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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Lance turned around, and visibly jumped. 


He smiled nervously. How did she follow behind me for three whole minutes without me knowing?..

"My name is Lance--" --He flashed the name tag-- "--and I am the newest recruit here. How do you do?"

He waited for a response, though uncertain he would get one.


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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 4:19 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"So then, we have some way to go. Any secrets you two wanna share? I could always use something incriminating about you, just in case."

Cresent smirked at the felines pride refusing the fish he shrugged remembering a cats pride is more then he originally thought, guess he still didn't know to much about cats still. Hearing the option the batpony decided to play. "well in terms of what can incriminate me...." he paused thinking of a comical answer having a hunch the colt was still getting use to his friends dark humor.

"Flamingos, ive never met one that tried to steel my pasta" he said full on lying 

While Cresnt had a lot more truthful stuff to say to incriminate himself with being around for so long one plans and back up plans and back up the back ups so much its been a recurring theme if anon else is involved with said plan. an extra coffin to help smuggle your self an a friend, "and I know more then about 3 coffin makers that's helped me when needed" he said truthfully    

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@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom


“Okay, you know what?” Dawn turned to Kaltrops, thankfully looking away at the same time as Pop kissed Benny. “It looks like you willingly got on the back of the carriage and just rode it into town,” she didn’t really know the circumstances on how Kaltrops came with a pony and a griffin but she had her suspicions. She then turned to Void and walked up to them. “Um, hi,” she waved to Void and even smiled a tiny bit. “I’m Dawn. What’s your name?”

“I don’t think I will,” Aurora squeaked, stepping tentatively backwards so as to not let this sudden Griffin flirter near her. “I guess I’m just lucky? Ihaven’treallylookedanduuhhhh .....” she just devolved into a series of stutters and squeaks, freezing up when she felt her hind legs bump against the carriage near Spicy.

Edited by Dji
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What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

"This may seem weird, but I find that amazing. You, a demon mare. One of the most powerful magic users I have ever met, and demon mares tend to be known for their magical prowess!"

Invictus began flying around excitedly, ignoring his surroundings. Demon mares were thought to be only legend, but here was one, walking right in front of him. He didn't know what to think. But, should he open up more about HIS personal life? Vivid loss seemed trustworthy, and maybe they could form a friendship, but then again, Vivid Loss was a demon mare, and his education hadn't exactly given him much information on them, so he didn't know what they could do. 

"So, what exactly are you capable of?" Invictus inquired. "I've never met a real demon mare before, and the information about them I gleaned from my training in Canterlot was lacking in that subject."

Honestly, Invictus didn't expect her to answer his question.

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@Blitz Boom

"We weren't eating each other, silly!" Pinkie giggled from the ground, where the two had landed in a heap. "We were eating the yummy yummy jellyjams!"

Storm stood up and brushed a bit of dust off of both himself and Pinkie, "You know, I really like this place, it's about as weird as the three of us." He chuckled before the two ponies jumped through the door. (Huh, Stormy's been getting calmer lately... Oh well, that muffin-jam infusion should do the trick! Lack of muffins was getting to me-him-us. One of those. Maybe all of those!)

"Ooo~, dark and bouncy! It's like Surprise Bouncy!" Pinkie exclaimed happily from within the where-ever it was that the portal had dropped them. "Oof!" -And then she promptly collided with Storm, given that neither could see where they were bouncing. "Surpise?" She giggled somewhat apologetically.


"Plan B it is then!" Discord shouted suddenly, a finder raised to the sky in a heroic pose- One he managed for all of two seconds before bursting into laughter. "Ah~, I can never seem to do that with a straight face." He said, wiping a tear from his suddenly crooked face. Then he clapped, fixing his visage within the blink of an eye, "Anyways.." He said, slightly serious "Time for plan Bee!"

Suddenly a whole swarm of Bees flew down around Discord, shielding him from view for a few moments. When they left he was holding a honeycomb guitar with strings of honey and had a vine trailing from one end of the guitar up to what looked almost like a Bee-hive. "And with a Buzz of the strings, we can rock!" He exclaimed, bringing his paw down hard on the strings. There was a sudden burst of noise across every single spectrum of sound as he did so, resonating at every frequency in a loud chord. And of course, Discord being Discord, he began play Flight of the Bumblebee, starting out somewhat slowly but getting faster and faster, louder and louder. (Not painfully so (Due to magic), but somehow still enough to likely have been heard in the neighboring dimensions) It actually sounded quite good, even across every spectrum of sound...

Edited by Shineling
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Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

"Thank you. I'll take all the help I can get," Sen extended one claw across the table and awaited Clayton to shake with his hoof. It was something ponies did when dealing with others though the full extent and purpose of this action eludes the longma. He saw others do it and it seemed like it didn't or wasn't a cause of offense. "I'm Sen by the way. I know your name and I suppose it is only fair you know mine." 

From here, it was a matter of simply following Clayton's lead and waiting on Lin for any progress she has made with Discord. If the worst is to be expected, then at least Discord could likely teleport the group to Fillydelphia, if he could do it. Someone with an unpredictable personality such as his would make Sen optimistically cautious. Right now, there was no word from Lin and if that ever continues within the next few moments, then he'd head over to Fluttershy's. 

As for Lin's, her patience is already dwindling but she wouldn't make the mistake of venting it all out on Discord. There was a good chance the problem was on Omen's side and likely what Discord is doing probably won't result to much. At least the performance was something new and interesting to listen to while waiting.

"That was interesting and all but is there a spell you could cast that lets you know where Omen is? Maybe narrow it down to a general area? Sorry if I'm being too pushy but if Omen is in danger, I'd like to find her as soon as possible."

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@Blitz Boom

Sprinkles shook her head "I don't mind, she'll see me when she comes back out here. I s'pose she's busy baking away so might be a little while... in the mean time you guys can keep me company" She did a little somersault in the air then zipped down the ground again, sliding along and forming a small cloud of dust at her feet.

She twisted her head around and unbuckled one of her saddlebags with her mouth before using her wing to flick a couple of little cupcakes out and into the air. She gracefully caught the two cakes on her other, outstretched wing and presented them to Battenberg's customers. "Want to try one of my speciality cupcakes?" The small cakes looked humorously similar to the pony that offered them forward, yellow brown sponges covered in soft, thick white icing and hundreds of colourful sprinkles. Upon closer inspection the cupcakes could be seen to match the one proudly presented on her rump, though they lacked the candle, were a little more decorative and the amount of icing on the two she held forward was undeniably thicker. "It was a cupcake that gave me my cutiemark, the first thing I ever baked and more importantly the first thing I ever baked with my favourite mentor and best friend Battenberg. I brought her some of these to remind her of that day and to thank her for all she's done for me but I'm sure she wont mind if you have a couple." Her cute, expectant smile was sweetly reminiscent of Battenberg's when she had presented the pair her speciality, it was clear the two ponies shared the same love for baking and were both very proud of their namesake recipes.

