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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Your friend is lost

to the call of duty,

Dare we follow suite?

The risk posed is unknown

yet to battle she was thrown.

Higher ground we may seek

and avoid rising tides,

or in company bet

our lives for one

who headstrong charged

forces unknown.


@Zhu, @@Blitz Boom


Guidance we seek

as elders to youth counsel.

What say ye of probabilities

for the futures untold?

War we seek not

yet safety we wish

for those not involved.

Edited by SugarfootWillie
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The usual bustle of Ponyville was extremely irritating.


It would be okay were it a couple ponies out, doing what ponies do: work, talk, eat, wander aimlessly, and follow around the local purple alicorn, because local purple alicorn. But it seemed like whenever Dahlia had enough bits to not work for a little while, everypony decided to go find all of their friends and talk at the same time. Seriously, don't ponies actually want to listen to their friends, like, you know, a good friend?

She tried shutting the window and its curtain. That didn't help much. She tried reading. The ponies were so loud, she couldn't even block them out with Daring Do! Phonographs were stupid, annoying, and tacky. And music seemed to always magically attract ponies.

"Screw it," she muttered, putting the book, along with some other interesting books she'd bought (only ever fiction), in her saddlebags. "I'm going out."

When she opened her door, she was instantly overwhelmed with the noise. Ponies talking. Ponies yelling. Ponies singing (badly).


Dahlia pushed through it until she was far from Ponyville. She could hear them a mile away. Literally. And yes, the correct use of literally.


She skirted around the edge of the Everfree, the way she always did, until she reached it. A small lake. Now, she wasn't all that fond of lakes, but this particular one was special. This one marked the precise midpoint between Apploosa and Ponyvile (don't ask how she knew), which meant that it was the quietest place she could reach on hoof.

The only things she could worry about now? Stalkers, pegasi, and Pinkie Pie. Nopony found the lake unless they were looking specifically for her, flew directly over it, or had the full name Pinkamena Diane Pie.


She stretched out next to the lake and read.

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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Sissilia turned to face the forest, raised her head up, and and let out a hiss like a angry cat or a threatened cobra would.



"Please tell me. did anything occur?"

"Don't look at me [with closed eyes, Lonk thought to himself], I have no idea what that mare's freaking out about. There aren't any spiders in the forest, are there?"


Lonk has a suspicious feeling that somepony is watching them. All of them. At least for a moment, right before the blue-and-black mare had a mental breakdown, something felt weird. It's gone now, but the feeling is still leaving an after-feel of sorts. Is this nature? Is this him being an Earth pony? He doesn't know. Now he's asking himself why he's caring.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom, Ginger Lightning "I just asked a few questions...Then she started freaking out like this..."Ginger Lightning said her wings were slightly spread and she was shaking...Something about being hissed at made her want to fight back,But being a young half changeling filly she wouldn't stand a chance against what she presumed was a full grown adult Changeling...

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@@Blitz Boom


@@Lonk Chase



Sissilia calmed down a little after The Forgotten One had moved on, but her heart was still racing a little. "There was sssomething there, ssssomething I couldn't ssssee." She paused for a moment, thinking about what she felt. "Sssomething evil, and dangeroussss."



@@Blitz Boom



"Beware, for this beast must not be your only foe, as the seal would not have broken easily. The gem was protected by powerful magics as well. If it broke, some being of great magical power is involved. This being most likely knows what this beast is, but such knowledge should not be possible, the only ones who were to know were the rulers. I did hear mention however, that the one who had sealed this beast away was referred to as 'The Traveler' and he had not been seen for some time, though it were expected this 'Traveler' were still alive. I know not what this means, it is the last of my knowledge. My task is complete, I may now pass into the next realm. Go now, and finish what I could not." With that, the spirit pony faded away, a feeling of warmth and love flowing from the place she was headed. The doorway that Last and Crescent had come through seemed go glow, beckoning them to return.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Lonk Chase,


Briar soaked in what they all said, Sisilia in particular as it seemed like she had taken notice of something. What it were it sounded like she didn't know, but that it were something evil did not make him feel easy. Especially not since it had seemingly targeted Brittle and there had been nothing he could do about it.


"The news you bring are concerning Sisilia, but at least it seemed to have passed for the time being. You have my gratitude for informing me of this, as well as potentially scaring the thing away."


Briar bowed before the Snake-like creature and turned towards the others with a look on his face resembling embarrassment and slight guilt.


"As for the rest of you... I apologise profoundly if it sounded like I were in any way accusing any of you, yet I hope that you can understand the concern I feel for my friend here, and the limitations that a lack of sight can sometimes give me in identifying threats. It gives me no right to suspect any of you, but if you could please try and forgive my misstep I would be grateful of that."


Not all could forgive, either because of what they had been through before in their lives or because they were high up in the sky with themselves. He didn't think any of these were the second, but the first were possible, and in any way he should apologise for even entertaining the thought that perhaps one of these had attempted to harm Brittle. They seemed mostly harmless, or at least well natured, so it were not right to have such thoughts about them when they had not proven to be untrustworthy in any way so far.


Slowly a vine slid down from under his cae on the right side and went down to stroke Brittle's mane, who didn't seem like she were done with her fears yet. He had found that this had calmed her a few other times - or at least did not make it worse - so he could do at least this, if not defend her as he had hoped.


"As for your questions Ginger, I fear that Brittle would not be able to answer most of them, though I can ease your mind somewhat and say that her fears covers most anything and anypony, regardless of age or race. She have been kept somewhat... Restrained and controlled for the better part of her life, and it have left some scars on her psyche.


