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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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Lonk completely ignores Ginger and goes into the nearest house away from the fight. For some reason the door is unlocked.


Nopony's home. There's a TV in the corner, and two small rooms, probably a bathroom and bedroom. Man, this house is small.

Lonk lies on the couch and tries to watch the fight from the window. This isn't a very good view.


He is definitely a coward, but a smart coward. Where is that poem pony anyway? He hasn't seen him fighting, so he must be somewhere else. Stalking him? Eh.

Edited by Lonk Chase

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

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Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@Blitz Boom @Wolves


"It would be nice to have some more variety in this town, it's true that most produce seems to be apple or apple related, I prefer carrots myself and while there are some other stuff here and there theses ponies love their apples."


When Happy turned the conversation back his way he paused a moment to gather his thoughts. "I wouldn't say I'm set here, the idea of travel appeals highly to me but currently my family and I are staying in ponyville on the princesses request so I can't leave it just yet."


"I wouldn't mind the idea of guarding ponies that need to venture into the ever free forest or something similar but I don't know about bounty hunting. I would be picky probably to picky to get many jobs, I would not just want to hunt down some pony blindly for bits, I would need to know why they wanted this pony hurt and would judge their reasoning myself before acting on it. I could see the disagreeing with my contractor as a deal breaker and I would not be surprised to finding myself with a tendency to exchange blows with my employer if they turned out to be the villain in the situation. " He chuckled a bit at the thought.


"No if I'm going to fight it's going to be for a good cause, it's should not be about gratifying my desire to use my talent, it should be about using my talent in a way that helps others."

Edited by PonyOfWar

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@@Blitz Boom


"A little bit of both. And about the machine itself.... Either someone's been here long before and built this, or whoever first found this passage knew this would be necessary." 


Lin heard the laughter and the voice, faint but the tone and pitch were distinct enough to be of importance. The wind sometimes had a thing for carrying the sounds of voices but these were often coincidences. Some even interpreted these stimuli to be of something significant even though there was none to be found. Whatever the explanation is, if there is even one to be had, Lin didn't know. But she felt something was off about it.  


"I'm scared." Lin shuddered, feeling what ponies would call goosebumps despite not having hair. If there was a way to equate the feeling of scales getting ready to shed, she felt that in spades. "I've heard of stories involving disembodied voices drifting in the wind, and the sound of a child's laugh from nowhere isn't making it any easier to handle."

The blue veins in the walls slowly pulsated, glowing brighter and brighter but turning from blue to red. And the intensity of the color was also prominent. Some began to form what looked like faces. Deep red faces with the looks of anguish and horror at the same time. Some had that looked like they were trying to climb their way out or claw out their own faces. What in all of Equestria could induce such insanity? 

Suddenly, Lin's vision began to fade in and out. She held her head up and noticed her brother standing next to her. Unbeknownst to her, Omen does not see this. She reaches out with one claw and tries to talk to him. "Brother, is that you?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Frosty Frost,@@Blitz Boom,


Summer felt her chest swell when nerzhei seemed to be happy with what she had said. almost making a kind gesture to her made summer feel like a personal triumph but she acted like she hadn't seen it. and walked over to frosty to look at the book a bit but didn't dare to touch it even the slightest because she was realy scared of damaging it


then frosty asked why she helped the dragons and the answer sounded logical to summer. it almost sounded like she cared a liiiiitle bit about the dragons for a second but that thougth quickly went away. she really seemed to hate the other dragons instead. no wonder she's so grumpy, I would be too if I had to be around ponies I hated all the time she thought and looked at nerzhei from the corner of her eye. 


when nerzhei mentioned equestria and studying and stuff summer turned back to nerzhei again "the ever free forest would be the perfect place for you to studie, we have really good libraries and I have many books too. maybe you could get a sturdie door somewhere in my house, I have a spare room after all and I'll try not too sing to much when you're there" summer said. when she got back home it would be so awesome. she would bring two whole new kinds to the ever free forest. maybe she'd become the greatest adventurer equestria had ever known! except that she couldn't tell them about this dragon village and this valley which was a bit unfortunate. but she'd manage somehow, she was sure about that.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@Seamore Sandwich


Discord smiled, though Fluttershy looked down slightly glumly, but she was going to let Starlight make the decision.


 "Why yes, Starlight Glimmer, you may have heard of my prowess," Discord chuckled confidently as he liked talking about his chaos magic.


 "Here's just a small taste of my abilities," Discord said with a smirk as he snapped his talons and three glasses appeared on the table along with three miniature pink fluffy rain clouds that when Discord squeezed them rained chocolate milk into each glass until they were full and then he snapped his talons again and the pink rain clouds disappeared, but the three glasses full of chocolate milk remained.


 "Here try one," Discord said and pushed one of the glasses full of chocolate milk over to Starlight.


 "Discord, you haven't put a hot chilli or something in one of them have you?" Fluttershy gazed over to him, not fully trusting that he wouldn't try to put something in one of them.


 "Trust me," Discord said with a small smile.


@Blitz Boom & Seamore Sandwich


 "I suppose I can help out too, Princess," Rapid Wind decided to offer and addressed his helpfulness to Twilight as he thought doing a task for Princess Twilight was guaranteed to put him in a good position to get a job and he might even get a job from helping out.

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"Ugh, foals everywhere..."


Zinthar got up mostly by his own help, but Crescent did help him not fall down when the feline almost stumbled, despite his apparent lesser size.


