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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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From inside the house, there came a sudden shriek as some birds flew away from the vicinity and to the nearby trees. Fluttershy came running outside to find both Discord and Lin standing outside. The pegasus, confused and a little shocked at the sudden turn of events looked to the two of them with some concern. She wasn't expecting visitors. 

"Can somepony please explain what's going on here?" Fluttershy asked but didn't raise her voice, only wanting to get an answer from anyone present. 

Lin stepped forward with her head lowered. "I didn't mean to cause distress, Fluttershy. I came here to look for Discord and ask him to help me find Omen. She's gone missing and I was hoping he could show me where to go." 

The pegasus looked to Discord this time to confirm this claim. It was an unusual time for her to find someone knocking on her door and hoped that the draconequus' response could assuage her fears. 

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Discord smiled gently at the Element of Kindness, "It would seem that Omen has truly gone missing." He said, "I've offered to help Lin here find her." Discord then dispersed the outfit he was wearing in favor of simply floating upside down. "Omen is, in a way, my responsibility after all."

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Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Remembering their previous interaction, it seemed something was off. Other than Omen going missing, which the longma and the draconequus have just confirmed, someone still isn't here... "It seems strange you'd be out here all alone, Lin. With your friend missing, shouldn't your brother be here too?"

"He's looking for other leads, speaking with someone who might know something about a gem left with a fake Omen. The real one was calling for help and we had no idea who else to turn to. If we're lucky, he might find a place to start looking and Discord could get us there faster than... a train? I guess that's what you ponies use for going to far away places if walking isn't efficient." 

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@The Resident Brony

Vivid was silent for a while, even after he had asked his last question. It wasn't that she were focusing on though, but rather the prospect of giving him the means to call for her directly.

During the last few months, after her release, she had given out three ways of calling for her to the non-royals she had met. One were not used yet, and she had lost contact with the recipient. The other heard the ways of how it worked, and with an appalled look destroyed the object where he stood, and called her out as a freak and a monster. If she had not been under contract to not harm ponies unless it was very specific circumstances, the despair and rage she felt at that time towards one who she attempted to trust would have made her do something unforgivable.

The third had been used though, and as it were, she had come... Directly into a trap by mongrels who thought they could steal her powers for their own use. She should have let them try, then see them despair as they twisted and malformed by the demonic energies, but she had just knocked them down and sent them to the authorities instead.

She hated beings like that, who didn't understand that great power always came at a cost. Demonic magic was not a boon that could just be gained like that. It was a symbiote, granting you power beyond what you normally could receive, but in return began corrupting you. And if you were not introduced to it properly, the symbiote would take your mind, instead of you being the one in control.

The way they had done it, their minds would have gone feral and full of pain, whereas her transition... It had been painful, but her mind had remained at least. Sometimes though, she wondered if it wouldn't have been better to have been feral.though. As much as it would be painful, so were it to feel your own soul darken and burn in unholy flames. A fate she wouldn't wish upon her worst enemy.

*sigh* But what was the use of thinking on this, or how all of the royals - except Twilight - had the means to summon her? It all came down to a single thing she had to weigh: Trust.

Could she believe in Invictus, or was there too much doubt about what he would do if he were given the right tools? He was a little delusional in her mind. Naive, and yet paranoid of how things might turn out on his errand. A mind like that were a gamble to put trust in...

"...I've tried trusting others before, and in each their own way, they failed me. Something like that hits hard when you're an outcast."

Her horn glowed, and beneath her cloak, a folded parchment with a purple ribbon around it, slowly floated out and towards the alicorn, though it stopped just before he'd be able to just reach out and grab it.

"Don't make me regret attempting trust again."

The parchment would then go into range, and he could grab it in whatever way he wanted to.

"It's a summoning spell. Let your own blood taint your hoof, and place it in the center whilst you call my name. I will come then."

She turned and started to wander down another branch that would lead them to Canterlot, where the Solar general likely were. Far as she had been told anyway, he mainly staid in the capitol, so it would be as good a place as any to look.

"Now follow, and tell your tale. With this gift, I think you owe me as much."




Pop listened intensely to what Sprinkles were saying, and biting note most of all int he name she had shared. Sugar Cube, a name that was quite funny to her considering what the baker in Ponyville were called, but more importantly, might be somepony she should go around and visit when Benny and her eventually made their way to Fillydelphia one of these days.

Granted, she already had a good sugar vendor to go to, but Sprinkles seemed like a mare who knew quality when she saw it, and if she said this stallion was worth a visit, she'd go there and test out how it were. Who knew? Perhaps it carried a special taste that would inspire her to make something new?

There wasn't a chance to talk more on it however, as Victoria and Battenberg exited the kitchen, with the former of the two looking like she had been broken. Might have something to do with the sprinkles and such all over her - which likely didn't help on the mare's OCD - but whatever was the case, Pop felt a little bad for her. Might be the mare was annoying and arrogant, but that didn't mean she'd want her to look like this.

Benny on the other hoof... She loved him, but sometimes he really needed to hold himself back a bit better, as the only thing stopping him from going into hysterical laughter right now, was the two hands he had clamped in front of his mouth. It was still pretty easy to see that he was near bursting though,a nd with the nickname Sprinkles threw out, he couldn't hold back anymore and started laughing too. Pop would have reprimanded him there, but it felt a little hypocritical, as she had found a smile creep over her face too at the nickname.

She spent some time helping him calm down after that though, whilst teacher and student had a bonding session behind them. It didn't seem right to interfere in that before they were done, so Pop did hers to try and just ignore it for the time being, until she had a better hold over Benny, and it sounded as if they were done. At least for the time being.

"It's okay. back in Ponyville we have a super excited one too, and really, Sprinkles is far more down to earth than Pinkie is."

Benny went from still chuckling to grimacing when he heard Pinkie being mentioned. The mare was an overly excited creature, and on his and Pops third date they had run into her, where the party mare thought it was reason for celebration that they had started going out together, and... Well, Benny hadn't been that comfortable with the pony ways at that time, and it all devolved into pretty much a nightmare. He were sure he'd be more okay with it now - and he knew he had to brace himself for it when he eventually proposed to Pop - but the thought of Pinkie still made him twitch a little now and again.

This was the thought that helped making him smile again though. No, not Pinkie, but the proposal. He still had to plan how and when to do it, but after three years of saving up his salary, he had at least finally been able to get the necklace he was going to use for it. He knew among ponies that rings were more normal, but he wanted to stay close to some of his roots, and in his family, they had always said it with necklaces.

He also had a ring ready for himself, to honor the pony tradition, which had been the last years salary saved up right there, but at least he'd look good when he got a ring on his other horn, next to the one Pop had found at the souvenir stand in Canterlot and made him wear because she thought it looked nice on him.

The thought were very soothing, and unfortunately, also pretty distracting, as was evident when Pop started to poke him with her elbow.

"Huh, wha-? Oh, right, cake. Sounds good ma'am. Heh."

A blush spread on his cheeks as he attempted to get a coherent sentence going, and as he so often did in such cases, his right hand went behind his head and started scratching there nervously. Fitted well witht he big, goofy grin he now had on his reptilian face.

"Sorry about that. I just... Drifted to better places. Not saying this place isn't good, but it's- I mean-"

"I think you need some water, or you're never gonna chew your way through all that hoof you just showed into your mouth."

Benny just blushed more at this comment, whilst Pop's grin widened.

"Hehe. Anyway, what happened with Sti- I mean, Victoria? Looked like quite the accident."




"Alright, and this here's the last part. Alleyway. We toss trash into the container. That's pretty much all that happens out here.

Now, I got one more thing to cover with you, and that's in regards to a certain mare that you might end up seeing. It's rare that she comes around, but there's a photo up too that you might see among the ones on the wall.

Her name's Scarcity, and she's a co-founder of this place. She invested in the funding needed to start my business, and I'd appreciate that if she comes around, that you treat her with some respect. I owe her both financially and in general for the help and freedom to run my business as I see fit, so I don't want any sort of issue.

You seem like a good kid Lance, but you know how some ponies can be around nobles. Scarcity isn't one of the real' obnoxious ones, but she'd still high up the food chain, and I figure it's best to let you know not to have a go at her. If it's too hard, just try and avoid her if it comes to it.