Also, far as I know, she have not even been aware of what she were before a few days past when I ran into her again, let alone been part of a hive since she were... Cocooned."


You could hear he felt uncomfortable saying the last part, as well as when he avoided saying directly what *restrained and controlled* meant, but he did not think that this little one should hear the grizzly details. And neither should Brittle, in case words filtered in to her currently, since it might increase her breakdown for a bit if she got those reminders about what had happened back then.


He also actively avoided mentioning the word *converted*, hoping that Ginger would not know of this unholy practise that at least some Changelings were part of. If she did, she would know what he meant by cocooned, but if not it would hopefully instead sound like she had been grown and the egg taken. Frankly it would be a better story than what had actually happened, but what could be much worse really? Amongst them, not much he would wager.







"Well well well, seems like it's my lucky day."


A shadow would fall over Dahlia before a laughter would echo out above her.


She would likely not even need to look up to recognise who the cheeky voice and deep laughter belonged to. Not considering how often this stallion had gone out of his way to speak with her now and again and refused to bugger off within a few seconds.


Double Chow wasn't one who cared much for when others asked to be alone as it were, but he tended to give it a bit extra around Dahlia cause the Earth Pony liked the flower mare. Her stall in the market tended to not be too far from his own when it were, and since most other ponies didn't really seem to care much he had begun to a few months back, and boy were it entertaining him when he ran into hurdles or times when he could swear she looked at him like he should start running.


Not because he didn't think that this mare could make him do that if it were. She might not look like she'd stand much of a chance compared to him, but he were always certain that if it came to it, there'd be something of a beast lurking under the surface that could very well surprise him. Might be a bit risky to ever face that side if it were there, but as a hunter, the prospect of a great untamed one like that were frankly riveting. Even if it might end up with him eating dirt and having to run off to lick his wounds.


Besides, he liked her attitude. Most others didn't really snap back at him when he went too far - well, except Fluttershy, but that were more because of his job than about his mouth going off at a bad time - and a battle of wits were a good way to stay entertained as well. And it were well worth it for the times when he could swear there were a genuine sort of nice talking going on between them.


Not that he had many others to speak with really. Most only came around to him when they needed pet food for their carnivorous little critters, or if a Gryphon or other such thing came through town, so he took to talking to who he could when it were. He were a friendly sort after all, even if he could come off as a bit of a cheeky sot out to pester somepony for a laugh.


"What gives Dahlia? Tired of the noise in town?"


Chow moved to the side and let the sun get back on her again, then over to a tree a bit away from her so that the carcass of what looked like a boar of some kind didn't accidentally get in her face. The boar had the spear that he usually carried on his back stuck through it, as well as one of the knives he used for skinning in it's back. He wasn't gonna let the poor thing suffer after all. That wouldn't be nice.


You could say that about his work in general, but where there were a need there were a market, and in his case that were cuts of meat stored away for special customers, with his main sale being pet food for carnivores like cats, dogs and such. They couldn't manage on veggies after all, and he thought it cruel to feed 'em that synthetic bogus stuff that Some ponies tended to try and sell off as real food. Bleargh, it'd be like them having to eat apples made from carved candles far as he were concerned.


After shaking the beast of his back, the complete form of him were easier to see. He were the size of a regular Earth Pony (smaller than Big Mac that is) and his coat were a dark golden with a few stains of dirt here and there after his current hunt. His mid-long, crimson mane were scruffy as usual and slicked more or less back, though somewhat tussled from the hunt, and his long tail that were normally brushed at least a little weren't doing much better in the looks department for the time being. Having caught some leaves and assorted other things in it during his hunt were a pain he were gonna have to deal with later, but at least his tail were not of a puffy sort, so usually wasn't too big of a bother to him. And hey, he managed to keep it curled at the end so it wasn't dragging along the ground, so he wasn't totally careless yet.


The grin on his face were the same that were usually there, and in his onyx eyes you could see a glimmer of the playful spark that were always there. Or well, Almost always. He had his moments like anypony. Or well, anypony but Pinkie Pie far as he knew. That mare were like a ball of happiness that somepony had covered in fur and given life. A strange one, but weren't they all in their own way?







Before Serenade managed to get a hold of Ziggy, she would be faced with the gleeful looking mare almost fizzle away in a line of pink before Serenade got pounced on from behind by the half-zebra hugging her.


"Yey, more hugs!"


She nuzzled Serenade a little before starting to speak again.


"I tried this with Rainbow Dash, but I can't move that fast for too long, and she can Really get a move on when it is. Fastest pony I've ever seen."







At the request, Omen sat down and looked between Senlin and the lines on the trees, trying to see what he had whilst he rested his eyes. She wasn't certain on how to do that with his eyes as he had done, so she had little luck, but honestly she were more interested in watching him as it were. If he couldn't see, he would be vulnerable or perhaps fall around the place, so it were likely better to keep an eye on him being right than on some lines she hadn't been able to find meaning in.


"You say she likes puzzles, so more like this to come? Strange clues, meant for those who know?"


She were still not sure if it were her, but if this were a Longma thing then perhaps it were a proof that it were her. Or perhaps just somepony who knew of their culture. Being sure still wasn't there for her, but Senlin seemed to get his proofs now, as well as some pains from said proofs. Hopefully, this wouldn't be the case for every clue that were left by whoever they were chasing.







@@Seamore Sandwich,


"What comes will sweep across town and leave its mark, but even that lost to the tide can return. The caught will find peace again, and this be but a footnote in history if the ones who were to face it holds success. There is no certainty in this, but when is there ever?"


