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spoiler Griffonstone is a part of Equestria?


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So the new teaser clip for "The Lost treasure of Griffonstone" is out.

spoilers: http://www.toonzone.net/2015/05/clip-discover-the-lost-treasure-of-griffinstone-on-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-on-may-23-2015/


aaaaand......eh. The first thing I really couldn't help but notice was the lack of wordbuilding continuity, since I'm a fan of both wordbuilding and continuity.....According to what the map shows and what Twilight says, Griffonstone is a place within the borders of Equestria (I guess our chances of seeing the lands beyond Equestria is slim to none, this season) But in the actual map of Equestria, seems like the land of the Griffons lies beyond Equestria itself, rather than within its borders.

Originally, I thought that Griffonstone might have been a Griffon town, like the dragon town district in Manehattan, from the IDW comics, but...well....Twilight said it's a kingdom of Griffons in Equestria (and apparently the coolest kingdom, so I guess screw Canterlot where Celestia and Luna live, Twilight's own kingdom, or the Crystal Empire. HA!) (though just how many bloody kingdoms ARE in the borders of Equestria?)


second thing I noticed was Twilight's views on the Griffon kingdom and its leader....apparently being "the coolest kingdom in all of Equestria.....and see the actual idol that unites an entire species, which would've been absolutely amazing". Soooo....I guess screw the kingdom of Canterlot, where Celestia and Luna live and who also unite the pony species, the Crystal Empire, where Twi's sister in law lives and unite the race of crystal ponies, and screw Twilight's own kingdom, according to her. Griffon kingdom is coolest, says Princess of Friendship.


What are you guys' thoughts on Griffon territory being a small kingdom inside pony lands, rather than its own country, like Equestria? What are your thoughts on Twilight pretty much bashing the other kingdoms of Eyestria (and by extension, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, who also unite species?)




Edited by Nightmare Muffin
  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Because there was a great epic pony war long ago between the ponies and everyone else, in which the overpowered mary sue ponies totally kicked everyone flanks. Also ponies are the superior apex race, therefore they have the moral right to rule over everyone else. They rule over all the lesser sapient species with an iron hoof, all lesser species bow down in fear before their pony masters. The lesser beings  should be content with the fact they didn't decide to kill them all for being a non pony scum. And also should be content with the fact the ponies didn't turn them all into ponies. XD


Seriously (jokes aside), I've seen better things written in fan fictions where the griffon's have their own kingdom and once were divided into warring tribes. The ancestors griffon's were much like hunter gatherer in ages long past, but since they invented farming the hunting griffon has become a rarity. 

Edited by Bendy

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Based on the old map and the map in the castle, Griffonstone isn't part of mainland Equestria. It's in part of the eastern landmass that's divided by a sea, an area that wasn't covered in the map they put out a few years ago.







I assume that it must've just joined Equestria during Celestia's rule, kind of like how the Crystal Empire was originally its own separate thing before joining.


As for Twilight calling it the coolest kingdom, that seems more to me like she's commenting on how exotic and mysterious it seems to her, since its a kingdom she hasn't met. She's lived in Canterlot most of her life, so while she may love it, it's doesn't have the same appeal that a foreign land does. The lack of familiarity, only reading about it, is likely what makes her call it the coolest instead of the Crystal Empire, which she already is familiar with (besides, it's just a really shiny town with tall castle and the crystal heart. Otherwise, it's still another pony town). She doesn't really have a kingdom, she just has a castle, plus she's humble enough to not call her own kingdom the coolest anyway.


And what is with your attitude that just because she may have called one place "the coolest" (not to be confused with being the most awesome or radical as Rainbow Dash would point out), Twilight is essentially bashing everything else by saying screw them, they all suck? Is that how you approach life, you can only like one thing of a certain kind and must hate everything else in that same category. "I really like Pepsi. Screw Coca-Cola!"

Edited by Marimo
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It seems to me that Equestria might be used as the name for the whole of the known world, as well as a more specific area.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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It seems to me that Equestria might be used as the name for the whole of the known world, as well as a more specific area.

