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Energy drinks!

Luriel Maelstrom

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I would never drink an energy drink.  It just seems like such a cool teen thing to get all sugarhigh and hyperactive and random.  I don't even drink coffee.  No need to get dependant on bad stuff like that.  Bad enough I drink soda.

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I personally don't drink Energy drinks that often. (I don't like the taste and I always get a Caffiene-induced hangover. Plus they're loaded with sugar, which I know is the point but still...)


Anyway, I'd say either Monster or Full Throttle. I've tried Monster, RedBull, Rockstar, Nos, and Full Throttle. FT actually tastes good in my opinion, and Monster, it's alright.


Overall, if I had to pick one, I'd pick Full Throttle.



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I've heard that in Canada, Mountain Dew is considered an energy drink.
Going off of that, I drink Mountain Dew every day, almost.

I'm also fond of the actual energy drink version of it, that's AMP Mountain Dew.


Aside from that, I occasionally try a Red Bull, and by that I mean twice a year. xD;


Monster tastes like Pixie Stix mixed with water to me, so I stay away from that one.


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  • 9 months later...

I like to mix Red bull with my coffee in the morings... after that well I'm so full of energy i can feel my body wanting to go a 1000MPS... but sadly my lets and feet wont let me..


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My job is very physically, mentally and emotionally draining so on some shifts particularly my 6am-3PM shifts I sometimes need an extra boost and that extra boost comes in the form of an energy drink which is usually a Monster BFC (literally stands for big fucking can). I don't drink them anywhere near as often as I used to and try to limit them because I know they are bad for me but when I really drank alot of these suckers was when I was on the graveyard shift (11pm-7:30am).

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I very rarely drink energy drinks myself. I do have the occasional Monster though, as I like the way I tastes. I only really have one though maybe once a month at most. I don't really drink energy drinks, or pop. I pretty much just drink water. 


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I'll just stick with Tea.


some of the energy drinks these days have so much energy in them i'm surprised people can still sleep at the end of the day or even need to eat tbh XD


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I used to drink a lot of it....


I used to get this stuff while in high school...two cans for $1




But now, I hardly drink it unless I can get it cheaper than soda....I've had a ton of Monster and Rockstar...I've been to a few NASCAR  and other events that gave big cans(the 16oz size) of it away for promotional use...I remember getting home with like 10 cans of the stuff.


Tough I'll still sometimes drink it before a bike ride for an extra boost of energy then drink Gatorade while out riding.

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My husband has to have ONLY the Rojo Red Monster Teas.....I will drink almost any, but I prefer fruity-er flavored ones, at least with Rockstar. I really like coffee energy drinks, and I recently tried that Muscle Monster stuff and that was really good!. Otherwise, I prefer Cuba Lima Monster, Lemonade Amp, NOS Original.....

Despite all the energy drinks I have tried and liked, I try not to rely on them.  I don't have time to make coffee either, so I often just take a caffine pill and that sustains me if and when I need a little boost.

Haven't tried 5 hour energy....I haven't wanted to try it because the tiny little bottles are more expensive than a normal energy drink, and I also like to have the feeling of sustinance with anything I consume, so that little bottle is not going to satisfy me in any way

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 expensive than a normal energy drink, and I also like to have the feeling of sustinance with anything I consume

They taste horrible and haven't really done much of anything for me, but then again the commercials do say they are as strong as coffee and the energy drinks I consume are a lot stronger than your typical coffee. As glad as I am that I don't rely on them as much as I used to the fact that I still even need them at all is a bit disconcerting to me.

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