Zhu rose up and started to walk towards the way that at least one of them had taken off towards, mumbling to himself in a tongue sounding very serpentine. Before he had taken many steps like that, he rose a paw towards the head of his robe and did something in there for a second before a small, green and glowing bauble on a cut piece of string floated out, carried on a small tornado about the size of a small Dragon's fist.


It would float over to Adante, then either lay down on the ground or be in his hoof, depending on if he would grab for it.


"I now give you a shield, but the question remains: Will the two of you think of yourself and cover behind it? Or will you try and do what I will not, and use it to fight the darkness?"


Zhu resumed walking away, his forked tongue tasting the air around him and feeling the essence of the old one linger ever so slightly there. An old evil, from whom few would be safe, even if they had the means to stand against it.


"The choice is yours to make, but I would suggest you think fast, for it is too late to escape the storm now."


Meanwhile, a bit away from them, Vivid had been on her way, caring not for who, if any, had followed her as she made her way across and then out of town just in time to feel this... Presence pass her.


She looked around, but she couldn't find it. There were something, that she were certain about, but where were it? And why couldn't she pinpoint it? If it were dead, she should be able to find it, and if it were on another plane of existence, she shouldn't even be able to feel it at all. The only one she could feel beyond the one she were in were the plane were the spirits lingered before passage, but the thought of anything living wandering there - which frankly were the only way plausible she could think of right now - were ludicrous.


Just like it were ludicrous that there had been something familiar with it. She couldn't pinpoint it in her mind, but there were something familiar about the feeling, though you would think that if she had met anything like this, it would be memorable.


But she didn't have the time to think about that. Whatever it were that had passed her it were likely not friendly, and she had to do something about it. Yet if she could not see it...


She gnashed her teeth and kept half-running away, going towards the spirit she could hear crying nearby, and soon got into view. He were scared, and rightfully so, but she were going to need him if she should have any hope of understanding what she were facing, and where it were. She needed him to be her eyes.


"Spirit of old, I seek your guidance to stop what makes you shiver so."






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Last didn't take much notice of Crescent before her ancestor had said her final words and left them behind to find the peace that she deserved, The feeling the rushed over her at the departure convinced her that wherever it were was a peaceful place at least. Perhaps somewhere were she could finally meet the family that had fallen since, and the friends that time had taken long ago.


"It will be done..."


With that she swung around and faced the exit, Crescent and... What the hay were That?


"I don't care what that is. Come on Crescent, we have work to do."


The spirit nodded quickly and started to float towards the exit, looking over the now armed mare with a nervous glance in the onyx eyes.


"Yes, yes, we should get along. But please, you must listen to me, I was sent here to-"


Last cared not for more words from strangers in this land and walked right past the spirit without saying a word, exiting the room and starting to look around after a path forward whilst the spirit signalled for Crescent to follow him, floated outside, around in a big circle to make sure he did not sneak up on the mare with the sharp thing, and then faced her again, trying to look as pleading as he could at the both.


"Would you please listen to me? We have little time left, I-"


Once again she walked past him and towards the direction that they had been wandering before this door appeared. An action that were making the spirit sound both very annoyed and panicked about as he shouted.


"Stop ignoring me! I'm here to get you to the evil one!"


Finally she stopped and looked towards the spirit, though the look in the mare's eyes made him a little nervous again.


"Fine, I'm listening."


"O-okay... The evil one is not here anymore. He have torn through and gotten closer to your world."


She started to walk away again, to which the spirit waved it's tentacles and began speaking faster.


"Passing through leaves tears that takes time to close! I'm here to get you to one you can pass through and hunt him. I just need you to hold my uhm..."


He looked at his tentacled wings for a bit before mumbling something that sounded like *oh bother* and stammering slightly back into things.


"I-I guess wing. Just hold one each, and I can get you there quickly. Okay?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich, cresent glanced back and forth between the spirit and Last for a bit as it made its offer to them. His luck with Stanger's so far hasn't been the best but he still hadn't met a bad spirit. Unless Nemo was one but how could he tell? Spirits didn't have blood that much he knew so it was still odd getting use to them.


He shrugged and looked at Last "Its the best lead we got" he said now looking at the spirit


"our luck with stranger's have been mixed, hence our hesitation with this, I'm game for your plan if Last is" he said to the spirit.  

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@@Blitz Boom, "You won't be so fast underwater" Serenade laughs, before returning the nuzzle. "I've seen Rainbow Dash around, but never talked with her. To be honest. I've never really talked to many ponies, I'm usually up all night when most are asleep. I've said more to you then I have any other pony beyond Princess Luna." 

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"As for your questions Ginger, I fear that Brittle would not be able to answer most of them, though I can ease your mind somewhat and say that her fears covers most anything and anypony, regardless of age or race. She have been kept somewhat... Restrained and controlled for the better part of her life, and it have left some scars on her psyche.   Also, far as I know, she have not even been aware of what she were before a few days past when I ran into her again, let alone been part of a hive since she were... Cocooned."


Eeeehhh... Something seems off. Again.

So, Brittle had a rough childhood. Lonk's pretty sure that the vine-pony is restricting information not because of him, but because of Ginger. Now that he thought about it, he remembered something in class one time.


It was Science. A young colt asked the teacher about this "circus" and if the class could take a field trip. He said it would be educational to see all the different types of species in the world.

He showed it to Lonk earlier. It advertised a "shape-shifting mare" that changes appearances like a chameleon changes color. It showed the pony in her cage changing appearances happily with the awed audience all around her. He didn't really care for the circus. He didn't care for circuses in general in the first place.

