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16 minutes ago, cmarston1 said:

I don't understand why there needs to be an answer for why she was born an alicorn.

I mean her mother is an alicorn, so I just assumed it made sense for her to be born as one.

Plus the fandom has always just assumed that Celestia and Luna were born alicorns and didn't have a problem with that, so I generally don't see the problem with Flurry Heart being born one either.

The characters themselves pointed out how it didn't make sense. Luna and Celestia are obviously very special cases, considering they have been alive for thousands of years. Here, it is just 'Oh look, she is an alicorn because genetics' which sounds a bit like a very cheap and lazy way to introduce her.

  • Brohoof 2



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Being born an alicorn isn't really the thing that bothers me about her since I think it kind of does make sense since Cadance is an alicorn - I don't know how pony genetics work but it's a nice and simple explanation for the simple chump me. At the same time I'm half-expecting some interesting info about her being an alicorn in the future episodes. 
I'm not exactly fond of Flurry Heart because baby characters hardly ever appeal to me personally, which is also why Baby Cakes is far from being a favorite episode of mine. Many people probably consider those weird baby sounds and similar stuff cute but to me it's just a bit unsettling and makes me think that soon she'll start screaming her lungs out for whatever reason. Babies' crying isn't a sound that does good to my ears. I've always tried to see her in a more positive light but my personal opinion of babies hinders it, man. Maybe I'll think of her more positively when she's got older - at least her design is pretty sweet so that's promising.


This must be the most terrifying thing I've seen in the show so far. :unsure:



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  • 2 months later...

I despise Flurry Heart, I don't like how she was born an Alicorn... If I understand what Celestia is saying- is even they weren't  'born' Alicorns... I happen to think there was a ancient Alicorn civilization (this is discussed in a Youtube video as well- go figure..) that becoming an Alicorn was a coming of age thing.. Flurry Heart is too overpowered too soon.. even If I wanted to like her, I just can't... I like the 'Earning' aspect of becoming a Alicorn not be BORN one. 

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I just hate all the babies. They are so stupid. And I mean the concept, not the babies. The concept is stupid because the babies are really smart. And seriously, babies in MLP are just way to OP. It just makes me want to rip my hair out. :okiedokieloki:

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I dunno…I never really liked Flurry Heart that much. I’ve always considered her to be ‘evil’ and I feel as if she’s the biggest threat to Equestria :dry: 


I don’t like the whole idea of having a baby Alicorn in the show. I mean, how many Mary Sue’s are we gonna have in this show!? D=<

We’ve already got Princess Twilight, Starlight Glimmer and now, we have this monstrosity…

I wish they kept it cute, fun and simple like they did with the first two seasons…

  • Brohoof 1


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On 6/28/2017 at 9:43 AM, A.V. said:

IMO, she's neither perfect nor terrible.

 That's pretty much my response in a nutshell, but if you know me, I can't leave it at just that!

 To start off with, I may detest Fluffy Hurt's whole character structure from the ground up, but I'm very accomplished at rationalizing things!

  Point One! The "But Alicorns gotta EARN it!"

     Well, no, nothing directly states that. Case in point, if, say, a human was to suddenly aquire a set of their own wings or a magic-horn through years of study it would still be a fair hubub even if some snotty scientist from down the road strutted into the celebration to brag about how bioengineered his own wings from the ground up positively months before this shmuck just had them poof into being. Leaving your species classification is still special irregardless of the situation.

   I do get the feeling that if that spell hadn't been there in the first place (and frankly, it did seem kind of slapped on to the end of a two-parter and hasn't really been made too much of a fuss since, [*cough*just like McFlurry Farts here!*Uncough*] so I don't really mind Twilight being a unicorn. It's like she just got a new hairdo to me) then Celestia probably would have made her an alicorn princess in title & responsibility only anyway.

   Cadence herself is what I call an Ascended Alicorn classification. She did too, also earn her wings, (...why do I get the weird feeling that this species exists solely for that analogy?...) but there isn't enough data or examples or prior experience to justify the species as solely magical in origin. This, however, does lean into the next point.

   Point Two! "You just can't be born an alicorn!"

