Manman20x6 359 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I'm not big on the show's music, but this episode had some pretty good songs. AJ x Coloratura is a good ship. I think I'll ship them instead of Appledash. What I didn't like was that the episode felt pretty short. They introduced the problem, then solved it on their first try with a simple solution. Svengallop was a boring antagonist. His only motivation was greed. I was hoping there was more to him than just being a complete jerk with no redeeming qualities, but in the end he was one-dimensional and bland. Overall kinda decent, but only memorable for the songs. 1 I SHIP FLUTTERSHY X BULK BICEPS SO HARD Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WubBeast 49 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 (edited) Now a show of hands how many of you love AJ's old friend and hate her manager for using her fame for his stupid selfish reasons and how did you like the two new songs and with the Crusaders singing with Rar for the last part Edited November 21, 2015 by WubBeast Matthew Ervin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nth Doctor 663 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Sapphire Shores finally gets punted to second place by none other than Pinkie Pie Finally, somepony that understands! 1 "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." YouTube | FiMFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 (edited) her VA's singing was enchanting, some of the best on the show probably I might agree with you. Very emotional too. The songs at the end made my face salty. For me that's Crusaders of the Lost Mark, but this is a good one. Oh yes. That was my favorite too but this one is a good match. I'll probably rewatch this a hundred times like I've done for Lost Mark. That was a great episode. Really liked the two ending songs, it was good. I wonder if "hoofsies" will become a thing. *gives hoofsies* Edited November 21, 2015 by BlackWater627 2 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,211 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 That was a great episode. Really liked the two ending songs, it was good. I wonder if "hoofsies" will become a thing. Should totally replace 'brohooves' on this site. 5 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q 3,673 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This wasn't an epic episode but not every episode needs to be epic to be good. Not sure if the delivery was lackluster or just mellow but in the end, I think it was a great episode. The moral of the story was really great and delivered in a heartfelt way. I think I'll go watch the episode again X3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allen 1,387 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Excellent episode for today with Lena Hall as the voice of Countess Coloratura and revealed four songs today! I believed in this one! Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past. ~Allen The V.I.P., The Legendary Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sporemane 546 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This episode made me love Applejack, more than I already do. I didn't even think that was possible. AJ is best pony, and also seeing the CMC on stage was absolutely adorable. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This episode was beautiful. Wonderful sendoff Amy! The music is wonderful, the backstory was wonderful, the characterization was wonderful and it's all just wonderful. The only actual flaw I can find is deciding if this is my favorite of the season or Crusaders of the Lost Mark is. 10/10. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varrack 1,080 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Wow, that was awesome. One of my favorites of season 5. I'm glad her manager left, because he wasn't doing any good for her (besides popularizing her). I liked the moral of discovering your true self. Imagine if real pop stars tried doing that nowadays.. The songs were great as well. Lena Hall's voice is pretty amazing, I was especially impressed with her solo at the beginning. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EVBP 94 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Wow. Loved it. I loved the variety of the music. Bravo, Mr Ingram! I cannot wait to hear remixes of these tunes. Also, RaRa's character design was awesome - dat hair tho! And was it just me, or did her manager's appearance remind anyone else of a younger David Letterman? Sad to hear that Amy Keating Rogers is leaving the show. Her writing on episodes like "Crusaders of The Lost Mark" and "The Last Roundup" is stellar and I hope Disney utilizes her talents well. You'll be missed Ms. Rogers! Oh, and also OCTAVIA SILHOUETTE! Yeah, I'm a little obsessed. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirestormCAN 246 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Sheesh, anyone else here wanted to buck that high horse of a manager where it counts? Amy Keating Rogers is certainly leaving on a high note. This episode hit a lot of the right marks, both in feels and in conflict. Rara isn't the first to have a crummy manager dictating her life and making event organizers feel like garbage, and I'm glad she (literally) pulled the veil that blinded her and told that jerk to stuff it. Just needed a little push from our favorite Apple farmer. Lena Hall really strutted her stuff in this one, her singing voice is phenomenal. I can see why she earned herself a Tony. The first two songs were proof enough, but man that song in the ending. Holding back the tears was a near impossible task. Really good episode, and I hope the next guest star they bring shines just as bright as Rara. 1 Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NOBronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Too rushed, but the songs was awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glike 487 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Three main points that I have: 1. Colurtura's VA was amazing and the songs were awesome! It was sweet when she sang with the CMC at the end. :3 2. This episode in general opened up a lot more possibilities for Equestria. A lot of the stuff we've seen here either hasn't been canon yet, or they were touched upon briefly. I really loved Twilight's recording spell. 3. What is with this show and making memorable inanimate objects? XD Fernando ftw! Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosmik Vek 764 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I honestly was not that impressed by that episode. Sure, I felt some emotions towards the end and I thought the caracters actions were not that much questionable. But there was things who I could not be much into from this ep. The songs as usual did not got to me (sorry but I'm not like any Brony who gets easily bribe by all the "wonderful" singing), the manager was really predictable and annoying and the moral was really predictable and I thought they explored it a lot before. But honestly it could have been worser, but I have seen better from Amy who is gonna be missed by a lot of us, because she have talent as a writer and for me "Crusaders Of The Mark" was the best thing she wrote period. Thanks Amy for all the feels I don't think I can rate this one because of too much indifference I have right now abut this one, so I'll leave this right there (I will probably edit it later one I have made my decision) Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Oh, and also OCTAVIA SILHOUETTE! Yeah, I'm a little obsessed. Tavi? .... YES! Amy Keating Rogers is certainly leaving on a high note. This episode hit a lot of the right marks, both in feels and in conflict. Rara isn't the first to have a crummy manager dictating her life and making event organizers feel like garbage, and I'm glad she (literally) pulled the veil that blinded her and told that jerk to stuff it. Just needed a little push from our favorite Apple farmer. That's how to properly exit stage right. And yeah, AJ was a hero here. Sad that Rara was too high on ego at first to question her manager but I suppose people tend to be reluctant to be critical of the people closest to them. Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,457 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 It started off a little slow (and the flashing lights from the music dance hurt my eyes). But once she gets to meet the schoolponies, the episode took off and showed Applejack at her very best, representing both the Element she bore and her very character. She wasn't going to let Rara's manager insult, trump over, and manipulate her into doing things HE want rather than for the festival. The Magic Inside and Equestria, the Land I Love (both the original and reprise) represent her very well.A very solid outing with an excellent ending. 2 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I thought the pacing was just fine, but my favorite thing was all the ways Pinkie's mane was affected... The songs were types of music that I'm not into, but well done - especially the last one. And once Applejack proves she's got more sense than anyone. Oh, and the Countess' costumes and mane were great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 This episode just completely fired all cylinders from start to finish. This episode was very deep, probably one of the deepest episodes in the entire show series. Knowing who you really are is very important, and letting fame and popularity get in the way completely puts you behind a veil. Rara, was being used by her manager because he was selfish and uncaring about others. During Rara's first shown performance, her singing was not true to her heart. It was all stale and artificial, all because the manager thought she needed all of the glamour and bells and whistles. What she really needed was a reminder of who she really was, and that was Applejack's responsibility. The final time she sang with only the piano and orchestra, I could see it, Rara's true self. Her cutie mark even shone brightly. And that last song with the CMC...omg... I tell ya, this episode is by far, the best of season 5 yet. The songs were downright amazing. Everything about this episode was remarkable. 2 Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colt .45 259 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Amy Keating Rogers beautiful coda! AJ can have a great episode that dose'nt revolve around her family. I've worked in the live production industry for over twenty-five years (lighting designer, if anyone cares), so I found this episode to be particularly relatable. Twilight can record and playback video! That's some damn interesting magic right there! When AJ was trying to expose the manager as the asshole he was, she was totally using her element! Ra-Rah, didn't know honesty is AJs thing, and questions her motivation as jealousy, and AJ says trust me, I'll prove I'm telling the truth, reminded me of when Twilight was hanging off the cliff, and AJ was holding her, and she tells Twi to let go, and Twilight was like hell no, and AJ says honest, I promise, if you let go you will be OK. That was the moment when Twi realized AJs element. Also Pinkie was so on point too. Not too over the top silly, but still fun. Amy's writing will be missed! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jora 164 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 did gaga actually guest in this ep and unknown to most she is actually a classically train pianist. and is EXTREMELY GOOD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Telferi 6,906 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I loved it! So mutch . Plus the song was incredibly awesome! Best episode ever! Signature by @Lord Valtasar Ask me here! My DeviantArt Find me on PokéHeroes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MoltenKitten 342 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Discovery family needs to learn what a spoiler is, that promo made me angry. I knew marxist pony was going to be in the season finale but I wanted to find out by watching the season finale. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 I think they could have had Sven Gallop be a well-meaning manager who just wants to make money, not realizing that it makes Rara unhappy. Then he apologizes at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 November 21, 2015 Share November 21, 2015 Amy Keating Rogers certainly did leave on a high note. Rara is a very endearing character, which i think we can all identify with. She wanted to share the music with the world, but at the same time thought that she needed to give up something of herself to show it and lost herself too much at the end. Something that actually happens in the music industry. AJ had one of her best performances in the series. This was her episode and it didn't had anything with her family and she didn't need to share the spotlight with another one of the mane 6. Her interaction with Rara is very believable and not forced. she felt very struggled about her friends change of image and since she knew who she was as a filly (BTW, the flashback was very cute) was the only one that could help her. Don't get me started on the songs. While i thought that Razzle Dazzle was a bit too flashy and not my cup of tea, the two ending songs where a real highlight. Not just of this season, but also the whole series. I could criticize that the manager was a bit too generic. But we where supposed to hate him, so it would be a bit nitpicky. Wonderful episode. Can recommend to everybody. 5 My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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