She'll be easy to spot among the pictures, and in general really. She wears some kind of blue gems, and she haves a former Solar Guard as her body guard. Bit excessive for an antique store owner, but eh, who'm I to judge?

Anyway, if we got that sorted too then, you're pretty much ready to start. Wanna get into the game right away, or spent some time mingling and getting a personal look on how things work?"

There was a few things he didn't say about Scarcity, but one didn't seem important, and the other one - he'd been told - were private.

The unimportant one were nothing really, just how it was her fault that he wore this here straw hat, whilst the other thing didn't seem like an issue to him, but apparently were not something she wished to flag about. Namely, that Long Stare was her sister, and part of the agreement they made about the shop would be that Stare would be given a permanent job here, to get her to be more sociable and slowly learn to be more confident around others.

It had been a right hassle to begin with, when the mare had stuttered and walked away from ponies as she didn't feel safe being outside among others like this, but it had gotten a lot better over time, and he found it kinda cute to see how far her sister were willing to go to help Stare. Made it that much weirder she didn't want the family tie to be known of, but he had made it his business to stay outta that. Never bite the hoof that feeds you, as the saying goes.



@Foxy Socks

When they got into the store, Briar didn't hear too many there. It seemed to be mostly just the owner, and potentially a few others, though he wasn't sure. He was still adjusting to the far less noise there were in here.

After a small bit of contemplation, he risked slowly opening his eyes and had to take a step backwards, as if he had been stung.

"Briar? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes,, I'm... Fine. Just too many colors in here. A bit too early in my adjustments to be faced with this it appears."

He laughed it off, but truth were that this had quite literally hurt. The sensory overload from the varied colors the mare used were too much for his brain to cope with, though thankfully, the pain was rapidly dulling. Perhaps he would do best in not trying this again, before he had the chance to be in the forest. More green than radically different ones like this he'd been told.

"In any case. miss Rarity, yes? We do apologize for barging in like this, but our friend haves an issue she would like your assistance with, if it is possible. It as a repair job on an item of clothing she holds dear, which we believed would be best to try and bring forth to only the most prominent with needle and thread Ponyville haves to offer."

Briar often found that flattery brought you places, and from what he remember with his brief encounter with Rarity, she were the kind who would enjoy that. He wasn't sure if she would remember him, as all he had done were to help move a few things for her friend Applejack a couple of days past, but who knew? Perhaps she had bitten notice in the odd pony dragging a cart whose wheels had fallen of with vines, during the time she had talked to the apple farmer. He wasn't sure, as he had done the polite thing and not listened in, but you never knew.




Clayton came over a soon as he had been called on, though he almost tripped over a roll of wires.

"W-Woah! Oh dear that was close... Lemme have a look then."

He adjusted his glasses and started looking at the container that Sen had found, then looked around until he found the label.

"Ah, yes, this would be it. Well found. Belladonna, would y-"

A light went up over Clayton's head and he blushed slightly.

"M-My apologies, I forgot she had returned to Canterlot. Allow me."

He may not move these things more as often as he once did, but he had not simply bought his way into this business. He had worked for several years and knew how to handle building tools, so it was not too much of a bother to take out a tarp, and get it secured on his back. It also helped that to save time for his customers and the worker sin the hardware store he had in Canterlot, it was his policy that they had to be rolled up neatly and ready to be transported and used right away, or stocked up on the shelves of course. So it was just a matter of pulling one out, put it on his back, and then they were ready to go.

It may stain his suit somewhat, but that was a concern only the nobles concerned themselves with. He thankfully had more sense and knew that a cleaning were not too expensive or time consuming. Besides, it was only clothes.

"We're ready then. Please lead the way to... Discord."



@Seamore Sandwich

As, so it seemed the clock maker were not in peril after all. How fortuitous.

Her eye were drawn to the clock he wore. So reminiscent of her own that one, wasn't it? It were far cleaner and the glass were incorrect, but those were issues that she had to deal with when she discovered them in the first place. She would let his expert opinion be the deciding factor in whatever the glass were authentic enough, but she hoped so, otherwise it would not be an efficient restoration in her book. Hopefully the larger clocks were faring well in their exterior too, though with the recorder finally off - thanks Celestia for that - she and them getting closer, she could not see, nor hear, any indication that the clock was working. But he still had time to fix things. His time table had not specified that it would be done already, and she could understand getting the skeleton correct before fixing the gears.

"Mister Tock, a pleasure to meet you in person. My name is Scarcity. I had delivered an assortment of watches to you for repairs a few days ago? I am here with my bodyguard Brick Wall, and my dear companion Penny, though I'm afraid we are not here about the watches currently.

Penny? Would you please make your case to mister Tock? We wouldn't want to take too much of his undoubtedly valuable time after all."

The jury were still out for her what she thought of the clock maker. Focused on the task at hoof, seemed to be one phrase that came to mind, as he had not taken notice in the record player or the fact that the sun had gone down. It were interesting, but it must put a strain on his eyes, and she were slightly concerned with the lack of tools she saw in here. She didn't know what clock-makers worked with normally, but the place seemed rather barren of  tools she could not identify as being for the usual, outside restoration process.

Still, he had a good reputation, so much as his methods may seem odd, it were about results, so she would wait and see. For now, Penny had meant it pertinent that they arrived here to meet him, so she would let the candy store owner talk on their behalf for the time being.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"That... That's your echo. You were arguing with yourself."

How long had this guy been dead, that he didn't even remember what an echo were? She had seen other ghosts that lost their memories about how things used to be, but to loose even something as simple as this? He must have been rotting away for a long time.

Then he went on and talked about how wood of his kind could be used for healing? If she wasn't confused already, she certainly were after that. Plus, the only wood she could think of that might be would be the small stick she could see. How was that supposed to help?

But, it wasn't as if she had any idea, and they needed to try and help her somehow. So much as she thought it sounded strange and bizarre, she went over to pick up the branch and then see if there was something to it. Didn't seem so at first, but who knew if something would happen as she reached out, and held it in a spectral hoof.




"Awh, poor puppy. Can we take him upstairs? It's solid ground there."

Cherry looked with pleading eyes at Anomaly, who looked back at her whilst the - for a lack of better term - faerie's eyes grew bigger and more pleading.

"Okay okay, sheesh. I'll take us there without bouncing."

The draconequus snapped her tail, and the lot of them found themselves on one of the platforms higher up. There were some benches, a be- Two beds, as one got duplicated as she came up here, and a shelf with strange concoctions in it. Might be poison, might be juice. Better to not risk it.

The two Boom siblings got put down and Cherry fluttered over to the shelf, looking around until she found a large bottle that looked like a mixture of tears and old honey.

"Can you take care of them?"

"I know what I'm doing silly. Just go talk to the ponies and the puppy."

She cast a long stare after the two headed Anthony and Hawk, before removing the covers Anomaly had wrapped the siblings in, opened the bottle, and started to pour the liquid over them, slowly covering them in something that smelled mainly like freshly cut grass.

"So, Cherry helps the boomers, doggy haves solid ground under his paws, and nothing is on fire. Hehe, seems like a calm day, doesn't it? So, waddaya wanna do now? I bet we can find a village to terrorize if we look. Fire and brimstone falling from the sky! Muahahahaha!!!"

She rose on her hind legs and cackled maniacally, whilst the sound of an eagle came from... Somewhere, behind her.

Hopefully the draconequus was joking...

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"As a child, I was just an ordinary unicorn. However, to everyone else except my closest family members, I was the outcast. I was extremely intelligent for my age, but had very little magical power. I was seen as the defective unicorn who couldn't do a simple levitation spell. My parents, desperate for some way to remove that stigma from me, enrolled me in Celestia's Magic School in Canterlot in order to teach me how to control my magic.

Invictus slowly began to tear up as he continued to recall his painful past.

"During the enrollment test, a thunderstorm that had raged away from the Pegasi of Fillydelphia reached Canterlot, drenching it with it's cold rain. As I was attempting to lift an object, a clap of thunder shook the room and made me so mad that I suddenly had an Epiphany. I channeled my anger and was able to lift the table that I had been trying to lift for a good 10 minutes. And with that, I was accepted."

Invictus at this point was crying. He was so upset about it, but he was willing to do ANYTHING to gain Vivid Loss' trust, so he stopped till he cleared up.

