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Twi Rubix

Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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I would have to say Applejack cause she has nothing to really to develop character wize. Even rainbowdash and Twilight who gets a lot of flack has improved and grown with the series. AJ is that adult who is set in their ways. I dont hate her, or even dislike her, but what development could she really have?


Season 1: 



Season 2: 




Season 1/3:



Season 4:



We remember her as leveheaded, mature Applejack. It's kind of surprising looking back at Season 1 and seeing hotheaded, prideful, "I'm gonna whine all night and ruin a slumber party because my friend is neater than me"  Applejack. 

  • Brohoof 7
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Applejack, while in real life is probably one of the best types of friend you can ask, precisely her down to earth personality in a cartoon show and the fact that she's pretty much a life fulfilled mare makes her the  least interesting of the mane6

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Blehhh, I don't honestly want to choose to even have a least favorite mane 6, because honestly I really like stuff about them all! Like the mane 6 all rank at the top of my favorite characters in the entire show! 


I just wanted to get across the fact that I do like all of the mane 6 characters.


If i HAD to pick one... well right now it's AJ, but AJ has got quite a lot of development and stuff over time. Plus shes southern, and i'm southern(Well, sorta, I have a very light accent at times, but I definitely don't have as heavy an accent as AJ. Atleast I don't personally think, but I do say y'all sometimes, and ain't, and stuff.) 


Idk maybe Rarity would be my least favorite? Although I don't dislike her either... She has a really interesting character too, and her overdramaticness(words that don't exist yeah!) is actually pretty entertaining most of the time. 


Then there's Rainbow, she's also got a lot of character development, like a whole lot since the start of the show... And she has an adorable soft side, while also having the competitive side. And bahhh.


Guys it's official, I don't really know who my least favorite character is ;p. I'm going to have to reevaluate my list sometime... and by sometime that probably means never as a procrastinator ;p.


Just know that regardless of who is my least favorite, I have things I like about all the mane 6, I just have ones I like more than others. But I don't dislike any of the mane 6.


Whew... now I'm confused ;p.

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I would have to say Applejack cause she has nothing to really to develop character wize. Even rainbowdash and Twilight who gets a lot of flack has improved and grown with the series. AJ is that adult who is set in their ways. I dont hate her, or even dislike her, but what development could she really have?



I just have this to say.



Also, AJ putting aside dreams, seeing her sister get a cutie mark, refusing to bare witness on a friend, and on and on. The thing is, if AJ is that much of a blank slate then I promise you that she has unlimited potential and is in a better spot for dynamic characterization than any of the other characters. Just look at the millennia of story telling. :D

  • Brohoof 3
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You know, I think that may be the first time I've heard Rarity called judgmental before and I am honestly curious about this. Trust me, this isn't a trap or anything, but can you expand on that opinion?

In the first season, she seemed to look down on AJ for being a hard worker in "Look Before You Sleep". Like I said, I do like her, but she seems a bit stuck up. Even in "Trade Ya", she made a crack about buying AJ the dirtiest thing she could find. 

  • Brohoof 1
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How have I not posted here before, this decision is far too easy for me so it would have been an easy post bumper.


Pinkie Pie. She annoys me like nothing else on this planet. The writers clearly try way too hard to fanservice her. She didn't bother me nearly as much in the beginning as she does now.


Dash is right behind her though. Can't stand how she always has to be the one to mouth off or say something that one of the others could have said. Also, her ego grates on me a bit, and this is coming from a huge Trixie fan.



If you'll notice though, my complaints are more with the ways the writers use these two. If they allowed some of the other ponies to say something now and then, or would dial Pinkie back to how she used to be... I wouldn't have a problem with them. They'd still be at the bottom of my list, but I wouldn't despise them like I do now. It'd just be because I like the others more.


Well, Hasbro would also need to stop using pretty much these two exclusively as the shows spokesponies, and start making equal merch of all the mane 6. I have the Dash belt buckle, but I want an AJ one! Not to mention keychains and other things that are pretty much Dash/Pinkie only. 

