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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord moved to a reclining position as he floated over everypony, bringing his violin up and strumming it more like a ukulele. "Let the little refraction have his fun, won't have to worry about crystals once he's done~!" He rhymed, now wearing a hawaiian style vacation shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. "We won't be able to investigate until he's done, and I must say that I'm in a bit of a musical mood.. How about a nice relaxing song?" The spirit began floating in a lazy circle, singing a random song, "I want to go back to my little grass shack, In Kealakekua, Hawaiʻi~..."

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria looked disgruntled and for the first time in a while made no stubborn remarks. She looked more sad than anything else.

"What's wrong Vicky, you were handling her so well why so glum now?"

Sprinkles fluttered over, completely back to her old self now that the dragon she feared had flown away.

"J-just the thought of me having a "youngest child" and what I would do in the given situation. If I were a mother what if I made the wrong choices? Maybe it's for the best that I remain childless..."

Sprinkles wasn't sure of the right words to say to Victoria and so instead just gave her a simple hug, and for once Victoria did not push her away but actually hugged her back, squeezing her tightly to the point that Sprinkles had to gasp for air. Realising she was suffocating the pegasus Victoria finally released her causing her to fall onto her back breathing heavily.

"S-sorry. I really need to think on this though, I don't want to get in the way of love and I don't have a problem with a dragon/pony couple but I really don't like diamond dogs, they're so... filthy. But what if I had a foal who was in love with one, would I be wrong to pull them away to keep them clean? Am I making generalisations about the dogs? I feel like I'd be like Jade which I don't want to be... no offence to you Benny, I simply mean I would prefer to be open minded with my child and to let them do as they please so long as it didn't hurt them."

"I'm sure you'd make the right choice, you're great with angel."

"Perhaps... Enough of this sentiment, don't expect another hug from me. And I only said those things about you to protect you."

"Oh yeah? Well if you don't really care about me then why bother protecting me?"

Victoria did not answer the question and walked across to Benny and Pop.

"Shall we continue our journey?"

Victoria was very good at hiding her emotions, she was understandably well practised in the art, though it could not be missed that her eyes were somewhat wetter than they had been before and her thick eyeliner had begun to run very slightly away from her eye sockets.


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@Blitz Boom

Warlock felt the spell tear apart, but where it sent them was luckily not that far apart, instead scattering them around the area Warlock wanted to teleport to, Brick and Black Beak would be thrown against trees as Warlock was not there for them to capture. But these two would find themselves nearby the two Princesses original castle, but not together, they were put there far apart, but they could find each other, along with Scarcity who'd end up near by Brick, but she'd still be quite a ways away.

Meanwhile Warlock collapsed onto the floor off some seemingly random part of sisters castle, seeming to be in pain. "Are you INSANE?!" He looked up, to see Scarcity wasn't there, but instead Astral and Chow.

"I feel that should be directed at yourself."

Astral's snarky comment didn't help his rage, and the element he wore only amplified it, he leaped forward as a sword materialized, stopping inches from her neck. "You would be lacking a head, if we didn't need you alive." Instead he swung his hoof back and cut off part of her mane before he pushed her away. "You on the other hoof!" He said, pointing his sword to Chow after it cut through Astral's mane, she tumbled across the ground, looking to Chow as well. Warlock seemed to briefly checking if Athriel was there, and she was, although she'd find herself in a similar condition to Warlock's when he came in, on the floor. "Oh she'll enjoy taking you apart!" He said, looking at Chow with a smile, tossing his sword to Athriel, it sliding close to her.

Astral ran over to the sword,  pushing Warlock out of the way, although failing as Warlock just floated out of the way of her hooves as she ran to the sword reaching towards the sword, hoping to grab it before Athriel did.


It didn't take much thought as he looked to Scorn and Dew, before Iron Wing leaped out of the castle window, which was still broken, soaring towards Enzo, spinning around in the air as he sent several of his metal feathers flying outwards, towards Dew and Scorn, but instead of hitting them, it'd slice through the cloth, and several more were heading to Enzo, and considering that these were sharp metal objects, stopping them with cloth would be significantly more difficult.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Mirage nodded and replied, “I would’ve thought so, and as to others wanting to protect loved ones, I’m not surprised by that either. For the Princess, I think I would help her when she is not as busy as you say she is.”

Mirage stopped to help Amanita over another log in the way and responded to the latter part of what Stargazer said.  “I do hope so sir. And as to your question, I’m normally prepared to fight, but before that particular Timberwolf, I had run out of arrows and had been making more when it had attacked. Thankfully Amanita was not hurt during that, so I’m happy.”

Amanita was still listening to the sounds of the forest and the conversation.

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Seemed like the Refraction caught sight of its next meal and while initially thinking that the job would be too much for the little creature to handle, Sen was willing to give it a chance. The crystals appeared to be confined to the space it is in for the moment and, if enough time elapses, maybe it could be cleared out without problem. Lin, however, approached the little drake and picked it up from Omen's mane and brought it closer to the crystals.

"Hope you're hungry," Lin enthusiastically said. "You've got yourself quite a meal." She put down the drake near the formation and simply let it be. Maybe it might comment on its meal if it is able to speak after eating.

The dark longma then turned to Brute Force to ease some concern. She's already seen the creature in action and it definitely could be of great help in the current situation. If File Fiddler was encased on the other side, that would be an even bigger relief. Two birds hit with one stone; the crystals would be cleared out and Fiddle will get the message intended for him.

"They're both right. This little creature is called a Refraction and it can 'eat' away the changeling emeralds. Those are the parasitic crystals growing all over this place. It's going to take a while so it's best to get everyone away from it for the meantime until it is removed."

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@Blitz Boom

"Y-yeah, uh, probably."

Lance was able to keep himself under control, with only twitching occasionally and stuttering. 

Just wait for the crash-- I'll probably just collapse where I am and sleep.


  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"I am not very social myself, but I love having friends. Perhaps I could work on that... While I'm not as fearful as Brittle, I do shy away quite often... perhaps meeting you was what I needed." Foxy ducked under more branches, trying not to have any touch Agni, though a few leaves would brush off. It wasn't like an ordinary forest, but at the same time it wasn't completely foreign either. Perhaps it was because of her good sense of direction for exploring forests since she was young, but it didn't scare her off, or at least not as much as it scared others off.

The daylight was faintly trickling through the trees, making visibility harder. Fortunately Briar could make his way through in his own way, in which Foxy did not fully understand. "So you can tell where things are without seeing them right? Like trees? How far can you 'see' then?"  Foxy asked, curious to how Briar navigated without eyes.

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@Foxy Socks

"I have a great understanding of my surroundings, but it is not sight as you would know it. Rather, I am guided by the wind, vibrations in the ground, and a certain degree of *sense* of the natural objects around me. The later helps when inside wooded areas such as this, whereas wind, vibrations, and sounds are what I need to work with when inside cities.

