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4 questions for your OC.


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1. Chaos is fine and all, but how does he feel about Taxidermy?

2. Feeding off of love is fine and all, but how do they feel about Taxidermy?

3. Which one likes or is in need of Taxidermy?

4. I hear ya, you used ta be one of them human thingies, but did you need anything Taxidermized?


My oc got a biiiiit of a one track mind.

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1. im more powerful than discord so no. and if hes reformed its good for everypony right

2.my family is all gone but me changling got nothin on me

3. *blushes* l-luna

4.i have heard of the magic mirror so i would believe him.

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1) Snowflake had died when the Mane Six were Fillies so he wasn't alive when he attacked or when he turned good but he has seen what he has caused (cause he is a ghost) and he prefers the chaos world


2) Snowflake actually was fascinated by them and he spent his last years of his life trying to figure out how their magic works and he succeeded but he was murdered a few months later


3) Snowflake is most loyal to Princess Celestia though he would honorably kneel to any of them


4) Snowflake would believe him because he has seen humans before they caused him agony his entire life they killed his parents when he was a Colt and once he became a fully grown Stallion they found him again killed his friends but that's not how he dies

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"Discord was only doing what he was born to do, make chaos. Totally justifiable.

Changelings need to feed off of love for them to live, but when the're other animals and creatures, it raises the question: why the ponies?

The fact that Celestia is old in experience, but Luna is compassionate towards most of the townsfolk.... I can't say ether or. -_-  

I would believe them until proven false, you can never be too sure..."


"Sorry if i'm being on the fence for most of them"- The words of Archean Gene my oc (Duh)

Edited by Soldier Surplus
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Oh man this is chilling, here are the answers for mine.


1)My oc has never heard about discord, due to their upbringing they were sheilded from most of the bad parts of the world. (the shadow garden is a very safe place)


2)Well for changelings its about the same answer, as for the parents half, my oc was in a orphanage so yeah.


3)Well of course Luna, and just as a note Luna owns the shadow garden...


4)My oc would be scared, if they weren't lying then there is a major hole in the world somewhere, if they are lying then some sycopath has found my oc and after all she is only a child.

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Just a few questions for your OC


1) How does your OC feel about Discord? Did you personally suffer during his reign of chaos? Even though you've heard he is reformed, would you be comfortable in his presence?


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion? Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?




1) Uncomfortable. He would leave Ponyville if he knew Discord was visiting Fluttershy.


2) Pure hatred. Changelings fed on his family. He would attack if he knew a pony was a changeling...reformed or not. Its part of his back story (see link in my sig below).


3) Celestia. Canterlot will always be home for him.


4) Suspicion. Probably a changeling or a joker. Humans don't exist.

Blizzard Gale:


1. I would be upset toward Discord and his action in some cases, however I do understand how he could feel. Being alone and encased in stone for so many years, you do tend to become lonely. I just feel he acts the way he does for the attention he has long sought. I am accepting of all beings large and small, so I tolerate it fairly easy.


2. I don't live in the same region, I live a 2 days flight north of ponyville. In the Tundra of Equestria, I honestly don't feel a dislike for changlings. In fact I find them interesting, I would like to have one in my village though... There is also the thought of where the changlings live. If there is a whole population of changlings, they most likely wouldn't feed off love alone... There wouldn't be couples within the same area. Unless they feed off the love of each other, Guess they were just trying something new.


3. Up here in Astria, We follow the rule of Celestia. It's been that way for generations, I don't think it should change otherwise.


4. There wouldn't really be a reaction towards that, because I have no idea what a human is! I'm too busy taking care of my Poro and shoving Frost Apples in his mouth. > w> Sooo..... Yeahhhh....

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1) She suffered big time. Her home was destroyed and her family was taken hostage. They were misplaced onto a island 20 miles outside of Manehatten. She hasn't seem them in months. She fears that they're dead.


2) The changelings locked her up in the dungeon for trying to attack the Queen. 


3) She would rather live under Princess Luna.


4) She would find them suspicious because humans do not exit.

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1) How does your OC feel about Discord?


He's a child with a power superior to Celestia and Luna. He does not deserve all that power.


Did you personally suffer during his reign of chaos? Even though you've heard he is reformed, would you be comfortable in his presence?


Nah. He will be in my way some day.


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion?


I don't have a family, so I didn't care that much since I live deep in the Everfree forest, and not near Canterlot.


Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?


There's no love inside me. I'm a heartless creature. Literally. I'd rather strangle one of them if it wanted to annoy me.


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)


Nigthmare Moon. I love the night. Eternal Night will be the best.


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?


I wouldn't care.

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As Phosphorous:


1) How does your OC feel about Discord? Did you personally suffer during his reign of chaos? Even though you've heard he is reformed, would you be comfortable in his presence?

I would be intruiged by his raw power. I'd want to know how he can manipulate his enviroment to such an extent.


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion? Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?

I believe changelings are the lowest of the low. They evolved from merciless, manipulative psychopathic alicorns. They use perception-changing magic, the worst magic ever. One who uses magic to conceal the truth deserves no mercy. 