The teacher, seeing the poster, immediately swiped it from the young colt's hoof and threw it in the trash. "It's nothing than a freak show," she said. "Spoil your brains with hatred."

She went on with the lesson.


He immediately stated, "Being in a cage with thousands of beaming eyes looking at you like you're an exotic animal-abomination-thing probably isn't very pleasing." He looked at Brittle. "Saw you in an old flyer. Don't worry, I wasn't in the audience."

Edited by Lonk Chase
  • Brohoof 1

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom,

"cocooned? Like a caterpillar? So she is the Changeling equivalent of a butterfly? Is that how changelings grow up?Do Changelings go through a Metamorphosis?"Ginger Lightning asked Briar completely unaware of what changeling hives are like, how changelings act,or what changeling cocoons do to ponies...she seemed to know more about the other odd creatures and plants around her than about Changelings...Like she was deliberately kept from leaning about changelings...

Edited by GingerLightning
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@@Blitz Boom,


"It's hard to say. Out here away from home, anyone could have a personality like Lin's, which only makes things more complicated or scary. Now that I think about it, there is a possibility that someone could have spied on my clan and took an interest in me. I mean, if Lin isn't here and someone else is messing around with us, even the remote chance that it is true should be considered."

His vision returned but it was still a blur, the images fainting in and out of view. It was a familiar feeling from long ago when he tried this exercise with his mentor but he had the fortune of time, the time to learn at his own pace. Here? Time and doubt, and those weighed on him. 

"Shall we proceed? The clue points forward we should be cautious from here. Even optimism should be reigned in until there is certainty."

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@@Blitz Boom



The cowering spirit began to cry, "My love! What has that thing done to my love?! For so long I have awaited her return, fearing that she had met her end in the forest! Finally I hear her voice, but it is a scream! Tell me what that beast has done, I beg of you! Please tell me it did not kill my beloved!" The spirit pleaded to Vivid, looking up at her from the ground, his hooves together in front of him. He did not know of his own demise, nor of how much time had truly passed. When he had turned to face her, to beg, she would see that he appeared to have been torn up by some wild animal. His wounds were such that none alone would have killed him, but there were enough that he would have eventually bled out.


The Forgotten One moved onward, further into Ponyville.



@@Blitz Boom


@@Lonk Chase



Miles flew out to the Planting Field, landed behind some trees, then attempted to transform to his unicorn disguise. "Oh well, it was worth a shot." The Everwood in the area was disrupting his transformative magic, he couldn't transform. He decided to step out into the field, undisguised, waiting for one of the others to notice him before talking.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom, b]@@Seamore Sandwich[/b],

Ginger Lightning noticed something out of the corner of her eye...It seemed to be a grey pony maybe? or maybe it's a piece of lint in her eye...Ginger Lightning rubbed her eyes and looked at Miles kind of confused as to where  Miles came from.But she decided to walk towards the stranger who seemed to come from nowhere.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Lonk Chase,


A dark expression went briefly over Briar face when Lonk mentioned a flyer from the circus that Brittle had once been in. It did not last long, but he seemed to have a moment were violent thought and potential action roamed over his being, before getting himself under control and taking a few deep breaths, telling himself that he couldn't go off like that. Not again.


"I would... Prefer, that you never mentioned anything related to that place again.They have hurt her enough in action without needing to do too in memory."


His words sounded slightly pained as he recalled the bits that he had experienced himself the night that he had stumbled upon the place and found himself a seat amongst the audience, unable to see the show but more than capable of hearing the laughter that had rung around him. The mockery, the bigotry, the hate... And then in the middle of things, almost unnoticeable amongst the vileness around him, the crying of a little life who lived as a centre of all of this.


Briar was a creature of empathy, and that day still stood for him as the one where he had felt the most for another being in his life. He had felt himself winching every time he heard something fall near or on her, shivered as the smell of tears wafted up to him, and felt the flames of rage burn when the circus managers had proclaimed that it wasn't real. Just a part of the show.


That night, and the things that he did afterwards to set Brittle free, were things that haunted him now and again, and reminded him that for all the good ponykin were able to do, they were just as capable to be no better than the slavers in his former home. Yet that were nothing compared to how he knew Brittle felt even by the mention of that place, and though she thankfully didn't hear much right now, he still felt what pain it could bring, and the side of him that wanted to protect her took over.


It were why he would not want this pony to speak of the circus again if it could be helped. He might hold questions, and in general he believed questions should be answered, but there were some information that were best laid buried.


It would be much the same with Ginger, who seemed to have those in her life that held things back from her as well. Exactly how much he did not know, but if she had at least some Changeling blood in her veins, and her parents had neglected to tell her even small things such as how life were in a hive, it sounded like they acted from much the same as he did. A feeling that to protect, it was better to hold some things back as much as possible, and to an extend that would not lead into questions that no foal should worry about.


"And Ginger... Perhaps you would be better off asking your parents about that. I'm sure that they could paint a better picture than the two of us could. Besides I would hate to inform you about the simpler fats of life if they would deem it too early for that sort of talk."


He heard muffled words not too far from them and turned his head towards it with perked ears. Though it weren't too far away, the sound were dampened some by the foliage around them. Though, when somepony stepped out near them, it made guessing how far away exatly somewhat of a moot point. It were not one he knew from the feel so far, but from the way the wind swayed around his or her hooves... It seemed the word of the morning were *Changeling*.


"Well met stranger. What brings you here?"







"Hehe, yeah, I don't swim that well. You'd have an easy time getting away from me even in pony form."


Ziggy were all smiles and sunshine as the nuzzle were returned and she almost felt like bouncing around with glee. No matter how many times she hugged she could never be rid of that feeling, which frankly she were happy about. It was a super feeling after all, so that it didn't diminish were just a good thing.