The comment he had made had come a little after that, when his eyes had focused a little more away from the surroundings and more towards what were running around them, at which point he had looked like the day just became a bit more sour to him.


Now, he knew it wasn't a popular thing to not like the younger generation, but he had loathed foals ever since his owner had first taken him around to show in a school he visited now and again. Amidst all the ones talking to him like he were two weeks old, petting his fur the wrong way, and the very young who liked to try to either bite him or pull his tail, his opinion of them had not ended up being favourable. Something that he had first had only been able to express through hissing and biting - both things Starswirl had made sure didn't end up being harmful to the small ones - and going on until the day he could talk, at which point Starswirl didn't take him anymore. Something about him not trusting the words of the feline when the small ones could understand him.


He couldn't focus completely on the individual foals though. His eyes needed a bit of time to refocus right now, and with him still needing to get accustomed to the light and the things at different distances here after his damages, it'd be a few minutes before he could get everything settled enough for the grander details of the moving pieces here. Though he would have thought he should have been able to see Crescent at least, yet... Currently he couldn't really make him out between the other blurs.


"Well, at least they won't... Be able to pull my fur... This time."


The feline still lacked all his fur after the whole ordeal from before, which made him feel rather.... Unguarded. It didn't help either that he had some pride in his glistening, onyx fur, and being down to the red, bare skin beneath with some darker parts here and there from burn marks, really didn't help this vanity. Not even witht he silver lining that it'd be harder to mess with his fur.


"What happened since... I went cold? Must be something... Since we ended up here."







Omen didn't know what she should think about the voice, even if Lin didn't sound like she liked it in the slightest.


Back when she had been formed, everything could suddenly end up talking thanks to masters magic. The skies, the very air, him that wandered through invisibly, and so forth, which made this more of a nostalgia thing than a scary occurrence for Omen. Yet at the same time, it had been so long that it still seemed strange, especially combined with everything else about this place thus far, like the strange pain and yanking around that had respectively happened to the two since they got here, the little she had heard from the elders, and the strange veins in the... Walls...


The line of thought faded out and got replaced by the higher focus Omen suddenly had about the light that started to get stronger, and change colour to a deep red that looked like ti tried to form something. Not something that were easy to make out at first, but a little by little... She could swear she saw judging, near-liquid faces, like the ones from her unformed siblings, and small bits of lands and beings that had left her behind centuries ago, but somewhat twisted and looking like they were laughing at her. Some of them did at least, though some looked more pained, crying, fearful or angry, along with some that seemed curious or gleeful in some strange way... What were this?


The world around her started to loose all sense as she fixated on these, not noticing even what Lin were doing. Heck, the longer she looked, the more it seemed to slip her mind until the lines and light started to almost blur into one another and she finally looked away. But she had to look back again. Something were happening with this, something... Strange. Something that had to... To...


Everything seemed to stop as she saw a face, that had long since been imprinted into her mind, watching her when she turned to try and get her vision to stop acting weird. A face connected to a head with different horns, a white goatee, and a long neck leading down to an even longer body that seemed to emerge halfway through a wall, going slowly down with them.




The being of chaos winked at her and rolled around, but didn't say anything as he got a bit higher ground on her and looked down on the puzzled mare who couldn't understand what were going on. It looked like master, but it  didn't feel like him around... Yet the magic in this place could perhaps change things? And didn't Discord represent change? He could likely make even his own basic life energy changer as he pleased.


But what did he do here? Why now, when she were heading for... Somewhere? And why didn't he say anything? Why did he just look at her, like he were wondering what to do with her? Like she were a thing he didn't know were to place.


What was the meaning of this?





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Nerzhei chuckled slightly when hearing what Summer were offering, before she went over and stood up tall next to the pony that looked a bit small compared to the tall dragon.


"I'm thinking that whatever rooms you have are too small. Besides, i'd prefer to make my own place. Makes it easier to put in what I need and the space for it."


After the little show to the pony about how it might be an issue fitting her into any normal, pony-sized building - she were as tall as a regular sized human after all, so most housing were not made with her size in mind - she went over and pulled a worn, but sturdy looking shoulder bag up from the corner that seemed like it were made to carry some books, and were sizeable enough to also carry the box she were currently filling crystals into if she left behind a good deal of her books. Though if there was a handle or something on the box, she'd hopefully be able to get through with all the things she'd want. Most importantly, the big book on the table.


Something seemed to squirm around in it when she pulled it up though. Not something that jumped out on it's own, but as Nerzhei took the flap off that went over to cover the insides, the furry, pink head of a bunny poked out, likely the one mentioned earlier.


It looked rather normall all things considered.- The size were about the same as Angel, though slightly larger, the ears were a bit more fluffy than normal and ther e was a tuft of extra long fur on the head that looked like it had hair, but other than that, it didn't really bare resemblance to anything that would fit around dragons. Or were able to beat up Qert, no matter how small he were.


Then again... if anypony here knew Angel, they'd know not to judge too much on the fluffy exterior alone. No matter how cute he, or this one, might appear normally.


"Figured you'd be sleeping there Lotus. Think you can jump out a bit though? I gotta pack the bag."


Lotus looked at the dragons questioningly as she jumped out, looked around, saw the ponies and then just started to look even more confused at the dragon whilst she did some small movements, like she were trying to gesture *What's going on here?*.


