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Favorite Species of Pony and Why?



206 users have voted

  1. 1. What pony race is your favourite?

    • Earth pony
    • Unicorn
    • Pegasus
    • Crystal Pony
    • Alicorn

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Me and my sister love to joke that


"Between getting magic and flying, earth ponies go neither."


I don't know why anyone would want to be an earth pony when you could be magical or fly! However, I am a hypocrite because I adore Pinkie and Applejack most. xD

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I'd go with Pegasus. Magic has never really been my thing and when it comes to athletic events, I've always been really competitive. I love speed as well as being able to endure long distances, and what better way to do that than with wings of my own? One thing that's interesting is that I'm not very keen on flying, but I'd say that's mainly to do with the fact I'm not in complete control of the plane. Having wings would (obviously) compensate, and I'd be able to go virtually anywhere I want at a whim :33

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Pegasus, because of the freedom....Magic to me limits what a unicorn can do with her powers, since his/her magic abilities tie into what their talents are.  By what the show has already established about magic, it is limited because of a pony's talents.

Earth ponies and Pegasi are able to do things that have nothing to do with their talents that are not dictated by their 'race'

Their cultural obligations (weather, growing food, etc) do not play into this basic look. 



My husband would rather be an earth pony, because he wants to keep his hooves on the ground and live simply.

Edited by Treble Bolt
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I would have to go with being a pegasus. My fave ponies are pegasi and of course being able to soar through the clouds, being carefree as a cool breeze rushes through my mane......so much freedom and I'd be able to have the awesome life I've never had.....ok I'm going to far with this lol.


Anyways, I'd love to have pegasus wings not just so I can fly, I'd be able to control this nasty weather conditions I'm having over here. I mean really. I just want to bust through all those clouds up there so the sun can melt all of this dirty snow!!! I can change between seasons whenever I wanted too and make summer last longer. OMG ALL THE AWESOMENESS

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I would choose Pegasus.


I mean how boring would it be to be an Earth Pony. Seeing all the flying the Pegasi can do, and the magic the unicorns can perform.


And how boring would it be to be a unicorn? Sure you have a piece of magical bone popping out of your head giving you magical powers. And sure, Twilight can cast a spell to give you butterfly wings. But those wings will not last like the Pegasus.


Pegasus is where it's at! You can fly, help with the weather, and go to Cloudsdale! I mean, do the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies have a place where they can only go? I don't think so!


So that my fellow Bronies, is why the Pegasi is the superior race. (Didn't mean to go all Hitler there, I love all the species, but Pegasus is my favorite.)



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Being a pegasus would be awesome, but I figure I'm more of a unicorn. 


The freedom of being a pegasus would just be amazing (And flying, come on!), but being a unicorn feels necessary just for everyday stuff. Carrying things, etc. I just don't get how ground ponies get by. 

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Being a pegasus would be awesome, but I figure I'm more of a unicorn. 


The freedom of being a pegasus would just be amazing (And flying, come on!), but being a unicorn feels necessary just for everyday stuff. Carrying things, etc. I just don't get how ground ponies get by. 

I'd imagine Earthers work very hard to suppress their gag reflexes, what with having to do pretty much everything with their mouths. For they can't use their mouths or hooves for, they simply have to go to the nearest unicorn and ask very politely :)


being an Earth pony must suck.

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I'd imagine Earthers work very hard to suppress their gag reflexes, what with having to do pretty much everything with their mouths. For they can't use their mouths or hooves for, they simply have to go to the nearest unicorn and ask very politely :)


being an Earth pony must suck.


Just something like getting dressed. God. I mean, they make it look far easier than it would be in the show, you see them just balancing huge things on their backs, just picking crap up and putting it on their backs... None of that would happen realistically, being an earth pony would suck hard.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just something like getting dressed. God. I mean, they make it look far easier than it would be in the show, you see them just balancing huge things on their backs, just picking crap up and putting it on their backs... None of that would happen realistically, being an earth pony would suck hard.

Pegasi don't have it much better. i mean yeah, sure they have an extra pair of limbs, but wings ain't exactly fine manipulators. 


D'you know what must be the cruelest invention the unicorns have ever invented, hated by earth ponies and pegasi world-wide?..



... Buttoned Shirts! 



Pegasi suck too, in their own special way. :)

Edited by Sentienthydra
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Close tie.


For what I would be:

Unicorn. Most tasks I do require persicion: drawing, using iPod, etc. I like magic, however,

What I would want to be:

Pegasus. Flying. Just flying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would want to be a unicorn because the concept of magic is pretty awesome. It would be fun to use. :B I'm too afraid of heights to be a pegasus and I think I would lack the connection to the Earth needed to be an earth pony. So yeah, I would probably be a unicorn.

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Unicorn, because magic is awesome! I would definitely take the ability to do magic over flying any day. And I agree with the above, being an earth pony would probably be pretty boring.

Edited by ThePilotGuy
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First off, I really don't get the flack that Earth ponies receive; after all, they're the physically strongest of the 3 races, and I respect them for such (and having Applejack and Pinkie Pie in their ranks certainly doesn't hurt, either).


With that being said, I'd personally like to be a unicorn; just so many practical uses with horn magic.

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Are you kidding? I want to be a pegasus so badly, I used to have Pegasussusususitis! (it's a word!)

Symptoms of pegasussussssusitis are:

  • Thinking that there's a pegasus flying around your bedroom at night
  • Wanting to have wings so badly
  • HNNNNNNGing whenever someone says 'wings'
  • trying every crazy thing to get wings, whether it is a costume, fake wings, getting a hang glider, bungee jumping, hypnotising yourslef to think you've a pegasus, etc.. to get that flying sensation.

(1000th COMMENT FTW!!!)

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I would love to be a pegasus. I love speed, being airborn (well, jumping kind of counts), and just the idea in general. Wings would be a dream come true. 1000th reply!

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