  • Brohoof 2
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How have I not posted here before, this decision is far too easy for me so it would have been an easy post bumper.


Pinkie Pie. She annoys me like nothing else on this planet. The writers clearly try way too hard to fanservice her. She didn't bother me nearly as much in the beginning as she does now.


Dash is right behind her though. Can't stand how she always has to be the one to mouth off or say something that one of the others could have said. Also, her ego grates on me a bit, and this is coming from a huge Trixie fan.



If you'll notice though, my complaints are more with the ways the writers use these two. If they allowed some of the other ponies to say something now and then, or would dial Pinkie back to how she used to be... I wouldn't have a problem with them. They'd still be at the bottom of my list, but I wouldn't despise them like I do now. It'd just be because I like the others more.


Well, Hasbro would also need to stop using pretty much these two exclusively as the shows spokesponies, and start making equal merch of all the mane 6. I have the Dash belt buckle, but I want an AJ one! Not to mention keychains and other things that are pretty much Dash/Pinkie only.


I have to agree with you on this. Especially the last part.


RainbiwDash seems to be "the" icon character of the show. I say this because she is the most recognizable character (so, even if you're not a brony, you'll probably say that your favorite pony is RainbowDash).

She seems to be the one on the most clothes, jewelry, phone cases, etc.


It really bothers me.

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I have to agree with you on this. Especially the last part.


RainbiwDash seems to be "the" icon character of the show. I say this because she is the most recognizable character (so, even if you're not a brony, you'll probably say that your favorite pony is RainbowDash).

She seems to be the one on the most clothes, jewelry, phone cases, etc.


It really bothers me.

New social experiment! I'm going to go up to 5 random people at the grocery store and ask them who their favorite pony is. This ought to be fun.

  • Brohoof 3
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Also, her ego grates on me a bit, and this is coming from a huge Trixie fan. 

Am I the only one who noticed that a lot of Trixie fans find Dash's ego grating? This is at least the 4th person who considers themselves to be a fan of Trixie that I've seen think that way about RD, myself included :please:

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This took me at least 15-20 min to think of a answer to this but it would have to be pinky pie the reason is her voice hurts my hears when I watch the show with my turtle beaches on.

I know its not a good reason but there is no reason not to like any pony.

  • Brohoof 3
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Am I the only one who noticed that a lot of Trixie fans find Dash's ego grating? This is at least the 4th person who considers themselves to be a fan of Trixie that I've seen think that way about RD, myself included :please:


I've always said this. I mean, I'm a huge Trixie fan (my desk is covered in Funko Trixies, a brushable, plenty of Trixie stickers tossed around, my mini 10v has rotating wallpapers that are only of Trixie, custom made Trixie plush with hat/cape/EqG hoodie...) and Dash's ego just grates on me. I think it's because they are different styles of ego stroking. At least to me it seems that way.


I can't seem to put into words exactly why it comes across like this to me, but I'll try. No clue if it'll come across the way I meant.


Dash seems to truly believe that she's better than you, no exceptions. She will go to the extreme of cheating just to win at something so that she can claim herself to be better. She revels in the thought that she's better. She's not afraid to first off declare she's better, but then she proceeds to show off in the flashiest way possible, and then rub your face in it some more by trying to egg some praise out of you. She's been scolded many times by AJ or Twilight for acting off, and they basically tell her (either with words or a glare) to sit down and STFU.


Trixie... Trixie's style is more... I honestly see it as being showy. Like it's part of her act, her stage character. Obviously some of that carries over off stage as well, since she continues to talk in the third person and such, but she seems to dial it back some. Like when she was ushered on to vanquish the Ursa Minor, she clearly didn't want to and knew she couldn't. I have a feeling Dash would have charged head first and worn herself out, and still you'd be hard pressed to get her to admit defeat and throw that fit and shout "I can't!". In fact, she'd probably get sat on or something and right before she passes out, she'd say "I'm awesome".


