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gaming What type of gamer are you? (be honest)


Types of Gamers Poll  

158 users have voted

  1. 1. What type of PC gamer are you?

    • Amateur
    • Average
    • Advanced
  2. 2. What type of console gamer are you?

    • Amateur
    • Average
    • Advanced
  3. 3. What type of mobile gamer are you?

    • Amateur
    • Average
    • Advanced

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I mostly play Nintendo games. But I don't like online gaming, and I like the more colorful, cheerful games. I'm not very good at most games and I like the more simple ones. So I'm pretty much an amatuer gamer. I like games but they aren't my passion.

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PC: gaming pretty average haven't played new games my computer isn't powerful enough


Console gaming:Average i was also raised on the ps1 and ps2 for the most part of my childhood i did own the original Xbox


Mobile games: Yeah pretty terrible on moblie games it depends on what kind of game for most part pretty terrible at it.    

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Never really played games on a computer

Consoles I've played all my life, Nintendo ones mostly.

Mobile I suppose I'll count handheld among that, and I definitely play handheld games the most... just what I prefer. 3DS has too many things I like to play regularly yo. :rarity:


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PC - Advanced. I don't have a lot of games for PC, but the ones I have I usually play the heck out of, especially ROBLOX, Garry's Mod and Sonic Generations.


Consoles - Also advanced, though I'm more of a retro console fan than a modern console fan. It might be because I like platformers and sidescrollers, and (retro) consoles usually are great in that category, but whatever it is, I like to play on 'em quite a bit.


Mobile - Eh, don't like that much. Many mobile games get boring after a few minutes and the genres I like usually just have terrible controls. I guess I'm not good at this because of the lack of buttons, but overall not a fan. Though, if you include 3DS and such, then I'm average.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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I've been playing video games since long before some of the members here were born. However, I'm not very good at them. xD

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Console gamer; though my skillset is decidedly old school.  If it's an 8 or 16 bit (or modern throwback) platformer, scrolling shooter, run n' gun, or falling block puzzle game, I know what I'm doing.  I've done zero death runs for 11 Mario sidescrollers; one of which was Super Mario Bros. 2 JPN (a.k.a. Lost Levels).  I have mentioned this like forty times and will probably mention it forty more. xD  Despite its not actually being a big deal at all with the right warp pipes.




If it's Call of Duty, I will be thoroughly and consistently beaten down by 12 year olds.  Even by mediocre players.  Even by mediocre players that are recovering from a thumb injury.  If it's any recent racer other than Mario Kart, much dust will be eaten by me.  And I've done relatively little PC gaming; I've never owned a computer that could run much of anything well.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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  Well, barely a console gamer. The only real reason I was ever on the PS2 I had was the Kingdom Hearts saga. If I keep hanging out with @Commander Tangent though, then I might be turned into one via Halo.

  Mobile, also barely any experience. No phone yet, and only real handheld I had was the Gameboy Advanced (Again, for the Kingdom Hearts mostly).

  Now, Pc is where you get to find the real me: A wannabe pro  :yay:

  I'm generally active about 20-25 hours a week on games, which when considering school and work, takes up a large chuck. Mostly that's between TF2, L4D2, and Skyrim. 


Also, no tabletop games? I'm pretty sure that the Poker, MTG, and D&D fanboys can be gamers in this sense too.

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I'd say I'm more of an amateur type, play a bit of Nintendo games casually. Not very intense at all, maybe the odd GTA here and there but all just for fun.




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I'm an all-arounder with a few exceptions. I will play any game on any system from handhelds to consoles to PC. I won't play mobile games because I'm not wasting money on a phone capable of playing such things. I'll get a cheap $20 phone that can make calls and be done with it. I also have little interest in playing games purely on touch screen. I also don't play multiplayer in most cases unless it's with a particular person who I enjoy cooping with once in awhile. As you can imagine I don't play MMOs either.


