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S05:E11 - Party Pooped


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But it kinda seems to me that there's a tacit agreement among "they who create the pony show" to suspend normal physics and logic in a Pinkie Pie episode.  It's a romp.  It's totally 'toon physics and timelines.  Things don't have to make sense - they just have to be funny.  For linear thinkers this will be hard to take.

If someone wants what amounts to a "scientific" reason why things happen the way they happen in Pinkie episodes, maybe they can ponder this: There is a philosophy whose name I forget that states reality is the way it is because we all have preconceived notions about how it should work. Even new discoveries are based on theories that are already present in our heads based on existing scientific facts and theories, and those that fit into the rules of this reality pan out and others don't. (I don't necessarily buy into this; just stating what I've heard.)


If one applies this idea to the universe Equestria is in, then it makes sense for Pinkie to be able to bend reality to her will, because she has no preconceived notions about anypony or anything. (Except maybe that she thinks everyone wants to be made happy.  :) ) She has such a loose grasp of realitiy that she can do all sorts are crazy things, like slide up a slide backwards. If her sister Maud is an for all intents and purposes Earthbender, so why can't Pinkie be a Realitybender?  :D

Certainly her powers are spooky enough that even a Chaos God like Discord doesn't want to be stuck with her for an afternoon!  :lol:

Edited by Truffles
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I loved this episode. I think it's safe to say that this is one of my favorites from the season. The jokes/gags are hilarious, the facial expressions are awesome, the episode has an interesting concept, and a nice moral. Not only Pinkie was hilarious, but I think everyone had some great jokes too.


Yeah, the yaks were assholes. Declaring war over stupid shit, lol. What makes it all worse is how they never even apologize at the end for all the damage they caused. Looks like the yaks and Rainbow Dash will be doing community service for destruction of property this season. Who's next?


Really good episode.

  • Brohoof 2
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I need a screencap of that Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album parody!






Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode. I loved the little things like how Pinkie slides upwards and Fluttershy mentions this. It looks like they've all accepted that there's some sort of Pinkie Magic going on.


ps. I put in the Abbey Road one too just cuz

Edited by manic
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Two things I didn't like about this episode:


1: The ponies were a bit TOO tolerant of the yak's physically destructive behavior. Culture does not excuse violence.


2: The geographical contradictions. Yakyakistan is so far to the north that no one can reach it... unless you take a short train ride and get there in less than an hour, then make the trip back by accident on a sled in 5 minutes. Also, the train that goes there also heads to the south, since it goes to Dodge Junction, then does a U-turn back north. Not the most efficient railway design.


It was an OK episode, but not the best.


By the way, I noticed that we STILL haven't named the cute little yak dude. Seriously, fellow bronies, I thought we were good at coming up with names for background characters!

  • Brohoof 4
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Yaks give HAsbro Cease and Desist for accurately portraying PAradoxical's child.


I liked this episode a lot, but don't think I'm going to show it to my kids.  The Yaks just were too poor of role models to even think of showing it to them.

Two things I didn't like about this episode:


2: The geographical contradictions. Yakyakistan is so far to the north that no one can reach it... unless you take a short train ride and get there in less than an hour, then make the trip back by accident on a sled in 5 minutes. Also, the train that goes there also heads to the south, since it goes to Dodge Junction, then does a U-turn back north. Not the most efficient railway design.



Pinkie Pie clearly is her own bizzare tardis.  One which has to go in crazy directions to get crazy places.

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Wait a second... Yaks... Mongolian design... snow covered mountains.... short tempers...


It's Kun Lai Summit all over again! Oh, I know what game your playing at writers! Think I wouldn't notice that, didn't ya? Well I did, ha!

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Many of the issues with this episode have been raised as well as the many points that people liked. So let me propose an idea that would have made this episode very different (whether it be likable or unlikable). Have the Mane6 go to the yak's land as diplomats rather than the other way around as it was in the episode. We'd have a very different environment to enjoy and a different dynamic since the yaks would be the welcoming party to the ponies. Although it wouldn't need to be with the yaks in particular, this would be an interesting idea for a future episode.  :D


I'll further suggest - by way of my obsession with changelings - that an episode where the Mane6 were diplomats to the changelings in changeling lands would be quite epic indeed.  :yay:

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After the 4th watch, i forgave the Yaks for their behavior and put this episode out of my least favorite list cuz i realize the biggest issues that people always talk about this episode is Yaks's jerkass behaviors :angry:. I would say Season 2 is THE MOST MEAN-SPIRITED SEASON WITH A BUNCH OF UNFORGIVABLE BEHAVIORS (Hellspawn Angel, FlutterBitch, Mare Do Well, Dragons, Any pony in episode 19, Pinkie's stalker, Fucking cider scene, baby cake, Pet Competition,  Blackmail v.v). All of this action commited by our lovely colorful ponies that make those Barbarian Yakskistan look like some cry babies. Season 2 still the best season despite some fatal flaws. I can let it pass cuz the Yaks is no worse than any i said above. Any unusual scenerios in this episode is not the 1st time in Pinkie Episode and WONT BE THE LAST.  Even, Fluttershy acknowledged the Physic Laws Breaking so be prepare everypony THE WORLD WILL NOT THE SAME ANYMORE :( . What bother me the most in this episode is the anti-climax near the end (damn, i want to see Yaks country, can they just let Pinkie take look at the inside for 10 second before slide away?? :angry:  cuz what  I enjoy in the journey is THE REWARD :angry: ). That make the journey pointless...  at least i have a cute Yaks :blush:

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@@BlackWater627, I like the idea of the Mane 6 being sent as representatives to another nation, though I think it'd be harder for them to convey the same moral in that setup. Still, it'd be a fun episode to watch :)


I know what you mean. The moral would be different if the episode went in that direction. I'm not sure what the new moral would be because there are many possibilities. For example, it could be a lesson about being considerate and open in unfamiliar environments or culture. There's a lesson to be had regardless of the situation they are in or that WE are in for that matter.  ;)

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ps. I put in the Abbey Road one too just cuz


I appreciate it! But in later posts I got a couple of screencaps. This is a much higher quality one than has been posted before, though!

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Very fun episode. It was a crazy one (but that's always the case with Pinkie episodes) but crazy in a good way.


The "Yaks are mad" scenes went on for a bit too long in the first half, but it was very interesting to see the nervous reactions of the Mane 6, it was clearly a situation they had little experience with. 


Loved all the facial expressions as well, the animators must have had fun with those. It's cool how they keep improving on the series.



Never knew what a Quesadilla was before this episode. Looks good and I'm sure it's great, but that's quite a lot of cheese though for my tastes.


Compared to Annoying Season 3 Pinkie Pie I found this Pinkie Pie charming and bearable.  

I feel the same way. I like Pinkie's character a lot more now, but all of the Mane 6 seem to have improved over time. 
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I tried to look at the episode critically in the end, and I was quite uninterested in the events...


...up until the Beatles reference sequence...


...I couldn't after that. That was it. I couldn't think of anything else for the rest of the episode. F**k you, MLP. That was too glorious. F**k you, F**k you, F**k you. 







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I totally don't like the yaks. They are so rude! They were really going to declare war because of beds not being the right hay?! The ponies went out of their way for them and all they did was throw hissy fits in return! :(

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Sorry everypony but I didn't like this episode. The yaks overreact way too much and it's ridiculous that a sled can transport Pinkie all the way from Yakyakistan to Ponyville while visiting Crystal Empire and Manehatten. It was also travelling in a straight line so those regions of Equestria would have to be aligned (which they aren't). Princess cameos are becoming really common now, they used to be reserved for important episodes. Twilight needs to calm down.

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Reminder for people that are complaining about physics problems: PINKIE PIE PHYSICS. These kinds of things are Pinkie Pie things. Still not convinced? Reminder #2: It's a KIDS SHOW. It's made to apeal to kids.

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Hmmm... let's see... the yaks are a bunch of condescending perfectionists who want everything to be exactly the way it is at their home, and while the Mane Six do their best to keep them comfortable, every single time something fails to meet their expectations, even in the slightest way... YAKS SMASH!!! Why does that sound familiar?


Jokes aside, this was a very decent episode, with more insight on the world building of Equestria and the races inhabiting it (complete with a new monster for the bestiary!). Glad to see yaks appearing, and while their overreactions are hilarious, they do raise a few questions about their culture. A shame we never get to see Yakyakistan in all its glory, albeit the way Pinkie travels toward it and (accidentally) goes all the way back to Equestria sliding is both epic and amusing (Pony Beatles FTW!). There are lots of other funny moments too, like all those freaky faces the ponies keep making and Twilight's phobia of quesadillas. (Who'd believe Celestia's most powerful apprentice is deathly afraid of a harmless cheese-based food?)


I am aware this episode does have its divisive elements. Not only the yaks themselves, but Pinkie's secret basement too. It's a touching way to show how much she truly cares for her friends, but it can also come off as rather creepy and stalkeriffic too. But overall it's an episode you won't regret watching.

And for those wondering what's the name of the mistery monstrer, It's Snowbutt McTwinkles

No, seriously https://mobile.twitter.com/thebiggestjim/status/614933887937081344

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