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S05:E22 - What About Discord


S05:E22 - What About Discord?  

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I'm already marking this one as one of the best of Season 5. For those concerns that Twilight has become less flawed and less relatable since her princess ascension, this episode brings back her deep-seated neurotic control-freak tendencies from older seasons. In fact, the characterization of Twilight and Spike both in this episode hearken back to "Lesson Zero" in particular, when Twilight was making mountains out of molehills and Spike tried to level with her. This is nothing short of impressive to consider this came from the same writer who made that trainwreck "Princess Spike" (Neal Dusedau).


I don't know how to describe the feels I got from this episode more than saying "I've been there" with my own friends. As recently as last week, to be exact. In Twilight's mind, feeling short in any connection to her friends is devastating considering that keeping connected with her friends is part of her special talent. The idea that she hasn't fully gotten over these worrisome tendencies of hers keeps her grounded, feeling more like the character than just the title.


She wasn't totally in the wrong trying to find the root of the friendship problem by analyzing it. Analyzing it actually helps to reveal things you didn't already notice through thoughts and understanding. However, what Twilight was unaware of in the episode was that she was looking in the wrong context and unaware of her own problem. As she herself once said, the best thing a princess can do is admit to her own mistakes. That's a reality she, at the time, was unwilling to face for fear of losing control of things. As the Princess of Friendship, Twilight had a genuine thought in her mind that she was missing something that had to do with her role. Going back to "Lesson Zero", or any other episode dealing with the onset of jealousy (as examined here although this post predates "Make New Friends but Keep Discord"), Twilight is facing an external manifestation of the often internalized fear of being inadequate in her responsibilities. In trying to keep those fears internalized, she's failing to face the problem.


Spike, in his single best bit of characterization since Equestria Girls, once again plays a role falling somewhere between the audience surrogate, the snarky assistant, and the voice of reason, using well-chosen words to apply common sense to Twilight's conflict. He gets butt-ended by a couple of visual gags, but here, the gags at his expense are not a problem. In fact, they serve to further his sympathy because of how he's in top form otherwise and doesn't let this get him down. Again, this hearkens back to "Lesson Zero", one of the best moments of characterization for these two in the entire series. The way these two play off of each other works to shared benefits between the both of them, balancing out each other's flaws in the pursuit of problem-solving by cooperation.



No problem whatsoever.


As for the rest of the episode, Discord isn't in the same comedic top form as he was in "Make New Friends", but this episode again showed the madcap fluidity and cultural awareness that is typical of a Discord episode. It's also fitting that Discord actually passes on a lesson in jealousy and accepting emotions after learning one himself in "Make New Friends", showing that side of him that is wiser than he lets on, creating awkward, annoying, and sometimes dangerous (in the case of "Three's a Crowd") situations for the purpose of testing Twilight's character and letting her onto a lesson. The episode makes direct references to continuity, with Discord visibly carrying the Smooze into a scene with him, as well as creating a throne for himself which calls back to an exchange from the final act of "Twilight's Kingdom". The situation itself led to Applejack delivering what I'd consider to be the saltiest line of dialogue in the entire show purely because of the implication hinting at a similar and yet decidedly not-safe-for-kids phrase, and Pinkie Pie slipping even more crap past the radar by miming alcohol drinking with the potion.


In the end, there is an unanswered question; just what actually was the potion? I was waiting to see the effects when Pinkie drank it, but the lack of effects, as well as Zecora saying that the brew in her cauldron was just a prop, seem to suggest that Zecora was probably giving Twilight a drink no more effective than a typical fruit juice, merely calling it a potion just to affect Twilight's psychology.


Overall, I absolutely love the amount of things going on in this episode, and the nice throwback in characterization to one of the show's defining moments, especially with the characters of Twilight and Spike hearkening back to their truest selves, even through the onset of changes through the three seasons since "Lesson Zero". The subtlety in the humor, use of continuity, with the actions and reactions of the other characters, make this an episode entertaining enough to merit an instant rewatch, and to that end, it sacrifices nothing in delivering a message about envy, possessiveness, and the harm of emotional dishonesty. Definitely one of Season 5's highlights.

Edited by Wind Chaser
  • Brohoof 8
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Heh, I really like the movie "What About Bob", so of course I really liked the parallels between Discord/Bob, Dr. Marvin/Twilight, and Dr. Marvin's family/the rest of the mane 6. :lol: The Bob Ross references were also fun to pick out. Which is weird because I first heard about Bob Ross last week.


I thought it was nice to see Zecora again too, even though it wasn't for very long.


The moral was probably the best part; I liked that Twilight realized that she's allowed to feel jealous. Being excluded is definitely something I can relate to, and it's made me feel jealous quite a few times.

  • Brohoof 2


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The highlight of this episode is easily the Bob Ross reference. The jokes were really on point. I never watched Back to the Future, so the joke sailed completely over my head and left me confused.

