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Some ideas for Season 6 - List of Eps I made up


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Without any prior experience on how to write a list of episodes that look like actual episodes, I made up a list of My Little Pony episodes for Season 6? As you may be able to tell, I'm not good at this. Are there any episodes that look like they would work in the show? I know none of these will ever exist. I just wrote a fake list for the hay of it. I know season 5 isn't over, but I know what the rest of the episodes will be.


If you hope it's fake, it is. I won't pretend to work for them. (It would be nice, but that would never happen.)


1. Breakout: Part 1: The monsters of Tartarus break out, and it's up to the Mane Six to stop them.


2. Breakout: Part 2: The Mane Six have to get all the monsters back to Tartarus without using the Magic of Friendship.


3. Sparks of Interest: Twilight tries to find a new hobby to occupy herself when there are no new books to read.


4. A Markless Wall: The Cutie Mark Crusaders attempt to help a stubborn colt gain his cutie mark.


5. Cheaters and Liars: The map sends Applejack and Rainbow Dash to Fillydelphia to make sure the Hoofball teams play fairly.


6. The Search For Aid: Fluttershy searches for somepony who would understand how to care for an ill jackalope.


7. Family Feud: Sweetie Belle struggles as she tries to stop her parents from fighting the day before her birthday.


8. The Brand New Dragon: Spike takes on a new identity hoping that Twilight would care about him more.


9. Unbreakable Bond: Scootaloo has a nightmare that Rainbow Dash leaves her, so she does whatever she can to stop it from coming true.


10. Paradise: The map sends Pinkie Pie and Rarity to Pony Paradise, but they discover that it's anything but a paradise.


11. The Dark Morning: When Princess Celestia no longer feels like raising the sun, Pinkie Pie helps her in any way she can.


12. Doctor Fluttershy: Fluttershy bites off more than she can chew when she tries to resolve issues that her animal friends have.


13. The Raging Storm: Rainbow Dash's impatience causes weather problems throughout Ponyville.


14. The Handy Draconequus: Discord tries to take care of everything in Ponyville to prove that he can be responsible.


15. Country Mare: Applejack tries to do whatever she can to prove that she's not just a stereotype.


16. Princess Lousy: Twilight feels that she’s a terrible princess, and Rarity does what she can to prove otherwise.


17. Temptations: Spike faces constant temptation when Twilight Sparkle puts him on a strict diet.


18. Strong as Diamonds: Diamond Tiara finds herself in hot water when she tries to do favors for every filly and colt.


19. Fashion Biz: Rarity refuses to raise the price of her dresses as fabric prices increase causing her to lose a lot of money.


20. Ponyville Cheers: Pinkie Pie ignores her own happiness to make sure that everyone else is happy.


21. Deep Isolation: Twilight Sparkle locks herself away when she believes that she's sick after reading a medical book.


22. Such a Foal: Princess Cadance finds out the hard way that raising her own foal was different than foalsitting.


23. Early Bloom: Apple Bloom stops hanging out with her friends and starts trying to act like an adult.


24. Derbyshy: Fluttershy makes up excuses instead of telling her friends that she doesn't want to go to a roller derby.


25. Memories of Friendship: Part 1: The Mane Six lose a lot of their memories after one of Twilight Sparkle's spells go wrong.


26. Memories of Friendship: Part 2: Ponies who the Mane Six helped in the past return the favors by reminding them of their past.



The names are probably the worst. I suck at coming up with names. That's another reason why I don't want children. (I have other reasons.)

  • Brohoof 7


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

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Not bad. There are a couple  I wouldn't care for much myself (Country mare for example), but overall not a bad list of ideas. The raging storm is nice as is sparks of interest.

However, I want to give special not to the Memories of friendship one, as I really think that's a poor idea. Its way too similar to magical mystery cure given the memory erasure thing, and we're probably going to have something similar happen AGAIN in this season's finale with starlight glimmer altering time.
It'd be very stale as a plot by S6 IMO.

  • Brohoof 2
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01 - The Quickening: Part 1/2

02 - The Quickening: Part 2/2

03 - Footloose

04 - The Quest for Peace

05 - Pinkie's Mentor

06 - Nanomachines Sun

07 - The Beach Episode

08 - The History Lesson Episode

09 - Con-Found It, Dashie! *Laugh Track*

10 - 3edgy5me twilight op plz nerf

11 - Luna's Revenge: Part 1/2

12 - Luna's Revenge: Part 2/2 - This time It's Personal!

13 - Tales of Fluff and Filler

14 - The one where it turns out Starswirl was alive the whole time.

15 - The Great Escape - Part 1/2

16 - The Great Escape - Part 2/2

17 - The one where Applejack tries to avenge her parents, but feels empty inside afterwards.

18 - 22 Minute Flashback Filler Series Recap

19 - Celestia's Comet: Part 1/4

20 - Celestia's Comet: Part 2/4

21 - Celestia's Comet: Part 3/4

22 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 1: So many Different Ways to Play!

