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Blitz Boom

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@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,

Serenade looks around, then over at Omen. She almost facehoofs, "...um....Your Highness...." She attempts to walk over to Omen, but ends up swaying back and forth until she crashes into a pile of books. The books come crashing down on top of her, forcing the breath out of her. "...so tired..." Serenade tries to shake the books off her, but she ends up just slumping down. 

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Vivid rose her eyebrow some when the Human started swearing, listening in to the quite... interesting way he had of doing so. Some of life's cruel sides she had gotten used to more than others since she sold her soul, but swearting in the coarser terms than what they did here on Equestria was not one of them. She knew the words, sure, but it was still not something she had ever gotten used to, though she couldn't blame he took them in use right now. It wasn't an easy situation that he had suddenly gotten thrown into after all.


The eyebrow rose a little more when he actually started to reply to things more directly and go a little away from the stoic soldier answers she had gotten so far and more into something resembling an actual conversation. Sure, it had started with him snapping at her about her little lesson, but still.


"Even the best can fall."


Vivid did her best to sound like she were sorry for his current situation, now that he had realised it, yet it sounded a little forced since she wasn't entirely sure how to handle this. Most of her compassion were when she spoke with the dead, and she had the feel of their spirits to guide her somewhat in the moods and the way she should respond. Yet the living weren't as easy, and she would be the first to admit that among the repertoire of emotions she had to use on a day to day basis, caring was not one of the most used ones. Perhaps she would do better with some words of encouragement than this?


"Considering everything, you are somewhat fortunate to have landed here of all places though. Equestria is a helpful country, and those countries beyond these shores - though sometimes more strict - do contain mostly well-spirited beings too. If you want to return to your home of heroes, there is a good chance that somewhere, somepony will be able to help you back."







"What is *desertion*? And why won't they like that? You look for your family, isn't that good?"


Omen watched as Senlin fumbled with the same question she couldn't answer either, thinking briefly on how she thought she understood him a little better now. Both of them had something to watch for, but after they had found what they sought, they were both faced with the dilemma of not knowing what else to do. They had some ideas, like Senlin wanting to return and see what his kin would say to them, whilst Omen had hers about looking for a home, but was that really a goal or just what seemed like it needed to be done?.


She didn't know the answer to that, and she wasn't sure if Senlin knew either. All she knew were what they sought so far, and how it confused her that the end of Senlin's search would result in his own family being against it from what it sounded like. Should they not be happy that they both returned instead?




@@Officer Strike,


Stargazer took another sip of his coffee whilst looking over the youngster. He was a bit surprised that she didn't seem to want to answer his question, but perhaps the formality in it all were getting in the way of simple questions like that? Would make sense considering she were keeping her answers short for the time being, though if they were gonna work in the same city and try and keep some peace here in some degree of tandem, it didn't sound like a good way to keep things.


"Y'know, you don't need to sir me if it is. We're both on an equal hoof here, and since I'm set to stay here for a good, long while we might as well get past the routine sooner than later. I'm Stargazer, what your name?"




@@Seamore Sandwich,



Almost as soon as Serenade stopped trying to shake the books away, they began to be removed from her with a little bit of haste by the enthralled Ziggy. She were still blank to the world at this point in time, but the combination of following Serenade and her deep-rooted instinct for helping those who needed it mixed into the simple instinct to remove that which shouldn't be burying the Siren, and stacking the book in two stacks next to her, whilst Omen watched what was happening. The bookk she had so far found, but was unaware were the correct one they sought, were still wrapped once by her tongue, about a half meter from her face currently, but it was moved a bit to the side so she could see if anything happened with Serenade and Ziggy with an unobscured view.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Luna noticed all the commotion and glided back down. "You should definitely get some rest, Serenade. It seems Omen has found the book anyway." She levitated the book away from Omen, opened it and started scanning through the pages, looking for the spell she needed.




