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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

To the ivory Earth Pony's credit, he hadn't quite managed to make it to the sports section in the paper he was ready.  He needed to make the paper last his whole shift after all.  Even if he did really want to read up on how well Manehatten fared against Las Pegasus in the Buck Ball game last night.  It was hard enough getting to work each morning without the threat of spoilers.  The bell to the front door rang, but he wanted to finish the paragraph he was reading before attending to the one's who came in.  If they didn't come in yelling and screaming, it most likely wasn't an emergency and a few more sentences couldn't hurt.  Well, not that he'd get to finish it before there was a loud slam of a hoof on the front desk and the sound of a rather grumpy feminine voice demanded his attention.  Lowering the corner of the paper again to see the two dark colored mares before him, the taller Earth Pony apologizing for her sister's attitude.

Folding up his news paper he calmly looked down at the elegant looking scroll sitting under the pegasi' hoof.  Perking an eyebrow as he noticed the seal upon the scroll that marked it as official and the real deal.  His attention turn back to the two mares in the lobby, trying to measure up how these two might have an official message from a Princess.  It really wasn't his place though.  The scroll itself was as real as he was.  With a face that was very difficult to read,  Steel Bash really fit that expected stereotype of the officer around the office that just didn't display emotion, he towered over the small pegasus at his desk.  "One moment, please..." he informed the pair in the most monotoned of voices.  Sliding off the chair that was too small for his large Earth Pony body, he collected the letter scroll and walked around the side of the desk and went into the back.  Stopping at Rising Dusk's cubicle out of sight of those in the lobby.  "Detective Dusk, you have visitors," he told the midnight blue stallion before delivering the royal letter.

Visitors already?  He'd barely been at work, not even having the time to get a cup of coffee from the break room.  Giving the letter a quick read.  The Princess herself as asking for his help?  And even acknowledged that his particular set of skills were necessary.  She was indeed very well informed.  Dusk had only met her once, when he was younger and had taken a trip with his parents to Canterlot for his sister's graduation from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.  The letter was real though and the detective was ready to take the case.  Rolling the scroll back up, he tucked it away in his desk before nodding to the larger stallion and coming out of his cubicle.

Following Bash out of his of the back and into the lobby.  The ivory Earth Pony wasted no time in returning to the small chair behind the desk and picking his newspaper back up to go back to reading.  Moving out from behind the double saloon style swinging doors, he walked into the lobby to find the two mares.  Rising Dusk didn't need to stare or gawk at the unique features of the mares, they were already burned into his mind the moment he saw them.  The false leg and eye of the Earth Pony, and the missing wing from the Pegasus.  Based on their similar appearance, it was easy for the detective to deduce they were probably siblings. 

"I'm Detective Rising Dusk.  How can I be of assistance?" he inquired, offering a welcoming smile.  The letter from the Princess had asked for his aid, but the two mares before him would likely need to fill in the details.

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On 10/24/2018 at 10:52 PM, Blitz Boom said:

@Emperor Blu Traincrown

"Thanks. And no worries, Center Zero's a pretty isolated place so not everypony knows about us."

Molotov stepped in and felt Carmen on his head stretch her legs and look around at the place in wonder. The spiderbot had barely seen a train yet, with the two of them mostly flying around unless it were a great distance they needed to travel, so seeing this many plastered around the walls were very interesting to her. As a machine, other constructs were always a curious thing that she wanted to see and try to interact with, though she knew that most of them didn't have a mind. Her trying to talk with the coffee machine back home had made Molotov teach her of her and her sisters uniqueness.

She looked down on Molotov, and let out a series of wirs and beeps, which made her creator raise a hoof to pet her fuzzy little head.

"Let's get him to know us before you start exploring, alright Carmen?

And lemonade sounds grand Blue, thanks."

Molotov would follow Blue and have a good glance around at the impressive collection of train pictures. He wasn't gonna judge the pony on being obsessed with his work, as that'd be the kettle calling the pot black, and quite honestly, he liked this look. Sure it might seem eccentric and crazy by some, but Molotov just saw a very dedicated worker who resolved his life around his favorite thing. He could understand a pony like that.

Once he had a glance around the room for a minute or two, using his magic to effortlessly adjust the smaller levers on his glass to zoom in on particularly interesting trains,  Molotov would get around to answering the big question that Blue had tossed his way.

"Eh, completed a test run with a new design for a mechanical leg yesterday that went pretty well, but I still have to figure out a neural connection that doesn't involve surgery. I swear, connecting metal and flesh can be a hassle sometimes.

Not much else the last few days with my sister running rampant, but you know, it's been a pretty productive time anyway.

Now, as to why I'm here to break you outta train-vana, I've come to deliver these, first and foremost."

Horn aglow, Molotov fetched a sealed file out of his saddle pack and floated it to the nearest table.

"Center Zero used to hold the best and the brightest scientists, researchers and inventors that wanted to work for the betterment of Equestria, but without all those noisy folks snooping into our business a d breaking our concentration.

So a few generations ago, they build a large town for science way out in the wildness up north, and started to get some real work done. We've been behind lots of research on everything from metal to biology, microbiology,  weapons, and yada yada. We had a lot of ground covered basically, and sometimes a few would take their projects out and present them, whilst most just sent out papers for publication if they felt like they really had something.

Few months ago, the town were attacked when I was out for a bit. No trace, no forced entry, but everypony were taken.

Emergency protocol are clear. In case the town suffers a calamitous loss of lives, any and all research done by the affected individuals are to be sent off to designated beings in the same field, or nearest match.

My great uncle Calamity Boom, was an engineer. Loved tinkering with engines in particular, and trying to find out the next big thing. He was working on something he called a *Repeat Usage Tank* but he never had a chance to finish his work before he were taken, and as per protocol, I'm here to deliver his papers to somepony that he thought were the best in the business. Ain't sure what caught his attention before, since I don't read much on trains,, but I'm starting to understand his inclusion of you as his fail-safe now."

If Blue would have a look, he'd see about twenty pages detailing a kind of engine that would recycle the intake of fuel to a gas, which would then be reused later on in said engine to ensure less waste and pollution, whilst providing a cheaper cost of running the thing.

It wasn't complete though. There were page up and down with attempted and failed concoctions of what said fuel would have to be, and some concerns about the stability of the core tank that had apparently been revised six times so far, as well as had numerous references to needing a special alloy to deal with the pressure, but the basis were there for somepony to perhaps one day finish it, or at least use some of the innovations that Calamity had made to eventually create something special. Could be years, could be never really, but the old stallion had been sure that if anypony could use anything that he made, it'd be Blue Trainsfeather, and Molotov wasn't gonna question his great uncle on who he picked, no matter the result.

Okay, if Blue burned them and spat in his face, they'd have words, but that seemed pretty unlikely.

"One lemonade comin' right up!" Blue happily stated as he flew ten inches above the ground on the way towards the kitchen. He always loved flying, and would fly as much as he could. two minutes later he would come back with two glasses full of lemonade.

When the explanation of Center Zero would come, Blue carefully listened and was now starting to understand why Molotov was here: his ponynapped uncle needed him, the most famous train inventor of Equestria, to finish his project of a pollution-free engine. As he got the book between his wings, he used feathers as fingertips to quickly have a review of the file, before reading it through later. And yes he saw all of these, which got him to think of something as he raised his emerald green eyes blankly to the roof while reflecting. "Hmm, your uncle sure has a visionnary idea, I like it and am sure I can think of something. There is one problem though, as sadly I'm no expert in creating fuel or anything like that. The engine would be similar to a Diesel one but would use a clean fuel if I get this straight. I'm sure your uncle's project will be fulfilled, cause he's sent you to the right pone! Just need to team up with somepony able to create the fuel my engine would need. Hey, I forgot to ask you what do you master. Anyway, wanna visit my lab? I'm actually am working on an engine running thanks to the energy of the sun itself." Blue smiled to Molotov and noticed the spider on his head. "Hey, is that your pet spider? Cute." 


Signature made by the Great @Kyoshi

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@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

"Calamity! Damnation! We're all... All... Whuh?"

A minute had turned to several for Berry, as she were unable to keep her composure by taking her hooves off her ears for more than a second or two without feeling her mind slipping again. Especially as the other voice sounded like it were very close now, though nopony or thing were in sight.

So she had spouted off some things to try and deafen it and see if Nada could be brought out of her state, since Berry couldn't exactly drag the siren anywhere, as even a runt siren were more beefy than a simple mare like her. Berry's voice had been spouted with worry and panic, about ready to go through and attempt escape, when the music stopped, and a large creature rose out of the river.

"Wait, there's two of you?"

She couldn't believe her eyes. Another siren, though this one wasn't hug-sized like Nada. This was a proper, big gal of a siren, of a size that made Berry wonder how in the world she were able to run through the river without being seen. Exactly how deep was that thing?

Well, either way, the singing had stopped, and it seemed like for the second time in a row, Berry had been wrong about a sound in the forest. Though in her defense, what were the odds of this happening? One siren was incredible enough to stumble upon, but two? In the same forest? The mind controlling device were more probable than that.

Still, it were happening, and the newcomer had greeted them. Might be a good idea to try and clean the air of all this awkwardness right about now.

"Uhm, well... Hi there. I'm Berry Swirl, this here's my friend Nada. Nice to meet you.

Sorry about the reception, but something was messing with my head and I was sure it was The Conspiracy's mind controlling devices. What're the odds it was a siren instead, right?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"Yeah, we might as well see what else could've been left behind."

Spicy led the charge into the next room, light's ablaze and wondering what perhaps they'd be able to find there. The first room had expensive perfume, the second a coffin full of treasure, and the third? Well... At a glance it looked pretty barren, that was for sure.

It had the same layout as the other side room they had been in, and much like that one, had been stripped down to the bare room.

The pegasus flew up, hoping to find more crevices with perfume perhaps, but there weren't any obvious holes in the wall or ceiling itself, which meant that if anything was in here, it were hidden in some way. Through magic or behind something with no obvious entrance to it likely.

"I ain't getting anything up here. You feeling something Ruby?"

(your choice if there's anything there, and what it would be)



@Rising Dusk

Null weren't too happy about the nonchalant way this earth pony did things. She didn't care much for his tone of voice, or *towering strong stallion* act in general either. This were important business, in a town that Null frankly wanted to burn down to the ground right now, and the reception to a bleating note from the princess herself, were about the same as if she had just told him that his popcorn were ready. Hay, she were pretty sure he would've cared more if it were that, as he'd then have a snack to his oh-ho-important business of reading his day away!

She might've voiced this too, if he hadn't gone out of the room to finally get hold of that Rising Dusk character they'd been sent to meet. Whoever that were, he better be worth the time, effort and aggravation that the trip here had caused.

When he finally did arrive, Null almost rolled her eyes. This was the guy? This? A simple unicorn were going to resolve the hassle that were the cursed items the two of them were wandering around with? Urgh, if the princess hadn't been so welcoming to the sisters, even when they were from Troy...

"H-Hello, I''m... Void, and this is m-my big sister, Null. The p-princess sent us."

"64 cursed items. That's the tally, and apparently, we're told that you of all ponies can fix this stuff permanently."

Null lead the word again a little after her sister were done speaking, as she tended to do most times. Laying out the cards so to speak and poking the saddlebag on her left side, she were waiting to see what sort of reaction that being told that there were that many cursed items stacked so closely were going to give. She expected the usual whining and panic that mainly came when anypony were talking about cursed items, but if this guy was really something, he'd react differently, surely. Hopefully not by being smug. She hated smug ponies.

"So what's it gonna be? You're actually what you've been talked up to be, or have this just been another waste of our time?"

"P-Please big sis, be n-nice. Equestria is a g-good place. You d-don't need to be w-worried about everypony h-here.

And uhm... S-Sir? The items are s-safe right now, so d-don't be alarmed. P-Please?"

Void really hoped that this pony was all he were set up to be. The two of them had spent so long trying to safeguard these things, and it got tiring to try and carry this burden constantly. Keeping others safe from the items were one thing, but with how much they had to run, it became testing to keep everything in tow, and they had lost several things they couldn't just go back for, mainly through needing to run for their lives, or when it were between using an item, or perishing. Hearing that they could finish this once and for all, were a relief for Void, though she understood Null's paranoia about this. Rising Dusk didn't seem like much , and as a unicorn, he'd soon find out about their anti-magic aura, that affected all magic within a hoof's width of them, and either made it fizzle out entirely, or if it were curse magic, simply nullified the effects until they left the field again.