"Suffice to say, I was mediocre at magic even by the school's standards. I was close to getting kicked when my true strategic genius began to shine through. I was approached by several bullies that day, and they tried to KILL me. I was able to take them down by exploiting their pressure points, but I took serious injury in the process. While I was recovering, I was approached by several members of the Solar Guard. They said, 'We want you for Celestia's Military School. You have wonderous combat abilities. We want to use them to help better Equestria.' Reluctantly, I accepted, and learned how to harness my physical and magical abilities for combat."

Invictus straightened up as he reached the end of his story

"A year later, I graduated from the school, and entered the military, ignoring the wishes of my beloved parents. Shortly after I made it out of basic training, the Insurgent War started. Several border towns began to rebel against Celestia's rule, wanting a more democratic government. Before long, the rebels had arranged an army to siege Canterlot. The Royal Army, with me in it's ranks, was sent to defend it during the siege. Luckily for us, we had evacuated everypony long before the rebels arrive. The rebels broke through the gates before long and gravely injured hundreds of guards as they stormed the streets of Canterlot. They set up camp in the streets and demanded a meeting with the Princess' representative. Being a well-decorated officer, I was sent in to act as a diplomat, having grown up in a similar background. But the rebel's leader, in a desperate attempt to weaken the Royal Army, tried to assassinate me at the meeting. In the mayhem, I panicked and drew my sword. Several of the rebels stormed me at once, and I swiftly cut them down. I soon realized that one of the rebels that had attacked me was the rebel's leader. It forever stained my hooves with the blood of those poor people."

Invictus took a deep breath and said to finish his story,

"And then, the rest of the rebels surrendered. The war was ended, I was given my sword, and was made an alicorn at some point. I was given a medal of honor for my actions, as well as an honorable discharge, and was left alone for about 2 years. I was called back to Canterlot, and offered a place on the Royal Guard again. I accepted, and was given a message that Celestia wanted me to keep the guards in line since they had been fighting since the end of the Insurgent War.Then everything has led me here! So, that's my story." 

Invictus continued to fly alongside Vivid Loss as they continued to walk through the Veil.

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@Blitz Boom

Lance had always had disliked royal ponies. Mainly it was just an envy thing, as he did grow up in poor conditions. He hadn't had any nasty run-ins with nobility, though, so he agreed, figuring it wouldn't be hard to get along with his other boss. 

"Clear as day. I'm ready to get working right now, if you wouldn't mind the help."

Lance liked to tell himself he was good at telling stories and writing them. I get the feeling I'm going to get a lot of material from this job.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

Sen's eyes lit up with excitement, probably a wrong way to feel about the situation but progression is what it is. He quickly walked out and checked his satchel before brisk walking straight to Fluttershy's cottage. The winding streets of Ponyville were a lot more peaceful and quiet at night with everyone turning in the day's activities and spending time for themselves. Even the layout is becoming more familiar with the longma as he passed by Sugarcube Corner and the town hall, made a right past the third corner and went straight for the edge of town. There was no better landmark than the Everfree Forest itself, and just off to the side was the familiar sight of a small cottage with a pen and coop around the back. 

As for what he saw, some familiar faces caught his attention, as did Fluttershy who waved to the other sibling and called them over. Sen arrived first and greeted both Fluttershy and Discord with a respectful nod before turning to his sister. 

"We've got a location. Fillydelphia; the gem we have came from an old mine in the area. It's a changeling emerald and if we don't act fast, Omen might end up becoming one of these. I hope you don't mind Clayton tagging along with us."

"Alright," Lin nodded then looked to Discord with some optimism. Sen pulled out the gem from his pack and showed it to the draconequus. "Could you take us to FIllydelphia? Maybe a portal or teleport us there, preferably close to where this gem is being mined from."

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@Blitz Boom

Battenberg scratched her head "It's hard to say what happened to her, I wasn't really looking at her when she did it, I did tell her to get more sugar and she must have knocked the glitter I was keeping in there out onto her head. For someone who's so keen on keeping her appearance so pristine she's awfully clumsy."

Cupcake laughed from over by the photographs "She's clumsier than me but also fifty times slower, not sure how she manages it. I think she tries too hard to keep herself looking nice, so hard that it backfires on her." 

"Poor old Vicky..." Battenberg sighed, there were so many things she wanted for her sister but she was an obstacle in her own path and Battenberg was worried she'd never succeed in life if she continued to act in this way. "Never mind. At least she tries to help me, and I do appreciate her being in the kitchen with me, she relaxes a little when she's baking and she's a lot more fun to be around when she's relaxed and happy."

"Where are all your customers Batty?" Sprinkles had noticed that no more than two customers had been present since she had arrived, "My shop isn't normally this quiet."

Battenberg didn't seem phased and just smiled at Sprinkles "Manehattan's a busy place, there are so many shops to visit so I don't normally get many customers in here at one time, we're busiest in the evenings normally, that's when ponies want to relax with a nice cupcake or maybe a larger cake. Most of my sales actually come from orders or going to events myself."

"Fillydelphia's a completely different place, maybe it's because I have more cupcakes which are more of a on the road kinda thing."


The smell of chilli peppers began to waft into the room, it was faint but distinguishable, Battenberg's cake was clearly coming along nicely.

Suddenly the door flew open yet again, it was a wonder it was still on its hinges, and in ran a tiny yellow colt. The customers watched as he scuttled across the floor and over to Battenberg, running round her legs like a slalom before leaping onto her back. Battenberg looked a little shocked but she seemed to recognise the foal laughing slightly and using her magic to lower him to the ground, "Hi Angel... what are you doing here?"

"Maybe he's come to buy something, is it time for all those missing customers to appear?" Sprinkles laughed at her own joke dropping down and walking over to the foal who began tugging on her mane, something the energetic pony didn't seem to mind.

The door was flung open again and this time a red coated mare galloped in. "Angel! Don't run off like that." Her accent matched that of Battenberg's, she was clearly from out of town. She was out of breath but her scolding was still effective and caused the small pony to trot over to her with his ears drooped and his tail between his legs. The mare tucked him between her front legs, gently holding him in place. She looked up at the ponies and dragon in front of her with her shiny yellow eyes. The striking red, yellow and white of the pony was instantly recognisable as one of the ponies from Battenberg's photograph. "Oh, you've got company Battenberg. Sorry about this, I wasn't going to pop in until after hours but Angel just couldn't contain himself.

"That's ok Red, can't be helped" Battenberg smiled at the older pony and her foal "I'm sure my customers don't mind, the more the merrier! Besides, its always a pleasure to see you!" The two ponies embraced, though in a different way than Battenberg and Sprinkles had earlier. This time it was Battenberg who seemed like the daughter or little sister as the mature mare gently stroked her mane as they clutched each other.

The door opened once more, though slowly and carefully this time and in entered a stallion, quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself. He didn't move far into the store, as if he didn't want to crowd the two strangers he saw near the counter. The pony seeming to go by the name of Red looked back at him with a smile and nodded, pushing her foal gently in his direction. The small pony cantered off and jumped onto the stallions back. "We should probably get out of your hair..."

"No no, it's fine, I could actually use your baking experience with this cake I'm currently baking, its a chilli cake. Its an unusual recipe and I kinda need a second opinion on it. Battenberg seemed eager to keep the new arrivals in her shop.

"Yeah don't worry about it Red, I was actually just going anyway, need to check into my hotel so I can be ready to chill with Battenberg this evening when she closes up shop." Cupcake Sprinkles gave Battenberg another tight hug, though she remained on her feet this time, gave Red a brief hug and said her farewells to the couple "It's been great meeting you guys, I always love meeting new people, especially those who can appreciate a good piece of sugar. Maybe we'll see each other again some time!" She smiled before performing one last loop de loop and disappearing out of the door as fast as she'd arrived.

Red watched her go then turned to Pop and Benny, "I should probably introduce myself." She smiled warmly at them, tilting her head slightly. "I'm Red Velvet, Battenberg's cousin. This is my husband Royal Velvet" She used one hoof to gesture loosely in the direction of the blue stallion by the door "and that is our son Angel Slice." The small foal perked up, hearing his name and slid off his father's back running back to Red and pouncing on her long white tail. She giggled, as unbothered by the hair pulling as Sprinkles had been, evidently this was something they were all used to "He's a playful little monster!"

