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So how and why did you pick your OC's Name?


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yeah I could do that but I already kind of already made a url called thunderhoovesentertainment oh and Thunder buck sounds like I am good at sex

actually I don't think that would be a bad thing

Thunder Buck. giggity giggity goo! Hahaha. I like it!

  • Brohoof 1


The Fizzy Filly on tumblr

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yeah I could do that but I already kind of already made a url called thunderhoovesentertainment oh and Thunder buck sounds like I am good at sex

actually I don't think that would be a bad thing

your welcome Bro!  **Brohoof** "My name is Thunder Buck and im here too... Talk about the latest pony news!

  • Brohoof 1
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Black Maria, a character in an upcoming fanfiction of mine, is named after Thomas Edison's movie studio with the same name. It's regarded as the first movie studio in the United States. The name fits the character because she's an inventor and turns into an absolute badass, for lack of a better word. The movie studio isn't necessarily known to be badass, but the name definitely sounds badass.


For a current fanfic of mine (that's currently on hiatus), there's the human character Mark Cleveland. Mark comes from the Welsh name March, meaning horse. Cleveland comes from the Cleveland Bay breed of horse.


There's also Hammersmith Apollo, a blacksmith character. She's named after the entertainment venue in London. The name is just too damn cool to not use.

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Terri: it is strange and exotic because it is short and forign (just like zecora, who is from "africa") and because my OC is from a forign country ("india") it really fits in nicely with his roots AND it is a shortened form of my online-name ^^ (whisch is bad-protolatin-ish for bad writer) =D


    Just send a Message to me or visite my Free Charactersheets post !

    link to my thread --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/136316-free-rp-charactersheets/


    feel free to check out my first english fanfic aswell --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/138791-the-strange-salespony/

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well lets start with:


Lezovick Skr: i wanded Lez to be a very old unicorn but he looked young and you can find his bio on my profile. but basically hes kind of like the G1 optimus prime of the MLP universe


now we move on to:

Shadtrax Skr: you might think brothers but no. like the primes the prime is passed on so Shadtrax is the G1 Rodimus prime or Hot Rod of the MLP universe


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Well my Ocs name is Dorufine Plumina Pie.


Plumina Pie comes from the name " Plum Pie " which i called my character first because i wanted a variation of the name Pinkie Pie, but i wanted that the name would sound more like Pinkamina , since my oc is kinda a recolor of her so i changed it to Plumina.  :please:  ( and apparently i wasnt the first one to come to the idea, to recolor pinkamena in red since even in this forum, someone has a similar looking oc  :rarity:  )

But Pinkamena or Pinkamina Diane Pie has three names, so i had to think of an third name.


I dont know exactly how i came to the idea to call my Oc Dorufine, but its kinda a wordplay of " Do Your Fine " .I know, it doesnt make that much sense , but i wanted her name to mean : Do yourself fine, which means you should take care of yourself and look that only good things happen to you.

Thats what her name is supposed to mean.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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my OC has gone through a few names in his days... originally his name was Seth but I didn't like it and felt he was too generic... so eventually I came up with the name Snowflake because of my love for ice magic (that's also when I changed him to a unicorn and altered his color scheme greatly)... he had been known as nothing but Snowflake for over a year... at the time Bulk Biceps name was also Snowflake and I didn't like that not to mention Snowflake was a common OC name and I like being original... so then I came up with Frostflame giving him the same last name as my old Wizard 101 character and I've stuck with it ever since... and that's how I came up with Snowflake Frostflame...

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
  • Brohoof 1


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Ink quill was chosen as a final as I could seem to not find a better name. My first O.C name for her was Multea pony (which sounds bad, and I was thinking I could find a good voice changer and somehow get a cute girl voice and when someone asks me what it means I would say "I like tea?" in a cute, asking voice), then evolving into Secret Script (for about 6 hours), then finally into Ink quill. My pony is a writer and an artist and lacks self confidence, and ink quill seems to fit the creativity part.

my OC has gone through a few names in his days... originally his name was Seth but I didn't like it and felt he was too generic... so eventually I came up with the name Snowflake because of my love for ice magic (that's also when I changed him to a unicorn and altered his color scheme greatly)... he had been known as nothing but Snowflake for over a year... at the time Bulk Biceps name was also Snowflake and I didn't like that not to mention Snowflake was a common OC name and I like being original... so then I came up with Frostflame giving him the same last name as my old Wizard 101 character and I've stuck with it ever since... and that's how I came up with Snowflake Frostflame...

Yay! I remember the old wizard 101 days.. like 4 years ago was the last time I played, and I tried to contact my account again, but it failed.