The larger the settlement, the harder it gets though. In Manehattan, the earth never stood still enough for me to really get any sense of how many were within a few meters of me, the tall buildings made air flow barely a thing at times, and the sounds were varied and plenty. It took me a good deal of time before I learned how to tune things out in places such as that, and quite honestly, I much prefer places like Ponyville over that. It is quieter and easier to navigate. As long as metal is not involved."

Briar frowned a little as he wandered over a bundle of roots near the edge of the river, remembering the sign from earlier.

"For some reason, I have a hard time sometimes to make out metal. I need to keep a good deal of focus to not slam my head into just about every sign one can pass made of such a material, and as have been proven before, I do not always succeed."

A few more trees later, and the three of them would be able to see the river that had been possible to hear some time before it was seen, and Briar grinned. He liked the sound of the water flowing across the stream, and the thought of the fish swimming within was delightful. Yet he wasn't hungry enough to make Foxy uncomfortable with his eating habits currently. He could wait for a while longer.

"Ah, excellent, we're here- Or rather, we are near. You might be able to see the entrance into the rock wall on the other side? It should be covered with fauna, but I have confidence in your abilities, Foxy."

It might be a little hard to make out at first, but with the wind blowing, now and again the vegetation on the rocks would move around, and show some of it to not be as clinging to the rocks as one might think. A blanket of sorts he had grown and tied together to conceal the entrance a little better, just in case.

"Perhaps it will be easier if we get up close. May I be allowed to carry you across Foxy? It is my understanding that ponies does not enjoy being soaking wet."




"Good good. Not that you'd be able to get anything either anyway. I mean, I rule the grinder in here, and you have no idea how it works, so you couldn't just get it unless you did something stupid, like nicking it from a patron. And I'm currently thinking that you're too good of a stallion to do something like that."

Berry grinned and swirled in place. She felt very chipper after haven gotten her own mug a little earlier, and even the crushing knowledge of the conspiracy was not enough to bring her down when she felt like this. If anything, it made her more curious, but there wasn't much she could learn right here. The ones who ran everything didn't just go around and talk about it in public after all. They weren't stupid.

"Anyway, perhaps it's time you get into the kitchen again? I think the time's about right for you to see what other deliveries Chop haves for you."



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Brute looked skeptically at Lin, thinking that she were a few spanners short of a toolbox, but something caught her eye that made it harder to think that she was merely pulling her leg: The Refraction latched unto the crystals, and they seemed to slowly attempt to wiggle away from it. Whatever this creature were, it seemed to cause some sort of reaction in the crystals, who also seemed to get increasingly pale around where the little creature were gnawing. Perhaps this was a solutio- Woah!

Instinct caused her to take a step back before she was hit by the pillar of white, glittery fire that suddenly burst up towards the ceiling, and scorched a hole through the roof. The look of disbelief she sent towards the small thing who had did that was quite noticeable, though it did not seem to be bothered. The entire focus on the unnamed creature was on it's meal, of which it was moving through a little by little. Faster than the last time certainly, but then again, it was also bigger now. As size would increase over time, it would likely be able to get through the mass covering the door in less than a minute. An impressive feat, but not one to be seen in the immediate future. It would have to likely chew through the entire mine they had left behind to get anywhere near a size where that was possible.

Curious what could be done by such a small creature, who just a moment ago was rubbing against the clawed hand of Lin, as it had been put down on the floor and encouraged to feast. A duplicity Brute did not personally like, but it were what it were. At least she hadn't been torched-

"Dangerous creature, this *Refraction*. Stay here, I'm gonna have to tell the guards why the roof is getting holes, and have them get away from the top of this place before they get roasted."

As if called, the guard from before got into sight, and looked at the strange scene in front of him, then at the hole in the roof.

"Uhm... W-What's going on here?"

"The little shrimp is flaring the roof. Tell your squad before somepony end up caught in one of the blasts."

As before, he simply nodded and went on his way. The more he had seen of these assorted creatures, the less he frankly wanted to know. Though he did stop up and look at the dancing and singing Discord first. He might've gotten entirely hypnotized by the display if Brute hadn't cleared his throat, causing this kind of daze he had felt over looking at this to go away. Embarrassed, he scurried along, and hoped that nopony had seen how he had fazed out for a moment there.

"So, I'm starting to get the feeling that something is amiss here that you're not telling Lin. You are experts in this kind of crystal that have suddenly shown up here, and even have a creature that can clear it, and it just so happens to be in the office of the Pony you were looking for. What's going on here?"

The question was for Lin, though she focused her glare at Sen in the end. He had been awfully quiet about things thus far compared to his sister, and she wasn't sure if that meant that he was burning in with something else that Lin weren't aware of or didn't want to say, or if something else was going on. Either way, she were starting to feel paranoid about him.

Meanwhile, whilst this had gone on, Omen had approached Discord, biting notice in something the Draconequus had said.

"Little thing is a he?"

She tilted her had as she looked at him for answers, though it began to sway again, as she tried to keep the thread with his music and dancing. It was interesting to look at, and it made her think of the good old days, when they were in a world of nonsensical chaos and freedom of everything, but she was still curious about the statement he had made about the Refraction.

Not having known the gender, Omen had just kept calling it... Well, *it*. Gender, name and race was something she had no idea about. Discord had now answered two out of the three things about the creature she had known nothing about, and it made her curious if he knew more.

"so it is a Refraction, and male. Is the name next? Do I need to give it one up Master Discord? I have seen ponies do that before."

It was at that point that the guard had been given the comment by Brute, which included a word that had been said a few times now about the Refraction. Sounded like it could be a name.

"Sounds okay.

Strange to see you dance again, Master Discord. Are you happy? I don't remember if this is joy."

Thinking it over, Omen had just moved along, not thinking more about it. Shrimp sounded like a name, and the muscly Unicorn had said it some times without him trying to bite her, so that meant good far as she knew. Only seemed like he bit when things annoyed it. Like Sen, and the chomps into his nose.




"Ah, that makes sense. Perhaps at one point when you are settled, you could show me what you are capable of? I'm curious."

"Me toooo! I wanna place an apple on my head and then you can go all *Twoing* and hit it!"

Jelly had been quiet for a bit, fascinated by some birds in the trees above them, but hearing that there might be an archery showing had gotten her all riled up and focused on the conversation again. It was like in one of those history books at school, where a Pony had to shoot an apple off his own colts head to win a bet. It would be so cool to be part of that!

She was practically fluttering around the archer, waiting for a response whilst her father was shaking his head. He could well forbid her this right away, but honestly, he doubted she'd listen to that from him right now. She was a stubborn little one, and when first she had set herself something in mind this much, it could be hard to get it out of there again for him. Perhaps if she heard it from Mirage she'd be less inclined to pursue it.

hen again, if she didn't say anything about the danger, then he might have to try and put his hoof down anyway. He knew his daughter well, and he had faith in her ability to get through that, but he wouldn't take the chance before he had seen how good of an archer the changeling were. He wouldn't risk Jelly's health on a cheap thrill, without knowing whatever or not it was safe.




"Yeah, we can go on. Can't be too far by now it looks like.