    Well, no, the only information we have to go on there is the confusion that is spread between the royal sisters as they have no personal experience of their own of there ever having been born a natural alicorn. Do consider our cases here. Twilight isn't exactly the sort to be dating or settling down anytime soon with a stallion... not if the show can dodge having to bring up sex if they can. I know I would in their shoes! Really, up until now the only two Alicorns out and about to be making babies would be the Two Sisters themselves.  ...Kiiiinda stands to reason that both of them having been around for some thousand years plus they would at some point have sought the company of a stallion and one thing led to another... but perhaps the Queens' consorts have been very few & far between. I've always had the impression that both mares see each other as the only constants in their lives. Knowing with full certainty that you will outlive not only your soulmate & child, but before you know it one child has become an entire town... can probably put a severe damper on your love life! Add to that, I do doubt too many stallions are brave enough to waltz right into the nation's capitol to hit on the leaders of the free world!

   Still, all the same, I do think there have been some throwaway lines hither & thither to imply that most of Canterlot like to claim a bloodline to the Royal Sisters, so it probably is a cinch that its happened a few times. Blueblood himself has been described as a relative & is probably the closest we can get to a male alicorn, but... still, between the two we likely have less then a dozen cases which is still enough to leave out possibilities as having alicorn children. 

  I don't know about you, but in that moment where Celestia looked to Luna upon finding out about Blurry Tart, that expression really did seem like an unspoken " S*I*! THAT CAN HAPPEN? Why hasn't it happened to us yet? Our biological clocks that off?"

   But anyhow, that's my theory here. Magical or not, it still is a physical change & therefore a biological one. Her father had a horn, her mother had wings at the time of conception, so it follows there's a gamble of her getting both. I see Cadence's foal, Captain Boatwings, as essentially a mutant & natural alicorn. Much like how some humans can potentially grow a widdle tail or an eleventh finger. It's just what genetics handed her.

On 8/30/2017 at 2:05 AM, SolarFlare13 said:

I don’t like the whole idea of having a baby Alicorn in the show. I mean, how many Mary Sue’s are we gonna have in this show!? D=<

  And that's Point Three!

    I don't think many quite fully grasp what the concept of a Mary Sue is. It's a character that automatically has the story center around them. One that warps everything to how it relates to them. It's not just them being better then everybeing else, so much that everything immediately becomes important only to how it relates to the character. You know, like Batman & Superman. But we still love those guys, don't we?

   Burpy Toots here is a baby after all. It kind of stands to reason that every episode she's in would be about finding a sitter or managing her somehow. That's not only what ya kinda have to do with a baby, but its also clearly what the writers intended. Cadence herself was  only put in to act as another authority figure to our main character & serve as a pretty-pretty-princess-dream-wedding-damsel-in-distress, so really, you need to add something else in to warrant us going back to those two characters. First comes marriage... 

   It's clear that they wanted WallyMart to be essentially an accidental antagonist. A sort of villain you can't really banish or scold, because she didn't know any better. Granted, they kind of overplayed that hand & could have easily done that with somebeing full-grown as sometimes evil is done with the best of intentions, but... 

  Mary-Sue isn't... I mean, McFlurry Heartattack isn't a poorly written character. She's a catalyst. But only a catalyst. Shows frequently have that one silly character that trips over & breaks something important or has to be taught a lesson as audience-by-proxy. And frequently they're found annoying because of that. Have a character too flanderized, too stupid for their own good & the audience will get the hint that you might be saying that to them. 

  She's a baby, she ain't old enough to have a personality yet. She's really kind of forced to be a terrible, inexpressive character painted in broad strokes. What baby character can be anything but a painful experience? It was terrible when we were needy babies & its terrible having to deal with them! Blam! Instant drama! Predictable Storylines you don't have to work too hard on!

  I am confident though, that we're just basically seeing the seed of a character. Who knows what she'll be like when she's older? She certainly doesn't know yet!


  Point Four! "This baby's too OP!"

   Let us not forget this isn't the first time the franchise has decided to work baby characters.... *shudder*... they once tried to rework the entire show into nothing but bobble-headed, bug-eyed freaks of nature.... yurgh... I kinda feel nauseous now...

   Babies are not new ground to this world. Putting aside older generations ideas of two-year-olds being capable of talking... Ought I bring up the Cake Family's foals?

  Those two were flying & casting magic right out of the crib & before they could even eat solid food or stop wearing diapers! The excuse they gave there (also in the vein of Babies=automatic drama=episode story) was that essentially its like teething. Foals don't grow into their powers so it comes out in rampant bursts that make them hard to deal with. This does also imply that pegusai flight is strongly supported by innate magic and how unicorn magic is mostly bent around focus & want, but I digress.

