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Blitz Boom

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Rapid Wind,


(before the meeting happened, when the others entered)


Last saluted to Princess Luna as she were done giving her report and cringed ever so slightly from the fresh stitches running down the side of her stomach.


"Whatever I can do to aid you, your majesty."


She looked as the new arrivals showed, almost reaching towards her sword per instinct, but stopping herself before it went to action. Both because her instinct were overwritten by common sense, and because the Night Guard registered with her. They were in service to Princess Luna, like herself, and even if their purpose were different, they were a sort of colleagues. And those kinds got respect, which is why she saluted him after Princess Luna. An order that Stargazer did himself.


She wanted to ask who he, or the civilian, were, but the meeting was called in and they left it at the exchanged nods before moving along, though Stargazer did use a brief moment to give a tired smile to Princess Luna. He wasn't sure if she needed that right now, but at times, he knew that she could use a bit of positive around her, even when her sister were nearby. The least he could do to his friend really were to smile.


(after the meeting begun)


Stargazer and Last found seats near eachother were they could keep an eye on the princesses and react if anything happened, but not close enough for them to show that they were part of the higher ranking ones. Both of them knew they were not the higest ranking in any sort of regard, so the nearest should be reserved to those that were. The ones that were not marked that were.


Last raised the eyebrow over her open eye at the other empty chair next to the one clearly meant to Princess Cadence, not knowing who this mark belonged to, and not wanting to be taking guesses, but... No, no, she'd see what the deal would be in time. Or well, hopefully. The seats Were empty after all.


Stargazer, meanwhile, sent a long look towards Princess Luna after he sat down, but ultimately began to look around at the others until the meeting would begin. The tired guard felt like he really should have a word and see how the princess were doing, but it were time for more official duties for now. Hopefully, they'd find out what the point of this meeting were soon, and there'd be a few moments when it were done.






@@Hazard Time,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


Ziggy looked with literal glimmer in her eyes when she heard the story of the crystal ponies, and when it were done, she clapped enthusiastically.


"That was an awesome story. I didn't have any idea that something like that were the reason behind crystal ponies. I just sorta figured you were around gems so much that the dust and such started to wear off on you. This is Way cooler though."


Then everypony started to head for the water, and Ziggy perked up and jumped a little in place meeping, before flying into the air and making a zoom dive into the water. It didn't splash a lot, as she went down with her wings closed and stretched out like a stick, but she got a little far into the water before, after a bit, she rose up and spewed out some water like she were a fountain.


"I'm a horsie-fish!"







Omen tilted her head and looked at the old Longma.


"If he's impure, what would happen if he got to the pure place? Would anything happen if I took him there through a gate, when we find the place?"


Far be it from her to think on many complex things per usual, but from what she had heard, it sounded like he were the sort of thing that had to be cleaned out, right? Something pure to counter impure, sounded like something she heard at a hospital once. Couldn't hurt to ask about that, could it?


"And what is pure? I have chaos in me from Master, not sure if that matters. Perhaps?"


She felt like asking more about their story too, but right now, it didn't seem the time, even if Lin were down. If she suddenly got up and were ready to go, Omen would like to know the basic things she might need first, then more of the story later. She might not be able to ask them later though... Hmm, hopefully there would be time, or her friends could tell something. Sounded like there were strange, interesting things to hear from the tales of the Longma regardless of who she'd asked at least.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


Nerzhei put a few gems gently into her bag again before answering anything, wanting to make sure they were set right.


"I'm handling this myself. You can look at the book in the meantime, but be extremely careful. It's vital to my research and I don't want it damaged more than it already is. One page at a time, and slowly. Who knows, perhaps you'll be able to read some of the old Equine scrabbles.


As for why I stayed here... Where else would I go? Our kinds doesn't get along, and here I had the chance of finding more things. Or well, up north I had, but this was the closest space that did not try to kick me out I could find, even if it is filled with these... Brutes."


She sounded like she might have more harsh words in mind before she coped her language a bit, throwing another nearby bauble out of the tent where Blitz were curiously looking over the bunch of stuff tossed thus far.


"Making improvements to the wards gave me an edge that some of the elders could use, so I went on with that in my spare time, and kept going with my research. That's how dragon country goes. You have to contribute to get something in return."


A couple of marine-blue, thin plates of crystal were held up and examined by Nerzhei before she put it besides the bag, mumbling something about *needing it for the dive*, but otherwise not saying anything as she went on.


"At least around your kind, I'm guessing I'll have more peace to do my work. Long as I get a sturdy door and some ear plugs. Unless this forest you're talking about is anything secluded? I guess I could skip the plugs if I found a quiet nook of the place."







"You set up the dream I pulled the subject from. I just had the two of you moved to a blank place where it could unfold undisturbed. It held some fine results, but my tests are not done. Yet, I can focus some on you until the other subject have returned to a cognitive stage and have a supposed survivability rate of 86.4% or above. It holds better results when the test subject is aware anyway."


