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Underrated/Overrated episodes


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Twilight Time

Feeling Pinkie Keen

Green Isn't Your Color

It's About Time



A Canterlot Wedding

Pinkie Apple Pie

Winter Wrap Up

Luna Eclipsed


The episode I considered "overrated" are actually episodes that I like. I just feel they don't need too much praise.

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Feeling Pinkie Keen

Baby Cakes

May the Best Pet Win


Dragon Quest

Trade Ya

It's About Time

Last Round Up

Sonic Rainboom

Apple Family Reunion

Equestria Games

Just For Sidekicks

Spike At Your Service

Games Ponies Play




Canterlot Wedding

Luna Eclipse

Pinkie Apple Pie

Hearth's Warming Eve(unpopular opinion)

Last Round Up


Yes I did put The Last Round Up on both intentionally


Considered putting Sonic Rainboom on the overrated list, but some of the unreasonable hate it's gotten here recently has prompted me to put it on the "underrated" list

Also considered putting Simple Ways in overrated, but I just figured it was a love-it or hate-it kind of episode

Edited by Megas75
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Rainbow Falls (still don't get the hate)

Green Isn't Your Color (one of the funniest episodes of the show)

It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Baby Cakes

...and many more



Pinkie Pride (I didn't like the goof off :please:)

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Party of One

Magic Duel

Edited by Blobulle
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Equestria Games

Rainbow Falls

Trade Ya

Its About Time

Cystal Empire

Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000



Pinkie Pride

Best Night Ever 


Thats not to say that I don't like those episodes. I just don't like them as much as most people do.

Edited by Banul
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The most overrated is Pinkie Pride, I think. I still enjoyed it but the songs weren't good to me and I found it rather weird, especially the brief live-action bits.


As for underrated... I'm not sure. Maybe Rainbow Falls. I really liked it and I don't really see what's so bad about it. It was good to see more Derpy and Soarin'. :) I don't like how "mean" the Wonderbolts seemed though. Bad Spitfire! :angry:

  • Brohoof 2


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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Overrated: Sleepless in Ponyville, Flight to the Finish, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, PINKIE PRIDE

Underrated: Um... Just for Sidekicks



It's About Time


It's About Time



It's About Time

Its About Time


Just who is underrating the best episode ever??

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The only one I feel really strongly about is Family Appreciation Day. I think it's waaaaay underrated. Magic Duel might be overrated, though some of that might be bias cause I don't think Trixie's all that great.

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(Not in order.)



  1. Apple Family Reunion: Weak it may be, but it's still very well-done. Quite possibly the best AJ episode to date.
  2. Twilight Time: Doesn't do too much, and it's one of S4's "softer" episodes plot-wise. But its technical and characterization execution are actually really solid.
  3. Family Appreciation Day: Not a very disliked episode, but often overlooked.
  4. Sleepless in Ponyville: Simply because too many complain about Rarity's justifiable response to Sweetie Belle's hilarious guilt-tripping.
  5. Castle Mane-ia: An episode that, like his two others, follows the trope to the known cliché, but the humor and characterization mask it better than Leap of Faith and Simple Ways.
  6. Simple Ways: To be blunt, this episode isn't very good. It's easily Rarity's worst. But is it THAT bad? I don't think so.


  1. Twilight's Kingdom: Many of the flaws from McCarthy's previous two-parters exist here, and the Alicorns' logic to give Twilight their magic is unbelievably stupid.
  2. Somepony to Watch Over Me: An episode so out of character of AJ, I'm surprised many AJ bronies like it.
  3. A Canterlot Wedding: Just like T'sK, but much worse.
  4. Bats!: Simply from an analysis community perspective, far too many of them put it in their top-ten favs and overlook the elephant in the room: AJ's justifiable logic to remove what are pets was treated as the wrong solution for Fluttershy's delusional and destructive opinions of them.
  5. Equestria Games: The Truth or Square of Friendship Is Magic. With The Hub and Hasbro advertizing the episode, it was no surprise to see many people hyped for it. Only to have it as a backdrop for Spike's confidence issues (most of which made him an out-of-character idiot) and a contrived setting for Spike to save the day by coincidence. Even without the hype, the episode is written very poorly. Equestria Games doesn't deserve the praise it often gets.
Edited by Old King Q
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-Sweet and Elite

-Applebuck Season

-Rainbow falls

-The best night ever

-The Crystal Empire

-Over a Barrel



-Twilight´s Kingdom (Still love it duh)