In a funny sort of way, I guess that makes two of us. I feel like I'm one of only a few people on earth who doesn't know who Bob Ross is, but I nailed the Back to the Future reference right away. When I saw the Bob Ross reference, I said, "I know he's referencing something, but I don't know what". I feel like Twilight in a sense. Everyone seems to know Bob Ross, but I've only heard the name without knowing the man.


Well, now my plans for the next 5-10 minutes or so are set.

  • Brohoof 2
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   I wish this episode should explain "the inside jokes" in the end, but i like characterization (yay, Twilight is not perfect). The rest of the episode is awkward as hell, but i'm fine with awkward humors or unfunny jokes (i find a lot of people feel bored because the jokes in this ep is not funny), heck, even Twilight didnt find those jokes funny anyway. THAT'S THE POINT of this ep. The writer want to place us in Twilight's shoes. What about Discord will not  be an episode for everyone (prepare for a lot of rants about this ep in any forum :)), but you will enjoy it more, if you not OBSERVE the episode but SEE the event in Twilight's eyes. 


This is one of "unfunny humor" episodes that works for me :).

  • Brohoof 1
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You know something? That's exactly what Twilight was telling herself in the episode, and what drove the conflict forward. It's something we all go through at least once in our lives. No matter how much we tell ourselves we should know better than to feel unpleasant or even problematic emotions; not just jealousy, but also anger and sadness.


"My friends had fun without me? Why do I feel so upset? Stop being such a sourpuss and be happy for them, me!"


But that doesn't stop us from feeling them. Feeling bad emotions does not make us bad people. There's always a reason for every emotion we feel, and we shouldn't feel sorry about it, even when we tell ourselves otherwise. And in an age where more media is more accepting of the fact that sometimes, we need to take some bitter pills to lead happier lives, I'm glad we had a message like this.


I agree for the most part. I mean, it's only natural to have a full range of emotions and experience them. It's also natural to feel the urge to regulate certain emotions over others. In fact, you might say that regulating our emotions is one factor that keeps us above barbarism. I don't think Twilight shouldn't have felt how she did in this episode. Rather, I think the plot surrounding it was too vague. At the end of the episode, I wasn't really sure what she did and did not feel and what exactly happened. The ultimate point might have been right as rain but I was left too confused at the end.  :confused:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I agree for the most part. I mean, it's only natural to have a full range of emotions and experience them. It's also natural to feel the urge to regulate certain emotions over others. In fact, you might say that regulating our emotions is one factor that keeps us above barbarism. I don't think Twilight shouldn't have felt how she did in this episode. Rather, I think the plot surrounding it was too vague. At the end of the episode, I wasn't really sure what she did and did not feel and what exactly happened. The ultimate point might have been right as rain but I was left too confused at the end.  :confused:


Well, part of her anger stems from the fact that things were too vague to her, the bane of many an analytical mind. If we did have a clearer picture about what was going on, we wouldn't be able to connect with Twilight as much.

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Well, part of her anger stems from the fact that things were too vague to her, the bane of many an analytical mind. If we did have a clearer picture about what was going on, we wouldn't be able to connect with Twilight as much.


I didn't mean vague with what happened with Discord. I meant the moral of the story was vague. At least that was how it was for me.  :o


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I can honestly say I wasn't really a fan of this episode. The premise was bleh and the comedy itself wasn't even very good. At least Twilight sort of returned to old paranoid form for a while this episode. She was probably the best part of the episode.


I also loved the Bob Ross jokes.


Not much else to say. Didn't really like it and was certainly on the weaker end of season 5's episodes.

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Also, the writer here also wrote Princess Spike.


And it only took him till his second episode to get Spike down.

Just shows you how good spike is when NOT the focus sadly.


The episode on my first watching (being a few minutes ago) was ...meh.. I mean I get the message and moral is good but then discord trying to stake the moral high ground..yeaaaah not buying it. He did tha on purpose just to bug Twilight and made up that jelocousy lessio nt ocver his ass. 


-_- I'm with Twlight i'm never going to trust Discord..ever it like trusting Q and we all know(well trekies) how he plays ball.

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OMG Zecora first appearance of the season.


Warning Lesson Zero Twilight preparing to launch! Or not. :lol:   :)

And she was right about Twilight's problem. That was probably some kind of juice or smoothie.

  • Brohoof 1


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An okay episode for me. Quick thing, I spotted an animation error on Discords face when they were in the castle.

I like the idea of the episode of Discord "accidental" teaching Twilight a lesson on jealousy but I think they could have done it a bit better.

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What a great episode the MLP staff are nailing this season I was totally in Twilight's hooves the whole time and completely understood her side of the tale and in the end I saw both and Discord was great as usual and just... YAY!


Anyway blowing one's trumpet here, here is my review I posted.