I'm sorry about the comment mother made, comparing Ponies to Diamond Dogs, it's just..."

How would he find a nice way to say this? It was hard, since this was not a good situation to try and spin positively. His mother had made a pretty harsh analogy there, and much as he loved her, he would really wish she had just kept silent and spat fire at everyone instead. It would have been far nicer.

"Dragons looks as Ponies as lower species."

Benny felt the words he had half-way formed in his head withering away as he looked over at Pop, who had not gone through the bothersome task of trying to make something sound better than it actually were.

"I know Benny. It's a stereotype that's seen both ways, and I've heard it several times too when other Dragons looks at us. Just not put this way."

She bowed her head and sighed a little. This were what she had to work with to get into her mother-in-law's good grace. A view that she was to her what a Diamond Dog would be to a Pony. A lesser race with barely any brains to work with, living in mud holes and rummaging through the world like beasts. This was going to go great...

"You shouldn't think on it too much Victoria. I mean, Diamond Dogs are simple, brutish creatures, where both Dragons and Ponies are actually intelligent. There's just a lot of bad views on each side of the fence for some reason, and it's not easy to get past it. I'm sure that when you eventually have a foal, they're gonna end up better than that, long as you raise them well. And I doubt they'd go with a Diamond Dog. Only interactions I've heard about between them and us, tend to include how they're looking at us like pack animals to drag rocks around. I think that's a bit too harsh to make anything good come from meeting up. And that's if they even ever meet. They're far from towns after all."

Benny almost interjected here, as he had actually seen some in a town before, but he made himself sip it before he got something out. It wasn't gonna help the argument to calm Victoria down if he started to talk against it.

"...Yeah, what she said. And don't worry about judging my mom. If she doesn't like it, she'll make it far more obvious than I could, and she kinda deserves it sometimes. I just hope that dad is gonna find a place to dig out a steam room soon enough so she can mellow out at least a little.

But all in due time. Let us go my merry mares. The show must go on."

With a whistle, Benny turned and started to walk the direction he had seen his mother fly off into. Hopefully they would be close, before the cakes would end up going too cold. Not that he couldn't warm them if it came to that, but you know, the principle of things and all that. plus Victoria would likely prefer to get on her way again sooner or later.




Brick's slash connected, but not with Pony as he had thought. Instead, his blade cut deep into a tree, cutting it in half and leaving him very disgruntled. Sure, he knew that he was not ordinarily allowed to make a lethal cut on a Pony, but Warlock was nothing more than a monster. His employee had made sure to tell him that, and he knew that she didn't lie to him. He was the only one that she trusted to follow her on the more shady side of her business, and he had earned her trust through his actions and devotion. She would not betray that with lies. Not to him anyway.

Blackbeak might be a different story. The Griffon that were chirping in pain somewhere (thankfully, the angle made sure the glass wasn't broken) were at the point where she knew of the shady business, and at times she were with them when they handled things, but she had not yet proven herself to be trusted completely. For example, she didn't know about Scarcity's heritage, and what happened to her parents. He on the other hoof, knew exactly what had gone on, and he considered this knowledge of his employers personal life a sign that she trusted him more than anypony else.

"Uuuurgh, bloody tree... Where the hay am I? And where's everyone?"

The Griffon looked around, not finding an answer to any of those questions. Not until she glanced at the castle, which even she knew enough about to call out. Wherever the rest were, she would venture a guess and think that going in there was going to give her some answers.

Brick thought the same, and after putting his blade back to the side, he'd be on his way too. He'd get there faster, as he wasn't injured, but the two of them should eventually meet near the entrance regardless.

Meanwhile, Athriel rose from the floor with fire nearly burning in her eyes. Being tossed around like that was starting to really get on her nerves, and lo and behold, there was somepony who she hated she could react upon. She were even encouraged by Warlock, who seemed to have had enough with him as well. Which would likely not be less true as he started yelling post mane-cutting.

"Get your mitts off her you filthy party clown!"

Chow were starting to get defensively, and as he saw the sword about to be fought over, he got the idea to grab it as well and give Warlock a piece of his mind. However, he wouldn't get it. And neither would Athriel. She wouldn't even try, as she instead grabbed Chow around the neck and showed her face into his with a creepily sadistic glow in her eyes.

"No, I have a far better idea of what to do with you."

A brief look of horror would go over Chow's face as the scarlet mist Athriel was bound to, flowed out of her current vessels beak, and into the stallions muzzle, nose, and eyes. It was a more painful than what she had to do, but time was everything right now before Astral got the chance to strike, and before she'd get the chance, it was done, and the Griffon removed her talons from Chow's neck. Then collapsed on the floor, passed out, whilst the Stallion looked at Astral with red eyes and a cruel smile.

"Guess whoooo?"

*Chow's* hooves turned red as Athriel's voice escaped his muzzle, and he wandered forth with a victorious chuckle.

"I had never intended to inhabit him again, but seeing how much it pains him to know that I can hurt you, and it would be by his own hooves? That makes it good enough to take a second ride. If only you could hear him plead for you right now."

Athriel chuckled, and stretched her new host. It was a little uncomfortable, as she preferred to use females as vessels, but it was a small price to pay to make Chow suffer in the back of her mind. And with what she could read of his memories right now, it was no wonder. The simpleton who wanted to be a Griffon were scared of what might happen to Astral. A mare he barely knew, got him riled up enough to take it this far, and even pleading with her, whom he should know had no sympathy for him.

What a pathetic creature.




In the hospital, far away from them, Scarcity took the blanket off the second covered thing she had brought, which revealed a rather exquisite looking vase. Nothing special with it really, though the inside was another story entirely. Slowly, and with great care, she would lift fine, snow-white powder out of there,a nd spread it around Golden's bed as she mumbled a few words.

If Iron had any sense of what was going on right now, he might know this to be a ridiculously rare material that could be used to make circles protecting from dark magic, but after the magic drain, he may instead have gotten into a seizure or something, and the doctors would swarm him.




Cloth could not to much against the metal, that was true. But the thick bone cuffs and necklace however, would be fairly efficient in taking them in. Enzo had taken notice of the newcomer to this fight, and had swung his right front leg to take the feathers, though one of them were not hit correctly and scratched his skin.

"You dare to fight me?! Kneel!"

With that, Enzo would use his magic to ground Wing. His wings might be magic, but if there was flight involved, a Sphinx could end that handily. It was why the fight against Dew had been so easy for him, and why Scorn were having some issues. They relied on their wings too much, and lacking the option to fly made this so much easier for Enzo.

Still, the magic only prevented flight. Wing's wings would still work like he had done with them a few times now, with tossing the sharp metal feathers and controlling them, and he might land well, if he had experienced getting the wind removed from under his wings before. Hence, Dew would also be freed by the sharp feather going his way, cutting deep and setting the former general free.

"Thanks Wing. Now what're we going to do about him?"

