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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

"Well I don't think..."

The nice Victoria began to flicker as her defensive instinct began to fight back, however Angel chose this moment to run headfirst into her leg causing a slight giggle from her and a look of affection for her little second cousin.

"I-I would like that, thank you." She was blushing slightly, conflicted between who she pretended to be and who she really was.

Red Velvet chuckled nearby.

"I should let Angel go and live with you, turns you into a completely different pony."

"I wouldn't say no to that."


Royal thought for a moment before responding.

"I think I have a spare moment on Tuesday, I normally work on more than one project at a time so adding yours to my list would be no issue whatsoever. Will have to be some time in the afternoon though, I have another client in the morning and I'm taking Red out for a suprise dinner at this new place downtown, I've heard they serve incredibly good cakes and I'm sure she'd appreciate that. You free just after lunch time, about 2pm?"

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On 10/31/2017 at 11:13 AM, Blitz Boom said:

It pleased to see that Phoenix had some appetite for what he had brought. It had been quite the awkward time if he had to sit there and eat himself whilst she just looked on with a growling stomach, and frankly, he wasn't sure if he could eat anything at that point. He'd just end up feeling guilty.

But that was unimportant. She had been ravenous and taken well from the things he had brought, just as he did himself, and they would soon be done with their meal. It were not the most fancy or filling, granted, but it should do until they managed to get to Canterlot at least. Just a few hours to go and they'd be there.

Time ticked by as he train rolled on, and the landscape passed by outside. A scene he had seen quite a few times, and which never failed to relax him.

Several years of exploring new and strange locations were thrilling, and he wouldn't give up this rush for the world, but it was adrenaline based and you couldn't sustain yourself on a high like that. You needed to calm down too, and nothing helped him relax like a rumbling train running calmly through a safe environment.

He had planned to just sit there, and looking out of the window, but the night had been short, and the previous day long, so his energy was still not perfect. That along with being dozy after the meal, made him slowly fall asleep, leaned backwards in his seat.

He wouldn't wake up when Phoenix ended up laying with her head on his shoulder, but his instincts seemed to take over some, as he right hoof rose up, slid behind her back, and planted itself around her shoulder, whilst his head leaned gently on top of hers.

If anypony came in to see them right now, they'd likely look like quite the lovely couple really.

as the train rolled on by, so did the time. Phoenix, being the smaller mare that she was, was able to fill up rather easily on the snacks that Smokey was generous enough to provide. what was left of them, however, was nothing but a bunch of crumbs only signifying that at one point some snacks may have existed there. unfortunately, she hadn't really kept it in mind to save some room for when they arrived at Canterlot. perhaps they'll just have to wait a bit longer and have a late lunch when they arrive and rest for a bit. 

as Phoenix slept, her body instinctively gravitated towards the warmth of Smokey's body, and her hooves began to wrap around his midsection as if she were giving him some sort of hug. the soft feeling of Fur on Fur was enough to elicit a pleasant groan from her. 


even more time passed, and the train was rolling into station. anyone left on board the train was now exiting, and all of the commotion was enough to wake Phoenix up. her body may have been stubborn with her on that last bump, but not this time. her eyes slowly opened, and the sight she was greeted with was one that was pleasant to an unsettling degree. she looked up to see Smokey's face, and the realization dawned on her. In her sleep, she was cuddling with him! her face immediately turned a bright crimson red, and she pushed herself off of him. she shot up from her seat and shook her head a bit, as if trying to snap herself out of a daze. she turned back to Smokey, and luckily for her, it looked like he MIGHT still be asleep. she crossed her hooves that he didn't notice it before-hoof. 

a moment later, after she was able to calm herself down, she lifted up her fore-hoof and gave Smokey a bit of a rough nudge on the shoulder. "Come on, we're here" was all she said before turning her back to him, and waiting for him to get up. 




@Widdershins @Foxy Socks @Blitz Boom


as the few of them were going about their business, a sudden noise could be heard as the door to the shop was suddenly thrust open. a very recognizable presence stood in the door way. who else but your favorite rainbow-maned Pegasus. she fluttered her wings a bit to announce her presence "Awe, come on Rarity. you didn't even try to stop me after i flew off!" she huffed as she rolled her vibrant Magenta colored eyes. 

her wings fluttered a bit more, and her hooves slowly lifted themselves off of the ground as she hovered over to the group of Ponies. she looked a bit surprised to see them there. "i see you've made some new friends" she says with a soft, friendly smile as she eyed the odd pair. her hooves regained contact with the ground and her wings folded to her sides. as she looked at Briar, her head cocked a bit more in curiosity. he most definitely didn't look like he was from around here. 

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom

It was definitely a bit of a surprise for Foxy for Briar not to have a job of some sort. To her, it was part of her life, then again, perhaps if she didn't have a career she loved, she would understand more. "Really? I know you are on the move and all a lot, but I'd thing your skills could prove useful in a lot of ways. Of course, it's your lifestyle."


"Actually helping other farms was one of my first jobs. Definitely hard work, though I didn't mind helping out with the animals. Even still, that type of work wasn't for me, so I started my career in studying animals and conservation. It might not be a job that's common, but that's where I belong. Still, I don't mind helping other ponies in their farms either, especially when I do visit my home." The last time Foxy had visited her home was a few months ago, and her neighbors ran the only major farm around, so she often helped them. 

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13 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"W-What happened next then?"

Cresent paused "from what I remember...me and willow both attacked the hunter seeing our father being struck woke a side in us up. That side took over the hunter had a second with him then like that" Cresent slapped his wings together "it was lights out for a while. I woke up in a burnt out shake and a pony I difnt recognize trotting away. " he paused "willow was soon found, he passed away but it was the first time I notice my bite marks, before he passed away he bit me. I think he brought me back from death in a way. I died in the black out but not sure if it was the hunter who originally killed me or not. Yet he likely have his life for mine.....hence the head stone you saw outside my tree house" Cresent said

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@Blitz Boom

If only Sen knew how to keep himself from making rash decisions without thinking about the consequences. He had the best intentions at heart but he forgot about the no magic rule. At least Clayton and Lin got out before something worse befell them but he couldn't just stop thinking about how bad he screwed up again; maybe that's what drove Omen to this place: his rash, ill-considered actions. He wouldn't know for sure but somehow, deep down, he was responsible for it. He couldn't look at Clayton or his sister knowing he could potentially mess things up again and would rather keep quiet and think about what he just did. 

As for Lin, she listened and as Clayton went on, some parallels became more and more apparent. Not that the kind of situations she has been in were just as Clayton explained but she could sympathize with him and his friends. At the same time, she couldn't stop thinking about the likelihood of the escapee from making an appearance at that moment. All of that hard work wasted... 

"Clayton," Lin walked up to the stallion and sat down beside him. "I'm sorry. What your friends did, that was brave of them, but now that they have a chance at life again, you shouldn't give up on them. Let me tell you something."

