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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

Vinyl Scratch

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Am I the only one who's tired of having Twilight invade your dreams? Seriously, just 2 or 3 nights ago I dreamt 2 dreams. One I can't really remember but the other one UI vaguely remember Twilight being in it.


This is the FOURTH time she has been in my dreams and I have yet to have a Fluttershy dream!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this really counts but I had this dream where some investigators came over to my house during a terrible rainstorm. They were going questioning people because a murder just happened. They had a woman with them, I think the victim was her loved one, but I don't think it's normal to bring people like that around when you're investigating huh.png. Anyway, they asked my brother some questions and the came to me afterwards. I don't remember the exact question but I do remember him saying "Lyra Heartstrings". I was shocked, either because the suspect was Lyra or because the investigator brought up Lyra so casually in such a serious scenario. I don't remember anything about what happened afterwards...

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I had an extremely silly dream last night that I was dared to write a purposefully bad fan fic. So I wrote a fan fic called Party All The Time witch shipped Pinkie Pie and Eddy Murphy. To my dismay it became an internet sensation that surpassed all other memes. I got a knock on the door from the head of Hasbro who was Saturu Iwata apparently. I was given seven million in cash and invited to a coffee filled pool party. Everyone was at this pool party, I mean everyone. At this party the movie Party All The Time is revealed. Its animated like a episode of the show except there is a cutout of Eddie Murphy that shows up and romances Pinkie Pie. The song Party All The Time plays in the background whenever Eddie Murphy is on screen no matter the context of the scene. I hated that this was popular so much. Then I had a talk with Lauren Faust. She grabbed me by the collar and shook me violently screaming at me to believe in myself. The dream ended with the song Party All The Time playing and pinkie dancing with Eddie Murphy

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What the f*ck?



Seriously, those were the exact words that went through my head as I read the title. And reading it enhanced that feeling. That is an extremely odd dream.

Yeah it was really weird. I left out some stuff too. Like when Eddie Murphey is asked why he chose Pinkie Pie and he responds with this. Cause my girl like to Party...PARTY ALL THE TIME!!! Then Pinkie jumps out of his shirt with confetti saying something like ya betcha baby. It was really weird. 


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This is either the worst dream I've ever heard of...or the best dream ever. Either way, it definitely ranks among the most crazy dreams I've ever heard. (Speaking of which, this thread might get merged with the dream thread, just as a heads-up.)


Anyway, I don't know why but there's just something about this that I could actually see happening. Not as a romance of course, but...somehow the thought of Pinkie being Murphy's sidekick in a movie really tickles me pink...no pun intended. laugh.png

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I do believe my night has been made. It's weird, this is extremely absurd but it also kind of makes sense and it could work.


Needless to say, I would pay to see a fully produced (non-romantic) shipping of Eddie Murphy and Pinkie Pie. This has to happen.

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@@Anadu Kune,


That dream is even more insane than the only MLP dream that I've had :lol:. We already happened to have a thread dedicated to sharing and discussing any pony related dreams that we have had in the past, so for convenience, your topic has been merged with it.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I vaguely remember having a pony dream the other day. Had something to do with me playing Metroid on NES, and there being a final boss fight against a pony, before which Samus shed her suit to reveal she was also a pony. The whole fight between them, which was martial arts-oriented, was like one big quicktime event. I was stunned at the fluidity of the animation, which looked like MS Paint pics come to life (think Banned From Equestria...or don't think BFE, if clop don't tickle yer pickle). I don't recall a whole lot else, though I get the vague feeling that my family might've been watching me play, and I was worried someone would make a negative comment about there being ponies in the game.

Edited by Lowline
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Do pony merch dreams count? :P


I had a dream I went on vacation to New York, and in one store (kinda Hot Topic-y but a bit fancier) was this huge laser-etched crystal cube (you know the ones, right? With the little light on the bottom) of an anthro Vinyl Scratch behind her DJ booth, kind of in a stance like my avatar. The coolest part was that as it was illininated, it would go to her actual colors magically. And the stand it was on said "To a generation of EDM." I wanted it so bad.


I still want it. :D

Edited by AtomicBassCannon


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I had a dream that the crew of the Starship Enterprise(TNG) had a played out the sequence to A True True Friend. Captain Picard went around and fixed everyone. Riker was switched with Dianna Troy. I remember Riker flirting with his patients. Data was switched with Beverly Crusher. Jordi was Switched with Worf. I remember at the end they were all dancing gleefully down the hall into the turbo lift which they rode to the bridge singing all the way. At the end Q shows up and claps, Picard screams at him after which Q laughs and disappears. There is an awkward silence after which Picards states that they are never to speak of the event again. 

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I think I'm overdue for an MLP dream.  My last one was a month or so ago.  I was watching a cartoon with humanized ponies but it wasn't Equestria Girls.  Fluttershy was a total babe and Applejack looked good too.  AJ, surprisingly, was wearing glasses.  Usually, when I have a dream about cartoons, I'm watching on TV.  The last time I had a "real life" encounter with a cartoon character was Buttercup and that was maybe eight years ago.  The tough girl was letting me brush her hair, heh. 

