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general What life do you want?


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This is something I have thought about for ages, what with my dissatisfaction with the way things are. I came to plenty of conclusions (I am setting literally no rules on how you answer) involving other universes and being some kind of supernatural creature, and I think now I've finally come to an answer I never thought I'd come to:


THIS life... except with all the most regrettable parts taken out. I mean, if we're setting no boundaries since this is purely hypothetical, you'd think I'd take full advantage of it by making it that I'm some kind of ultimate sorcerer or a celebrity. But this life is what I realize I truly want, it's just all the blemishes that ruin it for me. So if some ultimate power allowed me to restart life with all the knowledge I have now, that would be swell.


So, if you could choose literally ANY life you could think of, what would it be?

Edited by Littlecandylulu903
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I just want my high school/teenage life back. The life where my biggest challenges in my life were feeling not good enough as a musician and teenage social drama. There were no sign of my medical issues. I had a life where I could look forward to the future. I had such a carefree, normal life.


I'd give anything to have that again.

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To be with that special somepony, to share all of life's experiences with them and to take care of one another for better or worse. To live a wealthy existence and to give my family everything they could every dream of, to the extent it isn't causing any people any harm of course. I just feel that to find your soul mate is the ultimate goal in life, and you share what life you have left, while alive with them. I understand that a few if not a lot of you would probably be thinking I'm foolish for wanting something that is so readily available to the masses since it might not work out the way I envisioned it, most things in my life aren't but I feel it's worth it to try and find the partner to be. I believe love is the most powerful human emotion we can feel when we do feel it for someone, so for that spot in my deep dark and broken heart to be filled would be the meaning of life for me.

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My realistic ideal life is simply to have no financial strife. This doesn't mean I seek to be a multi-millionaire with a dozen holiday homes across the globe - although that does sound nice. All I really want is to ensure that I always have enough money to suit my needs. No debt stresses or late bills. Enough money to live comfortably and securely. Part of the trick is to be smart about it and never bite off more than you can chew.


For a more out-there ideal life, I've always wanted to become a spaceship(you heard me) and travel the cosmos until the end of time. No boring human life for me. Heck, with an indefinite lifespan I've always been fond of the idea of creating life on another, far off planet. Spending a millennia watching it grow, evolve, and potentially flourish. Now that'd be a way to live. 

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My realistic ideal life is simply to have no financial strife. This doesn'tFor a more out-there ideal life, I've always wanted to become a spaceship(you heard me) and travel the cosmos until the end of time. No boring human life for me. Heck, with an indefinite lifespan I've always been fond of the idea of creating life on another, far off planet. Spending a millennia watching it grow, evolve, and potentially flourish. Now that'd be a way to live.


You do? Gee, makes me feel less weird about how I'd like to be a train.

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You do? Gee, makes me feel less weird about how I'd like to be a train.

If you don't dream big, what's the point in anything? Go, follow your dreams. Be the locomotive you were destined to be!

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The minute you start picking threads on a life, it all falls apart.  You can't remove things and stay the same, especially the hardships.


If I could choose a life, the most important thing about it would be immortality so I had the actual time to enjoy it.


Add to that the ability to see into different planes/places/times and cross from one to the other at will, and you have a winner.  (So if an MLP universe exists, I could see into it and visit).  If other alien species exist in this universe I could go there.


If we could go far enough to be able to take on native forms but still be immortal, even better (without loss of self -- if you took on the form of a dog, you wouldn't end up forgetting your life and being unable to conceptualize going back to normal).

Edited by silvadel
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I'd love to experience my childhood again and do things a lot better than I did before so as to not make the same mistakes. I regret not doing certain things in my youth as well as appreciate some of its nuances, and not a day goes by that I continue to think back on what I did or didn't do. I'd also go back as a means of living longer again.

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I'd choose to be a cartoon character in a cartoon world, surrounded by other toons. The colors would be richer, the experiences more broad (I mean, having an anvil drop on my head and being able to shake it off with just a few tweeting birds circling around my cranium would be amazing!) Everything would be beauty and art! How can you beat that?  :idea:


Second runner-up would be a Jedi in a galaxy far, far away, guarding peace and justice against the evil Sith. Wearing those cool robes, flying a spaceship and those Lightsabers, my goodness!  :o

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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Well I was planning to experiment with my theories of universal energy and the quantum atom binery system. Currently it's only in the form of thoughts and dreams but if I manage to get it right. It would make me into possibly one of the most important and greatest people to ever exist. :)

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Okay no, but still, Casey Neistat is a big inspiration for me, my biggest fear is to just have a boring life, but your life can get boring pretty fast if you're a coward and play it safe all the time. So many people think that their life is too short beause they play it safe and never do anything, but it's just too short because you waste like 90% of it doing nothing, that's really something I have to work on though. And I also learned from him that you shouldn't be complaining, I mean look at him, he's really not the prettiest person, and he was a dishwasher at the age of 20, but he made it really far. He also gave me the push to draw my requests and finish them, so I often just spent the whole night lately drawing because I would get SO DISSAPOINTED at myself if I wouldn't finish these requests, I literally drew more this week then then I did in the last six months before!

