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Nintendo's was a little underwhelming, but STARFOX AND PLATINUM MY DREAMS CAME TRUE

Platinum has their hands in everything this year, apparently. They're the ones behind Nier 2 as well.



You could hear a very audible "oh my god YESS" in the audience when they started on KH3. And now we get some footage. :wub:

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So, I wasn't ready to watch another conference after that total bummer of Nintendo's... Did we get anything on Kingdom Hearts III?

Everything needs more woodwind!

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So, I wasn't ready to watch another conference after that total bummer of Nintendo's... Did we get anything on Kingdom Hearts III?

We did indeed. Some real gameplay and the worlds are amazingly beautiful and seemingly very large.


They also brought back Flowmotion as promised. I'm so hyped for that. I thought it really made Dream Drop Distance's gameplay come together.




The translator is really messing up. He goes completely silent at times. But we got Nier and Kingdom Hearts so I'm happy.


World of Final Fantasy looks pretty interesting too.




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Oh boy, people are freaking out because of Metroid Prime Federation Force  :mellow: . Man, people LOVE drama, don they?  :smug: . Still, I didn't liked the graphics, they barely look better than in Metroid Prime Hunters, AND THAT'S A GENERATION AGO, The 3DS if capable of far more  >_> . Oh well, they made it clear it's still in development at least  -_- . I didn't expected the chibi art style in a Metroid game, but I don't mind it much. I just hope the main campaign is well worth it, I'm not much of an online gamer guy 

  • Brohoof 1


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as of of now im most excited for rise of tomb raider game and hitman


kh3 still in development

ffxv no appearance

ff7 prolly the new versus 13/xv


What is broken can be reforged

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I was hoping for a release date on FFXV but it should be out soon anyway.


I'm definitely getting a PS4 this weekend. There was just so many games shown for it. Sony won this E3 by far.

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Going to be honest. Square Enix won by leagues. Nintendo... wasn't good. Not as bad as 2008 but still... not good. They only hyped me up for the new FE and Hyrule Warriors 3DS. It was all spinoffs. I guess they're saving the big leagues for next year, like Zelda Wii U.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I feel really bad for Federation Force. Honestly it really doesn't look that bad. I've actually heard people who played it(@the World Championships) say it's really fun.


And honestly given Next Level's track record with Nintendo games it can be really good

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I feel really bad for Federation Force. Honestly it really doesn't look that bad. I've actually heard people who played it(@the World Championships) say it's really fun.


And honestly given Next Level's track record with Nintendo games it can be really good

I want to withhold judgment before I know more about it but what I can tell you right now is that the reactions are far from pleasant. Then again, reactions are just that: reactions.


Well... Pretty much only the most loyal Metroid fans have been sticking around five years after the fallout that was Other M so it should be no surprise that Federation Force is alienating this rather aged and entrenched demographic. It might not be the Metroid game we were expecting but it could turn out to be the Metroid game the franchise needs to pull itself back on its feet to one day stand proud again. But today is not that day. Pulling another Metroid Prime seems too much of a stretch if you ask me since I don't think we could compare the post Super Metroid fanbase to the post Other M fanbase. What's more, Metroid Prime was an incredible gamble that becamse successful arguably by dumb luck.


So yeah, I think I'll stay optimistic and take things in stride. It could mean that the series is heading in a new direction. Some old fans may jump ship but if there are enough new fans to take their place, the fanbase remains standing. I really think our fanbase is in dire need of some fresh blood but that can only really happen if the older fans are willing to reconcile.


LOL maybe I'm just overthinking this and just talking pure nonsense but those are my two bits.

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Here's what I found out about Federation Force is that it takes place in the Metroid Prime Universe. Meaning that thanks to Other M, the excellent Prime trilogy and the original Metroid timeline are seperate from each other.


I'm really ticked at Sakamoto now.

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Breaking News: Star Fox Zero Has no Online Multiplayer Mode



 "What I wouldn't give to play some games. I would hunt a monster with my sword, I would protect a city with my burning Light, challenge an army of aliens to personal combat and scatter them, I... I've been playing too many video games lately." - Self

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Guys? I've heard rumors that a petition's been made to cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

Well, it's really just a rumor so your guess is as good as mine.