  • Brohoof 1

~ Inkquill  :muffins:

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I named her Grape because in earlier versions of her designs she had purple skin and pink fur, but later on I flipped it to pink skin and purple fur. I wasn't willing to part with the name, so she's stuck with it whether she likes it or not. And she does like it, because I am her goddess. mwahahahaha...

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  • Paint Brush: I wanted something simple but fitting for an artist pony like her. Originally her name was Pigment Typhoon, but I ultimately chosen Paint Brush as it's easy to remember and is something that could come out from MLP:FiM. Granted, it isn't the most original name and artist ponysonas aren't anything special either, but I am still rather happy with the name I've given to her. I also chosen that name as her mane/tail are shaped like actual paintbrushes.

Globetrotter: I wanted for her to have a name that involves the Earth or travelling. Some of my choices included Terra, Groundbreaker and of course Globetrotter. In the end I settled with Globetrotter as Globe herself travels all over and beyond Equestria, as well as how she is an Earth Pony. I also chosen that name because of a lame pun of sorts -- horses can trot and Globetrotter is a cartoon horse, so it would make more sense to use that name.

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I named my OC Neon Beats because she is a DJ who likes to play lots of techno music, where the beat is essential, The Neon part of her name is from her "neon" color pallette

Edited by DJNeon Beats

pixel_icon_comm_1_by_lastbutnotalise-datGif was done by  LastbutnotAlise 

Check me out on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/changeling-neon/gallery/?catpath=/ owo


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Well originally Kivil was supposed to be the name of a pink hooves and while centauress that was a princess in the Harry Potter realm. Then I realized that the centaurs looked like horses and not abnormal so I decided to make her pony and place her into MLP. That is just the reality backstory. The main reason I chose it is because that is what I came up with at the time

  • Brohoof 1

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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Well originally Kivil was supposed to be the name of a pink hooves and while centauress that was a princess in the Harry Potter realm. Then I realized that the centaurs looked like horses and not abnormal so I decided to make her pony and place her into MLP. That is just the reality backstory. The main reason I chose it is because that is what I came up with at the time

Sometimes that just tends to work out in strange ways,  my oc Soot was once a changeling and went to a bat pony over a few months of rewriting and stuff but I kept his love of candles and making them.

  • Brohoof 1


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Seeing as I already had two OCs named after skin conditions: Sunburn and Erythema, I thought I'd continue the theme and have an OC named Melanoma. Unlike the other two, Melanoma isn't a donkey but a Changeling (recognizable by the dark spots all over the carapace, hence the name "Melanoma").

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I named my OC Fifth Element because of his special talent! Fifth is an elementalist, and so I thought it proper that as someone who brings the four classical elements together into something greater, the sum greater than the parts, he should be the "Fifth Element."


Also before you ask, no, it's not based off the movie with the same name.


http://i.imgur.com/52VEsar.gif Full GIF here.

I own and run several MLP art groups on deviantart! Check them out!

Best-of-MLP-FiM (high quality art), MLPFriendshipIsMagic, Bronies (Very large groups)

Check out the others on my deviantART page!

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It was very difficult to come up with my OC's name considering there are thousands of OC's that have all of the basic names taken and then some. But, my OC got hers due to her back story as well as her ability to sense things at an unnatural level.


Link to my OC is in my sig. ^^

  • Brohoof 1

I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^


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- As a tradition in Outer Heaven, soldiers don't bear names, and instead go by a codename, usually animal-related.

- Resilence and Endurance

- Doesn't talk much

- Get things done

- Prefers lethal weaponry, which gave him a bad reputation

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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Rune is a fav of mine given my pagan background and also,  "Runes always cast different in every throw of them."  Which is what I read in a book and thought it would be kinda cool to  have a oc a bit like that.


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I liked "Alpha" because I love greek mythology, and I'm a huge fan of "Alpha and Omega". "Hedge" because I love Sonic, and I'm obsessed with hedgehogs. Kind of a lazy last name but y'know :P This actually inspired me to make an OC for my friend (who is not a brony xD) named "' Delta Hedge", to keep the greek theme going. Basically any other friends that I made an OC of was named after a greek letter.


Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe.

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Hmm most of my ocs are being redvelopdped .


Pen Quille is a shy , young , smart , and sensitive unicorn . She's into studying and of course writing. I have pure pages too who's another writer pony . Shifting Shadiws is a vampire peagous Demi boy pony. I often like his design and would like to explore what it's like to be born a certain gender but not be it. He's a rebel and is constantly trying to find who he is . And another one is Univeral Time ;still working on a name) and he is a dimension traveler a is slowly discovering his powers . So I guess they come to me based off my characteristics :3

Edited by twilight24
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