Unicorns tended to react the worst to what the sisters could do, so when it would dawn for Rising Dusk... Well, things might go badly then. It tended to do so at least, even if Equestria were so far not as horrid against the sisters as most other countries they had fled through the past twenty years.

She hoped this meeting would be different too. Void really wanted for these items to be not just nullified, but actually cleansed, so that they didn't have to worry about them anymore. Hopefully Rising Dusk would be nice about things.



@EQ_Theta @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

The dracolisk was a little socially challenged for the time being, but to be fair, he were created as a wild animal, not a pet. He were self sufficient when it came to hunting, could defend himself easily, and generally didn't take too much space. The challenge really wouldn't be to take care of him, but to get him to care about others in general. Pringle were a start, but that were a lizard and lizard encounter. It were easier. Birds, bats, bears, etc. was going to be different.

Yet, Fluttershy was a resourceful mare who had handled many a being. This abomination upon reason that she had been gifted by Anomaly would just be a new kind of challenge, that her and Angel were going to handle sooner or later.

Lotus didn't think about that at all though, as they made their way through the forest. Though she had to jump quite a bit to keep up sometimes, the pink bunny wandered on her own, rather than being carried like Angel, so at times she got behind a little. The price of pride in this situation, and it wasn't as if something interrupted them on the way back to town, so things were fine.

She'd direct Fluttershy and Angel back to the castle, specifically to the entrance where Nerzhei had sat last she had been seen, yet now there was no one there. No ponies, no dragons, no nothing. Except for the living benches running on the lawn and bubble creatures in the air. So rather, there were no normal life present.

Lotus went over to the spot and gasped for air a little, before looking at the spot for a bit, then towards the open door. It were pretty obvious what had happened here, and doubly so when the hoofsteps outside were mingled in with a dragon print that were too large to belong to Spike.

"Inside. Come on!"

She signaled the others to follow her as she ran in, then stopped at the first point where a door popped out to the side, unsure of where to go next. Crystal didn't exactly leave good footsteps, and she wasn't a bloodhound. So what were she to do now?

As it turned out, whistling. Loudly, with both paws up to her mouth.

The crystal halls echoed with the large sound, as Lotus stood and looked around, ears up high and listening for anything that would indicate that she had been heard.

She heard the dragon about twenty seconds later, and ran towards the sound of the relatively light steps with the claws clacking on the floor.

Fluttershy and Angel would either see the bunny jump up into the waiting, outstretched palm of a dragon who had knelt down the second she saw her furry companion, or if they were slow, just the aftermath, where Lotus were raised up to the tired-looking dragons neck and held softly, whilst she in return nuzzled against the cheek of Nerzhei.

The dragon wasn't one of the more massive of their kind. She were only about the height of a tall human, and about the same build, albeit more muscular. Not that it would be easy to see, as she wore worn clothes that hid most of her body rather well.

Relateret billede

(Something like this. Best representation of the clothes I could find)

Nerzhei were clearly not at her best. The purple dragon with the random patterns of yellow dots here and there, seemed somewhat drained, and her right arm was wrapped in gauze and hung from a sling around her neck. Still, she were alive, and considering the smile on her scaly face, and how the myriad of small spikes that seemed like slick back air on her head stood up, she were happy to see her little companion again.

"There you were. I were starting to worry about you. Did everything go okay? What of the sphinx?"

She spoke to Lotus, though Fluttershy could feel free to interrupt, or Angel for that matter. She might not be able to understand most animals, but Nerzhei had been around a bunny enough to learn that somewhat well at least. It was just a matter of really listening, which most didn't care to spend the time on in her experience.




Omen gnawed her original ration after she were done eating the bag it came in, whilst Shrimp finished his mango and started sniffing around the new one to see if there was something good for him in there.

"So far, we only know what to stay away from, but beyond that were walking in blindly. That's why it's good to have one who can have a closer look without worrying about being taken under and run out of breath.

We need to weigh our options though, in case things aren't as good as we think.

For a start, if the golden statue is not inanimate, or we accidentally touch it, we need to be able to deal with it. Getting it away through either of your gates would be an option, but we would need a good place to let it away, going under the assumption that it could still move. Solid gold is not that easy to just take apart, but it can melt, so I would suggest a volcano. I can work as a decoy to lure it in, if a gate cannot appear beneath it, or it attempts to dodge.

The other issue might also be if the temple is flooded. It will be difficult moving the statue if we also drag in a good portion of the sea, and I for one am not going to be the one to flood Scarcity's store. I still value my life.

Is there any way that either of you could move the water, or if not that, know a safe place where seawater can just flood the area? Someplace where it won't ruin crops mind you. We could have it drip off there, then move it to Scarcity if needed be."

Rosa did indicate both Lin and Omen, but it was the former his eyes were on the most as he said this. Lin seemed to have the better gates, or portals, or whatever they wished to call them, as she didn't need to have the middle station of wherever Omen came from. Yet the question then came if she were up for this, and whatever or not she knew places where they could handle bad situations being dropped off.

The actual worst situation weren't brought up by him however, as Lin and Sen may notice. The option that perhaps the statue they were sent for, were either already taken, or broken. Something he had thought of, but didn't want to dwell on, as the consequences frankly frightened him. Not just because of the ire they'd get from Scarcity, but because it meant they wouldn't get evidence, and then... Filigree would go free.



@Emperor Blu Traincrown

"Great uncle Calamity loved to work on transportation devices. From small toys to full scale engines. If it could drive, he'd be game for trying to innovate on it. Whatever his design here is, I don't claim to get all about, but I figure that perhaps you can alter it to fit whatever fuel you have in mind? If not that, then sooner or later somepony will pop up with something. Who knows? Might be one of those I have to deliver papers to out there will know just the thing. Celestia knows that mom's papers would probably be it. She kept working on rockets to get out and see what was out in the great unknown. Never got the rocket made properly before... You know, but she did get rocket fuel made rather well."

Speaking of his mom made Molotov somewhat melancholic, as he missed her dearly, but he had resigned himself to thinking that everypony were probably dead by now. it had been two months without a trace of anypony but Blitz, and the reason she survived were simply because their mother in a last, desperate attempt, shoved the filly into her unfinished rocket and fired it away. A risky move, but it had worked. Though the rocket had crashed, Blitz survived, albeit with a severe memory loss. He had still not been able to make her remember anything about their old lives. It hurt, but at least she were alive. Her memory was secondary compared to that.

When the talk suddenly fell on his specialty though, as well as Carmen, Molotov's mind got clear of his worries and grief, and a big grin spread on his face.

"Carmen ain't just a spider."

He reached up, and the spider climbed on to his hoof, where she'd cling on as she were being put forth close enough for her metallic parts and faux fur to not be clear as day for Blue.

"She is my greatest accomplishment. A breakthrough in the fields of robotics, and not only because of how efficiently she moved, or how she is constructed. No, she is more than that. Carmen is a genuine Artificial Intelligence. Created life, with all the characteristics of a living being, and their individuality of thought.

It took me most of my life to perfect the code required for it, but just look at her, and think of what she represents. Not just a robot with a set programming to follow and never question, but a thinking being, capable of learning. It might not seem like much, yet I can assure you that this is one of the elusive high goals of robotics. Just imagine all the possibilities of creating fully functional artificial life, without the limitations of simple programs, and see for yourself what it could lead to. In your case, say... Trains with their own lives. They could drive themselves, repair as necessary, keep schedules better and adapt to multiple situations, rather than rely on somepony to give them instructions constantly."

Molotov felt and sounded as giggly as a filly on her first day of school speaking about this. He couldn't help himself though. Carmen were his pride and joy, and she sure looked pleased with herself as he gave the sales speech about her. She somewhat puffed her chest forward with a smile on her fanged mouth, and a strange, yet undeniable joy almost danced in her eyes.

"I'm also fond of solar powered energy and applying it with as magic-free connections as possible, so yeah, I'm totally game for seeing your solar engine. Perhaps if I saw one of those up close I could get a grip on how these things work, and see if something pops up in my head about the fuel. Who knows? Perhaps the solar design can work with the other engine if a grid to convert the solar into power in the first place gets integrated? That, or it'd melt, but that's what trial and error is for, right?"

Blue was a pony who liked his work, and were willing to show off his lab right off the bat like this? Now that was Molotov's kind of pony. The sort who got very stingy about showing off what they could were mostly just a bunch of irritating, snobbish folks, who he couldn't wait to get away from. Blue here were willing to show off his toys, long as Molotov didn't try to nick anything. Which were fair really. It was just common courtesy to not steal designs from one another. Getting inspired by and/or trading stuff were fine, but there was an unwritten code to go by when it came to this sort of thing.




At the sly smiles, highly vague response he got, CHow rose a hoof and pointed towards the side of his own muzzle, whilst looking at Iron.

"You got a bit of smug there on the side of your yap, Iron."

"Also, noticing there that you didn't address the book already knowing the true her, chief. Perhaps this page-turner already know how much pain she causes to stay alive, the body snatching, meddling with the Element of Deceit, and all that jazz. It ain't gonna be easy knowing what sorts evidence we're supposed to scrounge up to convince the book that she ain't good for it, if we don't have a clue what it already knows.

See, this is why I don't wander 'round libraries. Books ends up being more confusing than helpful more often than not."

Chow hadn't seen Astral magic'ing it up before, so she didn't have to worry about him getting in her grill about having to watch out, before the locals saw her and got their pitchforks.

As for Emerald, she were only now home again, carrying a flower and an open cut down her side that she had to take care of. Things had not gone as smoothly as she had hoped, but at least she had gotten what she came for. Now it were just to get patched up, then find out where everypony were, including Sapphire's new family. Considering one of her primary books were not here, she had to assume that Sapphire had failed finding them and handling this, so unless she showed up soon, with her book in tow, it were going to be hunting season.



@Lucid_Nightlight @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Storm Shine @BloodDrops

"10 bits says your kid is gonna have two heads."

This were a bet that Anomaly felt were likely enough to make, and Lucid seemed to like gambling for bits, so after she had been after him before, she now evened it out a little with something he liked. He had said he wanted her to be his best mare, so there had been a lot of pressure on the draconequus to come up with a nice thing. Perhaps this wasn't enough though? Hmm... What could she say...

"I'll promise to give each head their own vuvuzela, so that they can really start to get on the nerves of others. Nopony likes the sound of those things just blasting away. Or a horribly out of tune trumpet. Something fun for the kids, hehe."

Yeah, that outta do it. Gifting the future kids with objects of great annoyance, which also meant that she approved of their ideas of parenting. A compliment and a nice gesture done the draconequus way.

"Just drag me through to your world when the big day's there, okay? I'm not good with portals.

And yeah, Discord is here. He's just a cardboard cutout most of the time, so it looks like he's here, when he's off sneaky sneaky to think."

That miiight be a lie, and the lord of chaos were just really silent in it for some reason, but who cared about logic? They were chaos beings. Logic feared them, rather than explain them.

"Anyway, speed dating thing, nothing like I had thought. Been sure it were way more interesting, but okay, I can crash that kinda party once. If nothing else, it'd be fun to see the looks on their faces, hehe.

Thooooough, that Lone Star friend you talked about, who's he? Is he still single?"

The look that came over Anomaly's eyes at the last four words could best be described as predatory. Hopefully she weren't planning on literally hunting him and mounting his picture on her wall or something more gruesome, but nopony knew for sure. Including the author, who had a hard enough time stopping her from eating breezies as it were, much less read her mind.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops

"Discord is the weirdest draconequus and he has only one head... I think. So I bet 20 bits that the kiddie will have one head."

"But what if he ends up weirder than Discord?"

"That's impossible, Discord is too weird to surpass in that regard."

As for the Lone Star...

"Lone Star originally came from the human world, the one with Canterlot High. The thing is, I didn't meet him there, I met him in another universe, one where Equestria was messed up by spells that work similar to human nuclear weapons. He was stuck there for a week before he came across me and I got him out of there. He's in his mid-20's I think. He recently moved to this world for some reason. And yes, he's single. Just don't try to eat him or anything."


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@Moonlit@Blitz Boom

Nada didn't know the lyrics, but the tone was easy enough to follow, so she started singing the tone along the other siren, because it was better option than clashing it with totally different song. When the new siren rose from the river, Nada's mouth opened from a shock, a full grow siren, she didn't know what she excepted, but it wasn't this. It felt bit weird though because this siren was clearly lot younger than Nada, yet she was so many times bigger. Nada waited for Berry to introduce them before replying "Actually my full name is Nadanna Adratina, but like Berry here said, Nada is just fine." "I didn't expect there to be any other Sirens left....especially anyone...so young as you." she looked up to the bigger siren, wondering how she hadn't sensed or heard her before. "Nice to meet you?" her thoughts jumped from place to another, she hadn't actually prepared for meeting another siren.