"I'd rather focus on the patient I can help, instead of searching the forest for someone who may not even need my help if she in fact is here," Miles responded. Then the note spoke again, "Reply?" "Yes. Forward to Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, then I would also like to write a response." The ink on the note then shifted into three versions of itself, moving toward three corners of the paper until each took up one square quarter of the page, leaving the other corner blank. The paper then tore itself along its folds into four square pieces, the three pieces with the note folding themselves into the shape of the crane, then growing in size to match that of the original crane before flying off to their destinations. The blank piece also grew to the size of the original note. As he wrote his response, he explained, "A new species has taken up residence in the White Tail Woods and has chased Sissily out of her home. The Kitsune of the hidden village there may need help dealing with that threat, which is why I forwarded this to the Princesses. Don't worry though, I'm sure they can handle it, this is just a precaution in case they spread further."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Well that's what they get for not sticking to their divine purpose, and for living out in the open. Bright orange fur. Size of an alicorn, usually bigger. You tend to stick out. Which is why Kitsune mastered blending in. Yes, we're apex predators. But we get far greater numbers of prey to fall before us when blending in with the rest of the world, sneaking up from behind, and testing the elasticity of their rectal cavities.  But again, that's what you get when you become a bunch of Rastafarian hippies.  


I still do not see why they would live so exposed this far away. We have plenty of awesome stuff back home! And each kit takes pride in it's mission! And the Princesses? Are you for realizes? The princesses don't do jack s##t. They just send civilians out to do everything, whom are usually lead by a librarian, a farmer, a confectioner, a seamstress, a weather manager and a veterinarian. 


And whatever is big and bad enough to rile us Kitsune up, is probably going to need the intervention of more than the princesses go to "strike force." More like the Princesses and the EUP armed forces themselves. Did it say what this "new species" was?

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"The message said they're small, but come in great numbers. They can fire bolts of lightning, and unlike twitter mites, they can revive their dead with electric shocks. It's quite fascinating, I'd like to study the creatures myself. I'll ask them to save me a specimen if they can. If you can't tell, I'm not concerned about wether or not they'll be able to fight them off, I'm sure they can. What I am concerned about is wether they be able to keep them all contained. The risk is not so much the village, but rather Equestria. I doubt Hunter will let any get away though. As I said, it's just a precaution," Miles said, finishing with his note. The paper then folded itself back up and flew off toward the White Tail Woods. "If you're ready, I'd like to get started on removing that stick."

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@@Seamore Sandwich


"Geeze, they'd request outside help over something like that? They'd almost be a dishonor to me and my kin if we weren't so awesome enough to cover the difference. We need to send a well trained Kitsune to teach them how to handle crap like that. But whatever. They reap what they so. Anyways, procedure." She unceremoniously flopped on her side in a manner that would make most ponies wince. "Pull your long... hard... shaft, out of me. Nice... and slowww..." she said in a low husky voice, caressing the everwood shaft going though her. "We wouldn't want to have to clean up a sticky mess... now would we?" She said though a sly smile & half lidded eyes. 


"Even in a life threateningly absurd situation like this, you can still find a perverted side to it."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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The Doctor cast the same transparency spell he had used the night before so he could monitor what was going on inside Priestess as he moved the stick. He began pulling the stick very slowly out through her belly, some of the organs shifting slightly as he did so, but nothing severely enough to cause any damage. As he did so, he repeated again, "For the third time, it's only a precaution. They're not actually asking for help, just warning us of a potential threat, as is protocol in situations like these." He twisted the stick a little, positioning it so a lump on the side of it wouldn't hit any arteries or organs, before pulling the stick another inch. "It may be a large scale invasion over there, but it's nothing they can't handle. I've seen some of their magic as well as their fighting skills, and never have I seen anything like it. The speed, the precision, the raw power, it's incredible what your kind can be capable of. Yours is a race that no changeling I know of could ever hope to replicate effectively."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom, @Frosty Frost, @Damonater,



"Night guys... Thank you for the... hospitality. I thought you might have freaked out naturally the first time you guys saw me."
'It's alright' summer said to damon 'and you didn't freak us out to much, you were kinda funny actually' summer smiled to him, then she walked away and closed the door to give damon and frosty some rest


summer turned around to Blitz 'you should get some rest too, you look really tired' summer said to the filly, and then she yawned 'I'm also really tired, come' and summer walked into her room and closed the curtains, the room became a bit darker and it made summer really tired suddenly. this lighting remembered her from how she used to wake up when she was little. but she was to tired to think about it to deeply. 'sleep well, blitz' summer said and then she curled herself up on her bed and fell asleep


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,  


"That... actually reminds me. Why did you all take so long to enter and leave a portal to get here last night?" Syo asked as Seamore mentioned about the portal. "That portal's magical construction and spatial plan was simple, you get in and out."