   These three cases do not seem to be treated as any special situation. Like no powerful baby is garunteed to grow into a powerful, mary-sue-ish adult. I do think the idea here is that Windconditions Lovesymbol here will eventually grow up in a few years into a Cutiemark Crusaders-type foal with almost no sign of what powers or abilities she once had & will have to go to school or somesuch in order to learn how to harness them again. After all, do feel it's also insinuated most of the Main Six were also like this in their youth, Twilight herself did transmute living ponies into plants when she was Sweetie Bell's age and that was just as uncontrolled.


   Flurry Heart isn't some terrifying specter or a bad character. Just a simple one being made to factor into stories before she can really do anything.

    She's basically just a Tool.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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  • 5 years later...
On 2016-04-03 at 5:40 PM, Concerned Bystander said:

I don't give a flying feather about her being in the season opener, the reason I dislike her is because her presence (although currently unexplained) basically trashes the existing perception that being an Alicorn is a reward for doing great deeds and risks creating a precedent where Alicorns beget Alicorns which establishes them as a hereditary master race instead of being the pinnacle of a meritocratic society.

I agree. My problem is that she's an overpowered alicorn and a spoiled brat that never gets in trouble

Alicornness is a reward for accomplishing something. We have no idea what Celestia or Luna did but it is easy to assume it might have something to do with Starswirl or being able to raise the sun/moon. And Cadence is kinda obvious; It's because she represents the crystal heart in love and light. Twilight (as much as I hate it) got her wings for finishing an ancient spell one of the most powerful unicorns couldn't finish (even though it was their own spell). Even Cozy Glow got a reason to temporarily be an alicorn. She got the powers from the bell. But Flurry Heart? We don't know. And it sucks because Hasbro could've DONE something with it! But nope, they just used her as a plot device to cause horrible things. She even nearly causes an entire empire to freeze just because she was pulled away from Pinkie Pie. And she's REWARDED for it!

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25 minutes ago, FlutterIsBestAlicorn said:

I agree. My problem is that she's an overpowered alicorn and a spoiled brat that never gets in trouble

Alicornness is a reward for accomplishing something. We have no idea what Celestia or Luna did but it is easy to assume it might have something to do with Starswirl or being able to raise the sun/moon. And Cadence is kinda obvious; It's because she represents the crystal heart in love and light. Twilight (as much as I hate it) got her wings for finishing an ancient spell one of the most powerful unicorns couldn't finish (even though it was their own spell). Even Cozy Glow got a reason to temporarily be an alicorn. She got the powers from the bell. But Flurry Heart? We don't know. And it sucks because Hasbro could've DONE something with it! But nope, they just used her as a plot device to cause horrible things. She even nearly causes an entire empire to freeze just because she was pulled away from Pinkie Pie. And she's REWARDED for it!

That is all assumption. The diaries of the two sisters states Celestia and Luna were born alicorns. So there is no evidence to tip the scales enough either way. We have see on screen one alicorn be born and one be earned through great works. The books state that they can be born as well. So the logical assumption is that both can happen and both are rare. 
And punished? She was in diapers and still making baby sounds. Are we seriously talking about punishing children incapable of speech? For crying of all things. There is no evidence that her magic is even voluntary at that stage.

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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On 2023-02-23 at 4:18 PM, Jedishy said:

And punished? She was in diapers and still making baby sounds. Are we seriously talking about punishing children incapable of speech? For crying of all things. There is no evidence that her magic is even voluntary at that stage.

I understand that, but clearly Flurry Heart is capable of understanding what the adults are saying. They could've at least told her "Hey Flurry Heart you need to be careful" but nope, they did NOTHING

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19 hours ago, FlutterIsBestAlicorn said:

I understand that, but clearly Flurry Heart is capable of understanding what the adults are saying. They could've at least told her "Hey Flurry Heart you need to be careful" but nope, they did NOTHING

There is no evidence she understands complex ideas like be careful. Toddlers understand adults but they struggle to understand complex topics like emotions and using their words and need constant training on it. There is zero evidence she understood what she did or how she did it. So explaining to someone that does not appear to have even the understanding of a five year old that crying is ok but magic crying which they don't appear to control is not...... is gonna be a tricky topic. And not one that could sensibly be addressed at that time in the show. 

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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On 2/28/2023 at 4:19 PM, Jedishy said:

There is no evidence she understands complex ideas like be careful. Toddlers understand adults but they struggle to understand complex topics like emotions and using their words and need constant training on it. There is zero evidence she understood what she did or how she did it. So explaining to someone that does not appear to have even the understanding of a five year old that crying is ok but magic crying which they don't appear to control is not...... is gonna be a tricky topic. And not one that could sensibly be addressed at that time in the show. 