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Seconds passed by without any response to his question. Stare just kept looking him in the eyes, without even the sound of breathing escaping her. Her chest did move, so she were drawing breath, but it was low and controlled, befitting of somepony who didn't want to be heard if she could avoid it.

"I'm... Fine, thanks. How are you?"

The shy voice were low, but at least she had responded to him by now. It didn't refrain her from starring up at him though, and Straw didn't really want to stop it currently. Frankly he wanted to test Lance a little before sending Stare off to handle some of the costumers, just to give the stallion a bit of a better impression of the mare, and then see what he thought afterwards. As the last of his employees, she were going to be the breaking point for Lance. Either he'd tough it out and give it a shot, or he'd run out the door like the mare that had applied before him. She had not seemed all that keen on the others either, and had said that Chop was leering at her, so he wasn't too fussed about loosing her. He might have honestly just denied her outright herself all things considered, but enough about that for now.




Zinthar started growling a little as the topic of flamingos stealing pasta came up. Something which made Cover-up twitch and make a little more distance between the two of them, just in case.

"Flamingos... Infernal hellspawns should be put in cages and tossed into a river."

It might be that he was a less than stellar example of morality, but flamingos were far worse in his eyes.

Starswirl had tried to have some in once, and the then-kitten had tried to get closer to them, curious as to what these birds were. They seemed so quiet and uncaring until he got close enough to touch one of them, and then all hell had broken loose. A flood of bashing wings, kicking, and destruction of everything around him. Not to speak of the incredibly rude, horrid things they were screaming at him.

He had managed to pull through his wounds at the time - surprise! - but he had gotten a lifelong scare of flamingos, who eventually devolved into hatred. Quite honestly if he saw one now, he'd show it exactly how unwelcome its presence would be for him. The others would be unlikely to find him pleasing to have around if they saw what he had in mind.

"I don't want to talk about them. Explain why you needed a coffin instead. Did you die?"

Cover-up considered saying something, but he'd rather not get focus on him when the cat was irritated. It seemed like the sort of thing that would only end up with him getting more scars he'd have to paint over.



@Dji @Widdershins

Void twitched a little as the mare got closer and started to talk to her, still pretty shaken up about everything going on - mainly the sword she had almost gotten in her face - but considering how Null were going towards her right now, she forced herself to react to things before her sister would begin to meddle things up.

"I-I.m Void. This here's my big s-sister Null. How are y-you doing?"

It should be obvious that the large earth pony mare with the wooden back leg and glass eye were rather timid, and hostile behavior might cause her to walk backwards away from things. Leaving plenty enough room for her sister to jump her. Null certainly looked like she were prepared to do so if it came down to it, though she wouldn't fly down on the mare at least, which might help make things seem easier if it came to a fight with the small pegasus. Hopefully not something Dawn would point out though. Null were not in a stable mood right now and getting battered about her missing wing wasn't going to help things.

Meanwhile, Aurora's *suitor* were getting a glimmer in his eyes as she wandered backwards and tried to deter his affection.

"Hmhm, hard to get are we? I like that."

Marley walked closer, a look in his eyes saying  that he were most certainly not done trying to entice Aurora, when Spicy jumped out of the wagon with some papers under her wing, and a less than pleased look towards him.

"That's enough Marley. Give her some space, or I'm gonna cut your pay."

A grimace went over Marley's face as she said that last bit. He had already once thought the pony was just joking when she had said that, and his wallet had felt the consequences. Sure, he didn't need that much to get by really, but it cost bits to look this good, and if he got a cut again he'd perhaps be forced to chose between a spa treatment and a fine meal instead of both. Preposterous!

So he backed away from Aurora again, though the look he had given her didn't disappear. She had merely gotten herself a bit of time now from the fear of having to work for five months before he got a regular salary again.

"Good then. Now take a breath Aurora, you're looking like a lobster."

With this sorted for the time being, Spicy went over and handed the papers to the general, who started to scrutinize through them. She didn't think she'd find something, but there was always the vague hope that there would be something she could pounce on that'd give her some leverage.



@The Resident Brony

Vivid's eyes narrowed as she heard him speak of demon mares, expecting him to ask questions about the few others she had met back in her days, before the demons had failed their attempt to influence the world of Equestria through their schemes. She didn't wish to talk about them, and how they had given in to the new powers, turning into demons within as little as a few years to a century, leaving them as unable to walk the world as the regular demons did.

Thankfully, he didn't ask about them, or the grizzly details of what had happened to them since then, but instead wandered to something that made her ease up slightly. A harmless question really, which wasn't an issue answering.

"Every demonic infusion is different, and so are the powers. Depends on who you sign a contract to. In my case, I have been given access to the Veil, which is best explained as an infernal, malleable energy. As an example, we are standing on a tendril made of the Veil, set out by the Bishop herself. I tend not to leave permanent examples of it around though."

A purple glow swirled around her horn as she made a few examples of what she meant, but summoning a dark purple blob, and forming it around into minor stuff like figurines and ponies, before moving on to her more signature move. A large, clawed hand, ideal for grabbing or clawing others, which disappeared into a few puffs of smoke when she stopped her magic.

"The Veil warms demons, but to those without their magic, it feels cool to the touch. If you could feel it as I do, you would feel as is you were running around in an oven, which is something I need to survive. Your temperatures are too cold for me at this point in my... Transition.

I can do something else, but that haves nothing to do with demons, and I will keep that for myself for now. I shouldn't spoil all the fun, right?

In any case, I think it's about time you tell me something. What are you capable off? Alicorns are supposed to be rather powerful, yes?"

Thinking on it, a few more rebirths and she'd pretty much be an alicorn as well. Not in the traditional sense, as a size increase would likely take a few more rebirths after that, but in the sense that she'd have her horn, and eventually wings. She could well feel the membraned wings imprinted on her soul as it were, and in the end, her body would follow suit with the corrupted spirit she contained within it. It was just a matter of time.




A giggling sound was heard in the darkness, though this one didn't belong to Anomaly.

"I don't wanna play with suspense right now. Flip the switch."

A fluttering sound was heard before it went to silence, and then as it were once written: There should be light.

The place they were in were not easy to describe from down here, but that was no wonder with the vastness of it.

From the bouncy flooring they stood upon they could see tall, seemingly unending walls in wood towering upwards, and along the sides of it, platforms hung out with either other bouncy spots, or sections of home. From beds, to a TV room, play rooms, a place with cages - don't ask - and so forth and so on. Sections of what she liked basically, spread around on the inside of this place.

"You're home!"

A creature - around one and a half the size of Anomaly - flew down from one of the closest platforms on four fluttering wings and hugged the pumpkin-headed draconequus.

