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S06:E06 - No Second Prances


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Wow, I just came to a really unfortunate revelation.


Not only was this episode really poor, it also diminishes the last time we saw Trixie.  It makes the progress at the end of the last Trixie episode feel faked.  


There was just too much of a mess in this episode to resolve it all satisfactorily.

Ideally, the only manipulative and untrusting pony would have been Twilight.  Then the writer could have addressed and dealt with that satisfactorily.  

  • Brohoof 3

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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Thanks, and just to clarify, I'm not upset at you for the theory you suggested in your prior post, so don't worry about it, we're all good!
Oh, no problem! I wasn't thinking you were upset, but after reading your reply I pretty much facepalmed at how badly I looked at the issue of it's morality from only a fanbase perspective!  :lol:




it also diminishes the last time we saw Trixie.  It makes the progress at the end of the last Trixie episode feel faked


Trixie's behavior is actually something I didn't have an issue with. A few hours after I watched this episode, I went back and rewatched "Boast Busters" and "Magic Duel", and in "Magic Duel" Trixie seemed more interested in boasting about how penitent she was rather than having a real change to her personality. And then she even ran off in a hurry just like she did at the end of "Boast Busters", making me wonder if she wasn't more embarrassed about getting possessed by an evil artifact or falling for Twilight's ruse rather than being humbled.


Plus, even if she really was honest with the Mane 6 and Spike before she left in her previous episode, it's entirely possible the old feelings of jealousy re-emerged after Twilight's ascension. I know I would feel a few pangs of jealousy if my main rival in life was suddenly made into an alicorn princess. She probably stewed over that during the intervening seasons.

  • Brohoof 3

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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This is just another example of Twilight Sparkle being a neurotic, power-hungry and controlling biz-natch. She should have trusted her student to make her own choices in the same way that Celestia trusted her. While she learned this by the end, I have to wonder why she needed to learn it at all. Did she not hear Spike tell her the same thing earlier in the season?


And speaking of Spike, where was he? A no-show for this episode, which was disappointing. I am a big Spike fan, and I always enjoy his sarcasm and dry observations. His absence made the episode weaker.


But back to Twilight Sparkle and her need to control everything that happens all the time; I think her willingness to concoct elaborate lies involving background ponies and her lack of hesitation to hide in the bushes and stalk others shows a real need of psychological help. I suspected as much when she bewitched her doll in Season 2, and her behavior since then has only reinforced this suspicion.


I've had an epiphany just now. An incessant need to be right, insufferable personality quirks and a lack of social skills and understanding that has only grown through repeated mistakes and faux pas? Twilight Sparkle is a pony version of Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. If she's not a greater control freak than he is, she is at the very least his equal.



  • Brohoof 3


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This is just another example of Twilight Sparkle being a neurotic, power-hungry and controlling biz-natch. She should have trusted her student to make her own choices in the same way that Celestia trusted her. While she learned this by the end, I have to wonder why she needed to learn it at all. Did she not hear Spike tell her the same thing earlier in the season?


And speaking of Spike, where was he? A no-show for this episode, which was disappointing. I am a big Spike fan, and I always enjoy his sarcasm and dry observations. His absence made the episode weaker.


But back to Twilight Sparkle and her need to control everything that happens all the time; I think her willingness to concoct elaborate lies involving background ponies and her lack of hesitation to hide in the bushes and stalk others shows a real need of psychological help. I suspected as much when she bewitched her doll in Season 2, and her behavior since then has only reinforced this suspicion.


I've had an epiphany just now. An incessant need to be right, insufferable personality quirks and a lack of social skills and understanding that has only grown through repeated mistakes and faux pas? Twilight Sparkle is a pony version of Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. If she's not a greater control freak than he is, she is at the very least his equal.




HERESY!!!!!! Sheldon's an asshat. Twilight isn't!

  • Brohoof 2

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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Good afternoon, everypony!  My apologies for being late once again with a review, but once again I was indisposed on Saturday as I was away in Bay City, MI, judging for Michigan State History Day (which honestly was more exhausting than it was fun, if I'm being totally honest).  But I got around to seeing the new episode twice now, and I have to say that I loved it.  No Second Prances (aside from having a horrible pun in the episode title) was a very nice opportunity for the writers to give some closure to older story arcs, and man oh man did they nail it.  Once again, since this was largely a character driven episode, I'll be focusing on the primary players in this one, namely Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight.  Without further ado, let's begin.