Then they can yell at her, frankly don't care. In "A flurry of emotions" when Twilight yells at Flurry Heart it works. Sure, it might just be because the yelling scared her, but clearly yelling works

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On 3/5/2023 at 9:06 AM, FlutterIsBestAlicorn said:

Then they can yell at her, frankly don't care. In "A flurry of emotions" when Twilight yells at Flurry Heart it works. Sure, it might just be because the yelling scared her, but clearly yelling works

So you dont care that she will not be able to understand why she is being yelled at or what they want her to stop? Not exactly a great way to parent. 
Yelling at her will not: 
Explain the bad behavior. IE crying ok/magic shatter crying not ok  
Stop what may be an involuntary reflex. ( The action was already done. its hard to explain to even a toddler why something that already happened was wrong once its over never mind someone at that stage of development ) 

When Twilight yelled at her it was for a voluntary action that she could control and clearly knew what she was doing That was not the case in the previous situation. While we dont have an exact time frame this is Season 6 Ep 1 and 2 vs Season 7 ep 3 which is likely a year or more apart. Considering what we see in those two episodes we can at least guess that she is considerably more mature/aware of her magic. This makes a huge difference in how it should be handled. 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Flurry Heart didn’t even fully grasp object permanence in Flurry of Emotions. Also, yelling at an infant to a toddler actually reinforces bad behavior instead of corrects it. 

Anyway, I’m in the strongly neutral with the character. She had cute moments. She had moments that left no impact on me. She’s fine. Regarding the Alicorn question, I am thankful they didn’t fully explain it. The best fantasy worlds leave gaps in places to allow you to conjure your own explanations, and allows the viewer or reader to theorycraft interesting ideas. 


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1 hour ago, Jedishy said:

So you dont care that she will not be able to understand why she is being yelled at or what they want her to stop? Not exactly a great way to parent. 


If she is putting an entire EMPIRE in danger, no. I don't care if she doesn't understand. If it's a choice between freezing an empire of ponies to death or scaring my niece, I'd pick scare my niece

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1 hour ago, FlutterIsBestAlicorn said:

If she is putting an entire EMPIRE in danger, no. I don't care if she doesn't understand. If it's a choice between freezing an empire of ponies to death or scaring my niece, I'd pick scare my niece

But you are scaring her for nothing. Yelling does not fix the heart. Yelling is not even likely to stop it the next time as she did not appear to be in control of her magic yet and would not at the time understand the issue. So all you are doing is scaring a child for nothing. In that situation education and training as soon as she could be taught is the solution. Not needlessly scaring an infant/toddler that isnt going to get why you're shouting. So you would not be choosing between scaring your niece and saving the empire. You are choosing to scare your niece for nothing. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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1 hour ago, Jeric said:

Flurry Heart didn’t even fully grasp object permanence in Flurry of Emotions. Also, yelling at an infant to a toddler actually reinforces bad behavior instead of corrects it. 


THIS! In Flurry of Emotions, she seemed to understand permanence as she started to look for her toy when it went missing and was lifting things to find it. This is a huge developmental gap that was the separation between why it was ok to yell at her here and not before. Thank you for putting this to words better then I was. 

  • Brohoof 1

May the Friendship be with you. 


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I always thought she looked weird and kinda creepy, though all of the foals are kinda creepy looking in the show for some reason. And everyone in the show does the worst possible job of watching her and keeping her from messing things up. They're kinda clueless sometimes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have always found Flurry Heart to be adorable. I'm also saddened that we have seen not more of her. One of the open questions which could have been expanded on. I mean she is a alicorn from birth.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-03-25 at 4:51 AM, Astral Soul said:

I have always found Flurry Heart to be adorable. I'm also saddened that we have seen not more of her. One of the open questions which could have been expanded on. I mean she is a alicorn from birth.

So are Celestia and Luna according to an official book, tho :huh:

6 hours ago, EpicEnergy said:

I'm not a fan of Flurry Heart, but I don't hate her either. I would have loved to see her grown up.

so do I. I’ve wanted more McFlurry :sunny:. I’d settle if Misty is a descendant of her, or something, tho :mlp_icwudt:


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Eh, never had any strong opinions on her, even if she is an alicorn. She's the baby character and that's really it. Nothing I ever got worked up about.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
On 2023-06-16 at 12:32 AM, ziddersroofurry said:

Impressive bit of thread necromancy going on here. As far as Flurry goes I think she was harmless. 

She was far from harmless. Just looking at her causes several times fatal doses of diabeetus :wub:


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