She looked basically like a humanoid, pink and black stripped bee with two pairs of wings. A set of both moth and butterfly, which seemingly impossibly worked together, even if it looked as if they should have collided. Apparently there was some kind of thought out designs with some Anomaly's madness after all.

"Hey Cherry."

Cherry let go of Anomaly's head and spun as she swung backwards, making her red dress spin around with her and make her seem a bit like a character from an animated movie. It seemed her clothing were made with cherries in mind, as it even came with a leaf hat with small wooded stilts out of it on top of her long, green hair. It thankfully left room for her fuzzy antennas though, so they wouldn't get squashed or bent.

"Hey, who's your fri- Oooh, doggy. Hello doggy."

She'd try to approach the two-headed dog which were still trying to find solid ground to stand on. Its instincts weren't made for this kind of flooring, and it made it yelp out a little in unison. Unless one of the owners of the puppy did something, it'd likely be confused by the new face and bark at her until she moved away again.



@Shineling @EQ_Theta

As the ferocity of Discord's attempts to get hold of Anomaly rose, the air in front of him started to vibrate, and bend a little bit. Nothing more would come of it, and it would die down soon after, but it seemed that either something had attempted to break through to them, or Discord were literally breaking time and space. Neither of them were a comforting thought if you focused on it too much, yet either of them were more result than had come thus far at least. And hey, if time and space got wrecked, at least they wouldn't have to worry about Omen anymore, right?




"It is a pleasure Sen. Sorry that it could not have been under better circumstances."

Clayton reached out and shook the offered claw firmly, but then let go so he could pack up the papers on the table and put them into a briefcase on the seat next to him. He didn't have the time to arrange them in a proper order, so he'd find this annoying later on, but for now he'd have it bogged down and gathered up within a minute or two, so they didn't waste time they could use to get towards Omen.

After packing it up, he went to the desk and asked the innkeeper to please hold it behind the desk until he could return to gather it, and then paid what he considered a fair fee for this, even if the innkeeper was about tot ell him that it wouldn't be a bother for her. Still, bits were bits, and if he were insisting, who were she to turn him down?

With that handled, Clayton corrected his tie, pushed his glasses further up his nose, and then came back to start.

"The forepony have most of the materials near the train station until they have been set in sections where they are needed. If there is an abundance of tarp, we'll find it there. Please, let's not waste any time. With the train ride to get there too we can't afford to waste any significant amount of time."

With that, he'd head for the door, and lead towards to station. Unless Sen had something to say instead, in which case he'd linger, or just listen in if Sen spoke as they walked.




The couple moved back a teensie bit when another aerial show got to work from Sprinkles, but at least one of them moved ahead again instinctively once they were offered a taste of what the baker's specialty were.

"It looks delicious."

Benny licked himself the mouth a little as he reached out for the sample cupcake. He had eaten quite a good deal today, but come on, it was vacation, and just look at it. It looked so good that he could almost feel his mouth water.

Damn ponies and their excellent food sometimes.

A nibble. That was all he aimed for when he got his claws around one of them and took a small bite, trying to act a little dignified. It didn't last long though, as the piece of muffin hit his taste buds and he got a dopey, joyful look on his face.

He'd flip it into his guzzle after that and chew slowly, whilst small shivers of joy passed through his body. It looked a little staged for Pop, but it could also be that this really were that good, and since she had been offered too, she should probably try. partly because it seemed rude to decline unless there was a good reason, and partly because she to make sure she wasn't being pranked by Benny.

Considering the taste, she wasn't though. It almost felt like it was flowing down like honey when she chewed on it for long enough, and the flavor was rich and alive. She wouldn't personally start to drool over it, but she had grown up with pony foods instead of wild animals and gems like Benny, so the impact wasn't as severe as with him.

"Oh my. These are exquisite. You're an amazing baker."

Eating the last of it - and enduring Benny going over to lick a few crumbs off her face - she felt a little sad that she couldn't repay the favor. The kind of candy she had that she had gotten made around the time of her cutie mark, was a caramel that she still stirred and stretched herself, but she didn't have any samples of that with her. Only one, and those bags they were in were sealed, packaged, and stored at the inn the two of them were staying at. They were meant as parts of a gift basket for Benny's parents, and if she started to mess around in them now, it'd look cheap.

"...Benny, I'm gonna have to ask you to take out your hoard."

The dragon went from looking like he was in bliss, to getting a scared look on his face.


Pop looked at him sternly.

"I know you protect it with dear life, but you have to share."

The dragon looked torn. On one hand he had to agree, especially after the delicious treat they had been offered. But on another... This was his stuff, and dragons weren't supposed to let go of their hoard.

Battling a little back and forth, he slowly began to reach back into the left saddle bag and rummaged around until he withdrew a small, sealed back of assorted caramels and chocolate bits. It seemed rather high end too, considering the baggie were small enough to comfortably sit in the palm of his hand and didn't have too much in it.

"I don't know if it can compete, but this is some of the best of what I make. Homemade caramel with swirls of Neighponese Lotus Honey, with pieces of smooth chocolate made with Saddle Arabian Butter Milk and Sweet Tooth Sugar. Don't worry about Benny, he haves like, six more bags with him. He just gets protective of what he likes."

"...Five bags..."

Now of course, Pop didn't say everything that went into her candy. She just mentioned the parts that she usually had on the packs, minus the names. Some of the manufactorers she got her wares from - like Sweet Tooth's sugar cane fields - liked to be mentioned,a nd others hse put in to let know there were quality in what she presented. Neighpon and Saddle Arabia had some good ingredients for candy, if you knew what you were doing, and especially the later could be hard to get certain wares from at times. It tended to show in the results though, so it tended to be well worth the investment in her m ind.

The chocolate should be heavenly and sweet, ready to melt on your tongue and cover it in the taste from overseas - which wasn't too easy to get hold off for a regular mare she might add - and the caramel should have the right amount of chew, and a continuous, mellow sweetness along with it, followed by an aftertaste of fresh lotus petals.

That last one had taken her months to balance right, and the results of the less than stellar ones were pretty bad. She had almost given up actually, after the fifteenth batch of either having no aftertaste and just tasting like regular caramel, or being a deafening taste of lotus petals, which drowned out the rest and ended up being rather disgusting. If she hadn't gotten some help from one of the locals over there, she'd likely never have been able to get it right, and one of the best addition she had made to her caramels since she had first started to make and stretch it, would be lost. A horrible thought for sure.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Sprinkles smiled, she loved to see people enjoying her work and these two had a really good reaction. "You don't have to give up your stash if you don't want to Benny! As a fellow sweet treat creator I can appreciate this candy just by looking if you don't want to give it up. I like that you told me the sources for some of your ingredients Pop, shows you really know what you're doing, I've had ingredients from some of those places myself."

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@Blitz Boom

Invictus chose his next words very carefully.