There was no emotion in the voice or the way he said it. Far as he were concerned, these were just his test subjects in some sort of experiment. Though what the meaning of it all were didn't seem to be something he'd just say out of nowhere. To say that something were dream related were a very limited way of looking at it after all, as it were a wide study with plenty things that could be looked at. Perhaps they'd find out as time went by however, depending on how the rest of the testing procedure would end up going.


"You have my word on that. Now then, answers in regards to its current health so I can gather further information on the side effects of this procedure."


It were not a good sign though that he didn't talk about the torture. Not a good sign when somepony didn't refute they were doing something like that.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


None of the spectral guardians had an answer to the question. It was asking what an abstract concept was: anyone could come up with an answer but none provide the complete picture, and it raises even more questions that bring them no closer to satisfaction.  


We don't know, the eldest one answered. The truth is, we've only been through that place once, and that was many lifetimes ago. The rules of the wellspring are governed by what resides there. We thought ourselves impure and yet survived... mostly. Others tried but were denied by varying degrees. If Malvernis were to go there, he'd be burned from the inside and would dissipate into nothing, I guess. 


Your guess as to what follows when you step foot in that place is as good as ours. I suppose we-


The eldest one was interrupted by the grumbling noises coming from Lin, who was coming to her senses and regaining consciousness. She sat up and held one claw to her head, and moaned while trying to cope with the painful headache. She looked around and noticed the surroundings still looked the same: Omen and the guardians were there, her brother was still unconscious, and they were still in the same room they last saw each other in.


"If this is what an afterlife looks like," Lin exasperatingly said while trying to sound sarcastically jovial. "Whoever made this place owes me an explanation. And a hot compress." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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"What's an *afterlife*?"


Omen tilted her head and looked at the longma sister who were now waking up. She seemed a bit beaten up somehow, but she spoke and were awake so... She were fine, yes? Fine enough hopefully, though Omen had wanted to use a bit of time to ask the longma elders about the well a bit further. Guess some things just had to be found out, like what would happen when she got there.


Chaos was a lot to different ponies. To some it was unnatural and destructive, others told about it like the natural balance of order, some just thought it wasn't a part of the world at all, and just a jack of all trades magic that stole from the other elements. Much as some might think, Omen believed those more who said that chaos was a balance thing, which would mean that it had to be pure in some way... Yet, she had no idea at all. Master might know, but she couldn't just ask him now, and just had to go forth on... well, what exactly? Faith? Ignorance? And what if she were wrong?


She shook her head slightly and focused on Lin and what she knew: Her friend - one of the only two she ever had - were on a timer, and if she stayed here, it would likely just run out. Much as she had no idea what would happen, perhaps it just didn't matter, long as it might help her?


Things like this hurt her head. It was complicated and had so many different angles that she didn't understand... She wasn't meant to make sense in all of this that easy. She never had to before she met Sen, and the sudden rush of things were uncomfortable.


"Perhaps you can tell later. We have to find the well, under the city."


Perhaps it was better just to go through with this and then see as things went along. She might understand less of it being tossed at her when time happened, but at least it didn't make her head start to ache.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom & @Seamore Sandwich


Rapid Wind was very excited to be in the same room as three of the four princesses of Equestria, but noted the meeting appeared important and this might not be the time to cause undue interruptions by rash enthusiasm, so decided to take a seat at the lower end at the bottom as he was just a citizen, but perhaps even a citizen pony needed to know about what was going on and what might be discussed.

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@@Blitz Boom, Cresent breathed out still not trusting the pony but what else could he....he paused that thought. "well right now his blood flow is slowed down along with the heart rate. but ill fix that quick" cresent laid the cat down his fangs extending, he then looked back at the pony  


"look away and drop that notepad" He turned his back to the pony trying to block its view, he sank his teeth into his friend controlling the blood bringing it to it to a more recoverable state in the cat. Cresent never tasted cat blood so it was something new to him by sure. He also loss blood himself as but it wasn't noticeable by a glance. He pulled back up listened to his friends blood, then wiped the blood from his muzzle.  


"he'll recover now it still take a bit" he turned back the blood mostly wiped off


"don't go back on your word now, get us out" he said

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@@Moonlit @@Blitz Boom @@Seamore Sandwich


Succulent beamed at Ziggy's reaction to her story.  This was the first time she'd told their creation story to somepony from outside the Empire, and it was just as satisfying as she thought it would be.


Seeing that everypony was heading to the water, Succulent decided to join as well.  Even though she couldn't swim, it wasn't as if she had to wade too deep into it.  Just enough to wet her hooves, more maybe her belly if she was feeling adventurous.  With great trepidation, she walked into the lake.  Surprisingly, it wasn't too cold, but she stopped herself from going any further.  Any more, and she'd need water wings.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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Brianna the changeling was BORED. No dumb ponies to trick, no food, no NOTHING. She finally decided to leave the hive and go to Ponyville, disguised as Princess Luna. She watched as ponies cowered in fear at the princess they already knew was good. She decided to ruin her reputation. 

sigs are overrated. Wait, isn't this one? STOP WRITING DOWN WHAT I SAY!