Battenberg smiled at the little foal as he lay on his back, wrapped up in pure white hair staring up at her. "Red taught me almost everything I know about baking, she's my cousin but she feels more like a big sister to me. She was actually the one who convinced me to start up a shop, the first pony in the family to do so."

"I thought about starting a shop myself but I was so used to my life of waiting for somepony to come to me and ask for a big birthday cake or a wedding cake or something completely new, that I just stuck to it. Then of course I met Royal and had Angel so now I don't even have time for that anyway. Battenberg is everything I could have been but never got round to, I'm very proud of her." She put a hoof round Battenberg's neck and squeezed her up against herself. Angel began to run round her legs again but this time Battenberg's legs provided an expanded obstacle course, he was surprisingly like Sprinkles. "Have you two had a taste of the delicious things that Battenberg cooks up?"

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@Blitz Boom

Storm at back, throwing his forelegs into the air, "And all of their muffins shall be mine, Mwahahahahaha~!" He laughed maniacally. Pinkie promptly smacked him upside the head. "Sorry"



"I have just the thing!" Discord exclaimed as he suddenly began spinning in a vertical circle, faster and faster until his head and the tip of his tail made contact - Upon that contact, a portal was born in Discord's place, blooming into a swirling bright existence as he himself was transported to the portal's destination: Fillydelphia, just a short walk away from the Gem's original home,

  • Brohoof 2

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


“Yeah, I understand,” Dawn nodded solemnly, her left wing flapping up and down to give them a glimpse of an exceptionally long scar that was hidden underneath. How does sadness feel? It’s just sadness, isn’t it? But Dawn didn’t exactly know how to express her feelings properly. “Maybe .... mmmm. I guess it feels heavy and in a way, I think the sadness also feels like I can reach out, grab it, and send it onto others but that’s impossible. You can’t just send feelings to others. Right?”


”That’s not funny,” Aurora sniffled. She sounded like she had been crying in the short time Spicy hadn’t seen her. She went to speak but a couple of flashes of green originating from Aurora took place. One which caused her to loose her form and turn into a  Changeling with a red mane and tail much like Dawn’s. Her saddle thing was a burnt orange while her wings were more of a pale orange. Once she realised what had happened a few minutes later, Aurora changed back into a Griffin as quickly as she could.



Edited by Dji
  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Shineling @Blitz Boom

"Discord... you are a lifesaver!"

Lin quietly muttered to herself after seeing the portal open in front of them. Without further delay, she was the first to step in, making sure the drake sitting on her head was stable. Sen, on the other hand, walked up to the side of the portal and waited for Clayton to walk through. He gave him a look of confidence, assuring him that the way is safe and Discord can be trusted. Even if he has some reservations about trusting a chaotic being, now was one of those moments when being mischievous wouldn't do anyone good. 

Sen took one more look at Fluttershy and bade her farewell. The pegasus likewise returned the gesture and waited by her front door until everyone will step through to the other side. 

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On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 10:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I don't want to talk about them. Explain why you needed a coffin instead. Did you die?"

cresent was surprised at the growling, flamingos being a sore spot he didn't expect out of the cat seeing cover up move aside as they walked on he looked at cover up with a look that said 'relax he's just tense' then to answer zinthars question " in a way yes, actually...." he paused searching his mind to the past... then stopped in his tracks...

"i don't remember how I died. Ive been this for so long honestly I believe I was born like this" he said looking at his hoof thoughtfully. A casual question for the feline to ask but why was it making him think back. He shook his head trotting on.

"but the coffins have helped me go from one land to the other in case it was too risky for me to be even seen I highly doubt we'll need them for our quest" he said more cheerfully.

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@Blitz Boom

Astral sighed, she didn't have an excuse for it, she knew if she had it she'd only turn like Warlock did, very quickly too. But she had to say something... "It's properties involve forcing the user to be greedy with magic, don't want a magic pony like me to use it." She said with a pause and looked over to Iron Star, who almost clearly expressed that he knew that she was lying. "So I gave it to Null, a pony I met who can nullify magic, and thus the effects it has." She looked back over to Chow. "That's why I don't have it."


Warlock took a moment to stand still, considering how he could defeat anything with the level of magic he had, somehow he would be able to get more. "How far is the island?" He asked, walking over to Athriel, almost wondering if he could do something to get there faster than just flying, like teleporting.


"I'm Iron Wind, although most ponies call me Iron Wing, but I haven't gotten my wings back yet." He said, looking to the metal plates on his back, where his wings would be.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@The Resident Brony

That was quite a muzzleful of information there. He was a prodigy in the field of battle over regular magic, unlike most unicorns, came into the military at an early age, and even got among the officers as an incursion happened? Impressive, yet also confusing, and disturbing.

Confusing because she couldn't imagine why anypony would contest Celestia's rule, as - far as she knew - the princess had ruled the country fairly. Perhaps it was just by ponies who wanted power of their own? Democracy had been used in a few other countries back when she were a regular pony, and the easy ways of corruption that kind of rule could lead to made her see it as a flawed system, especially as she had heard examples about how it were ruined. Usually by those with money who knew how to corrupt a leader.

Granted, a monarchy could be horrid too, but at least there you knew who were to blame if it came down to it, and you could deal with them. A better system in her mind, though perhaps she were a little biased, seeing as she worked for a monarch now, and were alive in the years following Discord's defeat, where Celestia and Luna had to work hard to keep the country together.

The parts that was disturbing though, had nothing to do with the ruling system, but instead with invictus actions.

Alicorns were powerful, and could do a lot of horrible things if they set their mind to it, yet all she had known always had a restraint to them, and knew when to stop. It may be Invictus hadn't been an alicorn then, but she still had a hard time imagining him doing this.

Yet, the way he spoke about it, told her that he wasn't lying. He had already proven he were emotional when he cried at the start of his story, and emotions shone through too when it came to him speaking of hurting others in the way he had. She didn't knew how much it may be he grieved or regretted this, as the angle made it hard for her to look him in the eyes when he told, but she felt like there was at least regret over doing what he had. Especially considering his last sentence about that incident.

"It isn't easy to tell others of the horrible things you have done. Thank you."

She bit her lip, thinking on what more she could say to this. One were obvious to her, but would that be a good idea?

"I... Know what it's like to regret your past, though I don't have the happy background you did, nor a happy end to my story.

when I was born, nearly four millennia ago, my mother didn't make it. I was told she had already been weak before this, and trying to let me see light became too much for her. So she... We, perished

Being brought back in those days were nothing short of a miracle, but it happened to me. I was pulled back from the brink, though the next world hadn't left me without its mark."

She summoned a copy of her cutie mark with the veil magic she used. A lit candle, held by a skeletal hoof.

"My cutie mark. The candle that lights the path... Ironic, considering the dark ways I wandered in the end.

It represents my actual talent, given to me after I was returned. The ability to see those who have been lost, but can't let go. Beings such as my mother, who stayed behind to watch over me until I finally understood how much pain she were in, and helped her get away. I was five then, and the others were getting terrified of me.

It kept being this way. My dad were terrified when he left me at age 10, the townsfolk were when I tried to get near their children to play, and with the relief they all felt from seeing me eventually getting expelled from town for doubting the words of a fraudulent shaman, I began fearing myself a little too.

The dead kept me stable and focused. So I kept on doing what I could. Travel from town to town, helping those along who couldn't go themselves, and absorbing bits and pieces of excess energy from them over the years until I began harnessing soul magic. Strong, but a taboo that I had to keep hidden.

A few times, I settled down for a time. Had a few friends, a couple of husbands... Foals..."

Tears started to form in her eyes as the image of her three little treasures came to mind.

"I lost them all. The father of my two oldest were taken by disease, and the youngest one never even saw his foal. He just left, much like my father had done before him.

I tried to raise them well on my own, but it was impossible. The stigma against me hit them... I-I couldn't even..."

Tears flowed freely down her face now, and she had to bite her lip not to start sobbing.

"No, I can't... Not them. I just can't..."

Her pain were showing through the usual facade she held up. Whatever had happened that included her foals, it was too painful for her to speak about, and it too her several minutes to compose herself again after even touching the subject as gingerly as she had.