There is one major thing that drives me when I'm playing games and it can circumvent even most of my exceptions at times: Whims. There's a force within me that I cannot control. It allows me to enjoy any game I play if I'm in the mood for it but if they say to switch to another game I will do it. Beating games is not a priority to me partially because of the whims. If I try to play games I don't feel like playing I begin to resent them.


That isn't to say that I don't ever beat games or always switch between games quickly though. Sometimes I can play a game four or five times without getting bored of it. There's no rhyme or reason for it. I've learned over the years to just go with it. I have a considerably more enjoyable time that way.


Of course there are still some genres I tend to gravitate towards. JRPGs being chief among them. Most of the time I'd rather play a Japanese game than any western-made shit like Fallout or Skyrim (yeah I said it, come at me broskis :P ).


I also decidedly do not care so much for a lot of older games and don't agree with a lot of people on the quality of some older games. The newer generations have always done more for me than any old game. Post PS1 era is when gaming got really good and I think a lot of people cling to the sprite-based game era a little too hard. Not to say there aren't good oldschool games but trying to say that it's the only time gaming was good? Only blind and ignorant fanboys believe that shit.


Knowing this, I'll list my top five game series' and a few standalone games that I absolutely adore and you can probably see what kind of gamer I am. Note that I don't mean standalone in the sense that they aren't part of a series so much as they are a single game that I liked even if I didn't care for or haven't played other games in the series.


In no particular order, my favorite franchises are:


Kingdom Hearts

Shin Megami Tensei

Sonic the Hedgehog (including non-game parts of the franchise)

Wild Arms



And my favorite standalone games:


Anarchy Reigns


Valkyria Chronicles

Tales of Graces F


Note that these are not all of the games I could put down but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. I've played a lot of games over the years so it's hard to remember all of them.

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Console: Advanced.

PC: Average.

Mobile: Amateur.


I rarely play mobile games because I find them extremely boring. I have 78 games on Steam, ranging from casual puzzle games to action-packed FPS ones. Although, I don't game a lot on PC.


Most of my games are on console, specifically on my PS4 and PS3. 

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I used to play much more often. I work like 13 hours a day plus 3 hours of driving and I work 6 days a week so I rarely have time to play games but I have been playing I little more lately. My skill has def gone way down. So for console probably average. :/

Edited by spade


signature by Kyoshi (Turbo Button)

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I've owned a console throughout most of my life, I never cared much for PC gaming. I still have my old PS2, as well as my PS3 (which I still use sometimes) Though I got the PS4 last year.


But overall, I don't play games very often, my interest for it has kinda faded the last few years. I still don't have any games for my PS4... :P

Edited by RaveRatchet
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PC gamer and I enjoy all genre's of games, But I do prefer Rouge-likes because they challenge me, other games I can usually complete in one sitting without dying and now I just play for story. 


My pony OC

If you would like to Roleplay please Private message me, I only like one on one Roleplays cause groups get overwhelming and becoming attention contests, I like to rp with people equally.

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Very, very serious. I usually skip through secrets though. If I had more time I would take more time finding secrets. The games that I usually like are Classic arcade games like Daytona USA and Sega Rally. I play a lot of games for Plot as well. Like COD, MGS. The next NFS says it will have plot in it. Oh God No, I don't want another plot in an NFS game as it just ruins it. I also play Fighting Games. I want to start my own Clan for COD and other FPS called ''The Trickshotting Bilbies''. Problem is, people will think we're Australian. Which we are not. The arcade game I have completed most is Outrun 2. Another arcade game I really miss that I own on my Saturn is Virtual On:Cyber Troopers. It was accessible(unless you were in the arcade, where it controls like Battlezone, a bulldozer or tank). It was like Virtua Fighter, Tekken or Street Fighter with giant robots. It was very popular in Japan. And it was designed by Hajime Katoki, who worked on Gundam. It had FPS style freedom of movement. The game's popularity in Japan probably paved way for the popularity of COD and Halo. I wish they could make a sequel. And unfortunately there are no Virtual On Cabinets in my country :( . The game had you fighting as Giant Robots called ''Virtuaroids'' who were controlled by gamers playing Arcade Machines. After the first stage, the gamers would be sucked in(not in real life) and would face a real Military Scenario. I also miss Daytona, with stock cars and everything. And Ace Combat, don't tell me about Ace Combat. I love that game alot. Especially Chopper, Bartlett and the awesome music of AC2. I also need to find an Ace Combat 22 cabinet. The closest I got to playing Ace Combat in the Arcade was ''Mach Storm''. Which was like an On-Rails version of Ace Combat 22 powered by similar hardware to Unreal Engine 4. So call me an Arcade Enthusiast and Hardcore Console Gamer.