Now that's friggin' adorable




My Little Pony: Passive-Aggressiveness is Magic


So first of all, I have to say that I really thought that every major character here was very well balanced.  Nobody was a Mary Sue and nobody was ridiculously evil or stupid; they made mistakes you'd expect them to make, and it worked out very nicely.  In Starlight's case, her biggest mistake was probably not being more discerning about who exactly Trixie was.  She saw similarities between their pasts on the surface, but she didn't delve in further with Trixie, and that probably would have helped her earlier on get a better understanding for Trixie.  Trixie's always been far more narcissistic and ego-driven than Starlight ever was, and that might have helped Starlight be more careful and discerning as to why exactly Trixie was befriending her.  Other than that, she mostly taught Twilight a valuable lesson about giving second chances in a very clever way; the "second chances" storyline has been seen a million times in all sorts of properties, but here it was clever because we have a newer character who arguably has done worse things being, far more easily, given a second chance (Starlight) than an older character who even at her worst didn't almost destroy Equestria.  Starlight's able to nicely juxtapose how hypocritical Twilight is being if she's OK with Starlight but not Trixie, and it raises some interesting questions, namely, does Twilight simply think that only certain kinds of friendship can work, or with only certain types of ponies?  Obviously that's not the case in the end, but the circumstances themselves with Starlight at the center made this episode far smarter in its delivery than it could have been.  She ended the episode making a brand new friend of her own, and hopefully this is yet another great step for her in learning about friendship.  Solid second episode for the new Starlight, and can't wait to see what's next for her.




I'm not hopping on the TrixLight bandwagon, but these two are adorable together




Building off of that, let's talk about Twilight.  While I at times found some of her distrust of Trixie and hounding of Starlight a bit head scratching and out of character, it still made sense enough for two different reasons.  In Starlight's case, having a student like this is still very new for Twilight, not to mention she had the added pressure of making a good impression on her own mentor, Princess Celestia.  In Trixie's case, it really turned out that she didn't distrust Trixie because of what she'd done (because, again, it was peanuts compared to Starlight's past crimes), but rather, because of who she was.  She and Trixie had never particularly gotten along very well, mostly because of Trixie's out of control ego; even the last time we saw Trixie, they didn't truly make up at the end.  And even here, I actually really liked that they didn't become thick as thieves at the end.  They made up, and will probably get along far better from now on, but the primary redemption for Trixie or reconciliation was not a result of Twilight or between her and Trixie.  She helped Starlight, but Starlight was the primary catalyst here, not her, and I liked that.  She's going to take longer than Starlight will to trust Trixie because she has an actual past with her, which makes plenty sense.  Heck, even her three friends at Trixie's show (AJ, Pinkie, and Fluttershy) seemed alright with Trixie, far more than Twilight did.  Top that off with some hilarious panicky, OCD Twilight, and she had a very good showing here.




Are you happy now, Twilight?  Are you happy???




Finally, Trixie herself had a very nice return.  The one thing that threw me off about her was her voice; it sounded fine, but very, very different from how it sounded in her first two appearances, and I have no idea if they switched VAs for her or what.  Other than that, this was the redemption episode she deserved.  She's still bombastic and completely full of herself, but she's clearly getting better and trying just to be a good entertainer now.  Very interestingly, she also seemed a bit depressed, and I think we also really got a great sense of how awkward and anti-social she is.  It's not hard to understand how someone as odd as her, who regularly refers to herself in the third person and talks very loudly, could have a hard time her whole life making friends.  This could also explain her extreme reaction to Starlight nearly ending their friendship when she, more or less, almost throws her life away to a manticore; again, normal ponies wouldn't react to losing a friend this way, but someone who's super socially awkward to the point that, well into adulthood, they've never managed to maintain a single friendship, could if they were feeling down enough.  But thankfully they didn't make Trixie a Mary Sue either; she's still narcissistic and annoying in her own way, especially to Twilight, namely because she still doesn't like Twilight.  She resents that Twilight seems like one of those ponies who just constantly walk on gold paved roads, and that became apparent when she nearly lost Starlight's friendship over her joy at screwing up Twilight's plans.  As I said, this was exactly the redemption she needed; much better than that 30 second apology at the end of her last episode, but also hardly your run of the mill "second chances" episode either.  Trixie is still a character in that she has flaws and makes many of the same mistakes she used to, but she's also clearly getting better, and it should be much easier for her to grow now that she has an actual best friend for the first time in her life.