"Alicorns are very powerful, yes. However, I am considerably less powerful than Celestia, Luna, or Twilight. I am capable of some advanced magical spells, mostly shields and long-range manipulation spells. I am also capable of some basic attack spells, like Lightning and Fireball. But most of my talent lies in combat with my sword and magical shields."

Invictus began to contemplate what else he should tell Vivid Loss. Finally, he had an idea: why not help each other? Surely there is something he could help her with, and he could surely use her help to get the Guards to listen to him.

"How far are we to the entry back to Equestria? Also, Vivid Loss, I was wondering: can we form an alliance? Surely you have something that I could help you with. And I need your help getting the Guards to listen to me. They were always opposed to my leadership during the Insurgent War because they felt that someone my age wasn't fit to lead. With you by my side, they would listen. What do you say?"

Invictus hoped for a Yes, but was bracing for the worst.

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@Blitz Boom

So she speaks! Good thing, too, having a mute waitress probably isn't the best idea. 

"I'm doing just dandy, thanks. Welp, I think Straw wants to finish up the tour and then I'll be able to get working. Nice meeting you."

He didn't get why ponies were so afraid of Stare. I mean, sure, she's kind of creepy, like a ghost. But it's not intolerable. I mean, besides the ability to be so quiet. Plus, it's not like I can actually do another job. I'm running low on bits and won't have time to look for a new one, besides helping with the entirely damaged town. And what happens after the town gets fixed?... so yeah, I kind of have to stay. This is going to be interesting, to say the least.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

Sen quickly packed up his things before following Clayton out the inn. The foot wraps were the last thing to go in, though the longma for some reason thought about needing to put it on sooner rather than later. The mines are foreign land and he'd be prepared for more than just jagged stones pointing up from the ground. Unless pony horseshoes worked differently from what he'd be hearing about - which wasn't too much to begin with - they'd probably have some form of protection for working. The prospect of going into one of these places might even have the added bonus of finding something worth sharing about when he goes back to the clan. But more on that when he crosses that bridge. For now, there was just getting the more immediate concern out of the way. 

"Oh, Clayton," Sen started as he walked out of the inn. "Could we take a momentary diversion? I didn't come alone; my sister is here in Ponyville and she went to Discord for help. If it is possible, he might be able to get us to Fillydelphia faster than a train. Unless he doesn't, in which case I want to just get my sister."  

As for Lin, that distortion admittedly freaked her out. Not once in her travels did she see anything like it and neither did the tomes she read on obscure spells. Well, it is Discord she's dealing with and she supposes he could likely do more than just cause that sudden distortion in space. I did leave her concerned about what the implications were.

"Is that... safe?" Lin spoke as she slowly stepped back with her head bowed. "Maybe I should check up on Sen if another attempt isn't leading anywhere."

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@Blitz Boom

"Well it's a bit of a long story. I met a pony from Canterlot, whom I've become friends with for a while now while now, in a forest west of here. I had gotten a bit lost, but I ran into him, and he showed me the way around. His name is Rushing River. Apparently he was visiting that area for a few days. Anyway, he told me he knew a pony who could make a fox costume for me, called Plush Fabric, and told me where she lived. Since then I have been friends with them, though the distance makes it diffficult sometimes."

She visited the two whenever she could, and wrote to them occasionally too. Though their distance was a bit far, she felt comfortable to have friends in those areas in case she visited there.


Rushing River was a shy, tan maned, turquoise pony. He had a soft and caring personality, but was a loyal and dependable friend. Plush Fabric was an indigo maned, maroon pony who specialized in sewing, fabrics, and costumes. She found normal clothing a bit boring, so she usually avoided it, creating more intersting crafts. Plush took her time with her projects too, putting quality first. 


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@Blitz Boom 

The magic flowed out with a very green red color, flowing into Warlock until Athriel stopped him, afterwards Warlock stood up and removed his hoof from Athriel's chest. "You need magic as much as me." He looked to the collapsed temple, lifting his hoof up and concentrating, seeing for a moment if there was any spells that survived the collapse that he could also take magic from, if there were he'd take the magic. "If we're to take this element from it's place, and there's a guardian there, we'll need magic to fight back." He extended a sword from his hoof, still struggling to hold together, but not as violently as earlier. Warlock kneeled down and flew upwards and looked around, landing back down with a thud. "Well let's hope you memorized the location." He said looking back to her with a grin, a flame in his hoof, ready to tear down the forest to clear a path.
She chuckled a little at him and shook her head. "No I didn't catch either of them, we did get the element warlock had though , but it's not in my hooves." She walked over to Chow. "And since you've been worried sick, I'll stick around." She'd stand by Chow for a bit and would continue to if he decided to walk out with the doctors.

General Wind paused in his step before entering the throne room. Letting out a scoff at the timing. Opening his mouth to speak. "Generals!" He turned around to Francis, who had been gone for quite a time, and seemed to had run up to the throne room on his own, and had signs of sweat, and cuts that looked like they were caused by shattered glass. "Nectar needs some medical attention." He said almost struggling to speak, panting heavily, shortly after coughing and fainting onto the floor.

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You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom Stingler waited as Onache walked off, and looked around him. There weren't any ponies really caring about him or what just happened. Considering he had nothing better to do, the Changeling decided to just follow Onache, though she was off his sight right now. However, he could see the house she mentioned, now that he had to stretch his vision out a bit. And thats exactly where he began to walk to.

  • Brohoof 1


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@Blitz Boom & @Dji

  With a sudden, surprised jolt, Kaptrop's eyes widen a bit and his face reddens up bright enough to make it look as if he was swallowing his own fire belch. A moment later he quickly tucks his head underneath his claws, pinning his face to the ground and bellows loudly and somewhat squeakily.


 Grasping at a straw for the only one around that he's known long enough to defer to, and in the process betraying his usual talk of ponies, he cries for Spicy Rolls like a stubborn colt.

   "SPICY! Make them Staahp!"

   And, a few moments after that, mostly to himself, the drake can be heard whining under where he's pinned himself in embarrassment.

      "I asked for a comparison, not a display..." 


 Also to B.B.:    With a sudden, surprised jolt, Ambie spooks like the horse he is and leaps into a quick, spasmodic burst of energy one wouldn't typically expect of an Earth Pony, or a stallion as clumsy as A.S. Valence has proven to be. In a flurried blur akin more to a squirrel, a scuttle of hooves and some minor hoofmade dents in the trunk of the tree he had been earlier momentarily gazing at, Ambie has practically flown into the treetop. Scattered yelps can be heard muffled through the leaves typically asking in a small, rhetorical voice about what happened and not much can be seen anymore of the stallion that had once stood there apart from all the rustling.