Some of that is clearly what I have in my head, and that's fine, everyone can think how they want. We've not seen nearly as much Trixie as we've seen of Dash, and both times we have seen her, she was used as an antagonist for Twilight. I expect that she'll return, and when she does I want her attitude to still be there or it won't be Trixie. She just shouldn't become as mouthy as Dash. She should use her bravado as a reason to get better at magic, to prove that she actually can. Not just to stroke her ego.

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Of course this becomes a RD bashing thread  >_>


:huh:  I was bashing? I thought I did a pretty decent job at just stating why I felt the way I did, in response to something Ghostie said about Trixie fans and Dash.


Bashing... well that would be a lot of the things that have been said against AJ or Rarity honestly. Though I'm biased, just like you are since you're a Dash fan I'm guessing.  :derp:



Tom Cruise is hot, though :(


When a guy looks like that, getting compared to him is hardly an insult :please:


Well... when you take into account the whole Scientology craziness and jumping on the couch thing...  :eww:

oops, better stop before this becomes a Tom Cruise bashing thread. someone make a separate topic pllllease. lol

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Of course this becomes a RD bashing thread  >_>


No, it's been one early on but it calmed down. We've kept dialog civil and enlightening for the most part. Actually the The Mane-iac had an interesting take on his dislike for Rainbow Dash, and I was hoping I understood the meaning since he worried that he would not be able to sufficiently communicate it. You have a really interesting discussion about the two ego centric characters that the show has given us, and to be honest it might be worthwhile to delve into that at a later time.


I personally don't mind someone saying 'Grr your favorite character gives me heartburn/constipation/hemorrhoids' as long as there they simply go into why they feel that way. Otherwise ... it doesn't really add anything to the discussion. RD is a great character, it's a matter of perspective. Deconstructing characters is one great way to learn more about them.


Also check my signature and below Rarity you will see a quote that sums up my feelings on MLP characters in general. It wasn't my quote either.

  • Brohoof 4
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New social experiment! I'm going to go up to 5 random people at the grocery store and ask them who their favorite pony is. This ought to be fun.

The elderly don't count.


OH, and if they don't know what MLP is, show them pictures of the main 6 characters. I'm sure that the most votes will go to RainbowDash

Am I the only one who noticed that a lot of Trixie fans find Dash's ego grating? This is at least the 4th person who considers themselves to be a fan of Trixie that I've seen think that way about RD, myself included :please:

I think a big part of that is because we only had 2 instances in which Trixie was snotty and a show off. Unlike RainbowDash, Trxie's attitude isn't pushed on us all the time.

Of course this becomes a RD bashing thread >_>

I wouldn't go as far to say that this is a thread to bash RainbowDash.

She just happens to be the character that is disliked by the people who happened to participate here.

Edited by Royal Samurott
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The elderly don't count.


OH, and if they don't know what MLP is, show them pictures of the main 6 characters. I'm sure that the most votes will go to RainbowDash


You know what's funny about that experiment... you could easily screw with the results depending on surroundings. Wear a Dash shirt, have a Dash bracelet on or something rainbowy and that will influence them to vote Dash without them realising it. You could do the same with the other ponies. It's not as simple as just walking up to people and asking about ponies, there can't be any psychological cues present that could skew their decisions unknowingly.

  • Brohoof 3
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You know what's funny about that experiment... you could easily screw with the results depending on surroundings. Wear a Dash shirt, have a Dash bracelet on or something rainbowy and that will influence them to vote Dash without them realising it. You could do the same with the other ponies. It's not as simple as just walking up to people and asking about ponies, there can't be any psychological cues present that could skew their decisions unknowingly.


Which is why I don't trust him around the elderly. They may be frightened.

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I don't like rainbow douche



she's really arrogant and ignorant and needs to get her head out of her arse.. 

She doesn't seem to take other ponies feelings into consideration and I don't like that. 

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