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)

I'd prefer to live under Princess Luna, since she is more honest than Celestia.


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?

I wouldn't say anything, but I would wonder whether that pony forgot to renew their prescription.

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1.) Wasn't exactly affected by him. But is rather curious about him and would like a chance to meet him.

2.) He's actually friends with two Changelings. But those who follow a give aren't exactly looked kindly upon.

3.) Luna. Because she's beautiful! :D

4.) Whomans?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Answers to 1 and 2, would be fear. 3, she has no preference. To number 4, she'd just look at them funny and walk/fly away.

Edited by Feather Wind
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1) Disgusted. There is never an excuse to damage/eat books under any circumstances. I would likely ignore him if I came into his presence. 


2) I was isolated in Cloudsdale and received little news of their attempt to take over Canterlot. I would certainly be uncomfortable living close to one, but would try to become less judgmental. 


3) Luna for certain. She has shown me such kindness, anf took me under her wing after I re-emerged into society, and offered me a place at Canterlot library. I would also happily live under Princess Twilight. She would be sure to have a large library to explore.


4) Would take him through the general archives, ensuring he knows the basic history and happenings around Canterlot. 

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1) How does your OC feel about Discord?

He was alive, but very young, so he doesn't remember it much. Most of his life was spent in the years after he was reformed by the Elements of Harmony.


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion? Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?

Interestingly, Changelings in my headcanon have quite a political change near the end of my character's life. Otherwise before then they're thought of as just another foreign monster.


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)

My character would probably live under the reign of Celestia due to her wisdom. This is despite how Twilight seems more curious and knowledge-inclined, which is one of my character's primary interests.


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?

Incredulous but doubting it was impossible. My original character is a scientist and astronaut trainer, so in his day he would've experienced a wide variety of things.

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!) Having never interacted he doesn't have much of an opinion and generally trusts the royals to take care of the problems if they arrise.


2) He wasn't in Canterlot at the time, so he didn't have any interactions with them. His family is in Dodge, so he hasn't suffered from their attacks. He would be highly suspicious of one, and he would have to be a reformed changeling/


3. Celestia. She has plenty of experience with leadership.


4. He's probably delusional, but weirder things have happened. :huh:

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My OC Sunny Melody



1) How does your OC feel about Discord? Did you personally suffer during his reign of chaos? Even though you've heard he is reformed, would you be comfortable in his presence?


Sunny Melody wasn't alive during Discord's first reign, and didn't suffer much during the course of his second invasion. This is of course excluding the chaos spell that caused all her musical instruments to come alive, for which she swore to hunt down Discord and personally make him pay for his actions. But like two seconds later she found out that all the instruments were sentient and awesome, and then they had a sick dance party.


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion? Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?


Sunny lived all the way in Ponyville when the changelings attacked, so she wasn't affected. She does have a BFF pen pal who lives in Canterlot, but she hid in the basement when they invaded so she wasn't hurt much.

Sunny would feel a bit uncomfortable living in the same town as a changeling from all the bad stuff she's heard about them, but she'd probably not have a problem, seeing as she doesn't quite grasp what's really wrong with changelings. How could anything that feeds on love itself be evil?


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)


Sunny would most likely choose Twilight, with Cadance a close second. She loves friendship and love and all the other great things. (Though she wouldn't really like living a such a cold place as the Crystal Kingdom.) Plus she met Twilight a few times in Ponyville, (before she'd become a princess, of course,) and bumped into Cadance one time when she was in Canterlot for a concert. (She still brags about it to this day.) She'd also met Celestia and Luna once when she played violin for the Great Galloping Gala, but she didn't have a conversation or anything, they just greeted Sunny and she bowed respectfully. (Somehow managing to knock over three cellists and a buffet table.)


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?


Sunny Melody would be quite confused at first, but she'd believe the pony and accept him even if he was crazy or transformed, because that's just the kind of pony she is.

Edited by pinklover12
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1. Just go on about his business. If Discord isn't bothering him, there's no point in really doing anything.


2. He only recently moved to Ponyville, coming from way out west. Has no idea what they even are.


3. Doesn't really matter to him.


4. "Yeah, and I'm married to Princess Celestia. Yeah right."

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Rhythmic Rhapsodist:


1)Discord is his lord and master! He doesn't care whether Discord is reformed or not.


2)Meh. They don't bother him, he doesn't bother them.



  • Celestia: celestia_demands_more_cake____by_bluefal
  • Cadence: WilliamPalinGrail.png
  • Luna: moon-stares-at-link-in-the-legend-of-zel 
  • Twilight:eHAOWn3ZsMU.jpg

4) Silence the pony. None must know the truth...

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1 - She trusts the Princesses judgement on the matter. This may be because she wasn't really affected by his shenanigans. 



2 - As she was present during the Changeling attack on Canterlot she really doesn't feel comfortable around them (Her brother was also attacked during the attack as he is in the royal guard). She does however have an interest in the science behind their shapeshifting powers (She is a very curious pony).