Scorn were trying his best right now. Fire was breathed, but would only meet cloth which would burn, and end with little more than a pile off ash going down on him. Physical confrontation was an option, but the Sphinx played smart. He did not get close enough for the smaller Dragon to get a hold of him, and then swooped down to smack at him now and again when it was opportunistic to do so. It felt like he could not loose.

And then then Sphinx suddenly fumbled in the air, and fell to the ground.

Enzo had no idea wht as going on there. All of a sudden, it was just as if the wind was working against him, and messing up his flight. So now all of a sudden he was on the ground, on his back, in a pile of crushed vases and ruined bushes in the Canterlot garden, whilst Scorn were crawling up on his belly, aiming to get to his face. It looked like a cat climbing somepony. Cute, but as was evident by the Dragon being smacked away, inefficient.

Zhu calmly walked towards the Sphinx who had yet to rise up, and looked towards Dew and Wing.

"You are on even ground now. Do what you think is right, though ask yourself what you can live with. Some actions carry consequences that reaches far into your life."

It was a vague spoiler, but one regardless. After the Forgotten one, he had not found a meaning in being as cryptic as he once were, as there was no greater evil to eventually handle yet. Warlock was an issue, but he was a barracuda in an ocean. Not the lowest on the chain, but there were plenty of creatures that were more reason for concern.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Mirage looked slightly stunned by the request. But she did reply. “I don’t think that would be entirely safe on your part Miss. And I’d only do it with your father’s permission and if he does not than I will not put you in any danger.” She looks at Stargazer and sees him thinking on something. “And even professional archers can miss every now and then, so I can’t ever guarantee your safety. And I’d rather not put you or anypony else in danger.”

Amanita now starts ignoring the conversation going on in favor of listening to what’s around her, except the conversation.

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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Not too far from where things were taking place, a yellow pegasus fell from the sky, hitting his a bit too hard. "Ugh... where did the reality stick take me this time?" The bewildered pegasus said, holding what seemed to look like a normal stick.


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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord chuckled merrily, "Why, he's quite small indeed! The average Refraction used to be at least as large as the average Pony's... Well.. House! It's to be expected at his age, however." He informed Omen, gesturing at the buildings in the area. "As for a name, well I'd say he's much to young to have already been named, so whatever Name you give him will likely stick as his True Name. He's practically marked you as his parent, with how attached he is to you." At that the chaos embodiment leaned over to pat Omen's head gently, a very genuine smile crossing over his features. "And I would say that I'm very happy Omen. I've felt more Joy since meeting Fluttershy than I've felt in the rest of my, rather grand (if you ask me), existence." Standing up, the spotlight loving spirit continued his spectacle, "I want to go back, to my little grass shack~, where the humuhumunukunukuapua'a go swimming by~!" He chuckled, and began strumming the guitar somewhat aimlessly, producing a sound not unlike flowing waves "I do admire the composer for being able to fit a word like that into song." Discord mused.

(The song pieces were from Little Grass Shack by Don Po. Kind of a nod to the 1/4th Hawaiian in me, not that anypony could really tell by looking at me. The humuhumunukunukuapua'a is also known as the Reef Triggerfish (in english anyways :P) and aside from being Hawaii's State Fish, it's also a territorial little ankle biter with the longest name of any fish, clocking in at 21 letters and 12 syllables. :lol:)

Edited by Storm Shine
  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Astral froze as she saw Athriel run to Chow, But then an idea came to mind. Suddenly there was a seemingly harmless burst of teleportation magic, around the griffons neck. Then Sapphire's gem appearing in her hoof, Glowing a deep red, almost like a ruby as the soul of Sapphire rammed against the outside of the gem whilst Astral's anger grew, she extended a sword outwards. "We'll see about that." Astral looked to the gem, then to Athriel as her eyes turned blue around Sapphire's presence, much stronger than before.

"She's trapped, you can't free her." Warlock stepped forward and was ready to charge at her. "You have no idea how to free her either." Suddenly the gem went flying to Warlock as he then caught it in his hoof. "Not like we need another pony against us anyway." Astral gasped as he took the gem away, grabbing the sword and running to him, ready to slice through him. Warlock grinned and slid to the side and lifted his hoof up and pushed her to the side, causing her to land in front of Athriel, as well as the sword, Astral trying to get up but then falling back down, seeming as if Warlock was keeping her down. "We've overpowered you." He walked away from her, knowing she was in Athriel's hooves now. "No need to delay the inevitable." He formed a necklace around the gem again and handed it to Athriel. "After this is done, we can free her." He said, with a growing smile on his face, already seeing himself winning this fight with Sapphire working for him instead of against him.


Feeling such a surge of magic pour out of him was certainly not healthy, as he started shaking, as if his body was trying to chase the magic that left him, but with restraint. His eyes then would turn grey, as he'd fall unconscious.


Iron Wing did land well, already haven experience enough hard landings to deal with this one. Although after watching what happened to Enzo soon after, he approached the Sphinx, and looked it in the eye. "Why would you join Warlock? He has nothing to offer you, in fact it seems he's taken the gem you protected." He said, raising his wings up, letting the blades of them shine light to show how sharp and polished they were, mostly as a form of threatening Enzo. "Unless he does?"

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

The long name Discord said out of the blue caught both siblings off-guard, seemingly spacing them out for a moment before remembering what is happening at the moment. Naming the little creature is pretty much up to Omen now despite Sen having one or two names in mind. Then again, it wasn't used to him being around due to differing scents and whatnot which meant it would likely bite him in the nose again instead of accepting a name. But on to Brute's question; he noticed the unicorn glancing at him despite his sister being the one to first catch the question. Strange, really, since he would have expected her to quickly reply. 

"Oh, uh... yeah, we aren't really experts on the crystals. We only saw this several hours ago and had to find someone who knew. Do either of the names Clayton Quartz or Fancy Filigree mean anything to you? We were told to find Fiddler to get our message to Fancy Filigree about the crystals appearing in an old, abandoned mine in Fillydelphia. Whatever happened here, Fiddler wasn't the first to fall victim to the parasitic crystals." 

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@Blitz Boom

"What if they aren't as brutish as we make out? If dragons are wrong about us then how do we know we're not wrong about them? Even if some of them are brutish, doesn't mean all of them are, I'm sure there's some very brutish ponies around, I'm possibly one of them. If I'm tolerable to a dragon like Jade, what does that say about me? No offence Benny..."

Victoria's manner had changed, it was as if all meanness had left her body and had been completely replaced with misery, her mane suddenly seemed duller and less curled that it had before the encounter, but refusing to be beaten by her emotions she attempted a wobbly smile and trotted forwards.

"We better get you to your family before more of them come to us."

She took the lead from Benny and was closely followed by Sprinkles  just above and behind her, flapping much more slowly and gently than usual, her eyes were focused on the mare, looking out for her.

"Good idea, I don't want another encounter like that, made a fool out of myself. You were great by the way Victoria, the way you stood up to Jade and defended me and Pop, that was very noble of you, you're nothing like Jade even if she did find you tolerable, I mean she didn't exactly like you that's got to count for something."

"Thanks Cupcake, just looking out for my friends."