"Say, how did Luna even find you to begin with? Did you hang around a pond near the castle and nibbled at her hooves one day when she were skulking around?"







@@Seamore Sandwich,


"...The beast might have hurt her, but I do not believe it have killed her. Yet, I need your help to stop it before it might."


Spirits in denial were something she could usually handle, and had gotten used to in her years. Not many that were dead and clung to this world realised they were dead, or just outright refused to believe it for so long that the denial became truth for them, even when everything would go against it. Like for example the state of themselves.


Yet right now she had not the time to try and convince him of his passed mortality, and where she should help him, she instead had to lie to him to try and make him more workable to her in the current situation.


Or well, lie and lie were so much said, but saying that she thought the soul of whoever he waited for were okay were not her thoughts right now. She knew too well of the existence of soul eaters to say with confidence that the scream she had heard were not from somepony suffering a second death.


Not that she wanted to be anywhere near a soul eater if she could help it. Those things were vile parasites, sucking down the eternal life that should be in the circle to extend their own existence, thinking nothing of the consequences of their actions. Evil beings practising things that even Demons rarely had their hands in, and who made a bad name of those like her who only took the excess energy instead of the soul itself.


If it were such a thing that had befallen the one sending out the scream before she couldn't say, but right now it were as plausible as anything, which would be news she hoped she would not have to break to this departed one when everything were said and done.


"The beast avoids the gaze of me and those in town, but your eyes are open. Come with me, tell me where to strike, and we will make the beast fall and save your love."







"Okay. We find, then see what is what."


Omen stepped forward and took the first dozen steps down the way that Senlin had pointed out, but making sure not to be far away. In case something or somepony really were after him, she would have to be close to send them away. She might not know how to fight or have any interest in the action, but she could still protect her friend. At least she thought so. It were hard to tell what some could think about doing.


Though, with some luck, Senlin had been right the first time and this were simply his sister playing cautious games, in which case she wouldn't have to protect him. But they'd see what would happen as they wandered down this path.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Last looked at the Everfree spirit with a paranoid, searching look before finally, after about a minute, just said "Fine." and placed a hoof near enough so that a gooey tentacle wing could wrap around a little of her hoof.


Thinking that this meant that the other one would come along too then - considering that is what he said - the Everfree slowly put a tentacled wing towards him as well and took a slight hold in him like that, carefully so he wouldn't accidentally make this seem like he were doing something bad to them. Though, what he had to do now would likely make them think that he were doing something he shouldn't.


"Okay then, just... Hold on."


With that, the spirit more or less exploded in expanding gooey string that wrapped around them both in a sort of sphere. Something that they wouldn't have to time to process before said sphere started to bounce around like it were a ball, which would have the two of them rummaging around in there too for at least a solid 40 seconds before things started to stand still again and there started to be stable ground again.


The gooey strings gathered up again into the strange creature who looked between them, saw the irritated look on the swordsmare, and quickly pointed behind him whilst again speaking quickly, not wanting to be the focus of things here for long.


"T-There. You can get through here."


The tear he had spoken about before were rightly named so really, as it did look like something had ripped a hole in paper, just with the paper being worlds, and the other side not the same as the forest around them where other eyes fell on them, but instead a piece of the castle that they had been in when they were awake before.


The Everfree were not focusing his big, onyx eyes on the two of them anymore after his few words though, but instead on some of who he saw near them.


"Brothers? Sisters? I found them. I think."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich,

Ginger Lightning wanted to ask the new changeling questions too,But stopped herself considering how brittle reacted...So, she just stuck with introducing herself "Hi! I'm Ginger Lightning and you are?" she asked not wanting to seem rude Like when she asked Brittle all those questions...

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade chuckles at that, "She knew me for a while before she figured out I was a Siren. I was...and technically still am, Assistant Astronomer Royal to the Night Court. It's my duty to make sure the navigational charts using by our trading vessels are kept up to date, which isn't very often." Serenade takes a deep breath, and settles down on her chair, "She figured out I was a Siren when I made the mistake of feeding off the hostility of the Night Guards one evening." Serenade rolls her eyes and chuckles, "The Solar Guard are far too easy-going and well-mannered to make a good Siren meal, but Thestrals,....mmmm" Serenade licks her lips and sighs, "Ahem...sorry...sorry, yeah. I made the mistake of feeding off Her guards. I ran like a foal caught taking a cookie when She first appeared, but Goddess can She move when She needs to, and confronted me. Ever since then, She has made every effort to help...conceal my nature. Not every pony would welcome a Siren with open hooves."

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom,


The old trinket was one that could be worn around the limbs and while he had it, he wore it like his sister would, but only for the time being. It looked silly on him but he wasn't in a public area so he could stomach any strange looks he would possibly get from Omen, if she had one to begin with. It was warranted after all. If someone else were to see him like that? Well... there are worse things than seeing a male longma wear accessories. 

The path lead forward but as the midday sun began to move westward and the forest canopy thickened, Senlin was worried this might not be the work of his sister. Sure, he was no stranger to this forest home but that was because he knew every way in and around it. The Everfree Forest became another world to him the further he walked. 

"Omen," Senlin had passed a thicket when the darkness had become apparent. "Do you know this part of the forest? I don't think this place is safe."

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@@Blitz Boom {Zhu, Vivid Loss}

"I could speak in riddles for days on end, delaying what could be and preventing what should not past, but to what end would such an action take things, other than perhaps to shores were no waves should fall? No, there will be a time for that as there is for most other things, but that time is not now."