"New orders. Gotta escort them out, and keep an eye on the dryad with them."


The rabbit blinked a bit before clearing out her ear and lifted it up towards the dragon, trying to be sure she heard that right.


"Yep, dryad. Just roll with it."


Lotus let out a sigh and turned to look at the ponies. A bit sceptical looking, but overall, she were still a bunny. A cute, fluffy little thing that didn't exactly make one think of bad things as she jumped a bit nearer and placed herself on the table where she could see them a bit closer.


Then again... Angel.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"What happened since... I went cold? Must be something... Since we ended up here."

  "they shouldn't be experimenting with you for a while I made a deal with them to experiment with me instead. that last dream that shut down around did a lot to you. now I don't even know where we are" The now small batpony said.


As he helped the cat on it looked like some parade line was in town with  confetti and a rather lavish looking pony waving at them a; being pulled in a chariot by two others in even more lavish armor.  


"and this looks like another ponys dream" the batpony said

Edited by cwhip9
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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


Frosty carefully browsed through the pages of the book, but didn't see anything he could read. He never took the time to learn older versions of Equine writing, but even if he did, it probably wouldn't have helped him with this.


"Sorry Nerzhei, I can't understand any of this stuff. I only studied magic things I think are cool, and ancient languages aren't cool."


Frosty looked up from the book when he heard Nerzhei talk to someone called Lotus.

He saw a pink, fluffy bunny jump out of Nerzhei's bag. He tried to hold in his laughter, but failed.


"Bwahahaha! Is t-that your pet? That?! A pink bunny? A cute harmless bunny?! You?! You really are soft inside."

After a few seconds he hastily added a "No offence, sorry," before directing his gaze back to the book to look at the pictures.

Edited by Frosty Frost


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Frosty Frost,@@Blitz Boom,  


summer nodded when nerzhei said that she wanted to build her own house. she had kinda expected an awnser like that. "maybe you can build your house near mine, we could be neighboors. if you don't think I'm to annoying at least." She said kinda shy, she really wanted to get on nerzhei's good side now.


then she saw the fluffy pink bunny. she heard frosty laugh and gave him a stump. "shut up will you?" she said to him. then she looked at the bunny, it was sitting in the table. summers first reaction was so pick it up and cuddle it but then she remembered nerzhei saying to quirt or what was his name again that this bunny had to stop beating him up. maybe she had to be a bit carefull with this cute little creature.


"Hi lotus, I'm summer. sorry for my friend frosty, he doesn't mean it like that." she said and the last thing was also ment towards nerzhei. sometimes frosty was a total, unsensitive idiot, but still a lovable one. 


she looked at the bunny again and noticed the fluffy hairs on her head were a bit messy "Would it be okay if I would get your hair neat again?" summer asked the bunny. she really wanted to pet it, it looked so soft and cute but she also wanted to make sure that this bunny wouldn't beat her up. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


Lin took a step back and reassessed what she remembers She knew her brother was still in the care of the spectral guardians and if anything, this manifestation in the guise of her brother was nothing more than a fake. But still, she sees it is real and alike. 

"Wait, are you really him?" She scratched her head and stepped back, giving herself some distance from her supposed brother. "This isn't supposed to be real, isn't it?"


The image of Sen moved about and paced with what little space there was inside the cage. What you perceive, what you believe to be real is for you to decide; I can't make that decision for you. That said, I'm only here to show you what you don't wish to see. You've come here to be cleansed of a curse powerful magic has placed upon you, but will you see this task to the end? Do you really want what you seek?


"Of course I do! Why else would I be here?" Lin didn't need to rethink this decision through. She replied with confidence in her voice. 


Let me ask you again, "Sen" sternly replied. Do you want what you seek? Do you trust yourself enough to be sure? Do you even know what you want?

Lin was dumbfounded. She knew what she said and she knew what she wanted. A cure for what ails her and a way to help her brother. Without Omen by her side, she couldn't get help from someone she could trust. Maybe Omen is having her own version of what she was going through, or she's wondering why the other occupant in the cage is talking to herself.

"I am sure."

Let us see. 

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@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Lotus looked at the laughing Frosty for a bit before putting her head in her paws and shaking it a little. It seemed she had heard some things about ponies too and was getting a bad, first impression of them. Or were it a first one? There were a forest near here, sure, but there didn't seem to be any actual animals in there so... Might be an import. Hard to tell really, though regardless, she did not seem impressed.


It seemed a bit better when Summer started to speak to her, and after snorting a bit at the laughing stallion, she turned her attention to the mare. Now, usually, she wouldn't just let anypony touch her, but to be fair, most around here wouldn't mind rabbit stew, so they were conceived more as threats. These ponies ont he other paw... Really didn't look like they'd be bothers, although the laughing was starting to get to her.


She raised a paw in a *wait* sort of motion to Summer, then picked up a small stress ball on the edge of the table, looked towards Frosty... And promptly kicked it hard towards his forehead. If it hit, he'd feel it, and if it didn't, he'd perhaps get the point that laughing at her didn't tend to go well. All in all, a fair little warning.


Afterwards, Lotus would return towards Summer and point at her head whilst nodding, signalling that she didn't mind. At least for now.


"Cute and harmless doesn't last long in dragon country."


Nerzhei just responded, not even looking over as she had a pretty good idea about what were going to happen from past experiences.


"As for where I'm gonna put myself down, it's gonna be based on location more than anything. Might be near you, never know."


