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How did people react to you being a brony or pegasister?


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I'm quite lucky as no one has really mocked me for it. When I first realized that I'm a fan of the series, my parents thought it's just a nice hobby to collect ponies. They had seen me collecting toys before so it wasn't much of a surprise. 

Later I also got my classmate to watch the show as well as collecting ponies too. That wasn't a problem until some of the classmates started to fling mean comments at her instead of me, which I felt wasn't exactly fair because it was me who worked as a "pony messenger".  :sunny:  Sometimes I still feel guilty about it. 

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My family was totally indifferent about it. When I first got into MLP, I used to hide myself in school to draw ponies, because I was scared that I'd be bullied because of that. :sunny:

Now I don't care anymore, most people here don't even know that there's a new generation of MLP so they don't care at all.

Being a brony made me makes some amazing (internet) friends, tho !

  • Brohoof 1
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My good friend was like: I don't judge! I'm secretly a weeaboo and I love yaoi!


I knew she watched One Piece, but I had no idea that she was actually a hardcore anime fan!  :D

  • Brohoof 1


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Most of the people that do know (mainly my friends) don't care at all, it's due to some of them that I watched the show in the first place. A few find it a bit strange. One friend, and I quote, said "I knew you couldn't be a flawlessly awesome guy..." Only one relative actually knows, or at least I know they know, and that's my little sister. She was nine when she found out (she walked in on me watching an episode) but surprisingly she didn't tell anyone, and occasionally makes obscure jokes about it whenever the subject of unicorns, ponies, or pegasi comes up. She even bought me a can of MLP Spaghetti shapes for no reason other than she knew I liked the show (my family dismissed it as a joke). In return for not judging I introduced her to the original Power Puff Girls.

  • Brohoof 1

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for me some are fairly cool with it and the others well lets just say they are like the rest of the internets reaction to bronys and there are a couple exeptions who think its cool and wierd

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Besides the two people in real life that I told, and my followers on WattPad, I haven't really told anyone else, and…… I'm scared to open up to my parents. I know them all too well, so I know how they'd react. I can't tell them…

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I tell ppl I'm part of the fandom and I get lightly teased but nothing like making me want to cry but I also do the same back.


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I don't usually find the need to bring it up myself since my Fluttershy plushie does most of the talking for me on that part, but quite a few of them seemed genuinely surprised, their reason usually considering my other interests.


Apparently I don't look like a brony to them either, not that I know what a Brony is supposed to look like.

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My brother seemed shocked the first time I put it on with him in the room but he calmed down after I explained bronies to him. My parents didn't care either. Actually, it was almost a month before either of them said anything about it. I was actually wondering if they somehow didn't notice, even though they were both in the room with it on during that time. Most of my other relatives didn't care either. My grandmother thought it was weird and at one point was even wondering when I was going to outgrow it, but she hasn't said anything in a while, so I'm guessing she doesn't care anymore. Surprisingly, almost no one at school has given me a hard time over it. In fact, a lot of people never even say anything about it. It's not because they don't know. I have 4 MLP shirts, so people definitely know. There is one guy that doesn't seem to like the idea, but I don't really care what he thinks. I don't even know him that well.

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People just sed okay that's different , but if you like that sort of thing and not hurting anyone thats fine , as long as you enjoy yourself that's the main thing , so everyone is cool about it

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I was a sophomore in college when I started watching the show and my friends just ind of laughed, and said, "you would like this". I've always been the one sitting around watching cartoons so they kind of expected it and accepted it. Then I slowly got everyone else into it and it's awesome lol

  • Brohoof 1


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When the popular guy in my class found out, he started teasing me about it every chance he gets. Then a fellow pegasister reminds him that he used to be a brony, and to stop mocking people for liking a tv show.


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Didn't care or asked a few questions and expressed that it wasn't for them and moved on. Very few people find it super intriguing. My dad who bugs me about it and had fun with me when I went to babscon. He even knows a few of the mane six


And then a guy at my college who knows very little about ponies and kinda is just odder out by the whole thing but ultimatly doesn't care.

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