"They were better off without me, as I kept doing what I always did. Wandered, worked, regretted.. Until my own time came nearer.

I knew what regret and not being able to let go would result in. I'd be a ghost, wailing in my own pain until perhaps another one like me would happen upon my spirit.

The thought horrified me, and made me more and more desperate as time went on. I even began trying to pray to deities I had only heard about in history book, but of course, there wasn't an answer. Not until I felt the end was closer than ever, and they showed up.

Three demons, waiting patiently for me to be desperate enough to listen to them, that made me a deal. Power, youth, and eternity, in return for signing parts of my soul to each of them. And as the idiot I were, I accepted without thinking about it a second time."

A bitter, hollow laugh briefly went over Vivid's muzzle as she wiped the tears from her face.

"I got everything they said when I signed over my very being, but I didn't read it through. I didn't see the part where I would become their servant until the time came for them to collect, but not reading the contract isn't a valid excuse for them, and there was no way out."

She lifted her hoof and looked at it, remembering back to how it had once been, back when she were just a unicorn.

"I used to look so normal once, but time and infernal energy changes a pony, and it just got worse every time I had to resurrect myself. After a few centuries, it was hard for me to recognize myself anymore, though I had stopped caring about that. It didn't matter compared to the prison I had signed myself into as I were sent to do their bidding in Equestria.

I am not proud of what I did. The ponies I hurt, the blood that I spilled... That will never go away, but it is nothing compared to the regret I felt over how I was starting to like it. It sickens me to think about now, and were it not for Discord, I know it would have gotten far worse.

You see, demons can't live under the cold of your world. What you think a scorching summer, is like an icy winter for them, so they needed the climate changed to be abe to pass over, instead of having me set up ground work for their arrival. So they sent me to Discord, thinking I would have an easy time defeating the lord of chaos, and forcing him to do our bidding.

Their arrogance were flawed. Discord easily wiped the floor with me, and afterwards trapped me in crystal in a then unexplored part of the Crystal Kingdom. Both to set and example, and to stop my masters from trying more. Without me, or the few others they had converted, there wouldn't be an invasion, and the others had fallen prey to their own greed, or too much demonic energy, leaving them unable to handle the world either.

You could say that Discord saved Equestria, by removing the piece they needed, stopping any demons from truly getting into this world. From what I hear,t hey haven't tried since either, thinking it a lost cause.

I spent a lot of time in the crystal. Hateful at first, but over three millennia gives you time to think about things. What you have done wrong, how big of a mistake you have made in your life... Suffice it to say, I had plenty of time to think through things, but with the grip still in my soul, it wasn't as if I could really do much.

Imagine my surprise when the royal couple found me, when expanding the kingdom, and I found those chains gone. My former masters had perished in the long time I was away, and I was finally free. Well, until I signed myself over to Cadence and Shining, but that seemed like the smartest thing I had done in several thousand years.

They let me be free. They're kind, considerate, and my help have proven valuable to them at times. I have no regrets about this life,but I still have everything from the former ones hanging on my shoulders. You having taken life yourself, knows what that's like too in your own way, I'm sure.

So... There it is. You shared a personal tale with me, and now I've exposed what I can as well. I hope we can both agree that we shouldn't be sharing things told in private with just about anypony, no?

And before you ask any questions, I ask you to not mention my foals. Some things I have to bear alone, until the day comes where I might be able to forgive myself."




"Excellent. Now then, one thing you gotta keep in mind is that we also deliver. Since you're new in Ponyville, I'm sending you an escort on the first round, but you gotta try and keep the places in mind, or write 'em down otherwise. Ain't every day we have the time to split several up like this.

Go into the kitchen, and pick up the food from Chop. I'll make Berry prepare the coffee and see who's available."

With that, Straw went back inside, and towards Berry to set up things. Seemed like Lance had gotten started right away, just like he'd asked. Now it was about seeing if he could handle it, though Straw had hopes. He seemed like a good kid, and open-minded towards the weird ones he had in his employment. It was gonna be fine.



@EQ_Theta @Shineling

Clayton thought about running away when he saw the twisted, sort of serpentine form of Discord. He had never wanted to meet the lord of chaos, and if he turned around right there, it'd be fine. He could avoid him, and the others could take off to save their friend with the demi god in tow.

But he had to force himself to stay. Magic used improperly on raw changeling emeralds could be catastrophic, and what if Sen or his sister got infected? He had to go with them, even if it meant confronting the two things he feared more than anything.

"H-Hello. Clayton Q-Quartz, at your service."

His greeting seemed barely to be noticed, but his voice was shaking and low, so perhaps it was for the best. Not a good first impression to give, though he were sure he'd end up saying or doing something worse during this rescue mission.

Discord thankfully didn't go into one of his many rumored antics as they began though. He were helpful actually, and made a portal that would get them near the location. At least according to him... Oh dear Celestia, let this not put him at the bottom of a lake.

Jumping through, Clayton feared the worst, but instead got solid ground under his hooves again, and opened his eyes to see a dark, but sadly familiar place.

They were in a forest just east if Fillydelphia, though the trees were scarce around the trail they were, leaving a clear sight of the mine in the distance. Old rigs collapsing after years of not being used loomed over the abandoned site, and somewhere deep inside the rows of sheds, neglected tools and overgrown tracks, a cave entrance would be. Clayton knew it as collapsed, but these days, with what they had found... Something told him it would stay wide open.

"We're close...

Now please, before we go any further, I have to warn you not to touch anything in there. And for the love of Celestia, don't use magic! The raw emeralds reacts erratically around magic, and there's no telling what might happen if if you try anything in there. We're going there, we find which one she is, and then we'll have to make way to Fillydelphia. It's the only place we can go to help her if it's not too late.

P-Please, follow me, and look out for picks or shovels. We might have to clear a path in there to avoid touching any of them."




Man, what a circus this had suddenly become.

In the midst of Battenberg and Sprinkles first talking about Victoria, and then a few topics ending on the lack of costumers currently, a foal had all of a sudden just showed up and started rushing around Battenberg like a cat, before jumping up and clinging to the back of the baker. It seemed like the two of them knew eachother too, though Angel didn't seem to be a big talker.

Then it just snowballed from there. A whole family showed up for Angel, then fell into talk with Battenberg, Sprinkles left for the time being - they thankfully managed to wave goodbye to her before she got too far - and then they had a whole lot of exposition involving these lovely ponies.

Pop stood and watched semi-awkwardly, not knowing what to do as pony after pony wandered in and joined in on the conversation, whilst Benny... Well, Benny was chewing on some taffy he had pulled out of the bag, and just enjoyed watching everything unfold.

He had been in Equestria for years now, and were integrating well he'd say, but he still liked to observe what ponies were doing, how they reacted to thing, greeted one another, etc. It gave him a bit of a better idea of what to expect from them if he tried to make contact, which frankly was important for him to learn. The first year he had been in Equestria had not been good for his self esteem as he kept talking to others like he were used to, and ended up getting more funny looks and rolling eyes than he cared to admit.

Besides, he liked watching something like this. From the eye of the storm of a mother, who seemed to keep a calm look on things, to the seemingly shy husband, all the way to the adorable little rascal of a kid that had started all of this off. A good, healthy family. Just like he wished Pop and him to have as well.

Of corse, he wasn't sure that dragons and ponies could have offspring of their own, but there were plenty of foals in the orphanage who could use a loving home, and he'd care for one of those little ones like they were his own.

But he were getting a bit ahead of himself here. First the shop, then his parent, then eventually propose, and somewhere along the line, he'd bring the subject of kids up to Pop. He had to step gingerly here to not end up with his foot and leg down his big ol' mouth.

Though he was a little per-occupied by things, he didn't miss when it seemed to be their turn to chime in this time however, and he was ready with a big, friendly grin that showed off his sharp, white teeth, and a clawed hand risen in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you and your family ma'am. My name's Benny, I'm the head blacksmith of the Royal Guards in Canterlot. And this here's Circle Pop, my marefriend."

He bend his neck and kissed Pop softly on the cheek, causing her to blush a little.

"And you're right on the bits. We did buy some of the cake in the shop before, and it's pretty delicious. We're gonna have a need for a snack when visiting my parents on more neutral ground, but we're gonna try piling a chili cake in on top to cater to their tastes a bit more. Your cousin was sure she could get something done with that, and I have full confidence in her abilities."