There was no hesitation to Victoria calling them her friends this time, she clearly wasn't in her normal state of mind. Sprinkles seemed a little taken aback at being called Cupcake, it was a name normally only given to her by her mother, since her mother Strawberry Sprinkles shared the sprinkles part of her name it was a way of avoiding saying her own name when calling her daughter, everyone else knew her as sprinkles, Cupcake had become more of an affectionate name for the pegasus for this reason.

"Y-you have dust in your mane Victoria, do you want me to get that for you?"

"Leave it, doesn't matter now."

Victoria continued to trot, not looking back at her band of followers, not wanting them to see the tears welling in her eyes.


  • Brohoof 1




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@Blitz Boom

"O-okie dokie then. I'll, uh, h-head over there right n-now."

Luckily, the dose of coffee had only impaired his speech noticeably. He was able to walk to the kitchen with only some twitching that could, hopefully, be easily missed. 

Hey, I'll probably be able to spring through the entire delivery. The only problem'll be not dropping the food...

He had forgotten his fear of Chow, but that was likely to only be temporary until he talked to the scarred stallion again.

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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On 26/12/2017 at 10:45 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Nerzhei had to take another swig of the vial in her bag when she was confronted with the previous examples of what leaving Blood alone caused.

"What's that?"

Slappy asked the Dragoness mainly because he had heard stories about how some of them liked more spirited drinks, and that was why they were so angry and histile all the time. Sure it didn't fit when he had met Benny the first time and the blacksmith had hugged him, but Benny was a weird one to begin with from what he had heard, so he didn't think the stereotypes could really be used when it came to him.

"It's a serum against migraines. Idiocy hurts my head."

Nerzhei did drink, but it was rarely, and she tried not to go too far. She had done so once before, and the aftermath were an embarassment she did not think fondly off.

"You're both following me, so I can keep an eye on you. Blood is right, we shouldn't take any more risks. Hope you can handle the heat."

Methodically, Nerzhei removed her robe, and her bag. It felt weird to be without them, as if she were naked, even if how she would then stand would be how most of her kind stood.

Her scales were well preserved. A life of books and studying had left her little in the ways of scars, and she looked more delicate than her strength and robed would normally suggest.

This was a part she did not like of herself. She hated being seen as weak, and exposed, like she were little more than a beast, or a simpleton like most of her kind were in her eyes. Something which you could see in the way she clutched her arms and legs closer to her body, whilst the tail slithered closer to wrap slightly around her. As if she tried to shield herself, and cover her scales.

But she had little choice. The flames would scorch her clothes, smoulder her books... There was no other way.

She ignored the nervous glances of Slappy, who were still trapped in this situation, and plunged her hand into the ground. She winched as the rock clamped tightly around her fist, but she had little choice. She hadn't the time to look for tools now, so she had to make use of what she knew.

To think that her fathers lessons in armor crafting would turn out to carry her so often in life... If they ever met again, perhaps she would have to give him the credit he was due. He was not as useless and ignorant as she had always given him credit for, perhaps just practical and narrow-minded.

Her shoulder hung as she rose up from the ground, with a fist now covered in solid rock, flattened in angles and corners to provide what she needed for a hammering.

"I forgot how much this hurts... Slappy, find me metal in the container. Thick lumps, as closely as can be. I need to get to work."

He would follow orders and wander up to rummage through and find as big chunks of metal as he could. Some of them she sorted away, though most she took in and gathered up, then started to let loose the flames from deep within her being.

Both if them would be wise to not stand too close whilst she started to melt and hammer the iron to something resembling a working anvil. The sparks and heat would be harsh, and dangerous if they got into contact.

She did not seem to enjoy this though. Even if she tries to remain focussed on the task, she felt her arm and hand tremble with every strike, whilst the strong flames spread soot on her scales. She were not a fire-leaning dragon, she was of the earth, and though that made her sturdy, this work would take its toll on her. Hopefully she could at least get something productive done before that.

Blood blinked as Nerzhei began to strip off, she frowned but didn't comment. It wasn't a good idea to comment on something that was much larger then oneself. She though sat down as she began to make sparks and heat, she did like heat and scooted slightly closer towards the source.

She blinked and stared at Slappy and frowned at him "why you still here?" I grumbled, I blinked as one of the sparks landed in my tail, though it was warm so i didn't move too much, I liked heat sources especially dragon made ones.

"Nerzhei can you make it hotter? it's hard to get warm in this armour" I grumble trying to get closer to the heat but not the sparks since it might set my hair alight.

(back from Christmas break)






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Inside the kitchen, Chop wouldn't be the only Pony present. Opposite of him stood Stare, and looked up on him with a small blush reddening her cheeks.

"- you know where I am."

As he finished whatever he had talked to her about, he reached something on a chain closer towards her. The light of the kitchen reflected off the glass of the round mirror as it got nearer, and with a small bit of hesitation, Stare straightened her neck so the cook could place the silver chain around it.

"I'll need to think first, but... Thank you for finding this."

She reached down and pulled the mirror upwards, giving her a look at both herself and the jeweled gift from long ago. The sparkliness of the gems competed with the troubled look in going over her eyes for her attention, and she found herself lingering more on the later, rather than the former. 

"No problem. Just be careful where you put it."

Chop smiled at her before noticing that somepony else where there. It softened up his face quite a bit, but It withered away rapidly as his eyes focused on Lance, and Stare awkwardly scurried out of the kitchen.

"'bout time. Ready for deliveries?"




It was really weird for Benny to see Victoria take the lead, after having just given directions thus far. She seemed like she had been okay not leading things from the front until now, and then with the compliment to Sprinkles... Something was wrong.

The first thought were that his mother had really gotten to her, but he wasn't sure why. The analogy was horrible, and he thought that Pop had explained this well, and yet here they were. Victoria was rushing ahead of them, oddly quiet all of a sudden, and before that she had been rambling on...

He took a few larger steps to get closer to her, but Pop stopped him, and shook her head. She wasn't sure what was going on with Victoria right now, but she was thinking that perhaps it wasn't the best for them to go up and disturb her.

"Give her a little space. I'm sure she's going to tell us if she haves something on her mind."

Benny halted, but then took a decision and sped up, until he was near the side of Victoria. Not close enough to see her face unless she turned towards him, but it should be good enough hopefully.

If she sped up to get away from him, he'd stop and wander back to the others again, but if she didn't, he'd try and put on his best sympathy voice and worried expression as he would confront her.

"Hey, Victoria? Are you okay?"

(Following happens if she goes faster as well, but Benny will remain quiet)

Behind Victoria, Pop would shake her head a little at Benny's decision. She didn't think it too wise, but she knew that he had to try and fix every problem he encountered, and it wasn't always that he'd listen to her when she figured it was best to leave something  or somepony alone. It was endearing, but also volatile, as not everypony liked being approached when something was wrong.

"Is this normal for her, Sprinkles? I mean, she usually seems so talkative, but then after Jade came around... You don't think her words hit Victoria too hard, do you?"