(Character bio:https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/brianna-fang-lash-r9649)

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin noticed everything still where they were, and she came off a little disappointed but mostly relieved. Given how Omen reacted shortly after her grim speech about making her last moment count and knowing that it isn't going to be her last... she was a little embarrassed by it. At least her brother wasn't conscious or spittle and yelling would've been his parting gifts, a strange way to go. But right now, time is of the essence and she has one chance to save herself. 

"Agreed," Lin nodded to Omen and turned the guardians. "This wellspring should be our next stop but Canterlot is far away!" She exclaimed, her eyes darting back and forth between the spectral guardians and Omen. "Could we even make it there in time?"


The youngest of the guardians approached Lin and Omen and calmly replied. Those are true. A few days' time to make it to the wellspring. We know the way but we could only take you both so far. We know not how the path has changed since we last set foot in there but I'm sure you both will make it. 

The ground shook and several large stones piled one on top of the other by the entrance to the cavern and formed an arch. As the last stone reached the apex, a bright yellow glow with electrical sparks manifested from the center and reached the borders of the arch. A gate to their destination had been formed.

This gate will take you to Canterlot's mountain base and the entrance to the wellspring's path. We'll assess any damages your brother might have sustained until you return. We've observed your ability to create gates similar to these. If you need to reach this place again, might you be able to return here?


The guardian looked to Omen, the last question directed to her. 

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@Seamore Sandwich, @GingerLightning, @Quinch, @Lonk Chase, @SugarfootWillie, @Melke, @Denim&Venom, @Mentis Soliloquy


Quinch looked up at the towering monster. This was frustrating. He couldn't teleport, fine. No mediport network, that was an issue - he had no idea what the medical technology was like here, and he'd rather not risk actually dying in some backwater dimension. Or any other, for that matter.


He looked up past the swaying black mass, at the glowing green trails of what he assumed to be venom on what he assumed to be its arm. Taking off from a crouch, charging his gauntlets and really, really hoping actual prolonged contact doesn't screw him over, he beelined at the spot.


"Hit it with all you've got!" he yelled at anyone who could hear him. Support would have been nice, even a weather controller to try and help deal with the wind. He briefly wondered what a flamethrower would have done to this thing. "Hit it, blast it, throw goddamned rocks, hell, call it mean names if you have to! Just bring it down!"


He held down like a deranged dog, arms and legs on the glowing green veins, electricity coursing through the suit, hopefully enough to leave an opening for... god, someone.

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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Omen felt a little like pressure were gone from her mind when she saw Lin get prepared to leave. Considering how it had been before, this was much easier to work with, as she didn't have to try and drag her with her somehow to try and help her. Sen wouldn't like that, just as he wouldn't like to have seen his sister prepared to take the last swing sitting down before. Which were perhaps a thing Omen should try to forget, so she couldn't tell him about it. Many things she had to keep secret these days it seemed, but so were the price of keeping things well at times it seemed. Just like with the siren, this would be bad news to spread around the wrong ears.


When the elders suddenly started to make a portal she began to go over there instead a bit and sniffed the strange construct. It were not like her own, and yet... It felt a little like it. What strange magic were this? And did that mean that her kins gates were magical too? Perhaps? But then again, it didn't feel exactly the same...


Her thoughts were interrupted when one of the elders turned towards her and asked her if she could find this place again if it were. A question that made her lift her head and look at the old spirit with a blank expression going over her whilst she were thinking.


Mostly it were easy enough to remember places, as she got a sort of *smell* for them, but if places had a lot of magic, it could sometimes be harder as it started to blend slightly with the sort that beings like unicorns used and could toss her off track for a bit. Still, this place were away from many things and the magic were mixed here...


"...Yes. Strange, mixed feeling. Should be able to find it again."


With that said, she turned and walked towards the gate, holding her hoof close and feeling a sort of tingling from being near it, like the first time she had passed through one of her own portals back in the days. It were a long time ago, but it was a sort of thing that were hard to forget. Before passing through though, she turned again and looked at the elders with her head tilted a little to the right.


"Thank you for helping my friends. Want to help you too in return. After this."


A few words had been forgotten in her sentence structure, but she started to sound a little more secure in her *thank you* than usual. It were still hard for her to know exactly how and when to use it, but there were progress. At least,t hat was what she were thinking when she turned her head towards Lin and spoke to her, head now straightened again.


"We should go."







Zinthar's blood would taste a little stranger than what would be considered normal. Somewhat more earthy than metallic, and would carry faint surges of power that felt like a beginning to something roaring through his veins, but lacking the energy to do much more than just attempt to raise itself. He might also detect the taste of old magic, but it depended on how many magic users he had sampled before how well he'd be able to recognise the taste.


As for the doctor, he didn't know about it, nor did he currently care much for asking about the taste of this subjects blood. He had acquired a sample when yanking him back to the halls before, so there were little this bat pony could tell him he wouldn't be able to figure out on his own frankly. At least in his mind.


