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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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 Och, Aye, @Dji.  Remember earlier when you asked what the similarities were? Wanted to keep it a surprise!

  Was thinking they have more or less the same backstory. Considering how the Cruelty & Depression they would represent would derive from the same place, I can see how they might now how the other would feel... if either was prone to sympathy. That, and as I say, shipping together the pony-hater & the dragon-hater can only lead to some wonderful rom-com shtick!

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@Widdershins, @Blitz Boom

I mentioned a while back I wanted to bring in Dawn's sister. I still need to figure out her backstory but for now, I have figured that she is a changeling. Dawn's mother is not the pony that Circle Pop saw in those photos Dawn has. Dawn doesn't know this either but her mother has been Chrysalis all along. She just disappeared to take care of her hive better and for whatever reason, abandoned Dawn to fend for herself while raising her changeling sister away from Dawn.

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Don't see how you need to poke plotholes. Hybrids are gonna work weirdly, and Happy is curious. Why he keeps asking and trying to see if he can understand what is going on. He's pretty basic about changelings knowledge really, butt hat doesn't mean that what Ambie does isn't possible. You wrote it yourself, pothers have been too polite to point out that his coloring thing is weird, so he haven't thought on it.

As for the parent visiting, you can do that, sure. We'd have to move it to morning, but they could be there and look for him at first light. Perhaps it wasn't just a visit, but also they got concerned from hearing that Ponyville got attacked a few days ago and wanted to make sure he were okay. Changelings were among those saving the town too, so with that part mentioned as well, his father might feel even safer to wander around as his real self, and we'd have some awkward time. I can keep Happy around like... I don't know, parked behind his house because he were too tired to make a run for it that night, sleeping inside the wagon as he usually does, and then really staying there because the commotion with Ambie's parents would be able to give him some answers. If you want, I can give you some info on Happy that Ambie's dad can sling at him to make Happy's world crumble under his hooves. :3 So we both have a bad time. ^^




I'm all supportive of having others take over some of the canon ones, in case they can represent them right, so just gonna have to hear how Chrysalis being Dawn's mother fits it all? Surely, Dawn would have at least some kind of bug horse over her then, or have I missed something? I wouldn't be surprised if I had, so feel free to point it out. :) Could be you meant adoptive.

Were Chrysalis laying low and stuck with Dawn's father at that time to keep appearances, then ran off when she got a daughter to both raise her like a proper changeling, and to return to her hive after thinking it had been enough time for her to slither back into things?Chrysalis have shown to e rather evil and uncaring about anypony other than her brood after all, so I'm trying to make it all fit in my head. If you could iron this out it'll be grand. :)

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@Blitz Boom

You didn't miss anything so I'll try to explain as best I can.

Chrysalis is that pony in the photos because she can change forms. When she had Dawn, she wasn't Chrysalis the changeling, she was Chrysalis the disguised mare. So Dawn looks like she does now and has no idea about her true heritage. That of being a Changeling. Chrysalis abandoned Dawn when she was about five, figuring it was time to return to the hive and raise a second daughter. Properly, this time. Chrysalis abused Dawn to the point of near death purely because she didn't look like a Changeling. Because Aurora does look like a Changeling, Chrysalis raised her right only to abandon her at the age of five too because one, that's the mature age of a Changeling in my head canon, and two, Aurora didn't fit in with her plans for the hive.

Does all that make sense?

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 @Dji/@Blitz Boom      (Okay, what is up with the Mentions? First one lit up, second ain't! Do they still go through even if I don't get the option to pick from the list?!)

   Oi, I'm beginning to catch so many problems with Changelings. They're like the Forsaken of Warcraft, kind of hard not to play them off as edgy, troubled or even gothic.

8 hours ago, Dji said:

She just disappeared to take care of her hive better

  Eh... Well, I'm a fan of Chrysalis myself, best villainess, but... that's kind of out of her character if you ask me. I've not seen this new one what with all the rainbow reforming hooplah, but she seems more like a dictator to force others to her will, not so much care what working conditions are.  ...Especially if she's the sort of mother to... you know... Slash up her own daughter.

  Then again, there is the little detail that we've seen canonically that changelings hatch from goopy green eggs. I'm not saying you or I cannot work around that, but I feel that the physiology might not... match up there. Something very... Alien, if you catch me. At the time with Ambie's parents, I figured it was a sort of Incubi-emotional-implanting-resulting in some sort of screwy hybrid, but... ah...

  There's also the idea that if you start associating yourself with cannonical characters, chances are pretty high your going to wind up rping with somebeing else who ALSO just so happens to be a child of Chrysalis so you'll have to work them into your backstory too and... Well, what you've said so far Dji, still sounds like something any regular old mother mare could do... "Land of Friendship" or not.