@blitz boom

Ruby focused for a moment, but besides the band, things in her box and some broken glass here and there, she couldn't feel anything, "Nothing." she looked around the room, "One would think there would be even a tiny piece of something accidentally left behind because how tiny it is, but this room is wiped clean, I can only wonder what kind of stuff here was." Mostly she wondered where it was from, because it could be that all treasure once buried here were stolen from the dragon who's eye was now on her neck, it was kind of amusing actually, once a proud and probably strong dragon was now a fashion piece on a neck of an young and just as proud dragon....what a pathetic fate for a dragon.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Lucid_Nightlight


"Oh rats." Discord said in mock disappointment as he appeared next to the now card-board looking copy of himself as a few rats scurried away from.. somewhere, "And here I thought I had you all fooled." He stuck his tongue out at Anomaly playfully and a smaller version of him appeared on the end of his tongue as it unrolled like a red carpet, the mini-discord also sticking his tiny tongue out at her.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Serenade simple nods at Berry Swirl, the antics of some Ponies no longer faze her. I mean, she is friends with Ziggy, and she had a Pinkie Pie Party when she moved to Ponyville. She regards the Siren, then smiles "Moonlit Serenade....or Serenade is fine. And to answer your question"  She ducks down so only her head is visible "There are...some of us, surviving. Most in the deeps, but a few among Ponies"

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”I eat, I sleep, I build, I don’t really do much else. Oh, um, does making goggled with access to all of the archives in Canterlot about materials count?” Watts asked nervously, tapping the green-glassed and golden-framed goggles on top of her head.

@Blitz Boom


She wishes to get rid of me,” Atzy answered with a sigh. She has listened to Karmic rave on about it for a while but never really seemed to want to do anything about it.

@Blitz Boom


”Sirens, Queen Onache? They’re in the sea and rivers. There is absolutely no reason for them to be this far in land,” Aurora said in confusion.

@Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta, @BloodDrops, @Seamore Sandwich, @Storm Shine, @Lucid_Nightlight


Twilight sighed when the Sphinx didn’t answer so she hesitantly walked around to see how everypony else was doing. It appeared that a lot had happened in the time she had spoken alone with the Sphinx. She waved to Fluttershy and her companions when they left and so she decided to do the same and headed back to her castle in the wake of Fluttershy.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

It's a different kind of task talking about now. Redirecting water, and a lot of it to be specific. Where would that be? Probably need a large open area or some place the water could flood into like a reservoir or a deep well. The latter could probably work for moving an animate statue into but going by Rosa's explanation, it would be best to follow it instead of trying to improvise an alternative. Unfortunately, that is where Lin is stumped and in either case, Sen wouldn't be able to provide any options for both scenarios. 

"I might know of a place. While in exile, I remember seeing this ditch running along the side of a mountain. It circled it and it seemed to collect into an empty natural basin. The whole area around it is pretty much abandoned and untouched for years, remote if I may add. It's like nothing ever grew there and seemed like nothing will ever grow in that region. I could move the water there if we need to. Not sure about this thing you call a volcano? Or other hot places that fit your description. What is a volcano, if you don't mind me asking?"

Sen, however, had only some degree of forethought into the situation. He remembered hearing Lin's recap at Scarcity's store, what to do and not to do, just the things he knows he could do within the limitations. He knew not to touch the golden statue, just locate the one that has three figures of sirens on it. That's about all the information he could use, but what of the temple itself? What would he expect from it? If someone knew their what was inside meant a lot to collectors, whoever made the temple would want to keep it there. Traps and the like, and with Omen going in first, he's afraid she'd trip some old system set in place.

"We should consider the likelihood of traps being placed in and around the temple," Sen added as he walked up to the rest of the group. "If there is a chance someone didn't want anyone walking in for the statue, there's got to be a thing or two keeping outsiders from entering. Well, apart from the water, that is. I don't know, something's telling me whoever built that place doesn't want anyone getting in. Us included. We should be careful." 


@Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

A familiar sight was returning into view. Ponyville, less sand, more of the same old little town with another disaster averted. The way back home was a mostly uneventful trek with occasional stops to let Lotus catch up. Seems like everypony had just resumed daily routines the moment the first signs of normalcy was returning. Perhaps the animals back home were also getting back out to see the sun shine once more. But that wasn't the priority; besides bringing Lotus back to her dragon, there was still the meeting with Nerzhei and Fluttershy's anxiety was rising by the second. Every step back to the castle was slower and heavier, the anticipation getting the better of the pegasus. 

The way in and around the castle felt more like a walk through a haunted house like those seen on Nightmare Night. Fluttershy walked through the familiar halls and doors, following the pink bunny around until her eyes caught sight of the dragon in question. Admittedly, she might have been better off if Twilight were to give her a head's up when meeting injured visitors. A calming voice and a gentle hoof were what she knew she could best provide. Then again, with Anomaly and Lucid walking into her home to prank her, there probably was no way anyone could have predicted what could have happened when Nerzhei arrived in Ponyville. 

"Um... excuse me. N-Nerzhei? If I could answer that for you, the sphinx problem has been fixed." Fluttershy chimed in, slowly raising her voice until it was audible enough across the room. Though Angel would've slapped the pegasus on the back to make sure her tone was consistent, even he is a little intimidated by the dragon despite the gauze and sling. 

"There was an issue with the sphinx's crown. It was acting strangely, losing its shine and turning dark, and we had to help a changeling queen come to terms with her old way of life changing to spare Ponyville from being turned into a changeling hive's food."

Even after she finished speaking, Nerzhei's appearance was an intimidating one. Ember's likewise, presented an issue with ponies backing away given their unfortunate reputation amongst ponies. Except for Spike. Being born to and raised by ponies makes him more pony than dragon. Eventually, Ember seemed more comfortable walking around town and ponies don't seem to mind her mingling with the town folk and taking in the sights. Nerzhei? Fiuttershy will need to get used to the appearance but hopefully, their conversations will be just as civil and or casual just like with the other dragons she's met. It would be a bad idea to bring out the stare knowing she could be beat. 

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On 10/26/2018 at 10:38 PM, Blitz Boom said:

@Emperor Blu Traincrown

"Great uncle Calamity loved to work on transportation devices. From small toys to full scale engines. If it could drive, he'd be game for trying to innovate on it. Whatever his design here is, I don't claim to get all about, but I figure that perhaps you can alter it to fit whatever fuel you have in mind? If not that, then sooner or later somepony will pop up with something. Who knows? Might be one of those I have to deliver papers to out there will know just the thing. Celestia knows that mom's papers would probably be it. She kept working on rockets to get out and see what was out in the great unknown. Never got the rocket made properly before... You know, but she did get rocket fuel made rather well."

Speaking of his mom made Molotov somewhat melancholic, as he missed her dearly, but he had resigned himself to thinking that everypony were probably dead by now. it had been two months without a trace of anypony but Blitz, and the reason she survived were simply because their mother in a last, desperate attempt, shoved the filly into her unfinished rocket and fired it away. A risky move, but it had worked. Though the rocket had crashed, Blitz survived, albeit with a severe memory loss. He had still not been able to make her remember anything about their old lives. It hurt, but at least she were alive. Her memory was secondary compared to that.

When the talk suddenly fell on his specialty though, as well as Carmen, Molotov's mind got clear of his worries and grief, and a big grin spread on his face.

"Carmen ain't just a spider."

He reached up, and the spider climbed on to his hoof, where she'd cling on as she were being put forth close enough for her metallic parts and faux fur to not be clear as day for Blue.

"She is my greatest accomplishment. A breakthrough in the fields of robotics, and not only because of how efficiently she moved, or how she is constructed. No, she is more than that. Carmen is a genuine Artificial Intelligence. Created life, with all the characteristics of a living being, and their individuality of thought.

It took me most of my life to perfect the code required for it, but just look at her, and think of what she represents. Not just a robot with a set programming to follow and never question, but a thinking being, capable of learning. It might not seem like much, yet I can assure you that this is one of the elusive high goals of robotics. Just imagine all the possibilities of creating fully functional artificial life, without the limitations of simple programs, and see for yourself what it could lead to. In your case, say... Trains with their own lives. They could drive themselves, repair as necessary, keep schedules better and adapt to multiple situations, rather than rely on somepony to give them instructions constantly."

Molotov felt and sounded as giggly as a filly on her first day of school speaking about this. He couldn't help himself though. Carmen were his pride and joy, and she sure looked pleased with herself as he gave the sales speech about her. She somewhat puffed her chest forward with a smile on her fanged mouth, and a strange, yet undeniable joy almost danced in her eyes.

"I'm also fond of solar powered energy and applying it with as magic-free connections as possible, so yeah, I'm totally game for seeing your solar engine. Perhaps if I saw one of those up close I could get a grip on how these things work, and see if something pops up in my head about the fuel. Who knows? Perhaps the solar design can work with the other engine if a grid to convert the solar into power in the first place gets integrated? That, or it'd melt, but that's what trial and error is for, right?"

Blue was a pony who liked his work, and were willing to show off his lab right off the bat like this? Now that was Molotov's kind of pony. The sort who got very stingy about showing off what they could were mostly just a bunch of irritating, snobbish folks, who he couldn't wait to get away from. Blue here were willing to show off his toys, long as Molotov didn't try to nick anything. Which were fair really. It was just common courtesy to not steal designs from one another. Getting inspired by and/or trading stuff were fine, but there was an unwritten code to go by when it came to this sort of thing.

"Ah, now I see why I've been chosen to get his back. Like I said though, I'll make sure his project will see reality. I promise it." Blue said as he put his right hoof to his chest. If there was one quality to really notice within Blue, it was this particular one: determination. Blue always thought twice before promising something, and when he did, you could be sure that no matter what, his promise would be kept or really, REALLY close to be kept. This really was an important point in being a nice pony. When he saw Molotov start to go melancholic, a rather concern tone would appear on his blue face. Then he reached a hoof and gently stroked Molotov's arm, to try and make him cheer up. He stopped when the pony smiled again. 

"Not just a spider? What do you m-" Blue would shut his mouth while staring at Carmen with widened emerald green eyes as Molotov explained she was an Artificial Intelligence. In one word, he was amazed! He has never ever seen such a thing before, and really started to wish he could have a pal like her with him. It was his turn to go sad as a frown appeared on his head. He would never forget the day when both his parents and sister were sucked in a giant tornado when on holidays in Colsas while he preferred to stay here in Cloudsdale and work on his projects. On a brighter side, so to speak, he made the right choice not to go with them, as he sure enough would never have seen light of life again. But the thought of his family really stung him in the heart and resulted in him feeling lonely, very lonely in his house with no one to talk to. If it wasn't a special somepony, a roommate would've been awesome for the Pegasus. Everything would be accepted as long as it would keep him company.

But he drew a smile on his face again as Molotov spoke about Artificial Intelligence-equipped trains and gave him a smug glance. "Stop right there, bud. You're seducin' me!" He would joke with a chuckle and light blush as he poked the red stallion's shoulder.

"Settled then!" Blue grinned as Molotov agreed to visit his lab and proved himself being eager to know about the solar design. "Please follow me." He then started to walk towards a large door and pushed a button nearby. Then a ding would sound a few seconds later. Yes, Blue had an elevator, in his own home! It would do the second floor and a floor underneath the first. And that last one floor was the one Blue wanted to ge to. He walked in and looked at Molotov, waiting for him to enter the elevator cell so he could have the doors closed and them start descend towards his lab.


Signature made by the Great @Kyoshi

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@Blitz Boom

It had only been seventy two hours for the unicorn and he was already on to weird day number three.  Normally these things were nice enough to spread themselves out over at least a month's time.  With the occasional normal case to take from local law enforcement, of course.  First impressions were always important and it appears by that less than subtle eye roll from Null, that Rising Dusk wasn't what she was expecting.  Quickly taking mental notes on everything he heard and saw, everything from tone and body language.

The larger yet younger seemed timid, shy and displayed a sense of kindness.  The smaller sister on the other hoof, was far on the other end of the spectrum.  He was sure both had experiences in their lives that made them the way they are, but it wasn't any of his business at the time.  Things to perhaps be sorted out, in time.  Not that he'd be able to present any kind of words at this time that would be able to sway the unimpressed Null.  The mission they were on was soon brought to light though as Void talked about being sent by the Princess herself.  The conversation quickly being taken over by the smaller yet more aggressive Pegasus.  