"My brother and I are village outcasts, exiled because of a tyrant. We lost our home, our family, everything that gave us stability and certainty. Nearly lost our lives as well but someone who didn't give up on us helped showed us we could start again. It was tough and we are still working at it but right now, you seem to be settling in these changes. A job, a home, maybe you could also give your friends that kind of help, something to help them get back on their hooves. If you don't, who else could? And right now, the one who needs to believe that is you."

"This Silky Rose character, I know it's important you warn others about her, but don't forget the friends your getting back today." Lin offered Clayton her pouch of mentholated leaves should he want some. 

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@Shineling @EQ_Theta

Clayton listened to what Lin said, but didn't know how to respond to them. Speaking with ones who had been through loss was a hard thing for him to do, as he felt sympathy with them that made his eyes fill up with tears and his words shaken by sobbing. It wasn't the best way to speak with somepony, and he usually had to have Belladonna do this for him so things went well, but she wasn't here to help him right now.

Perhaps later, he would try and ask Lin more about her and Sen's tragedy, and attempt not to seem like a crying mess, but she drew up another point at the end of what she said that drew him away from this as a priority, and caused him too look at her with sadness in his eyes, and a depressed shake of his head.

"I will not stop trying to help them, but ten years is a long time. Their families and friends were told they died in a cave-in, and seeing them again now isn't going to be easy for either side. Who is to say they will even be accepted? And what of their foals, who have grown big in their absence, and might not remember them?

I will do what I can, and take my punishment for the lie we told them, but I still fear how it will go to return them to a society and a life who moved ahead in their absence."

Clayton were financially stable to help in whatever way he could. He could set up pensions, make sure they had housing, and ensure they could get through life without ending on the streets. But what he couldn't fix, would be broken family ties. He would try, but there came a point when it had to be between his friends, and those left behind.

Something brushed against his ankles as he were caught in though, causing him to yelp out, fearing it was a snake.

Instead, it turned out to be the Refraction, slithering through the air and gnawing down on one of his trapped friends.

Turning around, he saw Omen's encasing were now completely clear, like diamond. Whatever malevolence had been in this thing were gone now, however, they still needed to get one thing done before things would be okay, and for that, he had to turn to the last being he originally thought would help.

"D-Discord? Please, can you remove the casing on their friend? I don't have anything on me strong enough to pierce diamond."

Sen or Lin may have something that could pierce through the clear clusters. Or strong enough claws to rip them away, but he didn't think over that as much as how Omen would likely soon wake up, and she'd need to breathe.

He wasn't aware how Omen didn't breathe, nor something else he couldn't see from this angle. Namely, how her pale eyes were wide opened, and didn't seem to hold a flicker of light in them. Seemed like she were still knocked out from whatever had happened to her.




A tear ran down Cover-up's face as he heard how the story went, and slowly walked over to pat Crescent on the shoulder. It might be hugs were more the norm when it came too showing empathy or whatnot, but he didn't feel to comfortable going around and hugging everypony.

"I'm sorry to hear that Crescent,. It had to have been tough to get through."

Loosing your family, your home, and ending up marred for life by the incident were something the colt understood. Underneath his tattoos, old scars ran over most of his body, and kept as a life-long reminder of what had happened when he had lost everything out of nowhere too, though he understood this wasn't the same thing.

Sure, they both hid behind a facade - either camouflaging as a regular bat pony, or by covering one self in tattoos - but their situations wasn't the same. Cover-up could hide what he looked like, and it didn't hurt anypony. Crescent had a disease that would eventually shine through to everypony around him, and drinking blood would make him a pariah to a lot of ponies more than likely. Even when it came to loss, it was worse for Crescent. The colt had the chance to see his again perhaps, whilst Crescent couldn't, and had to live with both finding and burying his family, as well as knowing what his brother had been. That sort couldn't be easy.



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

"Menial labor is always a wanted skill, and I have a good usage for it in this town. I simply mean that I have previously not had the kind of want for stability that would dictate a schedule lasting more than a few days, and no need for bits in general, as I live off the land mostly.

I am a wandering soul, and have been ever since my exile. I didn't wish to settle down anywhere, and simply to travel the world. At first simply to experience everything, but eventually in my quest for sight. As that have concluded, I will eventually return to the roads, and seek new horizons, as well as old ones that I can now see for myself, rather than simply feeling them. However, I have made a promise to Brittle, and I will remain here for her sake, until the day comes when she feels ready to join me.

Ah, but I fear I focus too much on myself. You say you have a history now in animal conservation, as well as study? It sounds like a fascinating line of work, though it makes me wonder if you release papers with your findings, like most researchers or scientists I have heard about? Perhaps something to look out for when I have learned to read."

It was strange that he didn't seem to react to Rainbow Dash's sudden appearance, but then... None of  them seemed to do so, until the door slammed behind Dashie with a noisy *Wham!*

Webbing slid down from the door frame, covering the door and the walls slowly in a thick layer of webs, as the ponies slowly turned their heads towards the pegasus, and greeted her with distorted, ghastly grins on their faces..

"Welcome to-"

"- our web, -"

"- said the spiders-"

"- to the fly."

With the last remark from Rarity, all four ponies walked towards her, as their bodies twisted to the sound of creaking bone. They grew large, hairy legs out of their sides. Egg sacks emerged from their flanks, were tails had once been, and as their eyes split up in eights, the spider teeth grew from their muzzles, twitchy and ready to munch of the sweet pony that had just entered their trap.

IN reality, this was all an illusions. Not wanting her fun to be interrupted yet, Anomaly had cast a spell on Dashie that caused her to slam the door open into another phase, where the draconquus had full control of the scene.

So far her stage plays had shown up as goofy and comedic, but as the pegasus had bursted in with a cloud of confidence nearly being created around her, the mood had struck the draconequus for a horror scene. Minus all the iffy parts with actual feasting on ponies of course. This was a family show, not Nightmare on Elm Street.

It was a pity that nopony could see this really. To the rest, it would seem like the door was never even opened, whilst the pegasus were trapped in the little side show for a time. Perhaps Anomaly would let her pass through eventually, but right now, she at least were determined to enjoy the show, and then see what she'd do, depending on the response from Rainbow Dash. Who knew? Perhaps she'd earn herself a *Change of scenery*. Heh.




Unfortunately for Phoenix, Smokey had been awake before her. Only by about ten minutes, granted, but that was still plenty enough time for him to enjoy the snuggling mare's embrace, as they slowly rolled into Canterlot.

He would lie if he said this had happened before. The closest he had ever gotten to waking up next to somepony else, was when he had to share a tent once, and that had been less snuggling, and more feeling a hoof repeatedly jamming into his jaw from his twitchy room companion.

There was nothing off that this time. Here, he were embraced like a giant teddy bear by a lovely mare, who didn't kick or twirl around to make his part of this unpleasant. Not until she woke up of course, and she did get a little... Kicky in it, so to speak.

There had been but a brief second as she woke up, where he imagined that she would find some joy in having somepony to hold as she had rested, but unfortunately it seemed that she were not there at this point, and would continue on the path of cat and mouse until she were ready for him to catch her.

