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Things in the Brony fandom you feel are overplayed/don't feel right


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So uh HOLY COW it has been 2 full years since I bothered coming here to these forums. I suppose I owe my ol' friends here a "sorry I disappeared" post first before coming back in full force but I did have a topic I wanted to share and I hope is fully within the rules.


I don't mean to bash or hate on anyone or anything, but after the brilliant Season 5 premiere I had a thought about all of the things I've seen/witnessed blossom in the fandom that I just don't..."feel" connected to.


Be it an inside joke, a meme we've made, or other things I just don't get.


For myself there's only one on my mind that comes to me only due to my being a Vinyl Scratch fan: why is Nowacking the absolute ONLY voice attached to Vinyl so far? In everything animated I've ever witnessed she's the only voice, ever. Now I'm not saying anything bad about her: I think she's a pretty funny person and I hope to meet her when I actually finally go to BronyCon this year...but I don't think her voice suits Vinyl. I had hoped by now maybe in the fandom other girls would have stepped up to add a more feminine sound to the dubstep/electronica queen of MLP.


Again, while I don't dislike her at all, I just have a sort of deaf ear now to enjoying her boyish tone being added to her.


And while I'm at it, when the heck is Vinyl getting ANY voice at all? I thought she would have spoken at least one line in Rainbow Rocks but nope. ;A;

  • Brohoof 1




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20% cooler


I understand it was one of the first real meme/quotes adapted from the show into pop culture and people like to champion that, but when it is incorperated into every convosation i have with other bronies in terrible ways that don't suit the line, it just disen't feel right. In my opinion it is overused and we need to try and come up with some kind of replacment line for this!

  • Brohoof 1


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I like Nowaking's voice for Vinyl, personally. However, what I DO feel is overrated in the fandom is the general consensus that Derpy is a friggin absolute moron and Grade A idiot, rather than being a little clumsy, and still have a good, smart head on her shoulders.

  • Brohoof 1

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Seriously guys, stop with the 20% cooler stuff.


I think this is the one line from the brony fandom, that followed me throughout the last 3 and a half years and it boggles my mind, that it still has any relevance today. Right now, everyone is doing the "I didn't listen" meme. And i find it funny. But that will also dissapear, like everything else did. Why can't this?

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I have actually never heard Vinyl Scratch speak, I thought she was an unvoiced background ponie.

She is only voiced in fan animations online and every single one of them I've come across is voiced by Nowacking. Basically the same voice that did Vinyl in the video where Octavia is talking about her life.

  • Brohoof 1




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Fluffle Puff.


Seriously, I don't get it.

Thank Celestia I'm finally not alone.


I get it.


She's cute. She gasps and does cute things.






The overblown fandom of her honestly pisses me off.

  • Brohoof 1




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For me, it would likely be Derpy (especially early on, though I've somewhat turned around), Lyra's obsession with hands, the Scootaloo/chicken thing, and some certain ships.


But that's opinions for yah. :)

  • Brohoof 1

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On the don't feel right side...


The Diamond Tiara hatred. I get it if people don't like her, and i'm never going to say that they should, since that's all just personal opinion. But (and this may just be me), hating any character to the point that you'd wish they'd get violently murdered or raped is just a little bit over the top, especially when that character is a child. Keep it savvy, bronies.


On that same notion, the Twist hatred. I don't get, since she seems to be a genuinely nice character that was probably only kicked out by the writers so that Applebloom could make friends with the CMC without things getting complicated. Yet, I usually only see her as the butt of jokes, or put in violent fanfictions, for some reason. Is it the lisp? :blink:


And, since i'm already here,i'm going to say it... The Flash Sentry hatred. Yes, he could be removed from EQG entirely, and it wouldn't change a thing. But we do know( or at least, think we know) that he's a genuinely nice guy. Aside from being bland, there's no real problems with his character, which is why it confuses me when people go ape over any of his appearances.

  • Brohoof 2
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Thank Celestia I'm finally not alone.


I get it.


She's cute. She gasps and does cute things.






The overblown fandom of her honestly pisses me off.

Honestly, her popularity's completely deserving.


Fluffle Puff is designed to be MixerMike's ponysona, but to a lot of bronies, she's more than that. FP is a lot like Derpy in many ways, particularly her childlike innocence. The innocent way she approaches several things makes her very endearing as a character. Its most memorable incantation of Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows is easily the best example. She wanted to "dance on the rainbow," and it lead to a mesmerizing video (with a funny moment of her dancing on Dash's mane).


She also has one thing in common with The Smile Song. Quality notwithstanding, FP's presence just makes people happy. The bright colors, cute way she speaks, and the fact that she's reminiscent to an innocent child.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Seriously, I have a couple of ships I'm okay with but for the most part, the shipping has gotten outta hand. Now you have bronies who are shipping others including fellow bronies like crazy. For the most part, I can't relate to the ones who are obsessed with shipping. And I find it kinda annoying as well.

Edited by CC_Maud_Pie
  • Brohoof 2

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Honestly, her popularity's completely deserving.


Fluffle Puff is designed to be MixerMike's ponysona, but to a lot of bronies, she's more than that. FP is a lot like Derpy in many ways, particularly her childlike innocence. The innocent way she approaches several things makes her very endearing as a character. Its most memorable incantation of Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows is easily the best example. She wanted to "dance on the rainbow," and it lead to a mesmerizing video (with a funny moment of her dancing on Dash's mane).