"I have a candy shop in Ponyville. And like he said, it's really nice to meet you all. Especially this little bundle of joy."

Pop smiled warmly at the little biter, hoping that he wouldn't start gnawing on her, but knowing enough about foals to know they liked to taste. It was like in Ponyville, just instead of mixed bags of candies, it'd be hair samples from them all. Well except Ben

"Yeah, he's precious. How old is he?"

He was pretty sure he was supposed to have a friendly chat about the foal in this situation, so here was hoping that went well, and that he wouldn't start crying or something at seeing the dragon. Might be Manehattan was split between their two kinds, but you never knew with the little ones. And that covered the draglets too. Weird bundles of fire sometimes.




"Awh, you don't need to smack him. We're just joking."

A couple of halos spawned over their heads as she said this, clearly proving their innocence.

"Though if you Do wanna smack him a bit more, I could always help..."

She looked into the air, then rolled her eyes.

"Fine fine, cranky monkey man. I'll lay off them.

So, since Cherry's gonna be at this for a while, waddaya wanna do Stormy and Pinkie? Long as it's not smacking Stormy and eating Breezies, I don't thing mister cranky pants is going to say anything about it. And if he does, I'll VETO it. he can't have his will all the time."



@Dji @Widdershins

"Wha- An Empath?"

Null had looked a good deal calmer after she had seen the scar, and got faced with the fact that Dawn knew what it was like being in a horrible accident that left a lasting mark, though the wary surprise that were now painted on her face showed how she really wasn't focused on that anymore.

"Are you serious? You really feel like you could push this sort of thing on others? What... What about taking it?

Void were less surprised and more concerned now, which got through pretty well in both her facial expression and way she slid a little further away from the mare.

Meanwhile, inside the wagon, there was another kind of movement as Spicy moved at the sight of Aurora popping into a changeling form. Not backwards, but directly closer with a curious glimmer in her eyes.

"Well I'll be a cat in a sack. You're a changeling? Mwahahaha! Oh man, this is precious."

She actually started laughing until a tear trickled down her face.

"I-I know, it sounds strange, b-but if you knew what I did..."

A bit more rung out from her before she calmed down a little, though the glimmer of amusement didn't leave her being.

"You're the fourth griffon Marley have hit on that turned out to be a changeling. The fourth one! How isn't this comedy?

Heh. Pity I can't tell him about it. You're one of those who wanna live below the radar with this, right? I ain't a snitch, cause this ain't none of my business, so if you want me to hold it back, I'll do you a solid and keep it down. Though come of love, talk to me. What's keeping you from showing yourself off now that changelings have gotten legal rights in Equestria?"

Spicy sat down close to Aurora, and waited to see what the changeling would wanna say about this. Perhaps she didn't want to say anything, but that was okay. Spicy wasn't all about being a twonk to others. If it came down to it, she'd keep this to herself, though she'd prefer to hear a bit of reason. She could be understanding if she got a reason that pulled at her heart.




"Wait, you d-died? But I though all bat ponies were just... You know, born that way."

"I've seen small ones of their kind, so you're right, they usually do. makes me wonder if there's something special about our friend here that he hasn't told us."

Zinthar was suddenly less interested in pestering Cover-up, now that something more interesting had come around, so he got pretty straight with the kid.and just sorta played nice to him. As nice as he could be when he didn't care that were, but still. A market improvement.

"So do tell. You died, and here you are? I think  we're both anxious to know everything about that."

Cover-up didn't like to be pushy, but he silently agreed with the pony-sized feline on this. That Crescent had seemingly been dead sounded important, and really the thing to focus on first.Perhaps they could come back to how he had been smuggled via a coffin a number of times after that.




"Wait, you met a somepony with black hole magic? Hah, and here I thought those were just stories and fairy-tales. Guess I owe a certain guard in Canterlot a tall one."

Chow grinned as he followed the doctors along and through the door to the hospital, though he stopped talking until they stood up at the large room the special patients were getting put into. Looked real fancy too, with thicker doors, and what looked like magic runes carved into the frame, though he had no idea what they were. Astral might realize they were for revealing changelings though.

"Didn't think those sorts were real, but nullifying magic at will like that? Sure sounds like one of those sorts. Heh, or a doomsday harvester, but come on, even I would've heard about it if anypony were out there who just drained the magic out of things without a stop button."

with everything going on, the two of them were pushed gently, but surely, into the hallway whilst the doctors got the ambassador, Misty and Iron into beds and started proper treatment.

"Sees like we're in the way for a few minutes. Think we should stay put and see if something happens out here, or do you wanna chat a bit? Cause I kinda wouldn't mind getting you to the side and have a talk if possible. Something your dad told me at your house have given me something to think about, and I'd like to get it off my chest when there's a chance."

Bit awkward this, which were also something he didn't hide too well in his body language, but with everything going on, he had gotten thinking about things back there, and he didn't want to face the end without coming clean to Astral.




"Close enough for me to carry you, and you're going to accept that. Neither of us is at full strength, and what we have of assests can't be wasted. That mainly includes your magic, in case whatever guard they put on the actual temple turns out to be a reason for concern. Now come on, we're only around ten minutes from the beach if we don't snail along, and I'll handle it from there. If I see you try to cast a teleport spell, I'll punch you."

To her, it was logical that they had to conserve their power, but to Warlock... Perhaps he had just never been humbled enough to think he had anything to fear, but just look at him. He no longer had the Element of Greed, and he were draining magic from old traps like a foal licking their ice cream bowl. He wasn't at full strength, and what he did have, they were perhaps going to need.

How did the old saying go again? Better to have and not need, than to need and not have? Something like that.

"Your magic isn't infinite anymore Warlock. Without your element, you have to conserve it for when it's necessary. Otherwise you might end up hardly being able to cast a fireball when your life depends on it, and I have no interest in seeing you dead."

The way she said it made it sound as if - in her own way - she actually cared about whatever or not he died. But whatever or not Warlock would catch that was anypony's guess. Plus, even if he did, it could well just be for her own benefit. She quite literally got nothing out of him being dead, and everything from keeping him alive.




"Iron Wing. Perhaps I'll one day have a reason to remember that."

"Your teasing aren't important. Benny told us that you could help us with the elements of disharmony."

"Which ones are in play?"

I just know the bearers. Warlock and Athriel."

Scorn ran two fingers over two separate paths on the scar of his body.

"So the dual element of Greed and Dark Magic is working with the carrier of Deceit. This is a dark omen."

"How so?"

"The stories tell that Warlock is brash and headstrong. He can be defeated with trickery, if you know how to play your hand. Athriel's tale is one of manipulation and manipulation. She is weakened by those who knows her enough to realize her schemes, but not this time."

"You're saying they protect eachother's weaknesses?"

"They need to be separated, but I doubt she will be the one to wander away. She is wary, but perhaps he can be lured. Given something he'd want."

Scorn took a hand under his wings, and withdrew a heavily runed satchel.

"If he wants her usable, he will need her element. He finds you have it, he will attempt to steal it. A risky trap, considering what it took to hide this from her, but it might be the only way."

He put down the satchel, and something heavy hit the floor. Considering the look of the measures around Warlock's element, whatever security measure was to this, it wasn't minor. Apparently, somepony had been more scared of her than him at some point.

"And who's to say he won't only come once he have an element of his own again? He was dangerous before, and he knows how to use the amulet against us."

"Your general will bring what you need."

A voice came from the shadows above them. It was growling slightly, and the talker were out of sight, but considering how Scorn wasn't reacting to it, it was safe to say this were the extra helper that Benny had been told might come with them. Dew recalled that, but Wing... Who knew what he did and did not pick up on in the hectic times happening the last day?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Notes. I will need many, many notes. 

"Alright, thanks!"

Lance assumed he would be told where to deliver the food when he got said food. He quickly rushed back inside and made his way to the kitchen, proceeding to warily peep his head in.

"Hey, uh, Straw told me that I should come here to get the first delivery foodstuffs."