It was an adventure in itself that he were starting to think might hold a treasure unlike any he had found before, and it made him feel quite the motivation for keeping up this hunt. Especially now that he had tried to be snuggled. This fuzzy feeling were not one he wanted to experience only once if it could be helped, no matter how determined he had to be in his pursuit.

Letting out a yawn and stretching his hooves above his head, he gave her a teasing look, with a voice to match.

"What, is my breath really that terrible?"

He chuckled a little to himself and put his hat back on, that had slid down on the table after he had been separated from Phoenix.

"We should probably get going before the train takes us back where we came from, though I will miss our moment. It was by far the best wake-up I can remember, even with the forcible ejection."

He grinned at her afterwards, though he had spoken quite seriously as he said this. How she would take it then... Well, considering what he knew of her and her reaction to finding herself so closely to him after she rested, it would likely not be with a flying tackle and a passionate kiss.

Though... A stallion could always dream, yes?




Angel's antics were adorable, Pop couldn't deny that. Bumping into a pony like that were the sort of thing that just couldn't make you stop smiling, unless you had no joy in your life whatsoever. And even then, she couldn't imagine this wouldn't be at least worth a vague smile.

"You're welcome. Though, it might take a few weeks or something like that. I don't always travel around, so it's not too often I meet up with the ponies I know.

And you know... I think it will be important I check for somepony who wouldn't want to wait too long to speak about family. The more I see you with Angel, the more it becomes apparent that motherhood would be everything for you."

Thinking on it, she actually thought she might have a match too. He were a kind stallion, and very particular about being clean and presentable most of the time, but he never backed down from an altercation. If somepony tossed something at him, he'd answer in kind, and she had yet to hear about him loosing a verbal fight.

He also had a want for a family, but because of his blunt nature, he hadn't had much luck getting dates. Plus, with his profession, there were certain... Presumptions about him, that didn't make it any easier to look for a potential mate.

She should really visit him soon anyway, so it wasn't too much out of her way to just up her schedule, though if he'd give it a go was anypony's guess. Considering how Vicky looked though, there were a good chance. Especially with her mane. He tended to judge ponies some on how well they took care of their manes and tails, and Pop would give Victoria much bad rep, but she couldn't fault that with her.

Outside, Benny grinned and reached an arm towards Royal in an attempt to brohoof him. He even clenched his fist some, so it would be more akin to pony style, rather than a shake like he usually did. See? He could adapt to pony culture just fine... As long as they didn't involve dancing...

He had given up on trying that. Every time he had given it a go, somepony ended up getting hurt, and he couldn't keep apologizing between swinging around like a drunken sailor. It wasn't safe for anypony, including himself, as a certain fire fighter in Canterlot had pointed out to him after he had to dislodge the dragon from a swing set.

"Awesome. I'll make sure I can be there then. I got some stuff I should get delivered to the guards there anyway, so might as well combine it for a complete cover story."

He had to finish fourteen more breastplates before that then, but it was kinda slow at work these days anyway, so as long as he could keep the twins working, things should be done well in advance, and he could just deliver them himself instead of going with the couriers.

"If you don't mind me saying it by the way, it sounds like you got a pretty good marriage going sir. Might have been a bit rushed like you said, but you seem like two halves that was meant to be put together. Why keep that apart for longer than it haves to be, right?"

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom @~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

"Well, I have been contributing to projects and a few minor papers. I often have to write observations and certain behaviors of different animals in areas, but I also help care for the ones that need it too..."

Foxy briefly glanced toward the door as if she expected somepony to be there, however, the door had not been opened in the last few minutes. Foxy shrugged it off thinking it was just her imagination, though unknown to her, there was an explanation for that.


Foxy continued to speak. "...Some animals are injured as well so I help out with that, which is what we mostly do. It might sound complicated with all what we do, but I enjoy it. Since foxes and reptiles are my specialty they often have me work with them, but I help out with other animals too. Of course since this emergency I am unable to be there for now, but hopefully things will work out."

Edited by Foxy Socks
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@Blitz Boom

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"What, is my breath really that terrible?"

He chuckled a little to himself and put his hat back on, that had slid down on the table after he had been separated from Phoenix.

"We should probably get going before the train takes us back where we came from, though I will miss our moment. It was by far the best wake-up I can remember, even with the forcible ejection."

He grinned at her afterwards, though he had spoken quite seriously as he said this. How she would take it then... Well, considering what he knew of her and her reaction to finding herself so closely to him after she rested, it would likely not be with a flying tackle and a passionate kiss.

Though... A stallion could always dream, yes?

Phoenix rolled her eyes as smokey made his light-hearted remarks about his breath. she stood beside the seat, waiting for her companion of sorts to get up so they can be on their merry way. she peeked over Smokey and out the window of the train car, and that's when the realization hit her. she had been too focused on Smokey, rather than the beautiful city laying just beyond the walls of the train. she had never seen a city so magnificent in all her life. of course, she had heard it mentioned by the shop keeps and other passing ponies in the few moments she did spend in that rural town every now and then, but none of that could have prepared her. 

that's when Smokey's words hit her

"the best wake-up i can remember" she repeated to herself in her head. it sounds an awful lot like he was fully aware of their little nap. he could have been simply talking about how well he slept, but let's be honest. a nap on a train by itself isn't much to be desired. a couple of expletives went through her brain as she tried processing all of it. was it that she hated it? or is she just embarrassed at herself for secretly enjoying it? of course, when this curse was put upon her some years ago, never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd enjoy spending time with a stallion, and yet here she was. in any case, she needed more time to try and figure things out in her head before she could really warm up to the idea. at least napping next to him helped to stave off the nightmares...

expecting him to get up and follow her, she began to trot towards the train exit. once she got off the train and onto the platform, she noticed just how many Ponies there were, going to and from many different places throughout Equestria. it was a little overwhelming for her to say the least. for someone as introverted as her, it wasn't an easy bundle of information to process, and she soon found her breathing quicken, and her heart began to race. she was out in such a large crowd, without her cloak to mask her. not that it mattered, but it always made her feel safe anyway. maybe Smokey could help her out of this mess. "S-Smokey!?" she yelled out, and whipped her head around, trying to find him. 




@Blitz Boom @Foxy Socks @Widdershins

Rainbowdash simply eyed her friend Rarity as she muttered that last phrase. clearly this was something they had rehearsed earlier. were they trying to prank her? "har har, very funny guys" she said with a smug grin. what a lame prank that was anyway. a little spooky, to be sure, but it's not something that's gonna give her nightmares. of course, what happened next was almost guaranteed to. "uhh... guys?" she prodded, trying to get a further answer from them as they began to shift and morph right in front of her. her eyes grew wide. after she realized what they were turning into, her eyes filled themselves with fear. "A-alright guys... i was just joking" she pleaded with them "It's actually a pretty decent prank" she muttered with a shaky voice. 

realizing that none of her words were working, instinct began to take over. her wings began to flutter, as her hooves quickly lifted themselves off the ground. her first instinct was to escape out of a window, but after trying one or two of them, she soon realized they were all covered in a very thick webbing. there was no escape. well, that's alright. if fleeing wasn't going to work, then that narrowed down her option to fighting. using her flight and her speed to her advantage, she immediately flew to the side of the shop furthest from the giant Spider-ponies. 

with a primal war cry, she immediately began flying towards the spiders at the fastest rate she could in such a confined space. as she drew near, she shifted her position so that one of her hind legs was pointed out, aimed at one of their faces as the blow connected. 