The statement - statements - were met with a wide-shouldered shrug. "As far as I can tell, you're still speaking in riddles. Which is fine by me, honestly," he added. It was true, riddles were annoying, but at least it wasn't poetry, which usually meandered far and wide to the point where it crossed half the world and, if he was lucky, didn't forget where it was going in the first place. Which was slightly less fine what the fact that it seemed that, after Vivid, this weird - not that that particular trait mattered any in these circumstances - person seemed likewise intent on keeping him from reaching the town, only this time instead of trying to stop him with shadow magic, this one seemed to delay him with word puzzles. Which, truthfully, wasn't really a sign of hostility, but it was one data point away from becoming a pattern. Still, it left him plenty of room to go around it, so that much at least was easy to try.


"But, if I'm understanding you correctly, mean that the time isn't now. And until it rolls around, I kind of need to talk to some people about getting to my cesspit of a dimension. Hopefully we can talk later if y-"


"Something is coming. Something evil."


He stopped, mid-sentence, his brain parsing what he'd just heard. In normal circumstances, it would have gone straight past his ears, down to his brain and he'd be up and moving before Vivid finished. Instead, by the time the penny dropped and he looked towards where she was - a few seconds ago, at least - he realized that she already took off running.




@@SugarfootWillie {Andante}


He shot the tan pony a glare, once again made entirely pointless by the opaque visor on his head.


"Does this mean 'we should follow her'? Because I'm hearing a 'we should follow her'."


And with that, he took off running after Vivid, heavy footsteps thudding against the grass and trailing a stream of muttering about really not wanting to have to anyone else today.

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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@@Blitz Boom,@@Damonater, @@Frosty Frost,

summer ran outside, holding a bucket with water and threw it on the fire, it didn't extinguish it but the flames were not as high as before. then summer saw frosty, standing and concentrating on, probably, his magic. pleas, frosty, don't make it worse she thought a bit concerned since it would probably be difficult to freeze the fire, and the heat had to go somewhere. but then summer remembered that she could help him the best by extinguishing the flames as much as she could. 

summer saw blitz boom running 'here' summer said to the filly and threw the bucket at her because summer first had to do something about the source of the problem: damon. she flew towards him and tried to get his attention without getting hit by the flames coming from his weapon. 'damon, stop!' she said loud 'you're setting everything on fire!' and she hoped he heard her.  


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@Summer Breeze


@Blitz Boom


As Summer and Blitz were trying to put out the fire Frosty was still gathering up his magic and thinking about how to cool something like fire. 

All that heat has to go somewhere, right? I can't just dump it into the surroundings, as all the grass and trees could catch fire. And where would we be then? 


Suddenly, Frosty looked up and laughed. He had no shortage of matter to play around with. Skies don't burn, after all.

He released his magic, instantly putting out the flames. A wave of hot air came from above, making the grass ripple.


"Hey, that actually worked!" Frosty said with a grin on his face, panting slightly. Cooling down fire is no easy task.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,

@@Blitz Boom,


Damon had the evilest looks in his eyes. He ignored what Summer and laughed in victory as the timberwolf went away. "AHAAHAHAH! HE RAN AWAY YAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" He shouted violently and went to reload another time, the last incendiary bullets. Perhaps all that exposure to all the element 115 is making Damon disillusion.


The sickness is getting worse. Perhaps a simple knock to the head will calm him down. Or... extinguishing the flames entirely.


Damon then calmed down and took a deep breath. "Ah... Calm DOWN Damon... Focus... Can not let these disillusions get to my head so easily."




@@Blitz Boom


"I'd say I will stick around and look for more clues, perhaps I can find him that way..." Barrel snooped around the building in front of him. Approaching the front door. "Hey, wanna take a look inside? There may be something inside here..." Barrel asked Happy Hour.

Edited by Damonater
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@@Quinch,@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich


(Andante watches Quinch run off and sighs)

Heaviness scores our breath

Watching the sun of man

Charge towards unknown death.

Were these my ponies,

Duty would fervently rise,

Giving them a testimony

To our strength and skill.

Yet how would we fair

Denouncing danger?

Returning home where

The sinking ship half sunk

Keeps us above water

Only to drown for our bunk.

With imagery at stake

Bias calls for action:

Quell the evil in one straik.

(Andante ambles in the direction of Quinch, later running to catch up)

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@@Blitz Boom


@@Lonk Chase



"Hi, I'm Doctor Miles Xeno. I was going to be searching all over the forest for little Sisilia here, but it seems I've already found her. I knew this would be a great place to start." As soon as she heard him, Sisilia was excited yelling, "Cheessse!" before running over to him and nuzzling his side like a cat. "The lost often find themselves here, where the grove will protect them. In this forest, it's more dangerous if you know where you're going."



@@Blitz Boom




The spirit saw Quinch running in his general direction. "Aaahhh! Another creature has come to take me away! Stay back minion of that foul beast! My quarrel is not with you but your master who hath taken my beloved!" he said, taking a few steps backward in fear. He did not know what Quinch was, nor did he know that Vivid was the only one that would see or hear him.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom

Dahlia smelled him before he was even close.

He smelled slightly different every time, but it was always the smell of some dead animal.

Dahlia did not take kindly to this smell.

When Double Chow approached, she mentally facehooved. She'd forgotten that most ponies had a long weekend, which explained why it was noisier than usual (which was saying a lot).

It also meant that Double Chow was free to follow her to the lake and try to make small talk. 

She knew his intentions were good. He was trying to be friends with her, sticking around until she got serious. But whenever he opened his mouth, there was a very good chance something stupid (at least, to Dahlia) would come out. 

