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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Thunder smiles "Oh just me being a bit careless" he would admit "I ought to be fine though" he would then laugh at the joke about the pillows and kneepads or bubble wrap "Trust me, it doesn't happen as often as it used to, Flutterrshy has actually helped me be less reckless" he chuckles "It actually worries her when I crash badly enough to injure myself, poor mare worries so much about me"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby just nodded when Spicy spoke, she knew about the magic required to walk on clouds, but she had never really tested if she would be able to do that naturally or not, and now wasn't time to test it either, as it would only bring up questions regardless the end result. So, not having anything to say, Ruby made her way to the line to get spell casted on herself, hoping her true nature didn't effect the functionality of the spell, because even if she could fool every creature, magic wasn't necessarily fooled.


"Oh, I know they don't dislike me, but what I'm saying is that I'm not sure if we are quite friends yet." Nada informed, and this time the reason for ignoring Berry's latter words was different than usual, this time she actually believed her, because even if it would end up to be true that ponies today were nice and accepting, she knew they weren't like that always, after all, she saw it with her own eyes with the banishment. "Because in my opinion friendship requires a bit more interaction than what I have had with them."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom Serenade watches, as you get close...The foal reaches out and BOOP. She rears up, "ARGH! I have been deafeated!" She rolls over, forelegs in the air...."Blargh....I dead" She lets out a blast of air underwater, causing bubbles...then remains still. The Foal giglges, "I Have defeated the Siren! I am Queen of the Seas"

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@Blitz Boom

What a rather curious mare the younger pegasus has become the longer she spends with Minty.  Not that the larger unicorn minded the attention in the least, of course.  Recruiting for the O.M.I. was a very picky process, needing to make sure she selects from the best in their fields, or at least close to it.  The O.M.I. in Manehatten was still a beta test to show the Princesses how viable the agency was for further expansion.  Many thought it was odd that she'd recruit an earth pony, and later a pegasus, into an enforcement office so focused on magic.  Alchemy often helped fill the gaps that magic couldn't in the big picture.  That and not every part of investigating a crime needs a horn.

"Oh, Bash is well versed in his discipline.  He even studied abroad with the Zebras for many moons.  Not the biggest talker, or emotional expression, but he has a kind heart.  He's always on the look out for new brews to make.  Healing potions, remedies, curse cures, enhancement salves, sleeping agents, paralytics and yes poisons.  What better way to make an antidote than having the poison on hoof to study.  While poisons, even in our culture, might be viewed as evil or underhoof, they have their uses.  The Power Pill that Rising used in his battle against Twisted was technically a poison.  It prevented his body from performing its normal functions, much like a poison.  In the interest of survival living things have limiters that keep them from pushing their bodies to 100% so as not the break.  The pill turned Rising's limiter off, destroyed it in fact, until he could take the antidote and restore it.  If not, it could prove quite fatal.  Bash is also a very talented botanist and has plants for just about every occasion.  Some of his herbs can fix you right up with even needing to be brewed," Minty rambled on as the town finally came back into view.  Good thing too, because this performer was in need of a drink at their little adventure.

Rising Dusk had meant his comment about the swamp to be a joke, but he supposed that was only the most effective with those that actually knew The Captain.  Causing him to smirk just to the make just the joke at least got the smallest amount of attention.  "Resources are important to have.  No swamp or forest isn't without its dangers.  I'd be curious to see what happens to the swamp with the goddess's light now being pumped into it."  Waving his hoof in greeting to the returning town guardian and Captain of the O.M.I.

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@Blitz Boom

“Well… when the longma are amongst themselves, they aren’t really alone. There’s knowledge passed down from generation to generation, learning little by little. Even we haven’t explored the entirety of the forest we call our home and some of the longma claim there are whole new places beyond that are no longer part of the forest itself. Some will argue that we can still learn and explore, better ourselves, but only on our terms.”

“And yet you raised very compelling points. Without accepting that there is a world beyond the forest, the longma as a whole stagnate, fall behind while everyone else has already moved on. What you said? You already sound wiser than more than half of the longma!”

There was always something new to learn, see, experience. Frankly, Sen and Lin might have seen that more than most but that was because they had no other choice. It wasn’t an easy thing to accept and being reminded of it everyday for years only hammered in that fact. They were no longer in familiar territory, some longma would joke that if the siblings stayed any longer in pony-occupied lands, they’d start losing their draconid features. They’d probably return as ponies.

Omen’s personal experience has more credence now that it would make her a wealth of information on lands outside of the longma village, on top of having the life experience needed to show the downsides of isolation. Yet there is a counterargument to that matter, something that could catch the flaw in the siblings and Omen’s perspective.

“Hmm… I just remembered that even with the world moving on without the longma,” Sen pondered aloud. “they are still able to carry on just fine. They didn’t need to know what was going on beyond our borders because they wouldn’t affect the longma anyway. What are your thoughts on that, Omen? It is fairly sensible when put that way, right?”

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Omen would have answered, but her brain had cut off around halfway through what the two of them had been discussing, finally reaching her breaking point for unsorted information.

If she had been able to, she would have added herself as an answer to the final question that were aimed her way. In her mind, she would see herself being a good example of while being able to survive outside the influence of others, and not technically needing them, it caused stagnation the further removed you became from everyone else. She were still alive, sure, but what had she gained in the nearly three millennia she just sat and waited for her masters return? Nothing. There were no outside input, no help, just isolation and being contend with trying to cling to a past that had slipped away, the moment Discord had been trapped.

Of course, she wouldn't have been totally right in this. The longma were seemingly self reliant, but also evolved at their own pace, away from others, which while putting them behind in some aspects, still allowed for a functional society were growth weren't stagnant, as much as delayed and limited. As a society, they had found something that worked, and there were merit in that, whereas Omen had just been put in complete limbo. A perspective that were among several things she were trying to grasp now, as her mind tried to process several things in the hectic time that had passed recently.

It should be somewhat easy to see that she had gotten into this stage as she did not move a muscle, nor replied to anything, and even shaking or poking her would do nothing this time. For the next three hours, this would be her state, before she'd rouse up as if nothing had happened, and wander silently outside to look into the sky, and process some more things as Sen slept. Unless Lin interrupted her for some reason, yet hopefully she would not, as the mare needed to get some things clearered sooner, rather than later, or more of these episodes would happen.

As for Shrimp, he wouldn't bite much notice in how Omen acted at first, and as he eventually would take notice, he's try to tug and nibble her a few times without result. Something which would ahve made him nervous if he had not seen her like this before, and just thought it were something his caretaker did. Like sleeping, but standing up, and starring straight forward without any spark of consciousness hanging in the pale eyes.