A few more crystals got into the box before the lid were put on and it were sealed. Seemed like whatever ones were left behind, she didn't have much use for or were meant for the camp in some capacity. That, or it could be that they just didn't work and she didn't want to waste the space. Likely they'd never find out unless she told them, and as she were now busy packing her other books. it seemed unlikely that she'd just do it on a whim at the current point in time.


As for the book that Frosty were looking through, a lot of the pages were mostly just texts of various origon, mingling in to create some sort of hybrid language between draconian and equine. Though on some pages, like the one she had shown them to begin with, there were pictures of fountains, mountains, the outline of cities, plans for some old schematics and such. It seemed like a history book of sorts, but not one that were going to be easy to decipher.







"Who are they, and... Why were they experimenting? And... What experiments?"


He didn't feel good, but overall still better than what he felt like before, so if there had been some experiments, he didn't see what the damage were. Unless it were in the dreams, but that was ludicrous, surely. Even the dream guards, whom he were thinking lesser and lesser about, surely wouldn't do this sort? If they did, he might as well have stayed in Purgatory and slowly go more insane from the loneliness.


The sound of the nearby parade got his attention and he looked over, being able to see a bit better, but not entirely clear just yet. All he saw were what looked like a lot of ponies, gathered around some other pony, but all he could think about were the pain, and how he could make it go away. How these... Insignnificant little beings be used to refill his own reserves once more.


Zinthar showed his teeth a little at the ones and licked a few of the sharp, now barely-glowing teeth, thinking about a sensation he hadn't felt in so long he had lost track. But unfortunately, no matter if he wanted to do something or not, it were pointless. This was just a dream, and no truly living beings walked here, just their minds. They couldn't be harvested, even if he only wanted a little here and there from them to sustain this... Drought, in himself, after all his reserves had gone away through a combination of being stuck in this world for a long time, and the recent events that had him use a lot just to stay alive.


"Guessing whoever this is... Not popular normally. Pitiful... Little kid or something. But at least... Sounds safe."








"Hohoho, such a fun, little mind you have stranger."


*Discord* chuckled to himself and wrapped himself around the confused Omen before pressing his head against hers and look into her eyes with his talon and paw on her head from behind.




"Oh I'm So glad you asked! But I won't answer you. Can't have it all make sense, now, can I?"


He scratched her head and fluffed through her mane, and not really making Omen sure that this wasn't some degree of Master. he were certainly acting like he did at times, though the way he taked didn't really make much sense... perhaps this were a memory of some kind?


"Oh, I'm going to have So much fun testing you! Well, me and some of the others, but right now it's me! Ohohohoho, tell me, Omen, what's a strange, little bottle of chaos and shade doing here? Looking for something?"


"What I'm doing here..."


Omen were a little besides herself with this *Discord* that acted like her master, or a little foal after it had gotten mobile enough to explore things around it, so it took a little before she started to remember why she were here to begin with. Time the *Discord* used to blow bubbles into thin air and arranging them to look like small, dancing pony figures.


"I'm here to help my friend."


"And why would you do that? She seems like she's walking on her own, why does she need you here?"


"Not sure."


*Discord* Pressed his head next to her and looked at her with his big eye whilst making his ears bigger to listen in a bit better.


"Oh? Then why don't you turn around?"


"Because she might need me."


"And you'll do Anything to help her?"


You could hear the question really had some pressure on as *Discord* let go of Omen and laid halfway through the wall again, looking at her with a somewhat smug grin on his strange face.




*Discord* laughed for a bit before drawing a tear away from his eye.


"Hohoho. We'll see about that, my chaotic little friend."


What were going on here were hard to say, but it looked like something that got into their heads, took form and some personality from their memories, before starting to question them in it's own way. That is, if this were just one, many-faced being instead of several ones. Or just a delusion from some sort of strange gas or aura in the area. It were hard to say really.


Still, didn't explain what were going to happen with her and Lin now regardless. Were they going to be tested in some way?

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Just as what this image of her brother had said, there was something about the cage that didn't seem right as well. She knew it was large enough to cram several ponies of her size into it, wiggle room aside, and it could still support their weight. What Lin saw this time was  a forest, and she could freely move around and notice the buzzing of insects and the gust of wind brushing past her scales. The pain in her chest was still present but it was a lot more manageable, almost non-existent. "Sen" led her through the clearing and the small thickets from where she stood. Strangely, that cage she was in was now a dark grotto with a narrow path to a much more open forest. And on the other side was her old clan's home. 


"Impossible." Lin stood shocked as she whispered to herself. Whatever she knew was real, she didn't know this time, and she couldn't discern it. She stood around and admired the view for a while, failing to notice her guide was gone. "None of this should be possible and yet... wait. Sen? Where are you? Sen?!"


Your brother doesn't exist anymore and you know that! The clan elder came forward, still looking fairly scrawny with wrinkles under his eyes and missing a lot of his scales. And you shouldn't be here too. Why did you come? You've already ruined our traditions and for what? To rub this... this insult to our faces and show how wrong we are?! 

"Elder, please listen to me. No, listen to yourself; you're being irrational! The outside world is not as bad as you think! Not everyone out there is out to harm you or anyone else here! Please let me an my brother back in!"

Just as the elder began to speak once more, the sky that was previously bright and sunny quickly turned dark and stormy, and the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder and louder. The elder looked around and then back at Lin. What have you done?!

