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Blitz Boom

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Musical and Sweet Blossom/Rose were repairing most things on Ponyville, and some Pegasi , Earth ponies and Unicorns were also helping. They were manly focusing on repairing the clock tower one by one piece, though finding the exact pieces of it was almost impossible.


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Zinthar didn't grimace again as one might expect when Crescent told of the zebra's stance on him.Instead, a weak laugh escaped him as he glanced towards Zecora once again.


"Why am I not surprised to hear that? Typical zebras and their ways."


Or perhaps she didn't have her ways with all and everypony as he had just said after all, as he could see the foal that she were talking with in there avert his eyes from some sort of object between them, and then leave the table they sat at with tears going down from his eyes. Why, he could even hear the colt, faintly as it were, when he spoke to Zecora.


"I-It's blank now, but I still don't... I don't know what to make of this. Something took them, even my family, but they're not taken anymore? Or is it even them? And what were that thing?"


It seemed like Cover-up was using the questions to keep himself from falling apart where he stood now after what he had seen, though the lines of tears were still present on his face, and his mind were filled with more worries and doubts than he had before entering this hut.


Regardless, whatever else there might be to find he were going to need some time now and perhaps some responses that were only words, as currently, seeing more of this past could end up shattering him.







"So, remove the big one, and the rest leaves?"


Omen looked at the timberwolves with her head tilted to one side, thinking over this.


They looked different from the ones she knew from around the Everfree Forest and such, but even if they were overall looking more fiercely, she were as unfazed by them as she were the ones she knew of. Granted, she tended to not even go near them and just watch from small gates and such, but they still weren't something she feared, though she knew a good deal of ponies did.


She never really understood why in the long run. They might have fangs and were in groups, but they didn't attack town, and everypony always seemed to get away from them, so what was the issue really? With those she knew that were, these she had an idea of why others might find problematic at least, considering how they looked and seemed more prepared for the attack, if you could say that? They were acting more as a group were a way she could say it too, but let that be what it were.


A gate swirled open next to her as she glanced at the alpha, stretching and compacting slightly as she took an eye-measure of the creature and how much space it would take if she had to put a gate beneath it, or in front of it. A simple, analytical thing that she had done soon, and the gate diminished out of existence again.


"Could work."







"Don't worry 'bout bumming me out with sad tales. Frankly more concerned that you two seem to get down from it, as that ain't a good thing to keep bringing 'round. Ponies are supposed to be all happy and smiley, don't you know?"


Chow grinned slightly, trying to lighten the mood a bit after the more heavy-hoofed conversation between the two of them. They had started to really strike him as the sort that brought themselves down to have the other pick 'em up, giving that one a confidence boost and strengthening their bonds until that one got down, rinse and repeat, but he wasn't a shrink, so what did he know, eh? Better that he just didn't mention it, and then try to move past it.


"And don't you worry your noggin' 'bout it sugar, I can get us there without you needing to get off yer flank. Just need to wait for the train to arrive, then park the cart on the last pull-along if he got it with him this time. Never sure 'bout it since this is sorta more of a tourist thing and-"


Just then, the faint sound of the whistle was heard, and the sight of the train closing in became evident.


"Talking 'bout the sun, here it is. And if my eyes are still working, it looks like it might just have the right set of wheels on it to make the last the open one. Heh, if they got a discount on tickets too I'm gonna buy a scratch card when we reach town, cause Lady Luck seems to be giving us a push in the right direction, and it'd be a might a mighty shame to not test the limits of it."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Misty looked to Astral. "He's right actually Astral. I think in any case we should stop bringing it up."


Astral smiled. "Sorry, I tend to find some reference to them in everything." She rolled over. "We might just need Chow to stick around to give us moral support in my case." She whispered.


Misty chuckled. "Ya think?" Misty whispered in response, leading the two to start chuckling, soon interrupted by the sound of the train whistle. Misty sprung up, the wagon shaking a bit. "Woah." Oddly enough, Misty hadn't seen a train before, she didn't speak a word of this in the awe she felt from seeing one. "Is that what a train looks like?"


Astral looked up at Misty with a chuckle. "Yup." She looked ahead towards the train. "They used to look different in my time though."


Misty looked down to Astral. "What did they look like?"


"Similar, but less fancy." She snickered a bit at a realization. "You know, this is the first time I've looked up to you."


Misty grinned, and then smiled, and then started chuckling. "That's the first funny height joke you've made."


Astral rolled over to look at the sky. "Yeah." She smiled. "Oh, and it's nice to hear you can just carry me on Chow!" She yelled out referring to Chow.


Misty chuckled lightly, turning to look to the train as it approached. "You wouldn't mind if I sat next to Chow on the train. Right?"


Astral shook her head. "Sit next to who ever you know."


Misty smiled. "Thanks." 

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Musical was glueing two pieces of clouds together. How did they slice a cloud?


Cloud Chaser came to tell him something. "Hey, uh...we found a few pieces of the clock tower on the Everfree Forest, but its kind of dangerous going there...it would be nice if you and Rose go instead."


"Oh, right." Musical says, grabbed his paintbrush, and flied to the Everfree Forest, Rose going with him on the ground.


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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Brrreep?" The kitling chirped out.Overall it looked like a little changeling, same wings, sabertooth fangs & dorsal fins, a hornh on the forehead. But the eyes were purple, the ears were bigger, the muzzle longer & narrower w/ thin whiskers and a dog's nose, the tail was bushier and grey w/ a white tip, and the legs were longer, w/ chitinous paws instead of hooves. Essentially a fox shaped changeling.


The Kitling looked to the pony before it, coking it's head to the side looking at her oddly, before leaning in to start sniffing her face. 