So he just kept on writing, not putting down the notepad or listen to what other demands that Crescent sent towards him until he were done, at which point he'd correct his glasses and look towards the bat pony, with a slightly bored expression going over his face.


"My word were to keep the other subject out of further experiments until its chance of survival had increased. While I cannot make accurate numbers until it awakes, you on the other hoof, I have not made any promises towards. Neither have I of letting either of you go."


He put down the notepad and it vanished into thin air, whilst a slowly rising, faint look of interest began to rise in his eyes.


"Still, perhaps the mice can find the cheese if they want it badly enough? If you want to be free, attempt to escape this little part of the dream halls, though beware of what doors you pass through to find the exit. You might find that some dreams exist only to feed nightmares."


A low cackle emerged before he too vanished into thin air, and Crescent and Zinthar were once again left alone. Things were not exactly going well from the looks of things, but at least there were a chance to get out, if they could find one through the maze that the dream halls could sometimes be without a guide. That was, if the doctor did not lie, but what other options were there really other than at least attempting? Stay and wait for him to return with knives?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


The eldest one replied to both Lin and Omen: On behalf of all of us here, we wish you well. This gate will seal itself behind you once both of you pass but it will be there on your call should you need it. 

Lin smiled and nodded, "Thank you so much for your help. For my brother's sake, could you look into his dreams if you can? I hate to think of what could be going on in his head when he sleeps, and he's already been through enough."

Each of the guardians nodded, and Lin gestured for Omen to make their way into the gate. Lin was out first but the path to the base of Canterlot's mountain was uneventful save for a tingly sensation running through her body. She could feel some of the magic imbued in her; a cool breeze that swirled mostly through her chest and rejuvenating her. At the same time, the curse Malvernis left in her is also fighting back; it's too soon to say Malvernis is truly defeated. 


The path that lay before them was an entrance into the mountains itself, the first steps taken only lead them much deeper. Unlike other dark caves and deep underground passes, the stone walls already show signs that this is no ordinary pass. Lin felt a sharp pain in her chest and she clutched tightly. 


"So... whatever is further inside knows how to keep the impure away." Lin said as she tried to keep the pain from stopping her. "Is it just me or do you feel anything like it, Omen? Pardon my odd and morbid choice of analogy but do you fee like a sharp stick was just driven into your body and the pieces try to split you apart? That's the feeling I'm getting." 

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@@Blitz Boom, As the pony was about to vanish cresent lept toward it wanting to pin him but too late, he was gone. He stomped the floor angrily at the spot where the pony evaporated


"just let us out!" he called out angerly looking at the spot. He sighed looking at his knocked out feline friend on his back. turned around and continued down the hallway of dreams.  


"oh we'll find that cheese all right, and bleed you dry" cresent said glaring at the path ahead of them.


He didn't know if the doc was watching still or not but it was better said now. The batpony tired to clear his mind of stress not sure what lay ahead for them but walking in angry wont help what ever was next....

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"No, I feel... Strange though. Like something drags me, then pushes. Feels confused."


It were not just mentally Omen had this thing. Ever since she had gone out of the strange portal - a journey that felt rather different from what she usually did, and not entirely in a good way - her body had made small yanks around the place. The direction were random, and went between pushing a few inches to at times a hoof or more, but it did appear as if she were being a ragdoll to something here.


Perhaps it were the magic? Even from here, at the base of the mountain, she could feel something in the air. Faint, but still kind of distinct. Like a perfume that you just couldn't place, but instantly took notice of regardless.




A voice seemed to flow on a brief gust of wind a little after Omen had answered, carrying a word that Lin had said. Though, it sounded twisted somehow. Curious, but scared and fascinated at the same time. Yet it were hard to pinpoint something exactly, as it were the only thing that were said/carried around them.


Omen looked between the dark cave in front of them and Lin, clutching her chest like something were tearing into her. Which basically were what she had said, though she couldn't see anything. Were this perhaps because of the bad magic she had? Were the place attacking her somehow? Testing?


"That doesn't sound good, but we have to keep moving. If it get worse, I will try and carry you, yes?"


She tilted her head at Lin and kept her eyes on her this time. The cave didn't seem to change in front of them, so her concern were more with whatever or not Lin could move or not. Perhaps she had to be carried? Wasn't the first time Omen had to carry beings, though one this size would be a first. But she guessed they'd see first. Ideally, they would just get on with things, and hopefully not get lost in the darkness.







The path ahead of them were frankly, very unimpressive. The hall seemed to stretch unendingly, turn now and again and go both up and down, with random doors strewn around the place. They were the doors of dreamers, so going in could be bad, but it didn't seem as if they'd need to enter anywhere, regardless of what the doctor had said. There were still road after all, so what would the issue be?


Well, the problem were that if they completely disregarded any door, Crescent would eventually find himself back in the same spot he had started, having gone in a complex, but inevitable circle. The only way out would really be to pick one of the doors and pass through, though perhaps he had already decided to do so before going in a circle and spent the extra time.