He'd take to follow Lin for the rest of the time before they went to rest, and wrap himself up in a small circle on her back eventually to get some rest of her own. It had been a long day for him as well, and he could use sleep as much as anyone else here. Especially if the two of them played with him some more before this, as he'd happily comply, and just spend even more energy on this. Hopefully him needing to sleep this much were going to change as he grew older, like it did in several other species when it came to the early stages/years of life.




"And thus, the scourge of the sea have been defeated. hail the queen!"

Ziggy splashed with her wings in an excited manner as the filly paraded herself forth as the rightful ruler of this pool of water. Clearly, with Serenade undoubtedly defeated with no chance of ever coming back from that crushing blow, there were no doubt of the filly's claim. They had to try and get her a little patch or something that said captain later. Ziggy were pretty good with a sewing needle, so that could be a fun little side project.

"Let's get to the shore to tell the world! They must know who the great booper of siren snouts are."

With that, Ziggy started to paddle towards the edge of the pool, aiming to set the filly off there, unless there were some objections on her behalf, or - unlikely as it seemed - Serenade had just taken a dive and were about to pounce up and drag her down underwater. Naughty trick the siren had done to her a few times, and unfortunately, something that had given Fah'lina ideas in the process. It was unfair with two underwater predators against one pegasus!



@Rising Dusk

"Ah, so that would explain why our dear savior were in such a grizzly state when Thistle floated into town with him in tow. Such a marvelous usage of poison and antidote to seize control of the body's very limit are extraordinary, yet the limits are there for a reason. Removing those for even a short while would wreck havoc upon your system. *sigh* Such a shame that the regular, mortal coil can be so very lacking, when one need its full potential."

If you looked past her small sigh and begrudging statement about the body being a fickle, weak thing, Caramel were still looking as thrilled as could be, from hearing what she had about Bash.

A social recluse were what it were - they could sadly not all be as grandiose as Minty were - yet he sounded well traveled, and with a broad, hungry mind for alchemy. Finding usage for even the seemingly most vile things, and strive to make something good of it, spoke well of his skill set, and clearly it were working too. Sure it had some side effects, but nothing powerful tended to be without, and Rising had prevailed through the process, so the countermeasures clearly worked too.

Before hearing this, she thought Bash one that she would want to meet, as he sounded like he might be a pony of high skill. Now however, she knew that it were more than that. She Needed to meet him, as clearly, they would have a lot to learn from one another. Perhaps she more than him? Hmhmhm, they'd see, but she wouldn't be as surprised anymore if that were the case. She had a long time to improve her craft after all, even in this somewhat stunted country, yet he sounded like a prodigy, hired by one who gave him somewhat free reigns to reach his potential to its fullest.

"The closest I have been able to replicate in a manner like the power pill you speak off, requires an enchanted idol along with it. A marvelous drink that can give you several minutes of power beyond your limits, yet with a predictable outcome. That is what the idol is for, you see. It harvests the fleeting soul upon the subjects natural death, and stores it whilst the body gets prepared for re-habitation. It requires a highly skilled user in necrotic magic which usually means a lich, or gods be willing, a stitcher, as they can more easily deal with what side effects have occurred in their enchanted state. I have long found this to be an imperfect, yet usable thing to have at hoof, if worst comes to worst, yet hearing of this pill, I feel humbled by the young stallion's skill. It sounds quite a bit more universally useful, than what I know of.

Hmm... I hate to be a bother, but might I ask you to bring him a small olive branch of sorts, from one alchemist to another? A little something which may entice him, and let him know that there is someone who would most certainly like to meet him.

I would need but a few minutes in my garden, if you would allow me the time?"

She looked over to notice that they were close enough to be spotted now, as Rising waved towards them. Something she amusingly replied to with a wave of her own and a smile on her muzzle. Such a fascinating pair these two were, and to think, there were more like them, such as Bash. Oh, she could hardly imagine what sort of other specialists the theatrical Minty had gathered underneath her command.

17 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Resources are important to have.  No swamp or forest isn't without its dangers.  I'd be curious to see what happens to the swamp with the goddess's light now being pumped into it."

"Perhaps more things will stay dead, instead of getting back? We can only hope."

"Later in the evening, we could ask the high priestess. She were around before this age. She must know what to expect."

"...Yeah, I guess you're right. Not now though. I want to hear if Minty and Caramel handled things safely. We don't have need for a bunch of pixies to have gotten past them, and entered town to cause mischief tonight."

Wisp sounded unsure of what Sickle said, regarding Thistle, but she didn't speak up about it. It seemed disrespectful, and Thistle had seemed like she had other things on her mind. She did not need this added to that.



@Catpone Cerberus


As they'd get to the front of the line, the stallion who had to deal with them jerked his head to the side as they neared, and with big eyes went over to look closer at Ruby. The young stallion pushed his small spectacles up his snout and just kept on seemingly examining something, whilst mumbling to himself, before Spicy suddenly poked to his noggin.

"Yo, there's a problem or something?"

The stallion snapped out of it and somewhat shaken turned to Spicy, seemingly confused as he briefly addressed her like his superior.

"There's intricate spellwork ma'am. We have to do so-"

"Peh, it's just an enchanted necklace, bucko. You got anything important to note here, or can she get enchanted and get on her way? There's folks waiting."

He seemed squirmish about Spicy's very direct way of talking to him, and looked around, seeing all his superiors hard at work, and not having the nerve to interrupt them.

"...Y-Yes, of course. Sorry."

The enchant would take about a second, and Ruby would feel absolutely nothing, as the quick spell were laid upon her, allowing her sky wandering for the forserable future. Which also allowed them to be on their way shortly after.

"Noisy bugger that one, but clearly lacking the spine to make his own decisions, or deal with confrontation. If this had been a poker game, that right there would've been me, just blasting past him and winning all his bits without him even knowing what were going on. Total doormat."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well Somepony just wanna be difficult now, don't she? Hehe, let's say then that they're friendly towards you. Better?"

Berry pulled her tongue at Nada, trying to signal that she were joking around about her being difficult. She did make a fair point that calling them friends might be a bit premature in it, but friendly at the very least she'd hold on to, as they had been pretty nice when they had met Nada. At least the times that Berry had seen, but she were sure they didn't just hide it when others were around. They would've just banished or buried Berry too, to make sure there were no witnesses. The Conspiracy would love that.

"And I mean, even if they're just friendly, that means a whole lot. The people follow the princesses, so if they're on your side, there's a bigger chance they are. Well, Celestia anyway. Twilight's still new, and after the whole *Nightmare Moon* debacle, Luna still have some trust to earn back from what I hear. Not that anypony would say it to her face of course. Dumb move."