Dahlia did not take kindly to those words.

Here's a good example: "What gives, Dahlia? Tired of the noise in town?"

This was a very bad thing to say to Dahlia.

"Of course not," said Dahlia, bookmarking her page in case she decided to lunge at him. "This is, of course, the place I go to whenever the noise is overwhelming. And even if I were tired of noise, I wouldn't, you know, actually want it to be quiet around here, no! That would, by the way, make it easier to read books."

He'd moved away, presumably because she was feeling especially cranky at the moment, as Dahlia loved her books. Many ponies did. And as anypony knows, being interrupted while reading a good book is very irritating.

So Dahlia did not take kindly to these interruptions.

Edited by Tintinnabulation

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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Ziggy said still when listening to what Serenade said, taking in the details like a foal having a bedtime story read to them. Then again, there Were a bit of fantasy going over it she'd say, considering how it included guards, a dazzling escape, one of the princesses and a misunderstood creature she took under her protective wing. It really had all the trademarks of a good fairytale, though since it were true it were way better than that.


"Whoa, that sounds Amazing! I wish I could have been there to see it go down."


Sure, Serenade Could be lying, but Ziggy generally believed others told her the truth unless it sounded Really out there. Which okay, this did a bit, but considering that it were told by a being of myth *out there* in this context were a hard one to pinpoint. Besides, Serenade seemed like an honest one so far from what she could tell, so why wouldn't she trust this?


"Must've been a bit awkward though, huh? Finding out that you weren't what she had thought for that long."







Chow laughed a bit more at the sarcastic and irritated answer he got back whilst washing off some of the stains in his coat over at the lake.


"Heh, I see you didn't leave the sharp tongue at home today."


Seemed like Dahlia was in a bit of a cranky and feisty mood right now from the answer he'd gotten. Or he hit a nerve again with what he said, which frankly were a bit likely. Sometimes his mouth ran faster than his brain.


"Anything particular getting in your grill today or do i just have a way with jamming my hoof in my mouth again today? Figure there have t' be a reason for the thirty lashes you just gave me beyond interrupting your lil' adventure through the pages."


That right there would be one of the times now that he thought about it, and one of the reason why he figure that when the day came when he got his flank handed to him it were likely gonna be well deserved on his part. Still, he didn't get a lot of social interaction to run with in general beyond the small talk with customers, so he'd take the eventually smacking and live with it. It beat the silence he usually had to deal with in his life.


Hunters never really had many to talk to in Pony society as it wasn't many of them that had that profession, which were also why he had settled down in Gryphon country for the better half of his years after his daddy had suddenly vanished one day whilst on a fishing trip. Tough crowd there, but he managed to garner some respect as he grew up and took on some of their lingo to take them on head to head. Something which really had bit him in the flank when he eventually figured that it were time to set his sail towards new shores and perhaps find a place with his own kin.


Or okay, he lost his house in a hunting bet, but he had thought about leaving anyway, so what the heck? Still didn't change that he had taken off, ended in Ponyville- and then figured out that for them he were both a bit of a brute and frankly a bit strange in it. Though to be fair, they seemed mighty weird to him as well. After a good 10 years around Gryphons the gentle sots around him now seemed dull beyond comparison and even after a few years he still didn't clash too well with everypony.


Like with Dahlia, but that mare had guts, so he didn't mind her going at him at all. Reminded him a bit about the Gryphons actually, though he hadn't been stupid enough to say That to her. He'd likely get himself planted to his ears if he compared them.


Scratching a few marks more off his coat he started to backtrack a bit and trying to figure out what he'd been thinking before going on this inner ramble. No dice though, but it wasn't the first time he had dropped his marbles in a line of thought and it wouldn't be the last. 'Sides, if it were important, it'd likely come back to him again, so not something he really wanted to worry about.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,



"What happened? is the fire gone?"


Blitz walked towards who she thought sounded like Frosty, but bonked her head into a nearby table instead of finding him.


It turned out that as Summer had tossed the bucket to her, she hadn't been paying Too much attention after all and hadn't really taken notice at the bucket before it had landed on her head. Literally. Which currently meant that right now her head were stuck in said bucket, which had seemed Really bad when there were fire here and there.


A wave of hot air had gone over things, but it didn't last That long and after that there hadn't really been that *OhmyCelestia, Fire!* feeling around her, so it were plausible that it were gone now. But she had to ask and make sure still. It'd be kinda embarrassing if she wandered into a fire because she couldn't see anything and jut thought things were gone, and considering the gunpowder she likely had on her coat, it wouldn't end well for anypony if it came to that.


Regardless, she tried to get to the others again and managed this time to get to the door before hitting herself on the doorframe this time. Still, it smelled a little like outside now, so she had to be on the right track. Which seemed even more true when she heard Damon speak. She had seen him outside before the big wolfie had taken off and she had gone downstairs, so that were a strong clue.


"Is everything okay? Daymon isn't burning or something, is h- Ow!"


Another doorframe. Perhaps she should try and feel her way forward instead of just waiting until her bucket-helmet hit something instead. Something that, considering she couldn't remember if there were stairs, was likely better than wobbling around.







Omen looked around at the question, tilting her head to the left and right as she thought about things.


"Maybe. The forest can look the same many places, and most are dangerous. But dangers here tends to be big. and I can't see anything yet. Or hear. Some dangers are loud."


Granted, not many things were really something she considered a danger to her. She could get them away from her easy enough if they came too close, and most things didn't find her appetising enough to try for several times when it came down to it. Or there wasn't enough meat on her to warrant the effort it'd take. One of them. or perhaps both?