  • Brohoof 1

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(I apologize it took so long, i havnt had internet much and ive been busy.)


Krystal walked slowly following the strange bat-pony. His every step leaving goo behind him in a trail. He sighed as he looked back behind him at the trail he left. "Makes it hard to hide." He thought to himself chukling at the thought. When the strange pony poked at the cloud and said it was supposed to be strawberry jelly his mouth began to water... or well... drip goo at a faster rate.

"I love strawberry jelly! Its my second favorite, next to grape. Oh can we try it please?"

Krystal bounced up and down circling the cloud. His somewhat over hyperness causing him to launch goo in every direction. He settled down quickly and looked around. "Oh... im sorry." He mumbled as he hung his head. He looked over seeing that he had gotten goo on the cloud and quickly jumped up. "Dont worry, i can fix that. It comes off like water!" He exclaimed as he reached his hoof up and poked at the few bits of goo. They attached themselves to him and came off clean.

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@@Blitz Boom


Again Zhu would hear The Traveller speaking directly into his mind, "Aren't you forgetting someone?" He was of course referring to Charlie, who was still tethered to the glowing stick lying in the road. Somehow, Charlie was in a sleep state, though Charlie wouldn't be able to do much anyway, being a mere spirit attached to a branch. "I know the sudden appearance of all of The Forgotten One's victims is most likely causing many new visions, which I assume is disorienting, but these two have a deal, and I don't think they'd be too happy about getting split up now." He sounded a bit more cheerful, and a little less sure of what he was saying than he did before the creature was defeated. In fact, he sounded like a whole new hippogriff.



@@Blitz Boom


Charlie awoke in Vivid's dream, unsure of where this place was. "What's going on? Where am I?" Vivid and her guest would be able to see Charlie lying in the road, facing away from them in the form of a sea green, semitransparent triops (it basically looks like a horseshoe crab with three eyes). Unknown to Charlie, it was Charlie's proximity to Vivid that caused this to be the destination when entering The Realm of Dreams. With no real body, specifically no brain, Charlie had no way of creating a unique dream as anyone else would, so the default would be the dream of the nearest dreamer.

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"Sometimes I don't know why I look after these little things, but then if I didn't who would?" Sniffing the kit back just to confuse it. "Two can play at that game little one." She sniffed a little more, before letting it be and allowing the little one to do it's own sniffing of her. This made her giggle a little. 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Blitz Boom


The alpha male sized up the group and noticed the gate opening close by. Timberwolves are pack hunters, but this group seemed like it was getting ready to back up the leader and jump into the gate itself to give their alpha some time and room to manoeuvre. Just as expected of them, the leader sidestepped to the left and a smaller timberwolf took its place with a second pouncing to the longma group leader. He stepped back from the attack and swiped the attacker, taking a chunk of its face off. 

"Don't underestimate them. You take it down but it will always get back up and put itself together."

Lin took a deep breath and stepped forward. She focused her energy into growing her webbing once more, the smokey wisps began to trail off from her body. The wolves hesitated but one leapt at the chance to take her down from above, only to be caught midway into its attack by Sen's upward swipe. 

"I had that one, brother!" Lin annoyingly remarked. Sen smirked back before evading another attack. Meanwhile, one of the wolves eyed Omen and prepared for their attack from the front while a second and third circled around her. Both wolves crouched down and leapt into the air; Lin caught sight of them and yelled out "Omen, behind you!"  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost,  


Summer looked at the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. frosty clearly seemed to have messed up a bit but it was nothing that couldn't be fixed. she sat straight up and saw the vine from her hoof. she stood up and saw lyriel be way to relaxed about all of this, which in the middle of this little bit of chaos had an almost commic effect and summer couldn't help but chuckle. 


then she flew into the air "I'll help you frost, I would close your eyes if I were you, and you too blitz if you're in there somewhere" she said calmly and regardless if they followed her advice she flapper with her wings and a strong but controlled wind started to blow, summer aimed it so that it would blow away the sand and created a little tornado to move it out of the way. with a smirk she aimed the tornado so that the sand would rain down on lyriel. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

The little kitling sensed the amusement from Star, as well as her good intentions and affections. It also got her scent, and this big pony before them smelled a little bit like big almost sister.


Sensing the good vibes from otuside the crates, the others popped their heads out. 3 kits and another kitling jumped out scurried around Star's hooves, sniffing and pawing around her. 

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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


Frosty screamed a bit in surprise when Blitz suddenly hung from his neck out of nowhere. He hadn't seen that one coming, in more ways than one. (Heh.) In his panic he stumbled around a lot, trying to push the mysterious assailant away from him, probably with little succes. He wasn't very good with scary things.


But before he could get a good grip on the mystery neck-hugger, he fell over because of a sudden gust of wind that he (again) hadn't seen coming. This wasn't really going well for Frosty.



At the edge of the forest the light-blue pegasus decided to approach the group, and maybe say hello.

She silently walked towards the weird...tree...beast? Because that one seemed the most sane at the moment. The other two were playing in the sand, and freaking out.


"Ehh, excu-"


Her words were cut short by a tornado of sand, making her cough a lot. She quickly turned from hesitant and careful into just really, really angry.


"Oh, ok, who did that?! Own up! Come forward! I won't be angry, EXCEPT THAT I WILL! Covering other ponies in sand is just plain rude, man!"


The light-blue pegasus was stomping the sand in her rage, making little sand-clouds. She would look really scary, were it not for the fact that she was a slightly on the small side, pretty frail looking mare.

But she probably looked scary anyway.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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"Awh, and here I thought I'd be able to tie you up and toss you in the cart so I'd get some peace and quiet."