He said this carefully, trying not to offend Chop for whatever reason.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

Seeing the forest made the siblings think about how similar their home was to this place but the lack of overgrowth and the number of tress was a disheartening sight. If this is what passes for a forest, they'd hate to imagine what could happen to their home if foreign ponies were introduced to it. The demand for resources would probably go up in the more populated areas of Equestria but if what Sen knew about earth ponies was right, then maybe they probably will remember to take care of this place. The villages' fears of letting outsiders know about them may not feel so farfetched after all. 

With regards to the no magic rule, it might seem like a trivial thing for Lin. No magic while inside the mines was a easy enough to remember; the only magic she could use was for mobility and opening gates was the extent of it. As long as the need doesn't arise, she'll be fine. The opposite is true for Sen. With the jagged rocks and the potential for scarring and scraping, he may have no choice in the matter. 

"Clayton," Sen worryingly said. "I take it no magic includes innate healing magic? Because if that is the case, then scrapes and scratches might be a problem."

As for Discord, Lin felt that the matter concerned Omen and maybe there might be more to expect inside the mines. 

"Discord, do you want to come and help us find Omen?"

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@Blitz Boom

"Thank you. I wish there was a way for me to ease all the pain inside of you"

Invictus began to cry, again, as waves of sympathy began to wash over him. He was humbled under their weight and soon, he was sobbing as the words of Vivid Loss' story resonated in his mind.

"Can we please stop for a minute?  I need to compose myself before my meeting."




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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

Foxy noticed that Briar had seemed to be acting a bit strange, but he had collected himself, so she didn't pay much attention to that. After Briar introduced, Foxy stepped toward Rarity, noticeably nervous, but not in an extreme way. Her voice usually squeaks when she was nervous, and this was no exception. "Well, um, may you please repair this fox costume for me? It may seem silly, but I am quite fond of it." Foxy held the item mentioned up, showing the obvious worn and torn parts. It wasn't in irreparable, but Foxy didn't know if Rarity was up to it. The price didn't matter either, as long as she had it back repaired. 


"It has taken a bit of damage from the town being attacked, though I'm sure somepony like you could fix it?"

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


”Y-Yeah, I do feel like I can push emotion onto others but taking them away, I’m not too sure about,” Dawn said slowly, shaking her head and taking in deep breaths. She noticed Void slide away with a worried look and Dawn merely adopted a sad expression at this fact. She spoke to Null but kept her eyes on Void. “Y-you want me to t-take an emotion a-away? I can certainly try but ... I d-don’t exactly know how.”

”I-It’s not right to laugh,” Aurora mumbled and shook her head quickly at Spicy. She looked at her with a conflicted expression and kept shaking her head. “I like being a Griffin too much and I don’t exactly want to go back to ... being a Changeling,” she added. “I um, I did notice a Pegasus out there looking similar to me when I’m a Changeling but I like keeping under the radar.”

Edited by Dji
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What else am I meant to put here?


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"Mwahahahaha! You should've seen yourself. Absolutely priceless."

If Happy hadn't been attached to his wagon, he might've actually fallen to the floor and started pounding the ground whilst laughing. He knew it wasn't nice or anything, but he just couldn't help it from seeing this scaredycat reaction to his meddling.

Quite honestly, this was a refreshing thing to be able to do. Just mess around with his changeling side, not worrying about being caught by anypony since for once, everypony knew it, but just didn't knew exactly where he came from. It was a kind of safety, even if he knew he couldn't keep relying on ponies being dumb enough to not know better. Ambie seemed like he was gullible enough for it to work with though, so this was fine at least.

"Relax yourself mate, I was just messing around with ya. It's me, Happy, and the only changeling invasion here is this guy here, invading the apple farm to steal a halfling away."




When he had wandered into the kitchen, Chop hadn't paid Lance much mind. He just kept chopping, mixing, roasting, and just cooking in general. A vage smile grazed his muzzle too as he was absorbed in this, thinking back on the better days in the Coast Guard where he also toiled away at the stove and feeding ponies. Right up until that foal got dragged out by the shark and he jumped in to get her out...

The sea was his life, but after his incident, he had gotten irrational and angry for a time. Lashing out at just about anypony for what he considered the end of a normal life for him. Swinging at the wrong ponies had gotten him discharged from the guards, and after simmering in himself for a time, he had left the port and went out looking for work. Easier said than done since his dishonorable discharge made security work near impossible to find, and no place that needed a cook were willing to hire him, because he unintentionally scared customers.

Straw had been the only one willing to give him a chance, and he were thankful about that. Yet when he stood at the stove and simmered away, he tended to remember the better days, when he did this with a uniform next to him, and lofty dreams of how he couldn't ask for more in life.

Perhaps he could one day get them to review his case and get a chance more in the guards, under some forced therapy to make sure his anger issues were gone, but for the time being, he were contend with were he were, and his current duty. Which wasn't interrupted by the voice of Lance cutting through his thoughts.

An axe he had in his hoof that he'd used for chopping roots got slammed into the cutting board, and he started mixing the pieces in a pot that already smelled pretty spicy.

"Three orders today, usually a dozen. The list is on the counter, and the food's coming soon."

He lifted a pot, smelled in and shook his head before putting the lid on again and returning to the other pot and the two pans.

"Three and a half minute. You might as well stay here and wait."




Clayton gave a nervous twitch when he heard about Sen not having any control of what magic he had. It sounded odd to him, but he were used to magic from alicorns and unicorns, not... Whatever these two were. He should really have the decency to ask them, so he knew the correct way of thinking about them, rather than as strange things. They looked kind of equine and draconian, but not enough to convince him that they may be hybrids. It was a pretty tall order to believe in dragons and ponies mixing together as it were, so he were going to need some confirmation on this first.

"I know your friend is in there, but I beg of you then, please stay outside whilst we get her. You have no idea how horrid that place can be if something erratic happens because of magic. It will be the best for us, as well as your friend."

The shiver he gave off as he picked up pace again were noticeable. Hopefully not too much he thought, as he'd prefer not to tell why he knew as much about the mine and the dangers within as he did.

"P-Perhaps I can redirect this conversation slightly to something else? Can I ask - and I hope this does not come off as rude - but what are you two? I havenn't seen creatures such as you before."



@The Resident Brony

"There's nothing that can ease the pain of a mother who fails her foals, but thank you for the concern."

She saw him as he cried, but she didn't know what to say to it. Nopony had cried for her before. Because of her, that had happened several times, and often it had not been in a good way, but this? How compassionate did you have to be to cry for somepony who had only themselves to blame for the pain they carried? She didn't deserve this... Heck, nopony deserved somepony as empathetic as this.

And now, he had to stop up to try and get himself in a better set of mind before a meeting with the general of the Solar Guards. Tear streams down his face and misty eyes were not fitting for that. Or for going into what she had considered an opportunity for her to laugh a little.

"...Your information is false."

Entertainment was one thing, but she couldn't keep this for herself anymore. It didn't feel right, seeing as Invictus had cried for her. It just made her feel guilt, and like any emotion that went over her, that could end being all-consuming.

"The generals aren't battling themselves for power, and the guards are about as close as they've ever been. Even Cadence's guards are being welcomed with respect and equality, and they're barely an established guard at this point.

I wanted to see you tell this to the graying pony's face, and have a little fun with the backlash, but you deserved the truth."



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins

Both Briar and Brittle kept quiet, waiting to see what the fashionable mare would respond with, however, there were a factor they hadn't considered: The return of Anomaly.

It was subtle, but if you looked at the sowing needle over near Rarity, it had a slight orange tint to it, and a pair of small eyes and a grin. If Rarity didn't see it, or got her attention drawn towards it, Anomaly was likely to try and have some fun with the mare, unaware that her friends needed the mare's help. Somepony should probably try to stop her.



@Dji @Widdershins


The two sisters spoke desperately in tandem as they were asked if Dawn should try to meddle around with emotions.

"Wait until you're alone with somepony that trusts you enough for this before you start testing your limits. Untrained Empaths can be horrifying."

"I-I think they were the only kinds of p-ponies that were more scorned than we were back in T-Troy."

Null nodded at her sister and moved closer to try and calm her larger sister down a little. Herself too, but she wasn't sharing that.

"Look, if you can get this stuff under control, good on you. It can help ponies. But test on a smaller scale than this. And if it turns out this is something you can do, take our advise: Never go to Troy. You'll be hunted down and put in a dark hole underground for Celestia knows how long."