Edited by ~Phoenix~
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As she swung around, she'd be able to see Smokey, standing face to face with a female griffon with a black beak.

Usually the ones he met caused him to smile, but this time, a grimace was on his face as the feathered being reached a folded note to him. An opposite to him, the griffon had a smug grin on her beak, and looked at him with a silent chuckle before wandering away again, and getting lost in the crowds of the busy capitol

.He clutched the note in his hoof, half-way crumbling it, but he didn't toss it. Instead, he put it into one of his pockets, and hung his head in silence.

It wouldn't last long. He had heard her, and would come for her soon after that, unaware that she had seen this, unless she would still look at him, or had actually wandered over to him. Either way, a smile and pleasant look had returned to his face, as he got closer to his companion, and tried to pretend that his mood had not changed in the slightest.

"Don't worry Phoenix, I will was just preoccupied for a moment. I wouldn't dream of leaving you to wander aimlessly here regardless. You need a guide to truly enjoy it after all, and I do owe you a grand feast at some point too. Should we look at that to begin with, or would you like that we took a grand tour instead? Of course, if you're still a little tired, or would like to see how I live, perhaps I could show you my house too? I have nothing I need to get done today, so whichever way you wish to experience our great capitol first, I'm game."




As Rainbow Dash would hit one of the spider ponies, she'd find that it was a lot less squishy than it seemed. Specifically, it gave a hollow clank, and got a noticeable dent in its head as the pegasi's hoof would make contact, though it should also hurt said pony's hoof, considering the metal wasn't the flimsiest kind.

The Raribot would stumble backwards, spazzing out with the head spinning around itself and giving off sparks around it, whilst stuttering the last word it had said over and over again. Each time it got more metallic, until at the end, the light would start to blink in the creation's eyes, and she'd implode into a small cube of metal and fake fur.

The other three didn't let this stop them, and would lounge for the pegasi, aiming to wrap her into a cocoon, though they did seem faster after their companions fall. The energy were shared between them, and taking one out would just make the rest stronger. Rainbow Dash would have to think more tactical the further this went on. Especially with the Brittlebot, who seemed to be aiming to clamp down on her hooves and weigh her down..

Another thing happened too, with a light going off over the webbed door. It was faint behind the threads, but if one focused on it, it would be something to take note off. Especially since this was a lock that kept her here, and if she wanted out, she had to get all four lights lit. Something which could only happen if she took down the apparently living props going after her.



@Widdershins @Foxy Socks @~Phoenix~

"It sounds like a noble cause, and good, solid work. I'm certain that both animals and higher sentient beings can get much through your work.

Perhaps at some point, I could assist you? i may not speak with animals, but I am well versed in the comings and goings of nature, as well as building. Perhaps I could help reinforce a sanctuary with some of the experience I have as a builder, or help regrow barren grounds? Insect issues is also one of my more helpful skill sets if those becomes an issue somewhere.

I do apologize if it seems like I am attempting to push myself into your area of expertise, but I do enjoy learning, and helping in the process. It makes me happy to be of willing service to others, and I'm certain that it would please the Earth Mother to find more helping the beings that lives off her fertile soil."

There was not many things he liked in his culture, but the praising of the Earth Mother were one thing which he did keep, as she were to them what Celestia were to the ponies in a sense. A being that made the world revolve in her own way, and by praising her name, sharing kindness to her creations, and spreading the growth upon the soil she resided in, the pleased being would continue to make nature grow and return bountiful harvests.

Foxy would likely still have a different view, as Zhu had shown her what the Earth Mother would look like if she were angered, forgotten and tormented by barren soil, but Briar did not know of this. Yet even if he did, it was unlikely he would believe that the being which had given so much life to the world, could end up being its destroyer. Not from her own will at least.

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@Blitz Boom

A wave of relief washed over Sen as the last bits of crystal sloughed off Omen. He quickly moved to her side and lay her down gently by his, leaning on him while the longma checked for vitals. She may be out of the crystal formation but being trapped for almost four days would likely alter normal signs of life. He wouldn't say anything for the time being but he always could just stay quietly by her side and let Omen regain consciousness on her own; no need to be abrupt for now. 

As for Lin, the same feeling would be apparent on her face but she still had some obligation to help Clayton. After hearing him out and noticing more similarities between the situation the miners were going into and the situation she and Sen were in, she felt there was more to this and more she could provide. Someone did what they could and they are still getting a hard time for it. Introducing the two might be out of the question but she could find an alternative. 

"You were working with information you didn't completely know about," Lin replied. "And maybe your friends' families might be more overjoyed to be reunited with them rather than get angry at you. If you need someone to help you explain all of this to them, just ask me and my brother. I don't know if they'll accept our explanation but at least you tried."

"We still don't know ponies behavior too well. Maybe they might not listen but we want to help. We're not sure we could pay back your kindness but we're willing to try."

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord nodded as he clicked his claws together, causing the diamond casing of the pony to spit the pony out... quite literally. It then proceeded to dance away from the area to the music of 'Hello my baby', decked out with a sparkling new obsidian tophat and cane (Quite similar to this, in fact. Except that it's actually dancing away, not back and forth :derp:). "Even I recognize that suffocation may be serious business, but its prevention sure doesn't have to be." The chaotic being chuckled, watching the crystal shell dance away.

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@Blitz Boom 


Phoenix had swung around to look for smokey, and through her shaky vision, she spotted the exchange. she noted the look on smokey's face as he received what looks to be a small piece of parchment. was this another friend of his? or was this face unwelcome?

 she stood there, waiting, as her heart began to run a mile a minute. all of these ponies around her, and with her out in the open. it certainly wasn't anything she was used to, and the feeling was overwhelming. she calmed a bit as smokey approached, but her condition was far from gone. He would clearly be able to see that she was distressed. her breathing was heavy, as well as deep, and she placed a hoof on smokey's shoulder for support as her balance began to degrade. 

she listened to Smokey as he rattled off their options, with her goal simply being to get away from all of these ponies. "L-let's go to your place..." was all she managed to get out. she sounded rather winded as she began to lean more on Smokey for support. 

as she leaned against him, she looked down at the wooden floorboards of the platform. the edges of her vision began to blur. the floor boards weren't staying still either. they waved and spun as her vision became less and less focused. to her surprise as well, they seemed to be getting closer... 


and just like that, Phoenix had fallen to floor like a sack of bricks. 