Chow grinned at Misty, as the little rascal said she'd want to hang 'round him when they were riding the train. Why he wasn't sure, but hey, not like he was sure why the two of them wanted to hang after they reached Canterlot either - based on what they said - and he didn't care much either. Frankly he was just happy to have some ponies around that didn't want to shoo him away for being weird, or in cases like Fluttershy, for hunting animals.


Especially now that he had gotten himself into returning to Canterlot were he going to need that, as that town was not friendly on the isolated. Not like they went attacking on him or anything, that'd be silly, but more like the overall feeling of being alone really crushed you there amidst the abundance of parties, walking mates, nobles talking etc. Really began to grind your gears after a while.


But, no more time to think on that. The train were approaching, and he stepped up on the bit of wod that marked the *station stop* to await it slowing down and catching them on, which it did shortly after. From the looks of things it had the empty, open train-car with it too for stuff like this wagon as he had thought at a distance, so that were good, but before he had to count his blessings, he had to get some tickets for the three of them, and one for the cart of course.


"Back in a jiffy, alright?"


He didn't wait for an answer before he went to the regular entrance and found himself face to face with the conductor. It was pretty standard after that: He bought some tickets, using some of the bits he had managed to get along with him before getting out of Ponyville earlier, and soon after were back with Misty and Astral, whom he each gave a ticket before hauling the cart in place and tying it down.


He considered telling about the situation in ponyville, but this train wasn't going that way currently it seemed, so it was probably best to not try and spread worry 'round the train and instead just wait until they got to Canterlot, at which point he could inform the main station. They'd get the word out to where it mattered.


"Alright, think that short of a rhino charging you, you should be secured Astral... Perhaps an ill tempered bull could do the trick also, but I'm not thinking either of 'em would charge a moving train, so you'll be fine. Enjoy the view until we reach Canterlot, or alternatively, have a nice nap."


Chow grinned as Astral and gave her a little scout-greeting before turning around and signalling for Misty to follow.


"Come on, let's see if we can't find a seat, eh? Train's gonna start moving again any second now."








Jelly looked with big eyes as Krystal stained the cloud with ooze, and subsequently removed it again. Her daddy had always told her of all sorts of strange, fascinating creatures out in the world that filled her with wonder and excitement to hear about, but through it all she had never heard of a goo creature like this, and every new thing she saw - no matter how mundane it looked - were wondrous and mysterious to her. Like new Daring Do books, or whenever her school went on trips to the museum in Canterlot.


"So cool..."


It took a bit more before she got out of it and stopped looking up at Krystal with almost a glimmer going over her eyes, but eventually she did, and turned around to the cloud, which she flew up on and poked around for a little bit before finding a good spot to go for. Well, that, and poking to see if there were more goo, which didn't seem to be the case at that point. She were curious how it felt since by some miracle, she hadn't been hit thus far, but that'd have to be a mystery for a nother time it seemed as she withdrew her small pocket knife and started to make a hole in the top of the cloud.


it were about half the size of her head to make sure that it wouldn't just spill out with like it were nothing, but it'd be good enough for anypony wanting to put down a hoof, or other appendages, and have a taste of the rich, fresh strawberry jelly. She almost took the first taste, but Krystal had asked, and daddy always taught her to - amongst other things - let others needs come before her own. Besides, as she felt Gary rummage around her mane, she had to stop and pull back a little.


"All set, just don't toss the bit of cloud away please. need it to plug it afterwards."


She had reached the ground again when Gary popped his fuzzy little head out from her mane and looked at Krystal with the two red eyes focused on him.


He was a fairly big spider, and clearly not a local kind as the ones in the Everfree Forest tended to be the more common variety with eight eyes and just a typical exoskeleton, whereas he had only two eyes, were so covered in grey fur that you couldn't see his body beneath, and without the extra part that tended to include the overly big silk gland, he could easily be mistaken for a dust-bunny with eight legs.


Regardless, he kept his eyes on Krystal, and kept the majority of himself hidden within his friend's mane, though the look he gave towards the goo pony carried more of a disinterested glare than anything else. But what else could one expect when the *pony* was too big for him to eat, and didn't seem threatening thus far?





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


"Please, calm yourself little one, they meant to harm with it. They are simply playing around and did not see you there."


Lyriel knelt down so that she could see the unknown pony more in the eyes, though kept a little distance as the angry equine could potentially end up hitting her if it were. By accident she were sure of, but still, it would not be something she'd want, and especially not when faced with another that might have gotten here by accident. At least, that were what she would assume, since from what Nerzhei had told them, ponies should not be here in dragon country.


Waiting for the pony to no longer stomp around, Lyriel brushed some of the sand that had been dumped on her off in silence, and stole a glance towards the others, were Blitz were still clinging to Frosty's neck and giggling, looking pleasantly happy at the moment. In fact, it seemed they all three were, which were a good thing after the day of strange happenings they had been through.


The sand didn't bother her really, as it were essentially just earth that were tossed upon her, though the smell of the volcanic ash were rather unfamiliar and slightly off-putting. A little too... Spicy in the smell, if you could say so, for her taste. Still, it was nothing major, and as she let the three ponies behind her enjoy their games, she returned her focus entirely on this new one.


The changeling would be able to feel Lyriel's emotions, much like any pony's, though love were not a present feeling as such. Calm, joy, happieness and for her, a tinge of worry, were the more present ones, with none that would indicate aggression, so the humanoid woman was likely not a threat for the small being. At least she would not seem like it from that perspective.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Before h left the town, the sentence went into his mind and Zhu stopped himself, though he didn't turn around. He simply waited in place as he guided the winds to pick up the stick and quickly get it towards him, at which point he would stash it in his robes. What he had to say about this would remain unheard until he reached the Creator though, at which point he would rise his head and look at the enormous creature whilst putting down the bin containing the slowly-resurrecting mare of demons.