Syo then looked out to take a look at the sky, it was a little cloudy with one big cloud blocking the clear view of the blue sky. "Hm... if only one of you have something akin to a bomb, I can just teleport it up there and let it blow a big hole in that cloud."


Syo sighed then she looked at the gap that she blinked across last night. "...Or I can open a new portal to the other side."

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom,  

@@Summer Breeze


"Yeah, you didn't freak me out either, well, not that much," Frosty said to Damon after Summer had closed the door. "You're not the weirdest thing I've seen, but you're definitely up there."


Frosty curled up again into a small ball on the couch. "Goodnight Damon, I hope we'll find Barrel soon."

It took him some time to fall asleep, but when he did fall asleep, pretty much nothing would wake him up anymore until he was well rested again.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom,


There was no doubt in the back of Senlin's mind that there would be a chance he'd get to talk about his own clan to someone else. The only thing he didn't anticipate was he'd be doing so from a negative angle. Everyone had a bad side they didn't want anyone else to hear about and while Senlin thought himself to be the good guy, not everyone saw things that way. 

He stopped as the tail passed by a bench and sat down while grabbing on to the floating object. He didn't need to exert much effort to keeping it steady; his focus was on Omen and what he would reveal.

"I didn't tell you the whole reason why I was out here looking for Lin. You see, desertion is abandonment, like leaving someone or something behind without the possibility of returning. Even though I want to go back with Lin, the clan goes by the old ways. They believed that leaving the forest was a choice that went against the blessing of those who came before us. They found a home for us, a place where we'd be safe and thrive, and choosing to leave permanently or leaving without notice was showing just how proud one was, that those who leave are too good for all that they were provided. I was told back then that when someone leaves, all traces of their existence kept in records were burned and their memories forgotten. I didn't believe it for a time but some stories turn out to be true. I saw someone's records burned and the elders agreed never to speak of the deserter again. When Lin disappeared, I begged my fellow clan members to look for her. Day and night they searched but they were unsuccessful. One day, they just gave up and told me to no longer continue the search. I was devastated but I couldn't give up on her.... I just couldn't tell anyone that I refused to give up."

From there, Senlin simply stopped. His story wasn't over but while he downplayed his fear many times over, this was the one time he couldn't tell himself anything self-deprecating or sarcastic to ease his worries. He knew the truth and he knew it well. Most of all, he knew he shouldn't have lied about what would come next. There was nothing more to look forward to with his clan after finding Lin and all he could do right there and then was to fight back his tears. 


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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Finally! Some due respect. Not even the Princesses acknowledge that, especially not Moon Butt. Still can't get over the fact that she was not only embarassed with some of the greatest pranks in history, she was also humbled on the field of combat. No weapons. No Magic. Just me, opening up a can of grade A, premium plus, all organic, no gmo, freight train, gluten free whop ass, besting Luna and each of her guard in the curb stomp to end all mother fuzzing curb stomps!"

Edited by Denim&Venom
  • Brohoof 1

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"The best... and the worst, tend to die," he replied bitterly. "I just got good enough to survive."


He took a few steps forward, past the creature and in the direction of the smoke. He lifted his hand, pointing in a halfhearted gesture. "You're wearing clothes, so... I'm guessing there's some sort of..." He paused. "That Equestria is a technological society? Or at least enough to have permanent settlements? Short version, I guess, what kind of work is there around here for an outsider?"



Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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"...That's stupid."


Omen had listened in to everything and tried to find meaning in what Senlin had said, but she couldn't find any. Not because she didn't understand what he meant, but because what the others did where he lived were illogical.


"The world is large, filled with knowledge. Dangerous, yes, but interesting and worth wandering in. To punish for wanting to go there and look for something, or somepony... It doesn't make sense. Safe to be from others, yes, but not life. It's prison."


She took a few steps towards Senlin and slowly put a hoof on his shoulder, like she had seen others do when they tried to calm some down that looked like they needed it. She wasn't sure if that was it, but... It looked like it? Not completely like when others were sad, but... Better safe than sorry. At least when it were her friend.


"You did good, choosing her over them. I think she will say it too, and if they don't like that... We find you a place they will. Someplace better."


Her words were a little hesitant now and again, as she still hadn't the grasp on how to do this sort of thing right, and if she were even saying the right things, but it felt like it was the right things. Something she meant too, as if their home wouldn't accept them, she would help them find a place they did. Though, even if they did allow them back... Why go back to prison?


