Jeric 46,860 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 He claimed he was struggling and feared failure in mane therapy, but just because he told us this doesn't make it true. Because he behaved so terribly to his family, periodically went back to his house to freeload, intentionally destroyed his parents' prized possessions, and didn't even attempt a muscle of work when assigned by Fluttershy and friends, I'm more inclined to believe what I'm seeing than what he's saying. And what I'm seeing is total laziness and manipulation, not fear of failure. Six on one hoof half dozen on the other. I think final interpretation of this episode depends greatly on life experience, the viewers family dynamic, and your general world view. Where I see a sympathetic character with evidence supporting it, you don't. Deja Vu! This is like my discussions with my wife on the Man and the Husky in How to Build a Fire and the effectiveness of London's distancing techniques. O.o 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 I didn't particularly like this episode. Zephyr Breeze is arguably one of the worst characters to come out of the show. Unlikable, a moocher, and his instant turn around at the end. Also the way he acted towards Rainbow was a bit creepy. And not to mention pulling characters out of nowhere, and acting like Fluttershy visiting her parents is a regular occurrence. At least Fluttershy was good here, but that's it. Also the song was forgettable. Probably a 3/10 episode for me. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hypn0ticD 1,213 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 I really enjoyed this episode! As someone who's been both really super lazy good-for-nothing bum and someone who's busted their butt to get what they want/need, I can see both sides of the coin. Why bust your ass if all you're gonna do is fail? Take it from me. Yes, it hurts when you do put in the effort and give it all you've got, only to fail again and again. The only thing you can do from there is keep going and keep working at whatever it is you're working for. Eventually, things will start working in your favor! Also, about time a mare had a YOUNGER brother! 1 Hypn0's Art Dump! Check it out sometime! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Libarty Justice 18 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 Hi, I'm new here but I just saw the episode today and wanted to voic emy opinion LOVED getting to meet Fluttershy's family and see their home it was an OKish episode as far as the y go but it could have been much better. I was rather itnerested in the portreyal of Fluttershy as the strongest and bravest of the family which, the more I thought of it, actually makes sense. Mainly because her chractar is about constantly facing and overcoming her fears despite that she's afraid whic h is what real courage is. My one complaint was that the conflict seemed like kind of a waste. mainly because it seemed like a perfect chance for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to shine in their new role. THough I also appriciate the co nflict that Zephyr went thorugh as it's one I struggle wiht myself. I've considered several cearear pat hs but never seriously pursued any of them due ot my own fears and anxieties about not being able to do it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leere 8,291 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 7/10 - could have been better, could have been worse "And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misty Shadow 7,956 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 Not only is it something that many of the audience can relate to (hell for a year, I lived with my sister, desperate to get a job in my field, I was mostly unsuccessful, but after two years I finally got a job at the HQ of one of the biggest tech companies in the world), but making the character so unlikeable makes the moral hit not as hard. If Zephyr had been shown to be way more pathetic, then I think it would have been a more uplifting episode even if it was depressing. Okay, I do understand what you're trying to say here. You're right, it would've been more uplifting. However, the approach they were going for in the first two acts was a comedic one, where you were supposed to laugh at his terribleness. But I still understand if you would have rather had the episode try to be more heartwarming instead of funny because black comedy isn't for everyone. Also... I think this explains much better than I ever could about why I actually like this episode and Zephyr. 1 Comet's still best boi. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cube_Effect 14 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 Did we finally know fluttershy's parents right? Because these episodes focusing fluttershy and their parents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 The episode had a good moral of how when in doubt of fearing that you'll fail, never stop trying until you get things done. Sure, Zephyr was a real pain to deal with that could make the episode hard to sit through. The ending song was good, good seeing Fluttershy's family. 3 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 mainly because it seemed like a perfect chance for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to shine in their new role. Oh gosh! I hadn't really thought of that until now. You're right! CMC would have fit right in. Also, I'm a bunny now~! I'm so excited! *hop hop* E:3 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cleverclover 1,526 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 (edited) FIM's supposed to deliver likable characters who we're supposed to root for. Yeah, this is honestly the point of why this episode is so unenjoyable. Fluttershy was characterized quite superbly in this episode, but it ultimately means little when the character that the episode is actually focused on is so damn unsympathetic and unlikable. That said, I sure did feel a ton of sympathy towards Fluttershy for being obligated to put up with him. I truly hope we never see Zephyr again. I hope he vanishes back into whatever black hole of nothingness he crawled out of in the first place. Edited June 4, 2016 by Cleverclover 