-Lesson Zero

-Sonic Rainboom

-Return of the Harmony (part 1)

Edited by ThatCheer
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  • Sonic Rainboom (one of those "Due, you had to be there when this episode came out!" type deals, I suppose)
  • A Canterlot Wedding (the good stuff is awesome, but the lesser stuff is woefully underdeveloped)
  • Rarity Takes Manhattan (I actually quite like this one, but it best Rarity episode it is not)
  • Bats! (should have stuck with Fluttershy and AJ's conflict instead)


  • Family Appreciation Day (really solid, some nice world-building)
  • The Crystal Empire (exciting, consistent sense of menace that the other two-parters can't touch)
  • The Last Roundup (sadly overshadowed by controversy)
  • Dragon Quest (does a lot for Spike's character and develops his relationship with the ponies)
  • Too Many Pinkie Pie (not sure if truly underrated, but it's much more profound and clever than many give it credit for)
  • Equestria Games (what we ended up getting instead of the games is still pretty aces)
  • Owl's Well That Ends Well (not very good, but horrible it is not)
  • Spike At Your Service (also not very good, but it only needed a few tweaks to make it good, which is more than I can saw for other episodes that don't quite work)
  • Trade Ya (really, really fun. still pretty sure people only got mad because it was Fluttershy)

I did not mean for that latter list to be so Spike-centric.

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A lot of people seem to really hate Magical Mystery Cure. The most commonly cited reasons being that they try to pack too much into one 22 minute episode, and just a general dislike of alicorn Twilight.
I love it though. It's got my favourite pony song (A True, True Friend) and...


↓ she is fucking glorious ↓



I'm not even sure whether those stars and the bright shining light behind her are part of the picture or just an optical illusion generated by my eyes whenever I see alicorn Twilight.


Edited by Vital Spark
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~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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My list of underrated episodes thus far:


1. Green isn't your Color: With how well Rarity and Fluttershy meshed in this episode, giving a unique take on Fluttershy's character in the series, an underrated villain in Photo Finish, and a good written jealously episode that outdid the later on in 'Owl's Well That Ends Well', I'm surprised at how little this episode has received in love. With their connection in fashion and how well the timid Fluttershy and the over the top but caring Rarity connect, I would like to see more Flarity episodes in the series.


2. Family Appreciation Day: This is one of the most important episodes in terms of world building in the series with how it gave us lore for how Ponyville came to be and even characterization on Grannie Smith. Kind of surprised not many people give credit to this episode for it.


3. Mysterious Mare Do Well: Honestly I feel this episode is overrhated to the point of being underrated as alot of people hated it for RD's performance when it was this episode that started RD's character development to becoming a more humble pony (and she was much worse in May the Best Pet Win). You want to hate anyone in that episode, hate the remaining five's hypocritical behavior.


4. The Last Roundup: A very solid AJ episode as Citrus King said that unfortunately got overshadowed by controversy with Derpy Hooves.


5. Sleepless in Ponyville: A popular episode to receive backlash after how bad Corey Powell was after this episode. It's still one of Season 3's best episodes and as Q mentioned about Rarity's behavior it was justifiable.


6. Apple Family Reunion: A great AJ episode that really showed a good side to how far she's willing to go to make a reunion the best one for the sake of pleasing her mind knowing her parents won't be there to celebrate it as AJ gets her first dib managing it. Wished more people would give it it's due.


7. Castle mane-ia: A nice slice of life episode that while not exactly original held many good humor and characterization for the majority of the cast in the episode. It also is the episode that started the whole Friendship Journal thing Season 4 and possibly future seasons will use.



My most overrated episodes thus far:


1. Sonic Rainboom: I don't understand why this episode is considered among the top ten episodes in the series by many. Perhaps in the top twenty or thirty but with how it made Rarity into an unlikable character in the episode and struck everybody with Plot induced stupidity for the sake of making Rainbow Dash's conflict in the episode work as intended, I'm just wondering why it's being considered as such.


2. Luna Eclipsed: Biggest proof that all you need to make Bronies to declare an episode best ever is to put Princess Luna in it. It's not a bad episode but like Sonic Rainboom I wouldn't put it near my top ten list like so many do.


3. A Canterlot Wedding: This was considered the best episode in the series by many. Now I view it as one of the episodes that started some of FIM's later problems in how it overemphasized Twilight above the remaining five and made her look all the better for being the opposing voice while everybody else was proven wrong for doubting her, and many narrative and continuity issues it caused.


