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St. Pinkie


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  1. 1. What Is Your Favorite Quote?

    • It needs to be about 20% cooler.
    • Um...
    • Yay!
    • Oatmeal? Are you crazy?
    • Eeyup.
    • Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!
    • Other

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Sunset Shimmer: That explains so much.

Sugarcoat: At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all of the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart to win a game.

Rarity: You've inspired everypony around you, and you've inspired me too.

Sweetie Belle: Maybe it's a friendship problem, and will be cleared up in a half hour or so.

Applejack: Yeah, you were pretty rotten.

Rainbow Dash: Wow, Applejack, I know your thing is honesty, but come on!




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  • 2 years later...

- "But that rainbow one kicked me!"

- "Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that."

- "Leave me alone! I want to be alone! I want to wallow in...whatever it is that ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh, listen to me! I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in! I'm so PATHETIC!"

- Twilight: "Now what do we do?"
  Fluttershy: "Uh, panic?" 
  Rainbow Dash: "That's your answer for everything!" 

- "It needs to be about 20% cooler" (it's an overused line now but in context it's a really funny joke)

- "Exiled! I supposed technically I'd have to move away to live in exile ... Where would I go? And what would I pack? Oh, it's going to take me forever to do all of that packing. What are you supposed to pack when you go into exile? You're supposed to pack ... warm?"

- Pinkie: "What if she exploded? And then...and then exploded again?!"
  Spike: "Can you do that? Can you explode twice?"

- Sweetie Belle: "Um, that doesn't look like a table." 
  Scootaloo: "We were making a table?"
  Apple Bloom: "Somepony needs to put this thing out of its misery."

- "I'll write to you when you're banished, unless I'm banished to somewhere there's no post office. Then you'll have to write to me. Deal?"

- "You'd never guess, but when I was little I was very shy."

- Spike: "But the store is called "Quills and Sofas"! You only sell two things!" 
  Store Owner: "Sorry, Junior. All out of quills until Monday... Need a sofa?"

- "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

- "Look out! Here comes Tom!"

- "Congratulations, Spike. You're the new Rainbow Dash."

- “Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?”

- "She even comes with her own notebook and quill for when you want to pretend she's doing her homework!" 

- "'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"

- "It's time for me to do what I do best — lecture her!"

- "You see? We are apple pie!"

- Apple Bloom: "Sacrebleu! Plus de marques de cutie! [gasps] Qu'est-ce que c'est? Je parle français?"
  Applejack: "My sister's speakin' in fancy!"

- Rainbow: "All right! Now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet. Speed! Agility! Guts! Style!       Coolness! Awesomeness! And radicalness!"
  Twilight: "Aren't those all the same thing?" 
  Rainbow: "You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet."

- "Buses and baby carriages are always careening down this hill. Where's an out-of-control vehicle when you need one?"

- (after opening a jar of peanut butter) 
  Rainbow: "Would you say I was amazing?" 
  Amethyst Star: "Aren't you milking this a bit?" 
  Rainbow: "Please, just answer the question. Was I or was I not amazing?"
  Amethyst Star: "Oh, you're amazing, all right. An amazingly—" 
  Rainbow: "Oh, look!!" *flies off*

- "I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake!"

- "I mean, these babies just won't listen to reason - and don't even get me started on their taste in stand-up comedy!"

- Smart Cookie: "Wouldn't it have been easier to use the door, Chancellor?" 
  Chancellor Puddinghead: "Maybe for you, Smart Cookie. But I am a chancellor. I was elected because I know how to think outside the box. Which means I can also think inside the chimney. Can you think inside a chimney?" 
  Smart Cookie: "I-" 
  Chancellor Puddinghead: "I didn't think so."

- "Oh my gosh! Hold on to your hooves! I am just about to be brilliant!!"

- "I got a news flash for you Cookie. The Earth is round. There is no up or down."

- Private Pansy: "Well, I don't hate you...I actually hate Commander Hurricane a lot more than I hate you guys." 
  Smart Cookie/Clover the Clever: [giggling] 
  Private Pansy: "Actually, I don't really hate her. I just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dislike her."

- "Only an hour? Hmph, we can pull that off in a second!"

- "I'm running out of ways to make diamonds sound bad!"

- "You are not scientifically possible!"

- Twilight: "Oh, look! According to this one, the Cakes are breaking up!"

  Mrs. Cake: "We are?!"

- "Fine! I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes!... Oh, and I took a bite out of the cake, too."

- "Why does life have to be so ironic?!"

- Applejack: I want to thank you for your help. I couldn't have done it without you.

































  Spike: Don't mention it, Applejack. It was my pleasure, really."




























- "Your freakouts are so epic, you sing whole freakout arias about freaking out."




- Rainbow Dash: "Rarity, you look ridiculous..."

  Rarity: "I am going to ignore that comment out of my desire to help you."

- Discord: "This is the most basic of jokes!"

  Maud: "You're the most basic of jokes."

- "Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it's clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes."

- "If you're going to make words, at least make them fabulous."

- Applejack: "Looks like you got a little aggressive with your friendship lessons, Rainbow Dash."

  Rainbow: What can I say? When I learn something, I learn it hard."

- "I learned the spell years ago when I needed to make copies of a certain... manifesto."

- Starlight: "Hey, Pharynx. I know when we first met, it didn't go so well."

  Pharynx: "I put you in a bag. I thought it went great."