Edited by EQ_Theta
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy





Rage... A great rage was coming from The Forgotten One, powerful enough that any changeling could feel it's anger and hatred. For beings that feed off love, hatred could be sickening, but hatred as pure as this was like a poison. Miles began to fade, being weakened by the powerful surge of emotion. He was too close, with Quinch attacking the creature directly. Quinch's ability to see the creature would fade, as well as his ability to hit it. "I... I can't..." he said weakly to Quinch, his strength fading. The creature took to the sky with a few flaps of its massive wings. Wings... "Wait... Since when did that thing have wings!?" Penny shouted from the balcony. As the beast ascended out of the way of Last's, Quinch's, and Sylar's attacks, Ko's daggers passed right through it, but the poison stayed on its skin, burning like acid and giving off a steam that all could see. With the distance to Charlie and The Forgotten One growing, the pull on the stick Priestess held would grow as well. It wanted to be closer... It had to become whole again. The Traveler heard Zhu's comment. "If I had your abilities, it would have been much easier to set the stage, but alas, I do not have your gift and must rely on trial and error. Many times I have moved the pieces, and I still cannot be sure that the outcome will be desirable. If this time I fail, I will try again. That is the way it must be."



@@Rapid Wind


"Well, why drink chocolate milk without a straw?" Starlight responded before pulling a hair out of her mane with her magic. The hair grew thicker and became the hollow tube of a loopy straw. She then levitated the glass over to herself, put the straw in and started drinking.

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@Seamore Sandwich


Discord marvelled at Starlight as he wasn't aware Starlight was this talented.


Fluttershy didn't really mind not using a straw as she drank her chocolate milk slowly and used the grip of her left front leg to lift the glass up when needed and she was still checking for a hot chilli, but there was none.


Discord chuckled when Fluttershy finished.


 "See I told you to trust me," Discord chortled and then drank his own glass of chocolate milk.

Edited by Rapid Wind
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"Guessing whoever this is... Not popular normally. Pitiful... Little kid or something. But at least... Sounds safe."


"oh I think its more then that look at the pony I think iv seen her around my town with a moppy face" the young cresent said nodding towards the parade figger. The pony had a grey coat matching cresents, blound mane, and a lazy eye as she waved at everypony.


"now we have had parades in our town but this is impressive I do admit....whats the trigger?" asked the batpony

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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy @Denim&Venom @SugarfootWillie @Quinch Rage... A great rage was coming from The Forgotten One, powerful enough that any changeling could feel it's anger and hatred. For beings that feed off love, hatred could be sickening, but hatred as pure as this was like a poison. Miles began to fade, being weakened by the powerful surge of emotion. He was too close, with Quinch attacking the creature directly. Quinch's ability to see the creature would fade, as well as his ability to hit it. "I... I can't..." he said weakly to Quinch, his strength fading. The creature took to the sky with a few flaps of its massive wings. Wings... "Wait... Since when did that thing have wings!?" Penny shouted from the balcony. As the beast ascended out of the way of Last's, Quinch's, and Sylar's attacks, Ko's daggers passed right through it, but the poison stayed on its skin, burning like acid and giving off a steam that all could see. With the distance to Charlie and The Forgotten One growing, the pull on the stick Priestess held would grow as well. It wanted to be closer... It had to become whole again. The Traveler heard Zhu's comment. "If I had your abilities, it would have been much easier to set the stage, but alas, I do not have your gift and must rely on trial and error. Many times I have moved the pieces, and I still cannot be sure that the outcome will be desirable. If this time I fail, I will try again. That is the way it must be."

...For some reason every five seconds Lonk has a thought that maybe he is important to this whole ordeal. It seems like the ponies over there aren't winning this battle. Maybe Lonk does have something useful.

For example, Lonk just realized the the only window not shuttered in this house is this window, yet he can see everything perfectly fine. If he thinks about it, he can see the actual light level in the house. It's pretty dark. Yet, he can see like it's daylight. Must be those eyes again. Taking in as much light as possible and amplifying it to 11... somehow. Is he magic? Is the magic that goes into his un-needed strength overflowing, so it's serving other purposes?

What was that poem pony again? Lonk tries remember the look of him. Pretty small, almost a filly... He maybe has dreadlocks, but Lonk's not sure...

He decides to test if this telepathy thing really works on anypony else.

Hello. That's all he says. "Hello." If the poem pony gets "Hello", then Lonk will rejoin the fight. If not... this whole magic thing is pretty useless.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

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Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

Ginger Lightning swallowed. She felt sick from the rage...But she wasn't going to let an emotion beat her, she spread her wings to take flight...She tried to suppress her changeling side and stop herself from feeling ill. She adjusted her mane to hide her horn in hopes that it would help some how...She couldn't help but feel a little grateful that she wasn't a full-blooded changeling because  she might be dieing from the rage if she was.

Edited by GingerLightning
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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom @Mentis Soliloquy @Denim&Venom @SugarfootWillie @Quinch


Allure knees began to shake as the hatred washed over. "So...much...hate...it's a....m-monster..."


Priestess felt the tug on the stick goign up. "I'm guessing this thing is going airborn! Okay, time to try something!" she bit down on the stick and began coating a special arrow of her's out of the quiver. A shadow crystal tipped arrow. Hard as diamond. Sharp as obsidian glass. Can pierce through magical defenses. Poisonous to anything magic based. She began coating it in a substance that would warp any other arrow: chaos venom, from the diamond spider. She knocked the arrow on her compound yumi bow that stood taller than she was.