  The hoofmarks in the tree's side seem a fair bit deeper & sharper then most would think a pony's hooves would be capable of, especially considering how bubblegumy ponies are known to be. Added to the sudden burst of quick reflexes, it could allude moreso to Ambie being a little bit more than just the color changing pony he usually seemed were one to stay there and contemplate the markings. Or, if you were an apple farmer wondering what in tarnation happened to one of your valued trees. Hopefully Applejack wouldn't mind too terribly much. 

Edited by Widdershins
  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


"Other than the dragons, I'm actually a bit sad, and I don't know why," Dawn shook her head and sat down on her haunches, tail swishing in the dirt. She looked at Void, then to Null and noticed the way Null carried herself, especially with only a single wing. So she asked the obvious and, to her anyway, an innocent question. "What happened to your wing? Did an Ursa rip it off or something?"


Aurora took in a breath and began breathing heavily, ducking into the carriage and hiding in a small corner that did not have any papers strewn about. That was a surprise. The advances of Marley were not to her liking. That was mainly due to the fact that her parents sheltered her until she was roughly thirteen years old, when her parents agreed with her that she was ready to face the outside world. Since then, she did go on a round the world trip but this particular adventure seemed to be too much for the poor giffin. Her body wide blush refused to go away, even though she had sequestered herself away in the corner furthest from the carriage's opening. She was breathing heavily, her pupils shrunk to pinpricks, and she began rethinking her life decisions up to this point, and wondered where she went wrong along the way.

Edited by Dji
  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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Benny stared at the little bag in his hand. He had been given permission to put it away now, so his stash would be intact, and the mare didn't get offended that he wasn't sharing. Win win right?

Then why did he feel so guilty about putting the bag back where he had pulled it from?

Sure, he had more where this came from, and Pop gave him a discount at the store, but it were some really good stuff. Hard to just let go off treasure like that. Heck, if he were still in dragon land, he would have outright refused. There wasn't as much incentive to share your hoard, unless it was through fighting.

Benny looked at the bag once more, and then let out a sigh. His brother was right, he were getting more ponified by the day.

"No, it's alright ma'am. I have enough as it is, and I shouldn't be greedy. Please, take this. We insist."

He reached it forward, whilst Pop grinned at the compliment Sprinkles had given her.

"Thank you. Not everypony gets where the things I use comes from, so it's good to meet somepony who bucks the trend. What sort of things have you used? Sweet Tooth's sugar I can imagine, since that stuff seems amazing for baking too, but what else? Lotus Honey perhaps? Not sure how to make that work with baking, but you've got a lot of skills. I wouldn't be surprised if you found a way."



@The Resident Brony

Vivid listened with interest in what he told her about his abilities. She had always considered alicorns to be mostly magically focused, and as unable to join in on physical combat as your average unicorn, but it seemed like perhaps this one were the opposite. More akin to an evolved earth pony, than an enhanced unicorn with wings.

Perhaps this had something to do with him being male? The sample size were too little to be sure, but it might be that alicorns, as much as regular ponies, had more brute strength when it came to stallions, and a more pronounced magical prominence if they were mares. Interesting theory,  but she needed more information to make sure, and she didn't feel like hitting the books these days. She'd write it behind her ear though, so to speak.

It surprised her some when the conversation took a complete turn and Invictus asked her to... Help her with the guards?

Her laughter might not be the best response, but the absurdity in asking her about that was simply too much for her to hold it back.

"Me, help you with the three guards? Ahahaha, that's priceless."

She'd slow down and in the end, stopped walking whilst the last chuckles went through her, just in case she'd slip and fall over the side.

"If I did not have credentials proving I worked for Cadence, I would be hauled to jail constantly. They are trained to look for trouble, and I pulse with that, even if I don't care to bring them harm. Having me there will only make your task more difficult. Not to mention... Hmhmhm, no, There's no fun in sharing that."

What she held back wouldn't really be something harmful, just something that would leave her entertained. Surely there wouldn't be a problem in her keeping this little bit to herself as to not spoil the surprise.

"As for where we are, we can pass over now, though I have a better idea. You said you were looking for the generals, yes? If you can tell me which one you want to find the most, we can travel to them instead before passing through. Traveling undisturbed can be efficient."




Stare just kept her eyes on Lance and rose her hoof to follow him as he starts to move, but the hoof of Straw landed on her shoulder again, and made her slide her gaze his way instead.

"You'll be able to talk to him another time. Right now, I think table 3 would like you to come around."

The mare looked at him for a little, then nodded and silently wandered towards the table, whilst Straw went over to his new employee.

"You handled that well enough. Just keep in mind that if she haves something to say to you, she'll follow you around until you address her, so look over your shoulders now and again. Only one she doesn't have an issue talking with is Chop, and that... Reminds me to tell you to not insult her around him. Or Berry for that matter. They're both pretty protective of her.

So then, any questions, or shall we just go on out back so you can see the last part of the place?"

Truth be told, he suspected Chop had some incentive to keep an eye out for her from their benefactor, but he wasn't delving into that. What happened there was none of his business, unless Chop for some reason did something unseemly. Something he doubted, considering the former Coast Guard had never went violent with anypony without reason, as long as he had been working here.

If it were another kind of behavior... It would depend on what happened there if he'd say or do something.




Clayton visibly cringed when the topic of Discord came up. Memories of one of his former building sites suddenly erupting into complete chaos, with the tools trying to tape his workers together to make walls and many other strange, traumatizing things, came to mind. And that wasn't even including what happened to him on the day the lord of chaos returned.

Safe to say, the prospects of meeting the being that indirectly caused a lot of havoc and trauma for both his workers and him were not a great prospect, but for the sake of saving a life, he'd try to follow, and just hope and pray that it really were true, that the draconequus had changed.

"I-If you're certain, then... I'll try to stay civil. But please, let's find the tarp first."

It wouldn't take too long to get to the station, and as for were the remnants of materials were, it wasn't hard to spot either. Things were still getting picked up, so it was just following the occasional pony backwards, which soon left them at a large pile of things that seemed like it had taken two train carts to carry.

"Heavens be, I hadn't thought there were this little left. The forepony is more efficient at this than I gave her credit for it seems."

He knew that she were determined and seemed to have a good order on things in town, but she wasn't a professional builder, so he hadn't thought she had thought on getting materials to town in preparations on building too.

Perhaps he should consider offering her a job when this was over...

He shook his head. This was not the sort of thing he should be thinking about now. They had a crate to find.

"All the materials are marked, so let's split up, and look for the one with tarps in. It should be about the size of two sheds, side by side. Let's hope it is not beneath some of this stuff..."

The thought made him sweat a little and look slightly grim, but he couldn't linger. Not with a life on the line. He'd never be able to forgive himself.



@Foxy Socks

"What a marvelous set of circumstances. If I held belief in fate, I may have suggested that meeting were meant to be.

Perhaps eventually, I can have the pleasure of seeing your friends in person. They certainly sound like some fascinating characters."