@Etched Daydream

"As she should be. Crashing's dangerous. Especially if you go crashing into the ocean. You know what happens to a lad who gets taken by the undertow, and doesn't know what to do? Trust me, you don't wanna figure out the answer.

New recruits needs to run with a partner for safety reasons, but thinking I need to narrow yours to getting you in with another flier. I ain't risking a nice kid like you gets injured without reason, Thunder. Another flier will be able to pull you up and out of danger, if worst comes to worst."

While talking, they had gotten down a less crowded area, which also seemed to be getting progressively more styled up. A few benches, some potted plants, that sorta thing. Small stuff really, until they got to the point where the portraits of the generals both current and past were shown. Small ones about the size of a regular colts head, but lining the walls on both sides of them in the hundreds, with faces after faces ranging from the big and gruff, to scrawny and nervous. There were no common thread to find between them, except for the fact that all but 1 were equine. Third row from the bottom, picture 42, showed a griffon with a real smug smile on his face. Unconventional, but he had gotten the title fair and square, and though he only lasted a year, he got his honor as evenly as the rest.

The picture of Tidal were one of the first they ran into, as the oldest started from the door they were headed towards, and the newest then got pushed here. She had a big ol grin on her face, and blood running down from what looked like a big knife or tooth and struck her forehead, but she didn't care one bit. It had been one prideful moment, and no, she weren't gonna change this. She didn't care if it looked unprofessional, that were her in the moment. That sort couldn't be replicated in her opinion.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

He would follow "I know, don't worry, I don't actually make it a habit to crash into thing, but I was distracted by something..or someone when I crashed into that cliff" he'd say with a bit of a chuckle "Usually its a little critter like a squirrel or sometimes if I'm lucky, a pretty mare" he'd say, trying to make a slight joke at his own expense. "At least I have an ambition and am sticking to it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Blitz Boom 


Continued from page 354


“What’s the point of a silly tradition like that?  I came up with my own name, so why shouldn’t he?”  Charlie seemed genuinely confused by this question, not realizing that children aren’t born with the ability to speak.  Language was originally a foreign concept to Charlie, but the way Charlie learned to speak was instantaneous upon accidentally possessing Briar.  The changeling spoke, “I... this body was once called Kilo.  There are many memories here, but none of them are my own. Even the name sounds unfamiliar to me.  I don’t think I’m Kilo, so for now, call me Naut.”  Naut might not have known who he was, but that internal struggle could wait.  Right now he needed a name to make things easier for the others.  “I was told by Princess Luna that ‘what Charlie seeks can be achieved by finding the Heart of the Woods,” and that Zhu knows the way.”  



Gaea 357

Penny 361

Marcus 362

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On 9/21/2019 at 6:42 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Adventurer or not, perhaps you should still make contact to either of them some day. They are delightful creatures, and have a wealth of fascinating stories to tell. But I am not to tell you what to do after all. I merely set the pieces. What you then decide to do with them are up to you."

Briar let out a short laughter and shook his head.

"Dear me, that did not come off in a pleasant way. I do not mean to imply that I see them as pieces to be manipulated with. Hopefully my actual intent shone somewhat through, and I do apologize if that came off as slightly... Menacing, I suppose is the right word."

Behind them, Brittle were long since done making the bed, but she kept at her distance and just observed them quietly from a corner, trying to blend into the shadows as best she could so she wouldn't get the attention. She found it better to just watch, and try to be more comfortable knowing that there are others near her, instead of worried they'd suddenly turn and assault her. Actual walking up to and talking were still some ways off at this point though, without her emotional support next to her.

"*sigh* In any case, you make a fair point. If the adventuring life first gets to you, it is unlikely that you will be able to simply retire from it and feel yourself. The wanderers heart yearns for the road after all, and the path can be as treacherous as it is magnificent.

Perhaps you would indeed do best in staying here, and then see if help cannot reach you instead. It would allow you to focus on your life as it is, without risking losing yourself or your life to the wilderness, yet potentially still reap some benefits that could greatly help you. Please, I am certain that I could ask any of them to travel and find this without it being a bother to you, or being something you need to worry about. Several of them do owe me favors, and I know at least three of them adores Germane, so they would not have to be convinced for long."


"Perhaps. I'm sorry I can't commit to adventuring and I hope I haven't been a burden on you with my...fragile nature. Honestly, the future in general scares me, and I doubt it's knowledge that will alleviate that. I'm scared that when I do make a choice, I'll regret it and it will be too late to change it. No one lives forever, and we're never sure how much time we have. I want to make sure I've used my time wisely."

Velvet forced himself to say it, to dig deep and finally put words to his fears of the future, which played a role in adventuring being so daunting a task where others would be more willing to try it. He felt like a fool and a coward now that he said it, but at least he said it.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Blitz Boom
Though it wasn't noticeable from outside, Ruby got bit worried when the pony started examining her, and prepared to flee in case something went wrong, but luckily Spicy came to intervene and got the process to progress, though that didn't ease her mind, because even though it may be that the situation was caused by the necklaces, since she didn't know what kind of spells there were in either of them, there was a slight possibility that the pony had something to recognize her transformation magic with, and if he was to share his findings forwards, it could get troublesome.  "I knew this cursed thing would cause trouble at some point." she looked at the necklace combination "Do you happen to know how he could tell there was magic? I didn't see any machines and I haven't met other unicorns that have been able to sense magic as far as I know." she didn't know if this was a weird question, but she hoped it wasn't suspicious.

Nada smiled, she understood Berry was joking around, but she wasn't necessarily wrong, and Nada knew that she was a bit of an pettifogger on some topics. "I know, but unfortunately I'm not quite trusting enough of your kind to believe they will all just start liking me because the princesses say so, I need to see it myself to believe it." "I still try to be positive about it though, and if it's true what....I don't remember who from all of you said about Luna being in the moon for thousand years, I do believe I have some chance since Luna managed to not only settle back in, but return as a ruler."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom


"She was running away ... she was happy ... I d-don't know if we should follow though," Atzy admitted, looking further down the tunnel. She did stay where she was though and was staring with incredibly wide eyes. She didn't know what to make of seeing that filly and it shook her enough to act like a leaf caught in the wind.

@Blitz Boom


"So ... there are others. Other changelings ... wh-who are, um, slaves?" Aurora asked nervously. "Th-They do the labour because Queens are lazy? They just d-do things without question?"

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


Twilight was unable to move for a good couple of seconds, seemingly frozen as she stared at Cherish retrieving the plant ooze. She was shocked to walking though when Last's voice floated away and she hurried to meet her, deep in thought. She wasn't sure of what to say and looked over her shoulder, noticed it had tilted it's head, and almost felt sorry for leaving it behind. She did quickly look back to her front so she could watch where she was going after a bit.