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I actually had one a couple months ago that I wrote down. It's kinda long so I'll just give a short retelling. It doesn't start out MLP related so I'll skip to that part. And some setting, I was sleeping in a tent in a hotel at night and my friends were there. We had guns for this sort of defend your base paintball thing.


Basically I go out, I see Fluttershy, I turn into Spike, some ghosts appear, she freaks out, ghosts leave, I calm her, we go to sleep, wake up, she tries to touch me, I slap her hoof away for whatever reason, Rarity shows up with all her stuff, Spike says Rarity won't be his girlfriend (I assume this was my brain trying to stay in character), I run back to my friends and wake them up, we go back into the room and Rarity and Fluttershy have set up their tents, we shoot paintballs at their tent, the end.


If anyone for whatever reason is interested in hearing the full version then pm me and I'll type it up.


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Well today I had the most detailed and coolest Pony dream ever. I could have sworn it was real until I woke up and I wished I was able to remember every detail.

Anyways...I saw the first screening of Equestria Girls. Though the movie was presented in a large university auditorium with the voice actors and writers sitting in front of the audience and explaining stuff, most of the audience including me was prepared for a dissappointment.

When the movie started there was a short sequence of the ponies in Equestria wwhere they visited a small entertainment fair. What stuck in my mind was Dashie occupying one of those slot-machines where you can win toys. Twi was annoyed by this and told her the exact chances to win something but Dash didn't listen because she "always wins". Needlesstosay she blew bit for bit until Pinkie showed up and randomly won a little toy egg with a little pony figurine in it.
There was also a game where you had to stack jewels to win prices which was a nice pop culture reference to those mobile games in my opinion.

Anyways, the fun soon was interrupted by Princess Celestia and the ponies were sent into our world via a magical artifact.
The biggest surprise came when the ponies actually looked like well designed humans instead of these antro Equestria girls ponies.

One of the writers then told the audience that Hasbro had to change their plans and finally listened to them.

Back to the story:
Well I don't know the circumstances and I cant remember any villain but the ponies came into our world naked with censorship provided by various object and perspectives.
The jokes and language was definately on teenage level and a lot more mature than FiM.
For example when Dashie looks at her naked self for the first time she grabs here boobs and says angrily "I lost my pair of wings to get a pair of THAT? C'MON!"

When they later find a place to stay Rainbow answers Rarity's complaint that they all have to sleep in the same room with "Be glad that this isn't one of those bad fanfics or we would be sharing the same bed."

Also there is no highschool and they have only bits in the beginning which causes Pinkie to get in a lot of trouble in a bakery, where she eats a lot but can't pay.

Unfortunately that's all that I can remember and I believe I never saw the last part of the movie because the writers ran out of time and had to continue their presentation next week, but the movie so far was awesome with a lot of laughters from the audience and a quality that seemed even over the normal show

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OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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I had a fairly short MLP dream during a nap I took last week. The only thing "pony" about it was a certain voice.

I don't remember all the details, but I DO remember sitting at my computer doing something-or-other when I get a call from an unfamiliar number. I hit the talk button and before I had a chance to say "hello" the voice of Vinyl Scratch started talking away. She greeted me and welcomed me as a caller to her radio show. To which I replied "Uhh, Vinyl.. You called me."   -insert awkward silence- 


She then replied in her usual upbeat manner of speaking ,"Oh, Sorry about that man." And then ended the call. After the initial shock of being called by Vinyl Scratch wore off. I fetched my twin brother and informed him of what had just occurred. We called Vinyl back and shared some laughs. Though I do not remember our conversation. I noticed that Vinyl was very easy to talk to. Almost like we had known each other all our lives.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a pony dream this morning. I was some sort of aide to Celestia and Luna, and we were in what looked like a dark school gymnasium. I guess there'd just been some sort of game, and I was cleaning up afterwards. There weren't enough bins for all the balls in the room, but some of them were special balls that could be grouped together and condensed into the area of a single ball; the players, not knowing this, had simply tried to shove all the balls in the bins before giving up and taking off. I went through and condensed all the special balls, leaving more than enough room in the bins for everything else to go. Celestia and Luna entered the room, and I made a comment to one of them like "Heh, these guys didn't even know these balls could be combined. Buncha simpletons, amirite?" At that, one of them (don't remember who) snapped at me to shut up. That pissed me off quite a bit, so I walked out.


Now, I don't remember much of what happened in the time between, but eventually I found myself in a room with Luna and a bunch of children. Luna was trying to convince me that she and her sister needed me to come back, but I wasn't having any of it, telling her how constantly disrespected I felt at their hands hooves. Then something odd happened, and I'm not quite sure I can really describe it: Luna started levitating these hula-hoop sort of things, and started setting them down over children. As a hoop went down over a child, I could see things wrong with them. One child was terribly ill, another was crippled, etc. I don't remember the other ailments, but I shouted at her to stop. She proceeded to tell me something like "This is how important you've been to us; these are visions of every tragedy that has been prevented because of your hard work."