Meanwhile, in the wagon, Spicy grinned at Aurora whilst the changeling started to get a little more to her own senses.

"Oh come on, it's a little funny. Imagine every changeling you hit on turned out to be a Diamond Dog or something. Imagine how entertaining it must look to everypony else, heh.

So, moving right along, you don't wanna be like a changeling, eh? Gotta suck to want nothing to do with your own kind that much. I'd ask why, but I'm thinking this is testing the boundaries right now, and it's better saved for when you feel a bit more comfy around ol' Spicy here.

Okay to ask why you picked griffon over pony though? And don't worry about pegasi looking like you. Not too uncommon for griffons and ponies to look alike in their coloring sometimes, especially not with the randomness of it all. Not even worth a stage in Las Pegasus, and they have plenty of weird ones in show there."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom 

Lance nodded and took the list, and began reading through it. I have no idea where that is. Lucky for me, Straw's sending somepony else with me this time. He folded up the paper and stuffed it into his hoodie. After a minute, he took at back out and unfolded it, and attempted to fold it into an origami bird. It looked more like a blob, but he was satisified as he popped it back into his jacket.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"Fascinating. This means someone framed me for this. But who?"

Invictus began to tremble with rage, everything that wasn't "nailed down" beginning to glow black as his extreme anger began to trigger his magic. As he had a realization, everything stopped glowing.

"The generals! They hated me being in command during the war, so of course they would frame me for this. I plan to confront them for this. Let us go onwards!'

Invictus began to glow black with his anger against the generals.

Edited by The Resident Brony
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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

"It may be for the best that I wait for you here then" Discord commented upon hearing Clayton's claim in regards to the emeralds. "Given that I am quite literally the magical embodiment of Chaos, there's no way for even myself to anticipate how the crystals may react to my very presence." He reasoned.


@Blitz Boom

Pinkie gasped in horror, "Who would ever eat a breezy!?" She exclaimed, giving a sad kicked puppy look at the very thought.

"Don't worry Pinkie, she was just giving an example of something that wouldn't be approved of" Storm comforted his very suddenly distraught marefriend, "Nopony would ever actually do something like that."

"Oh, phew." Pinkie sighed in relief, "Well we could always throw a PARRR-TEH~!" She suggested loudly, pulling out her party cannon and firing it off a couple of times with a big grin.

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Foxy Socks & @Blitz Boom

   Having been approached from behind while the white unicorn mare had been previously focused on her tailoring workbench, Rarity was caught unawares. Lightly startled out of her current thoughts a small jolt can be noticed going up her head to her slightly more frazzled then her usual tightly groomed main to her ears just now perking up. With a speedy, almost panicked turn towards them (though if anypony had pointed it out, she'd merely brush it off as "the quick reflexes of a well-honed businessmare!") Rarity turns to address the new group to her boutique.

   "Oh! My apologies, do beg my pardon! I usually spend my time out in the front sales foyer where I can better provide a suitable shopping experience for my clientele, but alas, I have been trying to aid where I may with the rebuilding of our fair town! Not much call these days for fancy ballgowns when there's walls to prop up, hmm?"

  Rarity pauses for a good-hearted but somewhat weary chuckle.

  "Oh? I must confess, whilst your name does escape me for the moment, good sir, I do seem to so recall your rather... leafy motif, If I may be so bold as to call attention to. There was a little bit of edging design you had inspired me towards that I had... jotted down somewhere in..."

  Absently glancing around at her messy work area, Rarity blushes for a moment before cheerfully turning back to the group and motioning to another room. One she had frequently and usually kept up as a sitting room for her new clients to better discuss commissions and the sort.

 "Oh! Where are my manners? You must excuse the trappings of my creative processes! Here! Sit for a moment, would you care for any tea or refreshments from your journey through the hustle of this newly bustling town?"

  Moments later as Foxy extends her own proposition & request, Rarity looks down where the other mare holds it out to her as a slow, slight smile spreads across her muzzle.

   "Oh?! A cost-ume? How adorable and quaint! I do so love your wonderful idea you've crafted here! I would simply be honored to spruce it up a bit back into working order again! Far surpasses having to constantly sew together canvases, burnt drapes and ragged old quilts to hoof out to as many ponies as possible! Why, been so busy lately that I don't even know where I must have been when all this scofflaw went down! H-heh..." A barely noticeable lip quiver comes to Rarity's face, momentarily betraying her barely disguised disdain for mass-producing cloth items she can't apply her creativity to. Perking back up a second later and looking brightly back up at Foxy Socks, she cheerfully asks back:

   "Tell you what?! I'll repair it for you completely free of charge! It'd be an absolute treat for me!"




  To @Shineling ,B.B. & Anomaly!

     Some short few jumps and skips away from the clearing Anomaly's mobile home had been standing in, away and on high on a lonely foothill is a-

                                    LAYEE-O-DL, LAYEE-O-DL! LAY-EE-O!!!      Stop that! Put the lederhosen back and come back when I've introduced you!   Spoilsport!

   *a-hem* Some short ways away is a small hill. Not to terribly high or steep and not much more trouble then a quick afternoon hike there. While made of congealed and hardened molasses old enough to be almost indistinguishable from regular dirt without close inspection, the small, mostly barren brown hill doesn't seem too out of place. Especially in the more-or-less sugar-based environment of Anomaly's realm. So too, being Anomaly's realm where such things as permanence of local landmarks would be debatable to all but the being that originally created it, it would be difficult to say how long this molasses hill had stood here. 

   Though otherwise, not much appears to be happening around this hill. More than usual. "Usual" also being a relative term in the realms of Draconequui. There is however a rather adorable flower bed by the hill's base. Or, to be more accurate a single, large, undoubtedly erratic daisy growing out of a circular patch of naught but green grass.

    It sways a bit from side to side... as some audible music appears to drift from its area...



 @Blitz Boom again!

       From the rustling of the leaves above, Ambie's voice drifts down.

  "What was all that for?... I don't like loud noises very much...    I forget, what's a changeling again?...

    I thought halflings were just tiny ponies from that book, Gullible's Travels. Used to like that story..."

       Ambie's voice trails off, he's clearly still stuck up in the branches.


 To B.B & @Dji

    "I've got plenty enough of everything!" Kaltrop loudly proclaims back at Marley, but more towards his question then the griffon himself. Despite his tone the drake still has his head clamped to the ground by his claws and his tail thrashing in embarrassment. 

 "Dragons were built to own their territory, not get into cute, urban conversations! Blame those two for... for whatever that was!"         

Edited by Widdershins
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   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Shineling

"But she... I need to do this!" 

Sen raised his voice before Lin walked up to him and gave him a stern look. "Do you seriously want to jeopardize this effort?! Omen's already in danger and the last thing we need is to worry you'll end up worse than her! I know you want to help, and you already did a lot, but let us do the rest. No unnecessary risks."

With all of those words now sinking in, Sen stood down and backed away from the mine looking dejected and disappointed but not before Lin took the drake off her head and gave it to Sen. That was one other potential risk out of the way. There was no telling what would happen if the little creature ate one of those changeling emeralds. Sen took the drake and placed it on his back before turning to Discord. "Looks like I'll be keeping you company."

As for Lin, she walked to the entrance still feeling unsure if she did the right thing. Yelling at her brother was not something she'd want to do but he's becoming increasingly reckless and stubborn. She looked to Clayton and hoped answering his questions would distract her from the moment. She'd be the first to admit knowledge on her kind's distant history is mostly a blank spot despite being a self-described scholar. 

"My name's Lin, Sen's sister. We're longma, pony-dragon hybrids from the distant east and far past any map of Equestria. We're a reclusive kind after enduring a past mired by distrust and betrayal, learning that we couldn't rely on outsiders to understand or want to help us out of fear. The last thing in our collective memory was to lose a prospective home meant for our ancestors to thrive. Now we live in forests, isolated and wanting nothing to do with the rest of the outside world, yet here we find ourselves looking to ponies and Discord for help. I guess the time my brother and I spent separated from each other and exiled from our home has given us new perspectives. As for my appearance, I'm a hybrid of longma and the kind of creature our friend is. A Ki'Nathar? I think it that's how it's pronounced. Anyway, that's who we're helping out; her name is Omen and I can properly introduce you to her when this is all settled." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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