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What are you thankful for?


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Thanksgiving is approaching fast, and it's the only time of the ear where we get to reflect back on life and what we're thankful for. You can be thankful for something basic that brings you joy in life, or you can be thankful for something personal, like having family and friends and ect.


For me, I'm thankful for having a house over my head, thankful for having a loving mother, and I'm especially thankful for having a steady job (despite on how stressful it is) XD.


Also, in light of recent events, I'm especially thankful for my boyfriend, @@Kyoshi. He is just so lovely and brings me much joy in my life. :)

Edited by NothingIsEverything
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Thankful i am

For what ?

Every little, big and medium thing that i have encountered in life, every experience i gained, every person i met, every action i`ve done, every time i said  ``I love you`` to someone, everyday i try and take life as a joy as it is, good and bad, life and writing are best used with a dash of ``colour``, either that it can get boring and hollow, and most important here is i`m grateful that i have a support that catches me when i fall, for now it is represented by family and persons i truly call friends, in the future i might not know, but one thing is certain, i will not be expecting but good to come for those who deserve :3

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I am thankful that I live 1200 miles from my family & haven't spoken to any of them in 20+  years.


If that seems harsh, I would point out that Cain & Abel were brothers.  God invented Heaven, then Earth, then Humans, then Hell, then families.  Downhill all the way, you see.  When Sartre said "Hell is other people", he meant my family 

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~My parents for putting up with longer than they should have had to...

~All of the ways my grandparents supported me

~My dogs (even though we lost one of them this year. T.T)

~My oboe teacher and how she has really pushed me to go back into school, when before I started lessons, I had long given up on everything. (a slight bit ironic, considering getting the oboe a couple of years back was pretty much a gesture of me throwing my life [any thought of going back to school] away.)

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-My parent's marriage. High school sweethearts still happily married with three sons.


-My two brothers, for putting up with my emotional instability crap.


-My country.


-This show and fandom, without which I would not be the man I am today nor on my way to professional contentment.


-My Kung Fu instructors for being patient with me.


-All of my friends who likewise put up with me.

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So many things....


-My friends here and the few I have left offline. The fact that all of you put up with me is something I am grateful for.


-My brother, he is awesome. 


-My simple enjoyments. My video games, my music, videos, being able to enjoy these is wonderful.


-Being able to have food and drink. That is an obvious one.


-These forums. The only community where I have ever felt like I matter.


and of course, my wonderful boyfriend, who is the starter of this thread. :3

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I guess the things I am thankful for would have to be life, my friends, family, my pet cat, MLP: FiM/EqG and the fandom that comes with it, the fact that I'm finally starting to learn maths (and actually remember things), as well as many of the basic luxuries we have on this part of the world, which unfortunately a lot of people who need it don't have (I guess that here I'm trying to say that you should be grateful for the things you have, including access to food and clean water, as a lot of people in the world don't have this)

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Although I don't celebrate Thansgiving, I certainly enjoy remembering what I'm thankful for on the day. :) And I'm thankful for... everything, really. For my wonderful life, friends, family, fandoms, great food, clean water, and my good education (as well as every other luxury and privilege I have :D) Despite the fact that there are a few things that interfere with my otherwise amazing life, I am quite thankful for everything. After all, if we didn't make mistakes then we would never learn some pretty important lessons. :squee:

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  • 4 years later...
10 hours ago, Splashee said:

For my new friend @Kitty Rose, keeping me and other busy, so that I have something to look forward to, while coming here!

I'm thankful that I have amazing friends like this, who I will always try to make happy :)


Don't tell anyone @Splashee, but you're my favorite :sealed: So you get an extra big hug! *absolutely massive hug* :catface:




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12 hours ago, Kitty Rose said:

I'm thankful that I have amazing friends like this, who I will always try to make happy :)

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Don't tell anyone @Splashee, but you're my favorite :sealed: So you get an extra big hug! *absolutely massive hug* :catface:




I'll be replaced soon, I am used to it by now :awwthanks:
But it is nice making people happy! :rarity:

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10 hours ago, Splashee said:

I'll be replaced soon, I am used to it by now :awwthanks:
But it is nice making people happy! :rarity:

Oh Splashee, you are so mistaken, how many other people have little duckies as pets? :catface:

You've just GOT to be my best friend, if you weren't, I'd miss saying your cute name :(

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