After that, I agreed to continue being the sisters' aide, and went back to the gym. Celestia gave me a bit of a lecture on how she and her sister had been run ragged trying to pick up my slack, but welcomed me back nonetheless.


That's about all I remember...kind of disturbing, that bit with the children. blink.png

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That's about all I remember...kind of disturbing, that bit with the children. img-1626679-1-blink.png


Wow, that dreams sounds mega freaky! I've had things like that happen in my dreams before, and it always unsettles to me think back on them.




Regardless, I just had one of the most awesome pony dreams about a week ago. I wrote it down but never came on here to post it. Here's what I wrote down, word for word, immediately after I had the dream:


I was Rainbow Dash, and I and the other ponies were paying Hide n' Seek with Discord inside of Canterlot castle. I found a great spot behind a couch where nopony could find me, but then in-between rounds Pinkie Pie ruined it by telling everypony where it was. I started yelling at her and Discord suggested we settle things with a soccer match. I started saying that we should just say I won the game instead, but I was still willing to play the match just to whip Pinkie's flank.
So Discord, Twilight, and I started toward the games room where the sports equipment  was kept; however when we got there, the room was sabotaged and wrecked. Suddenly we heard some commotion from another room, and the three of us rushed toward the room. When we got there it was a large recreation room with a swimming pool, and these four humanoid robots were attacking Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. So Twilight and Discord start fighting them, and I, being Rainbow Dash, flew up to the top of the large room and dove right at a robot, hoof in front of me screaming some type of war cry. I missed and flew through some windows on the far side of the room, and I flew out into a raging thunderstorm outside. I grabbed onto a flagpole for dear life as the thunderstorm raged on around me. The wind eventually won and I was scooped out into the storm.
A few things happen that I don't remember, but the next thing I know I'm out in the Everfree forest with Scootaloo, and I'm still Rainbow Dash. We're both walking around on these wooden walkways that are strung up between the trees, and suddenly we stop and look up at these four trees in front of us. Each of them has some strange rainbow portal at the top of them, and I start saying something to Scootaloo about how lucky we are we found them. After that, I woke up.
NOTE: I sounded, felt, and looked just like Rainbow Dash. I pretty much was her. *Puts on shades* SWAG.
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I had a dream last night that an episode of season 4 was leaked. The dream did not last very long but I clearly remember seeing Rarity and Cadence in the same scene...I think the intro was in it too but I cannot remember it fully. :P Yeah, not too exciting, I know, but it still is a bit of torture. My dreams taunt me!

Edited by Kyoshi



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I've had three. One was a long time ago, and it began with Rainbow Dash and me flying over to England by plane to watch Wimbledon. Somehow we would up in a Victorian mansion being stalked by some guy in a nice suit with a hunting rifle. It wasn't actually a nightmare. I probably concentrated more on Dashie than the imminent death :P


Another one was a few months ago and it involved Dash, Spitfire and Lightning Dust. Not gonna describe that one.


And I had another a few nights ago involving me and Artemis fighting an army of changelings. Not sure what my subconscious is trying to tell me there.

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I had a dream last night that could turn into a really good story.


Now I'm not much on the whole Fluttershy/Discord thing, thankfully this isn't a ship.


It starts off with Fluttershy still doing the whole friendship teaching gig *gag* when she mentioned something along the lines of finding a treasure of sorts to Discord but she's over heard by the yet to be named bad guys who learn where she lives and kidnapps Angle to force her into finding this treasure


Now we all know Discord could handle this with ease but he's made a promise to her that he wouldn't do them any harm and to he helped her in this event.


I can really see this playing out.. gets itch to write


But I need a bad guy.. something like a big game hunter/treasure seeker... like a group of Zebra's... something along those lines


Actually... that's not a bad idea!... kind of like Van Pelt from Jumaji

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Yes, I've had one. 


It was where everyone in the world was turned into a pony, and we lived with everypony in Equestria. We watched My Little Human for a living.


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I had one of the weirdest dream last night. So I was just outside of my house minding my own business until I heard a voice calling me. It said: "Hey you, up here." I look up and there she was...the one...the only...Rainbow Dash. I had to rub my eyes for I thought I was seeing things. "Come up with me." She said. I told I couldn't but she insisted for me to come up with her. I tried running and jumping, but ended up swan diving into the hard concrete. Fortunately I was okay. She kept on telling me to come up. After failing about 10 more times, I got down on the ground. I started to build energy inside of me. I then took a leap into the air and surprisingly  I sprang into the air with no problem and stayed in the air. Then I fly with Rainbow Dash. I woke up in mid-flight. 


It was around 4 in the morning this happened. 

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