RockinRarity 1,605 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 (edited) I once had a dream that I had checked the forums and it was announced that Lauren Faust had died at the age of 18. That was one of those dreams where I was glad that I had woken up... helps that Lauren is definitely older than that though, lol Edited February 29, 2012 by RockinRarity Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jadefire 2,798 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 I'm still waiting for when I dream I'm a pony. Annoyingly, that hasn't happened yet. Ponysona bio, here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eenohay 318 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 My dream: Before the times of the mane six, Celestia still had yet to grow from her early stages... a small filly with pink hair, recently endorsed with her royal garments. Back during this period of time, many different species existed, with the absence of holy war; this included humans. She found herself among these two-legged intelligent animals, and spent much time among them. Every day she would meet them, one after another, which only increased her interest. FOGGY PART After she had met this young man, she realized that, no matter what species, no matter what animal conversed, there was always a possibility for friendship. She had taught herself the first lesson to becoming the god of not only the sun, but of friendship, a growing fire greater than what she already held. Second part of my dream(Wow! Two pony dreams in one night!): Rarity, some person, and I were sitting at this small patio marble table, conversing about our small lives. I had the notion(somehow) that she had held this pin, a very special pin. This pin was given to Rarity by an old admirer of her's, and despite how much she liked him back, she never wore it anymore. Being as polite as possible, I calmly asked Rarity, "Sorry if this is too personal, but why don't you wear the pin your old lover gave you anymore?" With that question, she bolted back into the house, we(the two people) could tell that this was not in sadness, neither was it in frustration, but in embarrassment. She was practically blushing so much that the house turned red. Within the house, she broke into song about why she did not wear this pin. At this point I forgot the entire song, it was very nice though, it rhymed, and had a very slow tune to it. During the song, she came out riding upon a pony stick, representing a Pegasus, and his or her function to fly(which was related to the song). I still do not understand what these dreams mean. You know, Paul McCartney claimed to have heard his famous song "Yesterday" in a dream. He even assumed that was some other song he had previously heard somewhere for months, before accepting that it was infact his. Yesterday I had my first pony nightmare It started out with one of my old friends telling me he and my other old friend had agreed to participate with me in some sort of pony project. I was really happy, but then he announced that the other friend had withdrawn in the end, because he couldn't stand certain episode wich represented certain creepy story. He told me that story and technically it all made sense. (Of course I don't remember it now, but it was something about a kid) Then it moves to another scene. Me and my sister are watching an episode. I have no idea wich episode it was, but supposedly it was a normal episode. However we were interpreting it differently, as it was apparently based on a creepy story too. So basically what the episode really meant was that Rarity had gone crazy and murdered her children, mutilated them and hid their parts in some cabinets in the room. And then we were in that same room. And my mom was there. So I went and checked a cabinet. I opened it slowly and I was freaking out, but in the end it turned out to be empty, however, there were plenty more cabinets. I told my sister "You open the next one." and before she actually gathered enough courage to do it, my mom suddenly screamed "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT!". I nearly had a heart attack as images of a mutilated unicorn colt head came into my mind, but it turned out that she was just doing a little joke. That went on for a while, as we kept searching the room and my mom kept scaring the living hell out of us, and I kept imaging creepy things. I woke up in the middle of the night, but strangely it wasn't sudden. I didn't scream nor my heart was beating fast. Still I was scared. It has been one of the most elaborate dreams I ever had, as it has been some sort of psychological horror dream. Physically, there was nothing creepy inside the dream world, but only on my mind within that dream. Yes, we are speaking of my subconscious within my subconscious. Man, it had been a while since I had waken up in the middle of the night Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 (edited) I had a bizarre, decidedly more nonsensical dream this involved the Mane Six living at my house, only instead of being large, they were about a foot tall. In other words they were the size of little puppies. They were also extremely skittish and wouldn't talk to me for some reason...and were often mostly invisible with only their hair being visible. It later switched to them being normal size and traveling with me and Princess