. I personally see no reason to boycott them over this. I'm not going to stop enjoying something I like because of this. Yes I was very much looking forward to the true release of the game, but since it was never released in the end nothing has changed other than Mane6 wasted a lot of time and there will be a lot of disappointed fans. Hopefully something gets worked out since Hasbro has not replied as of yet. The Morrowind clone mod is kind of different though since it was basically just Morrowind running on Oblivion's engine. They took a fully released game and copied it. That would be like me taking a Marvel comic from their early days, scanning all the pages into digital vector formats, and then releasing through the internet. Non-profit or not I just completely stepped outside the bounds of "fair use". Fighting is Magic was sort of a parody and work of art, non-profit as well to boot, so it should fall within those lines. That kind of stuff though is determined case by case and I'm sure they would just rather not deal with court.
  21. You should up the amount of signatures needed, the base 500 is rather low and already almost filled. Let's give Hasbro a really good show and get as much of the brony community as we can.
  22. Need to make sure Equestria Daily gets word of the petition, that should get things moving even faster than it already is since I'm sure they would add it to their post about the C&D or make a new one. I submitted it to them. If anyone else wants to as well all you do is click submit at the top of the main page and then email them a link to the petition. Make sure you follow their rules for NEWS.
  23. I like the sound of them all, the first being my particular favorite even though Luna and Scoots are two of my favorite ponies. I would have the stallion in the first story befriend Rarity though since her and Flutters have been shown as close friends, going to the spa weekly and such.
  24. Honestly, and nothing against you Rainbow Dashey, but I'm not too sure about the game and "fair use" since it does include quite a few aspects from the source material (title, characters, settings, art style, etc). I'm not an attorney or anything so I can't say if it would fall within the legal bounds of that clause or not, it is very broadly written and goes on a case by case basis. I don't have time tonight or tomorrow since I have a funeral in the morning, but I was going to write something up sounding like a "Dear Celestia" letter just making a fans plea like the Jericho fans did. Where the nuts they sent were symbolic in saying that they thought the network was nuts for canceling the show, I thought I would mention something along the lines of what I've learned from this action. Maybe something like "no matter how someone may act normally, we all have times when we act brashly without thinking of the repercussions it might cause with our friends (the Brony fanbase). Once that action has been taken it might be hard to listen to your friends opinions, but you should because some very valid points can be made and a different course of action can normally be worked out that doesn't hurt a wonderful relationship in the end." or something, idk, that was just off the top of my head quickly. I think it just needs to be something that shows them just how much us bronies appreciate the show and that we are a creative, tight-knit, bunch and things like this hurts the image we have of them since they were so supportive in the beginning.
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