"Only one of the returned gives cause for concern. A kitsune, young or small of stature with a future that could branch towards a darkness that could engulf several towns, or one where she could be a protector that others would seek shelter behind when trouble arrived. More paths leads to darkness than light, but with some guidance, perhaps she may yet be of good service to the country, and the balance as a whole. Much like the mare of demons.


You know of her influence on the scales, yes? A being with magic that weighs on the side of darkness  but whose actions seem to be that of good? Even if I don't yet know what her future brings, as I have yet to set eyes upon her after the shroud have now lifted, I doubt her influence would wane, as I assume you know as well as I do the importance of having a weight you can place on the side of evil, that does not act accordingly? The amount of true evil that can be toned down whilst still maintaining the balance is impossible to ignore for me at least.


I can imagine her needing something to keep her on the narrow path when she returns though, but I am prepared. I have found things since I stumbled upon her those many years past that will guide her well, though I suppose you are correct. She haves other deals to handle first when she returns, just like the citizens of Ponyville and... Celestia, does."


His words silenced for a brief moment as he thought over the presence of the princess before. Many thoughts emerged of what he had to do there, and how to explain it as he were bound to be found by her eventually now, but as with before, he pushed them aside and focused on the here and now. Or perhaps, depending on how the Creator would approach things, the there and then.


"Have you yet wondered about what time might come after this, or have you already glanced at what is to come, Creator? I have no certainty if the shroud over my eyes halted your travels through time as well."





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"I have died several times, and I can assure you, returning me to life takes more time than a few seconds. At best, I would need an hour. At worst, several weeks, though I hope it won't be that long. I have things to do and deals to uphold.

As to your worries, I would think them valid, yet how do you know for certain that you do not contain a soul,. or would gain one in time?

It is rare, but I have encountered a few times when some objects have gained consciousness and developed a soul over the years. I cannot say I know how it happens, but I wouldn't rule out that the conviction of you being alive, combined with the higher sentience and emotional state that beings like ponies usually have on their own play a part in it.

And before you ask, I know those things had souls, because I were there when they died, and I helped guide their spirits onwards. But still, I have no idea how this happens, I have only theories, and flimsy ones at best."

Vivid went silent and walked towards the dream-illusion a little, thinking over something that had occurred to her before hearing a familiar voice to the side. Not one she had heard for more than a single visit, and then afterwards in the mind of the beast, as she were getting pressured from it trying to tear her from its being, but it were one that stuck out as she turned towards its originator, and further down saw the dream spirit that had once visited her dream, along with the plant. What were their names again though? Briar and...


"Charlie? How did you end up here, in my dream? And more importantly, does this mean that the endeavors were not for nothing? Is the creature gone?"







The two wolves wouldn't get much of a chance to get near her as before they reached her, in mid-jump, a gate appeared in front of each of her assailants, which left them inside the shadowy realm of her kind as the gates closed behind them again. They'd be transported to some random place after this, though where exactly they'd go from the gates that she had then opened in the shadowy realms they could escape from were anypony's guess. Hopefully somewhere near, without being too near, though within being in there to direct it better there wasn't any way she could be sure.


Regardless, she stood unfazed as those who had come for her went away, tilting her head and looking around towards the other wolves and wondering where they'd go next. Hopefully not towards Sen and Lin again, but wild animals like these were hard to understand. They seemed to run just on aggression, but what did she really know about this sort? Pathetically little was one way to answer that, but be that as it may, she were trying to learn at least.


"Strange creatures."







"Okay, this should hopefully be the last one then."


The voice of the female rummaging around the remains of the emergency field hospital in the Everfree Forest outskirts were largely unheard by others. Mainly because she were, far as she knew at least, alone there, but that was of little concern to her as she kept on packing up the stretchers and such that hadn't been taken along as the locals had been transported to the safe shelters. There wasn't really that much, but it had been enough to make this her second time here after the doctors had asked her if she'd help, which she had accepted quickly. It gave her the chance to get a little away from watching her still-unconscious uncle, as well as the weird looks the ponies gave her now and again, which were a relief. She knew they weren't used to griffins in this area, but really, it didn't make it feel any better in the long run.


She were a rather peaceful one, regardless of her armor, though you could argue that the light armor that only covered her torso, shoulders and knees weren't really an indicator of anything else than caution either. Especially as the colour of the metal were a special coating of rainbow colour, that changed depending on what angle you looked at it from. A gift from some years past to the white griffin with the grey specks here and there - primarily on her wings - that some found odd before meeting her, but made a good deal more sense when you looked at her long tail-feathers, that adorned the myriad of colors associated with this color-pallet in the sky. Rather strange looking for some, but it wasn't like she could decide her own genetics after all.


A table that had to be folded down were her main focus as somepony seemed to get closer, though she didn't take much notice of it unless the pony made her presence known. She really should have, but she still had a lot of things rummaging through her head, so she hadn't the focus to also be completely aware of everything around her right now. Which just made it good that it wasn't a timberwolf that were sneaking up on her, but instead a member of an overall friendly race, though who were to say what her intentions might be?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Charlie awoke in Vivid's dream, unsure of where this place was. "What's going on? Where am I?" Vivid and her guest would be able to see Charlie lying in the road, facing away from them in the form of a sea green, semitransparent triops (it basically looks like a horseshoe crab with three eyes). Unknown to Charlie, it was Charlie's proximity to Vivid that caused this to be the destination when entering The Realm of Dreams. With no real body, specifically no brain, Charlie had no way of creating a unique dream as anyone else would, so the default would be the dream of the nearest dreamer.