Or better yet, the only landmass on the entire planet.


Seriously, first the deer are non-sapient animals and now the griffons don't even have their own continent, and instead their whole kingdom is located in Equestria. Could this world be anymore disappointing? It`s like the writers are trying to make it as limiting as possible.

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Or better yet, the only landmass on the entire planet.


Seriously, first the deer are non-sapient animals and now the griffons don't even have their own continent, and instead their whole kingdom is located in Equestria. Could this world be anymore disappointing? It`s like the writers are trying to make it as limiting as possible.

My Little pony worldbuilding is magic everything is Pangaea?

well that's just piss in my cereal right there. Really.


IDW comic canon are actually looking better and better, I'd say (at least the deer there are sapient, with their own kingdom....granted it's still in Equestria....)

I really had hopes that the map would get us out of Equestria. You're right. Disappointing, indeed. (I'm still miffed that the writers didn't even give a name to that equality town, at the very least)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I theorize that Equestria is a collection of united realms rather than a single one, like a confederation, or like the Holy Roman Empire, or like city-state Leagues.


There are several things in the show that support this...


-The Crystal Empire is apart of Equestria and is ruled by its own Prince and Princess.


-The Flim Flam brothers mention a "Kingdom of Canterlot", and that could imply that Canterlot itself is a sub-realm of Equestria.


-Mrs.Harshwinny mentions that "every City and Empire wants to host the Equestria Games"


-Shining Armor mentions to who he thinks is Mrs.Harshwinny "I'd think in your line of work you meet Princes all the time"


Overall, I think its a pretty good guess that Equestria is a collection of sub-realms, and it seems the Griffons are one of those realms.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Or better yet, the only landmass on the entire planet.


Seriously, first the deer are non-sapient animals and now the griffons don't even have their own continent, and instead their whole kingdom is located in Equestria. Could this world be anymore disappointing? It`s like the writers are trying to make it as limiting as possible.



My Little pony worldbuilding is magic everything is Pangaea?

well that's just piss in my cereal right there. Really.


IDW comic canon are actually looking better and better, I'd say (at least the deer there are sapient, with their own kingdom....granted it's still in Equestria....)

I really had hopes that the map would get us out of Equestria. You're right. Disappointing, indeed. (I'm still miffed that the writers didn't even give a name to that equality town, at the very least)

Guys, Equestria isn't completely landlocked. It looks like Griffonstone is on a different chunk of land than the mainland Equestria. Specficially the eastern land on the map. You can tell by that landmark next to Griffonstone.



  • Brohoof 2
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Seriously, first the deer are non-sapient animals

If you want sapient deer, go read the comics and brace yourselves for obnoxious elves. Though their humiliation makes it better towards the end XD


My Little pony worldbuilding is magic everything is Pangaea?


The map isn't supposed to indicate EVERYTHING in the world anyways. There's still the kingdom that Tirek came from after all. And, based on the journal of the Two sisters, we know that the Griffons have been in contention with the pegasi in the past for aerial space, which implies MUCH more than just a single kingdom here for all of the griffons to live in.



After all, Twilight mentions that the idol unites their *RACE*. If they all lived in one single kingdom, uniting their race doesn't seem so hard: Maybe there's multiple kingdoms of griffons and this is just the capital like how Canterlot seems to be the capitol for all of equestria even if it has multiple towns?

  • Brohoof 1
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This is what happens when we latch onto fan-canons so strongly. In more cases than not the official material either won't or can't follow that same route and, as such, will disappoint a group of people. It's unavoidable, but that's the nature of a creative fandom.


In any case what we got is a teaser clip; nothing more. The Journal of the Two Sisters hinted at a kingdom for griffons, so it's likely that there could be more than just Griffonstone, and even then we don't know much of Griffonstone itself.