Luna to deal with some sort of post apocalyptic horror brought on by technology being introduced far too fast to Equestria. (Consequences of my previous dreams where I'd be an inventor?) Unfortunately I can't remember too many of the details, other than Princess Luna turning human and flying an F-15 fighter jet at one point for some reason. That'll teach me not to have a drink before going to bed. Edited February 29, 2012 by Kyronea 2 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Diamond 7,575 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 I've been having dreams infrequently over the past week or so which have involved ponies, though I could never remember the details. Last night, however, I managed to have a strange sequence of dreams in which I could definitively recall the involvement of ponies. One sequence had to do with visiting a friend---I associate it with my closest friend who I actually know---in Philadelphia (even though I currently have no contacts in Philadelphia aside from family) who happened to live in close proximity with the Mane Six. I can only recall Rainbow Dash being present, and my jealousy growing because this friend of mine could interact with her on a regular basis. Then, on the final day of my visit, Dash was unavailable because, if I recall correctly, it was her birthday and she was attending a party. I remember feeling downtrodden because she wouldn't be there to say good-bye. Another sequence involved Applejack, except she human rather than a pony. It occurred when one of her family members---an older human woman, though not Granny Smith---asked me to retrieve some food from their house since they were leaving for a trip. The day was overcast and snowy, which is prehaps the most vivid portion of the dream. In any case, when I returned, Applejack appeared. I vaguely have the sense that she was in her later teens, probably due to the popular depictions of the human Mane Six as teenagers and young adults. And that's all I can remember in any detail. 2 Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eenohay 318 February 29, 2012 Share February 29, 2012 I've just realized that of all my 3 pony dreams I had, none have included actual interaction with them, but just where about bronies and the show itself, and happened in a realistic world, but you people claim to have hung out with them! I'm so jealous! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrisbiby 18 March 1, 2012 Share March 1, 2012 How does one "get" a pony dream? There are so many described in this thread, I am positively jelly. easy, do a lot of pony related things before falling asleep, then when your very tired and watch an episode right before you go to bed, literally right before so that as you finish the episode you are falling asleep while thinking about the episode, also try to watch a new memorable movie earlier in the day (for me it was a combo of several fan fics, winter wrap up, and insidious) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikael 46 March 2, 2012 Share March 2, 2012 It's strange that I don't dream about it, since I watch mlp in like 3 hours before I go to bed and listen to the songs and think about it all the time... But my brain is a troll... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshmallow 1,137 March 2, 2012 Share March 2, 2012 I only had one and I only remember it very vaguely. All that I remember is that there was a sunset and that it involved Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twilight and sea-ponies. But that's all I can remember There was also that one time when I dreamed that Feld0 had to close the forums for a few days because he was working on building a ski station or something. Then we, everypony from the forums, all went there to have some fun :3 That was a pretty weird dream. "There was me, that is Pinkie, and my three droogs, that is Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, and we sat in the Ponyville Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." A Clockwork Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lillia 69 March 3, 2012 Share March 3, 2012 I dreamt I was a Stallion last night. And I was dating Derpy. Though I can't remember the details, I'm sure muffins were offered. 2 The Most Misunderstood Mare... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 Thanks to actually having a couple of free days this weekend and thanks to finally getting the ruddy thing to download, I've been binging on Mass Effect 3! So, naturally, what does my brain do when I go to sleep last night? Why, combine the two, of course! Not as if we haven't been seeing plenty of comics and other art that already did that. Warning: there may be mild spoilers in this post. The dream centered around Shepard and the Normandy, while in the process of exploring some random set of systems already under control of the Reapers (The Horsehead Nebula, I believe) there was a new, completely uncharted system where some sort of FTL distress call was being detected from. Normandy heads in and finds a new garden world with its own civilization. Yep, it was Equestria, under assault from a single Reaper cruiser and accompanying ground forces, a ship that the Normandy would apparently be able to take on with the help of the ponies. After a brief communique with Princess Celestia, who helpfully informed Shepard that they had only