"Curl up at my hooves, eh?" Dawn smirked. She could get used to having a dragon around for company. It beat the loneliness she always had. "If you want, you can. I'm not stopping you. Although with your size, I doubt you'd be able to fit into my bedroom."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

“Uh… I think we should tone down these deep conversations for a bit.”

“Might want to hold off on giving her some language lessons while we’re at it,” Lin scratched her head. As much as she is still panicky about whenever Omen would suddenly shut down in a conversation, she would have to bear with this for the time being. There’s probably so much unsorted information in Omen’s head that there’s no telling how long this will keep on happening. “Besides, I don’t have any lesson plans in mind. Gonna need some time to sort it out.”

“No use standing around here waiting for something to happen. I’ll get some sleep, see everyone in the morning.”

The two parted with Sen finding a corner to lie down in and doze off. As for Lin, she grabbed a dusty book and sat by the fire, tending to it for a while and dimming the lights. Times like this gave her some comfort, small ones that remind her of quiet nights when she’d leaf through books and learn as much as she could about pony society. What she couldn’t observe in the day, there was at least a reference to it somewhere. 

Downtime like this wouldn’t be much use with talk but Omen would later move on her own, then return to the still and the quiet. The longma did promise to no longer bother the Ki’Nathar for the rest of the evening and so, upon noticing movement, watched and waited before returning to her book. With Shrimp soon finding a spot for himself to rest on her back, Lin decided to gently move the little creature to her side instead, fearing that she’d be moving and shifting around a lot later on.

“How about you rest by my side instead, Shrimp,” the longma whispered. “Wouldn’t want to disturb you later.”

Silent and still the night went on with only the pale moonlight and the sounds of crickets for company. Dull as it may be, it was better with the company of friends and family. Lin carried on with her alone time until the first signs of dawn.

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 "D-don't get any ideas! A good wood floor like this reminds me of my cave's floor" Kaltrop huffs in protest. "I prefer the floor! Not laying at y-your hooves like I'm lesser to you or anything!

  ...and wh-why would I want to spend the night in your personal room? I'm not your pet!!"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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"If we don't, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Ignorance is not as blissful as you may think."

The sphinx started to walk in the direction that seemed to indicate where the filly in the vision had gone, though slowly, to allow for Atzy to follow before he got far from her. She might not be thrilled about it, but in Enzo's opinion, it were foolish not to pursue this, as otherwise she would constantly be able to look back at this and think *What if I had followed?*. And that sort of regret and uncertainty were not something that should follow you. At least to him, it were better to know.




"A queen's job is to take care of the hive. She lays the eggs that keeps the hive alive, guides her children and keeps them fed. But it haves downsides. The bigger a hive gets, the more muzzles to feed, and there's never enough, so a strong queen also needs to know when to cull her own eggs, or have to see them grow up starving, and face mind death. I've seen some who faced that... Death is far kinder than that.

Trust me, there's nothing lazy about being a queen. It's a hard battle to keep your hive fed, balanced, and strong against attackers, since our prey's usually the dominant species on this planet. Even though she doesn't work hard labor, I know my queen had to make tough decisions that were far harder than any work we'd ever do. And yeah, that includes things that made her resented, even among our own kind, like making slaves out of our prey. It's not a kind thing, even if she cleared their minds to make them think it were great, but I have never doubted that everything Onache's done, were for the sake of her hive.

Having food close 'n ready, while easing up labor for her off spring, meant we'd be more focused on fighting to be strong, so she wouldn't lose any of us. She thought we'd be safe and never starving like this... *sigh* We should've just told her ages ago...

But, the dice's been thrown, and now that she doesn't have to fear for numbers, safety, or starvation, I know she'll be a better queen. I just hope Thorax ain't gonna be a right twonk about this, and toss her aside for past actions. Outta anyone in his hive, he should know that everyone deserves a second chance.

Don't judge others on what Onache's like either though, y'hear? Each queen decides what sort of ruler they are. Some will stop at nothing for their offspring, others will try and seek a more peaceful existence if they can, and then there's those like Chrysalis, who're only in it for themselves. And trust me, I've met and heard of other hives out there. Whatever you think of my queen, or Chrysalis? There's others out there who'd make them look like saints."

A short shiver went through his body as he recalled one in particular. Cruel tyrant and monster that one were, never caring for anyone but herself, and making sure that they all knew it.



@Sekel @Widdershins

Last noticed where the princesses and Cherishes eyes went, and grumbled a little under her breath. This thing had tried to eat the princess, and yet they looked at it like some sort of lost puppy... *sigh* Sometimes, she really didn't understand other ponies out here in the so called *normal* world. It were simpler when she just had to hit things.

"We should focus on one thing at a time, your majesty. First the specter, then if you wish, the plant. It's clearly top of the local food chain, so I doubt it will get hurt more until then."

"I feel sorry for the poor thing. It looked like it wanted to want friends, but just doesn't know how to connect to others, or even what it really means."

"And it will still be like that later. Start focusing on both of you now, and it leaves two half finished messes. Keep focus."



@Catpone Cerberus

"I dunno. Some creatures just randomly get the ability to sense something's up, even if they can't tell exactly what the big deal is. Best I figure it'd something on that weird necklace, or something stuck on from the auction, and he's just picking up on residue."

Or Ruby were hiding something from her again, but y'know, her privilege to do so. Just a darn shame she weren't willing to spill the beans since Spicy were sure that something were up that would be mighty interesting. *sigh* Perhaps after a night on the town, Ruby would be more open.

"If the lad grows a pair and starts talking, just tell 'em your necklace got some sorta cloaking spell because of a violent ex. You'd be surprised how often the questions just stops there. If it doesn't and they want details, go tell 'em it were Crank Wrench in Manehattan. He's got a record for this sort of thing, and deserves whatever extra comes his way for it."

It sure made her happy to think about him being in more trouble, that were for sure. But, they had better things to go at. The city awaited, and they'd have to decide where to start. She got a place in mind, but she wanted to see what sorta thing might capture Ruby's eyes. Y'know, besides all the glittery stuff.



@Catpone Cerberus

"It really helped that Celestia welcomed her, and that the Night Guard had done pretty good on establishing themselves in the time she were exiled. Even though they had given themselves in to Celestia's command, soon as Luna returned, the general went over and kneel before her, with all the rest of 'em in town following troop, showing that they were still loyal to her. I weren't there, but somepony that were told me that the princess cried. I'm guessing since she were worried that nopony had missed her or would show her support beyond Celestia, but I dunno for sure."

It had been a beautiful moment from what she had been told, and she were sure that this had done well in making Luna feel more at home too. Having her guard show that they were not just still an important part of their country's defense, but also remained loyal to her, had to have been an emotional moment for her. Though, what did she know? Only Luna herself probably knew exactly what went through her mind in the moment.