I loved this bit so much




The Great and Inebriated Trixie


Last but not least, let's give credit to the comedic beats in this episode.  This was a bucking funny episode loaded with funny bits from the Mane 6, background ponies, the main characters of the episode, you name it (they even had this amazing gag where Starlight, inexplicably, is apparently the one pony who Angel the Devil Bunny actually adores, I loved that!).  The only one that really felt forced was the Mrs. Cake bit for a couple of reasons, but it was more than made up for in the Princess Celestia gags with Derpy, Vinyl, and Cranky.  Oh my word, those were some of the funniest background pony/princess gags EVER, and they couldn't have ended the episode on a funnier gag if they tried!  Some of the faces also helped nail the comedy down too, and I love that DHX continues to experiment with the characters' facial expressions.  Overall, this was as solid as this episode could be.  Was it perfect?  No, but not in a way that I'd complain about it.  Any flaws it has were super minor and pale in comparison to the things it did so, so right.  Great episode with some great humor and great developments.  I'd say this episode was great and powerful, indeed.  :smug:




The happiest pony in this episode; all Derpy needs is her muffins

  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Okay this episode was GREAT. I loved getting to see more of Trixie. I however was not expecting to get hit in the feels like I did when Trixie was tearing up over losing her first and only friend. Overall I thought that this episode was very good and I look forward to next weeks episode.


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After watching this episode third time, I realized that everytime Twilight try to appeal Celestia, she will become crazy lol... everytime... I always love ss2 Twilight.

About SG casting magic recklessly in this ep, it has a really long time since Twilight Sparkle is the only unicorn who use magic to manipulate objects or ponies in some funny ways (forget that reformation spell, that evilllllll). I want more some kind of magic like that in future episode.

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I ..."loved".. it only for the Pathetic and Friendless Trixie...


..that once again becomes "Great and Powerful" thanks to the friendship of Starlight.....



.....okay this is an animated series centered on friendship. ..




,,the obsession that this animated series has for friendship (and having to make friends at all costs) is something that is causing me ....nauseous.

and..the "talents" exist even without the friendships.


For the rest, well...go to hell Starlight Glimmer. For me it would be nice to forge a friendship with Big Mac ando also DJ Pon-3, Derpy etc. 

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Enjoyed the episode, Great to some background ponies like Derpy and Vinyl and good to see Trixie back


But...but they got Vinyl's name wrong!

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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I'm pretty sure DJ PON-3 is her canon name in the show since Twilight actually said it herself.


Then why was she referred to as Vinyl in "Slice of Life"?

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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Then why was she referred to as Vinyl in "Slice of Life"?

Is that because you read the transcript for the episode, or read it on the My Little Pony Wiki?

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Is that because you read the transcript for the episode, or read it on the My Little Pony Wiki?


No, didn't Octavia call her Vinyl at one point at their house???

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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Where in Slice of LIfe  is she referred to as Vinyl? The episode transcript here turns up nothing.


Damnit. It's like that episode DELIBERATELY went out of its way NOT to call her by name. This is confusing. She's marketed as DJ Pon3, but the fans keep calling her Vinyl Scratch. WHICH IS IT?! For Celestia's sake, It's the Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins crap all over again!

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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Damnit. It's like that episode DELIBERATELY went out of its way NOT to call her by name. This is confusing. She's marketed as DJ Pon3, but the fans keep calling her Vinyl Scratch. WHICH IS IT?! For Celestia's sake, It's the Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins crap all over again!

Twilight called her DJ PON-3, so that's got to be her canon name in the show, for sure.

