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Things you hate about your gender?


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I'm a dude:


-People have a predefined list of things so that you can be considered to be a man or "manly"

-I love cute things

-I love MLP

-I can't cry if I'm watching something touching

  • Brohoof 1



"Courage is not a lack of fears, but the will to face them"

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Nothing, because it's just a gender not a whole 'lets stereotype' it. I'm more discontent with how others perceive gender and says that fx women should be soft-spoken and polite  while men should be strong and financial supporting in an relationship.

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I'm female soo....



Some people thinking just because I am a girl I should act more on the line (makeup and stuff) 


I honestly don't like makeup and most of the stuff I am fine with people who do but myself I don't really like it...


nothing more I (hate)






You HAVE to be pretty, feminine and fall for the first guy you see and then cry about the break ups blah blah or else your the ugly nerdy unpopular girl no one likes.



I'll be honest I agree here I don't know why some people just think you need to act/actually act like to a similar way just because of your gender...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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bras and having to spend over $50 each bra (for the CHEAP ones) and they get destroyed within a week and i have to buy more


girls parts in general

not being allowed to have my shirt off in public

being belittled for not shaving

having to do all the work as a parent

guys always hitting on me creepily or touching me and thinking i like it when i obviously don't

clothes are always uncomfortable

people expect me to constantly 'fix' myself up to look pretty

i have been screamed at in public for holding a door open for a guy

i was never allowed to leave the house or have friends over because i'm a girl

i had to take care of kids and cook and clean everything when i was a child because i'm a girl

people made fun of me for playing with bugs

people blame me for my family/financial situation because i am female

i feel pressured to be thinner

makeup sucks

people constantly say i'm 'unladylike'

i have to hide my farts

i'm too socially pressured to not poop at other peoples' houses or my own house when i have company

i was told getting my nails done is fun, but it was painful and expensive

back pain from boobs

stretch marks

people always assume i'm a guy online, so i guess girls aren't 'supposed' to be like me

  • Brohoof 2
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As a male: 


- Not being allowed to wear skirts/dresses 


- Being expected to do the heavy lifting, being expected to be strong, tough, and buff. 


- Shaving, only to have shit start growing back the next day -.- 


- Being expected to act manly and not express my emotions.


- Male fashion in general. 


I mean personally I crossdress often, because wearing female pants/tops and whatnot and even wearing some makeup usually goes unnoticed. But wearing skirts/dresses usually brings on sooo much attention (and anger) that I'd just rather not for my own safety. I usually reserve my skirts and dresses for costuming events and shows and stuff. 

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people always assume i'm a guy online, so i guess girls aren't 'supposed' to be like me


People usually assume I'm female for reasons I can't wrap my mind around. I enjoy being feminine but I don't think I ACT very feminine sometimes.

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People usually assume I'm female for reasons I can't wrap my mind around. I enjoy being feminine but I don't think I ACT very feminine sometimes.

on another website a few days ago, someone was asking girls for advice.  i kept offering, and getting ignored.  i asked why i was being ignored, and i was told that i'm unladylike.  XD i'm too unladylike to give girl advice, apparently.

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Didn't think one of the biggest complaints about being a guy would be limited clothing choice.


Me personally, I see male fashion to be far superior, then again, my main fashion choices consist of superhero shirts and jeans.

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As a male




-Being feared by women because they think I'm a rapist, just want sex, and am probably a jerk in any other way.
-Having "masculinity" that I'm forced to live up to and worry about for the sake of people believing I'm a guy.
-Wanting friends that are female without having to form any relationship but can't because it's automatically believed I want to date them.






- Sitting in certain positions is extremely uncomfortable to painful for me at times due to 'them' and i wish i can just make 'them' go away when i don't need 'them' via some magic or something. :okiedokielokie:






- I hate that society expects us to be muscular and to work out every day


- I hate that when we are romantic, we are considered "pussies"



and idk what you call this BUT:

-when the opposite gender thinks that "size matters"  :angry: makes me soooo mad

  • Brohoof 1


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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Guys I think are too uptight because culture demands certain behaviors from them often, and has expectations most may not conform too except those who are afraid to not conform. Which causes aggression, ostricization, emotional isolation, homophobia, bullying, conformists. 


It also causes them to seek a 'manly' attitude. Which often involves unbecoming behaviors. Sometimes its good like for self-confidence or motivation. Other times its just immature.



What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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I am a male


- All the bullshit that guys have to like a,b, and c. But if we like x,y, and z.

- Also apparently is unmanly to cry so I have to in private if I need to.

- That it's expected for you to be tough, slightly aggressive at all times.

- At times if I'm with guys and they see a hot girl they seem to always talk about sex for at least 10 minutes and I could give a shit:.

- That if you talk with any girl it seems the perception is you want to date him instead of who knows, just wanting a conversation.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am a male


- Also apparently is unmanly to cry so I have to in private if I need to.



I know right? Crying is definitely not unmanly! In fact, some consider it manly. (I'm not being sarcastic. There's no shame in crying in private if you have to.)





Something I dislike about my gender. (Male)

  • Spitting. It's pretty common for me to see some dude spitting on the sidewalk, or something ever so casually. I never really got why so many men do this.
  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Spitting. It's pretty common for me to see some dude spitting on the sidewalk, or something ever so casually. I never really got why so many men do this.


They are usually coughing up and expeling mucus, which is not supposed to be swallowed.

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If I actually cared enough, I would've listed what I hate about my gender.


In this universe, I am a teenage boy who is a brony. My name is Bryan Robert Owen, so my username here on MLP Forums is Schoolboy B.