"Your friends sounds nice Foxy. You're lucky to have them."

Briar and Brittle had their own view on things, but overall they seemed to agree that they sounded like some ponies that Foxy were fortunate to know.

They had gotten close to the clothes shop now,  and after rounding a corner, they'd be near enough tge entrance to see a few ponies leaving.

A low voice came floating out the door too, nearly drowned out by the noise outside, but Briar's sensitive ears managed to catch a snippet of it, which made him rather confused.

"I believe I can hear she is in, but what she exclaiming is strange. I mean, what could there possibly be wrong about Turquoise?"





There wasn't much magic left to take in the area. The temple had been worn down for centuries before the wards and traps were set up by the protectors, and their handywork had lasted decades longer than it should have. What he would be able to find here wouldn't sustain him, and it certainly wouldn't leave him able to just waste more than he already had.

It had saved them, but what of the time ahead? They were going against a likely powerful guardian presence in the real temple. Something the protectors had clearly feared themselves, or there wouldn't have been so many coded warnings on that wall.

Athriel stood silently for a time and pondered this. What they were going to need, what it took to not only survive, but be victorious in whatever they'd have to face, and several other aspects that may seem as simple paranoia, but might end up being something they had to think of in advance to have a chance.

Athriel had never been what Warlock were. A ruler, somepony that stood brazenly in front and destroyed everything in his wake if it so pleased him. A pony of substantial power that had no issue taking enemies head on, and thrived in taking what he considered his. And why shouldn't he? He had been hard to oppose back then, and if the element of dark magic were returned to him, it would be so again. He'd be a nearly unstoppable force, only hampered by the overconfidence that had so far cost him a lot of power.

She wasn't a brawn type of pony herself. Where Warlock ruled and lead by example of power, she were the shadow that lurked in the background. Inflicting doubt, changing hearts, converting citizens and feasting off the paranoia and fear her actions could cause. She were a thinker, meant to take what she wanted through schemes and trickery, or by taking out the right beings in solitude. Deceit was her weapon, and even before element had been meant for her, she had shown to live as it were born with her.

No, not born. She wasn't created to be this by birth, but by her sister. She had pushed them into forbidden magic and led them down a darker path than the minor mischief they had lived with prior to that. It was her fault that she was what she were, and she had battled her in parts because of that. Not just to gain her back on her side, but to seek revenge on making her the unloved freak she had become.

Athriel had faced Sapphire, thinking her sister would not have the heart to do horrible things to her own sister, with the change of heart she had suffered. But she had been wrong. Athriel's schemes did not work on one who knew her so well, and she had been defeated. Trapped like an animal in a cage.

How she had hated her from within that orb. Years passing as it grew, festered into a dark blob in her chest, where joy had once resided. It tainted her memories and caused her to see the hypocrite her sister were through a dark, but clear lens.

How good had the mare really become, when her way of punishment were this? Warlock set in stone, herself trapped without a body, doomed to eternally suffer alone and unheard. Without a form, she could not even dream. She could just float and see the years pass by excruciatingly slow.

It was fitting how things were now. This time it was her floating in a prison, whilst two she had hurt so much, were in control of her spirit. And this time, she wouldn't have the advantage if she got free. There wouldn't just be a fighter working with brawn, nor a sister who's brain were foiled by the intimate knowledge she had of her. They would fight her with the bases covered, but before that could even be a thought, they were going to need power.

At least, one of them were going to, if they were to have a chance at seeing their vengeance bear fruition.

"We'll walk to the beach, and when we get there, I'll fly us to the next island. I know where we're going from there. And Warlock? If it comes down to it, remember where we stand. Without my real form, I'm lacking much of my potential, and I only need a little to keep the vessel blissfully unaware of what is happening. Whatever magic I hold can come to better use in case you can't conserve enough when we get there and we meet opposition that needs a direct approach.

Now unsummon your toothpick and let's get walking. You're going to need whatever magic you have when we get to the temple."

That was the last thing she said before she started walking, but more thoughts were floating around her head, about what were going to be needed further on, and how to approach it if they ran into old enemies again. Curse of being the brain behind the brawns, but it wasn't all bad. It was easier to creep away from danger if you wasn't the one in front.




"Hey, don't be thinking I'm getting all soft here girlie. I'm tough as nails and not shaking for anything."

SHe were reading his mind, wasn't she? Of course she were. These three magic ponies were a resourceful bunch, and surely poking around his noggin wasn't the craziest stuff they could do. It was a bit annoying though. What if he'd have some sort of thoughts he'd like to keep at bay? Like how there might've been a bit deeper meaning in why he had been shivering in his bones at how Astral had been doing? Nonono, scratch that. That was just a weird thought, not a real thing. He was cool as ice, and on solid ground. Right on...

"So wait, you got the stone wrenched outta his grubby hooves, but you're not holding it? What's the meaning of that? Did the general take over, cause if she did, she'd do well in sh-"

"Okay ponies, let's get going now."

He didn't get a chance to finish the sentence before the doctor staff had started running away with the three patients on their stretchers. In the case of Golden though, they had covered him up with a blanket to make sure he wasn't recognized the short way they had to take to get to the hospital. It was already a stressed situation in town, with the princesses whereabouts currently unknown in the midst of an attack on the castle, and if it got around that the ambassador were down too... They didn't want to think there would be panic, but they certainly couldn't risk it.

"Alright, all I'm good for right now is keeping an eye on your family, so I'm gonna follow 'em. You can come along to if you wanna see your hubby stand tall for your old man and lil' sister."

Of all the phrases he could have chosen, he had to go with hubby... Well, here was hoping she didn't get what he was on about so they could haul flank to the hospital without a flood of awkward.




The dragon opened his eyes and turned as he heard Francis holler behind him.


He did not look or sound pleased when he said this, and the smoke billowing out of his nostrils at the sight wasn't really comforting either.


The booming, commanding voice of Dew rung through the room, as both Night and Solar guards scrambled into the room. They had apparently been ready outside, sure the dragon would be an issue, which were also where they pointed their weapons currently.

A certain lieutenant stood in front of them, sword drawn and facing the dragon in front of the others.

"General, what're your orders?"

"Take the changeling to the infirmery and wake him up. When he tells where his queen is, fetch her, and place her under medical attention as well."

The lieutenant seemed confused. They were helping a changeling now?

"Sir, are you sure?"

A glare from the former general was enough to convince her that he was.

"They're a necesary ally in the dark hour we're in, and they will get the treatment as such. Personally make sure that they are treated well, and that the queen survives. If she needs to be taken to the hospital, do it discreetly."

Shimmer sheathed her weapon and and saluted him.

"Yes sir. Okay folks, let's get him out of here pronto. They should have some smelling salt to help pat him up long enough to tell what he needs to."