Zinthar would remain firmly knocked out, though stable for the time being, regardless. And as for Crescent.,.. Well, whenever he'd open a door - be it now or later - it would show behind it to be a dark, seemingly empty forest. No bird song, no insects, no nothing. Just a sleeping forest at night that had a single path to follow and a steady, spring breeze flowing through the leafy surroundings.


It were up to him if, when he found this door, he'd want to go on or not, but it were a place to start if nothing else. Even though it might end up being a trap. Some dreams weren't meant for pleasant things to happen after all, but he were free to close that door and look another place if he did not trust it. There might be some way between the doors, but they were there and not hard to open, so it wasn't that much more effort to look for another way if it were.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, growin more impatient then tired he made up his mind and decided to open a dream door in a tree part of the sleeping forrest. As he entered he found himself in manity again, yet everything looked bigger and more cheerful then the last place's he was at but it still had that odd sound of nothing. a soccer ball bounced in front of him and he had the urge to kick it "come on cresent lets play!" a young colt galloped ahead kicking the ball himself.


Cresent followed the youngling who looked familer to him but couldn't place a hoof on the name. He looked behind him still seeing the cat on him but he felt...smaller all the same.

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@@Blitz Boom


"I hope it doesn't come to that," Lin replied with a tone of concern. "Who knows what kinds of things lay ahead of us. Might need to jump across obstacles and what not." 

The two moved further and deeper into the depths of the mountain and while it is likely the only source of light illuminating the interior would run out and it would quickly turn dark but the opposite was true. The further they went, the walls would slowly illuminate. There was a deep blue light glowing from what looked like veins in the cave's walls. Somehow, it was tempting Lin to go in. 

At the end of the cavern, there was a strange, cage-shaped object with a lever next to it. The object had that combination of old material implements with more modern technology, the same kind that she had encountered in her travels. It confused her when she first saw machinery like it and she still does not know why such things exist. Beside it are wall carvings written in a strange language comprised of images and lines. 

"This doesn't look like it belongs here. This whole path looks to be thousands of years older than this kind of object. And what is this? It's written in language I've never seen before, if this is even a language. Have you seen anything like this?"  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom@,

"I can go and see if I can find a pony to talk to, an interesting chat is always nice and I would only drain a little. Im strong trust me" Butterfly was tough but she was starving and felt weak. "Please, honestly I don't need too much magic consiering" Crystal raised a hoof to her broken horn to remind Butterfly of her inability to use her power. "It works more like a draining of energy then anything and I don't want to hurt you. Im sorry but your special and I won't hurt you" Butterfly ruffled Crystal's mane before looking towards every pony else. "Go on ahead I will catch up"

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Considering the size of Zinthar were that of a normal sized pony, along with cats notorious melty bodies when they slept, it would only be a matter of time before he would slowly fall of the pony's back. Full sized Crescent might have been able to keep him up after all, but being smaller would mean more of the cat would drag along the ground, and in turn, would eventually end with him getting stuck on something or just roll off frrom continued resistance from the ground he were semi-dragged along.


How long they had gotten in before that happened were hard to say, but not long after making solid contact with the dirt, small twitches would start to go through him. Not much at first, but slowly, he'd start to get a little more life into him, until he'd inevitably open his eyes, although he still felt like it were better if the waking world were as pain-dulling as the dream had been. Or well dreams. Like small parts of it that had been scattered all over the place, and not all were some he could place. Strange really.


Regardless, as his eyes opened and then closed again whilst his head turned to the side - the light hurt his eyes briefly - he just had to accept that the pain wasn't going to leave him alone for the time being. It had dulled a bit though, so not all bad, though... Felt like something more had happened. Like a mosquito had bitten him, just to add insult to injury.


"...What is this... Place?"


His voice and breathing had become more stable, but there were still a noticeable pause in it as he stayed on the ground and started to look around himself for clues as to where this strange place were. Likely still a dream since nothing was ever easy, but what dream? And whose? Certainly not his, he were sure of that much at least. Most of his didn't involve settlements outside of Canterlot.


It seemed nice enough thus far though. Quaint, and nothing hostile going at them... Made him wonder what the catch would be. Were it filled with fire dogs? Killer bees? Irate gophers with tiny masks and hockey sticks? Cannibals? At this point, he'd really not rule out anything. Not when everything else thus far had gone straight down the dumpster.







The road in there were confusing.


Usually when she had to go into caves, it'd start somewhat light from the outskirts, and then you'd go deeper and potentially get lost in the darkness. Here though, it just got lighter the further in they went. Blue light went over the walls, making it easy for them to see things - albeit there were nothing really to look at for a while - and seemingly got a bit more bright the further in they went. It were like the cave were the opposite of what should normally be, as if the natural order had gotten messed up somehow.


That, or it could just be magic. Considering the way the lights looked, it sure looked like it might be at least. Also, they Were after all looking for a well where there'd be pure magic, so perhaps she should have guessed they'd see something strange.


She didn't expect the strange thing to include what looked like machinery though. Seemed really, really out of place towards a place that would presumably be oozing with magic.