She also has one thing in common with The Smile Song. Quality notwithstanding, FP's presence just makes people happy. The bright colors, cute way she speaks, and the fact that she's reminiscent to an innocent child.

"Deserving"? That's a joke.


Am I supposed to be impressed about who or whatever MixerMike is?


At least Derpy is an actual canonical character that exists who does things. Fluffle Puff is a "OMG HOW CUTE NOW LET'S REBLOG AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE UNTIL YOU LOVE IT. COME ON HOW COME YOU DON'T LOVE HER LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS. HAVE WE MENTIONED HOW ADORABLE SHE IS?" fandom.




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"Deserving"? That's a joke.

Wrong. Fluffle Puff's popularity's completely deserving. Bronies wouldn't have liked her without a reason. FP's a very innocent, sweet character, and the way she acts is a reminder of it. Her presence makes people happy, as if they were kids, and a lot of people latch themselves onto that.


BTW, the sarcastic caps-lock doesn't enforce credibility of your opinion. Instead, it destroys the credibility of both your opinion and the structure of the entire thread.

  • Brohoof 3

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Heterosexual shipping; it just doesn't make any sense.  Anthro fan art.  Not to knock anyone who likes it, but I like that the ponies are ponies.  Drawing them with fingers (especially since hooves are irrefutably so much better) freaks me out.  And I say this despite having gone through an anthro phase years ago. x )  Reaction videos.  Reaction to a reaction video.  Retraction of a reaction to a chemical reaction to a reaction video.

  • Brohoof 2

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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-Ponies in sockis

-Ponies in panties


-Fluttershy being the only pony of the mane six turned into things....

-Derpy has autism

-Dr.Hooves...(random pony has a time like cutie mark,  hes now the Dr. Who)

-Princess Celestia is a overlord who controls ponies and etc

-AJ and Dash shipping.....

-Spike is a useless cannon




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"Coming out as a Brony". I never liked that.

Until conservative society quits the homophobic and ableist stigma that men liking something feminine equals being LGBT or disabled, then closet male bronies will continue to exist. Closet bronies exist not because of bronies, but because of how society treats men who like "feminine" products.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 3

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Until conservative society quits the homophobic and ableist stigma that men liking something feminine equals being LGBT or disabled, then closet male bronies will continue to exist. Closet bronies exist not because of bronies, but because of how society treats men who like "feminine" products.

I mean the actual phraseology. As someone who never had the nerve to come out to family members as bisexual, I find it somewhat insulting and demeaning to use the phrase "Coming Out" in terms of a television program. I also believe that the use of the phrase brought about the misguided "Gay" connotation of being a Brony, not the other way around. The same with "Closet Bronies". I will never understand how people can equate the emotional risks and mental anguish of admitting to family that you're gay or bisexual, to admitting you watch a TV show that's openly and legally broadcast for anyone that wants to watch.


That's just my opinion.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • The forced shipping:

Shipping are ok to me and I do ship some caracters, but when they are forced and even out of the MLP world with bronies as jokes, they're just annoying and they seems to forced for me. For those who ship abusively remember, the seas are not endless and if you make too many ships well your going to end up overfilling it then chaos will come.

  • The over the top analysers:

When analysers mature up too much in their ways of doing analysis on MLP, then it's just too serious for a show describing fictional caracters. Some people just waste their time hating on every tiny little aspects they hate from an element from the show then it's too serious to be considered by me (a great exemple would be Princess Twilight Sparkle and analysers hating on her for being too perfect in opposite of others caracters in the show) and in the end some analysers just want to get too much attention and it's overwhelming for a newbie-reviewer like me who was used to watch French T.V. shows in the past.

  • Brohoof 1


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As someone who never had the nerve to come out to family members as bisexual, I find it somewhat insulting and demeaning to use the phrase "Coming Out" in terms of a television program.

Actually, the true insult isn't the phraseology, but the fact that society placed that misandric stigma even prior to bronydom. As a New Yorker, I don't have to worry about not expressing my passions on what I watch, and I have the family and friends who are more than willing to embrace what I like. But in very conservative societies like the Bible Belt, gender roles are not only part of the norm, but important for growth and survival into adulthood.


I also believe that the use of the phrase brought about the misguided "Gay" connotation of being a Brony, not the other way around.

This opinion not only has very homophobic implications. It's also very dangerous. By scapegoating bronies as being the ones responsible for closet bronydom to exist, you're placing the blame on bronies who honestly do feel they can't reveal their passion for the product. It's like telling a girl she can't wear a specific style of clothing because men will stare at her. If you're going to blame someone, blame society for enforcing the harmful stigma.


There have been cases where closet bronies have a reason to be in the closet. We had one case here on this forum where one brony was bullied by his family after he came out of the closet as one, actually believing something is wrong with him. Then there's the bullying of bronies as "autistic" or "gay" just because they have the audacity to like it.


Is it anywhere near the impact of coming out as LGBT? No. But it has impact nonetheless. One episode where bronies regardless of age or gender get bullied for being bronies is one too many. Encouraging bronies to be open about their passions should be something to endorse. Why? Because it means you're forcing society to progress. No matter the gender and age, by being a brony, you're already challenging the social and gender constructs of society. Discrediting closet bronies from being open enforces these archaic constructs.


If the bigots aren't ready for social progress? Tough shit.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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