But in an alternate universe, I am a teenage girl who is a pegasister, and my name is Janice Christie Owen, so my username here on MLP Forums is Schoolgirl J.

swig swag swignature swagnature.png

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Respect is important for all people of color, gender, or religion. ♥

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Why? Girls can pull of most any guy style and get more freedom with it. We're lucky.


"Feminine menswear". Its no longer mens clothing, nor does it look like a "guy style". It also doesn't help that I dont particularly like the styles in your example.

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I am a guy(No interest in being a girl to clear that up)


-Can't have semi-long hair

-Liking MLP is "gay"

-Can't hangout with my female friends without being pegged "gay"

-No boobies



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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-No boobies

There's always manbewbs.


As for what I don't like about my gender, well, mostly I can't hang out with boys or go within 15 feet of one or my friends will be all like "OMG YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!".  >_>

  • Brohoof 1


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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There's only two things I dislike about being a guy(and no, they're not what you're thinking :unsure:)

-I hate how weak our, uh, exterior plumbing is compared to females. Kicks to there aren't fun(well okay, it might be somewhat what you're thinking, but I'm personally satisfied with those 2 things... and the one thing. But contrary to popular phrasings they are not strong things)... :okiedokielokie:

-Shaving isn't something I have fun with, and it's something us guys all have to do on some basis... I keep some facial hair for a reason, though that too can complicate things when it comes to shaving sometimes. :maud:

  • Brohoof 2


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I already said what I hate about being a guy. I think I should say what I hate about being a transgender man. 


  1. Menstration. I think cisgender girls can also agree it sucks
  2. Not being taken seriously if you're feminine. "If you want to be a guy, then why do you act like a girl?" (That irritates me)
  3. Having to put "Female" on things. 
  4. Being called birth name by family and people who knew you before you transitioned.
  5. Difficulty finding a girl who would date you and see you as a male and not care what part you have. 





Applejack Fan Club

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As a woman, I can say my personal frustrations are:
1. I have to shave EVERYWHERE.
2. I am frowned upon when I curse, because "it's not ladylike"
3. I am trained to be paranoid. Everyone is either out to get my money or have sex with me because I'm a girl and I'm tiny 
4. Periods. (Because it's just gross.)
5. People who won't take me seriously because I'm "just a girl."
6. We can't legitimately complain without people thinking we're PMSing or being emotional. Sometimes we're just mad, because, well...we're human!  
7. People act like we can't be happy with ourselves without men or makeup
8. I am expected to want/like kids
9. On that note, people think I'm a horrible person because I don't want kids (Seriously, no one said I HAD to have them, people! If you want to, fine. That's your business. But, stay out of mine.)
10. When people assume the media gives me bad messages about how I look. (I think everyone just gives the media too much power)

Why? Girls can pull of most any guy style and get more freedom with it. We're lucky.

Actually that's not necessarily true. I get in trouble with my parents when I go out in just jeans and a t-shirt because it makes me look dumpy and gross and fat. Unless I'm going to work (where blue and khaki is standard) or running to the convenience store or it's pouring rain, I must look presentable and wear proper shirts or one of my good dresses. Can be frustrating when ALL I want to do is bum around the mall for three hours. :okiedokielokie: Plus, I'm petite, so it's hard enough for me to find clothes and guy clothes are a definite "No."

Edited by LostButterflyUtau
  • Brohoof 3



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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I have to pee sitting down...


I mean I can try standing up... just... ew... nevermind.


It makes bathroom waits horribly long and annoying. Also realize I have to sit my butt down on a seat 1000 other ladies have already sat on. Rarely do guys ever have to sit on a dirty toilet seat, in a dirty stall, they just hold it in if that's the case. Ugh...

  • Brohoof 1


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The voice honestly, back when I was a treble, and a choirboy (in a cathedral), I could reach quite high notes.... buuuuuut then my voice broke and now I'm a bass. The sheet music is annoying, singling along and the bottom in a choir is annoying. The songs that make the basses go "dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum". Pretty much the only good thing about being a bass is when you are singing in harmony in a group of 8 or more other basses, if its loud and deep, the air seems to vibrate, along with your chest (its a really weird feeling). But you girls get all the nice parts, normally have the main tune, and are at the top of the choir so you don't have to differentiate your part from the other men xD


Other than that

Aggressive feminists. No offence obviously, I'm a feminist too, but I have been verbally attacked both in public and on the internet for "taking up too much space" and "not moving out the way for smaller women". Both of which I don't do. I'm the one who moves out the way and/or gives up my seat on the bus for the women. They really need to check if you actually do what they are accusing you of before you do it -_-. But otherwise I'm all for feminism. 


Being tall and accidentally backhanding somebody across the face.

Yes, I did this once.

Being tall and accidentally breaking things with my face.
I have so far, with my head, broken the fire alarm at the bottom of the stairs twice.


Not being "unmascualine" or anything, but HANDBAGS... or manbags. Cant go outside with either without somebody of my age group laughing at me. I mean they are so useful!!! Not for the look or anything, just keeping things inside it like a phone or a book instead of having to stuff it into pockets.


The masculine stereotype - only socially being allowed to do a few things, most of which I hate. This is why I'm a closet everything.

Edited by Hazukashii Flux
  • Brohoof 1


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Im a girl,  and I go though

hell every year in trying to find

pants to fit me!   The styles change

every year and so on and size

and length and all!   I can spend

weeks just trying to find like

4 pants to fit me every year and

it will takes many a trying on

from size 7 to freaking 12! 


Men have it easy for pants.....

  • Brohoof 2


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