It took her a little to get nearer, as the tossing about of her being made it clumsy to move in any particular direction at times, but she got there and looked at the odd cage and the lever next to it that Lin had pointed out. It wasn't all she saw there though, as she looked down when she stepped there and found her hoof in a big, paw print. It looked rather fresh in it, and had a few orange strands of fur in it, but beyond this and the fact that it was a print bigger than hers, it didn't seem like something that were that important. Hopefully.


She'd think more on it perhaps, but as things went, Lin's words about what this were and how out of place it were, still went around her head and where the next thing that took over her attention.


"No, but all writing looks strange when you can't read. Guess not to tou-"


She didn't get a chance to finish before one of her yanks ended with her hitting against the lever. Hopefully nothing would happen, but why would they start to be lucky now? Might end with a boulder rolling down on them or something else.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy






The invisible hand struck the ground right where Quinch once stood, but Quinch was too fast for him and had already begun his attack. The ground shook. Penny went into a nearby building, running up the stairs and out onto a balcony in an attempt to reach higher ground, a tactical advantage she could probably use. Miststalker thrust one of his swords into the ground, now that he had confirmation of the beast's location. Carl did the same a distance away, then moved to a third location trailing web from the first sword. Once he reached his new position on the other side of the battlefield, he thrust his other sword into the ground and attached the other end of his web to it. He then shot a web at Miststalker's sword, connecting it to the sword he just placed.


Meanwhile, Miststalker shot a web to Carl's first sword, connecting it to his to complete a triangle surrounding the battlefield. Sylar would have the other piece to this cage, a crystal that would ensnare the creature to lock it in combat until either it died or the Ananasi. Sylar was however torn from this world and the memories of those in it, so they were merely acting out orders of a plan with a missing piece. The triangle they made would however serve its other purpose: it would pick up the creature's vibrations and vibrate itself, signaling the creature's location. Sisilia climbed onto The Traveler and laid on her back with her head resting between his horns, the chunk of flesh still in her mouth. The Traveller didn't seem to care, he was instead focused on Queen Allure and the stick she had brought. There was a slight pull on the stick, as if trying to say it had to go toward The Forgotten One.


Ink saw his injured brother lying on the ground. He made his way toward him, but his path led him directly between Last and the creature with terrible timing. Ink always has terrible timing...



@@Rapid Wind


After thinking a moment, "I think I'll try the cucumber sandwich, then," Starlight responded. It made more sense to accept the new friend's suggestion as a way to show his input was welcomed. "Soooo, I hear you have a talent for chaos magic?" She was trying to start a friendly conversation about something they had in common, and aside from once trying to bend Equestria to their will, would have to be magic.



@@Blitz Boom


@@Hazard Time


"Okay. Now instead of swimming with your hooves like normal, please try to use your wings. Remember the movements I taught you before and move slowly. Water is much harder to move than air, so if you push too hard you can hurt yourself." Derpy sounded as if she had repeated those words many times, but again she still sounded concerned for the safety of her student. Pushing water with weak wings could be very difficult, but it was the best way to make those wings stronger, aside from wing-ups which might be too much for Serenade right now.



@@Rapid Wind

@@Blitz Boom


"We are all here today to discuss cleanup and repairs after the destruction of yesterday's battle. As some of you may have already seen, there has been some property damage and Ponyville needs all the help it can get," Celestia began, then paused. "And what of the returned? What will happen with them?" one of the volunteers asked. "That will be a topic for another meeting, but for now, their situation remains unchanged. Some of you will be assigned to help here in Ponyville, others will be assigned elsewhere." "Let us also be aware that there is some fear among the townsfolk. A terrible creature attacked their homes. Please be careful how you interact with them as some may be 'on-edge' due to the circumstances," Luna said softly. Twilight rolled out a long list in front of herself. "We'll need strong fliers or unicorns skilled at levitation magic on site to move supplies up to the roofs to repair them, two teams of strong ponies to transport supplies for both the repairs and for the camp. Anypony else can choose either to help directly with the repairs, or work on ground level cleaning up the debris."

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom, Cresent herd zinthar seemingly break the illusion of it all but still feeling small like a colt he turned seeing the cat down. quickly he ran up to help the cat up, to zinthar it would appear as if cresent had indeed shrank to his eyes as well. His voice also seemed affected as he sounding younger almost close to the same age as the last young pony they ran into.


"sorry zin, guess I was only turned smaller" the bat colt said


more young ponys ran past the two rather joyfully making it hard for the cat to spot the young colt amongst them all

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@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy




Ginger Lightning heard Meeko barking inside a bucket but was also angry at Lunk for trying to leave.She wanted to help everypony to fight the forgotten one so, She decided to forget about Lunk leaving and target the forgotten one with her anger instead. Ginger lightning stood tall her horn glowing with green magic she tried to lock on to any emotions the forgotten one was feeling.