"Allure! I need you to focus! Tell me where to shoot."


Allure tried to steady herself as she stumbled to Priestess's vantage. "Higher....higher. to the left... A little down....that's the wing base...." she squinted and focused. "Fire now!


"The guardian may have failed. But let's see how it's venom does." she fired.

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@@Frosty Frost@@Blitz Boom,



summer looked at Lotus as she walked to the little stressball at the end of the table. when the little bunny kicked it to frosty's head she laughed out loud "Ha! that's what you get!" She said to frosty without any pitty or compasion in her voice. 


then she ruffeled over the head of the little bunny, making the little hairs at her head even more messy "sorry, couldn't help it." summer smiled to the bunny. then she gently patted her head and stroke her ears. 


summer turned back to nerzhei and nodded. the location was indeed importand, especially if you wanted to studie in peace like her dragon friend, or, was she already her friend. probably, she hoped so. she looked at her as she packed her stuff. leaving some or the gems out and put most of them in boxes. she looked at the gems, they were sparkly and she could see herself in them. "Why aren't you taking those with you?" summer asked and pointed at the gems. they didn't seem any different from the gems she had packed but nerzhei seemed to have a pretty clear idea on what she wanted to bring and what not. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"No... Nooo!"


The scream came out of nowhere and made Omen swing around herself, but instead of looking at a section of the cage she had been in before, she instead came face to face with a world more or less swung upside down.


The tres had faces, the clouds rained with chocolate, the sun played banjo whilst moonwalking on the sky, with a whole line of buildings following and making their own moves to that. The earth were in many colours, sometimes swampy, and went in so many directions that it was hard to tell what were happening here.


It, and much more, were the sight that met her eyes. The sight of something that she had not seen in a long, long time. Her home, in the chaotic realm of Equestria. Back when Discord had ruled these lands and made away with any order and stability that might have found way there.


before she had the chance to stand and think about how absurd it were, another scream were heard, and this time it were not alone. There was a chorus os them, and a deep, mad laugther that made the small hair on her back stand for some reason. Which one she didn't know, but she did know one thing as she stormed off towards the screams: Sen had been amongst them.


When he finally arrived, she found him amongst a dozen others, beaten and broken on the ground, sobbing between the deep gasps for air he tried to take. And directly above him, looking to the sky with a cackling laughter, stood Lin, with blood dripping from her claws.


She were wearing an all too familiar cloak as her sight refocused on the oncoming mare, as well as the glow in her eyes that fitted the sick magic that Malvernis held.


"Ah, my servant. i wondered when you'd show to see the fruits of your labour."


Even the voice that rolled of the tongue of the Longma reeked of something wrong, and not just in the sense that it were not just one, but two voices. The one of the vessel and it's new owner, both now being one in this impure fusion between Malvernis and Lin.


No, the magic that rolled from there were too, just as it rolled out of every pore of Lin's body, and pulsated in the cracks of energy showing on her, like she could barely contain all this magic without bursting.


Sen turned his head and looked at Omen too, but not with a sick pleasure like the one in Lin's eyes. No, his were one of disgust and hatred for seeing her.


"Trai...Tor... We... Trusted y-you..."


*Lin* moved forward and took hold in his chin, lifting his face so he could look her directly in the eyes.


"And that was your mistake, fool. You should have known better than to trust someone who only went with you because there were noone else. Soon as she got a better offer, she were bound to let your little *friendship* wither away."


"I didn't do anything... Sen-"


"Of course you did. And just look at what you got for it: The world you missed, as promised, and all for the simple price of these so called friends of yours. Those that you swore that you'd help in whatever way you could, brought to ruin, and all that's left is to remove this little obstacle for you to get everything you deserve."


She turned Sen's face towards Omen and mockingly looked at the mare along with him.


"Come on, beg her for help again. See if she'll really do anything when it comes down to the final stretch."







Zinthar's vision began to finally focus right, and he looked at the kid that was pointed out. Nothing impressive or special in his mind, but the parade looked to say otherwise. But this were just a dream, he knew that, and in dreams those who weren't popular often liked to see themselves as the centre of attention and joy. Somepony to be looked up to, rather than down at.


Why Crescent focused on this instead of the experiments that he mentioned were beyond the feline for now, but perhaps it had something to do with this dream? Were there a clue or a something they had to find in here? There had to be a reason why they were in here after all. Surely, Crescent wouldn't have just taken them out on a stroll through the dreams of others because he could, right? Even if he knew them.


"Ask the focus... Of attention, if you... Want to know. I still... Don't trust this though."


Call him paranoid, but after the day/night he'd had thus far, he weren't trusting anything. For all he knew, they were three seconds away from something historians in the future would refer to as *Foals of the Corn* or something similar.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Lonk Chase,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


As Last's attack missed and she pulled the sword up from the ground with curses running off her muzzle, Zhu took a small step forward and began to use some extra focus on the scene before him, where winds started to blow slightly across the ground.


"There is no reason to envy what came from my damaged egg. The puppeteer that made it happen wouldn't at least."


It was more or less implied in the small sentence that Zhu believed the Creator to be responsible for his eyes through the damaged that had been given to his egg before it was abandoned all those years ago. Though it were to be seen if he would pick up on that, as well as what Zhu would feel like if what he suspected were true.