4. Magical Mystery Cure: With how a poll on EQD rated this as one of the best episodes in the series, I'm left agaped by it. Look, I know alot of those voters probably felt guilty for how they or others behaved towards the DHX staff for the whole Twilicorn and EQG drama, but to rate this as one of the best episodes in the series? It has a better case to be among the worst episodes in the series for how frantic it's pacing was and not so noble motives from Celestia and her plan for Twilight in the episode.



(I will add more to it as I continue my season 4 review).

Edited by Nuke87654
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-Call of the Cutie: This episode is liked by most but it seems to have been forgotten about. It deserves more praise because it is fantastic


-Hearths Warming Eve: A brilliant piece of world building. People seem to get at this episode because of the conflicting continuity Celestia/Luna flag and the characters not leaning anything. The first complaint is invalid because that's just the flag, didn't mean they came to power; and the second complaint I can understand but that's not what the episode was trying to accomplish.


-Look Before You Sleep: It was annoying in places and boring in others sure, but the climax was amazing and made up for it in my eyes. It was a topic that needed to be tackled and the moral that different people can still get along is really good.


-Power Ponies: A really fun and enjoyable episode. People seem to nitpick at this one and I think that's unfair. Duming everyone else down to make Spike look good was not what happened at all, and people need to give this episode more praise.


-The Last Round Up: Hands down best Apple Jack episode. People seem to not be able to stomach Pinkie or just get angry about Derpy being cut out. Well Pinkie was fine and hilarious, and Derpy WAS A MINOR THING. Every joke works and the way the story folds and comedy is placed works flawlessly.


-Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: A really fun and light hearted episode, Apple Jack not learning anything doesn't bother me.


-Keep Calm and Flutter On: This episode was fantastic because not only did it bring back the shows best villain, but was also really sweet and heartwarming. People seem to hate this episode because of one line Fluttershy said, but they completely misunderstood it.




-Luna Eclipsed: Creates a beautiful character, fantastic character interactions, and a great moral. Unfortunately the lackluster plot and the ending not matching up with the moral makes it just okay.


-Daring Don't: Completely spits on the idea of a 'fantasy' world by making Daring Due real. Also plot was really predictable and Daring Due being real was probably the laziest idea for an episode in the whole of season 4.


-For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils: Turned a cute, adorable filly into a spoiled, psychotic maniac. Rarity is kind throughout the episode and I feel so sorry that she is wasting affection for a filly that rips up peoples stuff and laughs after having received a kind act of generosity.


-Magic Duel: I thought this was going to be Twilight's Kingdom style action when I read the title, but it really wasn't, it was just showing magic. Also it ends on an anticlimax and we don't get the action we were anticipating.



-It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: Completely boring and the Breezies are annoying in every way.

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I'm probably one of the people who found Sleepless in Ponyville overrated and meh for more than just Rarity's behavior.





-Many of the "hated" episodes in Season 4 (OK, I can see the problems with Rainbow Falls and Trade Ya!, but otherwise, many of them have little to nothing wrong with them.


I would've also said Apple Family Reunion as underrated, but I feel that episode became more of a "Love it, hate it" thing than actually being either overrated or underrated.


And I could also say A Canterlot Wedding is pretty overrated considering the problems with it, but it's still a guilty pleasure for me.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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-Many of the "hated" episodes in Season 4 (OK, I can see the problems with Rainbow Falls and Trade Ya!, but otherwise, many of them have little to nothing wrong with them.
This right here. I would be just finishing enjoying the episode, when I would go online and see many people badly critiquing the episode with critiques that are sometimes pulled out of nowhere,


As for Apple Family Reunion, it's a decent episode but one I have personal trouble watching.

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I'm probably one of the people who found Sleepless in Ponyville overrated and meh for more than just Rarity's behavior.

I've got a huge post about why I found it extremely average despite everyone hailing it as amazing, if you want to see it.

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Overrated: Party of One, Best Night Ever


Underrated: Daring Don't, Crystal Empire


Those are the ones that immediately come to mind, though I'm sure I'm missing others...

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Always hard to know if these episdoes actually are overrated/underrated or if you've just heard outlier opinions. But, to the best of my understanding, here're my episodes to complain about being outnumbered on:



-Friendship is Magic - Still measures up to the best 2-parters. In fact, if you went by sheer pacing and plot structure, it would probably be the best one.


-Applebuck Season - The only Applejack episode to explore AND grow her character while weaving it into an entertaining story. So many after this were just pale imitations, playing less like development and more like "Applejack's doing it again!"