They would see in time she guessed, if they wandered to where they came from when his family were found. If not, it didn't matter. For now, all that mattered were finding the other Longma and then see where things were going. That is, when Senlin were ready for it. He didn't look like he were ready to walk away just yet.







"Around here? Not much I'm afraid. Ponyville haves its times of being the centre of something dangerous, but it haves many protectors as it stands and beyond that it's not much more then a peaceful village. Farming and vendoring is the main occupations that is to find, but a few working with metallic things are here too, inventing things, with some strange ones living in this forest. Mainly the mystic Zecora, but I hear a few other odd ones lives out here too."


She hadn't been long in the area of Ponyville, so it wasn't many that she knew of in the area. She had just overheard a few stories, which had given her a vague idea of a few things, though Zecora were a name that had passed her before. Not many times, granted, but a few whispers here and there had reached her ears and it painted a picture of an interesting sort, though not one she had actively sought out. It was nothing personal, but seers and potion-makers tended to be a little strange in her days, and there was a slight bias that made her hesitant to test if times had changed in that regard.


"As for jobs, there isn't much I know if you'd be suited for, as again, most of it is farming, though... If you are as skilled as you are armed, I hear that they have a few bounties worth hunting in this forest they'd be willing to pay for, if you aren't above that sort of work.


Beyond that, I haven't been in this particular area enough to know of any mercenary or private guarding work happens here, but I somehow doubt it. Only one who'd likely need some guards here are the new princess, and though she'd be thrilled to study you from what I heard about her, I don't know if she needs help.


Still... It would perhaps not be a bad idea to bring you to see one of the royals in any case. They know far more what's to do in Equestria in general for one such as you, and it's likely for the best to make yourself known to them sooner rather than later. Equestria does not exclude others per se, but you're likely gonna have to stick around our world for at least a while and having one of the princesses green-light your presence can make a world of difference. Did for me at least."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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How to have a great time in the Everfree Forest:

1. Grab some buddies and backpacks full of supplies and go camping.

How to have an interesting time in the Everfree Forest:

1. Forget your Cliff Bars.

2. Find a Hydra and run away like a filly.

3. Get stuck in quicksand which wasn't really quicksand.

and 4. Wake up to find your buddies gone.




As he woke up, he wondered if he suddenly was thrown into a horror movie.

He's all alone.

Without his friends.

With little supplies.

In the Everfree Forest.



He got up and looked to the horizon. Finding the castle would be his best bet.

Finding strange clouds high in the sky might be good too.

He could see the tip of the castle below the ominous looming clouds.

Wait, what?


He started towards it because why the heck not.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom

"I guess you can call them old-fashioned, stuck with the old ways in the hopes that they could preserve something that meant so much for them. I didn't think I'd be in the footsteps of those who left the forest but I still have plans to go back and explain my side of the story to them. I very likely wouldn't be allowed to stay with them again; when Lin and I have no more place to go home to, I'd like to come back here to Ponyville. Probably the best place I've been to and the best place to settle down and start again."

Senlin gave himself a few moments to just sit and think about what could possibly happen in the future. He set the tail against his rear where his weight would hold the object steady and entered a meditative pose, claws perpendicular to each other and eyes closed. His mind now clear with focused with only the immediate objective of finding out who made the fake tail.


"Still, I can't think ill for all of them. They brought me in and taught me everything I know today. Some will probably see reason."


Edited by EQ_Theta
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"That's Stargazer.  He's one of the night guards who was assigned here in Ponyville."



"Cool, I have never met a pony who had some relation with princesses. Well other this one stallion named "Blueblood" who claimed to be Celestia's nephew. Judging by the when he acted when I first met him, I think discord would be more a  fitting relative to Celestia. Anyway, you said something about being new to ponyville? Where are from originally?"

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"I was originally from Apploosa.  It was a nice place, but my life wasn't going anywhere, so I moved here to Ponyville to start over."


Copper looked at the menu board to see if there was anything good to have.  He noticed some toast on there so he decided to have some.  Luckily for him it was his turn.


"I would like some toast, please.  Lightly breaded."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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"I was originally from Apploosa.  It was a nice place, but my life wasn't going anywhere, so I moved here to Ponyville to start over."   Copper looked at the menu board to see if there was anything good to have.  He noticed some toast on there so he decided to have some.  Luckily for him it was his turn.  