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slashy 101 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 A plot suggested on /mlp/ gave the idea that he was building robots and he became a recluse because his special talent was so bizarre that he couldn't find a job that catered to it, since robots are a very new concept to Equestria in general. The idea wasn't that he couldn't do other work it was that he didn't have passion for anything else. His devices were either convoluted, inefficient, messed up, or were for something not very useful anyway. This could also lead to a more satisfying ending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 I really liked this episode. I actually felt really bad for Zephyr. I mean, he was lazy and maybe an ass hole as well. But, from what I took away from this episode, was this douche bag attitude he had, was a front. He wasn't a real douche, he just felt for some reason, that that, was the attitude he had to have, for whatever reason. And that wasn't the real zephyr. He almost cried about three times in this episode. It was pretty clear to me, that he wasn't an ass hole. He just came across that way, because he felt like he had too. Zephyr was just a lazy guy who really didn't want to work, or find a job. I admit that it would have been hard having a friend like that in real life, but, if I saw that it was sort of just an act like I saw from zephyr. I think I could make a friendship work. All in all, this was a really, good episode. 2 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 (edited) Seriously, doesn't anyone else here watch Dr. Phil? Seriously?... No. Read a bit about the colossal ego that is the quack "Dr. Phil," and you probably will no longer. Given the ending of the episode, it seems that Fluttershy's "enabling behavior" helped to sort out Zephyr's problems. He isn't a whole new pony, but he has begun to change. He acknowledged his part in his series of failures and was forced to confront some of his anxieties and displacement behaviors. Fluttershy, backed by Rainbow Dash, brought that about. That is not enabling. That is caring - and for Fluttershy - a species of tough love. I didn't care for the personality traits exhibited by Zephyr, but there's a little of him in all of us. And I think that's behind the excessively negative response to his character. We tend to "hate" people who show us a part of ourselves that we don't want to own and feel ashamed of. I was delighted to meet Fluttershy's parents, and her brother. Maybe Zephyr will open a salon in Ponyville. With a regular income and a supportive community he might just shed a lot of his bravado and become a pony that more ponies than Flutters and her parents could love. I loved seeing Flutters and Rainbow Dash singing together. And wasn't Rainbow Dash showing a pleasing but uncharacteristic degree of self-control when dealing with the more obnoxious bits of Zephyr's character? Edited June 5, 2016 by Foliha 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Libarty Justice 18 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 Yeah, this is honestly the point of why this episode is so unenjoyable. Fluttershy was characterized quite superbly in this episode, but it ultimately means little when the character that the episode is actually focused on is so damn unsympathetic and unlikable. That said, I sure did feel a ton of sympathy towards Fluttershy for being obligated to put up with him. I truly hope we never see Zephyr again. I hope he vanishes back into whatever black hole of nothingness he crawled out of in the first place. I would be inclined to disagree friend. I've beocme of the mind that most chractars can be saved with strong enough chractar development. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swifty 249 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 It depressed me a bit tbh. If it was that easy in real life. Just have an easy job and you can afford your own home. Equestria is still an utopia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 (edited) This ep looks boring than Newbie Dash, maybe due to the lack of comedy. Zerphy is more douche than what I expected. I still have no job and live with my parents... This ep hit me hard and make me feel ashamed of myself, that is a bonus Mr.Rapp should write more good comedy in this ep. Even the worst episode ever in previous seasons has some good funny moment. Zerphy is annoying more than entertaining, his design sucks, I want to punch him on the face. Jerkiness is never a negative in my scoring system as long as they look funny . Overall, this ep better than Applejack Day Off, but worse than Newbie. If this ep has more comedy, a better song and a better climax, I will like it more. Mean-spirited and jerkiness are not my problem with episodes. Borefest is my true enemy nowaday. 5/10 (-3 for boring, -1 for lame new character and -1 for poor act 3). Just as I expected, Dark Qiviut has came after this ep, Stereotype and Unlikable are his formidable enemies afterall . I need to get out before this room getting hot here... Edited June 5, 2016 by Lambdadelta 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 Anyone else think the song came out of nowhere? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 Strengths: 1. Some good comedy, this episode had me chuckling a few times. The running gags were done well enough that they didn't become annoying. 2. A good moral, if a bit heavy handed in the delivery. 3. The characters all seemed pretty spot on, even in what amounts to cameo roles, so there's a Mane Six for everyone here, while still keeping the focus on FS and to a lesser extent RD. 4. Seeing the family of the Mane Six is always good. Apparently, Fluttershy's the bold one! 5. The song was very pleasantly sung. 6. Fluttershy actually shows the results of her own growth through her firmness with her brother, and not giving him the chance to manipulate her. Some of the highlights: Best Rainbow Dash ever! Link as a pony, complete with rupees and heart container cutie mark. Well played, DHX! Weaknesses: 1. Zephyr himself was pretty grating. Yes, I know that's the point, but he was very sly and manipulative, so it's difficult to root for him. And the fact that he just didn't try to do anything wasn't really explained. A flashback of him really trying at something and still failing, and thus getting a negative mindset about putting in effort would have made him much easier to relate to and given him some sort of justification for his behaviour. As it is, he's just kind of a lay-about jerk who willingly takes advantage of others. 