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Are Female Bronies / Pegasisters over looked ?

Jonquil Earthpony

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Well I think the male fans are getting more notice because the whole My Little Pony concept was labelled only for girls based on earlier generations of the show. That is why I think the male audience surprised the media and that is why I think sometimes female bronies/pegasisters aren't noticed that much.

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Consider yourself lucky or do you like being called a pedophile and horse rapist?

  • Brohoof 6

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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I would say overlooked by those who want to insult the brony fandom. Usually, those who insult us aim toward to guys for things like "You cant watch this and call yourself a man" or simply "Gay". (I hate when people use homosexuality as an insult.)


But I do not believe the females receive AS MUCH hate as males, im not trying to make anyone feel sorry for the guys. I'm saying that if you looked at it from an Anti-Brony perspective, it is much easier to hate a guy brony rather than a female pegasister.


(I do not overlook females as bronies or pegasisters, I really like the fact that this many people like the show in general.)



Consider yourself lucky or do you like being called a pedophile and horse rapist?

oh.. and that too.. these insults are just crazy that they come up with

  • Brohoof 4
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 is this true ? ive never hear of that before  :wacko: then again i dont know many broines in real life  :blush:


Manchild, pedophile, horse*****r, autist, neckbeard, f*g, loser, pathetic, rapist, scum.....bla bla bla.


People don't care about pegasister and probably never will since it normal for women to like ponies and stuff...but men...yeah.

  • Brohoof 2

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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My oldest daughter is in high school. She has confirmed that there is a difference between how some of the male teen bronies are treated and how she is. Though, in my discussions with her, it appears to be similar in both tone and intensity as what I would see happen in the 90's to Magic: The Gathering, MMPR, Comic lovers, and Trek fans.


Some of those have become mainstream popular, but the more things change ...


Anyway, its more acceptable (though still seen as quaint) for a girl/woman to openly enjoy the show. It may be getting better for guys too ... depending on your social environment.

  • Brohoof 10



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Anyway, its more acceptable (though still seen as quaint) for a girl/woman to openly enjoy the show. It may be getting betting for guys too ... depending on your social environment.


I am giving myself my own risk where I am.

1 county

9 elementary schools

3 middle schools

1 high school


I am open about being a brony, only when people ask about it though, and I don't whisper it, I say it in a clear tone where ever I am. But you know, three middle schools into one high school means a lot of different people. Some mean, some good. Its a risk, but I enjoy myself none-the-less :P


The only time where I receive insults such as these are online, I have been lucky so far.

Edited by TrevorGoesBrony
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I do think they are, simply because, as they are female regardless of age, liking a show that's biggest hurdle in society is that it's "for little girls", is still acceptable for women, even if they are not little.


Isn't gender bias a wonderful thing? He asked sarcastically.



Well I think the male fans are getting more notice because the whole My Little Pony concept was labelled only for girls based on earlier generations of the show. That is why I think the male audience surprised the media and that is why I think sometimes female bronies/pegasisters aren't noticed that much.


"MLP is for girls" is the general stereotype that causes the majority of problems.


us bronies are all one group and we are awesome  :smug:

Yes, we are very awesome.



...That's kind of what I thought of bronies, even after I became a fan, before I watched Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony, I'm ashamed to say. :c

  • Brohoof 2
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Male bronies are given more attention because society views them as being interested in ponies as unusual while it is generally assumed that adult females must have grown up with previous generations which is true in many cases including for this one female cousin I have that grew up with G1 but isn't true in every case.



 is this true ? ive never hear of that before  :wacko: then again i dont know many broines in real life  :blush:

Yes, this one ignorant comment on MLP FIM creator Lauren Fausts deviantart page expresses an ill informed opinion that a lot of people seem to have about male bronies in particular but she gave a very good answer to him.




I myself have had the occasional WTF look from people for wearing my pony shirts but nothing compares to this hostile reaction I got from this one father of two young daughters. I didn't talk or interact with them at all until one of the daughters asked "why are you wearing a my little pony shirt?" The father looked very angry and said "I don't know why don't you ask him?" while he was giving me the evil eye and likely thought I was some kind of pedophile. I don't care what some inbred hillbilly thinks of me (I live in California and the guy had an out of state license plate) but what made me sad about that situation is that is what he is teaching his daughters.