@Blitz Boom @Widdershins @Foxy Socks


Rainbowdash followed through with her kick, and felt the sting on her hoof as the strike didn't leave her unharmed either. no biggie, she'll just need a moment or two to walk it off. but this definitely wasn't the time for that. she payed almost no mind to the fact that it imploded into a small cube. at least now that she knew they were robots, and slow moving ones at that, she'd be able to defeat them rather easily. 

she smiled a devilish grin as an idea came to mind, she was about to attempt a move that she was pretty sure she had seen in a movie before. however, it seemed like it may be effective in this case. she attempted to dodge the spiders grasp as she did a flying corkscrew over them, and she immediately went to where rarity kept her stashes of fabric "Sorry Rarity, but also not sorry." she muttered as she took hold of the end of the spool in her mouth, and she immediately began flying towards the other 3 spider-bots.

as she drew near them, she shifted her velocity and began making wide circles around them. as she did, the long strands of cloth began to wrap around the robots, with the intention of constricting and trapping them in place, so that Rainbowdash can make things easier for herself. easy-peasy. 


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 @Blitz Boom, @Foxy Socks, @~Phoenix~ , me, and the Lamppost. 

   "Oh, I shan't be long. Perhaps an hour, mayhap two. You do feel at home in the meantime!"

    With a practiced whirl, the seamstress spun out of the room, leaving her guests to their polite chitchat and to finish off the tea in the ornate china teapot and tea set. A few paces out of the room and back down the hallway to her workroom on the second floor, now out of view of anypony else; a slight feeling & muscle tinge goes through Rarity's neck while previously deep in thought about the new project. Somehow a sudden feeling of unease, like somepony making a mess of her house, had came to her. A feeling a big sister often is prone to. Shaking it off with a mutter under her breath, Rarity continues on to her workroom.

 "...Hmm. Odd. Sigh, perhaps Sweetie is just out with her friends again; getting into things as fillies do."

 Finally, within her workroom, she closes the door behind her and goes about gathering her materials. A few swatches of her color fabrics to mull over, measuring tape, a few pins tipped with colors to match, tipped with brown, red, orange & white, a few of those idly being held in her muzzle for the time being as she mulls over the design, and various other accouterments as needed. In silence, she sets down to one of her tables, usually the planning one to sketch a few things. For a time, she is left alone.

  After a few minutes alone like this, somewhere behind her and out of her sight, one of her long spools of fabric (a rather expensive one at that. Had to charm a rather grouchy merchant for it the last time the Farmer's Market had set up in Ponyville.) is roughly yanked out with a loud whir, the fabric disappearing some few feet out of the shelving. Her head whipping around just as this inexplicable action finishes, Rarity looks back with a bit of surprise. Finding nothing, she returns to her work with a slight whinny of annoyance. 


 Back to Bling Blang!:

     With cheeks puffed and snout scrunched as per usual, the still literally paled stallion responds to Happy Hour from his slouched position.

 "Well, hadn't thought I'd be seeing you again so soon... uhm, Sir.

                               ...what do I need a cart for? I made the delivery didn't I?... Oh! Mailed that letter off today! You did say you wanted to m-meet my parents, right?"

  Ambie asks the last question with the hopeful tone most usually reserve in failed attempts to foist responsibility onto others. Ambie didn't particularly care much to have to deal with his parents again. Not after just walking out of the house one day without warning some year to two ago; not with them being the ponies they were. But Ambie was still a stallion of honor & honesty... if not memory & common sense.        

Edited by Widdershins
Mentions again...
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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

"That would be wonderful! While I won't be able to do anything for a while, perhaps you could help out. As long as Brittle doesn't mind of course." Foxy looked toward her. Foxy wondered if Brittle was back to her normal self after the spell, which while helpful, was only a temporary thing. 

Foxy wondered how much Brittle trusted her then. She hadn't been around her that long, but Foxy knew if she stuck around Brittle would probably get more comfortable. She wondered how long it took her to trust Briar, as she seemed to be familiar with him. She didn't know how much had gone on, but Foxy knew Briar was a good friend and could trust him.


Strangely, Anomaly seemed absent from the scene. Perhaps she left, but Foxy doubted that, knowing Anomaly. Hopefully she wouldn't disturb Rarity.

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“It’s really ... strange,” Dawn said finally, quizzically looking at what was essentially her double. She didn’t know what to think of what to feel about the Pegasus. Then, the Pegasus turned and looked at Dawn and Pop. Her own eyes widened at seeing Dawn and she gave a hesitant wave.

”Wha ... this ... what?” Aurora questioned out loud, and ignored Kaltrops’ insistent moaning and griping to interact with Pop and Dawn. “You ... look like me!”

“I do not! You look like me!” Dawn immediately protested but when she felt the mare’s confusion, Dawn backed off slightly. “I mean ... I’m ... Dawn. What’s ... your name?”

Aurora blinked at the sudden change of emotion within Dawn and looked around their small group confusedly before answering back, no doubt cementing her failed disguise further. “I’m Aurora Lights. It’s not everyday you meet a doppelgänger, huh?” She asked with a grin.

@Blitz Boom & @Seamore Sandwich


“Oh, yes, please. You’re Last Stand, right? You volunteered to help with rebuilding the town?” Twilight questioned, smiling and looking at Last Stand expectantly.

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@Blitz Boom

Holy butts, how many conspiracy theories does this pony HAVE?

"Yeah, that's one way of putting it. After you, ma'am."

He would motion towards the entrance, being prepared to follow. But seriously, she would make a great author. 


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"Princess Luna called, and I answered."

Dismissed from her former duties or not, Last Stand would always rise to the call of the princess of the night, and with them needing help to rebuild this town, she had heard it loudly enough to know she had to answer, even if she wasn't asked for directly. It mattered not when you were devoted to the throne.

"Casualty report first. There were rumors of three deaths, but the bones have proven to be plastic, leaving you with only survivors. How you got this lucky I don't know, but it won't last.

Time schedule next. Until this morning, I had set the recruits and volunteers into a routine and schedule that would see your town rebuild safely within three days, but the plans have changed up with the arrival of the courier Guild and their boss."

She pointed upwards at the large, looming dragon, but didn't steer her unblinking gaze away from the princess.

"It is advised to ignore him. His workers are mediocre, but so far seem to hold the standard I have set. I relinquished the local of their duties with his influx, and from what I have observed, the guild should have the town rebuild in 7-10 hours. After that I will run tests on thew structures to make sure they last better.

I want to discuss the matter of general city defenses though. You're vulnerable, and prone to attacks in this place. You need better defenses, or proper panic shelters. It's too easy to decimate the town as you normally have it."




Straddling into the hospital, not much were going on. Most ponies that had been hurt int he attack had been cared for and were either in rooms, or at their home/tent. Most that were in the ground floor as they entered, were just for new bandages and such, so it were actually pretty calm, and beyond the regular *look at who entered* stare, they wouldn't be focused on by anypony else than the nurse who came closer as they entered.