"I have died several times, and I can assure you, returning me to life takes more time than a few seconds. At best, I would need an hour. At worst, several weeks, though I hope it won't be that long. I have things to do and deals to uphold.

As to your worries, I would think them valid, yet how do you know for certain that you do not contain a soul,. or would gain one in time?


It is rare, but I have encountered a few times when some objects have gained consciousness and developed a soul over the years. I cannot say I know how it happens, but I wouldn't rule out that the conviction of you being alive, combined with the higher sentience and emotional state that beings like ponies usually have on their own play a part in it.


And before you ask, I know those things had souls, because I were there when they died, and I helped guide their spirits onwards. But still, I have no idea how this happens, I have only theories, and flimsy ones at best."


Vivid went silent and walked towards the dream-illusion a little, thinking over something that had occurred to her before hearing a familiar voice to the side. Not one she had heard for more than a single visit, and then afterwards in the mind of the beast, as she were getting pressured from it trying to tear her from its being, but it were one that stuck out as she turned towards its originator, and further down saw the dream spirit that had once visited her dream, along with the plant. What were their names again though? Briar and...


"Charlie? How did you end up here, in my dream? And more importantly, does this mean that the endeavors were not for nothing? Is the creature gone?"


"Even still, those objects have something I don't--mass. They're real. They exist, in the waking world, and I'm here, a shred of someone's dream, doomed to--oh, hello!" He made a cheerful wave, looking at the new pony that had sprouted. "Considering this is Vivid's dream, I would normally assume he's not real, but then again, you're not exactly a normal pony..."


He sighed with a sheepish smile. "What even is reality?"


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"Awh, and here I thought I'd be able to tie you up and toss you in the cart so I'd get some peace and quiet."


Chow grinned at Misty, as the little rascal said she'd want to hang 'round him when they were riding the train. Why he wasn't sure, but hey, not like he was sure why the two of them wanted to hang after they reached Canterlot either - based on what they said - and he didn't care much either. Frankly he was just happy to have some ponies around that didn't want to shoo him away for being weird, or in cases like Fluttershy, for hunting animals.


Especially now that he had gotten himself into returning to Canterlot were he going to need that, as that town was not friendly on the isolated. Not like they went attacking on him or anything, that'd be silly, but more like the overall feeling of being alone really crushed you there amidst the abundance of parties, walking mates, nobles talking etc. Really began to grind your gears after a while.


But, no more time to think on that. The train were approaching, and he stepped up on the bit of wod that marked the *station stop* to await it slowing down and catching them on, which it did shortly after. From the looks of things it had the empty, open train-car with it too for stuff like this wagon as he had thought at a distance, so that were good, but before he had to count his blessings, he had to get some tickets for the three of them, and one for the cart of course.


"Back in a jiffy, alright?"


He didn't wait for an answer before he went to the regular entrance and found himself face to face with the conductor. It was pretty standard after that: He bought some tickets, using some of the bits he had managed to get along with him before getting out of Ponyville earlier, and soon after were back with Misty and Astral, whom he each gave a ticket before hauling the cart in place and tying it down.


He considered telling about the situation in ponyville, but this train wasn't going that way currently it seemed, so it was probably best to not try and spread worry 'round the train and instead just wait until they got to Canterlot, at which point he could inform the main station. They'd get the word out to where it mattered.


"Alright, think that short of a rhino charging you, you should be secured Astral... Perhaps an ill tempered bull could do the trick also, but I'm not thinking either of 'em would charge a moving train, so you'll be fine. Enjoy the view until we reach Canterlot, or alternatively, have a nice nap."


Chow grinned as Astral and gave her a little scout-greeting before turning around and signalling for Misty to follow.


"Come on, let's see if we can't find a seat, eh? Train's gonna start moving again any second now."








Jelly looked with big eyes as Krystal stained the cloud with ooze, and subsequently removed it again. Her daddy had always told her of all sorts of strange, fascinating creatures out in the world that filled her with wonder and excitement to hear about, but through it all she had never heard of a goo creature like this, and every new thing she saw - no matter how mundane it looked - were wondrous and mysterious to her. Like new Daring Do books, or whenever her school went on trips to the museum in Canterlot.


"So cool..."


It took a bit more before she got out of it and stopped looking up at Krystal with almost a glimmer going over her eyes, but eventually she did, and turned around to the cloud, which she flew up on and poked around for a little bit before finding a good spot to go for. Well, that, and poking to see if there were more goo, which didn't seem to be the case at that point. She were curious how it felt since by some miracle, she hadn't been hit thus far, but that'd have to be a mystery for a nother time it seemed as she withdrew her small pocket knife and started to make a hole in the top of the cloud.


it were about half the size of her head to make sure that it wouldn't just spill out with like it were nothing, but it'd be good enough for anypony wanting to put down a hoof, or other appendages, and have a taste of the rich, fresh strawberry jelly. She almost took the first taste, but Krystal had asked, and daddy always taught her to - amongst other things - let others needs come before her own. Besides, as she felt Gary rummage around her mane, she had to stop and pull back a little.


"All set, just don't toss the bit of cloud away please. need it to plug it afterwards."


She had reached the ground again when Gary popped his fuzzy little head out from her mane and looked at Krystal with the two red eyes focused on him.


He was a fairly big spider, and clearly not a local kind as the ones in the Everfree Forest tended to be the more common variety with eight eyes and just a typical exoskeleton, whereas he had only two eyes, were so covered in grey fur that you couldn't see his body beneath, and without the extra part that tended to include the overly big silk gland, he could easily be mistaken for a dust-bunny with eight legs.