Edited by GingerLightning
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@Lonk Chase @Melke @Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy @Denim&Venom @SugarfootWillie @Quinch


Priestess looked on, observing the battlefield and the tactics of those in it. "Trip wires. Crude, but effective. We can't see the enemy, we'll see what it's doing instead." Meanwhile, the stick in Queen Allure's grip began to be tugged on. It began to turn towards the center of town. Towards the creature."Priestess! You're going to need this more than I will!" She threw the stick to the fox, who caught it in her tail. "Okay...but why-" she felt the tug of the Everwood stick that once impaled her core, red with her dried blood.  "Wait. So this-"


"Yes. That will tell you where it is! Don't loose it!" 

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@@Blitz Boom


The lever switched positions and while there is a definite sound of a click and machinery roaring to life. Lin gasped and looked around in panic, keeping an eye out on anything changing in the environment. For a second, the loud noise sounded like there was actually a boulder rolling in from somewhere. Fortunately, there is no boulder. The bad news is, the sound was coming from the cage... and it is moving downward. 

"Quick! That thing is moving!" Lin exclaimed and ran to the cage. The opening is still large enough to fit in and she squeezed through it easily. She was, however, more hesitant in using magic to slow down the machine because it presented the possibility that she could end up draining herself of energy. Once the initial shock had subsided, she noticed the cage has barely nudged past where it was initially and calmed down. In truth, she was simply embarrassed. 

Lin immediately went to a more reserved stance and spoke with an almost hushed voice while faking a chuckle. "Eh... yes. Let's head on down. It's not like there's anything else up here. I think we should leave out this detail should Sen ask about what happened here, yes?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich@@Hazard Time Serenade nods and does exactly what Derpy told her to do. Even with her weaker wings, Serenade glides over the pond with both grace and speed, almost as if she is more at home in the water then in the air or on the ground. She laps the pond a few times before coming to a stop in front of Derpy, "How was that?"

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@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Lonk Chase,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Ko, time to get to work."


Ashta were not the kind who did things complicated like using these crystals that Miststalker and Carl did, so there were a reason why he were not involved in the plan to do this. His approaches were simple, brutal, and effective, which were why he, along with Ko, had another job in this encounter: Making sure they were the ones to exit the triangle instead of it.


Now ko were a resourceful being, who could have helped in the more finesse-driven parts of this, but his speciality in toxins were once again the reason why he had to be part of the more final phases. Which in this situation meant to catch the two, gooey pouches that Ashta tossed his way, and then inject each of them with a small cannister he kept hidden on his person before tossing the smallest back to Ashta, and running towards the others with the second.


The bags were full of more or less inert toxin that, at worst, would make you itch if it made contact with you. With the added component however, it quickly mixed into a sickly-looking, black liquid specifically designed to be used against unusual targets, with effects ranging from severe paralysis to complete shut down on the target, or even worse. The effects ranged widely, but there hadn't been a single test where it did nothing ineffective, so as Ashta cut through the bag with his weapons to quickly coat them, he would have something during this attack which would help. And so would the others, soon as Ko made his way towards them. It would just be a simple matter of sticking a dagger or something into it and then slice. It were what these kinds of bags were for after all.


Ko would dodge, coat three daggers quickly and toss towards three spots where the ancient one should be, and otherwise do what he could to make sure the others did not go into this unprepared. He had extra daggers they could take from him if needed, though they had to act quickly, before things would begin to stack against them. You didn't catch a monster without enraging it in some way or another.


As for Ashta.. Well, he were already on his way to do his job, crawling on a narrow path of fresh web on nearby walls to get a higher point before he'd strike, then aim more nets and keep this going until he saw a weak spot. Or until the being stopped moving, whichever came first.


Meanwhile, Last had seen Ink go between her and her target, but hadn't the time to stop and rethink her attack. She had this one chance for a strong hit when it weren't watching, and if she stopped now...


"I'm sorry for this champ."


She half-mumbled the words as she jumped up, landed on Ink, then in the same motiong would get higher ground whilst kicking him away at the same time, and would plunge down towards the open wound she had seen. The edge of the burning blade were headed straight towards it, and when it reached, it would plunge deep into the wound, and in turn, into Nemo. Unless he suddenly took notice of her, in which case she'd likely be met in this reckless attack with a strike to her stomach, which would damage her stitches too much and make her start to bleed from her wound again.


Still, this were the one chance she had to do some real damage, that she were sure about, though she briefly felt sorry for doing that to Ink. Yet, he had stood in the way and the only way to not get him cut up during a strike or take the chance away, were the use him as an improv stepping stool. Considering the alternative, he'd hopefully agree.


Amidst all of this fighting though, Zhu stood more or less motionless besides the Traveller and looked over things, with the only movements from him being the tongue that once in a while slithered out and tasted the air.


This were an important time for him. The culmination of what felt like endless years of work and planning, and yet, though his heart rate increased a small bit, he didn't allow himself the luxury to take anything for granted yet or go into a festive mood from the prospect alone. He could still see so many ways things could go wrong for the living that were currently fighting, that he just couldn't. Not until everything were said and done.


"Interesting how short a while it actually takes for the pieces to play compared to how long it took to set the board. Is it not, Creator?"