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Immortality, like the one above said, would be important, but I have... special plans if I can have the life of my dreams. Honestly, I wouldn't change anything up until this point. But if I get my one life's wish (yes, just one), I'll be able to use the result of that wish as a tool to build my life in whatever way I see fit. It probably won't happen, but it's a dream I've had for years now... to find a genie's lamp and bargain with the one living within for its freedom. Basically, I'd use the first wish to guarantee its freedom, the second for my actual wish, and the third to finally free the poor thing. 


Or, I could just get the wish. Either works for me.

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Nobody's life is perfect, but I know so many individuals who seem to have it all and have the skills and resources to be successful.


I have relatively little of that, so my path to where I want to be is longer and more grueling.....

Edited by 95-Wolf
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Part of me wishes to leave this physical being. I always missed the stars at night.

Never figured out the purpose behind seeding myself inside such conflictive group of beings.

Dreams of home never stopped. Forcing myself to make sense out of this life, would be dishonest.

Sometimes, when I'm sad, a triangular ship shifts into my perception field, dancing with the sky.

I appreciate their gesture, but there are so many conflictive factors to my personal entity. It simply doesn't matter anymore.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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Part of me wishes to leave this physical being. I always missed the stars at night.


Never figured out the purpose behind seeding myself inside such conflictive group of beings.


Dreams of home never stopped. Forcing myself to make sense out of this life, would be dishonest.


Sometimes, when I'm sad, a triangular ship shifts into my perception field, dancing with the sky.


I appreciate their gesture, but there are so many conflictive factors to my personal entity. It simply doesn't matter anymore.

I think I can clear up what's going on here...

So there are most likely two different beings that are using the same behaviour codex in the DATANET system and your clone is in another universe somewhere... It's just that everything is running on a universal data system that none of us can understand or even find evidence of it. I just have a strong feeling that I've always somehow had a connection to it as I've done things in my mind that have actually come to be real in the world. And that's what I'm here for and that's to introduce the existence of the DATANET to the world and when we manage to control it we could literally do anything we wanted and beyond. :)

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I've felt dissatisfied with what I had for a long time. But nowadays i'm content in knowing no matter how much I have, i'll always wish for more. I just make it a point not to let ambition change my perspective anymore.

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When I left school, I wanted to have an artist life, travelling around, selling my artwork, working for an animation or game studio and all being good, but urgh, reality hit hard in those days and I got nowhere. It wasnt until 3/4 years being with my then boyfriend did I decide I wanted a family life, but it never came with him. He missed his chance after 5 years being with him. I was with him for 7. That was 2014 that ended. My now ex promised me the life I wanted, but it just couldnt lift of the ground and we both hit a mild depression, him worse than me =/ and I saw my ideal life getting further away. 

But now I'm with Denz and we've not even been together a year and everything is already perfect and falling into place for an ideal life. We havent had any major fights, we have a house together and we both have good jobs now and we share the work of this relationship. I'm 25 now and my life has finally reached the levels of being ideal and what I wanted back then. 

The next stages would be; pets, buying not renting a house, Marriage and finally kids. I dont think I want any other life now. Apart from a few fantasy ones I guess, but thats what Skyrim is for XD 

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I don't think I want to be a kid again too many limitations. But I wouldn't mind being a 19 year old baseball player with a lot of money and has very high self esteem and who isn't shy.


Way I see it that's way better than being a 34 year old nothing, who has extremely low self esteem, who is so shy he can't even talk to girls, who is extremely unhealthy, and in financial troubles.

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I would like to be a cat, you read it right a cat. I don't really have any explanation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have wanted to be cat as long as I can remember.(not house cat but wild cat(now like a cat from Warriors-series))



And realistic...as much as my life have sucked I wouldn't change it, little personality change would be nice, more courage etc, etc. Or  I would have liked to live in time period where strength and persistence were more important than social skills.

I'm not that old yet so I don't yet know if I get my "dream" job etc. so can't say anything in that matter. 

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when i grow up i want:

  • to own a decent amount of land
  • to have my very own private collection of working tanks
  • for people to pay me to let them drive said tanks (dream job)
  • to meet the right girl, get married and start a family
  • to be really good at art and playing the guitar

nah that's a lie, i want it all now X'D i'm very impatient and overambitious lol

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Endless waterfall of mead somewhere deep in a forest, where nobody can find me unless I want them to find me :v 


But seriously, realistic one - audio engineer in recording studio. I love working in music and this is something that actually can be achieved. I can earn money by recording and mixing music of other people and use my own resources for my own music too. 

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