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Who is your OC most protective of?


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I have six OCs..


Sweet Marshmallow is protective of marshmallows


Velvet Delight is protective of her friends. .


Pink Tart, Blue Cherry,Candy Scone

,Glitter Grace.. they aren't really protective about anything

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Soot:  His little sister is his main thing to protect.


Tempe:    Mostly her friends....


Sallie:  Books,  she has a thing for books and protecting them!

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It's a tie between her friends and her wings. She really doesn't like anyone making fun of her or her friends. Although she can tolerate it if it is kidding around and teasing. Her wings are hyper-sensitive, so she only let's ponies that she knows very well to touch them. :catface:

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Meson is uber-protective of his "partner", Spits, and vice-versa. Heck, the two live together, eat together, and sometimes even sleep together (platonically), mostly because they're really good at supporting each other. Spits is mute, and she can't converse well with anypony except Meson. He's also one of the very few ponies who understands her, not just as far as what she's saying, but understands her thought process and emotions. Meson himself is mentally unstable, and he needs Spits to keep him in check so he doesn't wreck everything. His stress levels are hard to rein in, and he can easily break down if he feels too many people are relying on him to succeed at something. And since they both work two jobs each (Spits actually works more than Meson), they can support their fairly-nice cloudominium.

Edited by Meson Bolt
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My OCs are protective of one another, being family and all. But if I were to say regarding less major/important and more trivial things, then:


Twinkle Hooves and her comic books, Stormbolt and himself against anything that gets him dirty, Shredding Sear and his guitar, and Peachy Keen and her kids - couldn't think of anything trivial she'd be that protective of. :P

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Will Guide (my Ponysona) is especially protective of Spike the Dragon. He may not be proud of Spike's selfish moments, but Will will protect him if Spike's life is in danger.

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His love interest. "Canonically" that would be Saffron Sets and eventually their children. However, Ezekiel also is just a particularly submissive sort by nature so he attaches himself to other figures he admires and respects, developing a rather fierce loyalty to them. The top ponies that fall into this category are Princess Celestia and Fancypants.

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My numerous oc's all have different things they protect...


Shining Midnight: the Princesses


Spirit Watcher: Souls/Spirits


Bass Cannon: Her music collection (aka her computer)


Diamond Shine: Her prized possession (a large diamond, approximately 3 feet in diameter)


Wrathius: Himself (to be more specific, his wings)


Elrennish: His weapons (His huge collection of 1050 Swords, with various sizes. 500+ Throwing weapons. 800+ Arrows. 300+ Bows. 100+ Crossbows. 300+ Axes. 250+ Polearms/Halberds. There's more, but I think you get the point.)

Edited by ~ Akatsuki ~
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Refund Check and Ruby Shears are highly protective of their foals (justified, they are their parents after all).

Fudge Cookie and Sundae are protective of each other (also justified, they are twins).

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Kivil is protective of her paint and brushes and Fancy Pants

Echo is protective of nothing. But she has people that are protective of her!

Scaredy Breeze is protective of her wings. They are fragile especially in the winter and fall!

Ryx is protective of Drogon

Drogon is protective of Ryx 

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