  • Brohoof 1

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I didn't mean vague with what happened with Discord. I meant the moral of the story was vague. At least that was how it was for me.  :o


The moral I got is that no matter how much we may tell ourselves we're above feeling a certain way (jealousy in this case), that won't stop us from feeling it. It also teaches us that just because we have emotions that make us feel bad, that doesn't make us bad people, so long as we allow ourselves to express it and let it go, instead of bottling it all in or ignoring it.


In short, think "the moral of Frozen meets the moral of Inside Out".

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I wanted to like it, I really did, but it was... as most everyone else said, boring.

I liked seeing Twi in her need to know everything and somewhat season 2ish nature, but,the comedy was... bad.

The Bob Ross bits were good but that's about it. I mean, they fit all these old, and quite frankly, unfunny jokes in.

Orange you glad was funny years ago.

Overall, it was bland, and the only pony that I felt was good was Twilight.

I'd give it a 5/10.

  • Brohoof 2
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I wanted to like it, I really did, but it was... as most everyone else said, boring.

I liked seeing Twi in her need to know everything and somewhat season 2ish nature, but,the comedy was... bad.

The Bob Ross bits were good but that's about it. I mean, they fit all these old, and quite frankly, unfunny jokes in.

Orange you glad was funny years ago.

Overall, it was bland, and the only pony that I felt was good was Twilight.

I'd give it a 5/10.


I think the jokes were meant to be unfunny, especially from the perspective of the character we're meant to sympathize with. It may not make them less boring to some, but they serve their purpose well, I believe.

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I think the jokes were meant to be unfunny, especially from the perspective of the character we're meant to sympathize with. It may not make them less boring to some, but they serve their purpose well, I believe.

I suppose so, but to me they were mostly eyeroll-inducing.

To each their own, I guess :P

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It wasn't my favorite Discord episode, but it was a good episode nonetheless, I did enjoy Discord in this episode and the lesson learned was a good lesson, the references to Back to The Future and Bob Ross were great and I loved Twilight in this episode. 9/10!!

  • Brohoof 1


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In fact, the characterization of Twilight and Spike both in this episode hearken back to "Lesson Zero" in particular, when Twilight was making mountains out of molehills and Spike tried to level with her.


Indeed. While I was watching this episode, I was thinking we might get to see some of crazy Twilight make an appearance. But that didn't happen, though you're right that she became pretty neurotic over trying to get the same experience her friends had over the weekend while she was busy!


After watching the episode again, however, I think now Twilight was more like her "Feeling Pinkie Keen" incarnation, trying to explain the humor with science when that sort of thing defies all logic. Also seems a bit like of a throwback to "Too Many Pinkie Pies," since Twilight is basically trying to do what Pinkie did (without the mass duplication  :lol: ) and figure out a way for her to experience all the fun her friends are having when she's not around.



I love Spike's nonchalant pose here; he already knows this is going to be much ado about nothing in the end. Also, since when did he amass so many rubies? I guess being an assistant to a princess pays better than it did when he was scrounging around for gems for his cake in "Just For Sidekicks."  :smug:



And she was right about Twilight's problem. That was probably some kind of juice or smoothie.


Agreed. I think the "potion" was a placebo. Or perhaps it really was a potion but had nothing to do with curing spells? Maybe it was just a remedy for curing hoof fungus?  :lol:



So having seen the episode again, some other interesting tidbits I noticed:

  • When Spike asked about a claw massage, I thought he meant he wanted a massage by claw. Later it occurred to me he must have meant he wanted his claws massaged! That makes sense considering how much writing he has to do and they probably get sore.
  • Gotta love it when Twilight gets all giddy over making her library run more efficiently, even if it's only by 3/4th of a second. She would make a great computer programmer - good ones always get excited when they can make a section of code run faster, even just a little bit!  :adorkable:
  • Discord really shouldn't be tweaking/fondling Twilight's horn like that - it might go off!  :wacko:
  • I liked how the episode managed to pull in the whole cast, though Fluttershy was probably the least used of them.
  • It's funny how Discord inadvertently explains one of the complications of quantum physics with Twilight changing the conditions of the experiment as an observer.
  • Whoever did that Twilight artwork Discord painted at the end really did a nice job with her! Also the insane nightmare version of her was pretty funny!

So yeah, I liked this episode well enough, mostly because the characters were acting believably and there were a lot of good visual gags. Here, have a shot of Applejack looking serious before you go:


I don't know why I find this pic so amusing, maybe because it seems like she's giving us The Stare?  :lol:

  • Brohoof 4

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I have to admit. I thought this episode was a bit weak, until one thing. When Discord started talking about Twilight as the "Observer Effect", altering the outcome of the reenactment, I lost it! Best nerdy science joke ever! I really like how at the end, Twilight magically created an orange to hold out as an olive branch to show Discord there were no hard feelings. 

  • Brohoof 4


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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