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S06:E17 - Dungeons & Discords

Ashen Pathfinder

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    • I roll a NO! >:(
    • That roll...wasn't good.
    • Average roll, average damage.
    • Decent roll; could've been better.

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Between this, his "fancy mathematics" and apparently being incredibly intelligent according to Peter, i just knew Big Mac was a nerd.


Yeah, he just tries to hide it from everyone but Spike since they can relate to stuff they both like.

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My absolute favourite episode by far!!!! For as long as there was Friendship is Magic, I prayed for a stallions episode. Not only did we see Big Mac and Spike being friends(which was headcanon since his introduction), we saw Discord too!!!!


There was nothing wrong with this episode and anyone who says otherwise is something...idk...lol.


Super giddy they did a dungeons and dragons sort of thing. Would never have guessed Big Mac was a gamer lol

  • Brohoof 2

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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  • 3 months later...

Probably one of my all time favorite episodes! Really loved that it showed Discord making friends and bonding with the other boys! Loved the D&D references too! One of my favorite games to play on a Friday night!

I hope you have a blessed day!  :wub:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finally watched it. I liked it. Been years since I last played DnD. But that would be the type of thing my family would do as GM. Turn a botched roll into something hilarious.  Good episode. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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  • 5 months later...

I didn't really like the conclusion of this episode (too far-fetched), and the whole thing was mostly Discord being Discord.

Big Mac with a sword looked really cool though.

Edited by Blobulle
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This Episode was okay. I mean, i didnt hated it and it was kinda interesting to see a board game come to life...but i have no interest to ever watch it again, since nothing that interesting to me appeared in this Episode. And i have never played such role play games, so i feel nothing in particular for this Episode.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This was pretty enjoyable to watch. Discord, as always is a delight with his random magic and eccentricity. Plus now I know that Discord has similar tastes to the Mask.
"Hold on, sugar! Daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight!"

Also, it's cute to see Spike, Mac, and Discord act like nerds.


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  • 3 months later...

Fun little episode though I do feel discord was a bit over the top in trying to be cool and I did love Fluttershy controlling him with just a raised eye. I also loved how she covered her muzzle in shock at what opposite Fluttershy screamed and that discord was so scared he immediately undid his spell.

Though this does touch on something I've wondered before. In a fantasy world would ogres and Oubliettes have the "geek" stigma it does in our world or would it be more mainstream action rpg like call of duty black stallions. After all they do have magic, mysterious beasts and lost treasures. I can see it being a lot more accepted even if it's still considered a colt's game rather than a fillies. Since you not playing as something that's not real you're playing as McBiggun a unicorn knight even though you know you'll spend your life doing chores on the farm while your sister saves Equestria.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean, I'm not sure why they should give Discord another chance, and all the "guys' night" stuff isn't necessarily what I come to My Little Pony for, but I continue to find Discord's character arc satisfying, and of course this is super funny. With "Discordant Harmony" having now come out and depicted a more sensitive Discord, I'm particularly willing to appreciate what this one is going for, and this is quite possibly the single best example of his rambling to date. I just love seeing whatever nonsense Discord will come up with, and the fact that he's not paired with a "straight man" here (Spike and Big Mac are just as silly) makes for a nonstop joke barrage which I find kinda delightful. Plus, "don't dismiss something before you've tried it, and don't dismiss people because you think they're uncool" is a nice moral, though even here, where we actually get a reason for the ponies (& Spike) to keep Discord around, it's not clear to me why they shouldn't just tell him to buzz off... but on the other hand, this is the first time has actually taken the initiative to change, not just correcting his mistakes but specifically displaying an intention to consider others' feelings. It wouldn't be fully on display until "Discordant Harmony," but this is another step in the right direction for him. One could argue this is a couple chances too many, but the progress is tangible in a way that this show's character development doesn't always manage. And besides, this is one of the show's funniest episodes.

Entertainment: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
Story: 8/10
Themes: 8/10
Overall: 88/100

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  • 4 weeks later...

This episode is really entertaining. I wouldn't exactly call it funny because I didn't really laugh at a lot of the jokes, but I would call it fun, because the situation is just fun to watch. The only problem is that it slows down in the middle when Spike's explaining the game to Discord.

Score: 9/10

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  • 3 months later...

I've never played DnD before and isn't that into fantasy stuff, but found this episode really fun to watch. I liked seeing Discord improve as a character, as well as watching him make new friends. This episode actually made me want to try out DnD, but I'm not sure if my friends would be interested...

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  • 3 months later...

This is okay. I think the episode drags quite a bit in the second act and Discord is hit or miss with his jokes, but I like Discord bringing the game to life and most of the episode is mildly amusing.

Score: 6/10

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  • 2 months later...

This intro might be my favorite so far, with how fluttershy behaved, wow it was really funny! I loved discords interaction with mac and spike and the ending was nice. I have never played D&D so I was not really invested in the game but found discords reactions entertaining. 8\10

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  • 1 year later...

Great episode, great to have more fluttershy-discord interaction and discord in general tbh. There was a bit of character development on discord getting him to be less arrogant and more open to different friendships. Throughout the interaction between Spike and Big Mac was fantastic, don't get much focus on big mac.

Overall not a driving episode in the season or groundbreaking, but a nice break and a great way to place dnd in the show. I feel quite a few shows (atleast American sitcom shows) I have watched recently all get their alotted dnd episode. It has given me an immense interest but unfortunately haven't been able to play.

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