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guys, "vinyl" is her given name, "DJ pon3" is her DJ nick.  

it can be both.  


but it drives me crazy that it isn't pronounced "DJ pony".  the 3 is clearly supposed to be an 'E'

  • Brohoof 1

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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This is just another example of Twilight Sparkle being a neurotic, power-hungry and controlling biz-natch. She should have trusted her student to make her own choices in the same way that Celestia trusted her. While she learned this by the end, I have to wonder why she needed to learn it at all. Did she not hear Spike tell her the same thing earlier in the season?


I've had an epiphany just now. An incessant need to be right, insufferable personality quirks and a lack of social skills and understanding that has only grown through repeated mistakes and faux pas? Twilight Sparkle is a pony version of Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. If she's not a greater control freak than he is, she is at the very least his equal.

Twilight's only a pain in the ass when she's written badly (like she was in this episode); Sheldon is intentionally written as an unlikable character the audience is supposed to root against. Not to mention he's a bad caricature of someone with autism, but let's not get into that, shall we?

  • Brohoof 2
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> Twilight, who has been shown to be obsessive, neurotic and paranoid, is obsessive, neurotic and paranoid this episode.

> Twilight is acting out of character and is an annoying jerkhorse! Worst episode ever!


> They forget to show Twilight's flaws

> Mary Sue!

> They show Twilight's flaws

> Jerkhorse!


> Fun, good old cartoon comedy

> Oh my goddess Starlight is a monster!


> Hey! Here's the characters you bornies and the little kids love! DJ Pon-3! Derpy! Cranky!

> Disgusting pandering!


> Trollestia, who loves action, pranks and silliness and who is a wise mentor is bored when nothing is happening and is frustrated when her former student is blatantly lying

> Celestia is acting out of character!


> It's a well written episode!

> It's a poorly written episode!

> Best episode ever!

> Worst episode ever!


... I'm confused.

Edited by Professional Horse
  • Brohoof 3

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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Damnit. It's like that episode DELIBERATELY went out of its way NOT to call her by name. This is confusing. She's marketed as DJ Pon3, but the fans keep calling her Vinyl Scratch. WHICH IS IT?! For Celestia's sake, It's the Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins crap all over again!


Holy crap, you're right! For some reason I was 100% sure she was marketed as Vinyl Scratch, tho... I had to check the MLP merch database again and it looks like her full name is actually fan-made.  :wau: Whaaaat!?


but it drives me crazy that it isn't pronounced "DJ pony".  the 3 is clearly supposed to be an 'E'


Exactly! XD

DJ Ponthree just doesn't sound right...


click here


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Holy crap, you're right! For some reason I was 100% sure she was marketed as Vinyl Scratch, tho... I had to check the MLP merch database again and it looks like her full name is actually fan-made.  :wau: Whaaaat!?




Exactly! XD

DJ Ponthree just doesn't sound right...

Vinyl is just her nickname. People can use it but is not canon.


Where is the poll?

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> Twilight, who has been shown to be obsessive, neurotic and paranoid, is obsessive, neurotic and paranoid this episode.

> Twilight is acting out of character and is an annoying jerkhorse! Worst episode ever!


> They forget to show Twilight's flaws

> Mary Sue!

> They show Twilight's flaws

> Jerkhorse!


> Fun, good old cartoon comedy

> Oh my goddess Starlight is a monster!


> Hey! Here's the characters you bornies and the little kids love! DJ Pon-3! Derpy! Cranky!

> Disgusting pandering!


> Trollestia, who loves action, pranks and silliness and who is a wise mentor is bored when nothing is happening and is frustrated when her former student is blatantly lying

> Celestia is acting out of character!


> It's a well written episode!

> It's a poorly written episode!

> Best episode ever!

> Worst episode ever!


... I'm confused.


Honestly, this made me LOL. You know how they say "You can't please everybody" and that "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time?" Yeah, that's true even when it comes to MLP. Methinks fans sometimes take this show a little too seriously. The target audience is and always has been five year old girls, so a bit of bad writing is to be expected.


And "Trollestia" is too much, OMG. I'm gonna start using that. Hahaha. "I'm so bored right now. When are we going to have another disaster? Man, I wish we'd just given the skyscraper-sized minotaur monster two years of unsupervised probation or something instead of banishing him to Tartarus. At least he kept things interesting. Is the donkey really asking about my hair? God, I need a cigarette."




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