Edited by SpaceOnion
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01 - The Quickening: Part 1/2

02 - The Quickening: Part 2/2

03 - Footloose

04 - The Quest for Peace

05 - Pinkie's Mentor

06 - Nanomachines Sun

07 - The Beach Episode

08 - The History Lesson Episode

09 - Con-Found It, Dashie! *Laugh Track*

10 - 3edgy5me twilight op plz nerf

11 - Luna's Revenge: Part 1/2

12 - Luna's Revenge: Part 2/2 - This time It's Personal!

13 - Tales of Fluff and Filler

14 - The one where it turns out Starswirl was alive the whole time.

15 - The Great Escape - Part 1/2

16 - The Great Escape - Part 2/2

17 - The one where Applejack tries to avenge her parents, but feels empty inside afterwards.

18 - 22 Minute Flashback Filler Series Recap

19 - Celestia's Comet: Part 1/4

20 - Celestia's Comet: Part 2/4

21 - Celestia's Comet: Part 3/4

22 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 1: So many Different Ways to Play!

One small problem. Season six is going to have 26 episodes.

Edited by RarityFan01


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

My Drawing of Rarity

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Season six has 26 episodes.


Very well then. Here's the rest of the budget cut what-if scenario:


23 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 2: Over Two Rainbows!

24 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 3: Who gives a fuck?

25 - Derpy eating a muffins for 22 minutes, drawn in crayon.

26 - 22 minutes of dead air.

Edited by SpaceOnion
  • Brohoof 2
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Not bad. However, I would definitely suggest having more than just 2 map episodes. You have one for AJ and Rainbow and one for Pinkie and Rarity, but you forgot Twiilght and Fluttershy.

Who will have a map episode together later this season, making the pairings a bit bad. 

  • Brohoof 1
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The opening two-parter sounds a bit unamusing for me - perhaps more specific would help.

On the other hand (hoof?), the rest are pretty convincing, one or two potentially being the candidate for the new episode.


Many of them involve Twilight and/or magic, and thank you for giving more screen time to the best pony! :P


Well, I have no idea what to say about Spike's one because he never had any really qualify ones.

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The opening two-parter sounds a bit unamusing for me - perhaps more specific would help.

On the other hand (hoof?), the rest are pretty convincing, one or two potentially being the candidate for the new episode.

Many of them involve Twilight and/or magic, and thank you for giving more screen time to the best pony! :P

Well, I have no idea what to say about Spike's one because he never had any really qualify ones.

I think Twilight has too little screen time. She is the main character of the show, but she has less screen time than Applejack, the who is often called a background pony.

  • Brohoof 1


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

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01 - The Quickening: Part 1/2

02 - The Quickening: Part 2/2

03 - Footloose

04 - The Quest for Peace

05 - Pinkie's Mentor

06 - Nanomachines Sun

07 - The Beach Episode

08 - The History Lesson Episode

09 - Con-Found It, Dashie! *Laugh Track*

10 - 3edgy5me twilight op plz nerf

11 - Luna's Revenge: Part 1/2

12 - Luna's Revenge: Part 2/2 - This time It's Personal!

13 - Tales of Fluff and Filler

14 - The one where it turns out Starswirl was alive the whole time.

15 - The Great Escape - Part 1/2

16 - The Great Escape - Part 2/2

17 - The one where Applejack tries to avenge her parents, but feels empty inside afterwards.

18 - 22 Minute Flashback Filler Series Recap

19 - Celestia's Comet: Part 1/4

20 - Celestia's Comet: Part 2/4

21 - Celestia's Comet: Part 3/4

22 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 1: So many Different Ways to Play!


One thing I find the most interesting is there being a FOUR parter. I'd be very interested in us getting a 3 parter, let alone a 4 parter XD

It'd be nice to have an extra special or detailed plot arc episode.




I think Twilight has too little screen time. She is the main character of the show, but she has less screen time than Applejack, the who is often called a background pony.

Disregarding my disagreement with the "twilight needs more screentime than anyone else" part, I think you're incorrect, at least about Season 5.


we have Hooffields and the McColts for twilight's map episode, we have What about discord for another twilight centric episode, and we also have had Amending fences. This is roughly even with the other six for episodes this season.

RD Got Tanks for the memories, rarity investigates and The lost treasure of griffonstone.

Rarity got made in manhattan, canterlot carousel, and rarity investigates.

Fluttershy has Make new friends but keep discord, scaremaster and the hooffields and the McColts

AJ has made in manehattan, The mane attraction and hearth breakers

pinkie has party pooped, the lost treasure of griffonstone and hearthbreakers.


Twilight seems perfectly equal with the others, plus as an extra feather in her cap she has starlight as the villain of both two parters focusing on her as the extra special focus for those two, and stalking her in the season in the background. So twilight still comes out on top.

One could argue that RD, AJ and Rarity have a slight advantage in the CMC episodes dealing with them (like brotherhooves social), but its small and roughly on par with twilight's role in episodes like Princess spike.

  • Brohoof 1
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13. The Raging Storm: Rainbow Dash's impatience causes weather problems throughout Ponyville.