    ...Wait, Aurora as in the Aurora that's already in this rp thread? Or a different one?


   Oh, and that's alright, Beebie. Ambie's parents idea is just something I was going to save for some project or something down the road. Heh, already kind of stretching myself thin with what characters I do have in here! And aye, that's what I was aiming at. Ponyville is a welcoming place, if anything, they've been overgrown by evil vines, Discord, bugbear attacks... some goopy demon thingie here... I doubt some odd eccentricities is anything worth noticing for any but small talk. "Oh, Hi there. I see you're turning neon pink. Need anything like a glass of water? What up with that anyway?"

18 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

butt hat

 ...Have I mentioned lately How much I just positively adore you?...


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Aurora as in a character I'm going to eventually bring in. I had no idea another Aurora was in here and after seeing your post ... I think I'll forgo the Chrysalis being Dawn's mother stuff. Well, biological anyway. Dawn can be Chrysalis adoptive daughter while she was laying low.

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@Blitz Boom hey. sorry i havn't been responding. i've had lots going on at work and such. not only that, but this RP just isn't the most interesting thing on my mind at the moment. i'll deffinately try and get to it when i can, but i can't really type anything unless i FEEL it. 

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I completely understand mate. :) Come back when you can and write when you feel like it. Just don't forget us. ^_^



@Widdershins @Dji

Well, sounds like you two thought out the Chrysalis angle then. Neat. :)

As for the butt hat thing Widders, I can assure you that wasn't on purpose. Sometimes I write too fast and don't check fully. afterwards, but eh, seems like it was fun to you. :P

Regarding Ambie's parents, fair enough then. We'll see what times brings for Ambie then.

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   I was wanting to share with you all the wide, wonderful world of Butt-shaped hats, but alas, there seems to be an "adult filter" on the viewing of butt-like head apparel on the Googles Images!

    You there! A-young lady! Git yer Butt Hat Hyar!  Free Butt Hats! FREEEE Butt Hats!

  Free Butt Hat Day here at the Equestrian Sports Complex!

Oooh, must invent me a good Butt Hat Cannon now...

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@Dji @Widdershins

That or you can just have Kaltrops stay with Spicy for now. She's headed towards Ponyville to find one of her loaners who thought he could skip the bill, so if you go along there, you'll get to Ponyville, where Dawn then is. I can imagine sparks will fly. :3



@WiiGuy2014 @dragon4111

Question to you both: Any idea when you're making posts? I wanna plaaaay with you again. And yes, I made responses to both of the last posts you made, just for the record. :P




Here is a butt hat for you.


A Sunbutt hat. :P Badum-tsch.

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@Blitz Boom

    Oy! You callin' Celestia a butt?! To dah Moon wit'cha!                       Also. More like "Da Bum tish!"


  So, I haven't found the last post she was in. Is Last Stand still laying asleep/knocked out & unattended? And Smokey & Phoenix are now outside of their tent, in the morning, planning where to go for their date-I mean breakfast? ...Also, is Ambie & Not-So-Happy Horse still the last ones stuck in "last night?"


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last stand have only now gotten knocked out, and will be until the early hours of the day. She won't wake up happy, I can assure you of that.

Phoenix and Smokey are not only out of their tents, but also a bit of way into the Everfree Forest currently, and are trying to figure out a course of action, yes.

As for Ambie and Happy Hour, the answer is a tentative yes. I can't remember others, but I'm not ruling anything out.

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@Blitz Boom and others who may be involved

Starting tomorrow, I will probably not be posting for the next week, as I am traveling. I won't have reliable internet access or time. I am sorry for the very short notice, telling you kind of slipped my mind. 

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   I could say many a thing. You all know I'm a knee-jerk critic. Some disparaging words meant to encourage your creativity in ways I wish I could follow suit in, but I'll just say one thing here.


But a little insanity never hurt anybody, right?

 Gah, Dang.

  You're making it hard for me to resist falling in love with you.


                                                                                                                                    ...Cause...it's, like, creativity is important to me you know? I swear, it can't be just because Imma shmuck for redheads!

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@Dji  Oh, aye.  A bit of in-spirit narration as opposed to just simply stating your character.

  ...Unless you mean to intone that it's the only thing I paid attention to, thereby skipping over everything else. ...Which I totally didn't.


   Where you getting guide pics to go along with them? Making them yourself? Her griffon form would be interesting to see too, especially if that tends to be the form she's in more often.

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I commission someone to make them because they were originally part of an RP I'm doing with someone that's not on this site. I can ask the person I usually commission if they can make a griffin form of Aurora.

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