Regardless, he kept his eyes on Krystal, and kept the majority of himself hidden within his friend's mane, though the look he gave towards the goo pony carried more of a disinterested glare than anything else. But what else could one expect when the *pony* was too big for him to eat, and didn't seem threatening thus far?





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


"Please, calm yourself little one, they meant to harm with it. They are simply playing around and did not see you there."


Lyriel knelt down so that she could see the unknown pony more in the eyes, though kept a little distance as the angry equine could potentially end up hitting her if it were. By accident she were sure of, but still, it would not be something she'd want, and especially not when faced with another that might have gotten here by accident. At least, that were what she would assume, since from what Nerzhei had told them, ponies should not be here in dragon country.


Waiting for the pony to no longer stomp around, Lyriel brushed some of the sand that had been dumped on her off in silence, and stole a glance towards the others, were Blitz were still clinging to Frosty's neck and giggling, looking pleasantly happy at the moment. In fact, it seemed they all three were, which were a good thing after the day of strange happenings they had been through.


The sand didn't bother her really, as it were essentially just earth that were tossed upon her, though the smell of the volcanic ash were rather unfamiliar and slightly off-putting. A little too... Spicy in the smell, if you could say so, for her taste. Still, it was nothing major, and as she let the three ponies behind her enjoy their games, she returned her focus entirely on this new one.


The changeling would be able to feel Lyriel's emotions, much like any pony's, though love were not a present feeling as such. Calm, joy, happieness and for her, a tinge of worry, were the more present ones, with none that would indicate aggression, so the humanoid woman was likely not a threat for the small being. At least she would not seem like it from that perspective.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Before h left the town, the sentence went into his mind and Zhu stopped himself, though he didn't turn around. He simply waited in place as he guided the winds to pick up the stick and quickly get it towards him, at which point he would stash it in his robes. What he had to say about this would remain unheard until he reached the Creator though, at which point he would rise his head and look at the enormous creature whilst putting down the bin containing the slowly-resurrecting mare of demons.


"Only one of the returned gives cause for concern. A kitsune, young or small of stature with a future that could branch towards a darkness that could engulf several towns, or one where she could be a protector that others would seek shelter behind when trouble arrived. More paths leads to darkness than light, but with some guidance, perhaps she may yet be of good service to the country, and the balance as a whole. Much like the mare of demons.


You know of her influence on the scales, yes? A being with magic that weighs on the side of darkness  but whose actions seem to be that of good? Even if I don't yet know what her future brings, as I have yet to set eyes upon her after the shroud have now lifted, I doubt her influence would wane, as I assume you know as well as I do the importance of having a weight you can place on the side of evil, that does not act accordingly? The amount of true evil that can be toned down whilst still maintaining the balance is impossible to ignore for me at least.


I can imagine her needing something to keep her on the narrow path when she returns though, but I am prepared. I have found things since I stumbled upon her those many years past that will guide her well, though I suppose you are correct. She haves other deals to handle first when she returns, just like the citizens of Ponyville and... Celestia, does."


His words silenced for a brief moment as he thought over the presence of the princess before. Many thoughts emerged of what he had to do there, and how to explain it as he were bound to be found by her eventually now, but as with before, he pushed them aside and focused on the here and now. Or perhaps, depending on how the Creator would approach things, the there and then.


"Have you yet wondered about what time might come after this, or have you already glanced at what is to come, Creator? I have no certainty if the shroud over my eyes halted your travels through time as well."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



"I have died several times, and I can assure you, returning me to life takes more time than a few seconds. At best, I would need an hour. At worst, several weeks, though I hope it won't be that long. I have things to do and deals to uphold.


As to your worries, I would think them valid, yet how do you know for certain that you do not contain a soul,. or would gain one in time?


It is rare, but I have encountered a few times when some objects have gained consciousness and developed a soul over the years. I cannot say I know how it happens, but I wouldn't rule out that the conviction of you being alive, combined with the higher sentience and emotional state that beings like ponies usually have on their own play a part in it.


And before you ask, I know those things had souls, because I were there when they died, and I helped guide their spirits onwards. But still, I have no idea how this happens, I have only theories, and flimsy ones at best."


Vivid went silent and walked towards the dream-illusion a little, thinking over something that had occurred to her before hearing a familiar voice to the side. Not one she had heard for more than a single visit, and then afterwards in the mind of the beast, as she were getting pressured from it trying to tear her from its being, but it were one that stuck out as she turned towards its originator, and further down saw the dream spirit that had once visited her dream, along with the plant. What were their names again though? Briar and...


"Charlie? How did you end up here, in my dream? And more importantly, does this mean that the endeavors were not for nothing? Is the creature gone?"







The two wolves wouldn't get much of a chance to get near her as before they reached her, in mid-jump, a gate appeared in front of each of her assailants, which left them inside the shadowy realm of her kind as the gates closed behind them again. They'd be transported to some random place after this, though where exactly they'd go from the gates that she had then opened in the shadowy realms they could escape from were anypony's guess. Hopefully somewhere near, without being too near, though within being in there to direct it better there wasn't any way she could be sure.


Regardless, she stood unfazed as those who had come for her went away, tilting her head and looking around towards the other wolves and wondering where they'd go next. Hopefully not towards Sen and Lin again, but wild animals like these were hard to understand. They seemed to run just on aggression, but what did she really know about this sort? Pathetically little was one way to answer that, but be that as it may, she were trying to learn at least.


"Strange creatures."