Sixty Four cursed items were being carried in those saddle backs?  That made his eyebrow perk a bit.  Why had some many items been floating around Equestria in their care rather than being brought right to the attention of the O.M.I.  Well, some of that might be easily answered with how new it was in the grand scheme of things for their services.  The other might be the curious reason as to why these two were carrying so many cursed items and he couldn't sense any magic at all.  No weaves or presence of magic came from those saddle bags. 

One of three possibilities.  First, they were lying to the Detective and their saddle bags contained nothing but regular items.  Second, the saddle bags themselves contained a means to suppress the magic of the items.  Third, the ponies themselves possessed some sort of own unique abilities that suppressed the magic.  The first didn't seem as likely, as the letter from Princess Celetia seemed authentic with the appropriate seal to make it official.  The second could be more likely, yet even if the bags suppressed the bag, he'd be able to sense the suppression spell on the bag itself or at least the magic of the items seeping through the flap.  No, the most likely reason was that the two ponies themselves nullified the magic.  Which peaked Dusk's interest just as much as the items themselves considering neither of them were unicorns.  Fascinating.

It was probably long passed due that he speak again though, having defaulted to his usual state of just listening.  Nodding to the pair, especially toward Void who seemed the most worried about his reaction.  Considering he couldn't sense the power of the items, he believed her that it was quite safe.  "Well, ladies, if you'll follow me we'll head to my work station and see what you got there."  Turning about, he moved to the swinging doors and held one open for the two with his hoof.  Not using his magic for the theory of what he thought might happen if the two passed by him.  

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"A volcano is best described as a mountain with the top cracked open, revealing smoldering lava from the earth's core. Most volcanoes are inactive however, and some from what I've read, have become valleys wherein jungles now reside. There's more variations on this, but this is the gist of it, and most of what I know regardless. Geology was not my strongest class.

Regardless, the area you mention sound far better for the purpose, honestly. Salt water will not help growth, but if things are already dead there, it is not as if it will make things worse."

So they had a contingency plan now. That was good. For a time he had been worried that they may have to ask Omen to transport the water, which might cause them to get some issues with this *Mother* character he had heard a little about thus far. Not a creature you wanted to be on the wrong side of from what he could understand. Lin having a place for them to simply dump the water where it wouldn't react to anything, and potentially the statue too, as a large, empty area where it may roam free wasn't an issue, were by far the best solution in case something went wrong.

However, their worries were not yet over, as Sen then pointed out how the temple itself might be riddled with traps of some kind to keep things where they were. A valid point, considering the statue might hold some value, and it seemed somewhat odd that others had not attempted to get it, though there could be a few other reasons for that. Difficulty of moving and potential greed being their downfall, for example.

"It's a point well made, Sen. The ones who once used the place might well have done something more than simply place a golden statue.

...Perhaps we would do best in having Omen only look around the outside and check to see if the undercurrents are strong, then try to approach it ourselves and carefully poke around and throw some things to see if anything triggers. You were doing some good work with the improvised bolas's and such when we defeated Filigree, Sen. Perhaps I can ask you for your help when we get there, to make some decoy things to throw and roll through?"

It had been pretty good work from what he could recall. Everything he had put together had seemingly worked splendidly for the others as they had used it, even if not everything became necessary to use at the time. More things like those creations would be good here, and Sen's hunter training were effective in this endeavor, whilst Rosa could then look for other traps, and Lin and Omen could be ready to get them out of there, in case they accidentally activated something anyway. It was a rather good setup honestly, with specialists in varied categories able to help them succeed. They even had a *tank* so to speak, in Omen. He'd prefer that nopony got hurt on this trip, but if it were unavoidable that somepony would take a hit, Omen seemed resilient, and the fastest to open the gates. She'd be able to take or redirect something for the team. Especially if it were nerve gas of some kind. What it was with old temples and gas attacks, Rosa didn't know, but there were a definite theme over that sort of thing more often than he cared to think about.



@Dji @EQ_Theta @Seamore Sandwich

Nerzhei's gaze fell on Fluttershy as the mare started to speak. A nervous one for certain, though if she were that in general, or if it were the presence of the dragont hat did so, were hard to say. She had not been around ponies long enough to know for certain how most ponies reacted to the sight of her, though the general welcome so far had been mostly ignoring her and just wander in a circle away, or nervous glances. Nothing like this though. This mare seemed frightened, as if dragons had caused her great harm in some way. Not a far stretch of the imagination really. Most of Nerhei's more brutish kind were quite frankly jerks, who would antagonize anyone they saw as weaker just for the heck of it. Ponies in particular because of their two races spotted, yet surprisingly scarcely documented past. No one could remember the reason, they just knew that they disliked ponies, and that were then ingrained in their whelps, the whelps of that one, etc. It was a generational thing, which among dragons, meant that it lasted for several millennia. Likely to a point before the princesses, though she still needed evidence of that.

"So the sphinx is handled then? Along with a looming changeling threat? I know not how you and your companions handled that, but I owe you thanks. I believe everyone in this town, and the creatures in the forest, does too."

Lotus squeaked and chittered away after that, explaining some details that wasn't mentioned. Angel and Fluttershy would know well, as it were simply a recap of the important things, but Nerzhei needed to be in the loop, and what she heard were certainly surprising.

When the bunny were done, Nerzhei lowered herself and sat down, to better be in eyesight with the mare.  The dragons movements were stiff as she did this, and she had to support herself against the wall to get down smoothly, but you could see her try to hold back the pain this caused, as she kept her eyes on the mare who were apparently a much deeper character than Nerzhei had first thought, even if the recap she had been given were limited to the sight of someone who didn't know the mare well.

"It sounds like I have to offer more gratitude, for keeping an eye on Lotus, and making sure she was safe. As one with a bunny of your own, I doubt I need to explain how attached you can get to the critters after a while. And speaking of which-"

Her eyes landed on Angel, and scrutinized the bunny with a look in her eyes, as if she were studying a piece of art and didn't know whatever she liked it or not.

"...Dragon Land is a harsh place for the small and peaceful, and Lotus inevitably became a product of that. It made it impossible for her to fit in among others of her kind without scaring them. It pleases me to see that she have found someone she can relate to that isn't a predator, though I reserve final judgement until I see more myself. And no, that is not a threat."

It felt like she needed to add that last bit, for the sake of all three creatures who she spoke with. Angel who might feel targeted, Fluttershy who may find herself worried about her pet, and Lotus, whom Nerzhei knew were already sending her narrowed eyes, even though she should know better. Nerzhei would never hurt or hunt bunnies on principle, after getting Lotus. It felt wrong on quite a few levels.

And speaking of Lotus, the bunny had jumped up on her shoulder, and were now poking the dragon with her paw, whilst pointing towards Flutttershy.

"Fluttershy, was it? Lotus says you have something to ask me about."

Now came the time for Lotus to look towards Fluttershy with the same impatient look from earlier, waiting for her to make her move, or for Angel to poke at her about getting a move on. Strange how the two smallest creatures here had to push her along, yet in a way, it felt fitting to have animals be the ones to help Fluttershy for a change. Now it was just to see if she needed any actual help getting things out in the open, or if she had it in her to confront Nerzhei about it herself. Perhaps it helped with the dragon being more down to her level. Nerzhei at least found that towering over someone gave a certain authority, which were good at times, but made it troubling when trying to speak with someone else as it could also be rather intimidating. Good riddance that she wasn't one of the really big ones.




"I see why you're not getting along then. Your wishes does not leave much room for a compromise.

Perhaps you can still find some common ground, and think out a way for you both to live through things? I imagine neither of you wish for death, which is why she is being held down, is it not? You fear she will try to get rid of you, and leave you to die."

Well, this were getting somewhat interesting now at least. No quick solutions over two souls fighting over the same body, and a turmoil both on the inside and the outside, as they fought over a body that Atzy were likely aiming to change. Enzo wouldn't consider it amusing as such, but his bar for entertainment currently were starved enough to make him find it somewhat intriguing at least. They would see if it could raise his spirit enough to make him look less slumped down, but for now, he might as well roll with this, and see what may come from it.

"Have you thought of copying the vessel which you fight about? Or are you both set on being the owner of a unique body? And for Sha'thera's sake, calm yourselves. There won't be much of a vessel to fight over if you cause it distress and damage."

As a sphinx, he weren't one to call upon the leader of Equestria in his expression, but rather the famed goddess of the sphinx, who were said to have once descended upon the earth, and rose the sphinx from the barren sand to rule over all deserts before ascending once more, leaving them only the guidance of the book containing her eternal laws.

That were the story anyway, though Enzo had doubts about it quite frankly. 300 years of mostly praying for salvation for a being who apparently wrote that *True believers shall never be bound by chains eternal* had made him sour to the idea, and somewhat thought that it might just be a giant hoax, with the High Council just feeding this to their kind to keep them complacent. Sure he might be free now, but waiting out until someone came to steal the stone he were forced to guard were not exactly a prophecy come true.



@Emperor Blu Traincrown

"Seducing? Nah, sorry mate, I don't swing that way."

Molotov had no judgement towards ponies preferring somepony of their own gender, or even something of another species, but he just wanted to set the record straight before this became one of those weird theater plays where it all just turned into an hour of awkwardly missing the point. Better to just get it out in the open and avoid that comedy festival.

But hey, good on Blue to be openly going that way, unless he had meant scientifically? Bah, social norms and their wonky, intol- What the?

The inventor had suspected that when Blue went towards the door that they'd find a staircase, or perhaps that his working area was just in that room, but an elevator? That was just cool! Molotov hadn't seen one of these since that one time he got lost and ended up near that weird mining town he could never remember the name of. Coal... Something. Ridge perhaps? Who cared. The point were that they too had an elevator, but that were for dealing with carts upon carts of things they'd dug outta the ground. Inside a house though? Now this were something new, and frankly rather cool.

Blue didn't have to tell him twice to get on before Molotov stepped in and began looking around, the small levers on his glass changing around rapidly as he scoured every detail of the inside of this thing, and really soaking it all in.

"This right here is just cool. How many stories to you got working with since you need this? 5 or something? Hay, even if it's just a one-liner to the basement, this is still pretty sweet. Can't wait to see what else you got lying around.

Oh hey, while this get moving, I should try and explain something more about AI, since you seemed mighty interested in that. Mainly, that you can't make an AI to do exactly what you want it to.

See, starting out an AI is one thing. I have the raw model for it now, and can program it into a system with some general commands and files that allows for the creation to know of things that most of us picks up in school growing up. But when the personality starts forming, things get tricky. That's when the intelligence part starts taking over and the individuality begins showing.

Like, see Carmen here, right? She's a real sweetheart, and while she's curious and wants to learn more things, she stays nice constantly.

Now Felicia on the other hoof..."

Molotov cringed as the memory of a particularly nasty smack to the back of his head came into mind.

"I made her to guard my new workshop, and she is about the size of three full grown ponies to make sure she got some strength to her. I added the AI because I wanted her to think and be ready for any situation that weren't programmed into her, but her personality wasn't something I anticipated to grow as it did. She doesn't like where she is, and hates being kept there against her will, so she openly resents me. I've gotten some help from a third party to begin mending fences with her, and she's off her leash, but it's still a long way for us both to be on the same page.

I dunno why she turned out this way. I guess her task was too limiting and her hardware able to support far more intelligence than Carmen, so she might have ended up with way higher aspirations than I could have thought, but that's the risk in this. You create a life when you bestow intelligence upon a machine, and you can't guarantee that said life is even going to like you. It's like having a foal frankly. A highly intelligent - and in Felicia's case, very dangerous - foal.

Putting this sort in a train could be a living nightmare if it felt too limiting too, but would that ever be a concern? Would being able to see many places and interact with varied beings make it more fun? I have no idea. Frankly I'd like to tinker a small version up, get some more realistic wheels on it, and then power it up to see if it'd even work. Trains are less dexterous than my spiderbots after all, yet funnily enough, I can't make a train to save my life. It's the engine, you see? The darn engine! Always been an issue for me. I can make a battery that can support a machine to have basically endless, self-rechargeable power, and tinker together robots that can move like real animals, but I can't get a motor to work. Pretty weird, huh?"

Whilst Molotov rambled on, they might have already gotten to the lab, but he'd continue until he were done, whilst Carmen would remain mostly just stationary on his head and look around. When the talk fell on Felicia, she'd raise her front legs and make a happy sound - which sounded something like sandpapering a rusty iron rod - to show her support for her younger, but bigger sister, and otherwise just kept on with the starring.