They'd be out of the room soon after that, with the dragon simply observing for the most part. The smoke from his nostrils didn't stop until the changeling were out of the room though, as if he were prepared for this to be a trick that would give him an excuse to incinerate Francis.

"Nothing good comes of working with their kind. You should know this."

"I do what I must, and what I have been told by the princesses. They trusted this hive, so I will attempt the same."

A puff of smoke escaped the seemingly humorless dragon.

"If they do something, the fault is yours pony. Remember that when your misplaced trust backfires."

"Enough of this. I am former general, Morning Dew. Who are you?"

The dragon looked absentmindedly around, looking for something in the room.

"I was told Benny would be here."

"He is out, chasing after Warlock."

The dragon's claws dug deep into the stone, leaving sizeable marks in them.

"He isn't a fighter. The dark one will tear him apart, and his mate and my aunt will mourn for an unnecessary loss."

"He is protected, but I'm not saying more until you say who you are. I am not spending my time speaking to somepony without the decency to even say who he is."

"You should think carefully on your words, former general. You need to know what I do, but I don't need to share it if I do not wish to. This is all a favor for him."

Seconds passed where the two of them starred stubbornly at eachother.

"I am Scorn. Now who is this little morsel? Your replacement?"

Scorn looked at Iron Wings as he said the last part. And from the sound of it, he were not impressed at what he saw.




"Hello friend, I've been waiting for you."

A mare stood outside the house and looked around for a while until her eyes had set on Stingler.

She acted like he had been her best friend for years, and even came closer looking like she were considering hugging him, though of course, the two of them didn't know one another. Perhaps Stingler knew her, as one of the saps he had drained for some love, but personally, they had no connection, other than what she had been forced to believe in.

Making willing slaves like this were a specialty of Onache, and had kept her in power for a long time before Chrysalis, but it was also one of the reasons she were so despised by other changelings. Though the race as a whole were not exactly the best moral beings, there were still some lines that most would think were too far. Destroying minds to make their food more complacent were one of the more heinous ones, though some didn't mind. Chrysalis surely hadn't, even though she had forbidden the other queen to do so under her command. If it was mercy were hard to tell, but considering how Chrysalis liked to see her enemies suffer, it might have just been sadistic joy that had guided her decision.

"Awh, don't look so glum. We're happy to see you. Come on in, I made tea and biscuits."

The mare didn't think on this at least. She were complacent and happy with what she were doing, because she wanted to please her queen, or whatever she had been led to believe Onache were. All of that kind of thing were hidden away, and wouldn't be easy to remove again unless Onache wanted it to, which were unlikely. Never hurt to have sleeper agents among the ponies in her experience.



@Dji @Widdershins

"I swear, I'm dealing with foals today..."

Spicy took her head in her hoof and shook it. This was gonna be one of them long days, wasn't it?

"Alright then. You, weird couple to the right, stop trying to break Kaltrops' mind, would you? He doesn't have a lot to work with as it is, and you two making out in front of him is just gonna break his fragile world view more. Learn when to ease it in instead of dropping everything on him at once.

Marley, keep an eye on him while I go in and try to lure out Aurora. And take the papers from the general once she's finally done snailing her way through it."

Shaking her head again, she watches as Marley grumpily goes closer to Kaltrops to ward him from things, as he were told, before the gambling mare went inside her wagon to find the crouching griffon in the corner, looking like a lobster with feathers.

"Sheesh, I didn't think it was possible to blush that hard. Are you okay there kiddo? I know Marley can be a bit pushy, but that's what overconfidence does to you, and hey, look on the bright side. At least you got options in case you don't pick up another one to share nests with, eh?"

She waggled her eyebrows at Aurora, trying to break the ice with a bit of humor, though this one might've been more stinging than fun.

Outside, Marley had gotten over to Kaltrops, and looked down on the dragon with his eyes rolling.

"Aren't dragons supposed to be big and tough? Come on, show some spine."

Meanwhile, whilst this went on and Benny and Pop embarrassingly pulled back a little after the minor scorn, Null looked up on the mare with an aggressive demeanor.

"That's none of your busin-"

"P-Please big sis, don't. There b-been enough fighting today."

Null quieted herself and begrudgingly nodded, pulling herself a little back and to her sisters side.

"There was an a-accident when we were small. H-Horrible, caused by others. It c-crushed her wing and my leg petty badly, and since magic doesn't w-work on us, they had to a-amputate them. We don't like to think about it though. I-I hope you understand.

Uhm... W-What kind of sad are you feeling? What I mean is, h-how does it feel? Big sis and I know about b-being sad. Perhaps we can u-understand."

Edited by Blitz Boom
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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Invictus sighed hopelessly. He had somewhat actually WANTED to be in a contract with Vivid Loss because it would give him more of a challenge in his mission. But, he hadn't entirely thought out the process and didn't take into account any consequences. He sighed and said,

"Vivid Loss, if it isn't to hard, I would like to go to the general of the Solar guard first. Back during the Insurgent war, they had the most power and winning them over would be a boon to my cause. Is their some special object or trinket I can use to contact you in case my meeting goes south?.

Invictus sighed and contemplated his choice. He thought, "Maybe I could be of more use if I provided a bit more of a history for myself before I left this realm." He thought this out and decided this was a good idea.

"Vivid, would you like to hear more about my history prior to becoming an alicorn?"

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@Blitz Boom

Spinkles scratched her ear as she chewed on the sweets she'd been given, thinking carefully about her resources. After she'd swallowed and twitched her ear a couple of times she was able to answer "A lot of the same stuff as you, you'd be surprised how far honey can go in a cake, some of my best recipes include it. As for other things, icing is my speciality and so I know how hard it can be to find the right ingredients, ponies don't know just what goes into making icing you can't just take any sugar and dump it in some water it requires finesse and the right sugar. Luckily there's a lot of shops about in Fillydelphia so it's not hard to get the right stuff, I like to buy my icing sugar from a kind old stallion called Sugar Cube, he has so many varieties and always knows what will work best with whatever cake I'm going for, and he likes me so he always gives me little discounts in exchange for the odd cupcake here and there."

Battenberg trotted back in behind Sprinkles, followed by a slouched and moody Victoria who seemed to have some kind of sticky, glittery mess all over her body and mane. The room fell silent for a moment before echoing with the sound of hysterical laughter from above. Sprinkles had risen to the ceiling and was floating on her back clutching her stomach barely able to contain herself. Victoria growled slightly and scraped the floor with one of her hooves, she looked ridiculous and it was clear that even though Sprinkles was the only one laughing the others were just better at containing it. "Oh Victoria what a mess! Sticky Vicky!"