"I figure that's what you need too: Support, and seeing folks giving you a chance. Eventually others are gonna follow. And if they try something, I'll hit 'em with a sack of beans. It's a real threat you know? Those things are Heavy, heh"




Getting to the shore, Ziggy jumps out of the pool and starts to parade the filly around on her back, making trumpet sounds and really living into this. It were pretty fun, though through all this, she kinda got distracted from a pretty big question she had been meaning to ask at one point: Where did all these foals come from? Serenade had never said she had a gigantic family, and they looked pretty much at the same age, so it were unlikely that Harmony had given birth to them all. Adopted maybe? Perhaps this were some sorta daycare thing? Guess that were possible too. She'd really have to ask at some point when she wasn't being this distracted by the fun playtime.



@Etched Daydream

"Alright, so gonna have to try to not partner you up with any lookers. Still thinking it's gotta be somepony who knows how to drag you out of a pickle. Anyway, we're almost there now."

The door to the general's room should be easy enough to spot honestly, as there were the old bones of an immense shark framing the entrance and hallway, and you'd have to walk through the open maw to get in there. The teeth were made to stick in the floorboards for intimidation's sake, though leaving a clear path for ponies to walk through.

However, this were not where they were headed, as she took a right turn before this, and led them down another hallway, then up a flight of stairs, took a left, right, another flight of stairs, but this time downwards, and then twenty meters more before they ended up at the recruitment station. More or less a help desk with a guard sorting through paper after paper to put in his filing system.

"Yo, Bubble. I got you a late sign up."

The pony turned around and looked over at them, a little frizzled it seemed as he had been taken in with keeping his system in check.

"Oh, really? That's unexpected."

He's grab a bundle of papers underneath the desk and flip through them, before handing three towards Thunder, along with a pen.

"Sign up, hazard and liability forms, and standard Coastal Guard insurance. Read through them, and sign at the bottom of each please."

It were some good papers if he read through them really. Why, the Coastal Guard even got free dental and skin grafts. That were nice. Though the second half of that being needed in the first place might be somewhat alarming.




"In my opinion, I believe that life lived in shelter, away from all the world have to offer, is barely a life worth living. Though, I suppose my upbringing into slavery and subsequent exile is a wildly different one than yours, and that does affect what one considers a good life. To each their own, as they say."

Briar would smile and chuckle a little to himself. Adventuring didn't seem to live in this pony's heart, but if he were contend and happy here, there were not a point in upsetting that either, no? Let him be at peace in this sheltered life, away from the dangers of the world, whilst others went into it. Or as a saying went from the town he grew up in: Everything have its place.

Granted, that were twisted and used as arguments towards why his particular sub-branch of their kind were okay to enslave, but if you ignored that, it were a good saying. Might have once been meant as something kinder, and perhaps, it could one day be again.

"Still, would you like for me to ask if any of them are headed that way, and might be willing to bring back a tome if possible, when they do? It would hardly be a bother."



@Seamore Sandwich

"You have memories? I hope for your sake then, that it does not include the end of this Kilo's life, nor of the demon who bargained for his corpse, once his days were numbered. I doubt it would be pleasant for a fresh soul to see."

This could be a troubling situation. Usually, the demon which had bargained with Kilo in times past, had cleansed the parts of such things as illness and memories, yet this one still had said memories? It must not have been long since he acquired these then. And all from the same being it seemed... Which likely meant that somepony out there, knew Kilo as he once were. Family, enemies, lovers, it made no difference. There would be somepony who would eventually hear of this, and come looking for him, and something told her that it were not going to end well.

Perhaps she were just getting too paranoid after all these years. At least on some levels, as she only now considered that perhaps her demonic *friend* had kept the memories in all of the bodies he bargained to, so that he had things to sift through when he took over, or in cases like this, leave a sort of calling card. A way for the new inhabitant to know how to get hold of him, and make a deal as well, if the situation required it. The red shadow were a cunning man. She would not put it past him at all.

"Urgh... But very well, if the princess told you this, I will try and help. First we'd need to get to Ponyville. It were where I last saw him, and where the path must begin. We'll have to wander though. I do not have the strength to take you through to the path I mostly wander."

She might not be bashed around or bleeding, but Vivid knew that if she tried to get them through there, there were a chance not all of them got with her, and even if they did, she'd have to leave them there. An inhospitable environment that were surely going to lead to their demise, which were not something she wished upon these two. They had done her nothing to deserve it, and even if they had, she still couldn't. The contract she had with Princess Cadence were very explicit about her limitations, and on purpose. Vivid didn't want to do something she'd regret later in an emotional fit.

So, she'd pick up Charlie and place him in the veil-made fur that lined her neck, which for Charlie, should only feel cold, but hopefully not damaging. If it seemed like it were, she'd hand him over to his accidental offspring to carry.

"...And Naut? What you are, feast on the love of others. We will get you fed in time, but for the sake of your own safety, do not attempt to actively harvest from any being you see without warning. They do not take kindly to that.

Hopefully you will turn out to be one of those whom I have heard can feast on latent love in the air, without taking it directly. It will make this easier."

With that, she would start to stagger towards the exit. Not quickly, but she'd stay on her own legs at least, as they'd make their way towards one of likely many stops on their path to find Zhu.




Shrimp usually went for higher up resting place like the heads of others, because there were safety in being above the ground, but he wouldn't be a bother as Lin moved the sleeping refraction to another position, and would sleep all the same. Curled up and slightly clinging on to Lin, as his dreams took him to fantasies about him being tall and mighty, towering above his caretakers and with a mighty roar that made the ground tremble, would rush towards a herd of smaller, yet still giant, monstrous felines.

Fighting those would be a nice dream for him going through the night, as it went along in silence.

As dawn came, and the first rays of light broke into the cave, one in particular were aimed just at the refraction's closed eye, who let out a small hiss, and snapped towards the light source, trying to make it go away. Which didn't happen, so in the end, he had to wake up.

He'd let out a grumpy hiss while uncurling himself, and shaking the sleep out of his serpentine body.

Omen would still be outside, now glaring into the rising sun, so unmoving that several insects and birds were crawling or sitting on her, and you could see the morning dew sit mostly undisturbed in her fur, unless one of said critters caused them to move, by for example trying to drink from them, or walk through them. She wouldn't move unless addressed, but her mind were clear enough to react now, and have some space to spare. These hours had done her good.

As for Rosa, he would have started to gain a pained expression about fifteen minutes before this, and rapidly started to twitch as the light came inside. With an audible gasp, his eyes went wide, and he rose from the floor, taking several deep breathes whilst his panicked heart slowed down. It seemed as if the nightmares had not left him entirely alone after all.

"Damnable hands..."

