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What Jokes offend you guys?

Tom Snyder

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There is very little I am offended by, I am of the school of thought that humor is just about expressing happiness but trying to cope with difficult and unpleasant situations as well. So thing like jokes about 9/11, racist jokes for example that most people would find offense I don't because of that particular philosophy I have on humor. With that said though there is a time and a place for certain things and I wouldn't go telling those jokes anywhere or to just anyone in any situation.

Edited by Black Adam
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Jokes are just jokes, they don't offend me at all. You can make the dumbest joke in the world or the most insulting, I just don't care because they're a joke and nothing else.

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I am offended by notorious jokes about me. From time to time it is fun, but when someone laughs at something about me all the time I feel like the person tries to insult me. 

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Jokes that offend me are jokes that make fun of any kind of tragedy, where many died. 


like the Boston Bombing or 9/11


Also another big offender for me are jokes about suicide. For example, I was at work one day and I overheard a co-worker making a gun to his mouth motion, and saying "I'm gonna do it today, I mean it". As someone who once wrestled with real nearly constant thoughts of suicide a few years ago, it offends me greatly.   

Edited by Zantetsuken
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None I can think of because offensive jokes are the best in my opinion. However, I don't think I've ever heard of a clever "In Soviet Russia" joke... though its variation "Russia annexes you" or something of the sort I have found at least somewhat amusing.
No matter what, anything anyone says could be taken as offensive to at least one individual so I figure it's easier to not even bother; being offended doesn't make one correct. If joke is funny, it's funny.
Quoting myself from another thread:

I'm fond of historical, political, politically incorrect, and dark humour.
So Holocaust jokes, probably jokes about other genocides, Hitler jokes, Stalin jokes, jokes about Jews/Zionists being evil and controlling the world, World Wars jokes, Ukraine Crisis jokes, jokes about Putin being essentially god and Obama scum, Islamic extremism and terrorism jokes, 'Murica jokes, Russia and USSR jokes (doesn't include "In Soviet Russia" jokes because I never or very rarely hear one of those jokes that I find clever), North Korea (AKA: Best Korea) jokes, China jokes, Germany and Nazi Germany jokes, jokes about the colonization of the Americas/Africa/etc, stereotypes of all kinds, white supremacy jokes, humourous depictions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, jokes about 9/11 and conspiracies, alternate history scenarios, sometimes jokes about partition of Poland, Greek debts, etc. I'm most likely to laugh hard at.

Edited by Tsaritsa Luna
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Rape jokes. Triggering as hell to people who have suffered that great trauma in their lives. It's especially disgusting when people pass it off as a joke or a method to lessen the pain or a way to make coping with it easier (and such people usually have never experienced rape at all). 

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Pfft, Im Swedish, I cant be offended!


No but for real though, I have never been offended by a joke. Its very hard to offend me at all :)

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I tend to not feel offended over jokes, if its a bad one i can just ignore it and click away and watch something that helps forget. But umm, there are some jokes i have a tendency to dislike, "Freedom jokes" people who mock the idea of freedom, maybe its the fact of over exaggeration that it had led someone to make cheap jokes on it. But freedom is a good feeling, "The air flowing freely through your mane", true freedom, the idea of it is a nice feeling i feel. To just be free.




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I don't get offended by jokes. Me and my school mates probably offend people actually, considering we hold no bars when we make fucked up jokes. I'd probably get banned if I was allowed to say some of the jokes we make.

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Mostly just jokes about self-harm, disabilities and mental health. I don't see what's funny about dealing with these things, and it does offend me when people don't take them seriously. As someone who has been through all three, It's definitely very frustrating and hurtful to have someone joke about such things. There are people out there that do, especially on the internet.

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I don't really get offended by jokes, but sometimes I get really annoyed by racist or sexist jokes or those jokes that make fun of serious topics such as self-harm or rape. Seriously, what's so fun about them!?

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I'm not fond of jokes that involve rape and racism... usually. Otherwise, ones involving stereotypes of groups I'm a part of do not entertain me, generally.

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I have never really gotten offended by any jokes because I understand no matter how 'wrong' or mean they might be they still are jokes. However, if I had to choose one kind of joke that does annoy me a little, not because it offends me but because it is getting old is the Allahu Akbar followed by something exploding.

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1. Religious Jokes (Unless it's someone from that religion saying it)


2. Yo Mama Jokes


3. Racist Jokes

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None really.
So long as a joke isn't malicious (I.e: making jokes about miscarriages in front of people who've suffered them or something >.<) then there really shouldn't be a problem with it. 
Dark humours always been pretty funny to me anyway.

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