"Okay, this should hopefully be the last one then."


The voice of the female rummaging around the remains of the emergency field hospital in the Everfree Forest outskirts were largely unheard by others. Mainly because she were, far as she knew at least, alone there, but that was of little concern to her as she kept on packing up the stretchers and such that hadn't been taken along as the locals had been transported to the safe shelters. There wasn't really that much, but it had been enough to make this her second time here after the doctors had asked her if she'd help, which she had accepted quickly. It gave her the chance to get a little away from watching her still-unconscious uncle, as well as the weird looks the ponies gave her now and again, which were a relief. She knew they weren't used to griffins in this area, but really, it didn't make it feel any better in the long run.


She were a rather peaceful one, regardless of her armor, though you could argue that the light armor that only covered her torso, shoulders and knees weren't really an indicator of anything else than caution either. Especially as the colour of the metal were a special coating of rainbow colour, that changed depending on what angle you looked at it from. A gift from some years past to the white griffin with the grey specks here and there - primarily on her wings - that some found odd before meeting her, but made a good deal more sense when you looked at her long tail-feathers, that adorned the myriad of colors associated with this color-pallet in the sky. Rather strange looking for some, but it wasn't like she could decide her own genetics after all.


A table that had to be folded down were her main focus as somepony seemed to get closer, though she didn't take much notice of it unless the pony made her presence known. She really should have, but she still had a lot of things rummaging through her head, so she hadn't the focus to also be completely aware of everything around her right now. Which just made it good that it wasn't a timberwolf that were sneaking up on her, but instead a member of an overall friendly race, though who were to say what her intentions might be?


"Hello? I'd like to help." Zen requested. "I've heard of the damage and it sounds quite bad." A frown decorated her cream-colored coat, though only her muzzle was visible from her hooded robe. She carefully looked at the Griffin  and the pony respectively, finally removing her hood. Concern was clear in her eyes and voice.


She was worried sick, and she came here to help.

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"Camping out is a pleasure that I don't notice that many enjoying anymore, sadly. The larger cities grow populated, and they remove themselves from this more and more, fearing what could hide out here.


Now, I will not romanticize the outdoors too much and claim that it does not have its dangers, as that would be a blatant lie, but there is just so much to gain out here of experiences that the cities lack. The calm, the gentle sounds, the feeling of the moonlight bathe you in it's glow, and waking up to a warm world, covered in a thin layer of morning dew..."


Briar trailed off, getting himself lost in memories for a minute or so before continuing.


"I can imagine that for you, and most others, the sight of these things must be of great beauty too. Mother Gaea knows that I have wondered many a time what it must be like myself, as I can only feel, smell and listen, but from what others tells me there are sights there that is a pity to miss. Especially in some of the places I have visited beyond the borders of Equestria.


*sigh* How I hope I can find at least the Steppes of Nal'Geroh again, and see the rising doombats..."


He seemed to ahve resorted to speaking to himself again there near the end, but he hardly realized. He spent so much time speaking with himself as it were prior to this place that it made him wander on with not a listener beyond him, and the indifferent trees he walked amongst, more often that he cared to think off. Certainly, he had others to care for and speak with now, but you did n ot get rid of old habits as simple as a switch of a button. It would take a long time, and frankly, this might even stick around for the long haul.


Considering the amount of issues one might have at times, this were not so bad, but it did illustrate how much he conversed with himself. After all, what, other than this fault of his, would make him speak to himself about how much he spoke to himself? Seemed like something one would do when the only conversational partner they would have were their own, though he could be wrong. Might just be that he overthought things.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


Phoenix listened to Briar trial on about all the pretty sights, and how he wished he could see them. she figured it wouldn't hurt to offer some encouraging words "hey, cheer up" she said with a friendly tone "you'll be able to see them soon, right?" she asked, as she looked at the bandage over his eyes.  

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Musical and Rose were walking around Everfree Forest.


"I hope we don't find any Timberwolves..." Rose said


"I also hope that purple unicorn didn't steal one of them, too." Musical said.


Rose noticed a piece of the clock. She runned and picked it up.


"Any ideas on how many to get?" Rose asked


"It seems like the whole clock was launched here...I don't know, 4 more?" Musical asked.


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@@Blitz Boom


Three of the group broke off from the rest and lured most of the timberwolves away. Sen picked up on the developments and dashed to the broken pieces of the timberwolf he just broke apart and use them as lures for the others. Many others lay broken on the forest floor but it appeared to have left the alpha male of the timberwolves left with only a fraction of their numbers. The gruff longma grabbed one from below and tossed it to the pack leader, smashing the former to pieces while the latter sustained several broken body parts, including a hanging lower jaw. This coming from the leader of his own hunting party who took down at least half of the pack while no one else was looking says a lot about why the other hunters fear him.


"The others are proficient. They will be safe, and the pack leader is weakened. Now is our chance to take him down."


He turned to Omen and continued. "You seem to have an ability for combat and you barely even touched the last two you faced. I leave you to decide the fate of the alpha. But decide quickly lest more of them come looking for us."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom



As the other guards did what they were told, another older guard approached Celestia. "Princess, I recommend we move you to the castle for your safety." Celestia nodded in agreement, there were many unknown elements around, a good number of which seemed to be armed. It would be foolish not to take caution. "I'll be at Twilight's castle if you need anything," she said calmly before her chariot carried her on her way toward the castle.


Some of the ponies that had appeared were dividing into groups based on their race, more comfortable with their own kind. This was of course because they were from a time before Equestria itself, when the three tribes, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi were still divided. Doctors and healers tended to the wounded while some guards began setting up tents in the distance. The older guard, a Pegasus, flew up onto a low roof nearby, and in a loud voice he said, "Attention newcomers! We are setting up camp to the North. It will be a temporary settlement for all of you who need a place to stay until such a time that arrangements can be made to send you all to your homes, wherever they may be."