Yet, for now, Zhu's focus were more on the winds in front of him that suddenly caught more speed and sent a focused burst upwards at the arachnids, sending Ko and Ashta - as well as Mistwalker and Carl if he could hit them without disrupting their trap . into the air and towards the ancient one who were still oozing from the poison that had briefly made contact with it.


It should not be in an angle that would mess with the arrow shot, and if so, he'd correct it's path, but it would put the fighters up where it mattered for now, and he needed all the fighters on this as possible for the time being. It were getting close to the finale now after all, and it would be unfortunate to have ti all fail now because of a lack of being able to reach.


He contemplated sending the human too, but Quinch would have his time in this without his help, so there would be little reason.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


@@Hazard Time


"You're doing really good. I have a feeling you'll be flying in no time!" Derpy said enthusiastically. "A few more laps and we'll be able to try a lift-test." Derpy was impressed at how fast Serenade was learning, though it's not often she gets students her age.



@@Rapid Wind

@@Blitz Boom


"Yes, I have heard you and your family fought for many years defending the crystal, not knowing what it was. I must thank you for your bravery. As for your offer to help, you can lead the reconstruction teams." Celestia decided it was best to give Last a position where she could make a difference without too much physical strain. She was still recovering, but her kind weren't the type to let that stop them from doing as mush as they possibly could. "Okay, so you two," Twilight said to Stargazer and Rapid Wind, "are on the transport teams, flying supplies up to the rooftops, while Last will be in charge of all reconstruction efforts. Any other volunteers for supply runners and builders?" Some of the others began volunteering themselves for different positions, without much pause between them where Rapid Wind might be able to respond to Twilight assuming he meant he would do the same task as Stargazer. Penny remained in her seat, not paying much attention to who volunteered for what. She was exhausted from the fight the day before, and at this point, all she wanted was to get some rest before heading home.

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@@Blitz Boom


The sounds of the thundering steps grew louder and with each step, the creature moves closer and closer. The village elder signalled the crowds to go back home and gather their things but the pained look on his face showed less disdain and more fear. Likewise, the villagers ran screaming back to their homes. Lin looked back at the elder and pleaded her case.

"If you don't want me here, then fine! I accept that but at least let me stay and fight."

No! Another elder stepped forward and swatted Lin across the face with his walking stick. Lin stepped back in shock at the elder's action. You've done more than enough damage here! The horizon turned dark and almost immediately, the sky was lit orange, though it wasn't from the setting of the blood-red sun. The crackling of fires raged around the village as the footsteps trampled the trees and the sound of swiping claws sliced through the air. There was more screaming and it grew with the creature now within eyesight. It was jet-black with pale eyes, somewhat resembling Omen but it had Lin's shape right down to the horn stumps on her head. 

"No..." Lin ran straight into the creature's path but was swatted aside by its large claw and she slammed into a nearby hut. Lin trembly whispered to herself: "Is that supposed to be me?"


Immediately, "Sen" reappeared beside her, looking somewhat aggravated at what is happening. You still haven't given an answer. This will continue to persist until you have one that you are absolutely certain of. Once he finished inspecting the surroundings, "Sen" vanished again and leaving Lin behind. The latter looked on in horror as she was left struggling to find an answer to his question. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich@@Hazard Time Serenade nods, and smiling does a backflip into the pond. She starts doing laps, mainly using her wings to propel her. "Lift test?" She asks as she does another lap, she's not going for speed, but rather duration. She uses every flap of her wings to maintain a constant speed around the pond. She's panting by the fourth lap and stops when she gets back to Derpy and the others. 

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Rapid Wind,


Last saluted at the princess as she were given her task.


"Thank you your majesty. I will not fail you."


She looked over towards the large bat pony and the pegasi that she was guessing were some kind of local as their tasks were delivered and Stargazer responded much she had herself. The Night Guard in particular caught her eye as one she'd most likely be able to trust would get deliveries around fast. Sure, he looked overworked and tired, but a strong back as well as wings were going to be good here, and when it came to the stones they'd need to rebuild the chimneys and other parts for the roofs in general he'd come in handy. And as a Royal Guard, he could be trusted to lead things if he got a few pointers more than likely.


She'd have to find somepony to lead the forces getting the stones in for the walls and general structural repairs, but perhaps there were another guard she could seek out for that. She'd like to do so herself, but if she were in charge of this, she had to assess the buildings and see what repairs had to be done, along with reinforcing the local buildings while she were at it if possible, and make plans for what they'd need and how many ponies for each. Getting leaders of the different ground and air teams preparing the materials whilst she did the first stages of this would give her the time to plan things, and have the materials on the ready when the time came to actually begin the work.


Perhaps it were for the best that she had to do the control of things rather than the work really, no matter how much she hated to think about it. After the attack she had barely been able to keep breathing from all the damage, strains, and her stitches nearly exploding on her. It had taken the doctors hours to get her stable again, and when she finally came around, she were told that if she went against the orders to rest at least some until she were healed, she were going to be put in a full body cast to keep her in check.


Stargazer saw the wound too, but it were hard to miss considering it went the length of her belly. What had caused this he didn't know, but perhaps when all of this were said and done, he'd be able to ask and find the story behind it, as well as what Princess Celestia had mentioned about guarding a crystal. Something told him that there were an interesting tale or two about each of them.