-Feeling Pinkie Keen - '"There are wonderful things in this world we just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true" = RELIGOUS PROPAGANDA!!!' ...Really? That couldn't possibly be applied to any of the more factual phenomena we don't entirely understand but do exist and once had close-minded figures slowing down progress by claiming they couldn't? You can keep drowning in that, but I'm gonna enjoy the first-rate slapstick.

-Over a Barrell - Probably the best one I've seen to weave all 6 characters into one story without really shoving anyone off to the side. Great character moments, a higher-stakes conflict putting everyone to the test, and lots of fun animation. (The climactic pie fight was kind of an odd choice, but nobody complained when Magic Duel turned into a battle of who could show off better.)

-May the Best Pet Win - Actually, is anyone underrating this, or was that just a random pair of insanely pessimistic haters?

-The Mysterious Mare Do Well - I could go on awhile. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOITwd9IHdw


-Family Appreciation Day - Turns out Granny Smith is almost as good at comedy as Pinkie Pie. And her story to the class is one of the show's highlights.


-Baby Cakes - Weaves between comedy and characterization with surprising finesse (despite the pig song)


-MMMystery on the Friendship Express - Welcome to Pinkie's world, where the conflict is all about dessert villains, all the characters are just a little exaggerated to play off of her, and the animation and one-liners pull no punches, hitting you with full-force comedic creativity.


-Keep Calm and Flutter On - I'd rather have Discord with a slightly rushed redemption than not have him at all. And, come on, Discord doing what he does best mixed with Fluttershy taking full possession of her element. What's not to like?


-Rainbow Falls - I hate when one character randomly acts stupid for the sake of bad comedy. But everyone at once acting kinda silly and stupid because the story is written with a goofy, carefree tone in mind? I can work with that.


-Simple Ways - I kid you not, this hilarious bit of great character interplay, voice acting by Tabith St. Germain, and sharp comedic timing is both my favorite Applejack and my favorite Rarity episode 


-Filli Vanilli - Remember when Photo Finish, or Rarity, or Fluttershy herself rattled off that stupid, unfunny, obvious line about how the character taking the stage shouldn't be worried, because everyone will be watching them. Sorry, but Pinkie Pie's thing with Fluttershy was a hilarious parody. And Fluttershy finding the joy of performing over the course of the montage is the one and only time I've found her as adorable as her fans seem to.



-Green isn't Your Color - The used gum of the show. When it's not giving us what Suited for Success already delivered better (Rarity wanting to impress a fashion figure but ultimately proving that she puts her friends first) or weaving the very thin excuse for conflict that is Pinkie Pie's story, it puts every last ounce of energy into hitting us over the head with boring Fluttershy cutesiness.

-Sweet and Elite - My first episode, which almost convinced me that the show wasn't worth watching. Pony fashion and friends embarrassing you in front of high society snobs were boring ideas before this show even began. (I guess in that light, it is impressive that this episode just seemed vaguely okay to me, rather than terrible.)


-Magic Duel - A Zecora subplot with no point (having her hint at the solution at the end as the excuse), duels that have nothing to do with who can overpower who, and an inexplicable "character arc" for Trixie claiming she wasn't that bad before and wants redemption for no reason at the end. Just passable.


-Castle Mane-ia - Great opening, but now you have them in the castle, with no mystery (Twilight explained everything away early on), no danger, and nobody trying to accomplish anything I'm supposed to be invested in? Then... why should I care?

-Rarity Takes Manehattan - All the 1-dimensional melodrama of Magical Mystery Cure with none of the high-stakes conflict or payoff as a redeeming factor.

-For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils - As much trash as I've talked on this episode, I actually do like it. (Luna ftw!) But Sweetie Belle's depiction was a serious downside.

Edited by The Second Opinion
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Underrated- Dragon Quest

I love just about everything about this episode, for how it really subverts MLP with the dragon characters and heavy metal bg music, along with having a culmination of amazing moments like the camo scene, Crackle, the phoenixes, and Rarity puttin' up her hoofsticuffs. One of my personal all-time favorites. :D


Overrated- Sleepless in Ponyville

I get the praise for the episode, but I dunno, overall it doesn't really do it for me. At the time it came out I guess I just wanted more from Scootaloo's first episode, and still sort of hold onto that feeling... Flight to the Finish ended up being the better one for me as a result I suppose, exploring more of what I actually wanted to see out of a Scootaloo episode. :wacko:


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