3 -  Twilight Sparkle. This may be because she knew Twilight at Celestia's School in Canterlot when she was still young, and Twilight has a similar love of learning and science. Still Ion has no problems with any Princess and likes them all.



4 - Without knowing the human world existed I would say she wouldn't believe them without real evidence.

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This would be true for Lit Fuse in my opinion anyway:


1) Forgive and forget. If he's seriously genuine about this.


2) Fuse will have no qualms; they did what they needed for the survival of their species. But he will maintain caution in the presence of one despite (or perhaps because) of the previous statement. Fuse exhumes no particular love at the moment which can be fed on, but even so he posses great understanding of magic which would allow him to defend himself to a certain degree, a fact he wouldn't simply ignore.


3) Fuse believes in the free exchange of knowledge and the thrill of discovery, for that he has a natural fondness for Twilight's methods. He might also gravitate towards Celestia to which he looked up to as a child and admired her warm disposition and benevolence.


4) Cautious disbelief; weirder things have happened, so give em' a chance to show who or what they truly are.

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1. My OC is a little skeptical of Discord, but she hasn't been affected by him so she just hopes for the best. She'd probably be comfortable in his presence as long as he didn't bother her or any other ponies.


2. Again, she's skeptical of them... but she lives far from Canterlot so she wasn't attacked by them during the invasion. Probably wouldn't mind living in the same town as them as long as they didn't try to feed off other ponies...


3. She thinks Celestia and Luna do a good job with sharing the princess duties... but if she had to pick one it would be Celestia since she has more experience.


4. "Uhh... what? :confused: "

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1) How does your OC feel about Discord? Did you personally suffer during his reign of chaos? Even though you've heard he is reformed, would you be comfortable in his presence?


His "reign" never reached Canterlot when he first broke free so I didn't really suffer any from him personally. As such, while I've heard the horror stories, I'm willing to give the guy a chance.


2) Changelings. Same question. Did they feed off of you or your family during the invasion? Knowing their special diet, would you feel comfortable living in the same town with one?


Changelings however, I have faced. Fought them myself. Must have taken down at least eight before they overwhelmed me. They were trying to reach Fancypants, my employer and best friend, and his wife Fleur. Luckily, they managed to escape as I covered them.


With one? Sure! One means singular, away from the hive. If they're alone, they're obviously some form of defector.


3) Princess. Of the four which one would you rather live under? (assuming Luna also had a land of her own)


Celestia. Born and raised in Canterlot, it's all I've ever known. Princess Luna has payed me a couple visits during my dreams, usually trying to deliver some moral lesson, so she seems fine. Still though, between the Summer Sun celebration, my brief but still very genuine encounters with Her, and just the loving warmth of the sun at my back, I can't help but feel a deep connection with Princess Celestia.


4) How would you react to a pony who claimed he was a mythical human, and had only been a pony for a few days?


I've seen living mercury, a giant diamond dog, militant penguins, and a spherical, masked, winged, sword swinging, inter dimensional traveler. Who am I to say humans don't exist?

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Time Shield:


1). Discord has served to play an important role in Equestria's history. Even when evil, the responses to him have had long lasting repercussions on the world. Much like any historical figure, he has his place and his events shouldn't be tampered with.


2). Changelings are changelings. I am not at liberty to discuss the future of the changelings as a species, but I will say that I personally do not care for them.


3). Historically? Celestial and Luna during their joint reign in early Equestria. Currently? I can't discuss it. Future and all.


4). I would most likely do a quick Time Scry to verify the facts before jumping to any conclusions. If true, it would certainly be an oddity, but doesn't really deserve any additional concern, provided their arrival wasn't due to any tampering with the timeline.

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Kozel's answer to all of those questions: I'll make 'em my bitch.



3)  Luna, because he likes the night.



To all:



Darude - Sandstorm



i regret absolutely nothing

I hate you. (I'mkiddingpleasedon'tkillmemods)

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Discord: While she found his little rampage of chaos uncomfortable,  she would be more then forgive that little hiccup that get some time with him to learn some chaos magic.

Changelings: She is perfectly fine with them. She was passed out drunk in her tavern during the invasion and her "adopted" kids were with her brother.  Her neighbor's kid is actually a changeling half breed

Princesses: Luna. She doesn't like Celestia or Twilight much and she doesn't really know anything about Cadence

Ponyman: She would blow him off. She doesn't take interest in myths anyway.

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Malt Mix:


1. Wouldn't hate it, but wouldn't love it. He's a bartender, he'd be irritated by the random objects teleporting around and his mixes being messed up while they're being mixed.


2. Doesn't have any family relations. They wouldn't have fed on him, since he's the local barkeep, he doesn't keep relationships well.


3. Luna. Night time is when he does his best business.


4. He'd test them by giving them the strongest booze he's got, since humans have a higher alcohol tolerance than horses. And yes, horses can get drunk. If you've ever heard of an apple tree being near a horse farm, that can happen. The apple will fall, ferment in the skin, and the horse will eat it and get drunk, somehow stumbling it's way in to someone's pool or something.

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