This is really the only episode I wouldn't want to see. I think they've already done all they could with her impatience


Personally I'd prefer to see an episode where she has to impress Scootaloo's parents enough to prove she's a good role model. I'm a sucker for Scootalove, plus, it'd finally give the show an excuse to show Scootaloo's parents

  • Brohoof 1
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I really like your list, The Spike one looks hilarious 


I'm not sure how I would structure it episode wise, but topics I would like to deal with in season six would be


Angel Bunny is Grogar: Yes, I would love to have the plot twist that during Celestia's reign of villain stomping one thousand years ago with the elements of harmony, she had turned Grogar into the little bunny we know and loathe today, but he scampered away before the dust settled so Celestia never saw what happened to the Necromancer. One, it would be hilarious, and also a bit creepy when you consider he's been living with Fluttershy, whom has some dark abilities when she gets into the mood to use them. 




Undercover changelings: The question of where all these duplicate ponies and ponies with the wrong cutie marks start to get raised, and its found that there are changelings living in ponyville in secret...but are they bad?


Diamond Tiara and The CMC: Diamond Tiara sees the CMC need direction, and wants to become part of their group as a leader, but what does being a leader really mean? She used to thought it was just getting your way by any means and ordering others around, but she is seeking new and better ways to do this now.


Secret agent mares: Celestia reveals that she has agents in ponyville and had them there from the beginning to make sure Twilight was safe as well as other concerns...and one of them is part of the mane Six?


Fluttershy and Tree hugger: More Fluttershy and Tree hugger stuff, not sure what but more stuff! 


DaringDash: Dash and Daring are chasing Ahuizotl, but it seems the strange creature is part of more than what Dash really thought, or that Darings books are letting on


How AJ's Parents Met: Granny Smith tells the tale of how Applejack's parents met


Rarity growing her business: Rarity learns the troubles of expanding her business even more 


Pony D&D: Spike finds a fun game and arranges a fantasy adventure for all the mane six to enjoy as Dungeon Master of equestria's version of Dungeons and Dragons


Guardians of Harmony: I would love to find out what this is all about, I've seen it floating around Hasbro and how they want to copyright it, so it must be something good


The nature of the Tree of harmony: What is the tree of harmony really? Find out! 


Spikes egg: Where did it come from? Why was it used in a test? Why is Celestia and him linked through magic? Who were his parents? This one would be a two parter, and likely would involve Grogar and Tirek among other things. 

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A lot of these sound like good episode ideas. As well as that I think the majority of these could actually happen. Although to be fair if season 6 is the last season then these would be a disappointing way to end the TV series. 

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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A lot of these sound like good episode ideas. As well as that I think the majority of these could actually happen. Although to be fair if season 6 is the last season then these would be a disappointing way to end the TV series.


I seriously doubt season 6 will be the last season.

  • Brohoof 1


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

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Yeah, maybe it should be Rainbow/AJ, Fluttershy/Rarity and Twilight/Pinkie. Although, I've always wanted to see a Twilight Sparkle and Rarity episode.

One of the episodes were going to be Rarity and Twilight episode, but I didn't want it to have too many Rarity episodes, especially when this season had three. It wasn't a good idea, anyways. Twilight tries to figure out why Rarity is using magic outside of her cutie mark.

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity Fan Club

My Ponysona

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01 - The Quickening: Part 1/2

02 - The Quickening: Part 2/2

03 - Footloose

04 - The Quest for Peace

05 - Pinkie's Mentor

06 - Nanomachines Sun

07 - The Beach Episode

08 - The History Lesson Episode

09 - Con-Found It, Dashie! *Laugh Track*

10 - 3edgy5me twilight op plz nerf

11 - Luna's Revenge: Part 1/2

12 - Luna's Revenge: Part 2/2 - This time It's Personal!

13 - Tales of Fluff and Filler

14 - The one where it turns out Starswirl was alive the whole time.

15 - The Great Escape - Part 1/2

16 - The Great Escape - Part 2/2

17 - The one where Applejack tries to avenge her parents, but feels empty inside afterwards.

18 - 22 Minute Flashback Filler Series Recap

19 - Celestia's Comet: Part 1/4

20 - Celestia's Comet: Part 2/4

21 - Celestia's Comet: Part 3/4

22 - Derpy's Day Out - Ep. 1: So many Different Ways to Play!

10/10 - IGN. BTW, I lost it when I read the Celestia's Comet 4 parter

Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t

Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd

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Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony

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One of the episodes were going to be Rarity and Twilight episode, but I didn't want it to have too many Rarity episodes, especially when this season had three. It wasn't a good idea, anyways. Twilight tries to figure out why Rarity is using magic outside of her cutie mark.

I see. Although, that does sound like it could be interesting.
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Dash's Adventures In Babysitting


All the others have had their troubles babysitting.  I see them sitting around exchanging horror stories & Dash mocking them.  So, Pinkie challenges Dash to take her next turn babysitting the Cake twins. 

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