just recently discovered FTL technology themselves thanks to some artifacts from a previous civilization being uncovered on the planet(which is why they were unknown up till this point but were able to call for help), Shepard agreed to help. What's interesting is that the dream kept shifting between something like a real view, as if I was Shepard, and like I was playing the video game instead. Shepard and company landed in Ponyville in the middle of a firefight, where he was quickly separated from his squad--EDI and Vega, for anyone wondering--only to happen upon Twilight and Applejack fighting off a whole lot of pony Husks. After helping them to take down the Husks, Twilight and Applejack joined as temporary squad members. I recall some sort of conversation between Shepard and Twilight that, among other things, concluded that Unicorn magic was just another form of biotics, and that Twilight is capable of kicking flank to a level that easily impressed Shepard. Shepard, Twilight, and Applejack spent a great deal of time fighting from place to place inside Ponyville, rescuing ponies and rounding up the rest of the Mane Six, since they would be needed along with the Elements of Harmony in order to take down the Reaper cruiser. They encountered a number of bizarre and terrifying unique enemies, all abominations of mixed ponies and other sapients. Incidentally they also found Shepard's missing squad members at the end of the fighting, and after more discussions I can't remember much in the way of details of, started on foot towards Canterlot. The dreamgame even gave me the choice of reforming my squad, though I could only choose one member since the other one would be Twilight. And somehow Twilight got a shotgun and a submachine pistol along the way. (Apparently she's really good with them. Who knew?) Canterlot was pretty much completely in ruins by the time Shepard and company arrived--not the only city to be destroyed either, as we would learn. Manehatten and Fillydelphia had been destroyed with orbital bombardment and small platoons of Reaper forces had been deposited from Baltimare to Las Pegasus. Still, Shepard and company fought their way through to the castle in order to recover the Elements. They reached them, but were forced to fight a massive boss fight against some weird giant super beast that was a combination of several Pegasi, a Minotaur, and the raw magical talent of Trixie, right alongside the help of Princesses Celestia and Luna. (Incidentally Trixie was not the only named pony to fall. A lot of background ponies and other minor characters had either perished or were assimilated into the Reaper forces. The CMCs, Cheerilee, and Big Mac and Granny Smith were okay though, or they were when Shepard left Ponyville anyway.) With the Elements secured, the Mane Six were able to use them to start blasting away at the Reaper cruiser. Combined with the firepower brought to bear from the Normandy, the cruiser crumpled into oblivion. And without it and its controlling influence, the Reaper forces scattered around Equestria would be easily mopped up by the Equestrian military. The dream didn't end there, though. After all, the ponies were now aware of the galactic community as a whole, and Princess Celestia vowed they would contribute to the fight against the Reapers. While they may lack ships at the moment, Equestrian ingenuity, gathered intelligence, some Alliance aid in the form of scientists and engineers, and ample resources--including plenty of Element Zero--meant the Equestrians would be able to build starships. And in the meantime the best help they could give would be the power of the many, MANY Unicorns able to use their magical/biotic abilities. The cherry on top of this awesome sundae? Twilight permanently joined the Normandy crew as a full time squad member, at the behest of Princess Celestia, on the grounds that she'd be more useful out there in the galaxy helping Shepard complete the plan meant to end the Reapers once and for all. Then I woke up. Rather fun dream, truth be told...I wouldn't mind having Twilight as a real squad member in the real game, that's for sure. (Of course I'm pretty sure that'd be impossible to mod, but I can dream, right?) 1 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Multilocked 0 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 This is and Interesting topic, I haven't really had any pony related dreams, that I could recall anyway. I wonder what they would be like if it actually happened. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toastypk 924 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 (edited) I recall a post on equestriadaily about this talking about how this person dreamt she's a pegasus, and could feel the tactile sensation of her wings. That's just freaking awesome. I've always loved dreams, they're so interesting. Nothing huge for me except for maybe small scenes. I wouldn't mind having Twilight as a real squad member in the real gameTwilight.Shepard. Twilight. Shepard. Edited March 11, 2012 by Toastypk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 March 11, 2012 Share March 11, 2012 (edited) SUCCESS! I FINALLY had a pony dream! It was almost like I was half playing an MLP video game and half watching an episode! The Mane Six were in something of a boss fight against Iron Will and his goat pals, or they might have