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

"Well yeah there ain't too many left in Equestria. The ban hammer must've felt really close by after the three sisters got smacked out of our world. Makes total sense that most of the rest took a dive and migrated way out of here, to somewhere where they weren't in danger of being shoved through a portal to wherever.

I'm just amazed that there's anyone around ponies. I mean yeah, we have dragons, changelings, and yada yada going around, but sirens? Either you folks know how to work a disguise, or I need to reevaluate what I know about prejudice."

Berry couldn't see how they would hide though, but perhaps with the right suit and stilts, they could pretend to be dragons? Or water serpents of some kind? This was a tricky one to crack, but she were sure it was that, and not the prejudice thing. That stuff took a long time to get out of society, which the reformed changelings now integrating were finding out the hard way. Poor bugs honestly.

"Either way, it's amazing that there's two of you here. Who knows what sorta thing you can learn from one another? I can just see it now. Serenade going off on how times have changed and the fresh attitude you need for the hip times, with Nada talking endlessly about how it were back when she were young, and how the kids these days makes too much noise, heh."

She were pretty much setting herself up for a smack at this point, but she didn't care, it was a funny situation that just got more visual in her head after she had spouted it out. Besides, the sirens had to lead the serious topics here, since this was their moment, and that left somepony to handle easing the tension. A few jokes might do the trick, or again, give her a slap and a potential dip, with the latter perhaps being annoying considering the large hammer she carried with her, so she wriggled that one off her for now, just in case, before returning to grinning at the two sirens. What a strange day this were.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well, whatever it were, it's gone now. Yet they still left behind a coffin of jewels, and some bloke who apparently stole treasure from dragons, along with a stone tablet depicting it and a ton of Foul Dragon perfume. I figure that if I can find out who this guy were, some vengeful old lizard might be willing to spare a sliver of treasure for the satisfaction in owning an old thorn in the side, or I can get a tax break by donating it to a museum. Either way, a bit saved is a bit earned.

And hey, the perfume as I said, is worth at least a grand each, depending on the auction. Whatever the looters who came here earlier took it still left around twenty thousand bits or so worth of stuff, and it ain't even that heavy, so we can have it in the wagon. Alright, the stone is gonna suck, but we'll get it done, and ride off with a nice profit and some souvenirs for barely any work. Ain't this just the best?"

Spicy grinned towards Ruby, who seemed to have gone into thinking mode. Wondering what sort of profit they'd lost out on in this room exactly perhaps? Couldn't blame the mare, since it would've been nice getting that along too, but when you scrounged through already looted tombs, you had to take the scraps that life now and again gave you. And boy howdy had it been a feast of scraps this time 'round. Weren't any of them that'd leave here without feeling all nice and tingly, if not from the profits then from feeling the stream of bits going over 'em, if you were into that. Spicy preferred higher value bits personally when deals went down. Easier to move around than say, twenty thousand bits in singles.

"Don't worry 'bout what they got away with. We're still reaping the spoils, and we don't have to deal with fencing stolen dragon treasure. I never personally nicked anything from them, since I like not being a pile of ash, but I may or may not have helped offloading some things for a few beings here and there. Come on, let's get back to the coffin and scoop up some sparkling goods."



@Rising Dusk

How she hated when ponies just stood there and starred at them. Like they were some sort of freaks.

Null's eyes shot metaphorical ice towards Rising the more he just stood there and gawked in silence, feeling the increasing want to risk it and clock him out. The big guy were likely going to grab her after that, so she kept herself in check, but oh how she wanted to stop that stallion from starring like that, with those judging eyes...

Void knew how her sister felt, so she kept close to her and stood ready to try and grab hold in Null, in case the disabled pegasi attempted to lunge at the officer. She wouldn't lie and say that the silent starring didn't make her feel uneasy and extra worried, considering their past experiences, yet were it really them that made him react that way? Couldn't it just be the cursed items, or the fact that the two of them had just wandered in with those sort of things without an escort or special containers, like Equestria possibly did to avoid the bad effects of the items?

It were possible, and Void desperately wanted to think that Equestria were truly better where it mattered - that being the enforcers and rulers - so she were giving Rising some leeway and just waited to hear what he'd say.

She felt a droplet of sweat on her forehead trickle down and her heart beat faster for each passing second, but finally he responded, and not with anything violent. In fact he were acting pretty professionally about it, and even held the door for them. Nopony had ever done that for them before, and though it were about as little a thing as one could do for them, it still meant something for Void. Spending a lifetime getting beaten down by life and the last twenty also feeling next to no sympathy and kindness, all that Equestria had given them so far - patience and a home in Ponyville, citizenship by Celestia, and now a helping hoof from Rising - all hit quite a bit. She wasn't crying, like she had when Celestia had told them the good news, but there were a small shiver along her spine regardless.

Null would go through first, with Void following troop, though she briefly looked at Rising as she passed and uttered a low "T-Thank you..."

He might also feel the confirmation he needed to his theory about their abilities, if he stood close enough to either of them as they passed through, as the feeling of just being completely void of anything magical would hit like a brick wall. It was subtle honestly, and most unicorns only noticed it when they tried to use magic and couldn't, but Rising were well attuned to the magical flow of things, so he may have an easier time with that.

Once they were all through and on the way to Rising's office, Null took control of the conversation again, though at first when she opened her muzzle, her eyes locked with Void's, who begged her sister to be kind, though not through words. It were shining in her nervous, pleading eyes, and though Null loathed being nice to police of any kind, she pulled some of her prepared snark back. For Void's sake.

"If you care to know, the items aren't from Equestria. We took them from all over the world before even going to this country."

"W-We cancel the c-cursed items out. It's o-our curse... What t-took everything from u-us."

A tear fell from her eye as bad memories began to poke their ugly heads out in Void's mind, which Null responded to by promptly going over to lean up against her, and using her presence to comfort Void.

"Easy there, sis. We're away from Troy, and they're never going to take us again. I won't let them."

This might ring a bit of a strange bell to Rising, if he were up on his political history, as Troy were one of the countries that Equestria got along with the least, to a point where both parties refused to even acknowledge that the other existed. Baseline mostly were that the technological kingdom of Troy didn't like the monarchy, and thought that Celestia should be toppled from her self-imposed throne, whilst the vast kingdom of Equestria considered Troy to be unreasonable charlatans, who wanted nothing more than to destroy a governing system that had worked for millennia because it fitted their idea of progress. There were more to it than that, but those were the commonly known details.

If Rising wasn't into that sort of history though, he'd at least know where the two of them came from, and that they thought about it as fondly as one might from wrapping themselves in bacon and jumping into a cage of hungry dogs.

"So what's the deal here? We give you an item and you eat the curse or something? Un-spell it, or whatever you unicorns would call it?"

With Void calmer, Null were now taking her attention back to Rising, wanting to know what exactly were going to happen with the items they had with them. Unicorn said it was a magical solution, but these were curse items. Mostly old and nasty ones too. How'd a simple spell deal with that?



@EQ_Theta @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine

"I have seen a siren, float across a field with no water in sight just to find prey. I do not trust that they can't become desperate enough to search out here for an oasis to lure travelers to. Never underestimate those vile creatures, lest it be the last thing you ever do."

In a physical fight, a siren would destroy a changeling, with even the strongest queens having an issue one on one. As a hive, the chances were more in the changelings favor, but it were a constant battle between the two parties if they met. Especially as times had gone by, and ponies became better at defending themselves, leaving even less prey for them to fight over.

*sigh* And now she did not even need that prey. What now were her reason to wish harm upon the aquatic bards? Beyond the regular ingrained hatred she felt just by imagining one of them near her that were. Perhaps something to ponder later, when things were calmer around here.

"Equestria is not a welcome home for them though, so perhaps they will not thread these lands. Not if they know what is good for them in any case."

The look in Onache's eyes, and the tone of her voice, spoke rather clear words about her new form not meaning that she were without dark, merciless actions. It merely meant that she had let go off her grudges towards Thorax and his ilk, and opened herself to be a better queen for her future subjects. Protecting them from monsters were what a queen should be doing, and soon as the large, floating crystal was gone, she would be more than happy to do so upon the first aggressor that dared face her.

Meanwhile, over at the draconequui and pals, Anomaly listened intently to what Novia were saying about her human friend.

"So he's a human, but not like the author? That's weird... I love it! How do you think he'd feel about growing fur and another set of arms? A pair of new eyes perhaps? Humans in themselves looks kinda neat, but they're still too normal. A little switchy switchy, and presto! Much more fun. Plus, I can add some jellyfish into things and make him effectively immortal. Some real fun genes to use there, long as you don't use too many. I did that before and yikes, jelly bones I tell you. Jelly bones! Poor thing couldn't stand until I replaced them.

I wanna go and see him. Can I? Can I? When there's time of course, duh. I mean, I have lots of it too, but he's human, he doesn't live that long, right? A century or two perhaps? That's no time at all! I think? Short and long starts to get wonky after you turn 400.

Oh, and I am totally calling that bet Sen. 20 bits to whoever gets the right set of heads. 3 heads and above, nopony won, and you can brag about having part hydra in your lineage. There's a winner no matter what, hehehe."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@EQ_Theta @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Storm Shine @Blitz Boom

"Well, I'm pretty sure that you're not exactly Lone Star's type. He'll probably shoot you with a weird shooty thing. Though there is a guy by the name of Lumen Obscurum. The guy is quite a mystery."

"Yea, he's pretty weird. I once saw him throw a rock at a duck because a chicken ate his plant."

He looked at Pringle and back at Anomaly.

"Pringle says he bets he'll have no head, if he eats his crickets."

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Moonlit @Blitz Boom

To her usual manner, Nada didn't interrupt Berry, and though not necessary fitting for the situation, she found Berry's joke amusing, but if it that was because it was good joke, or because Nada hadn't heard a joke in millennia, that wasn't clear. After Berry had finished, Nada spoke "It's nice to meet you Serenade" she smiled, but soon became thoughtful "Berry did bring up a good question though..." "...How do they live among ponies?" "I know things have changed since I went hiding, but certainly they don't just let us live among them?" or that was what she was hoping at least, because losing millennia was bad enough, but if it came up that she had nothing to worry about for this whole time....

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@blitz boom

Ruby only half listened what Spicy was explaining through her thoughts, mostly the parts about how much they would gain, she didn't really care about the methods of which the gain was gained, she didn't see it as her problem, she was only here to do what she was told for a high price, and she didn't want to bother thinking about who to sell and what. Ruby broke out of her thoughts when Spicy started her last comment, and after she had finished, Ruby simply commented "Aright" as she followed Spicy, she seemed to have harder time to act natural now that she knew that Marley knew something, this of course wasn't a good thing, she needed to talk to Marley, she needed to know what he had figured out. After the failure to reply to Spicy, Ruby decided to start a new conversation to avoid getting suspicious in eyes of Spicy "You said you haven't personally taken anything from a dragon, so that got me curious, have you ever had the chance to steal from a dragon?" she was actually curious about that, but mostly to know if there was any competition nearby. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Astral's house was now visible as she stopped walking. Stepping closer and looking in through the window. "Of course you returned here." A cloud of cyan colored smoke formed together, Sapphire's form appearing out of it, her mane flowing as if in water as her eye glowed.

She jumped back at the sudden appearance, Astral almost falling backwards. "How-"

"Doesn't matter to you, what's more important is my sister needs that book of yours." Sapphire turned to look to Iron, who drew a sword. "And your the only one giving off it's magic." She walked over as an aura surrounded the book, pulling it from his grasp.

His magic held on, the book being caught in between them. "This doesn't have to be done, you know that right?"

Sapphire tugged her head back, ripping the book from his grasp. "I can achieve my goal of helping my sister without harming any of you, all I need is this book."



He chuckled to himself at her just listing things off that everypony did, seeing as he was asking for what he could help with, outside of her being able to read stuff from the Canterlot archives which not many were able to do. "Everypony does those things, it's not something I'd need to help with, seeing as that's all I need to do as well. I suppose I can see why you'd find more entertainment with what I might be up to with so little to do."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom 

A mountain with a cracked top and possessed the capability of changing the landscape? Hopefully there isn't one back home. There are a fair number of them dotting the landscape and one is close to the forest's outskirts. If they were looking for something or someplace hot enough to met a solid statue of gold, that kind of temperature harkened back to Lin's conversation with Omen, about fire and melting. A difficult and disturbing thing to imagine. And as for the desolate region, Lin wouldn't say anymore of it but it is a secret kept to herself. It is the same region she first discovered Malvernis, or where his influence was felt. That the whole region of around a mountain could be so devoid of life itself was a testament to what kind of powers Malvernis had. Rot and plague, nothing could grow and nothing can live in that place. Even the sun doesn't shine there, a land blanketed in perpetual darkness.