If anypony in their group would know, it would likely be Sprinkles. She had known the fanciful mare for a while, and though they didn't seem close, surely she would've seen Victoria act in a variety of ways, and could tell what was going on right now.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Omen looked at her master, absorbing everything he said. Even if she wasn't as bound to his every whim as she once had been, her initiate reaction were still to trust his words and believe it without hesitation. She'd then question things after that if it didn't make sense or if she got confused, which had once been at everything he said and did.

Coming from a world of no learning, Omen had relied entirely on Discord to teach her things, like one would a growing foal. However, because of all he had to do, the changing world of chaos, and how they only got 4 years before he was trapped, she hadn't learned much, and most had been useless once Equestria reverted to its old form.

Now that he was back in her life, she found herself looking at him for answers again, as the deal had been when she was formed. As Mother had said: *They get forms and teachers, whilst their masters gets willing servants.*

"Good that somepony makes you happy master."

She remembered a time when he sometimes didn't smile, but was crying instead. Times she had been ordered never to tell anypony about, as Discord had at least then not wanted to speak openly in regardless to his sadness and loneliness.

She turned away from him and looked at the Refraction, just as it breathed another glittery pillar towards the ceiling.

"Shrimp. Seems okay."

Turning back to Discord, she titled her head at his song, and a rather strange word that had been put into it.

"What does the long word mean, Master Discord?"

Brute wondered that as well, but she wasn't going to say something. She'd just listen in to what sort of answer the creepy mare was gonna get, and otherwise focus on the siblings and Shrimp, as it seemed like the Refraction was being called now.

"Sounds like a strange turn of events. Not sure if I trust it, but it appears like this is working, so I'll take your word on it for now."

As she said that, some of the door cracked from the attempted retreat of the gems, showing a bit of the room behind it. It looked pretty much normal from the sliver that could be seen, but it would be hard to evaluate properly without getting more of a view. Didn't seem to be that full of crystals though.

"'Bout your names... I ain't sure who this Clayton is, but I remember Filigree alright. Never seen a mare in my life I trusted less. Not sure what it is, but something about the Bat Pony never sat well with me.

I haven't seen her in a long time though. Been... 10 years or so? Sounds about right."




Athriel grinned at the sword, then took it. She was not one for using these, but Chow had, and she had been locked inside his head long enough to have picked up some things. Demeaning stuff for her usually, but with the magical limitations she had (and with the lack of the muscle they had brought along more than likely) a physically trained body would be a helpful tool. Lacking wings of course, but she didn't know how to use blades as a Griffon. She did as this, as was proven when she swung the blade in a rather fluid motion that would be inches away from hitting Astral.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. After all, I want the whole family there for the big gathering after I gain my element,a nd with both Sapphire and you in our grasp, we're getting closer.

Accept you've lost and stop struggling, and perhaps if you're lucky, I won't use all of this vessel's blood to return your mother.

That is of course, unless you don't like Chow? Do go ahead and say it if it is, right into our face. I'm making sure he's seeing, hearing, and feeling everything right now, and I'd so enjoy feeling his spirit break."

She sincerely hoped that Astral would do so, but she had her doubts about whatever or not she'd actually have the lack of a brain to say that, not to speak of being heartless enough. Either way, physically, magically or mentally, she could go right on ahead and hurt Chow now. He would be the only one feeling it, whilst she could just go ahead and find another vessel.

The blade was held firmly in Athriel's right hoof as she chuckled and looked at Astral with the knowledge that Warlock and her had all the cards plastered over her expression.

"Do you yield? Or are we going to need to administer a spanking?"




The doctors - though confused at what had just happened - were on Iron the second they saw him collapse and got him situated in a bed before they flocked around him like crows. They weren't sure what had just gone on, and in what way it had affected the stallion, but they were going to check for any kinds of effects it had regardless.

Meanwhile, Scarcity had almost finished the circle around the bed, and with a last little mumbling chant, completed it. It didn't look like anything to a normal Pony other than dust, but to those using Dark Magic, the light glow and feeling of something being sickeningly holy should keep them at bay. And if not, the fact that the circle was impassable by those users should.

Internally she sighed after this. It had taken her around half the jar to go all the way around this bed, and what she had used there, cost her upwards of seventy thousand bits. The only place she knew of that made this were extremely secretive and did not allow any outsiders in, so getting hold of some of this was a miracle in itself. They more or less only sold a small potion when the area were in need of funds, and there was no shortage of eager buyers the second they heard one had ventured out with a jar of this.

She looked over at Misty, as Iron was currently too covered by doctors to be really seen, and gave the filly a smile.

"I know this may seem a silly question considering everything, but how are you handling things dear?"

It was a stupid question, but the filly had been silent through all of this, and she wondered what effect all of this had on her. Her caretaker was gone, whoever she was in the room with were hurt by the magic pouring out of him before, and she had been in the middle of what could have turned out to be a very ugly fight. Scarcity were curious if the little filly could handle all of that, and honestly, she were somewhat concerned too, and wanted to help ease the Zebra filly's mind if she could.




Enzo hissed as the general approached him, and attempted to roll around and get on his paws, but a strong gust of wind messed with his balance, and he landed on his side instead.

"They offered me vengeance. You think that everything the Pillars did was good and pure? No, they need to be punished for what they did!"

"What in Equestria are you talking about?"

"The Pillars of Divinity were the collective name of those who were tasked to hid the elements. Some were good, but fanatics were not uncommon."

Scorn growled in the direction of Zhu, and got on his feet.

"The Pillars saved the world, Serpanther. They kept these things hidden for the sake of good."

"Lies! They did not want good. They just wanted to feel important for their own, selfish reasons!"

Enzo and Scorn began to hiss and growl at eachother, though the now-risen Sphinx dwarfed the Dragon enough to make it apparent who would win if it came down to it.

"There is a difference between doing something for the greater good, and actually being good yourself. As limiting as looking at only the good is, the ones who sealed the Element of Hatred I can say were an equalizer more than a burden on balance."

He looked up the Sphinx, who gave a brief glance towards the hooded figure. Whoever he was, he was talking more sense than this scaled mud-brain were.

"Could you elaborate?"

This did not seem good, but keeping them talking would give the other guards time to mobilize, and it stopped them from destroying things currently. As such, Dew had a vested interest in fostering this conversation to go further.

"I was taking my first flight when I was trapped by those scaled monsters, and bound to this dingy temple to guard something I didn't even know what were. Pleas, threats, attempts at bribery, all fell on deaf ears. They just kept on talking through the temple and ignoring me, only bringing food and water when they had to, until they just left me there to rot. How could I not want vengeance on them for that?"

Scorn gritted his teeth.

"Stories were clear, you were a monster that hurt a lot of Dragons. You were put there as penance."

"Why do you defend their lies, mongrel? Are you with them!?"

"He is. Furthermore, his cousins grandfathers name is Crackleback."

Hatred flared in Enzo eyes, and out of nowhere, layer upon layer of cloth came forth and wrapped around the Dragon, who did his to burn away at them, but there was a limit to how long he could do this before he was overtaken. Before it went too far though, Zhu would start to talk again.