"Can I help you perhaps?"

"Yep. We're looking for a Florence and Pyhrus? They ordered some food."

The nurse cringed a little at the last name, then pointed down a corridor to the right.

"Last door on the right. Thread carefully."



@Dji @Widdershins

Neither Pop, Marley or Spicy had something to say as the show unfolded between the two somewhat similar looking ponies. Two of them just wanted to see what would come for this, whilst Pop just hadn't a clue what to say about this. It seemed like she should, but right now, it felt like something far above her paygrade, that she shouldn't poke around with right now.

So they'd all just look at them and see what would happen, though Spicy did keep some focus on Kaltrops too. The small stack dragon had gone all up in a tip easy so far, and even gone to the length of calling the gambling mare out to help him. It seemed like it was best to keep a half eye on him, just in case something went haywire again. Especially since she didn't want issues through knowing him, in case the local law got annoyed by him. She didn't fit into a jail cell, even if it was just temporary holding.



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

Brittle didn't say anything. She just looked with concerned eyes at Foxy and leaned in closer to Briar.

What had been left of the spell had unraveled a few minutes ago, leaving her able to feel worry and terror once more, which hit everypony in here bar the Evergrown, whom were the only one who managed to keep her from clutching herself and whimpering right now.

All of those beings outside, everything that had happened today - The draconequus hiding somewhere! It wasn't easy for her mind to handle, and even though she tried a few times, no words managed to leave her muzzle.

He felt how she clutched closer, and gently ran his vine down her mane, to try and see if he couldn't ease her worried mind. Words may have done something were it another situation, but as things stood now, he guessed she would need time to gather herself now that the help wasn't present anymore, and that he shouldn't press it.

It was just a guess though, as he had no idea how to really care for another being like this. He had no children, and his appearance had made it so that caring for children or those with frail minds usually were the last thing others wished for him to help with. So when it came to Brittle, he had to either guess a lot, go with things he had heard, or past experiences, and neither of the two later things fitted their current situation.

"In time, I'm positive that she will be. And thank you for wishing to include her Foxy, It truly means a great deal to us both."

Meanwhile, Anomaly looked curiously at the stuff disappearing with her tiny eyes. Were there others of her kind that wanted to come in here and make a mess? That wasn't fair, she were here first!

Well, if it was going to be like that, she'd get going right away then.

With her previous plan out the window - wanting to sew weird things into the things she were used for - she instead opted to have some fun, and made the floorboards sprout. Not big growths, and not everywhere, but just enough to be impossible to miss. Though this was not the show. Oh nonono. THis was just calling in the *actors*.

If she had a mouth right now, she'd smile with glee as the sprouts twisted and turned into small woodland creatures with the texture and coloring of the floorboards.

They'd raise their small heads, spreads little wings, and like a well buttered machine, they'd all at once start to sing.

The voices were primarily a little high pitched and rusty, but they kept a passable tune going as they sang about helping to prepare dresses, coats and shoes- All the whilst going to shelves and pulling out materials that seemed needed, and took them towards Rarity.

To Anomaly, this was a cutesy, innocent little musical number. To Rarity, it'd likely be more in the line of somepony messing with her store and turning it against her. On a positive note though, the things seen were critters in shape, and she had a cat... There might be something that could be done in combination of that.




"Forgotten my name too, have we? It's Happy Hour. And don't *sir* me please. Sir Happy sounds like a character from a pizza place.

Now come on, we need to get working. You're gonna need the cart for other deliveries in the future after all, just like we talked about last night. Seriously, you can't remember that? How bad did you hit your noggin on the ground?"

It was also an option that this stallion was just a bag of rocks fro a brain, that only rarely got rubbed right to give a spark of light up there, but he wasn't going to voice it so bluntly. He'd likely be able to get away with it, but it wasn't the sort of attitude he should keep going when around others. They knew him as a good being mainly, and for the safety of his own exoskeleton, it should stay that way.

"Well, hopefully there's something still rattling around, or your parents are gonna end up wondering where the record broke, and I'll be right in the line of fire."




After his exchange with Blackbeak, Smokey had quite frankly needed something to be happy about, and at first, it didn't seem like he'd get that from talking to Phoenix.

She were distressed and looking like she were on the verge of a panic attack the longer he kept talking, which made him feel somewhat bad. He hadn't aimed to have her feel like this from seeing the big city, and he hadn't been told of what seemed like a fear of crowds, but he still had the thought that he should have asked, and acted accordingly.

That they should go to his house made him smile a little, as he did want to show off his home, but then it snowballed rapidly after that. Phoenix leaned on him, which made him feel a warmth beyond what her soft frame should be able to provided, and a fleeting thought came to mind about telling her about the heat that seemed to radiate from his being, when suddenly the world had seemed to be too much for her, and she stopped leaning.

He felt his heart skip a beat as he saw her fall to the ground in painfully slow details.

His hoof were stretched towards her, trying to grab hold in Phoenix before the boards made contact with her head, but in a scene that snailed past, his delayed reflexes seemed ever so slower, and he could only look helplessly as she fell like a wounded Elk.

Usually he could take things calmly, even in the face of great danger, but seeing this made Smokey feel instantly short of breath and scattered of mind.

It had taken him the help of a certain griffin that had been observing things among the ponies to snap him out of the increasing panic that threatened to clutch his heart in it's iron grip, though he refused her offer to help him return this mare to his home. He knew well what owing her favors led to from past experiences, and he would not give the ones who pulled her strings more to hold over his head.

It had taken him about ten minutes and the help of a vendor who had been passing with rolls of silk to get to his home after that, and though he had to pay for the cloth that Phoenix had ruined by laying on top of it, he cared not for that. Nor did he from the face that met his arrival with a souring look. In fact, he had snapped at her a little as she asked what the big deal was, which surprised her greatly.

She had reluctantly helped the mare into a bed in the east side of Smokey's home. A large, soft one of good quality, with pillows and a quilt that felt like a kind of silk similar to what he had just had to purchase.

The room were large too, with a chandelier, small decorative objects here and there, and furniture that were not antique, but did seem to be of a high priced range regardless, and carrying some flair that seemed rather old in style. A personal preference of his, though he didn't want antiques to line his home, so he had just gone with regular things jazzed out to look the part between old and new. He thought it was great, but of course, there were those who looked down on him for not being authentic enough, but just having things looking the part. Not anypony that he cared to listen to though.

There were nothing personal over the room though. No pictures, clothes, objects that seemed used, nothing. It were rather sterile and soulless in it really, if you thought on it too much.

"You're an idiot. You know that, right?"

The mare spoke as he grabbed the quilt and placed it over Phoenix as she were placed in the luxurious bed. Though he didn't answer her. Smokey just glanced at Phoenix another time, before he left the room with a sigh. This day had not gone as planned.

After he left, the mare got closer to Phoenix, and glared at her with a sneer on her muzzle.

"Why you? What makes you so much better than me?"