As for Sen, he had thought about gathering and building more tools for everyone to use. At the very least several stones would be useful to have around. Just toss them wherever there is a place likely to hide a trap. Although there is a concern that once a trap is sprung, it wouldn't reset to its original position and block any way forward. But there is always the benefit of opening a gate to move around those if sight lines are good. 

"I've got some spare packs with pebbles in it and about two bolas. Could use them to trip floor and wall traps. If you want, I could grab some long twigs lying around and make us something of them to poke around the temple. It keeps us far enough from a trap when it goes off, saves us time from tending to injuries. I think I can spare a bit of time right now if it means we'll be prepared and if I see something we could use along the way to the fishing village, I might just scrounge those up too."

Sen stood up and walked away for some time, going into the woods nearby and quickly returned carrying some rocks and long sticks in his pack. It wasn't much that it would hamper his movements but once all of it is fixed up and ready to use, the weight issue will be nonexistent. 

"I just need some rope to get everything ready." Sen sat down and began work on the long sticks, first sharpening the rocks he's grabbed into a pointed end. He turned to Omen looking concerned even well before they left their camp. 

"Are you alright with the plan, Omen? Will you be fine going up to the temple first?"


@Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

Being able to speak with Nerzhei right now in a civl manner, it got Fluttershy a little more confident. Still, it did sound somewhat wrong to tell the dragon she owed her for helping out with the sphinx and the looking after Lotus. Even so, the pink bunny gave her something to work with but perhaps it might be better to just go with the nicer approach. They were all getting acquainted and was no reason to ruin the civil atmosphere. It was worth a shot, if it needed to come to that. 

The pegasus gulped and stepped forward, looking as confident as she could towards Nerzhei. Or she did but took a step back before Angel hopped down and held the one leg she moved back. Fluttershy got the hint and proceeded forward.

"I... I wanted to ask if you could teach me to be more assertive. Lotus says you can help me do that without being a jerk about it." 


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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Serenade lets out a brief growl upon the mention of the three sisters, before coughing. She rolls her eyes at Berry's jokealmost as bad as Luna. "To answer your question, this is how" She reaches up and touches the jewel hanging around her neck, a flash of light and instead of a full-grown Siren....a water-logged Pegasus stands before them. "Courtesy of Princess Luna and Princess Sparkle"

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@Blitz Boom

Those icy stares Rising Dusk was receiving from Null didn't go unnoticed by the stallion.  It was understandable based on the little bits of information he'd gathered already about the two.  He probably stared a little too long, even if it was just his inquisitive mind working through a couple of things.  That wasn't the norm though it seemed with them, so appeared more as a gawk even if he didn't mean it to be so.  Actions were going to speak louder to them and it seemed this small gesture of opening the door, if not what they were use to, seemed to reach at least the taller Earth Pony.

When they passed through the swinging doors though, he was able to confirm his theory about what might happen when they came close to a unicorn.  It was a strange feeling to be sure.  While most unicorns might not notice it, but Rising Dusk was a lot more aware of the magic both around and inside him.  An emptiness wasn't the best way to put it he thought, no.  It was more as if somepony had put their hoof over his eyes to block out the light.  His magic was still there, just out of sight, tucked away in a closet as if hiding from a terror that would soon pass.  Being blinded might set in a degree of panic, but the event registered so quickly through his mind that he was able to quell it just as it had appeared.  As the two sisters passed him though, the feeling was gone and magic returned.  The only visible reaction the detective was able to produce from the experience was a couple of extra blinks.  Nodding with a smile to Void as she whispered a thank you.  Taking a note on the estimated range of their ability from the time Null walked by him and until Void was passed him.

Following after the sisters into the back of the agency, the midnight blue stallion remained quiet as he came up next to Null to lead them to their destination.  The conversation shifted to Troy and the fact these two sisters were carrying dangerous artifacts from outside of Equestria.  Using their unique ability to keep them suppressed and from harming anypony.  A noble act, if one was asking Rising Dusk.  "Oh?  Were you on a mission?" he inquired, curious as to why so many cursed items ended up coming to Equestria.  Letting the two sisters console each other for a moment as bad memories over took the younger one.  Dusk did know of Troy, although the information about the land was rather limited in the city's libraries.  This was the first time he'd ever met a pony from Troy, but considering the state the country seemed to leave these two in, he didn't feel he needed to inquire further about the place at the moment.

Directing the sisters to a staircase in the back corner of the main office that lead both to the basement and second floor.  Taking the ladies down the stairs and into the underground structure that O.M.I. used to do most their work on magical items.  The basement stretched out vastly further than the two story agency appeared from the outside, ten or so times the width of the building upstairs.  It really didn't look all that different from the rare book section of a library.  Dim lights revealed rows upon rows of shelves.  Some contained old tomes the agency used for research on ancient artifacts, while the rest held labeled boxes from past cases, disenchanted artifacts or labeled ones that were to be kept in the care of the O.M.I. yet contained their properties.  Through the middle of the basement were tables that officers and researches could use when pulling things off the shelves.  At the very back of the basement was a massive golden vault door, nearly ten ponies high and just a wide.  Set with the largest bolts and most complex of locks to keep it in place.  And while the sisters wouldn't be able to see it, equally as complex spell work put it behind more layers of magical barriers than Rising Dusk wished to count.

He guided the sisters over to one of the nearby tables so they could work.  Upon closer inspection, a pony would be able to see the deep grooves carved into the wood.  Magic circles built into the table to help minimize magical harm from items placed upon them.  Basic curses mostly, anything more complex would beat this barrier if the pony working it wasn't careful and highly trained.

"I'm not sure how delicious a curse would taste," he chuckled and invited the sisters to sit at one of the stools, if they wished.  Dusk took a seat on the stool at the head of the table before looking to the sisters.  "But let's take a look at something you have brought, and we'll see what we can do," he added with a smile.  He didn't want to disappoint the trust Princess Celestia apparently had in him, but making empty promises also wasn't anything he wanted to do.


Edited by Rising Dusk
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On 10/28/2018 at 7:16 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Seducing? Nah, sorry mate, I don't swing that way."

Molotov had no judgement towards ponies preferring somepony of their own gender, or even something of another species, but he just wanted to set the record straight before this became one of those weird theater plays where it all just turned into an hour of awkwardly missing the point. Better to just get it out in the open and avoid that comedy festival.

But hey, good on Blue to be openly going that way, unless he had meant scientifically? Bah, social norms and their wonky, intol- What the?

The inventor had suspected that when Blue went towards the door that they'd find a staircase, or perhaps that his working area was just in that room, but an elevator? That was just cool! Molotov hadn't seen one of these since that one time he got lost and ended up near that weird mining town he could never remember the name of. Coal... Something. Ridge perhaps? Who cared. The point were that they too had an elevator, but that were for dealing with carts upon carts of things they'd dug outta the ground. Inside a house though? Now this were something new, and frankly rather cool.

Blue didn't have to tell him twice to get on before Molotov stepped in and began looking around, the small levers on his glass changing around rapidly as he scoured every detail of the inside of this thing, and really soaking it all in.

"This right here is just cool. How many stories to you got working with since you need this? 5 or something? Hay, even if it's just a one-liner to the basement, this is still pretty sweet. Can't wait to see what else you got lying around.

Oh hey, while this get moving, I should try and explain something more about AI, since you seemed mighty interested in that. Mainly, that you can't make an AI to do exactly what you want it to.

See, starting out an AI is one thing. I have the raw model for it now, and can program it into a system with some general commands and files that allows for the creation to know of things that most of us picks up in school growing up. But when the personality starts forming, things get tricky. That's when the intelligence part starts taking over and the individuality begins showing.

Like, see Carmen here, right? She's a real sweetheart, and while she's curious and wants to learn more things, she stays nice constantly.

Now Felicia on the other hoof..."

Molotov cringed as the memory of a particularly nasty smack to the back of his head came into mind.

"I made her to guard my new workshop, and she is about the size of three full grown ponies to make sure she got some strength to her. I added the AI because I wanted her to think and be ready for any situation that weren't programmed into her, but her personality wasn't something I anticipated to grow as it did. She doesn't like where she is, and hates being kept there against her will, so she openly resents me. I've gotten some help from a third party to begin mending fences with her, and she's off her leash, but it's still a long way for us both to be on the same page.

I dunno why she turned out this way. I guess her task was too limiting and her hardware able to support far more intelligence than Carmen, so she might have ended up with way higher aspirations than I could have thought, but that's the risk in this. You create a life when you bestow intelligence upon a machine, and you can't guarantee that said life is even going to like you. It's like having a foal frankly. A highly intelligent - and in Felicia's case, very dangerous - foal.

Putting this sort in a train could be a living nightmare if it felt too limiting too, but would that ever be a concern? Would being able to see many places and interact with varied beings make it more fun? I have no idea. Frankly I'd like to tinker a small version up, get some more realistic wheels on it, and then power it up to see if it'd even work. Trains are less dexterous than my spiderbots after all, yet funnily enough, I can't make a train to save my life. It's the engine, you see? The darn engine! Always been an issue for me. I can make a battery that can support a machine to have basically endless, self-rechargeable power, and tinker together robots that can move like real animals, but I can't get a motor to work. Pretty weird, huh?"

Whilst Molotov rambled on, they might have already gotten to the lab, but he'd continue until he were done, whilst Carmen would remain mostly just stationary on his head and look around. When the talk fell on Felicia, she'd raise her front legs and make a happy sound - which sounded something like sandpapering a rusty iron rod - to show her support for her younger, but bigger sister, and otherwise just kept on with the starring.

"That's okay, not all ponies need to go open on that and I respect your direction. Was joking though because..." Blue interrupted himself and covered his mouth using a wing. He was really close to revealing he crushed on somepony, who would be his Unicorn childhood friend, Mechanical Spark. Yes, this Pegasus stallion was into stallions, that is true. But it didn't really matter here, as he had to focus on his project, meaning his work. 

When both were in the descending elevator and as Molotov wanted to know what was an elevator operating here for, Blue replied with "Well it's easier for me to bring the stuff I bought into my lab with an elevator than stairs. Not to mention I usually transport them thanks to a cart. Have you ever tried to pull or push a cart up or down the stairs without damaging the stuff on it? I have, and boy I swore never to try it again. That's why I requested an elevator to be built at my home. There's still a staircase though, in case the elevator eventually needs some maintenance or has technical difficulties."

While Molotov kept rambling and Blue listening to him, the elevator stopped with a significative ding sound. Here they were, under Blue's house. The doors opened on a short corridor made out of steel and finishing on another door made out of concrete. Blue stepped out of the elevator and walked to a biometrical hoof recognizer next to his lab door and put his right hoof on it. That done the device scrolled a scan all the way down under the Pegasus's hoof to analyse it, resulting in a light sound and a green correct icon appearing on said recognizer. Right after the concrete doors opened to a giant room. There was the lab of the most famous train inventor of all Equestria, right before Molotov's eyes! The room was big, and separated in three sections: The left part of the Lab would be for the motor and electronic parts. The middle part was reserved for the chassis and mechanical pieces like bogeys, wheels and such. And finally the right part would rather be destined to the locomotive's cab features. The three combined would form a new train, ready for its tests and if these were succesful, that train would be ready to be sold and to enter service. To Blue's eyes, it was that simple.


Signature made by the Great @Kyoshi

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@Rising Dusk

10 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Following after the sisters into the back of the agency, the midnight blue stallion remained quiet as he came up next to Null to lead them to their destination.  The conversation shifted to Troy and the fact these two sisters were carrying dangerous artifacts from outside of Equestria.  Using their unique ability to keep them suppressed and from harming anypony.  A noble act, if one was asking Rising Dusk.  "Oh?  Were you on a mission?" he inquired, curious as to why so many cursed items ended up coming to Equestria.

"It's just dangerous junk that we took to keep ourselves safe on the road. What, you think anywhere is safe for somepony who can do what we can? Huh? You think that everywhere else, somepony can just waltz through, stop magic, and nothing comes from it? No persecution, and nopony who just wants to take advantage of you? The world isn't that cozy and kind. It's a cesspool of hatred and bigotry."