But just think about it... Getting your jimmies rustled over something you weren't expecting is one thing but starting or even signing a petition to get the game canceled? Sure, the Metroid fanbase seems to be throwing a fit on this but it can't be THAT bad, right? I mean come on, even to us bronies I don't think the Twilicorn drama was that absurd in scale XD


I don't know much about the fandom at large outside of the little forums community I go to which have some pretty chill folks hanging around there so I doubt this is for real. Who'd be that... that is an insane level of entitlement to pull off, don't you think? Getting a game cancelled because you got butthurt lol

It's kinda funny to joke about, I'll admit.

Edited by SunBurn
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Guys? I've heard rumors that a petition's been made to cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

Well, it's really just a rumor so your guess is as good as mine.

But just think about it... Getting your jimmies rustled over something you weren't expecting is one thing but starting or even signing a petition to get the game canceled? Sure, the Metroid fanbase seems to be throwing a fit on this but it can't be THAT bad, right? I mean come on, even to us bronies I don't think the Twilicorn drama was that absurd in scale XD


I don't know much about the fandom at large outside of the little forums community I go to which have some pretty chill folks hanging around there so I doubt this is for real. Who'd be that... that is an insane level of entitlement to pull off, don't you think? Getting a game cancelled because you got butthurt lol

It's kinda funny to joke about, I'll admit.


As a metroid fan myself, this is beyond stupid and just really makes the fanbase look immature as all hell. They're not even giving the game a chance as for all we know, it can turn out how Metroid Prime did and become a brilliant game in the series.

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Guys? I've heard rumors that a petition's been made to cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

Well, it's really just a rumor so your guess is as good as mine.

But just think about it... Getting your jimmies rustled over something you weren't expecting is one thing but starting or even signing a petition to get the game canceled? Sure, the Metroid fanbase seems to be throwing a fit on this but it can't be THAT bad, right? I mean come on, even to us bronies I don't think the Twilicorn drama was that absurd in scale XD


I don't know much about the fandom at large outside of the little forums community I go to which have some pretty chill folks hanging around there so I doubt this is for real. Who'd be that... that is an insane level of entitlement to pull off, don't you think? Getting a game cancelled because you got butthurt lol

It's kinda funny to joke about, I'll admit.


As a metroid fan myself, this is beyond stupid and just really makes the fanbase look immature as all hell. They're not even giving the game a chance as for all we know, it can turn out how Metroid Prime did and become a brilliant game in the series.

Petition's unfortunately legit - https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-petition-for-cancelation-of-metroid-prime-federation-force


Words cannot even begin to describe how beyond stupid this is, For fucks sake people are acting as if Nintendo murdered their precious baby and shat all over it's corpse. All over a fucking spin-off


What's more disappointing is that people who both watched the Treehouse and played the game itself has actually been saying good things about the game :/

Edited by Megas75
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As a metroid fan myself, this is beyond stupid and just really makes the fanbase look immature as all hell. They're not even giving the game a chance as for all we know, it can turn out how Metroid Prime did and become a brilliant game in the series.

Youtube comments section were full of vitriol as can be expected but we'll see what the conversation looks like once the fires calm down. It did take a while for the Metroid Other M drama to start getting coherent.


Someone described it as something of a Metroid-styled Monster Hunter. Now, I haven't played any of the Monster Hunter games but as the title and couple of trailers suggest, you get a lot of monsters and that's kinda something I like about the Metroid games. They do have interesting creatures in them so there's that.




Petition's unfortunately legit - https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-petition-for-cancelation-of-metroid-prime-federation-force


Words cannot even begin to describe how beyond stupid this is, For fucks sake people are acting as if Nintendo murdered their precious baby and shat all over it's corpse. All over a fucking spin-off


What's more disappointing is that people who both watched the Treehouse and played the game itself has actually been saying good things about the game :/



That's all that needs to be said because I really have no words. None whatsoever...