Victoria slouched across the room to the door, muttering something about Sprinkles under her breath as she went. As quick as that she was gone. Battenberg spoke up as Sprinkles' laughter died down to a giggle, "Your spice cake is in the oven, shouldn't be long before it's done. If you're wondering what happened to Victoria, she had a little accident with the glitter icing, she's just a bit sticky though so she'll probably be ok... once she's spent the rest of the week showering and grooming herself to make she she gets every speck of glitter..." 

Having composed herself Sprinkles zipped across the room and into Battenberg knocking her onto her back, as Sprinkles clutched onto her tightly her tail seemed to wag slightly like an excited puppy. "Sprinkles..." Battenberg's voice sounded strained as the air was slowly squeezed out of her lungs "I... didn't expect to... to see you here... I thought you knew Vicky was here."

Sprinkles let go of her and sat down next to her as she stood up, "Yeah but seeing you is worth seeing her, especially when she looks like that" she giggled again at the memory of Sticky Vicky.

Battenberg put on a slightly stern face though the corners of her mouth were still turned up, "You probably shouldn't have laughed at her, though I suppose she had it coming... You also didn't really need to hug me again, it was bad enough when you did that in the middle of the market square." She looked at the ground just past Sprinkles and blushed slightly, the shy pony naturally didn't like being involved in public displays of affection. "I see you've met my customers."

Sprinkles nodded vigorously "Uh huh, they're great! They gave me some of their candy and I gave them some of my cupcakes, I have some for you too by the way!" She took off her saddle pack and handed the whole thing to Battenberg "I was going to give you them earlier but I didn't want you to have to carry them in addition to the pack you already had."

Battenberg smiled and thanked her little apprentice, patting her on the head as she did so. She took Sprinkles's bag and put it behind the counter before turning back to her customers, "I guess I was wrong about Sprinkles wanting to avoid Victoria, I suppose she likes Victoria more than Victoria likes her so if anyone would be avoiding anyone it would be Victoria avoiding Sprinkles. I hope she wasn't too excitable, I know how she gets." She gave them an apologetic look before looking back at Sprinkles who was now floating near a shelf studying the pictures displayed there, most of them were of her but there were a few of Battenberg and Victoria and another mare who the pair of shoppers didn't recognise. 

Edited by Battenberg
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@Blitz Boom

"I don't plan on intentionally insulting any coworker anytime soon, so I should be fine. Lead the way."

When Straw said 'look over your shoulder now and then', Lance immediately thought; why not tap me on the shoulder? Ooh, if I could get, like, a stitching into the back of my hoodie saying 'If you're following me because you have a question, please say something'. I don't know. The good part about thoughts is that nopony can hear them except you. And yet... Lance shrugged off the feeling that he was wrong about the privacy of his own mind and waited for Straw to finish up the tour.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

Coincidentally Rushing was turquoise, but either way, Foxy went on. Due to the crowd of ponies in the way, she had to slow down, but she made it to the entrance. Hopefully they weren't exceptionally busy. Foxy generally never cared about fashion or clothing that much, so she always felt awkward around places based on that. Foxy became quite shy, her voice only audible enough to be heard. "Um... hello?"

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@Blitz Boom

It seems that the sore memories of Discord's rampant use of chaotic magic isn't only limited to Sen and his clan. Just how far reaching was his magic that even his kind who were strangers to the likes of ponies could find something common in that their lives were touched by Discord, in some twisted way that is. But on to the matter of finding this thing called "tarp." Just as the evening has approached, the lights of most establishments closed and the hardworking ponies called it a day, the dash to the train station, being frantic and speedy, provided a stark contrast that set things into perspective. 

Now at the station, Sen thought about what a shed was to a pony. If his first guess is correct, it was a place of storage but it was just a simple thought of what exactly constituted Clayton's description of what a shed looked like. How big was it? What was it made of? Why would the tarp they're looking for be as big as two sheds? That last one confounded the longma for a bit as he poked through smaller containers and moved them gently to the sides. He supposed this wouldn't be too difficult if what he's looking for was as big as two storage facilities. After a bit of rummaging, there were two things that caught his attention: two large containers placed side by side by the corner and another two buried under a large stack of boxes in the middle of the room.

"Clayton?" Sen called to the pony, not wishing to make a mess of things, as he stood by the corner where he first spotted the large containers. "Are these what you're looking for? Or should I keep looking?"

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom


"I hadn't even noticed that," Penny said worriedly.  "I hope he's okay." She then slowly moved through the door into the workshop.  Inside, there was a small counter inside a large room.  On the counter was a fancy antique register that was highly polished, and apparently functional as there was no other register in sight.  The rest of the room was clearly a work area with parts organized everywhere.  There were very few tools to be seen however.  What tools were around were either for painting, polishing, or holding things in place.  The record player sat on the counter, continuing to make its noise.  In the corner, at the workbench, a dark grey unicorn with a light grey mane, tail, and mustache sat with no light but the bright glow of his horn.  He was apparently busy working on something, but when the door opened, the small bell over the door chimed.  Hearing this, he stopped what he was working on, and was suddenly in the dark. "Wow, it got dark out real fast.  Hold on."  He then turned the light on that was hanging from the ceiling.  "That's better.  Sorry about that," he said, shutting off the record player.  "Welcome to my shop.  Picking up or dropping off?"  Scarcity might notice that Tock was wearing a watch that looked almost identical to one of the ones she dropped off.  The only difference was that this one was much cleaner and had a curved glass piece where hers was flat.  However, the glass on hers was cracked, so it was reasonable that it would have been replaced.  On closer inspection, it would be clear that the watch wasn't ticking, it wasn't even close to the current time, so it must have been that way for hours.


@Blitz Boom 



"Well, to be honest, they sounded a lot like me, but different.  Whoever it is, they never said anything I didn't already say.  They wouldn't tell me who they were, just ask me the same question I asked them.  I might also be able to help your hurt friend.  I've been told that the wood from my kind can be used for healing, although I'm not sure how."

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie quickly hopped over to the yelping Tony Haw- er.. Anthony and Hawk, grabbing the poor stumbling pup and quickly situating the creature on the nearest solid, non-bouncy surface, "Are you guys okay?" She asked worriedly.

Storm opted to fly over instead of bouncing, checking the dogs over a bit "Don't worry Pinkie, they were just a bit startled is all." he concluded, "They don't really know how to walk on bouncy surfaces."

"What!?" Pinkie exclaimed, "Everypony should know how to bounce!"

"Pinkie, Dogs really aren't meant to run around on bouncy ground." Storm explained, "That's why they panicked the way they did."




"Not to worry my dear!" Discord exclaimed, the musical setup disappearing. "I am an excellent tracker!" Discord suddenly appears from behind the pony, wearing a classic Sherlock Holmes outfit and examining the area with a magnifying glass. "We shall find our dear missing Omen in no time!"

Unbeknownst to the two, inside the house, one of Fluttershy's teacups suddenly cracked down the center. Hopefully that isn't a bad omen (I had to :P) of things to come from this adventure.

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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