A small shiver went through him, and he briefly raised a hoof towards his throat again. Hopefully the night had been kinder to the others.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Thunder smiles and nods "Well then I probably shouldn't be under your charge or the sergeant's charge, because damn, you two are very good looking in my books" he'd say with a laugh, though he wasn't completely joking. 

He'd then see the pony who would have the papers, be given the papers and look through them, "Hmm, all seems pretty good" he would say, "Least I'm not signing my soul away" he'd smile and sign the papers.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Blitz Boom

Morning had arrived, but Lin didn't seem to notice until Shrimp started squirming about. For the most part, her attention as mostly on her book, only ever looking away to see if anything is approaching the cave. Fortunately, nothing of the sort came to be.

"Good morning, Shrimp. Looked like you slept well!"

The morning sun’s ray shone into Sen’s eyes, disturbing him from his slumber. Though it was peaceful at first, there were moments when he would twitch. Sporadically at first with a grunt or two but more so when the first signs of the day arrived. Eventually, he would be jolted awake, gasping for air, the sound alone drawing Lin’s attention to him.


Sen silently nodded, looking around to see his surroundings hadn’t changed from the night before. “Bad memories from years ago creeping up again. Don’t worry about it; this was not as bad as the nightmares I used to have.”

Lin wasn’t convinced but relented further prodding and approached Rosa. That gesture of him raising a hoof on his throat got her thinking his nightmares involved thirst and so brought some water for him. If not to drink, then at least to freshen up for the day ahead. Now it just so happened that as for today, Lin had no idea what to do. Someone had to stay and look after Shrimp as the diamond chunk needed to be purified some more. But more on that later, as it appeared Rosa could use a little help and maybe Omen needed a little more time alone before coming to on her own.

“Didn’t sleep well, Rosa?” Lin asked, offering some water to the bat pony. “Anything I can help with?”

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@Blitz Boom
"Or I could tell the truth." Ruby pointed out "It's a cursed necklace with another necklace on top of it that is enchanted to hide it so that the cursed one doesn't cause problems." "I'm sure that a dragon attacking me for a necklace isn't what they want happening here." she wasn't sure if Spicy had noticed what Ruby had gotten from the zebra, but she didn't see why it should be a secret if not. She was looking around, but nothing besides all the bits on the creatures moving near them didn't really capture her attention.


Nada just smiled, not really having anything to say, besides maybe thanking Berry again, but she decided against it since there had been quite a lot of thanking already. She was thoughtful for a moment before letting out an amused exhale "I thought about what you said and realized something, we are quite the bunch aren't we, I mean, there's two sirens, one mimic thing, some kind of nature-creature, a ghost, and then you, a pony who is seen by other ponies as crazy." she scratched her chin "I do hope I'm not forgetting someone, I'd feel quite awful about it if I am." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom Harmony starts nudging the foals to deck chairs, so they can dry their manes. Serenade flops out onto the pool side, her siren form taking up most of one side. She rolls onto her back letting the sun warm her belly....the foal, 'Captain' whispers into Ziggy's ear, "The dread Siren is ripe for another attack...Her treasure of cuddles awaits."

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@Blitz Boom

How grizzly to even think about for an Equestria pony.  A drink that removes a pony's limits but with the expected outcome of death?  Then to have one's soul collected into an idol to be brought back later.  Sounds like a story straight out of a horror book.  Not that the mare was one to enjoy such a genre of book.  She much preferred a saucy romance or deep noir mystery of Shadow Spade.  The aforementioned outcome were of course possible with Bash's Power Pill, yet they were only available to O.M.I. agents under extreme circumstances.  Even so, their resident alchemist was in constant effort to improve the pill and reduce the side effects.  Last she heard, something to do with Phoenix feathers or some such thing.  Minty wasn't Rising Dusk with his steel trap mind, she still needed to take notes to remember things.  Well, rely on Tussle to take notes to remember it for her. 

Oh?  An olive branch between two alchemists?  In attempt to entice him?  Caramel's words were most delightful.  "Am I to deliver a love letter to my dear Bash from an unknown land?  Oh how tales of his adventures have sparked the furnace of a fair maiden alchemist worlds apart," the larger mare cooed out in dramatic fashion.  Putting the back of her hoof to her forehead like an avid reading reaching a romantic position of a story.  "Yes, darling, I shall deliver such a gift," Minty affirmed with a teasing smile.

Finally rejoining the ponies left behind after they left for their adventure.  "Welcome back," the detective greeted the pair.  "Any trouble?" he inquired, observant enough to see neither had a spec of dirt on their attire.  Actually Caramel appeared to no longer have the little traces left behind by her cooking from early, likely having suffered one of Minty's cleaning spells.  Minty had cast her magic at the table to pour herself a mug of water and drink the lovely cool refreshment.  "Nothing to fear darling.  Only some ghastly zombies dispatched skillfully by the dear town guard here.  And a most unappreciative audience that didn't even gift us with a single flower or jewel.  They simply watched and floated away.  It was most rude," the older mare huffed in annoyance, already having forgotten what they were called.  

"Took ya'll awhile to get back for just some zombies," Rising pointed out.  "Hmph!  Can a couple of ladies not enjoy a post-battle conversation on a slow walk back?" Minty responded with puffed cheeks, but Rising was already smiling, he was teasing her.  She fell for that one, but simply took a drink from her mug.  Minty could have easily teleported the pair back to town at any time after the battle, but decided to talk with the pegasus instead.  Actually it was rare that he companion talked more than she did, but it was all praise so it was hard not to just listen.

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@Rising Dusk

8 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

 "Am I to deliver a love letter to my dear Bash from an unknown land?  Oh how tales of his adventures have sparked the furnace of a fair maiden alchemist worlds apart," the larger mare cooed out in dramatic fashion.  Putting the back of her hoof to her forehead like an avid reading reaching a romantic position of a story.  "Yes, darling, I shall deliver such a gift," Minty affirmed with a teasing smile.

Caramel let out a short, raspy laugh at what Minty said.

"I think it better that it starts as one colleague to another, but who knows how things may go? It feels like centuries have passed since last my heart fluttered with love, yet it is a special, wonderful feeling, and if it blossomed with your capable alchemist, I certainly wouldn't be dismissive of it."

Sharing recipes were one thing, but love? Sharing what life one had left in this mortal coil with one another? It were something very different, and not just something one should jump into without thought. Yet as mentioned, who knew how things may go? She certainly had a great deal of respect for Bash already, which were a fine start, and considering looks were something that could be corrected, what it came down to were really chemistry between them, pun intended.

Oh shoot, she really should have said that to Minty. The mare might have gotten a kick out of that. Ah well, too late now she supposed, but there would be other opportunities in the future, that much she were sure of.