Who knew? Perhaps he could even get the chance to find out why she stood rank as a Royal Guard but didn't carry any distinguishing marks that said she were part of any of the castles. Perhaps a former guard gone mercenary, but still willing to lend a hoof? Hard to tell, but all in due time.


Turning his eyes away from the mare and towards Rapid, getting a thought into his head about the task he had been set on that made him move in a little closer so that the pegasi could hear him easier over the other volunteers without disturbing them, or the meeting.


"I know you have your wing problems, but I can help you up on the houses and you can help working on the roofs themselves perhaps? We can use all the help we can get when the walls are done."







Omen just stood there, swaying, looking at the broken Sen and the possessed Lin, not knowing what to say.


She didn't think this were true. It couldn't be, not unless she had forgotten a lot of of a sudden, but... Couldn't it be true? Even if this would turn out to not be, who were to say that she wouldn't make it go this far if the chance came?


For so many centuries she had yearned for the world she were brought into, that had been taken away from her along with the only being outside of her home who wanted her anywhere near. A world that were replaced with something she hadn't wanted to see, even when Mother made her go back to find a new place in it, and even know, after getting more used to it, she could still feel the want for what used to be. She could feel it when she had looked around on the way here.


it was the same want that made her look for Discord even after having not heard from him for so long. He were part of what she had once had, and she had told herself so often that if she could just find him, everything would be okay again, that she had forgotten if it was something she actually believed, or if it was the fear about having to face a strange world on her own talking.


She learned things randomly by chance, but she dedicated her every waking moment to find Discord, only stopping briefly at times because she found some that she thought might need her, and want her. Hope that were dashed every time as none wanted her to do more than, at best, do the task they couldn't or wouldn't and then leave them alone.


Until she met him.


A brother looking for somepony he had lost too, dedicated to finding them and sacrificing everything to look for it. In his purpose, she saw something  that she recognised as what she were doing herself, and somepony who needed help. Somepony who might finally need her.


And he did. For the first time in so long she could barely tell anymore, another being needed her that didn't toss her aside like it were nothing when they got what they wanted. He taught her things she hadn't heard of before, put his trust in her, and became the friend she had never thought she'd get.


With him, she learned things about her own search, and through a strange chain of events, they even managed to find the one he had sought for a long time. It were progress for them both, but after they had gotten their part done, they had not tossed her aside. They had kept her there, kept calling her their friend, and she had thought them the same through everything that had happened in their search too.


Yet... Did she really stay with them because she were their friend, or was it because she were desperate for the attention from anypony willing to stay with her? Sen had been the first to accept her, but were she really there because she thought of him as a real friend, or was this just a wishful thought from a servant longing for a master? Could she, if she were to be honest, really say that if a master came that offered her a new purpose and the world she sought in exchange for her loyalty to it instead of the ones she had called friends, that she wouldn't do it? That this wouldn't happen?


She stayed silent, the thoughts feeling like they were about to burst her head apart whilst she tormented herself to find an answer to the question, all the while *Lin* let go of Sen and looked at him with triumph in her eyes.


"Enjoy eternity, *Brother*."


With that, she raised her leg and stomped down towards his neck to end his misery. Yet, her claws never hit.


Wrapped around her leg, having shot forth like a harpoon, were Omen's tongue as she strained to keep this the possessed longma from doing the last hit.


"What is the meaning of this? Why do you betray me now, when you are so close to getting everything you ever really wanted?"


"I... Don't know. But I won't... Let you.. Do this."


The thoughts were feeling like they were trying to tear her apart, and added in why she had taken this action to fuel the fire. A fire she couldn't douse as she didn't know why she did any of this, instead of just accepting it had all ended, and she hadn't been any help for anypony than herself in the end. It felt like she should know, but the pain in her head... It made it too hard for her tofocus on this.


She needed help to open her eyes, but who were left here except herself?





@@Summer Breeze,



"Let's just say I have a little surprise in mind for the others in the camp."


Nerzhei smiled vaguely to herself as she went on with packing down the few more belongings she were taking with her. From the looks of things, there were nothing personal she took with her beyond a blanke- no, that went into the far corner as well as she stashed another book in the bag.


It seemed that her research were the only thing she cared about in the end. Well, that and Lotus that were currently fixing her hair up again to the backwards, spiky look she wanted it after the pony had ruffled it around a bit. It had felt rather weird to have the hoof petting her as opposed to the normal claws, and she weren't really sure if it were something she liked, but if they were moving anyway she had to be open-minded about ponies she supposed. And it wasn't the worst she had ever been petted before either. At least the pony had let her hoof go the right way on her fur and not pulled her ears.


At the entrance, a small ruckus were heard as Blitz had started to try and stack the random, magical things tossed out by Nerzhei and a few of them had rolled off the pile. It wasn't something bad, and hey, at least they knew what she were doing, right? Besides, worst came to worst, Lyriel were still outside and could keep an eye on her. For some reason, the dryad had not wanted to go inside the tent with most of the others when it were and had resigned herself to watch out for the little one that had shown herself willing to wander off at times if she were given half the chance.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind slowly nodded, but wondered how in the heck was Stargazer going to get him onto the roof without him stretching out his wings at some point. Plus, he knew deep down there was nothing wrong with his wings, he just didn't like the idea of using them flying around and then being reminded of the past back in Fillydelphia.


He began to recollect the bullies and their taunting and the press ponies who brought into their false allegations and reported he had been a cheater and then shook his head and snapped out of it.

Edited by Rapid Wind
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