Edited by 41Hornet

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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In console gaming, I guess I'm average. I mean, I play my 3DS and my Vita pretty often lately. I'm not a skilled gamer, but I'm also not a beginner one either. *shrug* As for PC gaming or mobile gaming... well... that depends. To be honest, I don't play games on PC because I have a mac laptop, and I don't play mobile games because I don't like to. So... I guess that means I'm more of an amateur. Though, I could have chosen average on the PC gaming question.


I don't get serious about games. I'm not competitive, especially not with pokemon. I actually lost my best friend because she got involved with competitive pokemon and dropped off the face of the earth. It consumed her, and she ended up dropping me like a rock. So, ever since then... I've always had a hatred for competitive gaming and such because it just brings back those bad memories.

Edited by AdorbzFangirl

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


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If handhelds are classified as 'mobile', then I'm about average with it and console gaming. I'm moderately skilled at games like Smash Bros. and Zelda, but I'm nothing special either. I barely even do PC gaming, and I'm not a huge fan either.  :mellow:


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I've always been a console gamer, and still am. I play mostly RPGs, action adventure, puzzle, tactical games. I'm not very big on FPS, because I like background story on my games and just who the characters are.

I'd like to be a PC gamer, but my computer is a little old and can't run games as quick as I'd like. Plus, I rarely use it (more because I need a new one) so I don't bother with it.

As for mobile games, assuming you mean like app games, I play a select few. Just when I ever forget to bring my DS or no where near internet connection.


Thank You for the Sig, Skoffee. (:

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Outside of the Sims and Fallout and Deus Ex, PC Gaming is foreign to me. I was always a bit intimidated by other PC gamers though so I never bothered to get into Steam and stuff. Bit too complex and hardcore for me. Consoles I usually play games by myself on there too although i have a tiny list of PSN friends, but it's because I'm really bad at games and prefer to soak in the game instead of 'git gud' or play on hardmode breaking my controllers.


Celestia knows I don't even tread into online games outside of LittleBigPlanet because jeez my past experiences have been less than favorable about everytime when it comes to others. I once got called all kinds of names for not being a good player in Battlefield 3 >.> screw that online garbage. I also hate how my ex-friend (;_; i only have about 3 now) used to rib on me for playing games on Easy mode or Casual. I get the feeling that everypony thinks im some kinda moron cause I prefer easy.


Idk, ill just finish by saying me and videogames are fine unless I'm online.



Silence is a girl's best friend.


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I am the occasional gamer type. I only game when I need to. That is, rarely. I play on just PCs and Androids.


I seem to be best at racing games. Especially the Need for Speed series.

I'll give a hint at that, no one in my family, or relatives, or even IRL friends could play racing games that good!

Not the only series I play. I also play Terraria, I am quite good at it.

Also good at RTS. I rarely play them nowadays, mostly because I moved to a computer where some games are impossible to play.



Also check out my OC vectors!

omg this is some outdated stuff


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I'm more of a console gamer, but that doesn't mean I'm particularly skilled; I think. It's the platform I have the most experience on.


I'm definitely am amateur with PC gaming, while I can get by with handheld gaming fairly well.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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