Dismissing more of her line of thought about Bash for now, Caramel would smile at her darling townsfolk, and their savior, who still seemed to be up and abound. No complications, no earth shattering things happening either, as he likely would have gotten more attention then... yes, it looked perfectly fine. Except the fact that the high priestess didn't seem to be here. How peculiar.

8 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Nothing to fear darling.  Only some ghastly zombies dispatched skillfully by the dear town guard here.  And a most unappreciative audience that didn't even gift us with a single flower or jewel.  They simply watched and floated away.  It was most rude," the older mare huffed in annoyance, already having forgotten what they were called.  

"Took ya'll awhile to get back for just some zombies," Rising pointed out.  "Hmph!  Can a couple of ladies not enjoy a post-battle conversation on a slow walk back?"

"It's good that you didn't get hurt. Both of you, I mean."

"Hurt? Oh perish the thought, Will-O. It were just a band of risen diamond dogs. A fruitful harvest, but nothing more. And truthfully, I hardly did anything. Minty on the other hoof, pulverized and cleaved with hardly a movement, and brought swift judgement upon the flock. Were he still here, Twisted would have envied her magic, and the style with which she uses it.

Might I ask, have something happened here, since the high priestess have gone missing?"

"I don't know for sure. She had a little talk with Rising after he showed her a wisp, blessed by Viz'nay, but then she took off to speak with someone. The mayor I think."

This were some interesting information for Caramel, who raised an eyebrow in surprise at what she heard.

"A wisp blessed by the goddess? Goodness me, our dear savior is attracting all the ladies of Harrowmark, isn't he?"

She chuckled a little as she saw Wisp get a slight, brief blush on her cheeks at the little tease. She knew it were in jest though. Caramel's personality were just like this, and it were pointless to try and change it.

"Well, it matters little. I will inform her of everything that happened later on, so worry not there Minty. Now if you will excuse me, I need to find something."

She went back towards her house with haste and some degree of elegance, stopping only briefly to address some foals who came running towards her, asking if she were going to make more treats. It were hard to say what she said from their current position, but with how she knelt down and patted the apparent leader of the group on the head as she spoke, and how the lot of them seemed to get excited soon after, it appeared that she had said yes.

"It's good to see that you both came back safely. I were a little worried, but you look to have bonded instead. A good thing."

"Yeah. I uhm... I'm kinda curious though. What did you mean you had an audience? I thought most townsfolks were here. Or did Blighteye get out to you? He tends to be pretty critical about performance acts. Him and Caramel never got along because of this."

Minty would have to consider what to do here. She could brush it off and just keep them guessing, lie about it, and have the credibility to get away with it, long as she didn't include anyone actually living in town that could be questioned - like if she claimed that a flock of specters had shown and just stared before taking off again, for example - or just tell the truth, and potentially cause a damper on the evening. It would leave them more prepared, in case the helhests and the one following them were enemies, yet at the same time, from Caramel's reaction to them, and her negligence in telling the others about it herself, it had to be considered that it might be one of those situations were it were best that the others remained blissfully unaware, whilst Thistle decided what to do with the information. It were up to Minty.

As for Caramel, she would return within five minutes, so just enough time for them to chat a little if need be, and for Minty to have a drink. if she wanted something stronger, she would still have the oak-shaped container or the local brew to pick from if she so wished, and there were still a good deal left in the large barrel a little way from them, over where the party seemed to be going as well as ever, though with less pony juggling right now. The diamond dog appeared to be eating for now instead, and the majority were chatting or dancing.




"Hehehe, then let's go get her."

As subtle as one of her size and color could be, Ziggy would sneak over towards Serenade with the filly still on her back, readying herself for the pounce. And when they then got close enough - provided that Serenade did not retaliate and counter their assault in any sort of way - she'd jump towards the siren, hooves first, aiming to give her midsection a big ol' hug.

"All your hugs are belonging to us!"



@Catpone Cerberus

"What, honesty? From you? Why Ruby, you're showing a new side to yourself all the time."

Spicy grinned at the mare, whilst mentally bashing herself on the head for not thinking on this. It were so damn obvious! Even if this rare individual were able to look through the complicated zebra spell cloaking it, he as a guard, would have to concede that it were best to not get any dragon tourists riled up and cause an unintended ruckus. It'd be crushing for tourism if that escalated.

"Heh, joking aside, that's a solid plan. They wouldn't wanna risk a scene. Bad for tourism, and this town lives and breathes by the influx it gets from the outside. Locals are too hard to scam out of their bits normally."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Maybe Onache? Though that's a big maybe. I still don't trust she ain't just trying to pull our legs somehow, and get a big town full of strong creatures enthralled to her will. I know I've been talking a whole bunch about being open and look past stuff, but... Ergh, I'll have to bring you some papers on this another time. You'll see what I mean.

Anyway, I think you got 'em all. And you're right, we're a varied bunch, though we still need some more representation. Like, a griffon, mutant, and a dragon. Dragon I can handle, but griffons and other assorted doesn't get 'roung here often. Benny's another deal, since his marefriend still lives here. Heh, perhaps I should go get something from her shop tomorrow actually... Is there any sort of sweet taste that tickles your fancy? Or perhaps sour? Heck, pretty sure she'd have something for meat eaters if I asked. That one's all over the place.

...Where were we again? Oh right, a big ol' moddly group of creatures. That's us alright. Just need a team shirt and a slogan. I'm thinking *The Outcasts: We're one of a kind.*. Or something less sappy, I dunno."




On 9/26/2019 at 4:26 PM, EQ_Theta said:

"Good morning, Shrimp. Looked like you slept well!"

The refraction chirped weakly and slithered closer to Lin, under the shadow of her book if possible, to hide from the sun. He were still sleepy and wanted to continue his nap, not get up bright and early just because the light told him to.

On 9/26/2019 at 4:26 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Didn’t sleep well, Rosa?” Lin asked, offering some water to the bat pony. “Anything I can help with?”

"I think I got some good sleep at some point, but the nightmares still hold strong. I doubt that is going to change for a long time."

He'd thankfully take the offered water and down a gulp of it, trying to wash out the lingering taste of dirt that still clung to his throat after this night's nightmare.

It would be so much simpler if he could only just move on from this, by having his memories altered or removed, but he deserved this. He had caused so much pain and suffering through his actions, and even though it were unknowingly, it didn't excuse him, and he had to make amends for that. Until then, the guilt would eat at him, and feed into these nightmares.

That being said, perhaps he could find a zebra and see what their judgement would be. They knew well the ways of the mind and dreams, so perhaps if they deemed he deserved it, he could purchase a dream repressing elixir of some kind, for the tough days when he desperately needed sleep. A thought to keep in mind for another time.

