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gaming MLP Games: What do you guys want to see?

Tom Snyder

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I'm not sure if this goes here, but here goes:


Everyone here has heard of them, from the NES to the Online ones. I never played the old style ones, so can't really say if they were that good, but i'd love to see one made in the gens of 360 and Ps3, XB1 & PS4 seem to have failed miserably in their development; proving that not every system in perfect. But back to the topic:


What kind of games would you guys like hasbro to release or allow?

Edited by Candy Star
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I'd like to see something like south park:The stick of truth game, like an unseen episode with the normal episode animation and writing inside of a game

  • Brohoof 2
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What about an MLP/Transformers crossover fighting with over the top attacks and powers? i'd be down for that! (Hasbro do own Transformers, right?)

  • Brohoof 2
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There is a flash game out there called Rainbow Pony Dash.  Its basically just a reskin of Robot Unicorn Attack where you control Rainbow Dash instead of a robot unicorn, but the game works surprisingly well and everything fits thematically.

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Those all sound like good ideas, there is already one of those; LoE. Yes, its still being tested, but they've done pretty well for themselves. I just can't wait to play the full game someday!

  • Brohoof 1
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An MLP fighting game/puzzle game woulf be nice. Or even just an mlp mmo. THAT would be interesting...especially cutie marks.

legends of equestria is like that. i think its still in beta. 

Whaaaat? That sounds cool.

  • Brohoof 1
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An MLP fighting game/puzzle game woulf be nice. Or even just an mlp mmo. THAT would be interesting...especially cutie marks.

Whaaaat? That sounds cool.

I've played during open beta server time, it was fun to fly around, but still needs more time before they can actually get things going. 

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I've played during open beta server time, it was fun to fly around, but still needs more time before they can actually get things going. 

Do you know what its about?


GASP! They're hiring concept artists...!! :o

I wonder if i'd qualify. o_o I'd...really love to....

Edited by AmberDust
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I would love to see your stuff in it.

:blush:  Thank you! I'm not really sure if I can do set designs though. I mean, environments and stuff. Is this game 3D? (runescape style?)

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Y'know with all the intellectual properties Hasbro owns, they could do a super smash bros/ PS All Stars type of deal. MLP, Transformers, GI Joe, Jem, Littlest Pet Shop, Pound Puppies, and quite a few Marvel characters could be thrown in. 


If I had it my way, a 3rd person RPG adventure game would be cool. You could explore the world on your own or tag with a group of friends, either in game or co-op. What'd be cool is to throw in some sim elements, have a life and relationships that you maintain though your actions. Have a career that you build and a special talent that you work towards. Have friends whose relationships you maintain or strengthen. Have favors from townsfolk that need completing. Have a house that needs building or buying. Have an evil villain that needs defeating. You could work your way from being a blank flank filly to becoming royalty. Even throw in dating sim elements for when you're trying to court your special somepony.

  • Brohoof 4
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A FIM Go-Kart racing game. Story wise, Discord sets it all up and runs it. Have any number of characters, with each one with their own unique ability and various Power-Ups.

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Id like them to release an mmorpg or strategy sort of game. Like a "War of Equestria" sort of game   preferably New lunar republic vs Solar Empire.  I mean I know this is will never happen but hey a guy can dream.

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The mmorpg bit has been covered, just in beta, as for strategy; i don't think that will work out too well.

:blush:  Thank you! I'm not really sure if I can do set designs though. I mean, environments and stuff. Is this game 3D? (runescape style?)

Yes it is, there are quests but they seemed bugged in the beta. I seen a pony wielding a magic sword, wish i had it.

Edited by Candy Star
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A lot of folks seem to be jonesing for a somewhat darker MLP game...and as much as I hate raining on parades, an official Hasbro-endorsed war game/fighter/etc. isn't gonna happen in a million years. Not unless the violence is severely watered down. X)


I'd personally like to see an indie dev try their hand at making a decent 3D platformer in the vein of Mario 64 (yes, including the "kid friendly" aesthetic); one that's accessible to the young'uns, but still provides a reasonable challenge to older gamers who like a good platforming experience. If it excelled at this, then perhaps it'll at least have a snowball's chance in hell of getting licensing rights from Hasbro.


...Aw, who am I kidding? Hasbro's gonna C&D a fan game no matter how family friendly it is. :lol:

  • Brohoof 3
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A lot of folks seem to be jonesing for a somewhat darker MLP game...and as much as I hate raining on parades, an official Hasbro-endorsed war game/fighter/etc. isn't gonna happen in a million years. Not unless the violence is severely watered down. X)


I'd personally like to see an indie dev try their hand at making a decent 3D platformer in the vein of Mario 64 (yes, including the "kid friendly" aesthetic); one that's accessible to the young'uns, but still provides a reasonable challenge to older gamers who like a good platforming experience. If it excelled at this, then perhaps it'll at least have a snowball's chance in hell of getting licensing rights from Hasbro.


...Aw, who am I kidding? Hasbro's gonna C&D a fan game no matter how family friendly it is. :lol:

Now this i like!  :)  Someone who actually has a good idea for once. No offense to past posters, but what you guys want is already being done, as long as LoE isn't taken down, you'll get a rpg. But not in the fashion you desire.

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Any MLP game released by Hasbro almost definitely would not be marketed towards bronies (rightfully so). I'm definitely looking forward to the full release of LoE though.

Edited by Frostgage
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I'd personally like to see an indie dev try their hand at making a decent 3D platformer in the vein of Mario 64 (yes, including the "kid friendly" aesthetic); one that's accessible to the young'uns, but still provides a reasonable challenge to older gamers who like a good platforming experience.

I quite like this idea. The kind of games from my childhood: Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc.

It's pretty sad that Hasbro isn't interested in making a game with decent gameplay, because there are hundreds of brony devs who would jump onto an opportunity to receive official endorsement and be able to create freely without having to be afraid of a cease and desist letter.

I've actually been working on a game a bit, what I've described in my notes as a 'pony-themed 2D platformer ARPG kinda-like-Maplestory-minus-everything-that-absolutely-sucks-about-Maplestory'. It'll have customizable characters with species-specific abilities, an fully explorable world, lots of silly easter eggs.  I've got a lot of big ideas that I've been writing down for about 2 years and have just barely started to make happen. I'm at no point to start asking for help with anything, but if it sounds like a good idea, moral support is greatly appreciated (and it'll make me feel like working on it more!).

  • Brohoof 3
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I've actually been working on a game a bit, what I've described in my notes as a 'pony-themed 2D platformer ARPG kinda-like-Maplestory-minus-everything-that-absolutely-sucks-about-Maplestory'. It'll have customizable characters with species-specific abilities, an fully explorable world, lots of silly easter eggs.  I've got a lot of big ideas that I've been writing down for about 2 years and have just barely started to make happen. I'm at no point to start asking for help with anything, but if it sounds like a good idea, moral support is greatly appreciated (and it'll make me feel like working on it more!).


Well you certainly have my full moral support, because it sounds like a kickass concept. As much as I love a great 3D platformer, 2D platformers will always have the most special of places in my heart, thanks to the games I grew up with (particularly Mega Man, arguably one of the greatest 2D platforming franchises of all time).


If you ever get anything set in stone and end up needing a musical score, I'd be more than happy to provide my services. :smug:

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