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spoiler Times are a changeling preview


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*Hissing* "Sorry Kindness kinda brings it out" He does a good Mesme Rize Impression. XD


Seriously though, this makes me kinda hype and the interaction between thorax and Spike looks very cute.


Please, give me all the feels. :D

  • Brohoof 4
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You should spoiler tag this, because I'm about to post a bunch of spoilers. XD


This is awesome! I woke up this morning hoping they released the preview clip sooner rather than later, and they did! =D It's so much better when the clip makes you WANT to see an episode rather than scare you away from it. I like the voice they chose for Thorax (appropriate, if basic, name I suppose XD.) It sounds like it's the same VA who does Sunburst and that makes sense too, since he's in the episode as well.


That bit with him lashing out at acts of kindness is an interesting aspect to his character. I wonder if he'll manage to get control over it or whether it will just be a running gag? I thought it was funny, at least. XD


I thought he'd be more emotionless, more stoic, since they feed on the emotions of others, but that seems to not be the case.


This scene seems to take place right after he rescues Spike from falling into that icy chasm. I laughed over how Spike tries in vain to explain his hero status to Thorax. Oh well now he has another opportunity to make his name known among yet another species. XD

Edited by Truffles
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At least we now know changelings can talk.


Kind of miss the Voice Of The Legion effect, though.


Come to think of it, The Cutie Re-Mark flat-out dropped both Chrysalis's distortion and Sombra's echo (go, laziness!).

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FANFIC WRITERS,  ROLL OUT!  Wait this is a mlp ep....maybe their trolling around fimfic these days... :orly:   Any who this ep looks to bring out some questions we have on the changlings and maybe some other things!

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Could be a heartwarming episode.




Added a spoiler tab and embedded the video (mobile .be url won't embed in IPB)



Ok, I'm actually excited about this one. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Thorax, huh? Awesome name, and awesome voice too! This looks like an amazing Spike episode that might just beat Gauntlet of Fire! Him having the upper half, and he's even going to have his own song finally (well, perhaps Thorax might sing with him though, but we'll see)! The only thing that'll make this episode better is if Starlight appears too! Which is highly likely! Dunno whether she's gonna come along or not, but I hope she at least appears in the beginning. I don't wanna wait all the to Every Little Thing She Does just to see her again.


I still wonder - this is probably going to be an arc for Spike. He befriended a dragon, and now a changeling. It's either gonna be his own arc that'll continue on through the series, or it'll mix in with Starlight's arc. Not sure which.

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Who says we already haven't?  :orly:


I started writing a follow-up to this episode three weeks ago as soon as the commercial bumpers aired with the scenes from this episode, and I was hoping the preview clip would feature this changeling's given name. Now I can go back and change all of the "this changeling," "Spike's friend" tags to something more sensible. XD Unfortunately, I wrote him with the personality that's a cross between Lieutenant Commander Data and a generic goblin. I'll have to fix that! XD



This looks like an amazing Spike episode that might just beat Gauntlet of Fire!

Unless the new writers have totally screwed one of the characters up, I think it will easily beat out "Gauntlet of Fire" - which is saying a lot for this episode since that was a great episode as well!

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Would've preferred The Thorax ( :P ) to be mute, but that's just me. Objectively, this is a very sound preview of what may hopefully be a great dynamic and good episode. S6 has crawled in mediocrity lately; a good episode may help break it out of their funk.

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Can't wait for this episode! The hype is off the charts here!


My theory is that Thorax kept getting bullied by other Changelings for acting differently so he decided to leave the nest to see what it's really like in Equestria. But that's just me.

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My theory is that Thorax kept getting bullied by other Changelings for acting differently so he decided to leave the nest to see what it's really like in Equestria. But that's just me.


Now, that would be a storybook cliche thing to do for hasbro!  :orly:

But i guess it would work  :dash:

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So I guess showing positive emotions to a changeling elicits a feeding instinct/response, based on that video and thorax's hiss?



Whoa changelings can talk. Didn't expect that o_0


This episode looks promising though.


I would have been MORE surprised if changelings COULDN'T talk. Their entire MO is being infiltrators and succubi, they kind of need to be able to speak in order to fulfill that role, and they're plenty chatty in the comics.

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