Edited by SunBurn
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Heard the Moster Hunter comparison too. I've only played the MH3U but it was a fun game. Watching the Treehouse demo, it did give me MH vibes, so that's definitely piqued my interest

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So...I went to work for eight hours. Come home. Still hyped as shit.


This is probably my favorite E3 ever. The only thing I didn't see that I was really hoping for was Wild Arms.

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Games I'm at least interested in:


Super Mario Maker (won't have to use some hack tool anymore)

Star Fox Zero (definitely)

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force (get it?) Heroes

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (prefer this series to the main series)

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (likely)

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (maybe)

Yoshi's Wooly World

Animal Crossing amiibo Festival (IF - and only IF - my mother is interested; she's played Animal Crossing: New Leaf for hundreds of hours)

Final Fantasy VII Remake (about damned time)


I want that Rare thirty game collection (I'm a sucker for compilation games - and one of the games is Blast Corps), but I don't own an Xbox One.  This makes only the second "game" I want for the system (the other is the new-ish Killer Instinct).


Whether or not I'll get any of these is dependent on that money stuff.  I don't understand why I can't just have them all because I want them.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Games I'm at least interested in:


Super Mario Maker (won't have to use some hack tool anymore)

Star Fox Zero (definitely)

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force (get it?) Heroes

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (prefer this series to the main series)

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (likely)

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (maybe)

Yoshi's Wooly World

Animal Crossing amiibo Festival (IF - and only IF - my mother is interested; she's played Animal Crossing: New Leaf for hundreds of hours)

Final Fantasy VII Remake (about damned time)


I want that Rare thirty game collection (I'm a sucker for compilation games - and one of the games is Blast Corps), but I don't own an Xbox One.  This makes only the second "game" I want for the system (the other is the new-ish Killer Instinct).


Whether or not I'll get any of these is dependent on that money stuff.  I don't understand why I can't just have them all because I want them.

I'll be honest, I'm disappointed in Star Fox. I always liked the later games more when he was on foot or you had the option to be on foot or in ships. Adventures and Assault were my favorite games in the franchise. The fact that people didn't like those games, especially Adventures, baffles me.


On a lighter note: I didn't know that Rare collection was announced. That's one major point for the Xbox One cuz there's a lot of games on there I've never played like Conker's Bad Fur Day and Perfect Dark.

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My thoughts on the E3? Well, it was mildly more interesting than they've been in the last few years. Nothing really caught my eye or excited me that much though, with the exception of Kingdom Hearts III. That's the only time I actually felt genuine wonder. Otherwise, I've kind of lost my interest in video games and only really keep up in the hopes that they'll release some good JRPGs. Thankfully, Square seems a bit better off. I still don't trust them them though.

Other things I was kind of interested in were the new Star Fox game, Xenoblade Chronicles X. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, World of Final Fantasy, the Final Fantasy VII remake, Star Ocean 5*, and Project Setsuna.


I've been really looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles X for a long time though. Monolith Soft is a fine company, and though I did not enjoy Xenoblade as much as Xenogears or Xenosaga, they haven't let me down yet and seem to be the only ones who can still produce a JRPG that I can enjoy at the moment. I will get this game the moment it drops in North America, unlike all the other games which I will have to wait for. That's how important the Xeno series is to me. 


The remake, I'm not really holding my breath for anything all that great. If anything, it'll probably not be as good as the original in terms of story (gameplay could stand to improve though as it's ridiculously outdated and clunky) and the art style is too painfully realistic for my liking. It is likely they'll alter the characters to their overwrought and flanderized versions from Advent Children. It feels much more like that than FFVII. But I'd sure as hell like to see them prove me wrong. Even though FFVII wasn't my favorite Final Fantasy, it still has that quirky charm and a sense of humor that future installments in the Compilation have lacked which I hope they retain rather than neuter with overdrama. Again though, still wary.


The thing that really has my attention other than the awesomeness of KH3 is this Project Setsuna. A low-key, very humble announcement with only three pieces of concept art. And a completely JRPG from a new development team in Square Enix! I hope this development team brings some much needed freshness and spirit to this game. I'll definitely be watching the progress of this game; I've been searching for a good modern JRPG for a long time and refresh my interest in video games.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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