Her voice sounded bitter as she whispered this to the sleeping Phoenix. unless said mare woke up within the next fifteen seconds though, she wouldn't hear anything, but just find herself in a room alone, whilst Smokey were off to get a shower.




The thread would do what she likely wanted to, and caught the creations, causing two of them to clutch closer together, whilst the Brittlebot... Not so lucky that one, as she had been grasping for the hooves of Dashie, she had been tangled weirdly, causing her to stumble and impale herself on a broken table.

The same implosion happened there, and another light went up over the door. However, everything were not peachy, as the Foxybot suddenly grew large claws and slashed the thread over like it were nothing, whilst the Briarbot had two metallic tentacles with clamps at the end roll out from his back, extending three meters each, and out to chase Dashie, though he himself stood still. Foxybot would also do what it could to grasp hold of her, now chasing the pony with greater agility and less stiff movements.

Whichever one she ended up handling this time, it would spell trouble when all the power went to just one pony. What more could these things end up doing if that happened?



@Shineling @EQ_Theta

Clayton opened his muzzle as he saw the diamond encasing dance away, but no word came out. It was simply too bizarre for him right now to find his hoofing in the situation, and he ended up with a minor shutdown of his higher brain functions for a few seconds whilst he coped with the crazy solution that had presented itself.

As for Omen, something seemed off. She wasn't sleeping, as her kind couldn't really do so, and no matter how much she had been manhandled as she were expelled from the suit, there wasn't any resistance or movement of her own. Even her mane and tail seemed to barely move an inch, which should at least concern Discord, considering the regular, flowing movements was one of the things he had designed to always move on her, like a toned down version of the princesses.

She wouldn't move, wouldn't talk, and though her eyes were fully open, no sign of recognition or awareness was in there.

"Your friend is... Interesting. I don't meet many that can sleep with their eyes open. Though since the gem makes you sleep somehow so they can work undisturbed, I suppose it's possible this isn't normal?"

Clayton corrected his tie and his glasses as he spoke, trying to work through his nervousness whilst his friends got handled behind him, and the situation in front of him unfolded.

Omen's way of being right now wasn't something he considered unnatural. She had been almost completely covered, and the gems had done theirs to put her in a position where she wouldn't wriggle, so it seemed unlikely that she'd just wake up from that. Give it some hours or days to get whatever had infected her out of her system, and she should be fine.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to say she wasn't normal. It's just the starring that's a little off putting.

Can somepony check if she is breathing though? I just want to make sure that nothing is wrong. And... I-I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but what is going to happen with the diamond suit? I wouldn't want it to cause havoc. Not that mean that you can only do that Discord, I just uhm... I-I mean..."

He kept fiddling with his tie, and took some deep breaths as he tried to get himself under control again from metaphorically putting one hoof after another down his throat.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

With Charlie and Ziggy well handled currently, and the rodent content with flying a little above the ones she knew and sending harsh glances towards Cherish, the specter had an easier time to keep herself calm as they wandered down the path that were mostly intact. A few things needed to be moved here and there, but overall, they should get through relatively fast.

After removing what was likely once a statue kept down here for safekeeping, she turned slightly to look at the Siren, getting a few more gazes of the creature and how she seemed to handle herself. She seemed friendly, especially as the pony with her were carried with care, but it was still strange to see a... What had she called it? A Siren? Yes, Siren, that sounded about right.

Anyway, it seemed strange to see one that looked like a mixture between fish and pony. Had she been away from everything for so long that races had started to mingle like that? Like the pegasus that seemed to carry traits of Zebras, or the squirrel with a maw of a predator?

She had run to get away from unicorns, afraid that they'd do something when they started to get closer and closer, and she got here where it was safe. Comfortable. It was a reminder of olden times and ideals, even as it started to fall apart, and she had hid behind that. Escaped to the past, with somepony else that had stayed until recently.

Now it was empty, save for the horrendous one that had been strange absent today. Perhaps he had finally moved along too? Where did that leave her? Trapped in an empty castle, caught in old ideals as the world moved on with fishponies and interbreeding?

Her name used to be associated with love. Cherish Heart, the one who would bring two halves together, and here she instead was, confused, faced with what seemed like results of love from different parents, and what had she done? She had hurt one, gotten on a bad hoofing of another, and the third, she barely knew what to think about. Once it would have been wonder and amazement of how love could truly find a way, but it just wasn't there. She didn't feel the wonder of love anymore.

"....Does being a Siren mean that one of your parent was a fish creature, and the other a pony? I'd like to learn about you."

Perhaps... All it would take, was to find the spark again, somewhere out there...

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@Blitz Boom


Tock blushed again when Scarcity called him “delightful.”  Now he thought he might actually have a chance to win her over, but of course, he had to stay somewhat professional at the workplace.  He came up with the perfect plan.  “I restore anything from engines to end tables.  I have next Tuesday free if you’d like to discuss a business arrangement in depth over coffee?  Unless of course you prefer tea like I do.”  He chose the date carefully, not so soon that he would seem desperate, but not so far away that it seemed like he didn’t care.  If she said yes, he would keep that meeting strictly business, and if it went well enough, he might ask her out on a date afterward for another time.  Meanwhile, Penny could see what was going on, but she kept quiet.  It wasn’t her place to interfere when somepony was falling for somepony else.  


@Blitz Boom 


That night, at the banquet, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, especially the guests.  Among them were several well known heroes, as well as some lesser known ones including a fox with a bow and a quiver on his back who definitely stood out against a group of mostly ponies.  Hunter had heard that a great hero had returned, but he was a bit skeptical.  He didn’t know the names of most of the others there, so he couldn’t be sure which one had returned, so he’d just wait and see where the night went.  


@Blitz Boom


I suspect they may be hiding in a cave somewhere in the rockier parts of the forest, but my friends haven’t been able to find them yet.  Before sunset, I would like to check the road for traps. They have been setting a few from time to time to break cart wheels.  It’s a trick they use to give themselves time to steal while a caravan waits for sunrise so they can replace the broken wheel.  The traps are well designed and blend into the road.  They look like rocks, but once enough pressure is applied, they quickly shoot up to break the wheel, then they retract before anypony can see them.”  


@Blitz Boom 



I guess this will be my first real adventure!  But where are we heading is the real question?  Although, if you told me a place, I’d probably have no idea what you were talking about.”