Let's watch the episode first. :)


If you want sapient deer, go read the comics and brace yourselves for obnoxious elves. Though their humiliation makes it better towards the end XD


Hush your mouth; the deer were awesome. :P


Not perfect, but awesome still. XD

  • Brohoof 4

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This is what happens when we latch onto fan-canons so strongly. In more cases than not the official material either won't or can't follow that same route and, as such, will disappoint a group of people. It's unavoidable, but that's the nature of a creative fandom.


In any case what we got is a teaser clip; nothing more. The Journal of the Two Sisters hinted at a kingdom for griffons, so it's likely that there could be more than just Griffonstone, and even then we don't know much of Griffonstone itself.


Let's watch the episode first. :)



Hush your mouth; the deer were awesome. :P


Not perfect, but awesome still. XD

ummm...what fan canon, pray tell, was I latching onto? That map is an official map from official Hasbro merchandise. The

"My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony" guidebook, from 2013.


or the hinted kingdom in the Journal could, actually be Griffinstone itself. -_-;

I'll go into the episode, hopefully, without judgement, but I doubt we'll be getting much more elaboration on the location of the actual kingdom itself.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I'll go into the episode, hopefully, without judgement, but I doubt we'll be getting much more elaboration on the location of the actual kingdom itself.

How much more elaboration do you want? The map in the guidebook only shows mainland Equestria. Griffonstone is shown to be on the landmass east of mainland Equestria, which is in the direction that the arrow that says "Yonder to Griffons" points to.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really don't see the big fuss here. It seems that Griffonstone is still its own kingdom. Twilight hasn't been known to be very consistent in the past, see dragons and Bridle Gossip.  :o


Equestria seems to be a very broad term. It refers both to the kingdom and the region. We haven't actually seen anyone in the series refer to Equestria and the broader world outside Equestria as the "world" yet, or not often. I think Twilight meant to say "in all the world." Plus writing for is notoriously inconsistent at times even with the attempts at continuity.


Geographically based on the map, Griffonstone is still a separate landmass from Equestria itself and its referred to as a Kingdom, much like Equestria is. Historically kingdoms, especially medieval kingdoms like what Equestria seems to resemble, did not span across oceans, which is where Griffonstone seems to be situated.


Its safe to assume Girffonstone is a worlds apart from Equestria.

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I assume Griffonstone was a landmark in Equestria and see what it looks like when I look at the new episode today. Where Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would find the lost treasure there and investigate.  :)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Maybe Griffonstone is at the very edge of Equestria.

It is. The mountain range is close to the edge of the map on the eastern landmass. Is anyone seeing my posts?

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Judging by the episode Griffonstone is very much its own kingdom



though it implies in the episode that in the past the Griffon Kingdom was not one kingdom bu many various city states that eventually became united in Griffonstone thanks to one king and an idol that united them into one nation.


  • Brohoof 1
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But regarding Griffonstone itself the reason why it may rely on bits can be for a variety of reasons that still would make Griffonstone its own separate kingdom and land:


1. The region of Equestria, much like Europe, has a universal currency. Bits are the equivalent of euros.

2. Griffonstone and its territories are effectively bankrupt and poor, due to a lack of leadership. Hence like Mexico and other 3rd world countries, they gladly accept and rely on the stronger bits currency, since their currency is pitifully devalued or nonexistent.


Either way, I love that catchphrase: "got any more bits?" haha  :lol:

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From what it looks like, it would appear that the map is still correct and doesn't contradict the official map as long as that small piece of land is the same as the undetermined region of Griffins which was implied. As for why it's part of Equestria at all, I don't know.

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With only 32 griffons, they wouldn't have the genetic diversity to keep the species going, or even really have a team for the equestria games.  There have to be other griffon areas both inside and outside equestria.  (I am figuring that map covers all areas that are part of equestria and with the globe showing more land than that, they would be on the globe but not that map.)

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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It is a KINGDOM so it can not be inside Equestria. That much is obvios but clearly, it shares borders with Equestria and I think that the town they went to was basically the capital of the Griffon Kingdom and they probably have other small towns and villages as well.

  • Brohoof 2



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