@@Blitz Boom


"We are currently in a time I have not yet explored. This was the first iteration where The Forgotten One was defeated, so everything that is to come is new to me, though minutes from now another me from the future may travel back and take my place. Such is the way of my life. Also, my purpose is not to balance good and evil, but to balance chaos and order." The Traveler stopped walking when they were far enough into the forest that Ponyville was finally out of view. "If you would humor me, I'll bring you back to early Ponyville to demonstrate the types of influences I've had to make."




@@Blitz Boom


Charlie turned to face Vivid. "I don't know how I got here. I didn't go through any doors. Last thing I remember was seeing that creature burn, then I felt weak, like it had gone a month without raining." Charlie had never fallen asleep before, so it was a new experience. How else could a former tree explain feeling tired? "For some reason I feel like I'm moving, but I'm not. Does that make any sense to you?" The motion Charlie was feeling was from being carried by Zhu. There was a lot for him to learn about sleep.

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"Why am I not surprised to hear that? Typical zebras and their ways."
"hey now, zeccoras a lot of things typical aint near it if she knows more about vamps then I do...she's something else" cresent looked over at the zebra in question as well seeing her comfort the sobbing colt. His ear twitched listening "poor kid...he;s in for a long climb ahed"


Zeccora had the crystal ball showing nothing but the foals reflection now too much for the colt had already been seen that was easy to tell "And over come you shall but first drink more tea and let this zebra have you see what to do next"


The zebra moved over the crystal ball slowly to the side as not to break it then looked at the colt "this quest you seek to answers you will find but all in time something to note you must answer. The name of your villige what was it, an old bell that rings of a villige this one has been too. Maybe before I ever herd or seen of you and your family. the name you must know it no?"


(ooc:forgot about the text my last post) 

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"Great I've been surrounded by baby kits and I'm gonna get eaten now, I bet you little buggers have your teeth already?" Looking all around herself to see what all the little ones were doing, she'd also put the initial little girl down with the rest of them and decided to sit down and watch them. 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Blitz Boom, Misty tilted a head at Chow's comment. Confused for a brief moment. Then realizing it was just a joke, she hopped down from the wagon landing next to Chow. "In case you were wondering; I just wanted to sit next to you on the train. Not much else, maybe we can get to know each other beyond, well, our horrible pasts."


Astral rolled over shifting the wagon as she did. "Welp, I'm going to sleep now. Wake me up when we get there."


"We'll try our best to." She said with a snicker, moments later Astral started snoring. "Heh. She sleeps really deeply. It's normal. but it always worries me." She whispered rubbing the back of her head. She staid silent mostly as she watched Chow walk over to get the tickets, she turned to look to Astral. "Hmm, I could ask her. I always- no, I have waited to long to ask. but it's also the wrong time. Cause now it can be blamed on her healing a pony with life force, and not the reason from before she did that." Misty thought aloud to herself, mumbling while doing so, seeing that Chow handed her a ticket, she grabbed it before continuing. "Well, She's in deep sleep now. I'll have to wait." She mumbled. Her train of thought stopped when Chow asked her a question, she turned to him. Smiling at the sight of the train again. "Astral's asleep now, just so you know." She walked up to the train, stepping on board with a deep sigh and smile. "Wait." She turned her head to look at Chow. "What would we do if Astral changes her mind and wants to be in a cabin, While the train is moving?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Camping out is a pleasure that I don't notice that many enjoying anymore, sadly. The larger cities grow populated, and they remove themselves from this more and more, fearing what could hide out here.


Now, I will not romanticize the outdoors too much and claim that it does not have its dangers, as that would be a blatant lie, but there is just so much to gain out here of experiences that the cities lack. The calm, the gentle sounds, the feeling of the moonlight bathe you in it's glow, and waking up to a warm world, covered in a thin layer of morning dew..."


Briar trailed off, getting himself lost in memories for a minute or so before continuing.


"I can imagine that for you, and most others, the sight of these things must be of great beauty too. Mother Gaea knows that I have wondered many a time what it must be like myself, as I can only feel, smell and listen, but from what others tells me there are sights there that is a pity to miss. Especially in some of the places I have visited beyond the borders of Equestria.


*sigh* How I hope I can find at least the Steppes of Nal'Geroh again, and see the rising doombats..."


He seemed to ahve resorted to speaking to himself again there near the end, but he hardly realized. He spent so much time speaking with himself as it were prior to this place that it made him wander on with not a listener beyond him, and the indifferent trees he walked amongst, more often that he cared to think off. Certainly, he had others to care for and speak with now, but you did n ot get rid of old habits as simple as a switch of a button. It would take a long time, and frankly, this might even stick around for the long haul.


Considering the amount of issues one might have at times, this were not so bad, but it did illustrate how much he conversed with himself. After all, what, other than this fault of his, would make him speak to himself about how much he spoke to himself? Seemed like something one would do when the only conversational partner they would have were their own, though he could be wrong. Might just be that he overthought things.


"Nature is indeed very beautiful." Zen smiled, appearing from  a portal next to Briar. "I know what its like to be one of the few that enjoy nature as well." she walked with him, very clearly happy to see another pony as appreciative of nature as her, as they were getting increasingly rare.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


The kits and kitlings sniffed all over the newcomer. They all too noticed that she smelled similar to almost big sister Reverie. One kit pawed at her wingtips, while another pounced on her tail tip. However, one kit and kitling were in search of something else.  

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