"As mentioned another time though, you don't have to worry about me. This is what I deserve, and it will not change until I have made amends. I have come to accept that, though the penance can be brutal at times."

Looking around, he noticed that Omen stood silent outside. It seemed like she were besieged by nature, which likely meant that she hadn't moved for some time. Likely clearing her head.

As for Sen, whom his eyes fell upon after that, he seemed somewhat frazzled himself.

"Are things okay, Sen? You seem shaken yourself. Some nightmares of your own, perhaps?"



@Etched Daydream

The archivist cringed a little as he heard that last part from Thunder.

"Thankfully, that practice died with General Chilly Wind. We still keep some copies of those forms for historical reasons though. Let me see, I think I put it..."

Bubble pondered as he looked over the large book case right behind him. He knew he had one at hoof earlier today, when another one mentioned this and he took it forth to show that things thankfully were not as bad as they once were. Question were just where he had put it... Ah right, there.

Going over to the shelf, he'd rummage up at the second shelf before withdrawing some forms encased in a protective layer that kept water, air, etc. out of it, to prevent them from rotting away.

"Here they were. Second shelf, right under the magenta conch shell. Try to read here, at form sixteen, line thirty-four."

The form he took out from the stack of papers would be about risk, and right where he pointed at, were a line that the one signing gave away any right to their soul, to the Coastal Guard itself.

"It were never really enforceable, but just think of the possibilities if it were. Spirits lingering around after dying in the line of duty... Horrible to even think of."

It were certainly disturbing, and made one question why it were added, though Thunder might also bite note in one other thing: That the young mare, Hollow Moan, they ran into earlier, had mentioned the exact position of not just the forms, but where on them they had to look.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Thunder would just blink a little at the form "Wait really? I was just joking" he would say and look it and just shake his head "I should hope it wasn't enforceable, that image alone is enough to give me nightmares for weeks" he would say, signing the ones that actually mattered "And there we go, should I get fitted for my uniform first? or go home to tell my folks...actually, I'd love to get my uniform, I can't wait to go home and just walk in in my uniform to surprise them!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Blitz Boom

Seems like her assessment on Shrimp’s condition was off. Understandable she’d want to sleep some more if Lin was in Shrimp’s place. That book would make a good source of shade and so the longma propped up the book to act like a roof over the refraction’s head and block out the sunlight. It appears they have some more in common; it’ll be interesting what more she’ll learn when the little creature grows up. 

“Rosa, don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m not saying you should shrug off your past but, well… maybe that kind of attitude will carry over into your nightmares, make them more terrifying. You’re taking your steps to changing for the better and I think that is admirable, to admit you’ve done wrong and doing what you can to make up for them.”

As for Sen, he shook off that feeling of dread and collected himself before coming up with an answer. His nightmare was one that was ruled by disturbing imagery, less on emotions taking hold of his thoughts. Attempting to speak about it, Sen would hold back for a moment and try to slow down his breathing, looking about ready to regurgitate something from his dinner.

He sighed, admitting to himself that perhaps this is a matter to be discussed. Pausing for a moment to recall what he saw, he’d try to construct the narrative around the setups and how it came to jolt him awake.

“Yes, a disturbing one. It’s about our mother and what happened to her when she ran from home. She was consumed by grief and when she could stomach it no more, she disappeared into the forest. I can’t help but wonder if she became something more, like in an old, scary story the longma sometimes tell by the fire. It’s about a forest monster they call Gvaern Ichaer, the Ichorous Mistress.”

“They say she came to be when a young, female longma got lost in the swamps somewhere in our forest. She called for help but none came to her aid and on her last breaths, despaired as she expired alone while hundreds of leeches feasted on her, grew fat and sucked her dry. Revulsion and fear overwhelmed her so much that her spirit couldn’t pass on and remained in the forest to this day, her skin blackened from rot with oozing pustules and deep red leeches hanging on to her for sustenance. You know when you’ve ventured to her realm when the air is covered in a thick, green mist and the tree trunks are beating red, covered by the very leeches that feed on her.”

Lin winced upon hearing those details, just like the first time she heard the tale. Disgusting as imagery goes but the tale’s details matched up with the accounts of the disappearance of Sen and Lin’s mother, hence why the longma was revolted by the thought. It is just a tale, something to scare the little ones into staying within the known parts of the forest. Nothing to suggest that an actual creature bearing similar traits exists within the forest, right?

“I had nightmares of that creature when I was young. I remember waking up in the middle of the night thinking she was nearby, ready to take me. To think a fate like that happened to my mother is a thought I wouldn’t dare entertain; she deserved better. But I take it your nightmares are of a different kind, right Rosa?”

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@Blitz Boom


"Wha-wait!" Atzy called after Enzo and ran to catch up to him. SHe didn't get too far behind him and ended up bumping into his back leg. She stumbled around him and shook her head to get her mind right. "The filly went this way," she eventually said and began walking in front of Enzo and down the corridor where the patches of diamond clusters began to intermittently show. With some appearing while others didn't.

@Blitz Boom


Aurora was silent while she listened to Happy. It didn't take much to figure out why she was initially shunned by her griffonic peers. She didn't speak, and merely let it all run through her head so she could process the new information.

@Blitz Boom


"Cherish and I are not two half-finished messes," Twilight said when she looked back to her front. "Cherish and I are merely concerned for whatever this plant creature is. It's clearly not a plant, and it's clearly not a pony by what I could see of its behind. It's a mixture of those two and it's tough to figure out if it was a plant first or a pony before whatever chaotic magic fused them together."



"You're certainly acting like one," Dawn smiled mischievously. She stepped away from the drake and stepped into the kitchen. A couple moments later, she had a glass balanced on her hoof and offered it to him. "Would the pet like some water?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom
"Sometimes truth is better than best of lies" Ruby stated with a shrug, best liars know when to tell the truth. "But yes, that is what I'm counting on, though I'm sure even the idea of a curse may work as a repellent, since I'm yet to meet anyone who would want a curse on them." sure the curse most likely didn't affect anyone else as she was around, but they didn't know it, though Ruby couldn't even be sure if it was a curse or if it had something to do with the eye belonging to a powerful dragon and her kind being close to nature, sure, to her it was a curse, but it didn't mean the eye itself necessarily was cursed.

Nada became thoughtful when Berry mentioned the other creatures, but didn't say anything about her thoughts when she replied to the question Berry had presented "If I have ever had a preference in sweet or sour I don't remember it anymore, only tastes I remember besides what you have already given to me are fish and fur, for obvious reasons..." she made a expression of disgust "...furry creatures tasted quite awful when I first started eating them." she had also been amused my Berry's talk about the shirt and slogan, but besides amused smile she hadn't really reacted to it.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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