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i guess there is always gonna be difference and biases based on what your gender you are in social society :P we should all try to learn from each other  and be more understanding. That goes for broines and non-broines too, most things for that matter. :yay:

  • Brohoof 1


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As many people pointed out the only reason ut seems like females are over looked is cause there's a certain shock value when you metion adult males like this show and then there's even more shock value when the r34 and clopping gets thrown around(stupid if you ask cause cause once you realize that there is r34 of EVERYTHING it's not disturbing to learn that there is if this show as well. And clopping well I don't do it but if people wanna more power to you)

I don't care if people know i like mlp, I'm a boss at my work and they gotta deal with it lol

  • Brohoof 2


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I do indeed feel that we the female members of the fandom our over looked simply because MLP was created as mostly for young girls. So naturally when a man likes this sort of thing it becomes peculiar. Also in my opinion the term pegasister seems somewhat sexist. We are all interesteed in the same show so can't we just fall under 1 solid category instead of two.

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To add here, female bronies can face the same discrimination their male counterparts face if they happen to not be on the same side as say Tumblr SJW's or other anti-bronies in an argument. It's just they don't get chewed out for liking a girl cartoon show as high as male bronies would due to the whole cultural taboo of guys and liking feminine things that's still going on.

Edited by Nuke87654
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Yes, because girls who are into these kinds of cartoon is far more expected than this army of dudes did. This brony notoriety would have happened with the girls if there's an army of them getting into Pokemon as we dudes did with FiM

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Yes, because girls who are into these kinds of cartoon is far more expected than this army of dudes did. This brony notoriety would have happened with the girls if there's an army of them getting into Pokemon as we dudes did with FiM


I think transformers or the young justice fandoms are better examples as I always thought pokemon was for everyone while Transformers and Young Justice were fandoms famed for having a large female audience despite the target audiences being for boys. I haven't heard anything bad about the female fans of transformers while young justice was cancelled because their merch didn't sell and they were getting teen fans over their targeted boy audience.

Edited by Nuke87654
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I have noticed there are more boys than girls in this fandom. This could be why the girls are a bit overlooked. I wish that we were all equal though. The pegasisters are as big a part in this fandom as the bronys, maybe one day the rest of the world will see that.

  • Brohoof 3


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Not much to add here, but yeah they're overlooked. The way society is, it's considered by some to be "out-of-the-ordinary" and "unexpected" for males in general to enjoy things like MLP. Plus, some male fans will do things that make it look like they're yearning for attention, or something that's considered creepy/weird. When something like that exists, some people just prefer to talk about that and give it attention, while ignoring the females and anything that seems normal.


In this fandom, it doesn't seem to be nearly as biased, but there can be instances where a woman is put down or ignored. From my few experiences with other fans, it's been pretty good so far.

  • Brohoof 3


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In my opinion pegisister are rarer to find than bronies, but we're still out there. I think most of us pegisister are the ones who have been watching mlp since generation 2 or 3. I remember when I heard Lauren was making generation 4 (I think) I got all mad how she was changing it. Then somewhere towards season 2 I decided to give it a chance, then before I knew it I had everything I own covered in friendship is magic stickers. So yea, we're out there just not that heard.

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I think girls are since most of the hype is about men enjoying a show intended for young girls.

people in my mind don't really care if a girls decides to watch it, though I have met brony haters who were female.


:maud: gender doesn't matter, but then again it does to a lot of people. idk

  • Brohoof 4


*OC Lucky Star*


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Though I do very much agree that female fans of MLP are just as much "bronies" as male fans, the sole reason that pegasisters don't seem to get the spot light nearly as often in the media mostly has to do with the fact that they fall into the demographic of "females liking a girly show" which is really no surprise to many, vs when a male likes a show that was originally meant for females everyone's in shock because it's not "masculine and manly", therefore the media likes to mostly focus on the males because they seem to produce the most shock value to those outside the fandom.

  • Brohoof 4


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