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What Element of Harmony Are You?


Which Element Best Suits You?  

297 users have voted

  1. 1. Which Element Best Suits You?

    • Honesty
    • Kindness
    • Loyalty
    • Generosity
    • Laughter
    • Magic
    • It's hard to tell

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The Element of Procrastination




The Element of Eating.


Sloth and Gluttony

Meh, the element of indifference. High school is filled with so much damn drama that I don't give a flying feather about.




Mine would be the element of Courage. Most ponies will run from danger, those who bear the element of courage run to it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Mine would be the element of Courage. Most ponies will run from danger, those who bear the element of courage run to it.


Little off topic but I just wanted to leave this here lol

Emphasis on 0:40




Edited by Titan Rising
  • Brohoof 2
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I think I'd be the Element of Rationality; no matter what people say (I'm looking at you Internet commentators), there is always a calm, intelligent, rational argument to be made when debating any topic, and I will always be the first person in a room to at least point that out and try to help both parties make a rational argument for their respective opinions, if I don't offer a rational argument myself that is. Remember everypony, don't be Platinum, a Hurricane, or a Puddinghead, lest you want this...


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Instead, be Clever, a Smart Cookie, or even a Pansy... well, maybe not that last one. B) But, through rationality, one shall far more easily achieve the magic of FRIENDSHIP!!!!!! :angry:

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Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 3
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THE ELEMENT OF.............


the element offfffff...........
















The element of........................

The element of laziness.

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