been bulls, I'm sketchy on that. They were in something like a bullfighting arena with Grecian styled seating and guard rails and it was dark. (Now that I think about it, they might have actually been in the Labyrinth itself!) Anyway, Iron Will went through standard "Ogre Boss fight" behavior stomping, slamming, punching, thrashing etc. After being worked over a bit, he stood on the empty fountain in the center of the arena and sent his minions out. After THEY got their flanks handed to them, Iron Will got down on all fours and started charging around the arena with his minions in a damaging stampede. Applejack then, corralled some wild boars that were inexplicably occupying the ring into Iron Will and his gang, knocking them about and causing damage. Rinse, Lather, Repeat. Okay, it wasn't the quiet evening trot through the park with Fluttershy I wanted, but it was the Mane Six fighting a monster so I count it as a win! Edited March 12, 2012 by Steelquill My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Osaka Bomb 39 March 12, 2012 Share March 12, 2012 I'm a little annoyed. I had my first pony dream a few days ago and now I can't remember what it was! I should've written it down... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faithful Dawn 8 March 12, 2012 Share March 12, 2012 I swear I've dreamt about MLP before... But dream is fragile, I already forgot it! Please don't be alarmed with me changing names often, I did it for roleplaying purpose. Moderator of '' RP Cloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Page.Turner 940 March 12, 2012 Share March 12, 2012 I had a dream, once, that I was a pony and I spent a lot of time with Twilight Sparkle trying to debunk legends and myths about common household accidents in order to tell, in a court of law, who was lying when looking for compensation money. 1 ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 March 14, 2012 Share March 14, 2012 Anypony here recently have pony dreams? I had a dream where I had to help Rarity design dresses on the computer for a school project. Let's just say I'm glad I don't have to do that at school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 March 14, 2012 Share March 14, 2012 (edited) I had a dream were I woke up in a gender swap ponyville, I was my OC but I was also gender swap so it didn't make much difference and one day I watched this video so much and my dream sure was interesting.... sadly that dream lasted about an hour Edited March 14, 2012 by Berryzoid 1 :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chigens and Kay 3,832 March 14, 2012 Share March 14, 2012 I think the only pony dream I had that I can remember was... I started on the edge of this forest, there was a town nearby. I walked over to the town not really expecting anything but then this maze appeared around me. Then it kinda' turned into a video game wherein I had to find these six keys or something. There were ponies and stuff and I was sad in the end for some reason. I don't want to get into boring specifics. That's the gist of it. My signature broke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZomBrony 347 March 14, 2012 Share March 14, 2012 (edited) I had a messed up combo-dream last night (this morning, technically) I was in some forest when the dream started and I was running away from Slender Man (NEVER watch Slender Man documentaries before going to sleep) and I ran into this old abandoned looking town, where it basically turned into "My Little Dashie" except I was the dad and I had to defend us from the Slender Man Moral? NEVER EVER watch Slender Man documentaries and My Little Dashie one after the other then go to bed Edited March 14, 2012 by XxZomBloxxorxX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Marvelous 544 March 15, 2012 Share March 15, 2012 (edited) I guess I finally got my first pony dream... instead of telling you... I'll show you This is the official first pony dream I will acknowledge The other one was by names only, and the first... I'd rather not talk about Edited March 15, 2012 by Captain Marvelous 3 okay ponies, give me all your treasure. "I will destroy all the riders" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest March 16, 2012 Share March 16, 2012 I think I had one a few days ago, but it was very fleeting. (I know there were for sure ponies in it though! :3) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteLightning 339 March 27, 2012 Share March 27, 2012 Never had one....unfortunately. Probably never will, I don't dream in my sleep for about 95% of the time. Well, back to daydreaming...... "The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown My OC and ponysona: (Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twiliscael 3,960 March 28, 2012 Share March 28, 2012 I had a dream that my brother and i were earth ponies and my other brother was a unicorn. I REALLY wanted to be a pegasis and i asked my brother to poof me a set of wings. He refused even though i knew he could so i kept begging and begging until he pushed me out of his room. Then my other brother walked in and asked for wings and he walked out with a whole new set of wings! I was furious and i trudged in and then after fighting a bit, he bucked me in the face and i woke up. I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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