"It's curious how alike you and the old Dragon's master are. Both willing to take not the ones who hurt them, but just somepony with a connection."

The cloth slowed down, and Enzo looked at Zhu like he was a bug to be squashed. Something which did not cause the Serpanther to wince even the slightest.

"Him, and all of his companions, hurt me too much to be forgiven. And if they're gone, I will settle for this generation."

"Time takes away everything. Joy, laughter, and memories alike. Come closer, and I will give you back wheat I have seen time take from you."

"And what's that?"

"The truth. Everything that happened that day, so you can recall every face of those who deserves to be hurt."

Enzo was skeptical, but he tentatively came closer, still with Scorn caught and unable to even wriggle. He wasn't sure how this being would tell him the truth. All that happened as he got closer, were the Zhu placed a striped paw on his no... se...

A distant look went over the Sphinx's eyes as Zhu made contact. Nothing else was shown though, and for all intents and purposes, the two had just frozen there for no apparent reason.

Dew leaned over towards Wing as he saw this, whilst lifting the visor on his helmet.

"In case whatever is happening now doesn't end well, be ready to aim for the back legs. He seems capable of protecting his front, and he were always making sure we didn't get behind him before. Likely a few weak spots back there."





Jelly looked all disappointed when she was told that it was probably not a good idea.

"You should listen to her Jelly. It could be dangerous, and I don't want to worry about you getting hit by an arrow. And t hat's not even speaking of your mother. Do you remember the first time I took you out to see that dojo you'd been eyeing? She was a nerve wreck."

Jelly remembered that episode well. It had been completely innocent, and she wasn't actually gonna get hurt, but seeing how worried she had been over being told how she had been checking the place out had made Jelly walk away from it... For about a year. It had still been pretty fun in her eyes after all, and her mother did warm up to it after a while.

But Mirage and Stargazer was right. She couldn't go off and put herself in an actual dangerous position, or her mom was gonna end up shaking horribly when she found out, and she didn't want her to be worried. Especially not with her little sister or brother on the way.

"Okay. Can I learn how to shoot a bow though?"

Stargazer chuckled and ruffled the back of her mane, making sure not to hit Gary.


"How about we wait until everypony's settled in before we start to think about that? You're about as new here as they are Jelly, and I think it'll be good for everypony to be settled first and foremost."

"I'll ask another time then. Archery sounds like fun though."

Whilst she started to settle her mane right again, Stargazer turned to the others with a tired and appreciative smile.

"Thank you for easing her away from things. Foals are great, but sometimes they can be stubborn little things when they find something they find fun. I can imagine Changeling nymphs can be little danger magnets at times too, yes?"

He barely knew anything about the small ones of their insectoid brethren, beyond that their foals were called nymphs. An interesting name certainly, but knowing only that was frankly rather bad. For all he knew, they might just sit still until they were old enough to hunt for love, or just constantly fought like some kind of irate badgers.




Nerzhei didn't answer the question, as she tried to keep her focus on the anvil she were attempting to create.

The constant clang of hard rock hammering against scorching metal filled the air, whilst small droplets of sweat tickled down the Dragoness's forehead. It would take a few more minutes of this, in which time she would mostly ignore them, before she considered herself done enough to stop spitting out fire and sink her arm heavily to the ground.

The form looked rather rough for what she were going to need it for, but by all intents and purposes, she had made a functional piece. She would let actual blacksmiths about making something that were also pretty.

She slumped down on the ground and leaned herself against the container, needing a break. Her arm still hurt from the pressure put on to it from the rocks, but she couldn't take it off right now, or she'd have to start all over with the assembly, and that was worse.

All the while this and the other work had gone on, Slappy had not replied to Blood. He had opened his muzzle a few times, but between his nervousness and the loud clanging, no reply had escaped him until now.

"W-Why I'm still here? She didn't s-say I could leave. She specifically asked both of us to s-stay."

"Because I don't want to risk you ratting her out, and causing a pandemic. The less that knows she's here the better."

The Dragoness grumbled irritably, and turned towards the armored Zombie.

"Did you say something about wanting warmth before? Either I got soot in my ear, or you actually wanted to get fire stronger than what it takes to work with metal. I'm hoping it's soot, 'cause if not,t he answer is no. I'm an earth-specified Dragon. If you want the real heat, you'll need to find one of the fire ones. They should be easy enough to spot if you do. They like to live around volcanic sites and bathe in lava."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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“Of course, I don’t want anypony getting hurt because of me.” She pauses for a moment at what Stargazer last said. “Well, the ones I have seen, and the one I have cared for.” She points at Amanita slightly at the last part of her sentence, “They sure do like to get into danger, but one in particular, a.k.a. my adopted child, had a good reason, which was her disability. Not being able to see causes you to get in even more danger than others. And yes they are quite stubborn at times.” She chuckles slightly.

Amanita chimes in at this point. “But it gets boring when you’re waiting for someone to finish training!” She says this like a filly almost, a rather bored one at that, not much to do besides listen for her.

  • Brohoof 1

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria did not answer Benny at first, why she remained silent it wasn't clear, maybe she was thinking of a way to answer the question, not knowing whether she should give a real answer or not. She had deliberately pushed her mane into her face, hiding her expressions away from all but herself. She gave a deep sigh and finally spoke.

"I know you probably can't relate because you seem to be such a nice dragon, but I've just got this horrible feeling that I'm a bad person. Everyone think I'm unfeeling, rude and mean just because that's how I like to portray myself. What they don't realise is that it hurts to see ponies, or anyone really, react to my behaviour. The number of times I've made my sister cry either by being mean or just not letting her through to me, I can't even count. I hate to see her cry but I never comfort her, I just walk away. It never mattered to me that much, I live my life carefree and I never let my feelings show, but then I encountered your mother."

She turned to look at Benny now, her mane falling back revealing her running mascara as tears rolled from her eyes. She was crying, but not bawling, it was probably the most Victoria way of crying possible.

"I don't say that to be rude, I'm sure she was a good mother and you probably love her a lot, but seeing someone else act how I normally do makes it feel much more real, I now know exactly how everyone feels when I speak to them in my standoffish nature, it's one thing seeing it but another feeling it. I think for the first time I actually feel... regret."

She wiped her eyes with a hoof, leaving black make-up smeared across her fur.

"I probably could have kept up my previous appearance and just swallowed the pain, like I normally do, but then she made comments on motherhood. That's a sensitive subject for me, makes me think about if I ever will be a mother and if I am, will I be a good one? That's why I'm allowing my tears to flow, what kind of mother doesn't show her emotions? Of course letting myself cry has, as I was saying, let all my emotions lose and now I'm crying not just for my own sake but for the sake of everyone I've hurt."

Victoria seemed to have finally broken, the combination of Pop and Benny being kind to her, added to her future aspirations and the encounter with Jade had finally built up enough raw emotion inside the stubborn pony that she couldn't help but let it out.

