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What were you like 5 years ago?


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I was 14


I had friends that I spent time with outside school. Spent more time outside. My life were simple and fun.

I was awkward even with my friends. Now I have equally awkward friends.


Now I'm 18.

Edited by PinkDeadly
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I was a very loud, rude 10 year old.


Now I am a fairly loud teenager who is very nice to those who are nice to her. 



I was very annoying back then, however. >n> now I'm a bit easier to talk to. 

I left my hearts in Hyrule

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I will rephrase what i said before:


I wasn't a MLP fan five years ago, was always lonely; my only friend left me and never called back. My life was miserable, my first three mentors never even tried to come, when they were being payed to out of my insurance. But then i met Donald, a good mentor who always showed up on time. He taught me to get out and not be such a shut in. But after he quit because they wouldn't let him work, i just fell back to my old habits. Now i'm doing everything right and i am cheerful and mellow as can be.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


//// My DA: (OC requests available) ////


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Getting better.  Before, I was so quiet that I sat at a lunch table for two years without introducing myself.  Five years ago . . . I was still pretty quiet, but I had friends who I talked to sometimes.  I think that's when I got into roleplaying in a big way, and I was still thoroughly obsessed with manga and anime. 

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I was a COD player 5 years ago. I still had the same problems I do today (except the occasional bit of pyromania, the gender dysphoria...). I wasn't nearly as depressed and moody as I am today. This was even before I knew of MLP being anything other than a strange little girls show whose characters looked like freak shows. I was also much closer to heterosexual than I am today.


However, I am still the same guy, pretty much. Just less manly, and plagued by nostalgia and mental issues (I believe, never have seen a counselor or psychiatrist to figure out what I junk I have wrong in this oddly disordered head of mine). I had never imagined that I would be the guy I am now when I was 12. Never, not a single time I had that thought back then. I crave for those days to return. Mostly the days from a time that was more like 10 years ago when I was 7 or 8. I was also much weaker physically. I hadn't lifted bags of feed and a sousaphone quite yet, I hadn't gotten the taste of how it feels to have a really broken back like I do now... (It sucks).

Edited by TwillyFSniper


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At that time, i would be 8.


I probably was a lot more introverted, shy, and pretty much antisocial and socially awkward.(Not much has changed from that, but atleast i improved a bit, since i remember that i was a lot worse five years ago.)


I was very, very ignorant. Also very stupid. I still cringe a few times, looking back. Oh lord, i regret alot of my choices and ignorance of absolutely everything. But alas, you cant change the past. Since it would probablychange who i am right now, which i do not want. I am happy in my current position.


Possibly a bit depressed, and boredom would strike me alot. My sole enjoyment was pretty much only video games, if i remember correctly.


I was also a recipe for disaster. Take that as you will.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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It is interesting that you chose 5 years because that is the interval in which I look back and think about what I was like and how I have changed. 

Boy, five years ago is definatley cringe-worthy! I was due to be in a spiraling relationship - which I did learn many valuable lessons from at no expense to my health thank goodness. I left her for many reasons, most of which was opposing ideologies, being lied to, manipulated and cheated on. I thought that was the guys role to fill! (joke)  :lol: 

I'm much happier now and wow has life improved for me! :)  


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a 10 year old who thought the world was a much better place than it is  :P I had so many aspirations, heading to secondary school excited for the future. Well, i can definitely say that's changed a lot  :o Sometime in the past 5 years I saw the bigger picture and yeah...dreams crushed  :please:



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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I was a weird and nerdy kid in my first year as a teen, doing all the things any 13-year old does at that age, like watching no TV and doing mostly studying and Nintendo gam- oh wait.


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Unknowingly Awkward, Quiet, Pokemon loving, weird bald little 8 year old, who adults found cute and kids found weird. Fortunately for me, i was too socially inept then to realize the latter. I annoyed kids, but nobody disliked me. That weird kid grew an equally weird, long haired, rocker, gamer kid. I always thought being a gamer was weird as i live in small town wyoming.


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Five years ago I had very low self esteem, made a lot of stupid decisions, and still lived with my parents.  Now, I have very high self esteem, have my own apartment, and, while I do definitely do stupid things now and then, I don't do them nearly as frequently or as severely.  It's difficult for me to grasp that this was just five years ago.

Thrackerzod is best pony.

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Five years ago I had just failed my university course Japanese Language and Culture, and had no idea what I was going to do instead. Now, I have just failed my second graduation attempt as a software developer and going for the third try in September...until then I once again have no idea what I'll do.


So, all in all, not much has changed, I guess. I'm still a lazy bastard.

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Let me think...... 5 years ago.... I was the Questioner, and I was mining.



Not a lot of change, really. 


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Back when I was 13

  • I was just starting to "grow a spine" as they say. I began to speak my mind more often. 
  • I was just starting to be hit by the symptoms of Narcolepsy. Not being able to stay awake in class was annoying at first.
  • I became a fan of what I like to call "Hot Topic" bands. (Black Veil Brides is a good example)
  • I started to grow my hair out for the first time ever. Up until then, I usually had it rather short.
  • I was really getting into anime around this time. 
  • Quiet, Awkward...and I still am to this day. 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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In all honesty, I was a big mess(not the good kind of mess) I've had major depression for years at that point and was finally starting to get help for it.  Though that help didn't last very long and I ended up being suicidal again.  I was so wrapped up in myself that I could barely trust anyone at that point.  Still in high school at the time(didn't graduate until I was 19).  Yeah no, I don't want to repeat all that...

  • Brohoof 1
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I was a complete idiot 5 years ago. Take that whichever way you want, because chances are that you took it the COMPLETE wrong way.

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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I was a way more out going person five years ago. I was 23 so all of my close childhood friends were still around which led to alot of road trips to football games and rock concerts. I was engaged at the time so I was in a completely different mindset than I am now. I wasn't ready at the time but I really thought I was. Also I was really bad on pills even though I was a happy person it affected my life in many ways. Luckily I've been able to kick the habit even though its been tough but I was taking a lot of stuff I shouldn't have been. It's insane thinking about how much life has changed in five years. By no means am I perfect now but being sober I've been able to discover who I truly am and still am discovering myself.


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Basically the same as I am now, a socially awkward, anxiety filled goofball, but I was really confused on a lot of things in my life. I am still really confused on some things, but I have learned a lot about myself as a person over these 5 years. It is crazy how much can be learned about oneself in that time. Overall I like myself better now than then, even if I was less depressed then.

  • Brohoof 1



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5 years ago... oh boy. I was 13 years old at the time, and I was still in a very awkward period of my life in which I was still pretty innocent for the most part but I was also becoming interested in sexuality. Cringeworthy hilarity ensued on a regular basis. 


I was also even more of a jackass back then than I am now.



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