- Spike: "If you need some pointers, let me know. I've been on my fair share of missions."
















  Twilight: "You've been on one, Spike."

  Spike: "And that's my fair share."

- Starlight Glimmer: "So we can't hold the books?"

  "Raspberry Latte": [laughing] "No!"

  Sunburst: "Can you hold the books?"

  "Minty Mocha": "No."

  Starlight Glimmer: "So nopony can read the books?"

- "Why couldn't we have been sent to stop a war or something?!"


- "For a formerly friendless immortal despot, you're pretty cynical."

- "Spike – Love is about spying in the bushes."

- "Sir McBigguns, meet Skellinore. She's a Level 18 Bone Warrior in Squizard's mage army, but only to pay off skeleton student loan debts."

- Discord: "Spike, she's an imaginary one-dimensional paper cutout skeleton."

  Spike: "Well, nopony's perfect."

- "I have a lot of experience telling ponies that I have experience with the dangerous creatures of Everfree Forest!"




There are probably other great quotes, but I don't remember them.

Edited by bigbertha
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  • 10 months later...
6 hours ago, HomuraAkemi said:

'it needs to be about 20% cooler' because it's so iconic

I haven't hear that one in forever!


"This is NOT the real me! I'm cute and lovable!"


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”Ugh, you’re gonna cheer for me like that? Louder!”





*sharp inhale*


“Ugh!” *flop*

”Oh, too loud?”

  • Brohoof 3



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  • 1 year later...

My favorite FiM quote(s):

"Cross my heart, and hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Okie, dokie, lokie!"

"IT. IS. ON!!"

"It needs to be about 20% cooler!"

"I'd like to be a tree!"

"Is that a challenge?"

"I was just so close of getting that diamond!"

"Tender, loving, and care? More like Totally Lost Cause!"

"Applejack's crying on the inside, Twilight!" "It's true."

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"Say you're sorry young lady." "I'm sorry" - The way Philomena says "I'm sorry." is just way too adorable. 

"Sorry it had to be this way..." - This line is satisfying to me for some reason. My friend and I use it quite a bit on each other. 


  • Brohoof 1
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Trixie: [unenthusiastic] Come one, come all. Come and see the Pathetic and Friendless Trixie's "Way-To-Go-Dum-Dum-You-Really-Messed-It-Up-This-Time Repentance Tour".
[crowd confused]
Trixie: It's a working title! [unenthusiastic] Behold, your fears come true. A pony-eating manticore.
[manticore roars]
  • Brohoof 2


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I've got far too many favorite quotes from this show. From these given options is definitely "yay"

Some others are for example:

  • "I don't wanna talk about it"
  • "They're just so cheesy"
  • "I'm pancake! I mean...awake."
  • "Clock is ticking Twilight. Clock is TICKING!"



  • Brohoof 1


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3 minutes ago, ExplosionMare said:

Starlight: And WHY didn’t you stop them?

Fluttershy: Because you didn’t ask me to.


Applejack: [mechanically] Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat, so Goldie Delicious says, "If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!" Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!


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Moments ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


Applejack: [mechanically] Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat, so Goldie Delicious says, "If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!" Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!

AppleJack: Big Mac told me with great power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility!

  • Brohoof 1



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Moments ago, ExplosionMare said:

AppleJack: Big Mac told me with great power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility!


Mean Applejack: ...So there I was. Just me and, uh, a bucket of honey. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Uh, b-but I-I survived all by myself in this here forest for, uh, a hundred and... twenty-seven hours!
Random Applejack seems to be the best at these. :mlp_icwudt:


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Pinkie Pie:
There we were, face-to-face with Falling Pony Ravine. Down, down, down! And then, suddenly... Pow!
We were rescued mid-air by the Wonderbolts! And then they gave me a ride to Manehattan, I joined a traveling band, we played some shows here and there, got popular, almost made it big until creative differences tore us apart.
And that's when I knew I had to get back on with my journey to the Crystal Empire, the gateway to Yakyakistan!
And so here I am. It was a major adventure that took most of the afternoon. Know what I mean?
Edited by Sparklefan1234


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  • 1 year later...
  • "This is Twilight's fantasy, Spike. There is no wrong way to fantasize"
  • Applejack: I guess Hearthswarming Helper was kind of a disaster.
    Cadance: I don't know. Ponyville always seems to have way more exciting holidays than the Crystal Empire.

  • "Making copies of yourself always sounds like a great idea, but before you know it, you're locked in a room with fifty Pinkie Pies watching paint dry."

  • "When you write the story, could you maybe skip over the part where we locked Rarity in the window display?"

  • Discord: That's all very nice, but really a waste of time. We have me. And what else could we possibly need?
    Trixie: A draconequus with magic and half a brain might help.
    Discord: Why are you here again? I mean, it's not like you're going to stop the changelings by pulling a rabbit out of a hat. At least my magic can do something.

  • Fluttershy: [reading] "Twilight Sparkle likes vanilla ice cream, red balloons, dancing..."
    Twilight Sparkle: That's right!
    Fluttershy: "But she's afraid of quesadillas."
    Twilight Sparkle: No, I'm not! They're just so... [shudders] cheesy.

  • "You know you're doing your Pinkie Pie voice, right?"

  • "Classroom portion?"

  • "Fine, I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes! Oh, and I took a bite of the cake."

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  • 11 months later...

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