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@Blitz Boom

Phoenix's little nap certainly wasn't a pleasant one. not only had she fainted, but her unconscious thoughts were plagued with nightmares, the very same she'd been having nearly all her life. almost as soon as the strange mare exited the room, she began to toss and turn. a few inaudible mumbles as well as a few groans escaped from her maw. eventually, she thrashed herself so hard that she fell over the edge of the rather large bed, pulling the quilt with her. 

the feeling of falling was enough, however, to jolt her awake. as soon as she hit the floor, her eyes shot open. immediately, she knew she was somewhere she wasn't quite familiar with. she kicked the quilt off of her self, and used the bed for support as she pulled herself up to a standing position. "a bed...?" she asked herself as she looked it over. the last time she had seen a piece of furniture like this, it had been in her home village, all those years ago. and those beds were just singles filled with straw. she shook her head to chase away those memories. she had no sense of nostalgia over them. but no, she had most certainly never seen something as luxurious as this. she poked one of her hooves at the soft silken quilt that now lay on the ground in front of her, and noted just how soft it felt as well. whoever owned this place certainly had wealth above that of the average pony. 

once she had her bearings, she decided to take a look around the room. she looked at all of the strange bits of art and furniture, as well as the chandelier as she circled around the room. the fact that the room had no sense of personalization made her believe she was in some sort of hotel room. had smokey brought her there until she was able to walk the rest of the way? if so, why would he pick a place as expensive as this one? either way, she needed to find him. 

she checked herself over to make sure everything was still in tact, and that's when she noticed a shooting pain in her head. she brought a hoof up to the area of concerned, and she gently poked at the area. a pained expression washed over her face as she winced a bit. she was definitely a bit bruised up from her fall earlier that day. but it didn't matter too much, she would treat herself with some spells later. what was important to her was to find Smokey so they could be on their way, lest she embarrass herself more by having another episode. 

she reached the door, and slowly pushed it open as she stuck her neck out into the hallway. as she turned her head, she saw the back end of some mare who seemed to be walking away from her. thinking she may have been some sort of hotel staff, she decided to try and flag her down "Um... Excuse me miss? do you happen to work here?" she asked quite a bit awkwardly as she attempted to act like a normal pony. 




@Blitz Boom @Widdershins @Foxy Socks


Rainbowdash gulped as she saw the two remaining robots grow in strength, and escape their yarn trap "It's okay, Dash. they're just flimsy robots" she muttered some words of encouragement to herself. she flew up towards the ceiling of the large room, in hopes that they wouldn't be able to reach her as she began to ponder her options. there's no way she could try the windows or doors, not with that amount of thick webbing on them. she'd just get trapped, and then she would really be doomed. seeing as how her only resource was fabric and thread, her options to come up with something crafty were very limited, and she had just about exhausted them all already. 

"then i'll just have to use more brute force" she said to herself as she began to fly around, gaining momentum for her next strike. of course, her hoof was still a bit sore from the last kick, so this time she was going to use the other one, obviously. however, she wasn't just going to hit one of them. she was going to try and knock them down like a bunch of dominoes.

she could feel the wind whipping through her mane as she began to fly at a speed that was probably much too dangerous for somepony indoors. however, it wasn't a problem for an ace like rainbow. she lined up her shot, with the Briarbot being closest to her, because she wouldn't want to charge into the sharp claws that the other one had. she began her strike run, aiming for the center of mass. she struck it, knocking the briarbot with considerable force into the other robot.   

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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich "I don't know my actual parents. I was found on the shores of Horseshoe Bay and adopted by a couple. They are my parents. I had to read ancient history books, some long forgotten others...forbidden to figure out a portion of my heritage." She pauses then looks up, "Alot of what was written made the Sirens appear evil and unredeemable, but I'm not like the Three Sisters, I mean yes my song can affect ponies and non-ponies, but I don't use it to cause disharmony." She chuckles and rolls her eyes, "Mainly cause if I did Princess Luna would need to get in line with my Mom to kick my flank"

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins @~Phoenix~

Foxy smiled kindly. She relaxed, stretching her legs out, before she immediately froze. Did she just hear something? Foxy had acute hearing, which while not able to exceed much past a normal pony's hearing, it was enough to cause irritation if a loud or bothersome persistent sound occurred. Perhaps it was due to her being related to foxes, but she doubted that, as she didn't have many other vulpine abilities besides her appearance and teeth.


"Do you hear that Briar? Maybe it's just what Rarity is doing, but it sounds quite strange, like... singing."

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


Dawn closed her eyes and breathed through her nose. “This is not happening, this is not happening,” she muttered and levelled a glare at Aurora. “You are not my double, You are not my doppelgänger. You. Are. A. Dream,” she said forcefully and brushed past the mare in question.

Aurora gasped at the brush off and looked at Dawn walking away, giving Kaltrops a punch in the leg for good measure on her way through. “What ... just happened?”

@Blitz Boom & @Seamore Sandwich


“At least no ponies died, Last Stand,” Twilight sighed in relief. “I’m surprised you managed to get everything rebuilt on such a tight schedule though. I’m impressed,” she added appreciatively. “Is there anything else that needs looking at?”

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

Seeing the rest of the crystalline casing slough off from the rest of the trapped ponies gave Lin a much needed sigh of relief and now, especially Sen, have come to that maybe it's high time to let go of old grudges with Discord. While it is true that his magic did reach his village and things eventually descended into a chaotic outburst of random happenings, the damage was undone and the draconequus has already shown more than enough that he was the same long before. It seemed Fluttershy and her friends have made this change a lasting one... or so it would seem. Admittedly, they didn't know Discord well enough to say for sure; a creature of chaos would fit the description of what chaos really is. Always in flux and likely to do one thing that didn't seem to make sense with another. They won't judge, though. The siblings are content with him. 

As for Omen, being freed from the crystal prison she found herself in didn't do much in the way of setting her back to consciousness. For a while, Sen didn't seem to do much in the way of resuscitating her, only regularly checking for pulses and breaths, movements on the chest regularly rising and falling. These were the telltale signs to gauge if someone is need of immediate assistance but Sen didn't know a thing about Omen's bodily functions. Maybe it took longer for her to come to? Nothing to worry about for the meantime? He was content to wait it out if it meant returning to consciousness meant it would take a while longer than what he expected. The problem is, she just remained still. No changes whatsoever. That's when Sen began to scramble through his thoughts in an attempt to remember what the basics of first response and aid was supposed to be, whispering to himself at first before he started speaking out loud. 

"Come on. What was it? Airways... Breathing... something. What was number three? CIRCULATION! No obstructions on one and number two is absent. Did I miss something? Maybe something is blocking her airways? Need to check." 

Both Sen and Lin went up close to check anything that could get stuck in visible air passages like nostrils but it didn't appear to have any. If it was the opposite, there would have been a visible piece of crystal stuck up the nasal passage. Awareness seems to be lacking but both tried moving two digits in front of Omen and creating sound to see if she will respond to external stimuli. Sen continued to check but Lin heard Clayton speaking and turned to him. 

"Yeah, Omen is not a common sight in Equestria. At least you are more forthcoming than most; we usually get sideways glances and whispers. A lynch mob greeted us once but I'd rather not bring that up. But you're right, this isn't normal. No breaths, no response so far."

She then turned to Discord thinking he might know something they don't. 

"Has this happened before? You mentioned these crystals being common long ago but has anyone... well, recovered from being imprisoned in them? Or if Omen's affliction might be worse than it looks? Maybe the ponies trapped in the crystals here could be in the same situation she is in right now." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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