"Appleloosa is one of the only places I haven't been, I routinely travel to partake in different events around Equestria. Usually its for money so I can pay for my house in cloudsdale, but I mostly enjoy the competition. Strangely Appleloosa doesn't seem to host that many events and when they do it's only for the ponies that currently reside in the town. Do you have any special hobbies?" 

Edited by Fl@mstre@k1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@Blitz Boom



"The portal you see here doesn't lead directly to the other portal, it leads to a dreamscape created by Princess Luna as a passageway between the two portals. My guess is that this would have helped her gain control of the situation if they were followed through the portal. It makes sense anyway, Luna does have control over dreams, it would be easier for her to defend herself there," Seamore replied to Syo's question. Distracted by the answer to the first question, he completely forgot that the clouds were even mentioned in the first place, even though he was the one to bring the subject up himself. He picked up the sack with his mouth, then, slightly muffled he told them, "Each of you take a sheed, yourl need it to get trough da fortal."






Quill entered Sugarcube Corner, followed by his brother, who he had not realized was trekking mud into the shop. He looked up at the clock, then took a notepad out of his saddlebag. "It looks like we're still on schedule." "Then everything's okay, right?" "You made an absolute mess and we had to pay for the damages! It's a good thing I had set money aside in case of another one of your accidents! I even put it in the schedule for today! See!" Quill responded, raising his voice slightly, but not so much the whole place could hear. He was showing his brother the schedule. Ink's ears were flopped down a little as he turned his face away, showing that he was a little guilty for what he had done. "It's under 'Ink's mishaps'! Now go outside and wipe your hooves, you're trekking mud everywhere." With that last sentence he seemed to be calming down a little. Ink started walking back toward the door, his head low, as Quill joined the end of the line behind Flamestreak.





Miles pulled the stick with his hooves a bit more and once the bump on the stick was through, he moved it a little less slowly until the other end of the stick was just barely sticking out of Priestess' back. "Now this part is crucial. The Everwood will heal the wound shut, but I'm going to need to know every signal the Everwood gives you. Tell me about any unusual sensations, aside from the taste of strawberries, immediately when they happen. My Queen, I'm going to have to ask you to physically hold the wound shut around the other end of the stick so it'll heal shut, we can't use magic on it as it will interfere with the healing magic from the stick." He cast a cleaning spell on Allure's front hooves. "There, your hooves should be clean enough now. From there the wound should heal fine internally, but I did come prepared if that's not the case."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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As Lonk was walking over to the ominous Castle and Clouds (registered trademark, patent pending), he was wondering why there ever were clouds there in the first place.

Maybe the Crystal Empire happened again?

No wait, that happened just a couple months ago, and last time he heard, Sombra was completely obliterated.

Maybe the clouds became self-aware and decided to destroy all ponies?

They would have been lower in the sky if they wanted to do that. And besides, there isn't any thunder or lightning.



So, he just keeps walking.

He thought he heard something rustling in the distance, but he ignores it.

Edited by lonkfania

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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When Senlin had started to talk, Omen had eventually taken her hoof back and waited until he was done. Both with replying in defence of where he grew up, and when he did this meditation he had spoken of before.


It gave Omen a little time to think over things when she saw him take the stance and get a more calm look over him again. Not much time, but enough for her to get distracted from the reply she had about his people from what she understood things and veering over towards something else. Mainly about how the odd calm that seemed to go over her new friend were oddly relaxing to watch, though as that ended, so did her sort of fixation, and she took a step backwards to give him a bit of space to move in again.


"...They should."


There was something more, but it had started to elude her when she were about to speak and she didn't find it important to try and remember what it were. Everything said now was things to see as they got along, so to think of the end wasn't something important now, especially not when they were still to just follow this tail, and not on the way back to their home. Not yet at least.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



As he didn't have the first idea how to make a bomb, though he had been near places where they had gone off before, Briar had not really anything to say to what Syo had said, though thankfully that wasn't an issue for long. Seamore had soon after her informed them that they needed to hold a piece of Everwood with them - in this case a seed - to pass through the portal, so with that at heart he focused on that task instead and grabbed carefully down into the bag, then gently pulled out two seeds. One he placed at his headflower where he could hold it somewhat firmly, whilst the other was brought over to Brittle, who were still in the rabbit shape, though had jumped down from his back and gone beside him for the last few meters.