She couldn't really understand beasts that much. Even if they were simple enough compared to for example Ponies, in her eyes they were just complex in another way, and one that were harder to understand as they didn't speak a language she understood.


The concept of what were and what wasn't considered lady wear was for example one of those complex things that beasts didn't seem to care about, but Ponies and other sentient races added to their own complexity, and a good difference between them. Though beyond the difference in beasts not caring, she really didn't get it either. Hence why she weren't judging when she saw Senlin wearing the trinket that he did. For all she knew, this was completely normal.


Granted, she Did keep looking, but she weren't judging.







@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Lonk Chase,


"It's good to meet you then Miles. My name is Briar Trapjaw, at your service."


He gave him a bow whilst still gently stroking the somewhat less whimpering Brittle with one of his vines. She had calmed down some, and she seemed to have desisted her crying for the time being, but she still had a few minutes worth of getting herself back again he thought. At least he thought so. Whatever had happened with her it had gotten her in quite a state, and he hadn't been around her enough to tell how long that would affect her yet.


"It sounds like you and Sisilia knows one another, so I will take that as my evidence that you are here in good faith. I wouldn't think this one would wander around with cruel beings at least."


Giving Miles a big, toothy grin, his demeanor had gone completely over to somepony calm and collected on the outside, though on the inside things still roamed wild with concerns for Brittle, questions about the pairing of the good doctor and his somewhat serpentine friend, and a hope that they would soon proceed to planting the seeds they were here to handle. He could really use the distraction at this point to be honest, though he would not rush things. he were sure that Seamore would inform them when they had to plant those soon enough.


Meeko on the other hoof, were more directly curious about the stranger amongst them and wandered forwards, looking puzzled between Ginger and Miles, like he were trying to figure out if they were the same thing before taking a few, trying steps forward towards the Changeling and barked at him a little, trying to make himself seem bigger than he were.


The reason was a bit hard to guess, but it were possible that he thought that this one was here to take his new friend from him, and were trying to scare him away. Though as per usual currently, being a Timerpup runt didn't really give him any sort of intimidating factor to work with.







@@Seamore Sandwich,


*sigh* it never could be easy, could it? Not a moment had passed after she thought that she might be able to get the spirit to help her before Quinch got into sight and made the spirit throw a fit.


Vivid were tempted to just let things be done here and drain the spirit of what excess energy she could so she could force him along to the world beyond, but she needed his eyes right now far as she knew, so she couldn't take the easy way this time. No matter how much she wanted to, she had to deal with this. And fast.


"You have nothing to fear of him. He is not a servant of the beast, but just an unlucky soul who have gotten lost and attempts to help. He will not harm you, I can assure you of that."


If this wouldn't work she might be getting to areas where she really had to force something here, but for the time being she still wanted to try and talk some reason with the delusional spirit and see if she couldn't yet get a willing helper.


It would be So much easier if she had the time to convince him that he were dead and Quinch not only couldn't hurt him, but also not see him and instead would likely think she were mad for speaking with thin air, but she had lived long enough to realise that hoping for things to be simple were often a bit foolish. Life - and unlife - tended to be more complex than that.


As Adante seemed to have  caught up to them and she kept hoping that whatever had passed her before hadn't eaten half of Ponyville by now, on a nearby roof the mysterious Zhu were looking down upon them and the rest of the town that he could see from this angle whilst his robes and a few loose strips of gauze flowed in the wind.


"A long time have passed since these wheels last were in motion, but now that they run once more, what will the outcome be? Can these, who does not possess a sword but only a shield, lay low the olden one who have risen from his cell? The possibility is there for both failure and success, but I have done all I must for now. Though this is not all I had planned for so long to be ready, they must hold their own and attempt to win, or the balance will be threatened anew."


He let out an internal sigh. This were not the way he had seen this being, and not what he had hoped for. The demonmare were where she should, and so were the Human, but the path of the one carrying the blade that could strike this thing down had not passed them, and in fact seemed like it were shrouded in mist. He could find no name for the one carrying the weapon of old anymore, nor find a face to match with things. He simply knew that somepony should have been there that for now weren't.


Perhaps the beast had taken this piece of the puzzle for itself and made things harder for the fighters that were, but it were too late to think on such things. He hadn't the time to align other paths, and some of the strings ahead still carried the weight of a shrouded figure coming to confront the Forgotten One with power in their grasp, so they would see. Perhaps things would yet turn out as they should, and wouldn't end with him having to interfere.


Such were not his role in things unless no other choice were there to be taken. That glory belonged to others who could do what he had been unable to do himself such far.


"Fate is in your grasp little ones. May the ancients smile upon you."


He kept watching below as he spoke with himself, mumbling old words under the hood of his robe after wishing the golden lives in this luck with their task. They were going to need it.







"Can't say I'm happy to leave my wares behind, but these lil' things won't be able to do anything to it anyway, so what the hay? Let's have a glance."


Why were this pony so obsessed with looking through this zombie-infested town? And who ere this one he talked about he were looking for? That enemy of his that were going after him or something?


Happy knew that he wasn't gonna get any answers unless he followed and tried to keep his ears on stilts for the time being, but how he wished he could just go the easy route and beat the answers out of this guy. He hated going the subtle way sometimes cause he were curious, and subtlety tended to make things go slowly, including getting answers to soothe the fire.


*sigh* But what were he gonna do? He had come this far, might as well go through with it. Besides, if he took off know the mad pony might try 'n shoot him too, and he were Not interested in that. He had too much to do for his queen to to fit getting annihilated into his schedule.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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