It weren't the entire story, as sometimes, the two had actually taken something to help, or were given it by beings who were suffering greatly under the curse that were in their midst, but it still ended the same. Them being chased out, or at best given a head start as the weakest sort of *thank you* for saving whoever then pointed weapons at them, which made Null no less bitter and resentful about everything that had gone on in the last twenty years.

The few times they had met some friendly places where they thought things might change, it had almost always just been a trap too, or the ones who helped them would end up taking the eternal rest a little too early. Equestria had so far been openly helpful, but it had only been a few days, and Null still didn't trust that in some way, this was all an elaborate ruse. She were giving some leeway because of the princess though. Celestia had been told what the two of them could do, but she had simply wandered over close to them, and talked within a space where she could do nothing, and with a kindness in her eyes that the sisters hadn't seen in the eyes of anypony but their parents.

Her presence had even calmed Void a good deal, which carried considerable weight with Null, yet for all the princess's kindness and action taken to ensure they had a place in Equestria, the paranoia were still there, as well as her general hate for the population at large. Might be they weren't being openly attacked or dragged to jail here, but the judgmental comments and looks were all the same.

So far, Rising had not done something that were making Null distrust him more than anypony else she first met, but as they approached what she'd assume were the *de-cursing area* she tensed up, expecting there to be some kind of trap lurking somewhere in the shadows.

Void instead, were more focused on the area they wandered through, rather than thinking about what Rising may or may not end up doing to them. She wanted to think the best of Equestria, and he had not been anything but civil to them thus far - except for the starring, yet that might not have to be because of the ponies themselves - so all the negative thoughts were being pushed back as much as she could, though it were being tested when they were following Rising downstairs. Something about underground areas just spelled trouble more often than not.

There were a lot of things on shelves here. Boxes and files of things that she had no idea about, but might relate to the work that this particular branch of police were dealing with. If they had done so many, many things, perhaps these items wouldn't be an issue for them? Well... The coin might, but she were going to keep that one hidden for now. Nothing good had ever come from that thing, and likely never would, though she'd wish that it might also end up on the shelves, labelled and powerless. That would be a nice fate for one of the most evil things they had encountered in their travels, rather than just have it be locked up in her false leg.

something else soon came into view too, which made both siblings wide-eyed. A large, golden door with mechanics to it that they hadn't seen before, and considering how far around they had been, that were saying something.

It were somewhat mesmerizing, but they didn't go anywhere near it, since they both had some kind of idea what it was for, and them meddling around with it were not exactly going to help their new-found placement in the country.

10 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

He guided the sisters over to one of the nearby tables so they could work.  Upon closer inspection, a pony would be able to see the deep grooves carved into the wood.  Magic circles built into the table to help minimize magical harm from items placed upon them.  Basic curses mostly, anything more complex would beat this barrier if the pony working it wasn't careful and highly trained.

"I'm not sure how delicious a curse would taste," he chuckled and invited the sisters to sit at one of the stools, if they wished.  Dusk took a seat on the stool at the head of the table before looking to the sisters.  "But let's take a look at something you have brought, and we'll see what we can do," he added with a smile.  He didn't want to disappoint the trust Princess Celestia apparently had in him, but making empty promises also wasn't anything he wanted to do.

Once they were seated at the table, the sisters looked between one another in silence, trying to figure out who was going first, which surprisingly ended up being Void, who pulled back to the saddlebag on her left, and pulled out something covered in thick cloth. She didn't give it to the officer though, but instead put it down next to her, before rummaging taking her hoof back again.

"S-Sorry, but that's u-uhm... My weapon. I'd l-like to keep that, p-please."

Finding something from the top of the pile, Void pulled it into view, and revealed what seemed like as harmless a thing as possible: A plush doll of a grey bear cub.

She placed it on the table, but didn't take her hoof away from the worn item, as she braced herself to try and explain what the deal with this were.

"W-We got this in Harrowmark. It looks nice, b-but it compels you to touch it a-and when you do, it p-paralyses you and e-eats you alive. It's uhm... N-Not one of the most d-dangerous things we have, b-but I want to s-see if you can d-deal with this first. I-Is that okay?"

Harrowmark had a lot of disturbing things and items within the farming country, and many of what Equestria would simply define as witches, or heretics, so the two hadn't exactly been able to rest soundly for the three weeks they managed to keep mostly to themselves in the small country, before they had to make a run for it again. They still had several items from that place too in fact, which were one of the larger reasons why they had been chased with pitchforks in the first place. The witches didn't like having neutralizing forces meddle with their local areas, or complicate matters with the varied forest gods and such that they worshiped.

This bear had been one of the last things they had found before crossing the border, and Void wouldn't lie and say that they had never used this in self defense, yet it would be good to have that part of it erased, and reduced to simply a foals toy.



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit

"Hey, cool. How's it hanging, soggy?"

Berry got closer to Serenade who were now a good deal less terrifying, and had a real good, close look at the kinda familiar mare. She'd ask more into it, but something told her that this was one of those *hush hush* situations that she were actually meant to keep hidden from others, so she kept it down for now, and just wandered around to see if there was any trace on Serenade that she were a siren in disguise.

"Man, if I hadn't seen you change up like that, I wouldn't have believed you were one of them huge sirens. This is really impressive. And you said that Princess Luna and Twilight was in on it too?"

Doing a full 180, Berry ended up facing Nada with a huge grin on her face, and jumped in place from pure joy over what this meant for her new friend.

"I know it might be a little early to pull out the party hats, but this here's great news! We can get you a disguise if needed, and you can hang around ponies like it was nothing too, without having to worry about the princesses going bonkers over you. If Luna and Twilight is in on it, that's a solid 2 outta 3 of the main players in Equestria, and if Serenade here's able to hang out around us small stuff with their permission, I bet we can cut you a deal too."

Flipping on the spot again, Berry nearly stumbled over herself this time, but managed to keep her footing before she crashed into Serenade by accident.

"You'll put in a good word for her, right? Nada's a real peach that wouldn't hurt anypony, scouts honor. And come on, wouldn't it be nice to have somepony around these parts that you can really talk with?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Ruby had hit a good topic to distract Spicy from the topic at hoof, though the pony hadn't really thought about asking Ruby why she didn't respond more to things. So far she had seemed like the sort who preferred to talk as little as possible, and weren't too impressed with bragging. Only Marley seemed to really get her going, and that was more because of their semi-friendly insults to one another, and the constant poking at one another. The griffon tended to have that effect on others that liked to battle wits, so it hadn't really been something weird in Spicy's eyes.

Besides, they had hit a jackpot today, and Ruby might be thinking about what to use her ill-gotten gains for. Sure that had to be more interesting than listening to the poker mare rambling on, at least for some beings.

"I've had four chances to steal dragon treasure, and seven of actually just taking it because I were owed it. Believe me, ponies and griffons aren't the only ones who likes to gamble, and some dragons are just so easy to read it makes playing against them more like stealing candy from a foal.

But, they get all sorts of irritating to deal with soon as the time comes to pay up, and they have to let loose some of their goods, so I tend to make some other deals with 'em to compensate me. You'd be surprised how many favors I have to call on out and about from that sort of arrangement.

As for actually nicking their stuff, It's been possible, and I've sure been tempted, but I've seen what happens to those who gets frisky with dragon hoards, and I'm not high enough up the food chain to get away with this sorta thing. I'm also not dumb enough to try it. Seriously, some of those lizard folks are fifty times my size or more, and carries grudges for generations. Who's dumb enough to mess with that without having some serious game themselves?"

Well, She did, but that mare also had a good deal of said game to work with. Might be she'd lose in a physical fight, but that wasn't her path either. Frankly what were, Spicy didn't know, but she had seen the aftermath of some of it, and it was rather pretty. And with that she meant that it was spotless, and seemed like whoever had gotten on her bad side had simply been swiped off the face of Equestria.

"Anyway, let's get to work and get this stuff topside. We'll find a drawer for it by then."

During the talking, they would've found themselves at the coffin once more, and Spicy for one would start loading up on what was in there, and just make it fit where she could, including on her wings if needed, so they didn't need to go too many times. She'd come back for the urn later.




Awh nuts, seemed like they weren't out of the woods yet, no pun intended.

Once they had gotten to the house, things had seemed fine enough at first, until Sapphire of all ponies suddenly stood there, and had a tug war with Iron about the book. Chow had drawn his spearhead at that point and gotten closer to Astral, but he was confused as to what to do here. If it were really Sapphire, or her ghost or whatever, Astral would never forgive him if he actually managed to hurt her, but if it weren't, and this was just some trick for Emerald to get the book back, this was going to end up worse... Darn it he missed the good old times of *That's a charging boar, stab it before it stabs you*. Simple times that were.

"Why? What exactly are you two gonna do with this book? Because I've had Emerald in my head for years now, and I for sure know that there ain't a good action that comes outta that parasite. You come clear with us right now, or we ain't the ones in danger of being hurt."

Yeah yeah, he knew, *Element of Deceit* and all that, but what else was he gonna do? Tickle her until truth spilled out? Best bet were to let Astral and Iron evaluate whatever anything Sapphire said were good enough, or if it were a complete load of rotten tomatoes, then potentially go get her after that. Sure she might run, but they'd just find 'em later then. Iron had done so already, and probably could so again.




Sen's resourcefulness were showing quickly again, as he laid out a plan for a few simple, yet effective tools to test things for them, and then quickly gathered the materials for it. He'd still need rope, but they were in luck there. The rope that Lin and Rosa had used were not cut or destroyed in any other way when they had been in the swamp, so they had some material to work with there. They'd just need to unfold it.

On 10/29/2018 at 6:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"I just need some rope to get everything ready." Sen sat down and began work on the long sticks, first sharpening the rocks he's grabbed into a pointed end. He turned to Omen looking concerned even well before they left their camp. 

"Are you alright with the plan, Omen? Will you be fine going up to the temple first?"

"I left the rope over near your tent. Unless somepony's moved it, it should be there and ready for use, Sen."

There was a certain delightful simplicity in the way that Sen did his things that were almost captivating at times. In spy training, they had learned to improvise, and do what they could with what they had at hoof if their own tools couldn't do the trick, but simple hunter methods like this wasn't among the lessons. They would've been told to crush something with the rocks, sharpen the stick to use it as a weapon, and the rope to... Well, less than nice things, if the situation arose. This here were more intricate in a way. Perhaps it was Sen's hunter training that did it, though Rosa would have to ask about that at another time. They had other things to deal with right now, and the longma were addressing Omen, which the bat pony saw as his cue to go over and help pack the tent down so they could get going that much sooner.

On 10/29/2018 at 6:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Are you alright with the plan, Omen? Will you be fine going up to the temple first?"


Omen had yet to really meet anything in her life that would require her to really fear it, and going to a temple with traps didn't sound like a problem. At least not considering past experiences.

"Master Discord liked traps. Sometimes I walked into them. Are the temple traps also magic that does weird things?"

It were likely the only thing that could really do something against Omen, as for example if a boulder went her way, she'd just remove it through a gate, whereas magic could hit her before she could react, and put her in some sort of stasis, or turn her yellow, or something else. Discord had many things he could and did do that Omen accidentally stumbled into, so her idea of how a trap worked were less in the realm of severely injuring somepony, and more towards making you itch for a week, or make you able to smell nothing but sauerkraut for the rest of the evening.



@EQ_Theta @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

The dragon followed every move the mare did, and how the bunny more or less had to work as her external spine for a moment. A strange relationship between them, but it seemed somehow fitting for the overly timid mare. Somewhat sad though, as at least in Nerzhei's experience, beings that were too kind of nature were easy to take advantage of, and as this mare had kept an eye on Lotus, it felt somewhat wrong that it would likely be so easy to use Fluttershy as a doormat.

The question that she were then asked though, surprised Nerzhei. Certainly this mare could use a reinforcement of her spine, but to ask a dragon about it? Their kind were not known for carrying their pride without being massive jerks about it as well, so that she had been asked this rather than one of the more strong-willed ponies were a surprise. A welcome one though, as Nerzhei liked to think herself better than her brutish kin usually were, and this felt like somewhat of an external confirmation about that. One likely brought on by Lotus though, yet that were a minor details that were hardly worth bringing up for discussion.

"I won't lie and say that you couldn't use it. However if I wish to do so is another thing. My research takes up much of my time normally, and this library holds many a tome which I'd like to read through."

A fluffy foot struck her face from Lotus, who started to go off about how she could leave the paperwork for another day, along with some... Colorful phrases that were best not repeated in polite conversation.

"I didn't say that I wouldn't do it, Lotus. I said it normally took much of my time, but I feel like I owe you, Fluttershy, to at least make an attempt at helping you, for your assistance in keeping my friend safe.