2. The song kind of came out of nowhere, and as pleasant as it was, seems rather superfluous. Using that time for a flashback like the one I described above would have been preferable. 3. The parents weren't given names apart from Mr. and Mrs. Shy... which makes no sense given naming conventions in Equestria. So Zephyr is actually Zephyr Breeze Shy? And it legitimizes the annoying habit of people saying Rarity is actually Rarity Belle! That might just be a personal issue of mine though. Overall, an average episode. Not terrible, but not one that has very much rewatch value. 2 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 On a positive note, however, Zephyr did manage to upgrade to "somewhat tolerable" status near the end, IMO -- and given G4's track record with the Author's Saving Throw trope (e.g., Sunset, Diamond Tiara, Starlight, Gauntlet Of Fire, etc.), it's still possible that he won't be nearly as bad if he ever returns. 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 I just realized...isn't Zephyr Breeze a lot like Sunburst? They are both dudes who are afraid of failure so they don't even bother trying even though they are more talented than they think they are. THANK YOU! That's the other pony I was thinking of who has had a fear of failure as a lesson for the viewer. Twilight, Diamond, Sunburst, and now Zephyr. Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Music 3,444 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 Wow, that episode was really well planned out. Yeah, yeah. Even though some of you mentioned Zephyr was "annoying", I digress. In the beginning, he was an example of a spoiled younger brother who's being an utter brat and getting others to do work for him with manipulative thinking and talking (does that remind you with some other younger siblings?).And I'm glad Zephyr learned not to give up on trying what you love to do in the end. Which is why my personal motto still stands "Never give up. No matter what happens.". 2 My Profile LinkedIn Profile Main YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HereComesTom 2,268 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 This reminded me of something C.S. Lewis said about anticlimax that happens whenever anyone is getting started on a project... It occurs when the boy who has been enchanted in the nursery by Stories from the Odyssey buckles down to really learning Greek. It occurs when lovers have got married and begin the real task of learning to live together. In every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing. I think this was the speed bump Zephyr had to get over, or at least the episode made it seem that way. Personally, I was surprised he was that good at manipulating Spike into doing all the work for him at his second job---he's smarter than he acts, but he was also devious about how he went about it, and that deviousness seems like a scarier problem than just lack of confidence...I get mixed feelings about how deeply they really handled Zephyr when I think about his manipulation versus what they showed the root of /his problem as.... 4 Help the main six stop the Weather Factory Meltdown! Click here to play: Click here to help build the game: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 Best Fluttershy episode in some time. It's great to see her family, and this was a very successful character showcase. Zephyr Breeze isn't a great character yet, but give him time. He's got a distinct personality, deceptive depth, and plenty of room to grow. I found this episode to be pretty entertaining, perhaps because of its fast pace, but also because it hit the sweet spot between simplicity and depth that I love so much about season 2. Full review at my blog here. Additional thoughts: The moral doesn't really feel like it connects to all of Zephyr's bad actions, and I think that's the main issue here. That could easily be solved through further character development, but "Flutter Brutter" could have done a better job of leaving room for Zephyr to be sympathetic and grow in the future. His laziness is addressed, but what about the slimy flirting? What about the inconsiderate behaviour towards his parents? Those are unresolved and make him a little less sympathetic. I picked up on zero unfortunate implications from this. Does the show have to consider every possible interpretation? Clearly it's not an overwhelming problem if that didn't even register to me. Besides, Zephyr's bad attitude is meant to emphasize that he's not just any pony living with their parents, he's also one who consistently avoids responsibility. That said, his shirking of responsibility could have been handled in a way that connects to the message a little more, in order to make the ending feel a little more congruent with the rest of the episode. As is it makes sense but doesn't flow perfectly. I still do really enjoy this one, though. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 (edited) Did anyone else get the feeling like Fluttershy's family seemed like the MacDougall's, from "Everybody Loves Raymond"? Flutterfolks were Pat and Hank, all sofspoken pushovers Fluttershy was like Amy, who used to be like them, but got a backbone, and Zephyr was like her brother, Peter....weird and kind of a freeloader. Huh... Edited June 5, 2016 by Nightmare Muffin 3 Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 THANK YOU! That's the other pony I was thinking of who has had a fear of failure as a lesson for the viewer. Twilight, Diamond, Sunburst, and now Zephyr. To be honest, I think that a fear of failure is, to some extent, at the core of every character in this show. Perhaps it's why Fluttershy saying she still tries despite her fear of failing worked so well - because we've seen each of the mane six deal with that. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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