He stated this casually, as if he were talking to somepony at the market and not amidst a battlefield. Yet to him it were little more than that until this were done really. Just another day like every other, deprived of much worry from all of the times he had seen it play out before this, and just something you'd talk to with another in your line of work. Or well, close to at least, as him and the Creator did not work with the exact same thing, though their goals did coincide.


As for Meeko though.. Well, he still didn't know what went on and just kept trying to go towards Ginger, unaware of what the halfling were doing right now. Hopefully, he weren't going to get into trouble doing that.





@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Rapid Wind,


Last were the first to speak to the princesses when the announcements came, a little unsurprised at what the meeting were about considering the damage some of the town had taken, though feeling oddly okay with this being it instead of something earth-shattering.


"You majesties, I would like to offer my help repairing the town. I have experience in handling structural damage that could come to good use, and it will leave me around to help with the debris as well if needed afterwards."


Princess Luna would likely be the only of the princesses that knew what this meant, unless she had told of the shrine to her sister or any of the other royals. Something that Last were not aware of, nor really felt were her place to ask about, though it were not that hugely important anymore. What were though, were the fact that she had been in a home that had been attacked countless times generation after generation, and knew how to make reparations that worked so that there wouldn't be weak spots for the next attack in their home. Or in this case, make sure that the houses around here didn't get windy and brittle.


It might have been some time now since she last had to do repairs, but everypony at her home had to do at least some repairs now and again, and it started to stick the longer they went at it. It gave expertise, which would be needed when fixing up things around here again.


"And if I may, I would like to volunteer to fly in supplies."


Afterwards, as Stargazer put himself on a task, it were much less straight forward to dig into it. He were a bigger than normal bat pony who could put his size to good use in this task. Even though he had small sacks under his eyes from not really having slept well in around five days - unless you counted the few hours where he had stood up and slept at the station - he were not out of commission yet, and wanted to help in the parts of town that could use him.


"Considering everything, I would also like to request that our meeting will be rescheduled Princes Sparkle, so I can remain amongst the workers until the town is repaired. I hope that is acceptable?"





@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Hazard Time,



"Nice swimming Serenade."


Ziggy clapped her wet hooves and smiled at her friend that she had followed with her eyes since she started to swim. Or well, it were interrupted with looking over Derpy swimming too and Succulent standing with only a bit of her covered in water, as well as having to dive under for a bit to handle a certain something biting her tail, but she looked most of the time, and what she saw were great.


Whilst her cheering went on, the something that had bitten her broke the surface of the water and shot upwards, before gliding down on soft wings and landing on the head of Succulent.


Fah'lina had been sleeping when she were woken up by suddenly being in the water - Ziggy had forgotten to put her down somewhere first - and though she spent a good deal of her life in water, she hadn't felt like a swim just there and then, so she had gone for dryer places. In this situation, that were the head of the pony that she didn't knew, but as she were still a bit drowsy, she didn't much realise that it was an unknown quantity.


As for how Succulent would react... Well, the mimic, squirrel-like creature with the big ears, webbed paws and feet, and the folds of skin from her ears and downwards that made her able to fly, didn't really weight a lot, and didn't use claws to hold itself still unless she'd try to shake her off, so... Depended on how she'd react to having this being stand there really, even if it did mostly just look like a strange flying squirrel.







"What part? Where you ran, or the machine itself?"


Omen moved slowly forward and passed through the opening into the slow moving metal cage as well, not seeing what the big rush were, as it wasn't exactly speeding away.That might be why she didn't want the story to be said to Sen though? Because she had been acting hectic towards something that had turned out to have given her plenty of time to work with? It were possible, though she still didn't get why that couldn't be said. Seemed like something that others might find... What was it... Fun?


Still, she wasn't sure if it couldn't just be the part about having found this strange machine here to begin with. Someplace that were supposed to be a place of pure magic, and yet there was this thing that looked a bit more recent. Not straight up new, but still, more new than a place that had likely been there for awhile and were based around magic. And why would a place of magic even need machines? Couldn't magic do most of the things on its own?


Many questions, but not really any answers. Though it at least meant one thing she did know for sure: Other ponies came here, and it had to be often enough to make this thing worth building. Potentially not hostile place?


Suddenly, the same sort of nitpicking wind from before blew past them, carrying now the phrase "Head on down..." with a small, childish laughter afterwards before it passed and were gone.


"...Strange wind."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Seamore Sandwich, @GingerLightning, @Quinch, @Lonk Chase, @Melke, @Denim&Venom, @Mentis Soliloquy,


"Let's see if I have anything that can do any damage." Priestess grabbed a talisman out of her tail that listed the contents. "Maybe these-" She pulled out a folded yumi bow & quiver. "In combination with these-" Another pawfull of talismans. "What are you thinking Prie?"


"Perhaps hitting it with arrows equipped with exorcism talismans. Since you can see it, I'll be needing your eyes."


"Fine fine. But I don't knwo how much more help I can be. I still have no idea what i'm looking at."  

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