It was a strange sensation that went through him when he reached it forward, though an even odder one for Brittle who went from taking her small paws towards the seed, to suddenly feeling the green flames going over her again and reverting her to her base form the second she had touched it.


It had really surprised her, but though she scuttled nervously to the side of Briar where none of the others were with the seed in her hoof she didn't freak out. Going back to base she understood as her feeling calmer and better around others, and as she hadn't any control over her transformations and wasn't aware of the effects of Everwood on Changelings, she just thought that she felt a tiny bit safer around them now instead of having any idea she was being disrupted.


"...Yes, we're ready it seems. Shall we?"







It wouldn't be long until Lonk would hear rustling from behind him as well. Vague and inconsistent at first, but eventually as he would move on, it became apparent that he were being followed. By what wasn't certain to begin with, as it hid it's presence well, but eventually a little runt of a Timberpup wandered out of a bush and started to growl at him in a way that it thought menacing, but for other beings - such as this Pony - would likely look more adorable.


There wasn't any rustling from other bushes just yet, so the timberpup might be on its own, or it might have a flock that were watching things and preparing to strike. It was hard to say really, though there was something that Lonk could take notice of with the timberpup: It looked like it had been in a fight.


Not with small gnaws that might come from another of its kin nibbling at it, but more like something had simultaneously hit it, cut it and slightly scorched it's right side.


it seemed superficial with the damage, and it would more than likely heal in time - including the half-missing ear - but it didn't look like it had gone through the day without being part of something wrong. Though, that didn't stop it from trying to be like the grown ups.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Throughout his adventures in Mare Scouts, he was always told to stay away from timberwolves, and every time his group saw one, they quietly left the scene.

But now he was face to face with what seemed like to be an abused offspring, and he didn't know what to do.

He wasn't scared, heck no. Not with this little bugger.

But it seemed like this little pup had already been told somewhat how to fight, so if he decided foolishly to attack it, it might attack back. Better safe than sorry.



He slowly backed away from the pup.

But every step he took it took too. He glanced around to see if there was other activity but there wasn't. Good.

Every step, more and more the idea of attacking it seemed to be the best option. Strike first, and it might run away like a chicken, even more so with its apparent beatings. But the warning always prevailed, so he kept retreating.

Now, it seems like the pup is taking bigger strides than him, inching ever closer to its maybe-target.


It was at that point when Lonk said, "Screw this," and kicked it forcefully on its side.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Ooh, shiny." Allure looked at the gleaming chitin of her forehooves. "Okay, so what am I exactly supposed to be looking for as far as sensations go? I mean I've been impaled beofre, numerous times, at once, but apparently not by anything with such supernatural properties." Allure moved to press the gaping hole in Priestess's back shut. "So tell me, how many of you're ex's have had to hold you together while you're being pieced back up?"


"Well, a good portion of them are are not my ex's. I still keep in touch with a great many of them. We just don't get as much time to spend together. Nightwish works as Countess of Subterrania, which is practically a nation state. Fenris, well, she just really likes sleeping, under mountains of ice. Musica, well, she got banished by Starswung the asshat to another realm, so that makes it hard to keep in touch. Mindy, well, coincidentally, resides in that same realm. They have issues w/ transdimensional communication over there. The reception sucks.


Anyways we don't stay apart cause we want to. We're apart cause circumstances being a total jerkfaces and getting in the way. Regardless, that's not gonna stop us all from trying. Nothing can stop true love. Not time. Not space. Not death. But to answer our question... oh just about all of them."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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The kick was a good try,  but though the pup looked a little damaged and wasn't the big bad of it's litter, the little knee-biter wasn't slow and easy to hit. When Lonk tried to hit it, it made an agile jump out of range of his hoof and took a small step backwards, though it wasn't taking it's eyes of the Pony.


The pup hadn't been attempting to hunt Lonk as it wasn't stupid enough to think that it could take down something that it only reached a little above the knees off, but it had tried to act tougher than it actually were and since the pony had walked backwards, it had done like many others of its kind: It had tried to get the pony into a chase and fight.


It was more instinct than anything, since the only thing it could so far win over in that were rabbits, but it was still young and it was raised to chasing down things like this. Though granted, they tended to hunt in a team when it were instead of this.


For now, the little one were half-circling Lonk at about a meters distance and not trying to get nearer yet, though it wasn't gonna leave him alone yet it seemed.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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