"Maybe it's time I changed, it would be much easier to find a coltfriend if I did that. I'll still accept you and Pop's help of course, and I'm not going to sit here and change my personality, I still hate mess and I hate being told what to do and having my opinions warped by other ponies, that's real, but maybe I'll go about my daily life as someone who smiles and hugs and laughs. Then I can finally stop seeing that pain and doubting my ability to care."

She stopped walking and looked Benny right in his eyes, her own eyes a purple sea of tears shimmering in the sunlight. Before he knew what was happening the small pony had wrapped her hooves around him and squeezed him tight, her tears now rolled down his scales.


Sprinkles looked at Pop with a puzzled expression on her face.

"I'm just as surprised as you are... Nobody besides my mother has called me Cupcake, ever, not even Battenberg and she's my closest friend. I've never seen her this humble and complimentary either, she's normally so stuck up. Maybe we're finally getting a glimpse at the real Victoria, the creature inside the shell.

Her puzzlement grew further as she watched the previously cold mare hug the dragon, accepting his comfort and allowing her emotions to get the better of her.

"Wow, Benny seems to be good at understanding us ponies, never seen a pony want to hug another dragon, nor have I seen a dragon accept a hug like that. I'm not sure if we should be concerned about Victoria or not. I've never seen her like this before and it worries me but at the same time, maybe this is good for her? The more she lets her emotions out the nicer she'll allow herself to become. I think this version of Victoria has been trying to break free for a long time and you two have somehow figured out how to open the cage where others like me and even her own sister have failed."

The situation was very alien to Sprinkles, as nice as she'd tried to be to Victoria, despite her constant rejection, she hadn't much liked her mentor's sister, but now she could see that changing.  Maybe Victoria just needed an outside influence, besides Sprinkles and her mother Victoria didn't really interact with those who were not her own family.





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@Blitz Boom

She almost chuckled at Athriel's line, standing off the ground. "I've told him before I've had a crush on him, and despite all of this madness, it's still there." She said, with narrowing eyes. "Although it's as if you'd ever know what that is like."

Warlock rolled his eyes at the situation, starting to back away from the two. "Her sister betrayed her to love." The gem's smoke reacted harshly to that sentence, Warlock chuckling as he looked to it. "But refuses to reunite for it, do you want to follow a similar path?"

"I'd much prefer it, so I can go a life without a need for more." She started walking towards Warlock, who just stood there. "Unable to fill that hole that resides deeply inside me." She slid backwards, looking down as Warlock pushed her away with magic.

"Both of us are fully aware I lost a family, no need to remind me." He said with a growing frustration towards her.


Misty looked at Scarcity, shivering a little, trying her best to hide her fear. "I-I don't know what to say." She closed her eyes and sighed. "I keep losing them, we're separated so often now. I don't know why she even brings me along with the danger I get into." In her hooves Scarcity might notice a gem of sorts, which had been there for quite some time, it was a deep blue, almost glowing as Misty spoke, the gem was similar in color to the Element of Depression and while Misty might not clue into what it was, Scarcity might.


He looked away, Iron Wing knew of course that the pillars had saved Equestria many times, but his feathers were prepared to slice at Enzo if the situation went south, as every single one of them orrented forwards towards Enzo, ready to strike. Wing nodding as Dew spoke to him.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord smiled gently at Omen, "The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is a name in another language for a fish from another world. In Equish it would mean 'Reef Triggerfish', and it tends to be a territorial little hoof-biter" He said, conjuring up a more friendly version of the fish to swim around the air in a docile manner as an example.








Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Foxy was already halfway across the stream before Briar could finish asking if she needed help. "No thanks, I don't really mind it." Foxy didn't think much of it, as it wasn't the only time she had to cross a river, in fact, she knew how to do so quite well. While she could simply fly over, Foxy had a tendency to act more like an Earth pony, often ignoring her wings' purpose.


Sure enough, the area Briar mentioned was covered in plants, making it a tricky task to find the entrance. Foxy slowly put her right hoof of it and felt around for the entrance. It did take a minute, however it wasn't too bad to find. Moving the roots out of the way was another thing, however, and it tired her out. She waited for the others before going inside.

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

Bat pony? 10 years? It doesn't sound quite right but maybe it's because the siblings haven't had all the pieces fit in just yet. Some of it does sound intriguing though. The bat pony part might have some relation to the other name given to them. Silky Rose... probably someone familiar to Filigree but it would take more than just the mere association of race to pin anything more than just that to the events unfolding here. It is a coincidence but not one that would guarantee a lightbulb moment of realization because the explanation was nowhere near perfect. At least it's something to work with once their meeting commences, if Fiddler was on the other side.  

"Sound like you don't like this Fancy Filigree character," Sen replied. "What feels off about her?"

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14 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Nerzhei didn't answer the question, as she tried to keep her focus on the anvil she were attempting to create.

The constant clang of hard rock hammering against scorching metal filled the air, whilst small droplets of sweat tickled down the Dragoness's forehead. It would take a few more minutes of this, in which time she would mostly ignore them, before she considered herself done enough to stop spitting out fire and sink her arm heavily to the ground.

The form looked rather rough for what she were going to need it for, but by all intents and purposes, she had made a functional piece. She would let actual blacksmiths about making something that were also pretty.

She slumped down on the ground and leaned herself against the container, needing a break. Her arm still hurt from the pressure put on to it from the rocks, but she couldn't take it off right now, or she'd have to start all over with the assembly, and that was worse.

All the while this and the other work had gone on, Slappy had not replied to Blood. He had opened his muzzle a few times, but between his nervousness and the loud clanging, no reply had escaped him until now.

"W-Why I'm still here? She didn't s-say I could leave. She specifically asked both of us to s-stay."

"Because I don't want to risk you ratting her out, and causing a pandemic. The less that knows she's here the better."

The Dragoness grumbled irritably, and turned towards the armored Zombie.

"Did you say something about wanting warmth before? Either I got soot in my ear, or you actually wanted to get fire stronger than what it takes to work with metal. I'm hoping it's soot, 'cause if not,t he answer is no. I'm an earth-specified Dragon. If you want the real heat, you'll need to find one of the fire ones. They should be easy enough to spot if you do. They like to live around volcanic sites and bathe in lava."

Blood rubbed against the newly created anvil. It was very warm and it warmed her armour up nicely. She blinked at the naked dragon. "I said warm not melt me into a puddle or burn me to a crisp" I grumbled contuing to rub against the anvil making a loud scrapping sound.

 "Anyway being a dragon your going to be warmer then a pony. Since you can breath fire, so it got to be warm anyway. You can be my new fire warmer. Or heat bringer. Yes I like that more" I remarked

She frowned at Slappy, "yes no pandemic, you rat me out and you be the first I eat" I growled. Blood had enough troubles as it was then getting drawn into a witch hunt. Or zombie hunt for that matter.

Blood began to frown, the anvil was cooling down too much for her liking. Soon it would be cold and she would have to rub against something warm. Maybe the Nerzhei would be good for rubbing against






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