Yet, I am a researcher by nature, and I need details to work from. I have seen your usual timidness and nervousness, likely brought up somewhat by being near me. Now I want to see how far in the other direction you would go, as it sounded like you know well how to stand up for yourself, but have an attitude problem along with it. So then, when I confront you in a more stereotypical way in a moment, tell me off in the way you would, if you add the attitude you don't want to have tagged along."

Nerzhei leaned forward and started to sneer at the mare. Her eyes were narrowed and the look within spoke of unkind thoughts, supported by the cold tone the voice took on as Nerzhei applied her experiment.

"What was that? How about you go ahead and say that to my face, little pony."

It were an exaggeration as well really, and an act that the dragon usually only used around others of her kind, as force tended to be the only way those fools understood anything. Hopefully the mare would understand so too, and show her assertive, yet likely rude side, as otherwise Nerzhei would have to sent Lotus after her with an apology, and then try to attack this from another angle.



@Lucid_Nightlight @BloodDrops @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji

"How's that weird? A chicken took something from him, so poultry had to pay. That's the most sane thing I've heard all day. I frankly hope he hit the duck."

What made them so sure that the guy they mentioned weren't all there, when what he did made perfect sense. At least along the lines of a typical draconequus way of thinking. Perhaps it was weird for a pony or assorted others that looked like them, but those beings were boring, so who cared what they thought about that?

"What more ca you tell me about this Lumen Obscurum? He sounds five times more interesting than just some human who'd shoot me on sight. Sure it'd be fun a few times, but bullets makes a huge mess, and you could hit somepony behind me. No good having a straight through hit somepony that wasn't part of the fun.

And you can tell Pringle that he's on too. This time, I'm gonna be the one who wins a bet over him, you just wait and see."



@Emperor Blu Traincrown

1 hour ago, Emperor Blu Traincrown said:

When both were in the descending elevator and as Molotov wanted to know what was an elevator operating here for, Blue replied with "Well it's easier for me to bring the stuff I bought into my lab with an elevator than stairs. Not to mention I usually transport them thanks to a cart. Have you ever tried to pull or push a cart up or down the stairs without damaging the stuff on it? I have, and boy I swore never to try it again. That's why I requested an elevator to be built at my home. There's still a staircase though, in case the elevator eventually needs some maintenance or has technical difficulties."

"You just need to add some feet and locomotion to your carts. It's pretty easy, long as you set some sensors up here and there. I'll show you how to set it up later if ya want, so you can take advantage of all the passage ways."

It wasn't that Molotov were uninterested in what were shown in the lab entrance in front of him. Not in the slightest. In fact, the touch pad alone had him wandering up and taking a closer look. It was just that this were a small issue in Molotov's eyes that he knew a solution to, and he loved solutions to problems. It were the sort of thing inventors did after all. Solving issues that others hadn't figured out yet, and he could wait a few seconds to go down that route before going straight into the lab itself.

And boy howdy did he want to do that as he saw the door slide open - he had got to try and get the details on this scanner for his own workshop - and revealed a glorious space that any inventor worth his screwdrivers would be thrilled to work in.

And yes, that was a plural of screwdriver, as in his family, you weren't an inventor unless you had at least six, and that was just in the starting kit. Personally, Molotov had fourteen, not counting the ones in his travel kit. Mainly because they were duplicates, and everything else were for each their own situation.

"Now This is what I'm talking about! Oh, I have got to check out that chassis area."

Unless some kind of security system would stop him. Molotov would wander straight ahead and check out the area where the outer shell got put together. The engine was sure something he wanted to have a look at as well, no doubt about it, but a machine was only as good as it's chassis, and he wanted to see what sort of materials this guy were using to get the job done with that before checking what made it all tick. Perhaps something with Deep Iron? Sturdy stuff, albeit difficult to mine, and with a price tag on it that spoke clearly about that.

"And hey, while I remember it, you don't need to get all embarrassed about your man crush 'round me, Blue. Love's a beautiful thing, and I ain't one of them backwards hicks who gets all icky about same-sex partners. Ain't hurting anypony, so what's the point in meddling with their happiness, right? Now go ahead and tell ol' Molotov here what sweet little things goes through this beauty of a workshop, 'cause it sure looks like a place for solid construction."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @BloodDrops @Storm Shine @Dji

"Lumen is an alright guy, considering how weird you are, you'd probably be his type."

"Yea, you'd like him. The guy managed to staple his couch to the wall, which he did to get revenge on all birds after a flamingo stole his fries."

A framed picture of Lumen appeared. It showed that he was a unicorn with green fur, a red mane and tail, and a cutiemark of a broken lightbulb.

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Moonlit@Blitz Boom
Nada's mouth was yet again wide open as the siren in front of her transformed into a pony, and she wasn't broken out of that surprise until Berry started talking to her. Again, she didn't speak until Berry had finished, "That's incredible, that would explain how you have been able to hide among ponies without problems...." her tone was almost admiring, but as she continued it changed to a lower, almost low-spirited "...but as great as that is...I don't know if I'm ready to a such... limiting change, even if that was possibility for me." she looked at Berry who she knew just wanted to help her, "Nor am I willing to live somewhere where I have to be something else than I am, I rather stay in my bond than be something I'm not." this didn't mean she disapproved Serenade's choice, she just wasn't ready to go so far, even if it wasn't permanent, because even ignoring the hassle that would be to learn to walk with legs and fly with wings after over millennia of being a siren, what would be the point in moving from hiding in a bond, to hiding in a fake form, if she would still have to be hiding, and being limited on top of that. "If ponies aren't ready to accept me as me, then I'm not interested in even trying to trust them."

@Blitz Boom

I was, Ruby thought to herself when Spicy questioned who would be stupid enough to mess with a bigger dragon, the truth had quite literally hit her some time before she had found about and decided to move to Equestria, but thanks to her body being tough and healing relatively quickly, among some lucky happenings, she had seen another day after that. She also had almost commented that it she knew exactly what it was like to do business with a dragon, but she had decided that maybe it wasn't the time to show her knowledge about dragons after what had happened.

"Sure." she simply replied after Spicy said that they should get to work, and she walked to the coffin and started taking things out, putting them between the leather straps keeping her box on her back, and her body, which wasn't necessary the most comfortable thing in the world, since the straps were pretty tight, meaning that anything but under them pressed pretty painfully against her, but she ignored it..



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Lin had just finished cleaning up her pack of rations when she overheard the conversation between Sen and Rosa. Quickly walking over to Sen's tent and grabbing their supply, she tossed it all towards Sen's feet. The longma nodded, saving a little bit of time but it was best he began working. He didn't want to hold Rosa back for small talk right now and let him do what he needed to do. As for Omen, there was something about Discord letting her walk into traps that put a strange image in his head. The kind that reflected a playful Discord that didn't exactly reflect what a real booby-trapped temple would be like. Then again, it might be close enough to the real thing but the traps Omen mentioned might still be harmless.

"I don't know, Omen. Maybe they are magic traps, maybe they're not. We won't know until we get there and that's what worries me. You going in first means you'll probably run into something that will set off a trap or two. I've got something in mind though. These rocks here? I think you can use these to set off traps without risking yourself."

Sen handed a few rocks towards Omen, mostly the large ones. No strings or pouches to get tangled around. Once a trap is sprung, there is a good chance Omen might just be able to see how far it reaches before making it to a safe zone. Then it is all a matter of opening gates to each of them and getting around the hazardous areas. It might even save some travel time for everyone else in the group. Maybe Sen was thinking a little too hard on this plan but he's got something, and he's happy with it. As for the rest of the tools, he was just about to finish his first set of bolas with the rope tossed towards him. Two sets of two and on to the sticks. Three would be a good number, one for himself, Rosa, and Lin. He already got some of the rocks sharpened and all he needed was to tie them down with the sticks to form a polearm. 

"If I can guess what kinds of traps you'd expect to see there, I'd say either trap doors, pits with spikes in them, poisonous gas, collapsing floors, or a giant boulder rolling down from the ceiling. Hopefully we just run into the kind of things that we could bypass if we're careful. As for magic traps, I wouldn't know where to begin." 


@Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich

She knew it was just a demonstration, she knew it wasn't really an insult, she knew well that Nerzhei was going to see just exactly what is wrong, but Fluttershy was paralyzed. Screaming and running away was what she expected herself to do. Angel was behind her and she was likely going to see him attempt to send her back towards the dragon. With all the courage she could muster, she walked up to the dragon, eyeing her while fuming beneath her breath. She wouldn't make too much fuss about it but sometimes, her emotions wouldn't stay in check, and she could let out something loose.

"How about I spare you from wasting your time, researcher, and read yourself a book!" Fluttershy promptly grabbed whatever book she could get her hoof at and threw it at Nerzhei's feet. "I asked nicely but I see you dragons are all the same. It's no wonder no one in Equestria wants to meet your kind! Wanna know why? Maybe you can make that the topic of your research!"

The pegasus hadn't noticed but she was flapping her wings, seeing herself at eye level with Nerzhei, not to mention using her signature stare put on overdrive. Once she did, she promptly put herself back and made herself appear smaller as she slowly began to back away. It wasn't a lesson that easily stuck with her; back when Iron Will stopped by, she was a lot less restrained, nearly ruining her friendships with both Pinkie and Rarity. The same thing happened again back when she stood in for Rarity while running her boutique in Manehattan. That one was a disaster escalating until even she had to kick her friends out of the boutique, not to mention insulting the friendly raccoons helping run the place. 

"I'm sorry, Nerzhei." Fluttershy quietly apologized, her voice much softer and more demure. "I got carried away by that. I hope that didn't hurt your feelings."

Off to the side, Angel stood and watched, reminding her of the time Fluttershy became a jerk under Discord's influence. It wasn't pretty, leaving many of the animals residing in the cottage scared, too terrified to come back home until Fluttershy came back to apologize. Frankly, he was just there chattering his teeth and hoping the pegasus's words didn't anger Nerzhei to the point of rescinding her offer to help. 

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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Serenade nods, "Understandable. This disguise is simply for my job. And it's not just 2 out of 3"  She turns to face Berry, "The Sun Princess also knows, not sure about Princess Lovebutt" She shrugs, "And Ponies can be excitable" She giggles as she points to Berry, "But the ones in Ponyville are a bit more welcoming. The only creature I haven't seen there is a Windigo"

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@Blitz Boom

Listening to Null's response to his inquiry about the type of mission they were on made the detective feel a pain in his heart.  He'd hadn't had to opportunity to see outside the borders of Equestria, that weren't written in a book anyways.  Here, he was listening to an experience outside his world that had damaged and scared a pair of sisters.  Collecting random junk for a purpose of keeping themselves safe from those that might hurt them, or even did.  Rising Dusk would never claim Equestria was the perfect country, if it was then there would be no need for his work or the O.M.I. at all.  There was darkness that existed in their world and no matter how bright the light shined, there would always be a corner for it to hide in.  Shesh, he was starting to sound like his father.  It was pretty apparent now that Null had closed her heart to the world and Void was too paranoid.  Null's statement was partly true, but the world was also full of happiness and friendship.  Heck, he just taught a similar lesson to a mechanical spider the other day.  He could only hope that someday here in Equestria, they would get to experience that.  

There unique ability appears to be the cause of a great deal of their hardship, but based on the range he observed, it was difficult for him to understand how it bothered a unicorn to the point of violence.  Short of them hugging the sisters or them standing too close to a structure or device powered by magic, a unicorn should be mostly unaffected.  Maybe that is a big difference between Equestria and the outside world?  Most of Equestria runs fine without magic day to day, a lot of places even preferring to not use it for tasks as a sense of pride or tradition. 

"I hope your stay in Equestria proves there is still good in this world," he offered Null, still needing more information on their experiences in this country.

With the trio now seated at the table to get down to business, he watched as Void removed an object in cloth that was identified as a weapon.  He could understand it was probably used for their own defense, but at the same time, he was wary of allowing a weapon into the agency without checking for a permit.  The only thing stopping him from inquiring more about it was the letter from Princess Celestia.  For this purpose, the sisters were her envoys and had a degree of leeway.  When the first object came out, he listened, absorbing the story about the cursed doll from the land of witches.  And this wasn't the most dangerous thing they were carrying with them?  Rising Dusk had his work cut out for him if that was the case.  With her hoof still on the bear, he couldn't see the magic, but based on her description of the what it did, his could already form a basic idea.

Nodding to the kind sister, "I understand.  I'll do everything I can," he told her, offering a reassuring smile.  



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